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Welcome to the Jackson’s: Starting a New Year (Percy Jackson)

Annabeth waited in the kitchen, fiddling with her phone as her mind raced with thoughts. It vibrated in her hand and she answered the text instantly. It was Hazel, checking what time they could expect them. She hesitated before composing her answer. The taxi was scheduled to arrive in a few minutes, but she was no longer certain they would but using it.

Percy came out of their bedroom putting his jacket on, adjusting the tie hanging around his neck. He wasn’t a fan of these formal gatherings, but then what else could they expect when attending New Rome for the turn of the New Year. “Could you help me with this?” He asked her, buttoning up his collar.

“Hm” she mumbled, staring across the room like she didn’t hear him.

He walked over to her and touched her elbow to get her attention. “You’re hovering” he observed.

“I’m not hovering” she said, putting her phone down and turning to do up his tie for him.

“I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about” he said reassuringly.

She dropped the knot halfway through. “Why now? It’s been months since they last spoke. Why did he chose to come round now?”

“Maybe because they haven’t spoken in months” Percy guessed. “They had to see each other eventually. You must’ve noticed how weird it’s been.”

Annabeth had noticed. They all had. Noticed how they avoided certain places. Piper never visited New Rome. Jason rarely returned to Camp Half-Blood. It’s like they go out of their way to make sure they don’t see each other. It’s gotten to the point their friends had to schedule their hang outs around the pair of them. Leo in particular had been copping the most of it. Annabeth heard from Calypso he was finding it frustrating and exhausting. He was best friends with both of them and he was stuck in the middle. She also noticed how miserable Piper was whenever they weren’t there to distract her. Whenever Jason was mentioned, even in passing, she would get this look and it broke her heart. Annabeth wasn’t an empath, but she could read the pain of loneliness and longing clearing on the brunette’s face.

And now Jason was here. He showed up on their doorstep. Piper was the one who opened the door. She couldn’t imagine what was going through her mind. She invited him in after an awkward pause. It was even more awkward when he saw the two of them too. Percy exchanged some pleasantries with him, trying to keep the mood light. Annabeth gave him a nervous welcome. She was aware Jason knew about their living situation. She wasn’t sure how he’d take the news. He seemed to be okay with it, if the polite smile he gave her was any indications. Piper was quiet though, letting him say hello while she gathered herself in the hall. Their eyes would meet periodically and there was this tension, awkwardness and nerves rolled into one. Finally Jason asked if they could talk. She agreed, leading him into her room. They haven’t come out since.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine” Percy said again, pulling her out of her thoughts rubbing her shoulders. “Piper’s a big girl. She can handle herself.”

“This isn’t a fight with a Minotaur Percy” she said. She was worried. She pried her eyes away from the bedroom door and finished doing up his tie. Once that distraction was over she turned to her phone, texting Hazel they’ll try and get there when they could. “I just don’t want Piper to get hurt” she said.

Percy tilted his head and looked at his girlfriend. He could tell when something was on her mind. “There’s a chance they might be able to work it out though, right?” He said optimistically. He saw her stormy grey eyes flicker, losing their intensity indicating doubt or fear. “Or is that what you’re worried about? That they might get back together?” He whispered.

She looked at him in shock. How could he know? She looked into his sea green eyes and it finally dawned on her the thought crossed him mind too. Her gut tightened. She knew it was selfish of her, but she loved having her here with them. This was their home. She didn’t want things to change.

She continued to hover in the kitchen, staring at the bedroom door wondering which outcome she was really praying for out of this conversation?


Things had only gotten more awkward once the two of them were alone together. Jason did a little circuit around Piper’s room, silently admiring it while she stood by the door in her pajamas wrapping her arms around herself. He was wearing a leather jacket over a T-shirt and jeans. His blonde hair was cut shorter than when she last saw him, but his muscles had not diminished. If anything he seemed bulkier, like he’d been exercising more. Piper was glad. She was worried he might’ve fallen into some kind of depression after she broke his heart and stopped taking care of himself.

He paused at the spot where stuffy sat and smiled, the scar on his lip curling with his lip. “You kept it” he said.

She nodded. “I kept a lot a things. But I got rid of a lot of others” she added cryptically.

He nodded. “I stopped by the apartment. Renting it out was a smart call.”

“Couldn’t bring myself to sell it” she said. “Thought we should decide that together, at some point. Is that why you’re here?” She asked.

He turned back to her and shook his head. He hadn’t been able to met her eyes since he walked in. She hadn’t had the will to meet his once she saw him. “I thought it was time finally talked” he said nervously.

“Oh” she said, shifting more uncomfortably. “I guess we’d both been putting it off, huh” she whispered.

“We’ve both been giving each other space” he said, rather delicately.

Avoiding each other, more like she thought. “So how have you been?” She asked awkwardly. “I heard you and Reyna have been…”

He shifted uncomfortably, but nodded. “Yeah, she’s been a…a good friend. Frank and Hazel too. Leo keeps checking in every week” he added.

“Same here” she smiled. Leo is a good friend.

He glanced at her briefly before nodding to her door. “I heard you’d moved in with Percy and Annabeth. What’s that like?”

“Good. I’m happy here” she said, bracing herself for any judgement he might send her way.

But to his credit, he passed none. “I’m glad. I hoped you would be.” His eyes turned away and a sadness crossed his expression. “I’m sorry I couldn’t” he muttered.

Guilt shot through Piper’s heart like an arrow, so swiftly it was like Eros had done it to punish her. “You always made me happy, Jason” she said, speaking truthfully.

He lifted his head and looked at her. “Until it wasn’t enough” he replied.

She turned away and fought hard not to cry. She knew this day was coming, when they’d have to talk to each other. Now it was here and she wished she hadn’t put it off so long. She should’ve prepared better. But maybe it wouldn’t make a difference. It was always going to hurt. “You know it wasn’t anything you did, right?” She said, recalling a similar conversation repeating itself from a year ago. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Doesn’t matter. It still feels like I failed you” he said regrettably.

She shook her head. I broke your heart. Why are you apologizing? She wanted to scream. She remembered how their last conversation went. It was awful. Not because they argued, because they didn’t. Jason never raised his voice, not even when she shared her feelings and her doubts and finally broke up with him. Through it all he was kind, he was supportive, he was considerate. It infuriated her how he could seem so calm. She kept waiting for him to lose his temper, to shout at her, to throw lighting or something. But he didn’t. He accepted it with grace and walked out with an aura of sadness and it made her feel like a monster. “I’m the one who failed” she said. It wasn’t until Jason tentatively stepped forward and brushed her cheek she realized she was crying.

Their eyes finally met, her kaleidoscope eyes meeting his electric blue, and suddenly it was like the last few months had never happened. They were back where they left off, the emotions of that day coming back in a flood. Piper pulled away before she could be overwhelmed, wiping her face trying to compose herself. “Why did you come here Jason? Why now?” She asked.

He put his hands in his jeans pockets. “I heard you guys were coming to New Rome to celebrate the New Year” he said.

She nodded. “All our friends are coming. Thalia too” she nodded.

“I thought about skipping it, but the others insisted. So I decided it might be better to get this out of the way now, instead of making things awkward down there” he explained.

Piper had to admire the consideration. It was only a matter of time until they couldn’t avoid each other. And she didn’t want to put their friends in the middle of their situation any more than she already has. “I tried to find an excuse to avoid going too” she admitted, turning back to him. She looked around the room, quietly confessing “but I didn’t want to stay in an empty flat again.”

He looked around the room, nodding as if he understands. “I kept to myself at first, after we broke up” he told her solemnly. “Kept moving, traveled for a bit, fought every monster I could find. Anything to keep busy. Reyna was the one who tracked me down, kept me company for a while. We started hooking up regularly. We’re not like…you know…we’re still friends.”

Piper nodded. He’d been kind not to judge her for her new relationship with Percy and Annabeth, or any of the others, so she wasn’t going to lecture him on who he chose to hook up with. Plus, Reyna had already explained their relationship was more platonic, who she had sensed an undercurrent of longing from the young woman. “I’m glad you found each other” she said.

“Me too” he smile. “She’s not the only one. I still meet up with aloe and Calypso every so often.” He caught Piper’s look and flashed her a guilty smirk. “Leo’s must be getting exhausted from juggling our visits by now.”

“He might’ve mentioned something” she smirked guiltily. Without realizing they had been sharing their best friend. “I never wanted you guys to stop seeing each other.”

“Ditto” he replied. “I have to say though, I was surprised you chose to move in with Annabeth and Percy. No offense. I guess I assumed you’d have asked Leo first.”

“Annabeth was closer” she shrugged. “I just ended up spending more time with them until they asked me. It seemed like a natural choice. And I don’t regret it. What about you? You still staying at New Rome?”

“Yeah. I’ve got my own place there. Can’t say I really use it much though” he sighed. “Most nights I’m either in the training grounds, jogging through the camp tracks, or spending time with others.”

Piper realized he really did understand. Anything to keep busy. They’d both fallen into the same patterns. Avoid each other, but avoiding being alone. Avoiding an empty flat, an empty bed, any moment of peace where the isolation becomes a reminder of what they’d lost.

“I thought I was avoiding you to escape the pain of seeing you again” he said, finally giving voice to the truth she herself had never dared speak aloud. “But in reality, being alone hurts even more.”

“It’s like a wound waiting to swallow me up” she whispered.

Their eyes met and they knew they had come to the same conclusion. “I miss you, Piper” Jason said.

Her chest tightened at the words. She felt the same sentiment rise up in her throat, demanding she say the same. She wanted to, needed to. But if she did, she knew what would happen next. She couldn’t do it. She turned away. “I’m sorry” she said, knowing she was risking hurting him all over again.

Jason was patient, and kind. But this time he stepped forward and took her arm to turn her around to face him “I know you said it wasn’t my fault, that there was nothing I could’ve done, nothing I did wrong. But there is something I didn’t do” he said.

“Don’t, please” Piper begged, but she knew this was what she had been dreading. For him to say what he’d wanted to say at the start.

“I love you. I’ve loved you since the day we met, from the moment I appeared in that bus with you and Leo. I’ve never stopped loving you and I don’t think I ever will. I’m not here to try and win you back Pipes” he said because she could interrupt. “I know why you broke up with me. You don’t think your feelings for me are real, that it’s just an illusion the mist created. I get that. All I know is the memories I have of you from that bus onwards are real, and the emotions that came from them are real to me. All of them. And I miss you Piper McLean. I want you back in my life. If not as my girlfreind, then as my friend. I don’t want to keep avoiding you anymore. I don’t want to keep feeling lonely every-time I walk into an empty room, or go on a walk expecting to find you there. But if that’s not what you want, then I’ll respect that too. I want you to be happy, but I needed to know I tried.”

Piper stared at him, both shocked but not surprised at his words. He said all the right things and more. She was silent for a long moment, her heart racing as thoughts and emotions clashed. She knew what she wanted to say, but she didn’t seem to be brave enough to say them.

While she was internally scrambling for what to do, there was a soft knock on her bedroom door interrupting them. “Pipes? Is everything okay in there?” Annabeth’s voice called, gently but urgently.

Piper seized the opportunity to step away from their conversation, her eyes flashing apologetically as she rushed to answer the door. Jason didn’t stop her, stepping back letting her open it and address an anxious looking blonde at the door. “Are you okay?” Annabeth asked instantly, noticing Piper’s cheeks glistening first.

She wiped them and nodded her head. “I’m fine. We’re just…talking” she explained awkwardly, glancing over her shoulder at Jason.

Percy hovered over Annabeth’s shoulder, shooting a worried look at both of them. “The taxi’s here, waiting downstairs” he told them.

Piper checked the time and grimaced. She hadn’t realized how long they’d been talking. She looked at Jason, who seemed anxious to finish their conversation. She sighed, knowing she couldn’t put this off any longer. She turned to the others apologetically. “We could stay, if you’d prefer” Annabeth said, before the girl could open her mouth.

She looked at them both as Percy shared her comment. She smiled, appreciating their support. “No, you should go. I’ll…we’ll catch up, if we can” she promised.

“Are you sure?” Percy asked.

She nodded. “Go. Our friends are waiting. You should have a good time. Don’t worry about us” she insisted. She read the expression on Annabeth’s face, insisting “I’ll be fine. Don’t make me use my charm-speak.”

Annabeth hesitated before nodding. She reached forward and squeezed her hand. “Call us if you need anything” she insisted. Piper promised, giving her a kiss. Percy kissed her too, before pulling his girlfreind away. He waved over her shoulder to Jason, who waved back. “Good luck” they mouthed, leaving the apartment to head to New Rome without her.

Piper closed the door, realizing she was now alone with Jason. Her heart skipped a beat and her mouth went dry. It was now or never. But what was she going to say?

Jason read the hesitation on her face and stepped back. “It’s a lot, I know. I’m sorry, and I know it’s the last thing you probably want to hear.” He nodded to the door where their friends had been. “They obviously really care about you” he said.

“They do” she nodded, keeping her eyes aimed down. “I wouldn’t have been able to get through this last year without them. They love me, and I love them” she said. She finally forced her eyes back up to look at him, telling him “I love you too. I never stopped. And maybe it is the Mist, maybe it’s all in my head…but I can’t stop loving you, no matter how much I try. And not being with you…it hurts. But I couldn’t let myself see you, not even for a second, because I knew once I did I…I might never want to let you go again.”

Jason stared at her silently, looking straight at her. She could feel the love radiating off him. Or maybe it was her love, reflecting back. He stepped forward and Piper took an unconcious step towards him. They met halfway, still staring into each other’s eyes. He reached out with his hand and brushed her cheek, and she closed her eyes and leant into his palm. She’d forgotten how soft his hands were, despite them being calloused and firm. Her heart melted and she felt a wave of desire flood her chest, uplifting her into a kiss that took them by surprise.

She opened her eyes in shock. It was spontaneous, but felt so natural. Jason gazed down at her with a small handsome smile. He brushed his fingers through her hair. “I’ve missed you” he repeated, speaking softly as his hands moved down her arms to take her hands.

She found herself moving on autopilot, all those feelings she’d been suppressing for years coming back to her. She felt her body taking control from her, going through familiar motions as they gazed into each other’s eyes. She felt her arms lifting as Jason’s hands lifted her top over her head, revealing the bra holding her boobs under her pajamas. She exhaled heavily and bit her bottom lip, feeling her heart race again as she brought her shoulders up to her ears nervously. She didn’t stop Jason from leaning in however, or stop him from bringing his lips down to capture hers. In fact she invited him into her mouth, into her arms, into her heart as they started making out in her bedroom.

Passion took over after that as they fell onto the bed. Piper laid facedown on the mattress, clutching the bedsheets as Jason climbed on top of her and kissed her shoulders, sucking on her neck in all the places that made her toes curl. He remembered what made her aroused, what gave her pleasure, what made her whimper. She moaned into the pillow and writhed beneath him, panting hard as he massaged her back.

She turned her head and watched him through a mirror as he sat up and removed his shirt, sighing as he revealed his chiseled muscular chest. He looked as handsome and perfect as ever, like an Olympian statue. He leaned down and resumed nibbling on her neck, pulling her hair back so he could kiss her cheek and bit her earlobe. She moaned lustfully as he made his way down her back, his lips teasing her hot body down to her waist where he took hold of her bottoms and pulled them dow to get to her hips. She gasped as they rolled onto her side, her body obeying unspoken cues and practiced motions as his mouth circled around her hips towards her pussy, where he paused in anticipation before shifting between her legs.

Piper knew there was no going back the moment his tongue reached her cunt, because as soon as it did nothing else mattered but the joy she felt from his skill with it as she rolled on her back moaning.

The sex escalated from there, passing like a dream until she seemed to wake up riding his lap on her bed. She was almost completely naked, her bra hanging on by the straps over her shoulders. Jason was nude as he rested against the head board, gazing up at her transfixed as she rocked her hips against him, massaging his length inside of her. Her pants were soft and musical, and his cock filled her up so perfectly. She tried to recall if it always felt this perfect, or if she was remembering wrong. His hands felt the same though as they brushed over her skin, caressing her sides and back while she hugged his neck. His palms brushed over her breasts, her nipples pointed and hard as they were uncovered. He took one into his mouth and sucked on it while she bounced on his lap, the attention he showed her breast amplifying the pleasure his cock delivered. Her hips increased their pace of their own accord, riding a wave of pleasure towards an inevitable crescendo. They felt it coming as their eyes met, love and joy and pleasure mixing together as Piper released a wordless gasp that took her breath away, the silent orgasm sending lightning bolts up her spine that would’ve made Jason’s father envious.

He cradled her as she recovered from her climax, whispering soothing words to her as she clung to his broad shoulders. “I’m here. I’ve got you” he said, kissing her cheek softly.

She opened her eyes and gazed down at him, stroking his face, a tear falling down her cheek. “I miss you” she said softly. “I love you, and I miss you. I want you back too” she confessed.

Jason gazed up at her, cupping her face as she leaned down and kissed him. The kiss said everything she couldn’t put into words. He answered with a kiss of his own. Then they were doing more than having sex. They were making love. Hot, pure, passionate love.

Time became nothing but a concept as they rekindled what they thought had been lost. Piper’s bed became their temple as they worshiped each other, their bodies becoming one as they came together over and over. Jason rode the valley between her legs as Piper sang of their affection and love, their hands interlocking fingers while their lips connected over and over. Their emotions became as intertwined as their bodies until it was as if they were one organism, their orgasmic pleasure merging into one beautiful symphony.

It was only when the concert was over reality started to creep back in and spoil things.

Piper opened her eyes on the bed. She looked over to the bedside table, relieved to see it had only been an hour. She felt Jason’s breath on her back as he lay beside her, panting heavily from exhaustion. She knew what they had done wasn’t a dream’s though it felt like one. It felt perfect, exactly like they used to be. But that’s what made her pull away and sit on on the edge of the bed. Jason stirred and looked up to see Piper covering her mouth, surprising the sobs and hiding her tears. “Pipes? What’s wrong?” He asked, sitting up and putting a hand on her back.

She turned away so he wouldn’t have to see her like this, but she couldn’t stop from crying. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do this again” she said.

Jason shuffled up beside her, rubbing her back as he sat next to her supportively. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to upset you. If this was a mistake, then I could go…”

“No” she said, grasping his knee. She didn’t want him to go. She didn’t want to lose him again. Her chest tightened and her heart felt like it was about to break again. I have to say it. I should’ve told him at the beginning. “I didn’t break up with you because I stopped loving you” she said, fighting through the sobs to say the words. “I was confused about my feelings, I didn’t know if they were real. I still don’t, and I think I’ll be doubting them forever. But I was scared. Scared I didn’t really love you. But also that you would leave me.”

Jason shook his head confused. “Why would I ever leave you Piper? I love you.”

“But what if you forget again?” She asked, looking at him and showing how how terrified she was. “Those memories of us at the juvenile detention space tree might’ve been fake, but how it felt when you lost your memory…when you forgot me…they felt real to me. It felt like I had lost you, lost everything we had together. And maybe it never really happened, but it could happen again. I keep thinking what if one day you’ll wake up like you did on that bus and you won’t remember me again? What if you forget everything and then I’ll be all alone?” She turned away, ashamed and trembling. “I couldn’t bare to think that, so I…you may have moved out, but I left you. And you have every right to hate me. But I don’t think I can put myself though that again.”

Jason stared at her in stunned silence. He shook his head in bewilderment. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because I know it’s irrational. But between questioning what was real and being terrified for our future, it was too much. I couldn’t…hack it. I’m sorry Jason. You deserved someone better than me” she wept.

Jason wrapped his arms around her and hugged her against his chest. She fell into his arms and whimpered, seeking comfort in his warmth while he held her. “I’m so sorry you felt that way Piper” he whispered. “I wish there was something I could’ve done to help.”

“You did nothing wrong” she sighed.

They broke apart eventually and Piper was able to compose herself now that she had her cry. She looked up at Jason as he looked down at her. “So…where does that leave us?” He asked.

She looked down at her lap, wringing her hands. “I’m not ready to get back together Jason” she said sadly.

He nodded. “That’s fine. But I still miss you. I want you back in my life, as a friend” he said.

She looked at him. She wanted the same thing. “It could get complicated between us” she warned.

“We’re demigods. We can handle complicated” he smirked. “Plus, I’m sure Leo would appreciate it if we started talking to each other again.”

She couldn’t help but laughed. “Well, for the sake of our friends…I supposed I could be open to talking” she said, reaching out and taking his hand.

They sat naked on the bed, holding hands, looking at each other and smiling, with no idea where their relationship might go from here.


New Rome was bustling with activity as midnight approached. Generations of Demigods gathered in the streets visiting the vendors and watching the acts performing in the streets. Soldiers mingled with civilians while they kept order. Children played and a band performed Christmas songs on a stage. It was the first time many of the visitors had seen so many demigods, or children of demigods, in one place living a normal life.

Unfortunately, some of them were too preoccupied to enjoy it. That didn’t stop Percy from marveling at the festival as their friends gathered in the middle of the crowd. They found Frank and Hazel chatting to some other high ranking members of their leadership and walked over to greet them. “This place is amazing” he said, having to speak loudly over the music.

“Thanks. I’m so glad you all made it” Hazel beamed.

Leo and Calypso joined them, along with Thalia who was unaccustomed to the crowds. Nico and Will found them next and Hazel gave her half brother a hug. “I wasn’t expecting so many people” Thalia remarked.

“It was Hazel’s ambition to start a new festival for the New Year” Frank laughed.

She shrugged modestly. “I always loved this time of year. Missed out on a lot of them after I…well…”

“Yeah. I know the feeling” Nico nodded. The siblings got some looks, doubting being trapped in a casino where time moves differently equated to being dead and sent to the Underworld.

“Well I love it” Calypso cheered. After being trapped on an island for centuries she loved being around so many people. “You should do this every year.”

“That’s the plan” Hazel grinned.

Percy looked at his girlfriend, who was still distracted. “Hey, you still with us?” He asked, tapping her shoulder. She looked up and nodded. That’s when he noticed she was clutching her mobile phone. He sighed. “Why don’t you put that away? We’re supposed to be having fun!”

She looked down at it, tapping the screen. Still no missed calls. “I’ll just send her a text” she said. Percy suddenly snatched her phone from her hands. “Hey!” She screamed, trying to grab it back.

“Oh, are we playing keep away?” Rachel laughed, appearing out of nowhere with Reyna plucking the phone from Percy’s outstretched hand and out of Annabeth’s reach. “What’s got you in a mood?”

She crossed her arms defensively. “It’s nothing” Percy said. He took her shoulders and turned her to face him. “Piper will be fine. She’ll call if she needs us.”

“Piper’s not here yet?” Hazel asked. They shook their heads and she expressed her disappointment. “I didn’t want anyone to miss this” she pouted.

Frank checked his watch. “There’s still time before the fireworks” he said optimistically.

“That’s supposing she’s in the mood to come” Annabeth grumbled.

“Why? Did something happen?” Leo asked.

She looked at them hesitantly and explained “Jason showed up at our place to talk to her.”

Their was an audible gasp from their friends as their eyes widened. Thalia even choked on her drink and had to pat her chest to catch her breath. “For real?” Leo gasped. He received a nod and he muttered something in Spanish.

“Holy shit” Reyna said. “How’d it go?”

“They seemed okay when we left them” Percy shrugged.

“That was hours ago” Annabeth reminded him, sounding worried.

Leo exhaled heavily. “At least their talking. That’s a good sign.”

“As long as talking doesn’t lead to fighting” Nico murmured.

“Unless that leads to fucking” Rachel joked.

Her friends didn’t fill Annabeth with optimism. She’d been fretting about what might’ve happened all evening. “We shouldn’t have left them alone” she said.

“Annie, what’s done is done” Percy told her.

“Who knows. Maybe they can work things out” Hazel said.

“What? Like get back together?” Thalia asked.

Reyna shrugged. “Weirder things have happened. I don’t know about Piper, but I know Jason wasn’t going to be any less miserable unless he talked to that girl.”

Annabeth looked at her intently. “Please don’t tell me you encouraged this” she snapped.

“Didn’t you?” Calypso asked. She looked around at the others and sheepishly admitted “Piper and I talked about it. I thought it might help give her closure if she stopped avoiding Jason. I know how much you want them to be friends again” she said to Leo.

“True. Playing messenger was losing its appeal” he groaned.

“What if it just makes things worse” Annabeth worried.

“I think you’re overreacting” Will said, but he saw Percy shoot him a look that said don’t before he could finish the thought.

Annabeth whirled on him. “I’m not overreacting! I just don’t want Piper getting hurt.”

“Excuse me, it was Piper who broke up with Jason to begin with” Reyna argued.

Frank leapt between them before it could escalate. “Let’s not start a fight, please. Sounds like this is between Piper and Jason. All we can do is be ready to help them however we can.”

“Sound advice. You should listen to your Praetor” Jason suggested.

Everyone turned around and cheered to find both Jason and Piper shimmying through the crowd to meet them. They all rushed forward to greet them, especially when they saw they had smiles and looked upbeat. “Sorry were late. We err…had a lot to talk about” Piper blushed as her friends hugged her.

“I’m so glad you came” Hazel squealed, hugging both of them. Frank shook Jason’s hand welcoming him back. Reyna shot forward to kiss his cheek. Thalia went to do the same with Piper, until she recalled tonight wasn’t a full moon. Piper stole a peck from her lips anyway, which made the hunter’s cheeks turn red.

Leo waited before them with his hands on his hips. “Well? What happened?” He asked impatiently.

“Are you okay?” Percy asked, directing the question at both of them.

Piper and Jason shared a glance and nodded. “We’ve decided to stop avoiding each other and try to be friends again” Jason explained, squeezing Piper’s shoulder.

“We agreed we couldn’t keep going like we were. It wasn’t fair on any of you” Piper told them. “But we appreciate everything you’ve done to support us both.”

“Does this mean you’re getting back together?” Annabeth asked.

Piper caught her eye through the group and felt a wave of trepidation coming from the blonde. She locked eyes with Jason, who gave her a small nod. “No, we’re not” Piper answered with an air of sadness. “We’ve both got some things to sort out, so we’re just taking things slow. Try and be friends first and foremost.”

“Does this mean I won’t have to keep sneaking around you two?” Leo asked. They laughed and confirmed not. “Hallelujah” he cheered, wrapping them both in a hug. “The three musketeers back together again” he smiled.

The trio smiled, already feeling like old times. Leo make a crack about how “being friends with a demigod could get weird, considering how much we like to sleep around”, but the former couple opted not to mention how their talk actually went down. Thalia shared her support for her brother and friend, kissing them both on the cheek before Reyna decided to pull Jason away for a minute. Hazel and Frank had to leave to prepare for the main event, wishing them all a happy new year before they disappeared. That gave Piper a chance to rejoin Percy and Annabeth.

“We were worried. Are you alright?” Percy asked her. She nodded.

She turned her gaze to Annabeth, who had fallen eerily silent. “Annie? Everything okay?” She asked.

She looked up at her and put on a brave face. “I’m fine” she lied. She shot a wary glance to Jason, and Piper could sense the turbulent emotions the daughter of Athena was wrestling with. “I’m glad you too made up” Annabeth said. “I suppose this means he’ll be visiting more often. Or maybe you’d like to spend some time here in New Rome. I’m sure we can talk about it tomorr…”

Piper reached over and pulled Annabeth into a deep and intimate kiss. The kiss took her by surprise and shocked her into silence. She stared at the brunette as she smirked at her. “It’s okay” she whispered reassuringly. “I’m happy where I am. I don’t want things to change.”

Annabeth blinked in confusion. “But I thought…” she said, but Piper pressed a finger to her lips.

“I love Jason” she admitted. Then she stroked Annabeth’s cheek, her eyes switching from her to Percy and back. “I love you guys too. You gave me a home, a place where I feel safe and loved and happy. I’m not going anywhere.”

Percy broke into a grin as he pulled Piper into a hug. Annabeth snapped out of her shock and smiled broadly, relief on her face. She leaned in and kissed Piper again, who also shared a kiss with Percy. They embraced each other in a group hug, sharing each others joy and love.

“Does this mean we’re officially dropping the roommate with benefits title?” Percy asked inquisitively.

Annabeth shared a glance with Piper and rolled her eyes. “Be real seaweed brain. She was always going to be our platonic girlfriend” she said matter-of-factly.

Piper laughed. “I preferred what you said when you asked me to move in” she told them. “We’re family.”

Midnight approached and Hazel got up on the stage to begin the countdown, prompting everyone to gather together to watch the fireworks.

They all stood in one large group in the middle of the crowd, counting down with the rest of them as they huddled together and smiled as the sky lit up with lights and explosions that dazzled everyone. Thalia shuffled up next to Piper, looping an arm with hers as they shared an affectionate glance. Thalia muttered how she wished it was a full moon. Piper leant in and whispered in her ear “you’re always welcome back at my place for a date with Stuffy,” which made the daughter of Zeus giggle. Annabeth and Percy stood next to her, Annabeth holding Piper’s hand while Percy stood behind them so her could wrap his arms around both their shoulders. Nico and Will stood nearby sharing a kiss under the display. Leo and Calypso did the same, the young sorceress wrapped up in Leo’s arms watching the fireworks mesmerized. Reyna hooked an arm around Jason, resting her head on his shoulder. Rachel stood with her, humming to herself as she looked up. Jason looked over and caught Piper’s eye across the group, a handsome smile meeting her beautiful grin.

The fireworks danced over their heads lighting up the night sky over New Rome, everyone enjoying the spectacle. But while everyone watched the fireworks, Piper found herself glancing around at all her friends beside her. Then something caught the corner of her eye and she turned to the Hearth in the center of the square. She caught a glimpse of a young girl in a plain brown dress with warm eyes gazing back at her as she tended the fire. Hestia offered her a gentle smile and Piper returned it thankfully.

I’m home she thought, looking at her friends, her family, and welcomed the New Year earnestly.

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