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Welcome to the Jackson’s: The Daughter of Athena (Part 1)

This wasn’t going to be a two-parter, but I’m going on holiday for a week and thought this would make a nice cliff-hanger. With luck I’ll have part 2 by the time I get back, along with a refreshed mind and spirit.


Annabeth came home and found them in her bedroom. She was caught off guard when she opened the door and found Percy and Reyna on the bed in their underwear. She thought Reyna had left by now after Piper had solved their post-hypnotic situation, but she guess she was wrong. “Sorry, I thought…Percy texted me to come home” she said, looking at them in confusion. It didn’t appear she had interrupted anything (yet). They had just been talking, maybe making out. She looked at Percy asking “should I wait outside or…”

“No, we were waiting for you” Reyna smiled, rising from the bed to walk over and close the door. Annabeth stood awkwardly, looking between them wondering what was going on. “We thought it was time for you to come out of your shell” she explained.

“What are you talking about?” Annabeth asked in confusion.

She looked to Percy but it was Reyna who answered. “I want you and Percy to be happy, and it’s clear your not. You’re still holding onto this shame and guilt about what happened when you had Piper’s Charm-speak and it’s keeping you from getting back to normal.”

Annabeth stepped back defensively, looking at Percy who averted his eyes uncomfortably. “We’re fine. I’m fine” she insisted, her cheeks flushing red as she became uncomfortable.

She turned to Percy, her face demanding an answer. “We haven’t been the same since we…since then. I know you’re trying but it’s like there’s a part of you pulling away, holding back, keeping yourself at arms length.”

Annabeth closed her eyes and sighed. She knew he was right but she was getting tired of everyone reminding her about it. She was being cautious, considerate, less of a control freak. “I don’t want to hurt you again” she whispered. “And I thought it was…” she shook her head, unable to say what she was thinking.

Reyna knew what she wanted to say, had already coaxed it out of her in New Rome. “When we talked, you said you thought you deserved to be punished for what you did. That seeing me and Percy together was your punishment.” Percy looked at her and she averted her gaze, crossing her arms defensively. Reyna nodded, deciding “okay, if that’s what you want.” Reyna walked over and pulled out a chair, placing it in the middle of the bedroom facing the bed. “Sit down.”

“Why?” Annabeth asked.

“Because you are going to sit here and watch me and Percy have sex” she said.

Annabeth stared at the chair and broke into a nervous laugh. “No I’m not” she said, immediately turning around to walk out of the door. Reyna strode after her, catching her before she could open the door, spinning her around and slamming her against it. “What the fuck!” She cried as the Roman demigod suddenly pinned her to the door and held her there.

“What are you going to do? Ask me nicely to stop?” Reyna asked. Annabeth went to move but Reyna shoved her back, holding her arms at her sides, her face inches from hers. Percy stayed where he was, as Reyna had instructed when they come up with this. “Come on Annabeth. What are you going to do?” Reyna asked tauntingly.

Annabeth stared at the half naked woman, breathing nervously as she was held against her will. She knew she should just break out of her grip and leave, but her stern gaze made her hesitate. That hesitation gave the girl the opening to lean in and kiss her aggressively, their lips coming together hard. “What are you doing?” Annabeth gasped.

“I’m taking what I want” Reyna smirked, her eyes raking over Annabeth’s attractive figure. “See, as Praetor of New Rome, I’ve learnt to embrace my own power and accept it for who I am. And I am a young, powerful, badass lioness who can have any demigod she chooses so long as I’m brave enough to claim it.” She leant in, running her tongue along Annabeth’s law up to her earlobe where she bit her, marking her and making the girl wince. “Todays safe word is watermelon” she whispered, fixing her powerful gaze on the blonde girl. She could feel her tensing under her grip, the urge to fight itching beneath the surface. “You want me to let you go?” She asked. She nodded. “Then make me. Break out of this hold and stop me. Unleash your lioness, the one that made every man and woman who stepped into your den yours.”

Annabeth shivered as Reyna taunted her, teased, riling her up trying to make her snap. She realized what she was doing. She was trying to make her angry, work her into a state, draw out the part of her that got so intoxicated with Piper’s charm-speak she lost control. She felt it, that dark part of her, the part that got off on controlling her friends, her family, the people she loved. She locked eyes on the woman holding her and imagined all the ways she could break her, fuck her, dominate her. This was her home, her bedroom, it was her den!

Almost as soon as the aggression came it faded again. “I can’t” Annabeth whispered, closing her eyes as shame replaced her aggression.

Reyna held her stare, hiding her disappointment behind a veil of pride. “Weak” she forced herself to say, knowing it’d get a reaction. “So be it” she said, stepping back and dragging the young woman with her. She brought her across the bedroom and threw her into the chair, standing over her confidently nodding to her partner in crime. Percy climbed off the bed, looking at Annabeth apologetically reaching into a box where she kept her toys.

Annabeth gulped as he reached inside, unable to leave the chair because Reyna held her down sitting on her lap. “What are you going to do?” Annabeth asked worriedly.

“Nothing…to you” Reyna answered, waiting for him to come join them carrying a length of silk with him. She smirked at the blonde, imaging all the ways she used her little Fifty Shades of Grey kit on her boyfriend. She beckoned him over and wordlessly ordered him to tie her wrists behind her back, looping her arms around the chair trapping her there. “You recall what happens when the alpha lion of a pride is found to be weak” Reyna said, gazing into Annabeth’s grey eyes as she wrapped her arms around her neck. “Sooner or later another lion comes along and challenges the alpha for their place. The alpha has only two choices, to give up and relinquish their place in the pride or fight for it.”

“What’s that got to do with you tying me to a chair?” Annabeth asked as Percy tightened the silk around her wrists.

“Simple” Reyna smiled, running her hands over her shoulders, stroking her face in a suggestive manner. “I am going to lay claim to your pride, starting with your boyfriend in your bed. And you are going to watch. Of course, as demigods we are stronger than the average mortal so you could break out of that silk if you wanted to. But if you are not willing to fight for your pride Annabeth, then someone else will claim it” she said, staring her down, daring her to challenge her.

Annabeth stared back, taken aback by this. She looked up and saw Percy come around to look at her, conflicted as his arm was grasped by Reyna, who swept in and made a show of kissing him in front of Annabeth. She’s trying to rile me up Annabeth told herself, her heart aching as Percy kissed her back. She pulled at her restraints. They were tight to the chair. She couldn’t move. Reyna locked eyes with her, taunting her, challenging her. Annabeth felt the desire to put her in her place, but against she forced it down. She didn’t want to be that person. She wanted to be better than that. “Please” she whimpered, staring pleadingly to her boyfriend.

After a minute Reyna smirked mockingly, pulling Percy with her back to the bed, drawing his gaze from his girlfriend. “You deserve a woman willing to fight for you” Reyna said, bringing him into her arms kissing him passionately.

Percy hesitated for a moment before closing his eyes and deepening the kiss. He heard Annabeth gasp from her chair but Reyna urged him to ignore her, pulling him onto the bed. “I don’t want to upset her” Percy whispered in concern.

Reyna hushed him, making sure Annabeth couldn’t hear them as she told him “we want her upset. You know Annabeth, taking control away from her is going to drive her crazy. And she’s prideful, so we need her upset. We need her angry. It’s the only way she’ll regain what she’s denying herself. Trust me” she promised. Percy had his doubts when they came up with this scheme, but he nodded and agreed to play along. “We’d better make it look good” she added, shoving him onto the mattress climbing on top of him, putting on an irresistible show.

The logic part of her knew this was an act, it had to be, but the emotional part just saw everything she feared coming to pass. Percy could do so much better than you her guilt whispered, causing her heart to ache the longer she was forced to stay and watch him make love to the gorgeous Roman demigoddess. Underwear was discarded piece by piece, each one falling to the floor punching her in the gut. Annabeth closed her eyes, looked away, but she had to listen to them moan and giggle and kiss as their bodies slapped together. She tugged on her bindings, swallowing back a pitiful whine knowing how pathetic it would make her sound. “I’m going to lay claim to your pride.” What pride do you have left? Look at yourself, whimpering in a chair. Look at her!

She reluctantly opened her eyes to see Reyna had moved to Percy’s lap, her mouth wrapped eagerly around his cock sucking him noisily. Percy was moaning, his hand in her hair weaving his fingers through it, enjoying it very much. Its an act she told herself.

She’s a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go for it her inner voice growled. You used to be like her.

I don’t want to be.

Yes you do and that’s what scares you! But continue lying to yourself if that’s what you want.

Reyna released his cock with a pop, purring as she felt his nails dig into her scalp and shove her back down onto his cock. He used both hands to shove her face first onto his dick, fucking her face roughly. She sucked him harder, her own claws digging into his thighs promising to return the favor. Annabeth rubbed her knees together, fighting the growing unease between her legs, wishing it was her sucking his cock. He’s never that rough with me she thought.

He thought that part of him scared you, like in Tartarus.

Annabeth recalled the shockingly powerful version of Percy in the fiery pits, controlling the poison and scaring away those monsters. She had never seen such rage before and begged him not to do it again. Perhaps he’d been holding a part of himself back too. I never meant to…we all have part of ourselves we’re not proud of.

It’s what makes us who we are her little voice told her, echoing what Reyna had tried to tell her. She averted her gaze as Reyna mounted her boyfriend, the two of them humping one another rhythmically like it was natural. A week of practice and they were practically in sync. You used to be like that.

We still are…aren’t we?

Are you?

Reyna looked over her shoulder, delighted to see Annabeth was visibly uncomfortable. She climbed off abruptly and had Percy shift positions, this time on her hands and knees facing the blonde. She fixed her eyes on her as Percy entered her from behind, pounding her roughly. “Oh yes Percy, you know how to make a woman feel good” she screamed, rocking her hips against him grinding his dick.

He fucked her harder, occasionally looking up to see Annabeth squirming in the chair, their eyes meeting briefly. He could see the desperation, the conflict, the pain of seeing her with another woman. But he glimpsed something in her eyes, the grey turning stormy, a hint of the old Annabeth, the woman he fell in love with. Shit, could this actually be working?

Reyna certainly thought so. She stared at Annabeth intently, taunting her with a prideful smirk, twisting around to pull Percy into a powerful kiss that made the boy’s toes curl. Annabeth forced herself to watch, her guilt claiming it was a punishment. But Reyna glimpsed a flash of a snarl in her mouth before vanished again. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like seeing Percy with someone else?” Reyna asked, rubbing her back against his chest provocatively. Annabeth whined in her chair, a mix of pity and desperation. Reyna patted Percy’s hot ass and left him briefly to saunter towards the girl. Along the way she scooped up her discarded underwear, rolling them into a ball in her hands. “If you were strong enough, you could come up and reclaim him” she said mockingly. “But you’re not. You’re weak. So week I had him for seven whole days where you did nothing to stop it. Maybe you’re right…he doesn’t deserve you” she said, taking hold of Annabeth’s jaw and stuffing the underwear into her mouth. Annabeth’s widened and Percy gasped, but Reyna held her gaze staring at her. “Since you have nothing to say, you don’t have to say anymore. You had your chance and you blew it. He’s mine now” she said, grazing her teeth over the bridge of her nose in a sigh of pure dominance.

Annabeth stared back, silent and unmoving, watching Reyna saunter back to the young man pulling him into another kiss. “You’re starting to go a little too far” he whispered cautiously.

Reyna found it adorable how he’s still willing to stick up for her. “Trust me. I’m sure I pushed the right buttons” she replied, taking him back onto the bed to ride him again, flashing a smug smile over her shoulder at the glaring young woman powerless to stop her.

It’s still an act she told herself. But even as she thought that her nostrils flared as the prideful part of her growled she’s mocking you. Percy is not hers to have, he’s yours! Her fingers curled into fists and she tugged on the silk binding a little harder, the fabric straining against her wrists. She could feel the fire in the pit of her stomach riding, her whines becoming growls in her throat, muffled by the gag in her mouth. The disgusting, filthy gag. Who the fuck does she think she is.

Stop! This isn’t who I am. It’s not who I want to be!

And who do you want to be? The girl who sits quietly on the side while some slut fucks your boyfriend in front of you? Who is too afraid to even say a harsh word because she got a little carried away with her own family?

I hurt people.

Yes, but does that make you a bad person? Can you not learn and grow? This isn’t growing, this is hiding. You are hiding who you really are. Look at her! Her voice screamed. She is who you are meant to be! Confident, self assured with herself, powerful, smart, someone who isn’t afraid to take control. The only person keeping you from being you is yourself.

I can’t…she thought, closing her eyes, her knuckles turning white as her thoughts churned between her passion and her guilt. Memories of her mistakes flashed through her mind, along with the words of encouragement from her friends, from Percy, from Piper, from Reyna and everyone she apologized to. She had made amends and learnt her lesson. The only one left to convince is yourself.

Now who do you want to be? Weak? Or Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena!

Her mind broke as she mentally screamed at herself, biting onto her gag doubling over in the chair, the silk snapping as her hands ripped it apart. She toppled forward and caught herself, spitting out the gag heaving for breath. The two lovers on the bed didn’t notice, too engrossed in their affair. Annabeth’s blonde hair fell over her face as she looked up, her stormy grey eyes narrowing as her lips twisted into a snarl.

To be continued...

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