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Widow vs Shuri (We are Widow)

Shuri found the specimen fascinating. She had read tons of research on the subject of symbiotes but never had the chance to study one up close. She adjusted the lens of her microscope to examine the molecular structure of the sample closer, watching it shift and change before her eyes. “Remarkable” she beamed.

“Having fun over there?” Natasha asked, sitting on the examination table with floating machines circling her taking scans. She eyed the scanners nervously, her other shifting uncomfortably under her skin. It didn’t like labs.

Shuri looked up and blinked, snapping herself out of her racing thoughts to address the Black Widow. “I’m sorry. It’s just so fascinating” she explained, bringing the sample of goo Nat gave her and bringing it over to the table. She waved the scanners aside and brought up the holographic screens to show her the results. “I’ve only ever read about these things but never seen one. Where did you say you found it?”

“In an AIM facility” Natasha replied as the Wakandan princess cycled through her readings. “They were experimenting on more like it, before we destroyed the facility.”

“Do you know if any more of them survived?” She asked curiously.

“Why? Thinking about getting one of your own?” She teased.

The thought had occurred to the scientist, if only briefly. But she quickly dismissed the notion as she looked over the scans of the Avenger, their technology mapping out the intricate web the alien had craved out through her synapses and nervous system. “Life forms like this bond to living organisms in order to survive. Without a host they can only function in our environment for a limited time. The trouble is once a bond between the symbiote and host is established it can be almost impossible to break it without killing each other.”

Nat felt her other question her in the back of her mind, which she quietly reassured. “Is that why Steve suggested I come here for an examination? Did Bruce put you up to this?”

Shuri cautiously moved her holographic screen to the side to smile at the redhead. “They were worried about you. They wanted to make sure there were no side effects from the bonding process. From what I understand, perfect symbiosis is rare and almost unheard of. Symbiotes can jump from host to host but finding a perfect match is difficult. That being said…I’m not detecting any cause for alarm between you and your new friend” she remarked, analyzing the results.

“So there’s no reason for me to get rid of it?”

“There are ways we can try…assuming you want to get remove it?” Shuri asked, raising a curious eyebrow. She’d noticed how protective the Russian spy was around her suit, the way she softly spoke to it and the clear hesitation in her eyes when they suggested extracting the parasite.

Nat looked down at her palm where a small tendril extended out from her glove to stroke her fingertips, a smile of affection crossing her lips. “We’ve grown quite close” she confessed, in no rush to separate herself from her other. Her symbiote purred in agreement inside her mind.

Shuri cast an eye over the Black Widow’s suit. It looked just like her usual attire, yet it was all made from the same goo she had in her Petri dish. She found it incredible how it can shift its shape to meet it’s host’s needs, right down to the molecular structure. She put the dish down beside Nat’s lap and watched it leap from the glass case and merge with the rest of it eagerly. “Well in that case, I recommend a through check up to make sure you and your symbiote are in perfect health. Nothing invasive, I promise” she added when she saw Nat’s suit ripple in alarm. The spy gently calmed her other down as Shuri turned away to interface with her Kimoyo beads, prepping a fresh set of scans in her private lab.

She froze when she felt something touch her butt, jumping in alarm and spinning around. There was only the two of them in the lab, the rest of her scientists running other errands. Which meant she was alone with Natasha and her alien friend. She looked down and spied a tiny tentacle slipping back into Nat’s boot as the red-haired woman looked up innocently. “Did you just…? Did your…your…?” Shuri asked, searching for the word to describe it, not wanting to simply refer to it as an alien.

“Sorry. It tends to get a little handsy with people it likes” Nat apologized, privately scolding it for its behavior.

Shuri came back and adjusted her scanners with her beads. “Are you saying it thinks for itself?” She asked curiously.

“Sometimes” she replied. “When we’re not of the same mind.”

“What is it like? Do you share thoughts? A consciousness? Are it’s thoughts separate from yours? Does it have it’s own identity?”

“You sound like Bruce” Nat laughed.

“I’m sorry. It’s all just so…fascinating” she said, staring at the woman intrigued. She eventually snapped her gaze away and turned back. “So when did you say the rest of the Avengers would be back?”

“Not for a few hours. Your brother wanted to lead a mission to one of Klaue’s remaining outposts” Nat explained.

Shuri nodded. “Good. I mean, it gives us plenty of time to run an examination” she said, blushing a little as she glanced at the sexy young woman. Nat could smell the faint aroma of arousal from the princess, sharing a playful smirk with her other as they both cast a lustful eye over her elegant body. The purple dress she wore accented her curves nicely, but it was the gold jewelry that make her dark skin radiate. And the tattoos over her skin were gorgeous. Shuri felt two sets of eyes on her and blushed. Not that she wasn’t used to being admired. She just never thought she’d attract the attention of an Avenger. “Okay, the machines are set up. They will run continuous scans on you as we proceed to janitor you and your…your suit” she explained, turning back to address the woman holding a tablet. “Why don’t you start with a small demonstration of its shape shifting capabilities.”

“You mean like this?” Natasha asked, her black suit suddenly unraveling into ooze which peeled from her flesh slowly, shrinking back into her skin leaving her completely naked on the examination table.

Shuri stared at the sexy young woman, her eyes drifting over her toned athletic frame to her firm round breasts and smooth hips, her abs prominent on her stomach when she leaned back to thrust her chest out, her long legs extended in front of her. She looked just as fit as their Dora Malaje, and equally as beautiful. She swallowed a gulp before quickly returning her gaze to the tablet, her scanners already analyzing the data as it tracked the symbiote beneath the woman’s skin. “Incredible” she breathed.

“Like what you see?” Nat asked with a smile.

“Very much so” Shuri whispered, risking another look at the woman as her cheeks turned rosy red.

Natasha smirked, playfully suggesting “why don’t you get a closer look? You can take some more thorough readings.”

Shuri bit her bottom lip, tapping her tablet gazing at the tempting sight before her. She cast a look around her lab before cautiously interacting with her beads to lock the doors, in case they were disturbed. She walked forward cautiously, bringing her tablet to monitor Nat’s heart-rate as it pulsed steadily. She also used her beads to monitor hers, finding it racing the closer she got. When she stood in front of the naked Black Widow she held up her beads. “May I?” She asked. Nat nodded, tilting her head so Shuri could use them and scan her neck and chest, the purple light illuminating her internal organs for her to examine.

She gasped when she felt another tentacle feel up her bum. But this time it stayed there for her to witness, stroking her backside gently. “It likes you” Nat remarked, looking down as it looped around her waist. Shuri gulped nervously as it pulled her closer, her eyes darting up to see Nat leaning in to smell her perfume. “On this occasion, we share the same mind” she confessed, hooking a finger underneath Shuri’s chin to pull her into a delicate kiss.

Shuri’s heart-rate spiked as she kissed the Avenger, her body heating up with arousal as she was gently pulled into Natasha’s seductive embrace. She pulled away reluctantly, focusing on the task. “I should finish these scans” she stammered, turning around so she couldn’t be tempted again. She found it difficult to escape her grasp however as black tentacles looped around her waist, joined by Natasha’s arms as they hugged her suggestively. She swallowed another gulp as they began feeling her up, her body melting to their touch. “Miss Romanov, this wouldn’t be appropriate” she whispered.

“Why? You’re not my doctor” she said, kissing the back of her neck.

Shuri whimpered as her lips pressed against her skin, her heart beating against her rib cage rapidly. “I need to finish these tests. Make sure there are no…no adverse effects..that this creature, this…that it’s not affecting your…oh Bast” she moaned, unable to resist as both Natasha and her symbiote broke down her defenses. “Somebody could come in” she said.

“You asked for privacy” Natasha reminded her, her hands exploring the attractive young woman before her. “And you can’t say you aren’t interested. I’ve caught you staring at my ass about as often as I’ve stared at your” she smirked, finding the gold clasp to her dress. She paused before unhooking it, giving the girl a chance to back out. Her other protested but she wanted to be fair. Besides, she had a feeling she wouldn’t disappoint them. “Do you want me to stop?”

Shuri hesitated as the attention ceased briefly, looking over her shoulder to gaze at the attractive young woman. “No” she whispered excitedly. Soon her purple dress was being unclasped as it fell around her ankles, giving the Avenger complete access to her naked body. “Oh Bast, that feels so good” Shuri gasped, falling against her busty chest as her own breasts were played with. Natasha massaged her breasts with her hands as tendrils extended from her body to caress her dark skin, some of the larger ones forming facsimiles of her hands to grope her tenderly. Shuri purred like a panther as she felt multiple sets of hands on her, bringing up the tablet to make sure her machines were still running their scans. Just because she was being seduced didn’t mean she couldn’t carry out her examinations. “Fascinating” she moaned, her holographic screens analyzing the extensions as they grew from Nat’s body.

Natasha massaged her new lover’s body thoroughly, her hands moving over her back and shoulders while her extensions massaged her tits and hips, reaching down to stroke her thighs and feel her butt. “How long has it been since you’ve done this?” She asked, feeling all sorts of knots in her neck.

“A while” she confessed, relaxing into her touch. As the princess she could have her pick of suitors and lovers, both male and female, and the Dora Milaje serve their family very well, and she’s close with many of her scientists, but she had been very overworked since Klaue’s assault on their borders and so hadn’t had time to tend to such needs. She never expected she’d have the opportunity to have sex with an avenger however. Maybe that could change now she’s Queen Regent. “I still need to conduct my examination” she remarked. A black tendril reached around and plucked her tablet from her hands, placing it on a table across the room. The princess smirked and twisted in her lovers grasp. “I suppose I could be more hands on in my analysis.”

“I’m ready for my physical, doctor” Nat purred, kissing the young woman passionately.

Shuri kept the scans running, using her Kimoyo beads to interface with them as she made out with the Black Widow. The holographic screens circled around the examination table for her to glance at, but Nat made it her mission to distract her from her work. So far the readings indicated both she and her symbiote were in fine condition, operating in perfect sync with each other. She pondered if Nat was controlling the tentacles molesting her body for if the specimen was operating independently. Her brainwaves seemed to indicate two minds working in perfect tandem. Amazing.“Any other symptoms since you and this creature bonded?” She asked.

“Like what?”

“Anything. Headaches? Nausea? Lapses in memory? Blackouts? Hallucinations?”

Nat sighed, reluctantly submitting to her questions as long as she continued to make out with her. “At first. But we adjusted. Now we both feel fine. Better than fine.”

“What about chemical imbalances?” She queried. “I read some symbiotes can affect certain aspects of brain chemistry, make their hosts more aggressive, volatile…horny.”

“You think my symbiote is why I want to fuck you right now?”

“I want to make sure it’s not affecting your body chemistry” she said out of curiosity and concern.

Nat stroked her cheek affectionately. “We share some interests, but I’ve wanted to get between your thighs since I first saw you at the wakandan embassy” she told her, reaching between said thighs to cup her pussy.

Shuri gasped as her fingers caressed her, happy to hear she wasn’t being influenced. “What about…physical changes? I see it can alter its form to suit your needs” she continued, looking at the screens monitoring some of those shapes as it brushed over her flesh. “Have you noticed any other alterations since you joined?”

“Only when we want it” she grinned, her other following her mental suggestion to make a few alternations to demonstrate. “Let us show you” she whispered, tilting Shuri’s head back and running her tongue along her exposed neckline. Shuri’s eyes widened as she watched Nat’s tongue extend, slithering around her jaw before plunging into her mouth. She inhaled it down her throat, immediately sucking on the moist extension experimentally. It deep-throated her thoroughly, blowing her mind as her scanners tracked its progress down her gullet. She reached up and tugged on her hair, returning the kiss as they made out on a deeper level. She felt Nat’s fingers rub her clit too, as another set pinched her nipples, moaning in pleasure as she was stimulated to a relaxing orgasm. When she was done Nat pulled her tongue out of Shuri’s throat, using it to lick her lips before it shrank back to normal. “Fascinating” the girl whispered, panting heavily.

“That’s just the tip of the iceberg” she promised, her tentacles wrapping around the scientist pulling her onto the examination table so she could demonstrate further.

The Wakandan technology continued to monitor the situation on the table, holographic screens circling the two women as they had sex in the middle of the lab. They gave a continuous analysis on their activity, monitoring both women as they kissed and writhed and groped each other ravenously, as well as the alien life form coming to life at Natasha’s unspoken commands. Shuri found herself ensnared by a swarm of slimy tendrils massaging her athletic body and the seductive former spy with no hope of escaping their grasp. She was thankful she kept her private lab locked and dismissed her staff. If her brother found out what she was doing with an outsider he wouldn’t be happy. Nor would she be able to explain why she was willingly fucking shot avenger bonded to a potentially dangerous parasite. Though the more she glanced at the screens hovering around them, the less she believed it posed a threat. It’s tentacles sought only to please her, caressing her skin as it wrapped around her legs and arms and waist, assisting it’s host who assaulted her with kisses to her mouth and neck. The princess struggled to keep her head above water as Nat put the moves on her, melting her defenses with the most precise touches to her body.

This woman was trained to kill and to fuck, and she would not be denied this sexy dark meat. And with a symbiote as her weapon Shuri couldn’t stop her as she crawled down her body, her tongue running along her chest circling her soft mounds. Shuri gasped as more tentacles coiled around her, wondering if they intended to restrain her. To her surprise they never restricted her movement, not once as Nat slipped down between her legs. She bit her lip as she looked down, following many of the inkling black tentacles to the naked woman’s back where they connected to her spine. Her eyes drifted to a screen scanning her, the alien synced with her nervous system. “Are you controlling all of them?” She asked, looking at the countless tendrils circling her.

“We are controlling them” Natasha nodded, looking up from between her thighs with a sultry smile. “Just like we are controlling you” she added, reaching up to grasp the woman’s breasts with her palms squeezing them.

Shuri moaned in pleasure, arching her back to thrust her hips towards her eating mouth. It did feel like the Black Widow was manipulating her body like a fiddle. Shuri had no doubt she could do that without the aid of an alien. But having one improved the experience as her mouth widened, the symbiote altering her lower jaw to extended her teeth a little so she could graze her pussy with them. Shuri stared at them curiously as she teased her clit, the sharp fangs pinching her nub making her gasp. Nat opened her mouth and extended a long slick tongue, licking at her folds before pounding her face between her legs, that tongue diving into her cunt as deep as it could. Shuri screamed in awe as she felt it squirm inside of her, exploring her insides hungrily. Her legs curled around the red hair as she clutched her arms, pleasure shooting up her spine driving her crazy.

While Nat devoured her, Shuri snuck a peek at the screens to get a look at what was happening to her. The changes the symbiote was making to her body went deeper than just physical alterations, as if it was rewriting her DNA. She had never seen anything like it. She made sure her lab was recording all of this, the research sure to keep her scientists busy for years. She turned her attention back to what was happening to her right now, switching on the scanners X-ray feature to watch Nat’s tongue plunge all the way to her cervix and somehow slither inside her womb. She moaned as she felt it invade her uterus, looking down to see her belly bulging from where it moved around inside her. She twisted a bead from her wrist and used it to scan her stomach, seeing the tongue slithering around for herself. She caught Natasha’s gaze as it dived deeper, all the way to her ovaries, as if to show how far it could reach. She saw a playful twinkle in her eye as a tentacle brushed against her anus, and Shuri gulped wondering how far that tongue could really extend if she wanted it to.

Nat gave her plenty of time to gather her medical readings before bringing the curious scientist to a mind shattering orgasm, using her teeth to pinch her clit and make her climax for her. She drained her pussy of her juices before pulling her tongue out of her womb, slurping her fluids up with a gratified sigh before crawling back up to share the gift with her. “Get what you needed?” She asked, looking at her monitors.

Shuri stared at the intoxicating redhead before hungrily making out with her. “You are…you both are incredible” she panted, drawn to the woman on a scientific and animalistic level. Something about this situation brought the wild cat out of the princess as the panther wrapped her arms and legs around her. “But I think I’ll need to run some more…thorough tests to make sure your both operating at peak efficiency” she said. Natasha purred, as did her other. They both believed they could accommodate the scientist. They continued to make out with her, their bodies grinding together more feverishly until Shuri dragged Nat down and awkwardly climbed on top of her. Nat didn’t resist, enjoying it when the young panther took control Shuri pinned her down and kissed her aggressively, smashing their lips together bringing her wrists above her head. Nat’s tentacles retaliated with a playful slap across her butt cheeks, which made the dark skinned woman gasp and opened Nat up to wrap her lips around her dark nipples. Shuri moaned as her tits were sucked, grabbing Nat by the hair holding her against her breast encouragingly.

While she had the Widow distracted, she reached out to the medical tray beside the table where she kept her medical equipment. It was out of reach however and she couldn’t get what she wanted. She spied a tentacle swirling around her arm up to her wrist, turning her head as a pair of white eyes poked out from Nat’s shoulder. Before she could ponder it, the tendril extended from her wrist and assisted in pulling the medical tray closer. Her hand got the item she was seeking, another set of Kimoyo beads, so she turned to the symbiote thanking it. She found herself leaning down to kiss the tiny ooze head in gratitude, receiving a stroke against her cheek in return. “See, he can be quite friendly” Nat said, looking up from Shuri’s chest.

Shuri smiled, kissing her in turn as she sat up on top of the Avenger. With some quick adjustments to the beads reached down and slipped it onto Nat’s wrist. “As a favor, could you wear this for the next twenty-four hours?” She asked politely.

Nat looked at her new accessory and shrugged, gazing up at the sexy young scientist on her lap. “Alright. I’ve got a gift for you too” she smirked, pulling the girl on top of her to give her a kiss. But also to lift her hips up so her other had room to grow a thick black phallus from her groin. Shuri’s eyes bugged out when she felt it brush her undercarriage, looking down at the throbbing member between her legs. “What do you think?”

“Fascinating” she marveled, edging back to rub against it experimentally. She saw Nat’s expression express pleasure as she ground her wet lips against the thick shaft, asking her “can you feel this?”

“We share a mind and body” she explained. “He feels what I feel, and I feel everything he feels.”

Shuri marveled at the new extension, reaching down to wrap her hand around it. A synthetic cock that functions as an organic prosthesis linked to her nervous system. Feels like the real thing, only more slimy. She bit her bottom lip as she lifted her body up and over the erection, her pussy hovering over it ready to take the plunge. She looked down at the Russian spy, their eyes sharing the lust they each felt. Without further hesitation she lowered herself onto her lap, impaling her cunt with this cock. She gasped as it filled her, feeling so good she almost came immediately. “Incredible!” She moaned.

Nat moaned too as Shuri’s walls wrapped around her penis, her other sharing her pleasure as the dark skinned woman rocked on top of her lap. “So good” they purred, running their hands over her hips to guide her up and down the erection. Shuri began riding the Avenger vigorously, bouncing on her cock staring down at the busty woman in awe. Her palms massaged her breasts, pressing against them for support until the redhead took her hands with hers and held her up so she could rock more feverishly. Lust overtook the princess until she was moaning erratically, climaxing around her dick gushing with pleasure. “You look so hot” Nat smiled.

“So do you” she replied, falling on top of her making out with the woman. She continued to ride her cock, tentacles wrapping around her again hugging her against the woman. Shuri kissed all over her jaw and chest, sucking on her breasts and neck desperately. “I could get into so much trouble for this” she muttered.

Nat smirked, thinking the same. Cap wouldn’t be impressed if he found out she was corrupting the Queen Regent of Wakanda. She’ll have to apologize to T’Challa when she got back to the Chimera. Her other looked forward to meeting the Black Panther. “I won’t tell if you won’t” she whispered, stroking Shuri’s dark hair she kissed her neck. Shuri moaned as the woman cradled her, her tentacles soothing her body. She felt one slither around her waist and brush her butt cheeks before slipping into her vulnerable ass. She gasped in shock before purring in approval. “My symbiote likes you” Nat told her.

“I like too” she smirked, biting her bottom lip as she was fucked in the ass while Nat thrust into her pussy. Avenger and Alien double stuffed the princess until she was trembling with arousal, her hands gripping the edge of the table as she rode two dicks towards the inevitable conclusion. “I should take another sample to analyze” she mumbled under her breath, her work brain still unable to switch off and enjoy the surreal experience.

Nat rolled her eyes before receiving a naughty suggestion from her other. She grinned, tightening her hold around Shuri’s waist and thrusting harder. “Cum with me” she said, her warm breath tickling Shuri’s ear making her moan. Cock and tentacle pounded her faster, stirring her insides into jelly until the woman was rocked by a mind shattering orgasm. Nat grunted as she slammed her cock deep into her cunt, releasing her own climax into the extension so she could squirt inside Shuri’s body. The young scientist whimpered as she felt Nat fill her womb with substance, the cock throbbing as it pumped it’s contents into her clenching cunt. “You wanted another sample” Nat teased, kissing her earlobe as the Wakandan woman collapsed against her chest.

Shuri laid prone against the Black Widow for a couple of minutes panting, forgetting how to move while her mind caught up with what just happened. The symbiote slithered back into Natasha’s body, pulling out of her dripping holes dissolving the tentacles and cock. Natasha sighed in content as she let the girl rest on her chest, stroking her head and shoulders gently until she was ready to sit up. Shuri lifted herself off the young white woman carefully, still catching her breath as she wiped the perspiration from her brow. She stared at her a moment before bursting into a wide grin. “That was incredible. You were…you were both incredible” she said, kissing the Avenger deeply. Nat kissed her back, happy to have assisted in her research.

A few minutes later Nat was climbing off the examination table, her suit reforming in her uniform while she cleaned herself up. Shuri sat on the table and cycled through the holographic screens still analyzing the pair of them, the analysis of their liaison recorded in great detail. She used one of her beads to scan her uterus also, relieved yet disappointed when she detected no sperm or any alien ejaculate inside of her. Only traces of Nat’s fluid remained in her womb. “I wonder if the life form can procreate” she pondered.

Nat found herself pausing. She hadn’t considered if that was a possibly. “Would it matter if the host is sterile for it to make use pregnant?” Shuri shrugged, she had no idea. Natasha asked her other, but it replied our offspring would not need a host, or a lover. We cannot conceive with a mate. “Comforting” Nat whispered, straitening her bracelets before turning back to the naked scientist. “So Doc, what’s the verdict?”

Shuri skimmed through the data recorded, archiving the footage to a personal folder under heavy encryption and answered “as far as I can see, you and your friend are in perfect health. As am I.”

“So no alien STD’s to worry about” she joked.

Shuri chuckled. “We should schedule a follow up, just to be such. Maybe I can run some more thorough tests” she suggested, looking at the woman coyly.

Natasha smiled, returning to the table to lean in and kiss the young princess. “Next time we’re in Wakanda, I’ll be sure to make an appointment” she promised, pecking her lips and playfully licking her nose. She cast one last appreciative eye over her naked body before suggesting “next time we should go somewhere more comfortable.”

Shuri scanned her eyes over the sexy Russian again, her gaze falling onto the Kimoyo beads she asked her to wear. “I will need those back before you leave our country” she noted.

Nat looked at them and smiled. “A good excuse as any to stay for twenty four hours” she shrugged.

“When you return them, you could tell me the story of how you and this life form met” Shuri said.

Natasha sighed. “That could take all night” she warned, wrapping her arms around her neck. “Don’t you have tests to run?”

She nodded, wrapping her arms around her waist. “They could take all day” she whispered.

The Black Widow and the Queen Regent smiled at each other. The next twenty-four hours were going to be very busy for the pair of them indeed.

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