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Welcome to the Jackson's: Thalia's Sleepover

The movie had been Thalia’s pick, as she was their guest for the weekend. As a result the four of them sat in their pajamas in the living room around the large smart TV huddled together watching a horror movie in the dark. Piper and Thalia sat together on the comfortable sofa sharing a bowl of popcorn, curled up on the sofa dressed in their pajama bottoms and T-shirts. Thalia had brought her own change of clothes, but her sleeping attire was limited due to the hunters of Artemis mostly sleeping in their uniforms or nude. Piper lent her one of her spare T-shirt’s, which she wore over her silver panties while Piper wore her pink bottoms and blue T-Shirt. On the floor in front of the armchair Percy was in a pair of blue boxer shorts and a blue T-Shirt, his camp half-blood necklace around his neck. Next to him Annabeth snuggled against his body in her grey nightie, a pair of purple panties glimpsed under the fabric.

They all watched the horror movie, but none of them got remotely scared at the violent imagery. Growing up fighting real monsters fighting real battles left them a little desensitized to Hollywood monsters. As a result very few of them flinched when the huge man in a hockey mask started stalking his victims through a summer camp. “Still not as scary as the original” Thalia sighed, popping some snacks into her mouth.

Piper chuckled, looking at the daughter of Zeus asking her “how long can you stay?”

“Not as long as I’d love to” she replied, looking around at the the three of them. “You’ve made a really nice home” she said.

“You’re welcome anytime Thal” Annabeth said. Percy and Piper nodded in agreement.

“I meant to ask” Percy said, looking at Thalia awkwardly as he asked the huntress “did you get in trouble with Artemis over…you know, what happened at our last place?”

Thalia’s cheeks turned red as she glanced at Piper, who was also blushing while stifling a giggle. She knew what he was referring to, the rather creative orgy she took part in with the three of them. While she never technically had sex with any of them, which would’ve broken her vows to Artemis, Piper and Percy had given her quite the intimate experience thanks to some manipulation of the mist. “I don’t think so” she replied, brushing a strand of black hair behind her ear. I’m still a hunter, so I think we got away with it.”

“I’m glad” Piper smiled, putting her hand on her knee squeezing it. Thalia gave her a sheepish smile, recalling how she risked it all further by thanking the demigod with a kiss. She hadn’t spoken to Artemis about it and the goddess hadn’t brought it up, so it was possible she was unaware about that evening.

“I’m just sorry I wasn’t a part of it” Annabeth grumbled. She and Rachel had been unconscious during that part of the evening, fucked into a coma from Percy’s water powers. Percy had told her all about it the morning after. She was happy her boyfriend was able to make Thalia happy, even if it was just by proxy.

They continued the movie until the mindless violence was interrupted by a rather saucy sex scene, which made Percy sit up a little and pay attention. Annabeth noticed the bulge growing in his boxers and the girl on TV got her tits out, a smile tugging at her lips as she reached over to cup his groin with her palm. The boy inhaled looking sheepishly at his girlfriend. “She’s very attractive, isn’t she?” She asked teasingly, accidentally slipping some charm-speak into her voice.

“Yes, she is” Percy admitted before catching himself and turning bright red. Annabeth laughed kissing his adorable cheek. She sat back, rubbing his crotch until the man on the TV also took his kit off. Percy sensed her breathing hitch and decided to return the favor, reaching down to palm between her thighs asking her “you find that man sexy, don’t you?

Annabeth saw the gambit coming, but couldn’t stop herself from answering his question confessing “fuck, yes, he’s really hot!” She looked at Percy red faced as he shook his head, hugging her against him with his hand rubbing her underwear while she squeezed his groin. On the sofa, Thalia and Piper watched them breaking into giggles, which made both the demigods blush from embarrassment. “It’s not that I don’t think Percy isn’t sexy…” Annabeth blurted, her flustered voice stammering trying to explain.

“Piper told me about the statue her mom gave her” Thalia interrupted, indicating she knows what it does.

Annabeth and Percy blinked in surprise, looking to their friend who defensively explained “I didn’t want either of you taking advantage of Thalia while she was here.”

“We wouldn’t dream of it” Annabeth scoffed.

Wouldn’t you?” Piper asked pointedly.

Her jaw clenched as she was forced to admit “okay, I might have.”

Percy laughed shaking his head again. “That’s what happens when you give my girlfriend more power than she should have” he joked.

Said girlfriend scolded him with a look sharply suggesting “punch yourself in the dick.” He did exactly that, hitting himself hard enough to make the others wince in sympathy until he apologized. Annabeth nodded, satisfied with her punishment before returning to the movie where their sexy Actor and Actress proceeded to have hot steamy sex. After a minute she glanced down and saw Percy still nursing his groin, taking pity asking him “do you want me to kiss it better?”

He looked at her pathetically, impulsively nodding. She adjusted her seat and pulled his boxers down, pulling out his bruised cock and gently rubbing it with her hand. She leant down to kiss it better, her lips pecking along his tip and shaft apologetically.

Thalia got distracted from the sex scene in the movie to the real life porn scene playing out in front of her. Piper tore her eyes away from the hot naked man and woman getting it on to see her best friend about to give her boyfriend a blowjob. She rolled her eyes. “Annie! Do you have to do that now? We have guests!”

Annabeth glanced over her shoulder to Thalia, calmly stating “Thalia doesn’t mind.”

“I don’t mind” Thalia echoed. Piper saw through it and glared at the blonde girl. Thalia, however, shook the effect off and repeated “I really don’t mind.”

Piper looked at her, seeing her eyes transfixed on Percy’s cock as Annabeth wrapped her lips around it. “Are you sure?” She asked her, receiving an affirmative nod in response. She sat back and let her friends have their fun, watching Thalia watch them noting the way she was staring, feeling the jealously from the huntress. “You wish you could do that, don’t you” she whispered. Thalia blushed, nodding a little as she watched Annabeth suck Percy’s cock, wishing she was in her place. Piper squeezed her hand comfortingly, sensing her feelings. “We should keep watching the movie” she suggested. Thalia was happy to comply as her gaze pried away from one sex scene to another.

Percy was finding it difficult to focus on the movie with Annabeth sucking his cock, which more than made up for making him punch himself in the dick. He leant back against the armchair enjoying himself until she stopped, lifting her head trailing saliva from her lips. “Feeling better?” She asked him.

He groaned uncomfortably. “I think it made it worse” he whimpered.

She played the concerned girlfriend, stroking his cheek gently while her other hand pushed her panties to the side rubbing herself under her nightgown. “What if I sat on it? Would that help?” She asked quietly. He nodded, putting his snack bowl to the side making room for the blonde girl to climb onto his lap and insert his painful dick into her entrance. They both sighed as she made herself comfortable, wrapping his arms around her waist resting on his shoulder so they could both watch the movie and have sex at the same time.

It became difficult for Thalia to keep focused on the movie and it’s steamy sex scene now that Annabeth was bouncing on Percy’s lap. Her eyes kept stealing glances as they made love so openly, uncaring that they were being watched. To them they were among friends. Thalia was drawn to them, her core aching between her thighs as thoughts and desires raced through her mind only to be shunted with the knowledge they were out of her reach.

Piper saw her expression and sensed her envy, watching her two roommates fool around so brazenly unaware of how awkward things were getting. She took Thalia’s hand in hers, interlinking their fingers squeezing it comfortingly. Thalia took a breath, forcing herself to look away and focus on the movie, the popcorn bowl on her lap. The man in the hockey mask appeared on screen watching the horny couple having sex, their rising moans masking Annabeth’s pants as she rode Percy steadily. Piper saw Thalia shift uncomfortably in her seat, her arousal evident but not willing to relieve herself. Piper wanted to reach over to ease her tension, but she knew that wouldn’t be allowed. So she enacted her loophole, summoning a power she learnt from her siblings and using it with Thalia again. Her powers linked their emotions and sensations, mirroring what she felt to the person she was in physical contact with. With one hand she held onto Thalia’s. With the other she slipped into her pajama bottoms and rubbed her clit, watching Thalia as she gasped in surprise turning to Piper gratefully. Piper used her power to finger herself and bring Thalia to a silent much needed orgasm without violating her vows. They came moments before the man in the hockey mask claimed is next victim.

Annabeth, meanwhile, found herself climaxing after the brutal murder, leading to a slightly awkward glance with her boyfriend. “I’m starting to think you have a thing for men in hockey masks” Percy joked.

“You are not dressing up like that for Halloween” Annabeth told him, grinding her ass against his lap. “But maybe you could put that machete somewhere that will make me scream” she added in a sultry voice, kissing him passionately.

Before their love making could get more r-rated Piper finally decided to speak up. “Wouldn’t you two be better continuing this in your room?” She asked them.

They both froze turning to her, almost forgetting the two demigods were there. They answered in unison, getting an awkward look when Percy agreed “yes” but Annabeth declared “no.”

“If you’re not watching the movie, take it to the bedroom” Piper said, blasting her charm-speak to spare Thalia any more awkwardness.

Compelled to follow her suggestion, the two love birds climbed to their feet and dragged themselves out of the living room, muttering a halfhearted apology before leaping back into each other’s arms and slamming the door behind them.

Piper let out an exhasberated sigh as she slumped back in the sofa, apologizing to her guest about her roommates. “I swear Aphrodite added some kind of lust enchantment to that statue along with the charm-speak. It’s like they want sex all the time.”

“Maybe they just love each other” Thalia remarked. The brunette sighed, acknowledging the possibility. They continued watching the film, but their hearts weren’t in seeing a camp full of people getting murdered anymore. “It’s nice to see them happy” Thalia muttered, looking to the closed bedroom imagining what they were up to.

Piper looked at her, awkwardly shifting in her seat before asking “do you have the hots for Percy?”

Thalia blinked, staring at the daughter of Aphrodite in alarm. She was about to blow the idea off, but realize Piper would know she was lying. “A little” she admitted, flushing red from embarrassment as she looked to the bedroom hoping he didn’t overhear her. “I’m not jealous, it’s just…I blew my first time on the Stoll brothers. Looking back I wish it was him. I wish I could get one night with him” she sighed. As an afterthought she squeezed Pipers arm. “I appreciate everything you did to try an help” she said, referring to the flat warming party and just now.

“I wish I could help more” Piper said sadly.

Thalia shook her head. “Want I would really love is a chance to have sex properly again” she confessed.

“There’s no way for Hunters of Artemis to have sex?” Piper asked curiously.

“There are ways, I’m told” she explained. “Hunters used to wait until a full moon before they got to indulge themselves on men, or women, for one night. I think the practice died out. Instead we have to settle for masturbation. It gets dull after a few months.”

Piper groaned in sympathy. Thalia deserved a night off. Unfortunately she couldn’t offer anything better, not if she couldn’t have sex with a living person. A lightbulb suddenly went off and she switched the movie off. “I have an idea, come with me” she grinned, leaping off the sofa pulling Thalia with her by the hand.


Piper never ceased to amaze Thalia as she lead the young huntress into her bedroom and introduced her to Stuffy, her favorite toy. It was a large stuffed white bear, a third the young woman’s size, the type of bear you’d win at a carnival game. Piper told her they had been a gift from Jason back when they were dating. Thalia wondered why, given how they broke up, Piper chose to keep the bear. But then the brunette showed her how she liked to play with Stuffy as she understood very quickly. Piper liked to give Stuffy her strap on penis so she could ride him. Thalia stared with her wide electric blue eyes as Piper prepared her bear and presented him to her.

“This was a gift from Jason?” Thalia asked curiously.

“Once” she shrugged, fiddling with the toy. She caught her friends raised eyebrow and asked “what?”

“Nothing” she laughed, wondering if Piper thought of her brother when she was riding this bear and it’s plastic cock. She looked at the adorable big bear and it’s huge stiff cock and blushed. “It’s…a little weird” she admitted.

Piper blushed even redder. “I know. Not even Annabeth or a Percy know what I do with Stuffy” she confessed awkwardly.

“So why are you telling me?”

She blushed again, sitting Stuffy against the pillows propping him up telling her “I figured you could…play with him.” Thalia looked at her oddly until she explained “I just thought if you can’t, you know, have sex with real people then you could try something else. Get creative, so to speak. It’s basically just masturbating with a dildo. A dildo attached to something you can hold onto, hug, squeeze…something you can pretend with” she said. She looked away bashfully, feeling really awkward about explaining one of her more private kinks. She’d kind of gotten attached to Stuffy since she started using him as a sex toy.

Thalia looked at the bear staring blankly back at them, a childish grin rising on her face the longer she stared at it. She turned back to the blushing demigod and kissed her cheek. “I think it’s adorable” she said. “And sweet” she added with a blush. Piper always seemed to be trying to find ways of making Thalia’s life more interesting, finding loopholes to her vows. Having sex with a stuffed bear wouldn’t be breaking any of them. And it sounded fun. “Are you sure it’d be okay?” She asked her. “It wouldn’t be weird sharing your favorite toy?”

Piper turned back to the daughter of Zeus. “I want to. I want you to have fun and feel good” she told her, taking her hand and leaded her along the bed to introduce her bear to her. She pulled him down the mattress so he was laying on his back, the cock pointed up in the air. “If it helps, just pretend it’s Percy’s cock you’re riding” she whispered in her ear as she guided the raven haired girl onto Stuffy’s lap.

Thalia giggled as she positioned herself over the plastic cock, looking down between her breasts at the bear beneath her. She was positioned in the reverse cowgirl position so she saw two white stuffs legs poking out between her thighs. She laughed at how weird and childish this was. But it didn’t stop her excitement as she rubbed her lips against the cock teasing her entrance. Piper reached down and kept the dildo still so she could lower herself down and carefully swallow the toy, gasping as it filled her entrance stretching her wider than she’d done before. It occurred to her this might be the first cock she’d put inside her body since she became a hunter. Fake or no it felt really good, even if she could only get it halfway down.

“You okay?” Piper asked, stroking her shoulder as she watched the girl tremble on the bed. She nodded in reply, taking deep slow breaths as she began rising and falling slowly, her hands on Stuffy’s knees, her eyes closed. She took Piper’s suggestion and used her imagination, her loins growing wetter summoning Percy’s naked body to mind. She moaned as her pussy slid further down, almost touching the base. “What are you thinking about?” Piper asked quietly, her sultry voice laced with Charm-speak.

“Percy” she confessed between moans, bouncing on the cock thrusting between her thighs. “I’m thinking about Percy and his big cock” she said. She could hear Piper giggling nearby. She opened her eyes and found her reclining on the bed, her fingers brushing against her clit, playing with herself while watching Thalia hop on her stuffed bear. The huntress burst into giggles, feeling like a horny teenager as she jumped up and down stuffing herself with the plastic penis fantasizing about a boy. “Oh wow” she moaned, leaning back a little putting her hands on the bear beneath her to rock her hips faster, grinding that cock inside her. This was the closest she got to having sex with a guy in years and it felt amazing. If only I could do this with Percy she thought.

Stuffy proved a worthy stand in as she climaxed after a few minutes, her moans filling the bedroom as she shuddered and shook, catching herself before she could collapse. She panted heavily brushing the black hair out of her eyes, looking down at the bear convinced it had a smug expression on its face. Her eyes lifted to Piper and they both broke into giggles. “He’s quite talented isn’t he?” Piper joked.

Thalia climbed off the bear and slumped onto the bed. He legs felt wobbly so he must’ve been. “First time I’ve had sex with a stuffed animal” Thalia laughed, falling against the pillows wiping her brow.

“Do you mind if I take a turn?” Piper asked. Watching Thalia had gotten her all wet and horny.

“Go ahead” she grinned, sitting up eager to see Piper play with Stuffy.

Piper shuffled forward excitedly, her eyes fixed on the glistening cock waiting for her petruding from her teddy bear. Thalia had gotten off so quickly after her orgasm she failed to notice how much of her juices she’d coated it in. She realized it soon enough as the first thing she saw Piper do was run her tongue all over the cock and suck them up, her loins getting wetter as her turns turned red. Piper flashed her eyes at her while she did, tasting the girl on her toy. A taste that made her nipples stiffen. That is so hot Thalia thought as she stared at the brunette. Piper finished cleaning it with her tongue and rose up to her knees. She had an idea and patted the space in the middle of the bed against the pillow. “Sit here” she suggested.

Thalia shuffled over and took up a position against the pillows, following Pipers instructions until she was comfortable. Piper brought her bear up and placed it between her legs, it’s head using her stomach as a pillow. Thalia bit her bottom lip as she witnessed Piper mount it, their bodies close enough together to smell each other’s sweat and shampoo. Piper was careful never to put her hands on the young woman, only either the bear or the bed as she straddled Stuffy and inserted the thick penis into herself. Her sigh was musical and got the huntress very aroused. Unfortunately, which where the bear was she couldn’t touch herself now. But when Piper began rocking on the cock, the bear rocked with her and suddenly it’s fur brushed her sex in a way that made her gasp in surprise and moan in relief. Piper rocked her hips a bit more, leaning forward placing her hands on the pillows either side of her, her face drifting closer as her kaleidoscope eyes became fixed on the daughter of Zeus. “What are you doing?” Thalia asked breathlessly, looking at the expression on her face.

“Using my imagination” she smirked. Thalia’s blush became a deep red. She was flattered, aroused, but not uncomfortable. She was glad the girl felt she deserved to be fantasized about. And with how close the two of them were, with only Stuffy between them, it was the closest they came to genuinely having sex with each other. Thalia held her gaze as she bounced on the fake cock, her clit stimulated by the fur brushing against it with each thrust. Pipers pants became moans, joining Thalia’s sighs as she stroked the teddy bear absently. Piper drifted a little closer when she felt the climax approaching, gazing into Thalia’s eyes hoping she could, in some way, sense the affection she had for her. See the desire she felt as she brushed nose to nose with her humping Stuffy madly, wishing it was her. She knew about the kiss Thalia stole that night at the old apartment, risking her vows to thank her for the experience. She wanted to return the favor, give her a kiss, show her how much she wished they could make love for real.

Thalia could sense it, her pupils dilating feeling the same, wishing the same wish. Her head tilted forward and their lips came so close, so close to meeting. Her vows and their friendship kept them from kissing, from risking Artemis’s wrath. But for a moment, they got to pretend. They got to pretend as they both orgasmed simultaneously, their moans mixing together in a euphoric melody that satisfied both girls yet left them wanting more.

Piper panted as she recovered, her arms aching as she kept them locked so she wouldn’t collapse onto Thalia. She opened her eyes and gazed into her beautiful face, finding a single tear slipping down her cheek. She reached out and gently caressed her face, wiping it away and staring into her glistening blue eyes. She stared back, swallowing hollowly. Piper climbed off Stuffy and lifted him up to present to the girl. “Here. You can keep him for as long as you stay” she said, giving him to her. As Thalia accepted it she also brushed her fingers through her dripping sex, taking a second to admire her own fluids before playfully rubbing it on Thalia’s nose and soft lips. “When you play with him, I hope you find room to think of me too” she whispered.

Thalia couldn’t find the words to thank her, silently licking her lips to taste her gift, closing her eyes to inhale her scent, her hands squeezing Stuffy against her as she sighed. There was no doubt the next sprite she and Stuffy played together she would be thinking of Piper. She opened her eyes and nervously asked her “is it okay if Stuffy and I sleep here tonight?” The smile Piper gave lifted her heart as she nodded happily.

The two of them climbed into the bed together, removing the strap on from Stuffy before pulling the covers over the three of them. The girls put the bear between their naked bodies, another little buffer. But as their heads hit the pillow and they snuggled against him equally, it didn’t stop their hands from reaching out over the toy to lace their fingers together. They shared an affectionate glance across the bed before settling down for the night together.

Thalia didn’t have much frame of reference, but she would have to call this the best sleepover ever.

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