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Welcome to the Jackson's: The Hunters Gift (2 of 3 The Hunters Trilogy)

Night fell over the city as the demigods cleaned up the dinner table. It was Percy’s turn to wash so he was at the sink gazing out at the full moon peeking through the clouds. Apart from a visit from the goddess of the Hunt the day had been uneventful. But their house guest’s abrupt departure continued to leave them a little worried.

They hadn’t heard from Thalia all day, not until she knocked on the front door that evening. Percy answered and found her standing there in her hunters attire, staring back at him silently looking rather shell shocked. He brought her in, taking her coat and guiding her to the living room where Piper and Annabeth rushed out to greet her. “Are you okay?” Piper asked, her expression full of concern as she ran up to her close friend.

Thalia turned to her, momentarily lost for words until she managed to utter a question. “What did you say to Artemis?” She asked.

Piper blinked, stammering over her answer. “I…she told me about the old celebratory rite the hunters had. I explained how beneficial it might be to bring it back, for you and your hunters. It took some convincing but I think she was considering it.”

“Well you must’ve been very convincing” Thalia replied. “She gathered her followers together and explained how the rites used to work. How every full moon we would get together and celebrate our fellowship, our companionship. She helped clear up the expectations of our vows, what we were allowed to do, and offered to reinstate the hunter’s gathering.”

Piper blinked in surprise. “She did?”

“We put it to a vote. It was practically unanimous” she said, breaking into a shaky chuckle. “The rites have been put back in place. On the night of the full moon, we’re permitted to celebrate however we chose.”

Piper cheered bouncing on her heels. She couldn’t believe she actually managed to convince Artemis to do it. “That’s wonderful!”

“So hang on, let be double check” Annabeth said, her and her boyfriend sharing an amazed but slightly confused look. Piper had explained the festival Thalia’s referring too when she got back, but it sounded a little outlandish to be true. “Does this mean you get to actually have sex with anyone you want during a full moon?”

“No, not exactly” Thalia clarified. “The Hunters of Artemis are permitted to…basically do what we’ve been doing already whenever we want. As long as it’s technically a solo practice and we don’t do it with other people, we’re not breaking our vows. But for one night, hunters are allowed to fool around with others within the pack, and the goddess herself.”

“So you, the hunters and Artemis are permitted to have sex with each other” Percy nodded. “But you’re not allowed to hook up with people outside the hunters.”

Thalia shook her head. But before Piper could voice her disappointment she added “not unless Lady Artemis permits it. We can request others to join us for these gatherings, either for one night or longer, but she has final approval. It was one of her only conditions, plus the empathic of no romantic attachments.”

“So does that mean you’re heading back to the hunters tonight?” Annabeth asked, glancing out the window noting the full moon.

Thalia looked at the three of them nervously before replying “no. In fact, the full moon is why I’m here” she said, glancing uncomfortably at the demigods. They waited patiently for her to explain “out of respect to your previous assistance to Artemis, her hunters, to us in the past…Lady Artemis has agreed to reward each of your with honorary, lifetime invitations to the Gathering. If you wish to.”

All three of them blinked, looking at each other in surprise. “She’s invited us? To…to what?” Percy stammered.

“She means Artemis is letting the three of us have sex with her hunters during a full moon Seaweed brain!” Annabeth explained, seeing the young man struggle under the shock. She also turned to Piper, whispering under her breath “you really must’ve been convincing.”

Piper couldn’t hide her blush, or her excitement as she bounced over to Thalia. “This is for real?” She asked. The daughter of Zeus nodded, happiness and excitement in her face. Piper wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tight. “Thank you. And thank Artemis” she said, taking the girl by her hands. She could sense the reason why Thalia was here now, exactly because of the full moon. Instead of choosing to stay with her hunters she wanted to spend her first night of sexual freedom with them. Or rather one of them as Piper saw Thalia’s electric blue eyes flicker over her shoulder to glance nervously at Percy. Piper sensed her desire grow and understood what she needed, what she wanted. She caught Thalia’s eye and smiled. “Do you want us to stay?” She whispered, using her charm-speak to make her answer truthful.

She wasn’t at all surprised when the young woman shook he head no, her cheeks turning red when she did.

Piper smiled, doing one thing she’d wanted to do for a while and leant in to kiss her cheek before turning to Annabeth. “What do you say you and I have a girls night out?” She asked, stepping into the hall to collect their coats.

Annabeth looked at Piper in confusion. “Now? But what about…”

Let’s have a girls night out” Piper suggested, winking at Percy as she dragged the daughter of Athena away picking up their shoes. “Let Percy look after Thalia while we’re gone.” Annabeth nodded blankly, glancing over her shoulder at the awkward huntress and her boyfriend before Piper basically threw her out of the flat. Before she followed behind she cast a final look to Thalia, who mouthed a “thank you”, smiling in return before leaving them alone.

Thalia turned back to Percy, both of them standing in the living room in awkward silence. After a minute Percy broke the silence. “Well, this is awkward” he muttered uncomfortably.

Thalia chuckled, feeling even more uncomfortable. “So…it’s just the two of us?” She asked nervously, glancing around the empty flat.

Percy nodded, clueless about why. “Do you want a drink?” He asked her. She nodded, fiddling with the zip on her jacket while he walked to the kitchen. “So, Um… this gathering you now have, how exactly does it work? Do you all meet up somewhere and strike up a party or something?”

“We don’t know” she confessed, standing by the counter staring at the back of his head. Now they were alone she she was struggling to figure out what to say. This all happened very quickly for her and the possibilities for the hunters going forward we’re huge. They would need to figure things out, and she agreed to help with some of the logistics. Tonight the hunters were at their camp with Artemis, those looking to explore themselves and sex experimenting together. Artemis would be there to help them, along with some of the more experienced hunters. Some were happy to sit it out tonight, others left preferring to follow the maidens path. In the future they might designate meeting places, establish rules of conduct. Right now Thalia personally requested the night away from the pack, which Artemis approved knowing she wanted to be here. But now she was here she was terrified to ask. “We’re working it out.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, why aren’t you with the others?” Percy asked, offering her a glass of juice predicting she’d like it.

She sipped it, staring into her drink hesitantly explaining “because I asked to be here. Because I…I wanted…” she turned red, shaking her head turning away from embarrassment. “Why is this so hard” she muttered.

Percy walked around the counter to approach her, gently touching her shoulder to turn her back to him. He was starting to see how uncomfortable she was, so tried something to help. “Don’t be afraid. Say what you need to” he said using charm-speak. He didn’t like using the blessing on their home, but if it helped Thalia find the words it couldn’t hurt.

She took a deep breath, looking him in the eyes explaining “I haven’t been with anyone since before I joined the hunters. But ever since I…I’ve wanted…” she gulped, unable to resist the compulsion from the charm-speak. “I wished you were my first Percy. I wish I’d lost my virginity to you and not the Stolls. I’m here because I wanted you to be my…to… I can’t say it” she cried, balling up her fists in frustration.

Percy had heard enough. He stepped forward, taking her hands in his, holding them as he looked into her eyes. “It’s okay” he said, his voice calming her down until she was less tense. “I’m sorry” he whispered.

“Don’t be” she said shaking her head. “You, Annabeth, Piper, are some of the closest friends I have. And you’ve done nothing but try to help ever since we’ve met. Even though we both started hating each other” he laughed.

“I never hated you” he said. “I knew you didn’t like me, and you were impossible and annoying…” he added, earning a scolding slap on his arm. “That night at the pool, when I helped you…when I used my powers like that, I wondering what it’d be like if we had done it for real” he confessed. “I didn’t think you wanted to, even if you could.”

“I wanted to” she said, butterflies in her stomach as she forced the words she was struggling to find. “I want to. I’ve always wanted you. Not like you and Annabeth, I couldn’t do that to Annie. But I want, just once…” her voice trailed off. She couldn’t couldn’t manage it.

Percy decided to break the tension a little by quickly satisfying his curiosity. “I just want to check, and please don’t slap me” he said, defusing her nerves with his tone momentarily. “You said I have a lifetime invitation. Does that mean I can have sex with all of the Hunters of Artemis if I wanted to?”

Thalia rolled her eyes, begrudgingly answering “technically yes, if they let you. Any full moon, you would be welcome in our camp, or temple…or beds.”

He nodding, his mind dancing at the thoughts of so many sexy athletic hunters. Annabeth would kill him. But then she has a lifetime invite too. He envisioned a big house party inviting the hunters in their future. “any full moon?” He asked. She nodded. “Any of Artemis’s followers?” He asked. With a sigh, she nodded. “Including you?” He asked.

After a nervous pause, she nodded.

He smiled, casting a glance around the empty flat. “What if tonight it was just you and me? Would that be permitted?” He asked.

Her stomach fluttered with excitement. She knew they were on the same page now. “Yes” she said. He reached out, his hand cupping her face, his thumb stroking her cheek. In the moonlight pouring from the window she looked beautiful, her face radiant with her hair braided behind her ears. She shivered to his touch, realizing for the first time her fantasies were coming true. This wasn’t a dream. She watched his step closer, her pupils dilating as they came close, their breath tickling their faces.

“Ask me” he said. He needed her to say it, so he knew this was real. And he knew she needed to ask, so she knew it was real. She opened her mouth but her voice failed again, fear holding her back. She staring at him pleadingly. “Ask me” he repeated with charm-speak.

Finally the daughter of Zeus found her voice. “Will you be my first?” She asked. “Can I stay with you tonight? Can I…will you…can we..?”

Their lips finally met and they both felt sparks light up the room.

That first kiss ignited a lightning storm between the two children of the big three. It also awoke every repressed impulse Thalia had been suppressing for years, finally releasing her passion as she grabbed Percy and kissed him desperately. He wrapped his arms around her, their bodies pressing together as the kiss deepened, their fingers running through their hair and over their arms. After so many years their friendship finally got a chance to blossom into something more. It wasn’t romantic, but neither was it platonic. There was something magnetic in this moment, something pulling the son of Poseidon to the daughter of Zeus together, something primal and powerful. Their loins burned as their hearts beat as one rapid symphony.

Percy was happy to help bring much needed relief to the young demigod in his arms. Thalia clung to him tightly, wrapping her arms around his neck refusing to let him go. She was afraid if she did the spell would break and the moment would be lost. Even as she struggled to catch her breath she kept her lips on his, her nails gripping his scalp lifting herself onto her toes. He held her waist without complaint, hugging her tight against him feeding on her lust and desperation. Eventually their lips had to part so they could both inhale some air. But once Percy gulped down a breath he leaned in to attack Thalia’s neck, making her gasp and whimper closing her eyes. He gave her his full attention, and she gave him her body and soul. She silently thanked Artemis for permitting this to happen.

The two of them continued to make out, growing accustomed to each other and their embrace. After a few minutes of passionate kissing the next step was logical, but Percy was too much of a gentlemen to make the first move. Thalia removed her jacket without thinking about it, her only reasoning being it was too warm to wear it. Soon Percy’s body temperature matched hers and he removed his shirt, revealing his bare chest to the young woman. She took a brief moment to stare at it, a second to brush her hand over his chest, before retiring to his lips continuing the kiss, pausing only to whip her own shirt over her head. Fingers started fumbling for belts next as boots and shoes were kicked off, trousers shimmied down impatient legs leaving two hot sexy demigods in their underwear and a lot of flesh to be explored. Thalia felt goosebumps as Percy’s hands caressed her skin, her own hands groping his muscles without plan or strategy. She gasped when his palms found her round ass, her hips lifting to wrap her legs around his waist as she spontaneously leapt into his arms. He held her up, his sea green eyes gazing up into her electric blue ones as they stared at each other. They were panting, sweating, their pupils dilating with desire and affection. Their lips connected and sparks flew again, igniting their bodies for more.

Percy carried Thalia through the flat towards his bedroom, his feet following the path effortlessly without sight. He lowered her to the bed gently, falling on top of her in a deep kiss that melted her heart. She fell back onto the mattress, staring up at the handsome young man who had just brought her into his bed, biting her bottom lip as butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She felt his hand stroke the underside of her boob, her nipples stiffening beneath her bra in anticipation. She looked down at the toned stomach hovering over her, her fingers tracing his abdomen tenderly. Their eyes met as they caught their breath, excitement building between them. “Tell me what you want” Percy whispered, his lips caressing hers as he kissed along her jaw. “Tell me what you need. Tonight, I want you to be happy” he said.

Thalia purred at his request, her vagina moistening as her body relaxed, any tension left evaporating. She felt at home in his arms, in his bed, under his gaze. She felt aroused as he cast his gaze over her, the adoration in his eyes. She felt safe, loved and adored. She saw why Annabeth fell in love with him. She saw why she wanted to be with him tonight. “I need you” she answered confidently. “I want you to take me. To make love to me. Tonight I’m yours. My body, my mind, my soul.” She captured his gaze, placing her hand on his cheek stroking it gently. “I want to pretend this is my first time, that my virginity is yours. I want you to make me a woman. I want you…I want you to make love to me like you would with Annabeth. I want to you to make love to me like I’m your girlfriend. Like you love me.”

Percy lifting her chin to kiss her softly, his nose brushing the tip of hers gently. He nodded. Tonight she would be his girlfriend. His first. His goddess. He planted a gentle kiss on her, and in that kiss he promised her everything.

She closed her eyes, opening herself to him, accepting him completely, and was rewarded with an experience she could only dream of. Percy was gentle, attentive, sensual and patient. When he touched her her senses lit up with pleasure. When he kissed her, her heart skipped a beat. When his breath tickled her skin she shivered. It was like he was the one channeling electricity instead of her. He ran his hands over her body from head to toe, caressing her flesh as she writhed beneath him. Her bra came undone as if by magic, she breasts becoming free of him to grasp and squeeze. She purred as they were played with, inhaling sharply when he wrapped his lips around her sensitive nipples, electricity shooting across her nerves. He took his time with her, arousing her slowly, building her up until she was trembling. She kissed him deeply, lifting her hips so he could pull her underwear down her legs, her knees bending to wrap around his hips. She looked down as he removed his boxers, his penis erect ready for her. She swallowed, reaching down tentatively to touch it. Percy moaned softly in her ear, helping her guide it to her waiting pussy. She opened her thighs. She couldn’t wait. She needed him. She met his gaze, his gentle affectionate gaze. He didn’t ask if she was ready, but she nodded all the same.

He slowly penetrated her, their loins converging, and lightning bolts fired up both their spines. Percy froze as Thalia engulfed his cock, her mouth falling open, her eyes wide. Then she sighed, embracing him, melting into his arms. She stared into his eyes, disbelief in her expression, joy in her eyes, desire in her voice. It felt wonderful to have him inside her, her tight lubricated walls wrapping around his manhood swallowing him as deep as she could. They lay there a moment, savoring the moment their hips joined, their arms and legs around each other. They kissed softly, exhaled, and then began to make love. Percy was gentle, rocking against her cautiously, taking his time, letting her enjoy it. She moaned, closing her eyes, feeling every inch drag out of her and thrust back in. She held his shoulders, clawed at his back, her heels pressed against his backside panting in his ear. Over time he increased his pace, their heartbeat racing, their bodies pressed together.

Time became meaningless, only the rhythm remained. They rocked, they kissed, they fucked, they made pure unbridled love. Thalia didn’t want it to end. Not when she climaxed, her body shuddering against his as she gasped passionately, her walls crushing him tightly. He slowed to let her enjoy it, waiting until she nodded before carrying on. She came again moments later, this one longer, hotter. He gently fucked her through it, increasing her pleasure with a kiss to her neck. She didn’t want it to end. Not even when his balls slapped against her swelling with cum.

“I have to stop” Percy warned, feeling his climax approaching. He wasn’t wearing a condom, they didn’t have protection. “I have to pull out” he said.

“Don’t” she said desperately. She didn’t want it to end. She held his waist tighter, holding him still. “Don’t go” she begged.

“I have to” he said apologetically. “I’m not wearing anything. I don’t want to…”

“It’s okay” she said, stroking his face meeting his worried gaze. “I forgot to mention. Artemis’s blessing, part of our gift…immortal, loyal, and protected. As long as we serve under her, we can’t get pregnant” she explained.

Percy stared at her, taken aback by the statement. “For real?”

She nodded. “For real.” He sighed in relief, kissing her deeply resuming his thrusting, his hips moving more urgently than before. She clung to him tightly, whispering encouragingly into his ear “do it. Give me your love, your cum, your release. I’m yours. I want it all.”

He gave it her, everything he had. Every ounce of it poured from his heart, and his ball, into her in one desperate gush. His cum spilled into her fertile womb, her patron’s magic neutralizing his sperm before it could conceive a child. Artemis’s hunter was protected, leaving her satisfied with a belly full of fluid and an orgasm that made her loins tingle.

The two demigods lay there in each others arms panting, covered in sweat, their bodies pressed together. Percy’s deflated cock slipped out of Thalia’s gushing pussy as they both caught their breath, their hands gently stroking their soft skin. Their noses brushed together as they basked in the afterglow, the kiss intimate whenever they connected. Thought it was over, it didn’t feel like an end. Only a beginning. “How long does this Gathering go on for?” Percy asked her.

“Until Dawn” she replied, opening her eyes to look at him. Her friend, her fantasy, her lover. It was everything she hoped it would be and more. “Thank you” she said, kissing his cheek.

He returned the kiss with one on her lips. “You’ve got me all night” he reminded her.

She smiled excitedly, wrapping her arms around her saying “I don’t want to waste a single second.”

They made love for the rest of the night. Hot, feverish, steamy, passionate sex. Thalia opened herself up to everything Percy had to offer. Everything except his powers. She wanted his body, his touch and his skill, not his water bending skill. Percy was happy to go skin to skin with her, enjoying her company just as much.

They cycled through positions almost as fast as they thought them up. After missionary came cowgirl, where Thalia got to ride her demigod stallion proudly, gazing down at him while he grasped her hips, her pussy bouncing on his cock vigorously. She moaned when his palms found her breast, arching her back throwing her head back to thrust her tits out for him. She looked like a goddess to the young man, so he treated her like one. He worshiped those breasts and her body with his hands and mouth, bringing her pleasure she had been missing in her life. She discovered how talented his tongue was when he brought his mouth to her entrance, teaching her the gift of oral sex which had the girl swooning and purring as she curled her fingers into the bedsheets and his thick hair. When she climaxed to his mouth it was more powerful than before, enough to make her toes curl. She was trembling so much in the aftershocks Percy had to stop to see if she was okay. She responded with a kiss and a smile.

She tried to return the favor to him, kissing along his body and gently biting his nipples to make him groan. He got concerned when she lowered her head to his groin, recalling how she didn’t like taking things in her mouth. In this instance she made an exception, wanting to please him and thank him for doing this. She swallowed her fear and licked his cock, wrapping her lips around the tip and sucking his cock. He moaned at the pleasure, fighting to keep his hands at his sides as she nervously served him a blowjob. His cock throbbed in her mouth, his orgasm imminent. Thalia didn’t have the stomach to swallow his cum so she let go, apologizing after leaving him with blue balls. He responded with a kiss and a smile. She made it up to him with a titfuck, putting his cock between her breasts so he could thrust between them. When he ejaculated he showered the girl with cum, painting her white. She laughed, falling to the bed in a fit of giggles. She scooped up some cum placing it on her tongue, tasting his semen and smiling. He took her by surprise by helping her clean herself up, sharing the substance in an open mouthed kiss.

They made out and fucked and played with each other into the late hours. They took turns fingering or rubbing each other. Thalia gave her first handjob. Percy blew her mind with his fingers. In both cases the orgasm was welcome. They spent an hour laying beside each other, not touching, just kissing. It was perfect and intimate. So was the sex that followed, side by side, her leg hooked over his hip and he thrust into her pussy sideways. They never stopped kissing.

When Thalia said she wanted to try, Percy warmed her up by fucking her from behind. She climbed onto her hands and knees, moaning in pleasure as he thrust into her gripping her hips. They fucked doggy style for a long while, her pussy flowing freely with fluids. Enough to lubricate his erection. He took his finger and dipped it into her entrance, soaking his fingers before smearing it inside her virgin hole. She had never taken a cock in the ass before, not even Stuffy. She shivered when he penetrated her with his hand, coaxing her hole open preparing her for his cock. She followed his charm poked advice to relax, waiting anxiously for his penis to enter her. When it did, she bit the pillow to muffle her scream. He took his time, stroking her back, waiting until she gave him the thumbs up to push another inch into her. Her anus was so tight he could only fit half his cock. Enough to fuck her with. Enough for her to enjoy. He reached under her chest to grab her breasts, lifting her up to kiss her neck while he made love to her anus. She melted into his embrace, her walls loosening until two thirds entered her. Enough to make her moan. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, rubbed her clit, fingered her cunt, kissed her jaw while he thrust into her ass. He made her smile, laugh and moan, made her a woman, made her cum. She reached down and caressed his balls, feeling them swell, reaching behind to squeeze his ass. She gave him the nod so he could ejaculate into her ass. He filled her from behind, the sensation making her moan. When he pulled out, she felt his cum leak out and run down her thigh. She scooped it up and put it in her mouth while he licked up the cum from her pussy. They shared a kiss and a smile, falling back into their embrace.

It went on for hours, all night, the sex and kissing and laughter. The love and adoration, the affection and worship. They went through more positions, fucking and cumming and kissing and stroking and rubbing. Thalia lost track of how many orgasms he experienced, each one seeming unique and special. She hugged Percy again as her latest one rippled through her like a lightning bolt, simultaneously joined by Percy’s as he spilled the latest contents of his balls into her overfilled womb. She screamed, her sensitivity through the roof after hours of sex and stimulation. Percy groaned, his balls aching feeling finally empty. Despite the enhancements being a demigod brings, not even children of the two biggest studs in Greek mythology could go on forever. They collapsed onto the bed exhausted, rolling apart heaving for breath staring at the ceiling. They weren’t part for long, rolling back into a soft embrace so their lips could meet. But neither sought more than that. Only their company.

“Was it everything you hoped for?” Percy asked the young huntress.

Thalia smiled, shuffling against his chest planting s kiss on his shoulder. “That and more” she replied.

“I’m sorry we took so long to do this” he said.

“It was worth the wait” she smiled. She looked at his naked body once more, affection in her expression as she committed the sexy sight to memory. “I hope we get to do this again” she said.

He looked at the time, hiding the groan seeing they had hours until dawn. “I’m sorry I couldn’t keep it up all night like you wanted” he apologized.

She let out a yawn too, snuggling against him quietly replying “that’s okay. This is perfect. Besides, there’s always the next full moon” she smirked. Percy smiled, falling asleep with the young woman in his arms.

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