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Welcome to the Jackson's: The Future Mother-in-law

Sally Jackson had promised to pay her son a visit when he moved into his new apartment. True to her word, she made the trip to San Francisco a few days after receiving his phone call. She was eager to see him and his girlfriend Annabeth again. She arrived late in the afternoon, climbing out of the taxi with a small suitcase dressed in her blue blouse and skirt, heels and a long overcoat. She cast and eye around the street. It appeared to be a nice neighborhood, much cleaner than her old apartment block. She hoped her new husband could manage the baby for a few days while she visited her son. She walked up to the front and rang the bell, reading the name tag of Jackson/Chase. How long until those two finally tie the knot she wondered, clinging to her hope they might bring her grandchildren one day.

The door buzzed and let her in without confirming her identity. Maybe they know I’m here? She thought. She hadn’t called ahead, wanted to make it a surprise. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her, climbing the stairs to the second floor. She found the apartment and knocked on the door. She heard footsteps approaching before the door opened. “Don’t tell me you forgot your key again” a young voice scowled until her stormy grey eyes fell onto the mature woman. Annabeth froze dressed in a T-shirt and jeans staring at the woman in surprise. “Mrs Jackson! Hi.”

“Oh, Sally, please” she smiled. “After all this time you’re practically family.”

“Right, of course. Sorry, we didn’t know you were coming” Annabeth said, inviting the woman inside. Sally stepped into the apartment and looked around. It looked very cozy and spacious. “Percy isn’t here” Annabeth told her, glancing out of the door before bringing Sally’s suitcase in. “He’s out on an errand. He should be back soon.”

“I hope he’s making himself useful” Sally smiled, recalling how difficult it used to be to get a Percy to do his chores. Fortunately he grew into a very responsible and helpful young man. She cast her eye around the organized flat, a few boxes still awaiting packing away. Her eyes were drawn to the elegant statuette center piece on the mantle depicting swan and doves. “You both have a lovely home” she said, turning back to look at the proud blonde. “I hope you don’t mind me stopping by…”

“You’re always welcome here, any time” Annabeth assured her. “Percy will be thrilled to see you.”

Sally nodded, looking for the guest room she was told was available. She counted three bedrooms however. One was bare, two appeared furnished. “You have separate rooms?” She observed with concerned.

Annabeth followed her gaze and explained “oh, no, we…we don’t. The other room belongs to our flatmate.”

As if on cue, the front door opened and said flatmate came strolling into the hall. “See, I didn’t forget my keys this time” Piper said, dangling them before hooking them on the rack by the hallway mirror. She was carrying a large stuffed bear in her arms along with a duffel bag she brought from the car, the last of her stuff from her old apartment. She stopped when she looked up and found they had a visitor. “Oh, hi.”

“Piper, this is Percy’s mum, Sally” Annabeth said introducing the pair of them. Piper straightened up, smiling welcomingly to the woman. “This is Piper. She lives with us.”

“Yes, Percy mentioned you a few times” Sally smiled, shaking Piper’s hand fondly. “He told me you’re quite the good friend.”

“Thank you. Your son has been a really good friend to me too” she replied. She stood awkwardly in the hallway, noticing them glancing oddly at the teddy bear she was carrying. “I’ll just put my stuff in my room” she said, stepping between them to pack her stuff away.

Annabeth turned to Sally, asking her if she wanted a drink. Sally nodded, removing her coat and hanging it up before following the young woman into the kitchen. They made a cup of tea and chatted over the counter, the mood very relaxed as they waited for Percy to come home. “So how long are you planning to stay with us?” Annabeth asked.

“A few days, maybe a week” she replied. “Don’t worry, I’ll try to keep out from under your feet” she laughed, knowing no child wants their parents hovering over them.

“Actually, I think we’ll welcome having you around” Annabeth smiled. She looked at the older woman with a deep affection, adding “consider this as much your home as it is ours.”

“Thank you. Are sure it won’t be too crowded?” She asked, glancing through the hall to the room where the brunette was sorting her stuff.

Annabeth followed her gaze and smiled. “We’re used to a full house” she chuckled, thinking back to how backed the cabin at Half-blood Hill used to be. “Don’t worry, we made sure to have a guest bedroom when we bought the place. We’re perfectly prepared for anyone who wants to stay over.”

“Such a welcoming home” Sally smiled. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of tenants” she said.

Annabeth grinned. “We’d be honored to have you as our first” she said, reaching across to squeeze Sally’s hand. She clasped hers in return, their eyes meeting sharing a fondness. “I hope we make your stay here as welcoming and perfect as we can” she added.

“You already have” Sally smiled.

Piper finished in her room and came out, loitering in the hallway wondering if she should join the two of them in the kitchen. It felt odd. She’d never had the privilege of meeting Percy’s mother until now. Now she was here and it was clear Annabeth was inviting her to stay for a while. She was happy, but she wasn’t sure how she should act. She wasn’t Percy’s girlfriend, not like Annabeth was, yet her being here would make things weird for a while. She closed her eyes and took a breath. She was overthinking it. Worst case scenario she holds herself back from hooking up with her friends while Sally is here. Just be friendly she told herself, walking into the kitchen.

Sally looked up from her drink and smiled at the young woman. “Hello again” she said.

“Hi” she replied, greeting Annabeth with a hand on her shoulder as she walked to make herself a cup of tea. “So how long are you staying?” She asked curiously.

“A few days, maybe a week” Annabeth answered for her. “Maybe a bit longer, if she wants to” she smirked, looking at the older woman.

“I wouldn’t want to impose…” Sally said, but Annabeth told her “you can stay as long as you want.” The woman smiled, nodding as she looked around the apartment.

Piper froze halfway through her drink, sensing something that made her look over her shoulder at her friend. She noticed the subtle note of charm-speak she just used to encourage Sally to stay, thankfully open ended enough not to be an order. But what followed through her empathic senses drew some concern. “Annie, can I talk to you a minute” she said, gently pulling the girl into the hallway. “What are you doing?” She asked in a hushed whisper once they were out of earshot.

“What do you mean?” Annabeth asked innocently. Piper gave her a look. “I haven’t done anything” Annabeth protested.

“Are you sure?” She said raising an eyebrow. “Did you forget I can read peoples emotions?”

She rolled her eyes. “All I did was invite her stay a while. Don’t you think Percy would be happy to have his mom around?”

“Of course” she sighed. “But I don’t think he’d appreciate his girlfriend trying to seduce his mom.”

“What? That’s crazy” Annabeth scoffed. “I’m not some horny daughter of Aphrodite. No offense.”

The jibe didn’t even faze her as she growled “Annie.”

“Don’t Annie me” she snapped. “I don’t know what you think is going on but you are way off” she protested.

Piper didn’t want to resort to this but she did so. “Do you have the hots for Percy’s mother?” She asked using charm-speak.

Annabeth stared at her, unable to stop herself from answering “yes. She’s really hot and I like her.” She shook her head grimacing. “Pipes, you promised you wouldn’t do that!”

“And you swore you wouldn’t use the charm-speak gift my mom gave us to manipulate people” she countered.

“I’m not…” she groaned. Honestly, she wasn’t sure what she was thinking. “I’m not going to force Sally to do anything” she said.

Piper read between the lines deducing “but you want to sleep with her.” Annabeth didn’t say anything at first. “Annie…

“Okay! Yes, I guess I’ve always been a little tempted” she confessed, turning red from the admission. “I can’t help it. She’s just been great and warm and loving ever since I met her…”

“She’s married” Piper reminded her. “And you’re dating her son.”

“I know. That’s why I’m never going to do anything” she said crossing her arms defensively.

“Good, because that would just make things weird” Piper agreed. She paced the hallway rubbing her temples. “Chaos, and people think I’m the one with the self control issues” she muttered.

“My self control is fine” Annabeth scoffed. She glanced into the living room where Sally was exploring the place, her stormy grey eyes examining the fit older woman for a moment.

Piper sensed the arousal instantly and groaned. “Am I doing to have to charm you not to seduce our first houseguest?” She asked.

Whatever happens, you won’t do anything to stop me” Annabeth suddenly said, her charmed words cutting straight through Piper’s mind. The brunette’s eyes widened as she cried her name. “It’ll be fine, just don’t tell Percy” she said, stepping back into the living room before Piper could object.

Piper opened her mouth to compel Annabeth to stop and come back. But the instant she thought about it Annabeth’s charm compelled her to stop, locking her voice in her throat. “Damnit Annie” she hissed, pacing the hall no longer able to do anything but watch.

Annabeth walked up to Sally feeling butterflies in her stomach, asking herself if she was really about to try this with Percy’s mom. Piper was right, this could make things really weird and awkward. On the one hand it would be a simple matter to simple use her new charm-speak to ask Sally to have sex with her, but she didn’t want to force anything like that. Annabeth had harbored this unexplainable attraction to the woman ever since she met her, and no matter how hard she tried she could figure out why. She loved Percy, she knew she did, but something about Sally made her weak at the knees. She figured if she just tested the waters and explored it it would go away. With luck nothing would even need to happen. So once the woman turned to her she took a deep breath and bravely asked her “how would you react if I told you I was attracted to you?

Sally blinked in surprise, looking at the young woman instantly replying “I would be flattered, but concerned about your relationship with Percy.”

Annabeth nodded. An understandable answer, given the context. “Percy and I are fine” she quickly assured her, guiding the confused woman to the sofa where they took a seat in front of the fireplace. She could feel Pipers worried gaze on the back of her head as she hide in the hallway. “It’s just…I can’t explain why but I’ve been drawn to you for…ever since we met. Yours so kind, warm and honest, you opened your home to me virtually without question…I guess I was just wondering if…do you find me attractive?

Sally blinked again, her eyes briefly looking over her slowly replying “I think you’re…you are a beautiful young woman. I think my son is lucky to have you. Yes, I find you very attractive. But I have to remind you I’m happily married” she added hurriedly, her cheeks becoming very flushed as she shifted awkwardly. “Forgive me, but I don’t understand what brought this on” she said, very confused.

Annabeth brushed a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. She wasn’t sure either. She was never this flustered about her feelings to Sally before. She glanced up at the mantle where Aphrodite’s gift sat, wondering if that was affecting her. Or is it just amplifying what I’m already feeling? She considered. Or maybe it’s all in my head she sighed. “I’m sorry” she apologized, suddenly feeling very foolish. “I don’t know what I’m doing. Just forget I said any…”

Before she could finish her instructed safety net Sally caught her arm and pulled her gaze back. “Don’t be embarrassed” she said softly, her hands clasping Annabeth’s. “I think it’s brave you wanted to make such a confession. And I am truly flattered. But you know what you’re feeling isn’t really what you think it is” she said, stroking her cheek. “I think you feel lonely. Not in the way you think, I’m sure Percy showers you with attention. And you have plenty of friends. But what you didn’t have is a mother to take care of you” she theorized. “So this attraction you’re feeling to me is really affection, a projection of love to cover the void you must’ve felt. I know Percy struggled not having a farther around. I can only imagine who you must’ve felt.”

Now it was Annabeth’s turn to blink in surprise. She hadn’t thought about it like that. She hadn’t thought about what it was like not knowing her mom for a while. She felt a tear fall down her cheek as it dawned on her. She was projecting. Sally was the first real mother figure she’d had in her life, who wasn’t a goddess or immortal or anything related to a myth. She was real and true and she treated her like a daughter. She closed her eyes, feeling like an idiot for not working it out herself. But then she had a blind spot when it came to emotions. That’s why she liked having Piper, the one who understood feelings better than her. She looked into the hallway and caught her eye, the brunette smiling back fondly. She must’ve had an idea all this time. “I’m sorry I made a fool of myself” she whispered to Sally.

The woman smiled, wiping the girls tears away telling her “I may not be your mother, but I would’ve been proud to call you my daughter.” And who knows, one day I still might a tiny part of her thought with hope.

The young demigod leaned in the embrace the older woman, the two hugging tightly, their tears full of emotion. They looked at each other, sharing a bond they would treasure for the rest of their lives. But then Annabeth risked it by making an impulsive move on her, leaning in to kiss the woman’s cheek.

Sally froze when the young woman kissed her, the kiss warm and affectionate but not so innocent. Annabeth froze when she realized, the apology already forming in her mouth. But Sally chuckled, stroking her cheek thinking about the question Annabeth asked earlier. “You are very attractive” she whispered fondly. “I suppose I wouldn’t be much of a mother if I didn’t give you some of the love and attention you’ve been missing. But only if you want me too” she said.

Annabeth stared at her, butterflies in her stomach as she nervously nodded “I want you to.” Sally smiled, cupping Annabeth’s cheek leaning in to kiss her on the lips. Annabeth felt her heart pour out as she kissed her back, embracing the mother giving into the emotions she couldn’t understand.

Piper stared at the sight of the two women making out on the sofa, her mouth falling open in shock, awe, and panic. “Oh come on!” She sighed, looking up at the ceiling wondering if her mother was messing with her again. They just had a heartwarming moment and breakthrough and it still turns into this? Am I in a porn movie or something? She slumped against the wall shaking her head. At least Annabeth didn’t outright compel Sally to kiss her she supposed. Though that means Percy’s mom is doing this of her own free will. Is that better or worse. Either way I can’t stop it. Damnit Annabeth! She resigned herself to standing in the hallway, feeling the need to keep an eye on her friend in case she needed her, or she found an excuse to intervene.

Things got awkward however when her phone buzzed and she found Percy calling her. “Shit” she cursed, glancing at Annabeth making out with Sally on the sofa. What was she going to tell him? “Hi Percy, what’s up?” She said, answering the phone trying to sound casual stepping away from the living room.

“Hey Piper, I was just calling to say I’m going to be running late with that errand” he said over the phone. “Is Annabeth there?” He asked.

She hesitated, glancing down the hall seeing his girlfriend unbuttoning his mom’s blouse. “Er…yeah, but she’s a little busy” she replied uncomfortably. “She’s, um… organizing the living room, tidying up you know?” She lied.

Percy believed her. Annabeth had a habit for getting obsessed with organizing and tidying to the point she lost track of time. He’d made countless mistakes interrupting her mid task to interfere. Even Piper learnt the lesson once or twice. “That’ll explain why she isn’t answering her phone” he mused. “Just tell her I’m going to be a couple minutes late.”

Piper nodded, still keeping Annabeth in the corner of her eye as she removed her T-shirt letting Sally massage her shoulders. Things seemed to be heating up not slowing down. “Okay, I’ll tell her” Piper said. “Take as long as you need” she told him, putting emphasis on long. Percy thanked her before hanging up. She put the phone away and gulped, feeling a timer suddenly ticking in her head. I wish I could be fighting monsters right now she thought, turning her gaze back to the surreal experience unfolding in their living room.

Annabeth couldn’t believe this was happening, not even as she removed her bra to reveal her young perky boobs contrasting Sally’s round mature mounds, both women topless as the kissed one another on the sofa. Something akin to adoration overtook both of them bringing a powerful sense of intimacy to their bodies as they became intertwined. “I can’t believe I’m doing this” Annabeth whispered, kissing Sally’s neck while the woman reached down to cup her grouch through her jeans. “It feels so good.”

“I know” Sally smiled, pecking her cheek as she waited for the girl to undo her jeans so she could reach inside to rub her underwear. “Just relax and let me take care of you” she whispered soothingly into her ear, feeling the girl melt into her arms as she palmed her pussy through the fabric. Annabeth released a sigh moistening to her touch, clinging to the sofa trembling to her touch. She was so adorable to watch, even more adorable when her fingers slipped into her underwear to tease her clit. She enjoyed watching her face contort with pleasure when she drew out the first reluctant orgasm from the girl, knowing she needed the release. “Feel better?” She asked once she finished shivering.

Annabeth nodded, her body buzzing in a good way. She looked up at the older woman with an expression of awe. “How did you do that?” She asked.

“Practice” she smiled, pulling up her hand to stroke the cum across her nose where she could smell her own arousal. “I wasn’t always the mild mannered housewife I am today” she smirked. Annabeth giggled, picturing this lady as a wild child in her youth. “Now that you’ve satisfied your curiosity, what do you want to do now?” She asked her.

Annabeth looked over the attractive MILF and bit her bottom lip. “I want to taste you” she said, her charm-speak coaxing the older woman onto the sofa where she could open her legs for the girl. Sally allowed her to climb on top and slip down to her knees, her hands reaching under the skirt to grab her underwear and pull them down her legs. She held her gaze as her panties were removed, a strong sense of anticipation growing as Annabeth dropped down between her thighs to examine her pussy.

She gasped softly as the young woman kissed her lower regions, reclining on the sofa looking down at the blonde hair between her thighs. She was very good with the way she licked her pussy. “Oh yes, good girl” she praised, stroking her hair when she looked up and smiled at her. She felt another set of eyes upon her and turn to see the girls friend Piper spying from the hallway. “It’s okay, don’t be shy” she called when Piper went to retreat into one of the rooms. The brunette hovered uncomfortably at the doorway, uncertainty etched across her face. Sally patted the seat beside her. “Come, take a seat” she said.

“I don’t…” Piper stammered, until Annabeth poked her head up to tell her “come join us, take a seat.” So Piper reluctantly walked forward and sat down beside the older woman, looking down at her best friend kneeling between her legs. She tried not to stare at the exposed mounds of Percy’s mom, or at Annabeth enthusiastically munching on her cunt. “Percy called” she said, just blurting it out hoping it could make an uncomfortable situation more bearable. “He’s running late, but he’ll be back soon” she told them both.

Annabeth wasn’t fazed. Neither was Sally. They both just continued to enjoy what was happening. Piper shifted in her seat, glancing towards the front door wondering when he would come back. She couldn’t make up her mind whether she wanted him to or not. “You should try to relax” Sally suggested, her hand brushing the back of Piper’s neck.

The girl closed her eyes, sighing from the gentle caress across her skin. She hesitantly turned back, looking at the attractive woman, her heart beating rapidly. She glanced down at Annabeth, who was looking up at her with a smirk as she stroked Sally’s folds. “You’ve done this before?” Piper asked, her voice shaking.

Sally sighed, looking down at the girl between her thighs. “Oh, not since before Percy” she said wistfully, stroking both girls affectionately. “Only once or twice, when I was young. I was quite the wild child once upon a time” she laughed. Both demigods smiled. They would’ve liked to see her in her wild years. She paused to let out a soft woman as Annabeth sucked on her clit gently. “Good girl. My son is a lucky boy” she smiled proudly.

Annabeth became energized under the praise, her pace increasing bringing much more pleasure to her boyfriends mother. Piper, meanwhile, looked at the woman worried. “Are you sure this is okay? Because you’re married and…”

“Hush” Sally whispered, her hand reaching down to squeeze Piper’s thigh. “Don’t worry about me. My marriage will be fine.” Her eyes met the concerned brunette, affectionately stroking her cheek. “It’s sweet of you to worry” she smiled. “You’re a wonderful person, and a good friend to my son. Percy speaks very highly of you.”

Piper looked at her in surprise. “Percy talked about me?” She suddenly blushed, wondering what he told her.

Sally leaned closer, whispering in her ear “I know about your living arrangement, how close the three of you are.” Piper turned pale swallowing a gulp, her cheeks blushing bright red. “I think it’s admirable, my son taking care of you the way he did. And I know you take care of him too” she said, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Piper exhaled as Sally’s lips connected along her jaw. “We take care of each other” she replied, her hand reaching out to squeeze Annabeth’s too. “All of us.”

“I know” Sally smiled, turning her head towards her face so their lips could meet in the middle. “If Percy believes you should be part of our family, I’d be delighted” she said.

Piper melted into Sally’s welcoming embrace. She already felt like part of the family, but the love and attention was a wonderful bonus. A small part of her found the situation ironic though. Girlfriend and mistress hooking up with the boyfriends mother? You can tell we’re children of Greek gods can’t you! Annabeth looked up delighted to see the demigod willfully submitting to Sally Jackson’s advances and making out with the milf, the threesome well and truly underway. And to celebrate the daughter of Athena brought Sally to a satisfying climax making the woman swoon against the sofa cumming with a moan. Annabeth lapped up the juices while Piper kissed the woman’s neck, guiding her back to reality after her orgasm where she was greeted by the two young women and their lips.

“Oh my, I forgot how different that felt when done by an attractive young woman” Sally beamed, pulling her blonde lover into a steamy kiss as thanks. Annabeth smiled proudly before leaning over to make out with her best friend in front of the woman, sharing the taste on her tongue. Sally ran her hands over the pair of them, enjoying the feel of their young bodies in her hands. “Sit by me” she said, patting either side of her. The two of them sat down, following her gentle suggestion to remove their clothes. Piper and Annabeth shared a look, wondering if she had charm-speak given how quickly they both obeyed her wishes. They shuffled up to the older woman as she put her arms around them, pulling them closer until their bodies were nestled either side of her, and her hands were able to reach between their pretty legs. “Let’s see if I remember how to do this” she muttered as her fingers reached down to rub both their pussies at the same time.

Both Piper and Annabeth gasped as they were caressed between their thighs, their heads falling against Sally’s shoulders releasing a moan. If she was two decades out of practice, she had some brilliant muscle memory. Her fingers moved with the skill of an expert, an artist, something that even put Piper’s talents to shame. “Wow” Piper marveled, squirming in her seat rocking her hips into Sally’s palm. “That feels really good” she moaned.

“No longer finding this weird?” Annabeth teased, looking across the woman’s breasts at her friend panting in heat. Piper shot her a look before closing her eyes and focusing on her pleasure. Annabeth did the same, clinging onto Sally’s arm as her fingers curled inside her.

Sally looked down at her two adorable girls as the squirmed in their seats, their hips buckling into her hands whenever she moved her fingers deeper into their pussies. They looked so hot, their naked bodies soft and delicate as they rubbed against her mature frame, their hands clawing at her thighs or stomach, her arms, the sofa for support. At one staged their hands touched and they held hands while she fingered them both. They were so cute when they looked at each other, their eyes glancing up to meet hers sparkling with arousal. She could see why her son adores them, because she adores them too. She would be happy to consider them part of the family. But first, she needed to make them feel good, feel loved, feel adored.

Thankfully her muscle memory helped her remember how to please a girl, or two. Her fingers moved in and out of their holes, rubbing their clits using two, three at a time. She listened to their breathing becoming labored, their pulses becoming rapid, their bodies shaking. She could tell they were getting close, very close. “Oh fuck! You are good” Annabeth sighed, reaching up to touch Sally’s cheek looking at her face. “So good” she panted.

Sally grinned, kissing the top of her head. “I’m glad” she whispered, kissing her lips when she tilted her head back. She continued to finger her until she climaxed, watching her shudder and moan as she writhed against her, cumming loudly into her palm. Piper was more controlled, but no less vocal as she hummed submitting to the orgasm that shook her core, her thighs clamping together trapping her hand inside her. Sally eased her through the climax, whispering soft encouragement until the girl relaxed and melted into her embrace. “Good girl” she said, bringing her soaking fingers up to the brunettes face so she could see her discharge. The girl giggled when the woman playfully coated her nose with it, looking up at her in awe and adoration. Annabeth shared the same look as she took her other hand and sucked her fingers clean, licking up her fluids like a kitten.

“That was amazing” Piper panted, turning in her seat to shuffle closer to the older woman, thanking her with a affectionate kiss to her cheek. “I don’t think I’ve felt so comfortable in someone else’s arms like that” she said. She caught Annabeth’s eye prompting her to add “apart from Annie, and Percy. And maybe Jason, once.”

“You are quite welcome” she replied, pulling the girl in for a passionate kiss as her young boobs pressed against her.

Annabeth eagerly mirrored her friend on the opposite side, kissing Sally’s neck until she turned to make out with her too. The two of them rubbed themselves against her, their hands roaming over her chest and thighs before their lips all met each other, a brief three way kiss leading to the two demigods locking eyes. “I feel like we need to reward you Mrs Jackson” Annabeth said, glancing down below where they coaxed her legs part revealing her pussy once more.

With a nod from Piper they both began pleasuring her womanhood, watching the older woman sigh and moan to their touch. “You deserve a reward for being such a good mom to Percy” Piper agreed, leaning down to kiss her breast wrapping her lips around her large nipple. Annabeth did the same to the other while they fingered her pussy intimately.

Sally felt very rewarded as they teamed up to make her feel like a woman, arching her back against the sofa presenting her bountiful mounds to them both. They got her to cum quickly, but encouraged them to continue stroking their hair and shoulders. They thrust their fingers deeper while they sucked her tits, which they discovered, thanks to her motherly attributes, would lactate from her arousal. The two young girls soon became addicted to her breast milk and began sucking on them making her moan even louder and tremble even harder.

“I’m home!” Percy called, finally returning from his errand through the front door. His arrival went unnoticed as he removed his shoes. He didn’t hear the noises coming from the living room until he’d removed his coat, drawing him towards the distracted and oblivious group of women on the couch. He walked in and froze when she found his mom half naked an moaning while his girlfriend and flatmate fucked her into a delirious state.

He dropped the bag he was carrying abruptly, the thud catching their attention as Annabeth and Piper glanced apologetically to him before resuming their intoxicating affair. His mother looked up, saw him, and calming told her son “we’ll be with you in one moment honey. Mommy needs a moment with her future daughter-in-law.”

Percy nodded mutely, slowing backing away from the horrifying sight, wondering what the best method to gouge his eyes out would be.

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