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"You call that a Kiss?" (Hunger Games)

Night was beginning to fall outside the cave Katniss and Peeta were hiding in. No cannons went off tonight, which meant no more contenders had died during the day. She wasn’t sure whether to consider that good or bad. Right now, all she wanted to focus on was the wound in Peet’s Mellark’s side. Moss and plants could only do so much to treat the pain, but unless they could find medicine, he would be in no condition to move. Without treatment he might not last until tomorrow night.

He tried to take her mind off how bad his condition was by talking, about home in district twelve. She tried to stay engaged, but he would keep talking about how he used to see her from the bakery, how she made him feel, how he felt now. She managed to keep him talking, just to keep him awake, telling him how he made her feel. She smiled, she lied, keeping her true thoughts to herself. At one point she leaned down to kiss him, a small peck on the cheek, ordering him to get some rest while she took her bow to guard outside.

She didn’t have a plan, just objectives. Get Peeta medicine. Survive the night. Survive the next day. Figure out where the other contenders were. By her count at least five were still alive, excluding her and Peeta. Once she was satisfied none of them were in their immediate vicinity she leant against the cliff, breathing in a deep sigh staring up at the night sky thinking about home.

As she stared, she saw an object floating towards her on a tiny parachute beeping softly. She stepped forward and caught the capsule, a gift from Hamish from outside. She hoped it was medicine for Peeta. She was half right; inside was cream to treat his wound and stop the pain. But it wouldn’t help the fever he was developing. Alongside the tin was a note from Hamish. “You call that a kiss?” It read.

She scrunched up the paper and grumbled, looking up at the nearby trees. She forgot the capital and all the districts were watching. But what annoyed her was Hamish’s jab. She almost forgot the fiction he was trying to get her and Peeta to play out for their entertainment, thinking it could pull on the heartstrings of sponsors. She wanted nothing to do with it. But when she re-entered the cave and took a look at Peeta’s condition again, she wondered if they would be able to send them exactly what they need. But she guessed it would take a lot more than a kiss to convince them.

She applied the cream to his wound, already noticing a difference as he started breathing easier. When she was done he was left without his shirt, his toned muscles and abs on full display. She paid his strong body no notice as she checked his forehead, the fever in early stages and rising. She asked how he was feeling. “Better” he whispered, staring into her beautiful face catching her hand gently. She held his gaze briefly, looking back with genuine affection. But she saw the look in his eyes, her instincts telling her to pull away before she lead him on any further. But then she thought about Hamish’s note and how his plan could help them. So she risked it, playing along by leaning down to kiss him lips. He kissed her back, closing his eyes as he brushed her hair behind her ear. It was a nice kiss. His eyes said as much when she pulled away.

Nice she thought. But not enough.

She cast a glance to the cave entrance, the mouth dark and empty with no signs of onlookers. She heard no one hiding or waiting for them, so she unhooked her quiver and placed her bow down on the floor beside them. Then she positioned herself over the boy and reach down to kiss him more passionately, making a show of it for everyone’s benefit. Peeta was surprised at first, but welcomed the embrace as his thick arms wrapped around her pulling her closer. This kiss lasted longer, long enough for their bodies to heat up. Katniss counted to twenty in her head before breaking it, stepping away from him to stand up looking down at the young man. He watched tentatively as she stood in front of him, their eyes meeting as she began to remove her clothes slowly.

She tried not to think about it as she dropped the jacket over her shoulders, keeping her eyes locked on Peeta as he watched her impromptu striptease. As she slowly peeled her shirt up her torso revealing her sports bra, she tried not to think about who else might be watching her. She hoped the capital had some restraint in their broadcasts and shifted their attention from her to one of the other contenders. If not, then she prayed her mom and sister were asleep and didn’t have to see this as she unhooked the zip of her trousers. She took her time untying her boots, kicking them off before stepping out of her pants leaving her in her underwear.

She could see Peeta’s mouth becoming dry as he stared at her, his hand already moving to his belt to undress himself. She waited for him to hastily push his pants down his legs, wincing in discomfort briefly. He over exerted himself and in his haste accidentally removed his underwear with the trousers. Anybody watching the hunger games tonight got to witness Peeta Mellark’s generous bread maker.

Katniss tried not to look at it as she walked forward to stand over him, weighing the necessity of what she was intending before taking hold of her panties to pull them down her legs. Once they were off, she lowered down onto Peeta’s lap quickly, putting her hands on his strong chest holding him still while her groin rubbed against his stiff penis. He gasped when he felt her womanhood stroke him, the first pussy he’d ever seen let alone touched. She closed her eyes, swallowing back the shame building in her throat before taking his manhood in her hands to guide him into her entrance. She realized she wasn’t moist enough for this to be comfortable, so she quickly conjured an image that always got her wet. She thought of gale in the forest, bathing in a stream looking back at her. Thinking of him made her guilty, praying he didn’t see her like this. Please don’t be watching right now.

Moments later, her virgin lips were spreading as Peeta’s head sank into her, the intrusion making them both gasp. Katniss became still as she took a moment to ask herself what she was doing. She was about to lose her virginity to the bakers son, a boy she barely knew, live across the capital. And for what? A chance some perverted sponsor could send them something that could save Peeta’s life? Damn you Hamish! She thought. Is this what you wanted?

Peeta, dear Peeta, oblivious to the turmoil going through Katniss’s head, reach up with his hands to caress her hips gently. “Katniss” he whispered, his voice barely audible. Not from pain, from disbelief. He was staring at her, his eyes admiring her fondly. She reached down and storied his cheek, reminding herself they could still die in this game. What better way to spend their last night then together. He kissed her palm, whispering “it’s okay if you don’t, but I want to.” She gave him a smile of fake romance but genuine affection, comforted by his words. Then she reminded herself why she did this, taking hold of her bra and pulling it over her head. Her braided hair fell over her shoulder stopping just above her exposed breasts, her nipples soft and round. He stared at them, taking them in his palms. It felt nice when he squeezed them, making a show of moaning as she sank a little lower down his penis.

No turning back now she thought, leaning down to kiss the boy the capital believed she was in love with. In front of whoever was watching, be it the grand master or president snow or all the districts, the world got to see Katniss Everdeen, the girl of fire, make love to this lap young man all in the name of love. That was the story Hamish pitched to anybody who would listen as she rocked her hips against his, riding his cock for the first and last time. Peeta wrapped his arms around her body as he thrust back, forgetting his injury as he got to savour this moment with her, his one chance to enjoy her company in such and intimate way. All the while she had her eyes closed, moaning and breathing rapidly while he kissed and caressed her, thinking of somebody else in his place so she could sell the sexual act more believably. When she orgasmed, she had to bite her lip to keep from calling out the wrong name, giving the bakers son a night he could enjoy even if she was hoping it wouldn’t last all night.

It was over after a few minutes, thankfully. Their inexperience proved convenient as they became exhausted quickly. Now Katniss lay beside a sleeping Peeta, her naked body draped over his, with her head resting on his shoulder. She felt ashamed and sick for prostituting herself off like that for the capital’s entertainment. Maybe they didn’t air all of it she hoped. They never showcased contenders fucking before, so there was no reason they’d show it in this case. But that was the least of her concerns as she put the thoughts of what her family would think when they find out as far out of her mind as she could.

She was awoken by the sound of beeping as a capsule floated down into the cave next to them. She caught it just before it landed, opening the package to find everything she was hoping for to help Peeta. Now that’s how you sell it Hamish’s note read.

“Fuck you Hamish” she muttered, tossing the note aside as she fell back to sleep, covering herself up with her jacket burying her face in Peeta’s arm so nobody could see the fury in her expression.

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