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Welcome to the Jackson’s: Moving In

All three of them swore they had more boxes coming out of the moving truck than they had put into it. Annabeth may have been confident in the count but that didn’t mean some god or deity had decided to prank them with some extra stuff. Luckily they didn’t have to walk up several flights of stairs like the last apartment, only two. And even with two floors Percy’s arms were aching. “Are we done yet?” He asked as he backed into the apartment with a large cardboard container, barely able to look over the top to see where he was going. His feet kicked more boxes in his path creating a deadly obstacle course. “Annabeth? Can I put this down?”

“Hold on!” Annabeth called, rushing over to him to check which box he was carrying. “That goes in the kitchen” she instructed, ignoring the groan from her boyfriend as he adjusted his grasp and weaved through the obstacle course. She helped by moving a few boxes and stacking them against the wall in the entrance hallway.

Piper stumbled in a moment later carrying her own box, her brown hair sticking to her sweaty face as perspiration dotted her brow. “Remind me again why we chose to move to a new apartment again?” She asked, dropping the box awkwardly onto the nearby stack before her aching arms dropped it on the floor.

“Because we needed more space” Annabeth answered plainly, finding one of the lighter boxes and carrying it into one of the bedrooms. “This place was on the market, closer to Camp Jupiter, closer to your dads place, and more importantly it’s bigger than our old apartment.”

“Yeah, but I liked your old apartment” she whined, her kaleidoscope eyes scanning the bare interior of the flat, the San Francisco skyline illuminated in the windows of the living room. “It was cozy. And it had a better view.”

“It was impractical now that there’s three of us living in it” Annabeth explained. “It only had one bedroom.”

“Was that really an issue?” Piper smirked. “We did spend most of our nights sharing anyway.”

“Not the point” Annabeth glared, pulling her best friend through the flat to point out the three separate bedrooms, one of the main reasons she thought this place was perfect. “Pick one and then Percy and I can pick ours.”

“Aren’t you two sharing?” Piper asked curiously. “Why three bedrooms?”

“We’re turning the third into a guest bedroom” she explained.

“By we, she means she. I voted for a pool table” Percy interjected, getting a slap on the arm for his opinion. Piper chuckled, quickly picking out her room before the two of them could start bickering. As cute as their arguments were, if they started it would be weeks before they finished unpacking. “Is that all the boxes?” Percy asked.

“Almost. Only seven more to go” Annabeth said, instructing the two of them to return down the stairs to retrieve them while she began organizing.

Piper and Percy groaned as they trudged back downstairs to the street. “When did we agree Annabeth could delegate?” Piper asked the boy.

“She’s a daughter of Athena. I’m pretty sure it’s genetic” he joked.

“I’m a daughter of Aphrodite” she pointed out. “I could charm her into helping.”

“You know how she feels about you using charm-speak on her” her warned. She sighed, climbing into the van to look at the final seven boxes. “We’re almost done” Percy said optimistically, being a gentlemen and finding the heaviest. While they were hidden in the van he leaned into the exhausted young Cherokee girl and kissed her on the lips, whispering to her “I made Annabeth promise once we’ve finished getting these boxes upstairs we’ll take a break to try out the bedrooms.” Piper's face lit up into a grin, carrying her boxes with a little more enthusiasm now there was something to look forward too.

She brought her box upstairs and carried it into her selected bedroom, having already determined it had much of her stuff in it. She placed it on the dresser and turned to jog back to the front door when she paused seeing another box on her bed. Her head tilted. She didn’t recall seeing that there before. “Annie? Did you bring one of these boxes into my room?” She called out as she walked over to examine it.

“No, I’m still sorting through them” was her response.

Piper examined the box closely. She didn’t have Annabeth’s eidetic memory but she was sure this wasn’t one of the boxes they packed. It was a perfect square, regular cardboard box. She found a pink sticky note stuck to the top. It seemed to have the smell of perfume when she plunked it from the box to read the elegant writing. “A little housewarming gift for you all to enjoy” it read. It wasn’t signed, but Piper could tell her mothers touch from the overall extravagance. You made the note fancy but stuck it to a cardboard box? Talk about inconsistent she sighed. She looked at the box, hesitant to open it. But she knew better than to turn down a gift from a goddess, especially hers, so she took a deep breath and opened the box.

Inside was a small yet intricate ornament of a white swan with a flock of doves circling it, a circular disc behind them engraved with the image of Aphrodite. It looked like an old Greek statue. It was beautiful, delicately made of marble and glass. The base was heavy yet the ornament was light, almost weightless. She examined the bottoms and saw Greek scripture which her brain automatically translated. Go dyslexia she mocked, even though her condition wasn’t as pronounced as some. Side effect of being a demigod. “A blessing to this hearth. may all who visit be loved and cherished” read the scripture. That’s actually really sweet she thought.

“What’s that?” Percy asked, surprising Piper so much she nearly dropped the statue.

“A gift from mom” she replied, showing her the note.

Annabeth came in along with her boyfriend and examined the statue, marveling at its design. “Too bad our parents didn’t bring gifts” Percy complained.

“Now don’t pout Percy” Annabeth scolded. “It’s actually really nice. Where do you want to put it?” She asked Piper. It was her gift, it was only right she should chose.

Piper took the statue, looking around her room before thoughtfully stepping out into he hall to explore the rest of the flat. She got a good feeling about the living room where the fireplace was situated. It wasn’t a real fireplace but it had a mantle big enough to hold the ornament. “I think it’ll look great right…here” she said, placing it down in the middle of the mantle.

Percy and Annabeth joined her, nodding in approval. “Feeling like home already” Percy smiled, putting his arm around Piper hugging her. She smiled, hugging Annabeth too. She was so glad the two of them let her move in with them. And now they had a whole new apartment. It felt like there combined relationship was entering a new chapter.

Annabeth was the one to break the sentimental moment, clapping her hands together declaring “okay, still got boxes downstairs so why don’t you hurry and bring them up here so we can start unpacking?”

“Yes ma’am” Percy nodded instantly, pulling away from Piper who was suddenly lightheaded wavering on her feet. She felt her head swim for a moment before shaking it off, the disorientation passing as quickly as it came. She put it down to a long day as she recenter her thoughts, her legs already carrying her towards the front door to follow Percy in their assigned task. Annabeth watched them disappear, glancing at the statue once more nodding in approval before returning to cataloguing the boxes.


Unfortunately, once the boxes were done, the second van arrived with the furniture. There was a scolding look to their blonde organizer who forgot all about that part as the loading men arrived with the paperwork. “If you just sign here, we can get out of your hair and let you get too it” the driver said with a smile.

The couple hesitated with the pen, the three of them standing just inside their apartment. “Wait, you’re not just going to leave it downstairs are you?” Percy asked.

“Sorry, carrying furniture around isn’t really in our job description” he shrugged.

Where did you find these guys? Percy’s eyes asked as he glanced to his girlfriend. Piper was already downstairs trying to argue with the other guy about giving them a hand. “Couldn’t you guys just make an exception and help carry the big stuff up the stairs?” Percy sighed.

The driver blinked momentarily before answering “I guess we could do that.” The pair of them blinked in surprise as the man took the signed clipboard and walked downstairs. They followed and was shocked to see him convincing his buddies to help unload the furniture. They shrugged and stepped into the van to grab some of the smaller stuff.

They passed Piper along the way who was shaking her head again. “You alright?” Annabeth asked.

“Yeah, just went dizzy for a minute there” she said, shaking it off and picking up the table she was carrying.

After an hour of heaving furniture up the stairs, coming down and carrying even more with them, the three demigods slumped onto the sofa placed in the center of the living room along with the rest of the stuff. The moving people had left so it was up to them to arrange everything, but not before the trio took a much needed break. “We are never moving house again” Percy grumbled.

“Agreed” the girls echoed.

After five minutes of silence Annabeth was the first to get off the sofa declaring “I need something to drink. Good thing I remember which box has the expresso machine.”

“I don’t know how you can find anything in all of this” Piper muttered, looking at the daunting piles of boxes surrounding them. It’s going to take them a week to unpack everything and arrange it to a proper home. But at least the hard part was over.

Annabeth strolled to the hall and opened the first box, instantly pulling out the expresso machine. She flashed a smug look at Piper who just ignored it. “While you’re up, could you make me a sandwich too?” Percy asked his girlfriend when she walked into the kitchen. He could feel the disapproving scowl from here. Piper winced, rubbing her head again. “What’s wrong?” Percy asked, seeing her in discomfort.

“Nothing” she said, blinking once and feeling better. “I don’t know. My heads been weird since we’ve moved in” she said, sitting up rubbing her neck.

“You could be dehydrated” Percy guessed, getting up so he could grab her a glass of water.

“It could be strain from all the moving” Annabeth guessed, walking out of the kitchen with her cup of expresso. Percy stopped before passing her to notice she was also holding a sandwich. “What?” She asked him when she saw him staring.

“You made me a sandwich?” He said pointing to it.

She looked at it. “Yeah?”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “You’ve never made me a sandwich when I’ve asked.”

She scoffed. “Yes I have.” Percy narrowed his eyes. She furrowed her brow and thought about it. “Huh, no I haven’t” she realized, looking at the sandwich she made spontaneously.

“Well, if Percy doesn’t want it, I’ll have it” Piper joked. Percy urgently took his sandwich before it was given away.

Annabeth continued to furrow her brow. It was odd. She hadn’t intended to make the sandwich, but when she got into the kitchen she just found herself making it. It was odd. She shrugged, sipping her drink and waiting for Percy to return with the glass of water for Piper. “Such a gentlemen” she said mockingly.

“I can be” he said.

She smiled. “I know you can” she said, walking over and giving him a kiss. She looked around at their new apartment. It seemed perfect. “Welcome to our new home?” She muttered.

“Welcome to our new home” Percy smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist admiring the place too. After a moment of silence he turned to his girlfriend and asked her “so now, what do you want to do first?”

She gave it some thought as she swayed in his arms before jokingly saying “I think we could start by painting the walls a new color.” Percy nodded and stepped away to go looking for the paint. “I’m kidding” she laughed. When Percy didn’t stop she chased after him insisting “Percy, I’m kidding. The place doesn’t need painting.”

“Oh” he said, suddenly looking confused. “What was I doing?”

“I think you were taking my joke seriously” she laughed.

He shook his head and looked around. “Well you said the walls needed painting and I…never mind” he said, rubbing his head. “Must be stress from the moving.”

“Must be” she sighed. She put her arms around his neck, asking him “so what do you want to do first?”

Percy gave her a playful smile before whispering to her “right now, what I’d really want is for you to drop that expresso in your hands and kiss me.”

Annabeth looked at him, her eyes suddenly dilating as her fingers let go of the cup, dropping it to the floor, before she leaned in and gave Percy a deep kiss. Percy froze as he watched the drink spill everywhere, looking at Annabeth as she blinked in surprise. She looked down and saw the coffee staining, blushing as she rushed to get towels. “Why did I do that?” She asked, staring at the dropped cup.

“I don’t know” Percy wondered, helping her clean up. “I wasn’t expecting anything literal in my suggestion.”

“I know. I know that. But my hand just…” Annabeth stammered, looking at her own hand oddly. It was like my body operated on its own. She raised her eyebrow. The only time that’s happens is when…

“Guys, are either of you feeling weird?” Piper asked, stepping into the hall looking disorientated.

They both looked up at her. “Weird how?” Annabeth asked.

“I don’t know. I keep getting dizzy and then lightheaded, and then it passes almost immediately” she explained.

Annabeth walked up and checked her forehead. She wasn’t running any sort of fever but she did look drained. “Maybe you should sit down” Percy suggested. Piper nodded, instantly dropping to the floor to have a seat, wincing as she rubbed her head. Percy stared at her. “I was thinking more on the sofa” he muttered.

“What?” She asked distracted, shaking her head again. She looked at herself on the floor. “Wait, why am I down here?”

Annabeth looked at her, then looked at Percy. Then she looked at herself. There was something odd happening. “Pipes, have you been using your charm-speak lately?” She asked.

“No” she answered, climbing off the floor to stand unsteadily in front of them. “Though the way my head is swimming you’d think I had been” she confessed.

Annabeth gently guided her to the wall where she could steady herself on some boxes. Once she was settled she turned to Percy. She had a theory and she needed to test it. “Percy” she said, making sure she had his attention. “Could you rub your nose” she asked.

“Why?” He asked confused. But that didn’t stop him from doing it anyway. The second he did he looked at his hand as if it was alien to him.

At the same instant Piper’s eyes became hazy and she swooned on the boxes for a moment. Annabeth saw this and turned to Percy again. “Stand on one leg” she said. To everyone’s surprise, he did. And again, Piper became disorientated. Annabeth looked at them. “This is odd.”

“Yeah” Percy agreed, putting his leg down. He looked at the girls. He thought he’d figured out what Annabeth was thinking. Except it wasn’t just here. He turned to her, her blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. She’d had it like that all day. “Annie, remove the…thing from your hair” she said. Her arm came up and pulled the hair band out letting it fall over her shoulders. She looked at it in surprise before checking on Piper, who was shaking her head but now looking at both of them equally confused. “Okay, what’s going on?” He asked.

“I don’t know” Annabeth admitted. “But whenever we tell one of us to do something, the person is compelled to do it. And Piper, you keep getting dizzy.”

“Yeah” she nodded, rubbing her temples shaking the nausea. She looked at the pair of them. “What does it feel like.”

“Honestly?” Annabeth said. “It’s the feeling we get when you use your Charm-speak on us.”

Piper narrowed her eyes, looking to Percy for confirmation. “I’m not doing this” she said. “I wouldn’t even know how to…what? Transfer my powers? How could I…” she suddenly stopped, an awful idea coming to her. “Oh chaos, please tell me she didn’t” she muttered, walking out of the hall into the living room. The others followed her as she stormed straight to the mantle to take another look at the statue. There was no way to know for sure but… “yup, it’s enchanted” she huffed.

“Enchanted?” Percy blinked, still lost.

Annabeth wasn’t any better. “What do you mean enchanted?”

“The bloody statue mom gave me has an enchantment on it” Piper cursed, staring up at the ceiling furious. “I should’ve known you wouldn’t give us a normal gift!” She shouted. She turned to her friend who still looked lost. “I can sense auras to a certain extent, especially if I know what I’m sensing for. And believe me, I’ve had practice sensing for enchanted items from my mother.”

Annabeth walked over to the statue, examining it closely. She couldn’t sense anything. But then she wasn’t as empathic as Piper was. “You really think your mom enchanted this to give us your charm-speak?”

“I wouldn’t put it past her” she groaned.

“Why?” Percy wondered.

“For fun, I’d imagine. It’s not the first time she’s dropped an enchanted object with one of us for some amusement. The last one was a music box.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad” he said.

Piper took a dark look on her face. “It makes all who hears the music extremely horny. She dropped it into the middle of our cabin. It took us a week to get Chiron to lock it in the big houses attic out of harms way.”

“Out of harms…” Percy’s face narrowed as he thought about it. “Wait, the ruckus at the Hermes cabin?”

She nodded. “The Stroll brothers sunk in and stole it. I had to go in and pry it out of their hands. And it wasn’t a ruckus, it was an orgy” she clarified, storming out of the living room to put her shoes on.

“where are you going?” Annabeth asked.

“To talk to mom and get her to take her gift back” she said.

“That’s a bit extreme isn’t it” Percy asked.

“He’s right, you don’t just return a gift from a goddess” Annabeth agreed.

Piper sighed, standing up and turning to them. “You don’t understand. This statue appears to be sharing my charm-speak with both of you. You don’t realize how dangerous this power is. It took me years to understand how it works and another few years to fully control it. It goes beyond just telling people what to do. And even then, you two don’t have control.”

“Yeah, but we can learn” Percy said.

Piper shook her head. “I don’t want to risk it. We’re all susceptible, that much is obvious. And so is everyone who we talk to. You’d have to learn to watch what you say and how you say it.”

“But you can control it” Annabeth said. “Can’t you teach us?”

“I could, but I don’t know how long it would take” she sighed. She took Annabeth’s hands and explained “it’s like…giving a request and an order. If you ask someone to do something one way, it’s fine. But if your ask them the wrong way, they don’t get a choice. Imagine if you say something like…go jump in front of a bus during an argument?” Annabeth paled, starting to see her point. “This power is dangerous and I don’t want to put either of you through that trouble and danger. Plus, the last thing I want is to be playing my moms stupid game. So I don’t care if it’s bad form or whatever, I’m returning her housewarming present” she said, turning around marching towards the front door.

Percy and Annabeth stayed behind, looking at each other awkwardly. “So what do we do in the meantime?” Percy asked.

Piper paused at the door to call back “anything but speaking to each other.”


Piper didn’t slow down to put her coat on as she stormed out of the front door, cursing under her breath with every step she took down the street. She should’ve known her mom would pull a stunt like this. A part of her supposed she was lucky Aphrodite didn’t drop her another orgy spell or something. Though she probably already knows we regularly sleep together so an orgy stone would be redundant she thought.

Doesn’t matter! She should be messing with her or her friends at all! This is our home and I’m not letting anyone ruin it!

She walked a couple of blocks, finding a garden center on the corner across the road. She noticed it on the car ride when they passed. And with the sun still up and not a cloud in the sky she had an optimal means to contact her mom. Assuming… yes, I knew I still had ! She pulled out a single drachma coin from her pocket, the coin she found while packing up the apartment and put into her jeans. She sprinted across the road and ducked around the back of the business. She found a hose pipe attached to a tap by a small garden.

“Can I help you miss?” A staff member asked, noticing the brunette picking up the hose. It was against company policy to let customers use the hose.

Piper looked up at the young man advancing towards her, curtly replying with charm-speak “no, I’m fine. I just need to use this hose pipe. Could you make sure I’m not disturbed for…half an hour?” The young man stopped, nodded blankly and turned around to walk away. Piper felt bad about manipulating him like that but she was too mad to stop now. She twisted the nosel to mist and started spraying, the water creating a rainbow in the sunlight. She closed her eyes and prayed to Iris the rainbow goddess, asking her to send an Iris message to her mom, tossing the drachmae into the rainbow.

The rainbow rippled in front of her as a fuzzy image of her Aphrodite materialized. The elegant beautiful goddess turned in surprise holding a wine glass, her heavily made-up eyes flashing surprise as her red lips curled into a smile. “Darling daughter” she beamed, her finger twirling in her hair as she lounged in a chair, the top of her intricate dress on her shoulders appearing in the image.

I suppose I should be glad I didn’t catch her having sex, again Piper thought, taking a deep breath before replying “mom, we need to talk.” He caught her tone, recalling it was dangerous to risk insulting a god. “If you’re not too busy” she added.

“Oh no, I’m just sitting in my chambers entertaining my handmaidens” she said sipping her wine. Their conversation was briefly interrupted by the sound of giggling as said handmaidens appeared into view. From the looks on their faces and the playful nature Aphrodite dismissed them with a wave of her hand, and the exact position from between her legs they appeared from, Piper didn’t need Annabeth’s intelligence to figure out how she was entertaining them. For fuck sake she mentally groaned. “Did you get my housewarming gift?” Aphrodite asked.

“Yes, I did. That’s what we need to talk about” she replied.

Aphrodite looked at her. “You look upset?”

“I’m concerned” Piper said cautiously. “Why did you give me a gift that gives Percy and Annabeth charm-speak?”

“It doesn’t give them anything, it only shares the gift I already gave you” she explained. “And only inside your…cozy little bungalow.”

“It’s a share flat” Piper said, thought why she felt the need to get her mother’s approval escapes her. “But why share it. We both know it’s too dangerous to give away. They won’t know how to control it.”

“I thought it’d make your little arrangement more interesting” she smirked. Piper stared at her and she rolled her eyes. “I suppose you want to turn down my gift and return it?”

“At the very least could you just remove the enchantment?” Piper asked politely.

The goddess sighed in disappointment, as if the request annoyed her. “I suppose I could. I only wanted to bring a little life to one of my favorite daughters.”

“At you’re enjoyment no doubt” Piper mumbled under her breath.

If the goddess heard her she didn’t let on. “Very well, I could rescind the enchantment” she considered. Piper waited to hear the catch. With gods there’s always a catch. “If your lovers both agree to give up the gift willingly, then I shall.”

Piper narrowed her eyes. “Just like that?” She asked skeptically.

“Just have all three of you place your hands on the swan and proclaim “oh Aphrodite, I renounce this gift”. If you do that, then I shall remove the enchantment” the goddess promised.

Piper was surprised. She was expecting some kind of quest to some far off land to fight a monster and retrieve an ancient artifact or elixir, or be forced to do a favor for one of her family. It seemed to easy. But she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Aphrodite doesn’t usually lie. “Okay, thanks mom” she said, releasing a breath feeling reassured. “It’ll be done as soon as possible. Percy and Annabeth will be happy to agree to your terms.”

Aphrodite took on a smirk as she sipped her wine. “Are you so sure at that?” She asked cryptically. Piper furrowed her brow, noting the knowing look in her moms expression.


Meanwhile, at the apartment, Percy and Annabeth were waiting for Piper to get back in awkward and uncomfortable silence. Annabeth was pacing back and forth in the living room while Percy sat nearby eating his sandwich. After a couple of minutes Annabeth finally couldn’t take the silence away longer. “She can’t expect us to not talk to each other can she?” She cried.

“We seemed to be doing well so far” Percy shrugged. He caught Annabeth’s eye and realized she had actually been arguing with herself inside her head. “It’ll be fine” he said optimistically.

“What if she can’t get Aphrodite to take the gift back?” she asked, looking at the statue on the mantle suspiciously.

He shrugged again. “It could be worse. Now you get to be bossy and tell people what to do, which you’re already good at” he quipped.

“This is serious Percy” she snapped. “Piper’s right, this power is dangerous.” She returned to pacing, running over the worst case scenarios in her head. “If we are stuck with her charm-speak, it shouldn’t be that hard to learn to control” she gambled. “What was it she said; difference between a request and an order. So the key is intent. If we give an instruction we need to have the intent to make them follow it.” She turned to Percy, taking a deep breath saying “Percy, could you stand up and clap your hands?”

“Why?” He asked confused. When he didn’t follow her request he went “did you just use me as a Guinea pig?”

“See, it’s doable. Now…clap your hands together twice” she said, this time with intent.

Percy’s hands came together twice, his sandwich flying everywhere. “Cheers” he sighed, looking at the mess on his shirt. “Satisfied?”

“Yes. It’s a lot easier than Piper made it sound” she mused.

Percy cocked an eyebrow at her as she stopped pacing. He could see that thoughtful look in her eye. “You’re not actually considering keeping this power are you?” He asked.

“Of course not” she scoffed. “It’d still be dangerous. And it’d be immoral to use it under any circumstances.”

“It’s come in handy for Piper before” he argued. “And besides, you’ve told me on more than one occasion you’ve wanted to give Piper a taste of her own medicine” He noted. Annabeth looked down. She had considered that. And Percy knew she liked having her own way, so the ability to literally tell people what to do must be tempting. If we are going to lose this power, maybe we could make the most of it he thought. “If we did keep it, there are ways we could use it that aren’t…entirely immoral” he said, a devilish smirk rising on his lips.

Annabeth looked at him and could read his expression like he was reading his thoughts. “No” she said pointedly, predicting what he was thinking.

“I’ve got the charm-speak to, which means I could just as easily start being the bossy one” he joked, rising to his feet slowly.

“Don’t even think about it” she said staring at him, standing in front of him with her arms crossed.

“Why not? There must be a small part of you that considered it. Or ever wanted to try being on the other side of your bossiness” he smiled. Annabeth pressed her lips together, watching him intently as he stalked towards her slowly. “If we both have the power, you can just as easily tell me to stop” he pointed out.

“I am telling you to stop” she said.

“But is that a request or an order?” He asked. She grit her teeth, her cheeks blushing red. He licked his lips. “Take off your shirt” he said. He watched his girlfriend pulled her shirt over her head, dropping it to the floor revealing her bra. He examined it hungrily. “Remove your bra and show me your tits” he instructed, taking delight in seeing her obey while her eyes remained fixed on his. She stood before him topless, her blonde hair loose around her shoulders, her arms by her sides. “You look really sexy” he said, stepping closer.

“And you’re a jerk” she muttered, though she couldn’t deny how hard her nipples felt as her boyfriend eyed her chest up hungrily. She stayed still as Percy reached out to stroke her mounds, releasing a soft exhale before lifting her face to kiss him gently.

As they looked at each other, Percy bit his bottom lip before instructing “on your knees.” She rolled her eyes, even while her body took over and dropped to the floor. He unbuckled his jeans and pulled out his cock, presenting his erection to her. “Stroke it” he suggested. She sighed, reaching out to take hold of the penis rubbing it slowly. It grew stiff in her hand and she watched it inflate before her, the organ throbbing between her fingers. She licked her lips as she heard Percy moan softly above her. "Suck my cock” he said. She glanced up at him with a look before opening her mouth and wrapping her lips around him.

Percy groaned as Annabeth gave him a blowjob, his hands weaving through her blonde hair while she sucked it, her tongue swirling around him whenever she pulled out. While she was sucking him her hands were alternating between pumping his shaft, stroking his balls and fondling her breasts. Without another command needed she tilted her head back so Percy could thrust further into her throat fucking her mouth until he was ready to burst. Annabeth moaned around him as he came, gulping the first load down before being forced to pull away and take the rest on her chest. She sighed as she brushed her sticky hair out of her face, licking a few droplets up before climbing to her feet.

“Sorry, but that was just so hot” Percy apologized.

“Well I’m glad you enjoyed it” she said, her tone showing her disapproval about being bossed around against her will. Except she was smart enough to catch where his Will ended. Those last two statements hadn’t been laced with charm-speak. “Why did you stop?” She asked curiously.

Percy blushed red. “I would never force you do do anything you don’t want to” he said gingerly. Annabeth blushed, practically falling in love with him again. Despite his blundering be was still a gentlemen. She leaned in and gave him a loving kiss. He had proven more responsible with this gift than she might’ve been. “Now be honest, there must’ve been a part of you that enjoyed being ordered about” he asked.

She decided not to confess that being compelled to obey her boyfriend had turned her on more than she expected, to the point when she was disappointed he opted to be fair. She never liked being forced or coerced so she appreciated he drew the line, though that didn’t mean they could discuss safe words later. “I’ll admit…you’ve got me in the mood for some fun of my own” she said, putting her arms around his neck brushing her nose against his. “But just so we’re clear, I prefer to be the one on top.”

He rolled his eyes. “Of course you do. Always the bossy one” he remarked.

Oh shut up and take me to bed Percy” she said. He scooped her up in his arms and carried the bossy young demigod through their new home into their bedroom, dropping her onto the king size bed they picked out when they moved it. She smiled broadly as he fell on top of her, making out with him as they became testing the new mattress. It was a hot and steamy kiss full of passion, but there was still too many clothes getting in the way. Annabeth pushed her boyfriend away with her foot, sitting up on the bed fixing her playful eyes on him. “Strip naked for me” she instructed, getting comfortable so she could watch. “Slowly, like a stripper” she added.

Percy didn’t fight the compulsion as he began removing his clothes like he was a performer at Magic Mike. He got to watch the sheer excitement build in his girlfriend as she sat and watched him intently, captivated by his clumsy performance. Her breathing grew heavy and he saw her hand brush between her legs more than once. By the time his boxers were removed she was practically drooling for him. Maybe he should perform more often. Before she could give another order he stalked forward, taking hold of her pants and easing them down her legs to undress her. She allowed him to do so, helping herself out of her underwear until they were both naked on their bed.

“Make love to me” she whispered, purposely showing the same curtesy Percy had shown her. He was just as happy to obey her.


“don’t be ridicules” Piper laughed. “Why wouldn’t they want to give it up?”

Aphrodite shrugged. “You’d be surprised how alluring such a gift can be. I wouldn’t be surprised if even Athena’s daughter was drawn to it.” She paused, turning her head looking off to the side, a smirk growing on her lips. “But I’ve been keeping you for too long daughter. It was so nice speaking with you. I hope we do it again soon.”

“Yeah, me too mom” she muttered, shutting off the hose dissolving the Iris message. She returned the hose pipe and left the garden center, passing the young man she charmed politely thanking him. He scratched his head in confusion.

Mom doesn’t know what she’s talking about she fumed, walking swiftly back to the apartment. She doesn’t know Percy and Annabeth like I do. Annabeth will be the first to give it up, I’m sure. She reached the apartment block and hopped up the stairs to their flat taking them two steps at a time. “Annie! Percy! I’m back!” She called out as she threw the door open. She kicked her shoes off and raced through the hall to the living room. “I know how to undo the…”

She came to a stop when she discovered they were gone, the living room empty. She furrowed her brown and looked around, until her ears picked up the moans and heavy breathing coming from the bedroom. She narrowed her eyes as she followed the sound echoing through the empty hall. “Guys?” She called, cautiously approaching the bedroom door. Even before pushing it open she sensed the familiar emotions of escasty.

She opened the door and found Annabeth bouncing on top of Percy, her blonde hair thrown back as she arched her spine, her hips rocking against her boyfriend who lay against the mattress, holding her thighs steady so she could ride him vigorously, their moans intertwining. Piper stared at them and sighed. I leave for five minutes.. “guys!” She called a little louder so they could hear her over their intercourse.

Annabeth turned her head in surprise. “Pipes! We didn’t hear you come in” she said, still riding Percy. It wasn’t like she was embarrassed. Piper was practically the third member in their relationship.

“What are you doing?” She asked, realizing that was a stupid question.

“We we’re waiting for you” Percy explained, massaging Annabeth’s boobs while they fucked. “How did your talk with your mom go?” He asked her.

She lit up excitedly. But before she could answer, Annabeth suggested “can we get at least a few more orgasms before talking about the goddess of sex?”

“I’d have thought now would be the perfect time to talk about the goddess of sex” Percy joked.

Stop talking” Annabeth ordered. Percy obliged.

Piper noticed and looked at her friend. “Did you just…”

“I know, but not right now” she said. She could see the judgement and worry from here. “It’s under control” she assured her, looking at her with a smile. “I can prove. Just take off your clothes and come and join us.”

Piper’s eyes widened as she was compelled to remove her clothing and walk forward. By the time she climbed onto the bed she was as naked as they were. I can see why Annabeth finds me annoying now she thought as the blonde reached over and pulled her into a steamy kiss. Annabeth could tell Piper was concerned, and confused. But the last half hour had illuminated the daughter of Athena to some perverted possibilities that she was finding rather addictive. Percy was right, she was beginning to enjoy the power she had over her friends. She rocked her hips against his cock as she made out with Piper, silencing anything she might say to convince her to stop. “Annie” she said the moment she got chance to breathe, but Annabeth was fast to intercept her voice of reason.

Sit on Percy’s face” she commanded, watching her immediately climb onto her boyfriends mouth who silently awaited her pussy. The moment her lower lips came into contact with his tongue she was gasping and moaning, her arguments drowned out by pleasure. “I’m sorry, I’m just…just a little longer” she said, feeling guilty about manipulating her like this.

Piper struggled to get a word out between moans. Percy seemed to be on the same page as his girlfriend, working to keep her busy so they could finish what they were doing. Her mothers warning rang inside her head as she rocked on the bed. She shook them away refusing to believe it. “Annie…Percy…we need to…to talk…fuck!” She panted, Percy’s tongue drawing out an orgasm that made her shiver. She pushed her hips from her mouth, Annabeth’s command passing allowing her to move. It didn’t stop her from grabbing Piper’s knees and yanking them forward so she fell against Percy’s chest, catching her in his arms. “Percy, what are you doing?” She yelped, his palms grasping her breasts as he nibbled her neck. When he didn’t answer she recalled Annabeth’s previous command and countered it with charm-speak; “you’re free to speak, now tell me what’s going on?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” He chuckled, kissing behind her ear which made her whimper. She hated how he knew her weak points. And she hated how he always used them to distract her.

Annabeth distracted her further by munching on her pussy, rubbing Percy’s cock against it without penetrating her. She held her ankles down to keep her from moving, sucking on her clit until she was whimpering. “Annie, please…st…stop…” she heaved, struggling against the pair of them as they toyed with her. “Annabeth! Please…fuck! Stop…Stop!”

Percy and Annabeth froze instantly, their grip loosening and ministrations ceasing at her desperate cry. The effect was enough to snap them out of whatever power trip they were drunk on as Piper fell limb between them. “Pipes…I’m sorry” Annabeth said guiltily, kneeling in front of the young woman as she slipped off her boyfriend. Percy was equally apologetic. “We got a little carried away.”

“I noticed” Piper replied, heaving as she caught her breath and sat against the headboard. “That’s why charm-speak is dangerous. It’s easy to…start to enjoy it.”

“Yeah” Percy nodded, rubbing her arm as he sat up beside her. “I don’t know how you can resist using it.”

“It’s not easy” she confessed, squeezing his hand indicating she okay.

Annabeth blushed bright red. Shame replacing her previous excitement. “How did you’re talk with Aphrodite go?” She asked.

Piper looked up, almost forgetting about her talk. “Oh…it was surprisingly helpful” she explained. “She’s willing to remove the enchantment if we all put our hands on the statue and proclaim “oh Aphrodite, I renounce this gift”.”

“That’s all?” Percy asked surprised.

She shrugged. “The enchantment only affects you and Annabeth, and only works inside the apartment” she added. She looked at them both, her mothers warning echoing inside her head again. “It can only be removed if you both agree to give it up.” The look on Annabeth’s face and the gut feeling Piper suddenly got from her brought a strong sense of doubt to Piper’s certainty about her friends. “You do want to give it up, don’t you?” She asked, looking at both of them.

They both hesitated, the awkward silence passing between them. “Or course we do” Annabeth said, until her hesitation made her stutter. “We did. I don’t know” she confessed, blushing profoundly.

Piper stared at her. “Annie, you can’t be considering keeping it!”

“I don’t know” she sighed. “I mean…would it be so bad if we did?”

“We have established we can control it” Percy agreed.

Piper couldn’t believe she was hearing this. Her mother was right. I can practically hear her gloating already she cursed. “You’re both insane” she said.

“Come on Pipes, just consider it?” Annabeth pleaded, crawling up to her putting her hands on the girls knees. “What if we just try it for a while? A few weeks? An month at most?”

“Like a trial run” Percy nodded, squeezing her shoulder. “You could teach us how to use it responsibly, keep us from getting out of control.”

“I don’t know” she said reluctantly. The idea of having a home were all three of them could order each other about. It’d be like being back at camp when Drew was in charge. And what happens when they had visitors over? It was too risky. It sounded like a terrible idea. But she could tell neither of them were ready to let it go now they had a taste. Worse, she didn’t want to pressure then because she knew they’d agree if she begged them to. “I really don’t know about this” she told them.

Annabeth nodded, but she wasn’t the sort to give up. “Then let us convince you” she suggested, leaning forward to kiss Piper on the lips.

Percy followed suit, kissing her shoulder as Annabeth moved lower to her neck. “We can be very convincing” she whispered.

Piper knew this, already feeling her defenses lowering again. “Fuck” she mumbled, her body unfurling as their hands stroked her gently, coaxing her onto the mattress as the demigods enveloped her. “I never could say no to either of you” she whined, melting into their sandwich as they made a very compelling argument.

This time they didn’t need charm-speak to make the brunette submit as she rolled onto her stomach willingly, allowing Percy to move in behind her while Annabeth propped her ass up with a pillow. His cock slid effortlessly into her moist center and Piper moaned into the bed as he thrust into her slowly. Annabeth kissed her boyfriend as she watched him fuck her best friend. “Do you think she’s right” she whispered, asking him for his opinion while they had sex. “Should we just do the smart thing and return Aphrodite’s gift?”

Percy didn’t slow down his thrusts into Piper as he turned his head to look at her. “Do you want to return this gift?” He asked. He saw Piper’s point. He wasn’t sure if that question was charmed by mistake or design.

Annabeth was compelled to answer instantly, and truthfully. “No” she confessed. She blushed and let out a sigh. She supposed that helped clear up her confused thoughts.

Percy hugged her closer, kissing her on the lips. “Neither do I” he whispered to her. “So we’ll just keep it for a little while, and try to enjoy it. We can always return it later.”

Annabeth smiled. When did Percy become the wise one? She wondered. She ran her hands over Piper’s ass as Percy fucked her from behind, listening to the girls moans as she buried her head into the pillow. Her other hand absently stroked the small of Percy’s back, her fingers teasing the top of his backside too. “What do you want me to do with you, right now?” She asked him curiously and playfully.

Percy shivered as he suddenly grit his teeth. But it didn’t stop him from answering “fuck me in the ass.”

“Excuse me?” Annabeth blinked, looking at him in shock. He froze and turned away to hide his blush. Annabeth broke into a laugh. “Holy Chaos, you were serious?”

“You know what, charm-speaking is overrated” Percy said, shaking his head and shoving Piper into the bed before she could ask what was going on, plowing her even harder.

Annabeth wasn’t about to forget what she heard though, looking at him with a massive grin as she reached down and slapped him bum with her hand. “Who would’ve thought it” she laughed. “Percy Jackson, the hero of Camp Half-blood, is secretly a fan of anal?”

You cannot tell anyone about this” he begged, pleading with both eyes and words.

Luckily for him Annabeth couldn’t tell anyone even if she wanted too now, which made her pout a little. But she respected him anyway, even as she licked her fingers and slipped one into his anus whispering “it’ll be our little secret” in his ear.

Percy groaned as she fingered him, his cock stiffening which made Piper moan harder into the pillow. Between her pussy swallowing him and his girlfriend ass fucking him he came into the daughter of Aphrodite faster than he intended. Which gave Annabeth room to dive between Pipers legs and eat her out to scoop up his cum. When he was ready he paid her back by giving her a rim job, asking her “who’s the anal slut now” under his breath.

The three of them fucked each other for the rest of the afternoon, alternating between positions, partners and occasionally inducing charm-speak into the mix to make things interesting. After an hour and a half the bed was firmly bedded in and tested, proving able to hold its own to what would surly be the first of many threesomes. By that time the three demigods were exhausted, sweating and heaving for air as they collapsed tangled in each other, pussies and cocks and asses dripping with cum. Piper rolled onto her back resting her head against Percy’s thigh stumbling over her breath. “Alright, I guess we could try a trial run of this” she muttered, too tired to argue with them over it. “But just a few weeks, okay?”

“Okay” Annabeth nodded, slumping against her stomach as her hand fondled Percy’s deflated balls. Percy had already fallen asleep and the two girls would be close behind him. The blonde cast a look around the bedroom before she dozed off, thinking to herself yes, this already feels like home.

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