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Welcome to the Jackson's: Just like the Good Old Days

It had been a long while since the three of them had a chance to hang out together like this. With Piper visiting camp Half-Blood and Juniper busy with her own responsibilities, Grover took the opportunity to visit Annabeth and Percy to reminisce on old times. “I’m struggling to recall the last time we were all together” he said as they sat on the sofa.

“Got to be before the Second Giant War” Percy said. “Before Juno whisked me away to go train at Camp Jupiter.”

“You’re right” Annabeth nodded. She looked between her two friends. “We all got rather busy afterwards."

"I’m sorry I didn’t visit more often” Grover apologized.

Annabeth smiled, patting his knee. “You’re here now.”

“It’s all good mate. We haven’t exactly kept in touch ourselves” Percy replied.

Grover shrugged. “Compared to what I’ve been up to, sounds like you two have had quite the adventure all on your own in this place” he remarked, looking around the flat inquisitively.

Annabeth and Percy looked around their home, a sharing a knowing chuckle. This place had seen quite a few strange things by now. “How’s Juniper?” Annabeth asked.

“She’s great. She’s sorry she couldn’t be here. She had work to attend to at Camp.”

“Piper too” she nodded.

“Maybe those two could keep each other company” Percy joked.

Grover laughed. “Probably already gossiping out us right now.”

“all good things, I’m sure” Annabeth scoffed.

The three of them broke into an easy laugh. It might’ve been a long while since they were together, but it felt like they had never been apart.

Annabeth sat between the two boys, looking at them affectionately, a mischievous smirk forming on her face. “Since we’ve got the place to ourselves today, how about we reminisce about some of the other things we used to do in the old days” she suggested.

Grover and Percy looked at one another as Annabeth’s hands reached out and suggestively rubbed their thighs. A coy smile rose on Percy’s face. “It has been a while” he noted.

Grover glanced at them and shrugged nervously. “Are you sure it would be okay?” He asked.

“Unless you don’t want to” she said softly. “I wasn’t sure if you and Juniper are exclusive now.”

He rubbed his curly beard a moment before quietly replying “not exactly. We don’t usually…not with other people. But she knows about us, what we used to get up to. She knows she can trust both of you.”

Annabeth shuffled closer, cautiously leaning in. “so she wouldn’t mind if I did this?” she asked before gently kissing his cheek. He turned his head and shook it, allowing her to lean in closer and kiss his lips next. Annabeth smiled as Grover kissed her back, his hand falling into hers and squeezing it.

They made out intimately before she pulled away so she could turn to Percy and kiss him next. Her hand continued to rub Grover’s leg while she kissed her boyfriend. Their hands fell to her knees and caressed her gently.anticipation built up between the three of them. “Do you remember the first time we slept together?” Percy asked nostalgically.

“Must’ve been after our first quest together” Annabeth recalled.

Grover narrowed his eyes. “I thought the first time was during the first quest?”

“No, that was our first kiss” she said, correcting him. “On the beach after escaping the Underworld.”

“Right. You kissed Grover, and then you kissed me” Percy nodded.

“You’re still jealous I chose to kiss him first, aren’t you?” Annabeth giggled.

“No, of course not” he replied.

“We had known each other longer” Grover said awkwardly.

“I wasn’t jealous” he insisted.

Annabeth didn’t buy it, giggling warmly as she shuffled closer and ran her hands over his chest. “It all worked out in the end” she whispered, kissing him softly drifting her hand down to his crotch. He winced when her palm cupped his groin, his hand gently coaxing her off him. She pulled back worried. “Are you still sore from Halloween?”

“Maybe” he groaned, shifting his legs carefully.

“What happened?” Grover asked.

“It was just a misunderstanding” he said, his cheeks blushing red.

Annabeth blushed too, but she couldn’t help but laugh. “We were playing a game. Things got a little out of hand” she explained. She examined the son of Posiedon a moment before asking “do you want me to help kiss it better?”

Any other day, Percy would love to accept that offer. Today, however, he regrettably said “best not. Sorry?”

“Oh” Annabeth pouted, slumping back in her seat in disappointment.

“We could just cuddle” he said pathetically.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. So she turned to Grover and put on a charming smile. “It seems my boyfriend isn’t able to satisfy me today. Can you help?” He asked, putting her hands on the young Satyr.

Grover stared at her and blinked. “What? Help Percy satisfy you?” He fumbled.

They both laughed at his nervous response. “No, dumbass. I’m asking you to have sex with me, since Percy can’t perform right now” Annabeth said.

“Hey, I can perform!” Percy said defensively. When she shot him a glance he shifted uncomfortably. “Just not right now.”

“Shame. I guess I’ll have to have an affair then” she replied, shuffling over to Grover and putting her leg over him as she fooled around with him. “What do you say? Will you help me make my boyfriend jealous?” She asked Grover, flashing her eyelashes for him.

He admired the seductive blonde woman as she put her hands all over him, glancing apologetically at his best mate muttering “I never could say no to you Annabeth.” He embraced her in a passionate kiss, which the daughter of Athena made sure Percy could see clearly.

Percy was forced to watch his girlfriend and best friend make out next to him, sitting back rolling his eyes. He wasn’t jealous at all. It wasn’t the first time he’d watched Annabeth have an affair in front of him. In fact it was a common game she and Piper played with him. But as hot as seeing two sexy girls kiss was, seeing two of his best friends doing it was a special kind of thrill. Nostalgia filled his chest as he recalled that first kiss between them, born of intense relief having survived. It bonded them forever.

Annabeth felt that bond also as she climbed onto Grover’s lap, kissing him passionately wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “Is it strange that I’ve missed this?” He asked awkwardly.

She shook her head. “Not at all” she replied, stroking his chin affectionately. “Feels so much the same, yet so different” she noted.

“I does?”

She nodded. “The beard’s a nice touch” she said, remarking how it tickled her face when they kissed. She weaved her fingers through his hair, which had grown thicker. Her hand sought out the horns pertruding from his skull, one of his most distinguishing features. When they were younger, he could hide them in his curly hair. Now they stood out prominently. “Does it still feel good when I do this?” She asked, them with her thumbs.

Grover moaned as she tugged on them gently, closing his eyes and tilting his head back as she angled his face to plant her lips on his. “Yes” he sighed, his hands running up her back as she pulled him forward and kissed his forehead. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and nibbled on her neck, smelling her blonde hair as it fell behind her back. “Oh Annie, I’ve missed you” he whispered.

“I’ve missed you too” she said, clutching his hair and hugging him closer, kissing his head and his horns, moaning from his touch as it brushed along her thighs and hips. She thought about the last time they were together like this, her eyes glancing guiltily to Percy. It was the only time she would consider what they had an affair. Percy was missing, disappeared without a trace. Before they knew Hera/Juno was responsible, Annabeth had been out of her mind with worry. Grover was worried too, so they sought comfort in each other. Until then they had only ever slept together when Percy was with them. That day he had found her crying in the Posiedon cabin. He held her, comforted her, and she had kissed him, begged him to stay with her. He was a good friend that day. A good lover too. The comfort sex was what they both needed. And he was amazing as she held his horns to grind his face between her legs so he could eat her out until she orgasmed. It was one of the most erotic things the two of them did together. But what she remembered most was laying on Percy’s bed with him, holding his arms as he fucked her sideways from behind. It was gentle and tender and they stayed there for ages. She cried as much as she moaned, praying to the gods to keep Percy safe wherever he was. She looked up at Percy now, relieved her prayers had been answered.

Percy met her gaze, reading the expression on her face. He didn’t say anything as he reached out and squeezed her hand. She smiled, wiping her tear with Grover’s curly hair. “Jealous, Percy?” She asked, putting on a mischievous grin and deflecting the guilt of how she felt she’d betrayed him that one time.

Percy saw right through the confident façade and smirked. “What man wouldn’t be” he said, leaning over and kissing her hand. Her cheeks turned red and she smiled. Such a charmer she thought smiling.

Grover, meanwhile, turned his head and glanced awkwardly at Percy. “Sorry, I was just…” he stammered, but Percy chuckled. “It’s fine. We’re all friends remember. Not like we haven’t been in this position before” Percy said.

Annabeth giggled, turning back to Grover kissing him affectionately. “Some things haven’t changed” she observed, gazing at the same anxious expression he wore whenever they had one of their threesome’s. He stroked his horns again and got him to moan, rubbing her groin against his crotch feeling for a hint of arousal downstairs. “I must admit, I feel bad for neglecting you for so long. I feel like I should make it up to you and that satyr penis of yours” she said, reaching down to place her palm against his groin.

Grover shivered as Annabeth rubbed between his legs through his jeans. He gazed at her sexy body grinding on his lap, pressing his lips together in anticipation. “Only if your boyfriend doesn’t mind” he said.

Before Percy could give his blessing, Annabeth squeezed his crotch. “Grover, I’m a dissatisfied young woman who is very horny. The only person you should be concerned about right now is me.”

“She’s right mate” Percy laughed. “You don’t want to leave a girl like that waiting.”

Grover gulped and assisted her in removing his baggy jeans down his furry goat legs. He didn’t have to hide his goat legs from them, but he always kept up the disguise whenever he was out in the mortal world. Annabeth got off his lap and pulled the jeans and shoes off, exposing his hooves and immediately rubbing her palm against his groin. The young satyr moaned as she tickled underneath his crotch, coaxing his penis out to play and grow erect to her touch. “I guess some things do change” she muttered, her stormy grey eyes examining the phallus as it grew hard and long. She wrapped her hand around it. “Have you gotten bigger?”

“Juniper says I have” Grover blushed.

She ran her fingers along his furry shaft, stroking the tip with her thumb before biting her lip. She turned to Percy and smirked. “What do you think? Has he gotten bigger?”

Percy tried not to look. It felt weird staring at his best friends genitals. He offered not comment, finding the question awkward.

Annabeth giggled at how uncomfortble they got. Both boys were always awkward around each other when they had their threesomes. Annabeth was always the focus because neither of them wanted to risk doing anything gay. “If I asked nicely, would you two make out?” She asked.

Grover paled but Percy quickly shot her down. “Not even Piper’s charm-speak would convince me to do that. No offense” he said to the satyr.

“None taken. It would be too weird” he replied.

One day I’ll convince these two to share a kiss she thought pouting, regretting not taking her chance while she had Charm-speak. “Pity. Ooh, that reminds me. I dug this out a while ago” he said, briefly leaving Grover unattended to reach into her bag by the table. She pulled out her invisibility cap and showed it to them. “Remember how much fun we had with this thing between us?”

“Yeah” Grover beamed, his cheeks turning red. “We used to take turns wearing it while we had sex.”

“You liked to sneak up on us while invisible to give us blowjobs too” Percy recalled. “Especially in the public showers.”

“It was the only way we could get away with it at the time” she smirked, reminding him “you’d sneak into the girls showers too. If I don’t know better, I’d think you were perving on us.”

“No more than you were perving on us” he fired back. “Besides, I only had eyes for you” he added affectionately.

She smiled. “Especially when Grover was the one wearing the cap. Don’t think I didn’t catch you trying to get a look inside my ass while he was fucking me” she said. “Just know whenever you did, you would’ve been staring at his cock and balls too.”

Grover blinked and then blushed, giving away he had been doing the same whenever Percy was invisible-fucking her. He looked up at Annabeth as she fiddled with the cap in her hands. “Um, are you going to put that on?” He asked.

She shrugged. “I’m feeling naughty” she said with a playful smirk, pulling her hair back before slipping her cap on, disappearing out of sight.

There was an air of anticipation as the boys sat and waited to see what Annabeth might do next. She didn’t make her move right away. Instead they listened and heard her giggling behind them as her soft footsteps creeped behind the sofa. Percy turned his head and glimpsed articles of clothing appearing out of thin air onto the floor. “You’ve been awfully playful ever since Reyna deprogrammed you” Percy observed, noting how many games Annabeth had been playing lately. “I’m glad to see you’re confidence is back.”

“Yeah. I heard about what happened” Grover said sincerely. “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay” she said, her voice coming from behind the satyr as he felt a pair of arms loop around him and a pair of lips press against his cheek. “Thank you for asking” she whispered, kissing him affectionately before slipping away again. His cheeks turned rosy and Percy smiled.

The next clue to her location came when Grover gasped, the fur on his knees shifting as invisible hands moved across his body. He felt a breath ghost over the tip of his penis, drawing his attention to the spot in front of him where he was sure Annabeth was now. He couldn’t see her, but he could feel her hands stroking his thighs moving up to his cock. Then something wet brushed his tip and he gasped, his dick twitching to the sound of a soft giggle.

“You know you want to watch, Percy” Annabeth teased. Percy could picture her coy smile as he locked her eyes on him while she licked Grover’s cock. And he knew she was licking him before he was watching, trying not to make it weird as he observed Grover’s hairy penis moving and twitching while the young satyr sat back and moaned. “Describe what I’m doing to you” she instructed, speaking to Grover.

Grover swallowed and stared at the empty space between his knees. “You’re…there’s a pair of hands on my lap. They are brushing over my legs. One of them is around my dick. Oh shit! Something just licked it. Annie, she just…her tongue…oh wow! I can feel her mouth. It’s sucking my cock. Oh, that feels so good.”

He opened his eyes and glanced at Percy, blushing with embarrassment. “Sounds like she’s doing a great job” he said, growing very uncomfortable in his trousers. “Keep going” he said.

Grover gulped, shifting uncomfortbly under his best friends gaze. Annabeth’s lips slipped further down and he groaned involuntarily. “Fuck, she’s almost swallowed my whole dick! I didn’t think she could…you’ve gotten better at this” he said, sitting up and staring at his cock as it moved down her throat. She was invisible, but they could see it twitch and twist as her mouth enveloped it.

“She’s had a lot of practice since you two last had sex” Percy grinned. He met Grover’s shocked gaze and he smiled. “She told me. I’m glad you were there for her mate” he said. Grover smiled, shrugging modestly. He reached out a hand and managed to rest his palm of what he was sure was her head. Annabeth’s throat vibrated around him as she hummed, bobbing up and down faster on his cock. He closed his eyes again and groaned, his hips shifting uncomfortably again. Percy could see the urges he was holding back. “Go for it” he said. “She won’t mind. Fuck her brains out.”

Grover felt Annabeth’s head nod under his hand, her fingers squeezing his thigh, and he heard her muffled voice echo her boyfriend. He bit his lip and took hold of her invisible head with both hands, suddenly pulling her all the way down onto his cock. The demigoddess choked on his cock as he thrusted it up, slamming into her throat faster, his animal side seeking release inside her throat. He tried to apologize but it got lost in a lustful growl. But he felt her lips suction him harder and her hands grip his hips, her jaw slackening letting him use her. He had never been this rough with Annabeth in the past. They’d both grown up and gotten better at this.

He wasn’t sure if he had fucked her brains out, but she managed to make him lose it as he ejaculated into her mouth. He thrust as far as it could, pulling back when he felt her gag and choke, not wanting to suffocate her. He looked down and watched his cum shoot from his tip and paint the inside of her throat, where it collected inside of her mouth. She waited until he had finished cumming before extracting her mouth from his cock, releasing it and keeping his semen on her tongue. He could see it swirl around as she lifted her head, before suddenly disappearing as she gulped it down. “Fuck, that was hot” Annabeth’s voice gasped. She sounded very aroused.

“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He asked nervously.

She giggled again and this time he felt her climb onto his lap. “You always were a gentle soul” he said, her hands caressing his chest as he felt the sofa sink as her weight sat on his lap. He felt something wet rub against his penis as it lay on its side, the blood slowly rushing back to it. He felt a pair of lips on his and he kissed the empty air. “You don’t have to worry about hurting me” she said. “You’ll know when I want you to stop.”

He nodded, relieved to know it. He looked down as the buttons on his shirt started coming undone, invisible hands exposing his chest. He hesitantly reached forward and felt her body close to him, inhaling as his fingers found soft skin. She heard her sigh as they brushed along her stomach and found the underside of her boobs. He glanced at Percy, who was still watching them from across the sofa. “She’s sitting on my lap” he described. “I think she’s naked.”

“Almost” she replied. “I’m only wearing one item of clothing.”

Percy and Grover’s cocks sprang up at the comment, the mental image of a naked Annabeth wearing the invisibility cap arousing them both. It was so much better because they couldn’t see her, but they could imagine her clearly. Percy could handle the ache between his legs and awkwardly rubbed his groin. He heard Annabeth laugh. “I think Percy is jealous” she said.

“Not jealous. Just aroused” he retorted, unzipping his pants to pull out his erection.

“Aw, feeling left out are we?” She teased, caressing her new lover making his hair and beard shift under her fingers as Grover hummed in pleasure. “What was it we used to say when we were together like this? Oh yes…you can join in whenever you want.”

Grover felt Annabeth’s body lift up on his lap as an invisible hand took hold of his dick again, aligning it with her entrance so she could sink down onto his shaft. He moaned as he entered her once more, her pussy feeling exactly like it used to. His hands grasped her hips and he looked up at where he hoped her face was hovering. “I hope it’s not weird when I say I’ve missed being with you like this” he stammered.

He voice was as delicate as her hands as she ran her fingers through his curly hair, tugging on his horns gently. “I’ve missed being with you too” she whispered before guiding his head to her chest. He closed his eyes and used his sense of touch to find her breasts, caressing them with his hands before kissing them with his mouth. Annabeth gasped when he found her nipples and began to suck on them, clutching his head tightly kissing his horns while riding his lap. “Oh fuck. You’ve gotten better too” she observed.

Percy couldn’t see what Annabeth was doing. He could see what Grover was doing, his hands and mouth caressing empty air while his cock twitched in his lap. It was weird to watch. He didn’t say anything however because he had been caught enough times doing much the same when Annabeth wore the cap for him. He sat back in his seat and stroked himself instead, his dick still aching a little from discomfort. It was fading fast though, the pain Piper left him in being pushed aside by lust and pleasure. He thought back to all those afternoons the three of them shared, those sexual acts starting as simple curious bonding before growing into something so intimate it strengthened their friendship forever. Much the same way he and Piper and Annabeth were now, only unique to them. He yearned to be a part of that bond again. And he knew Annabeth was watching him, waiting for him to unite with them.

Until then, Grover was enough to satisfy her immediate urges as she climaxed. They knew she had climaxed because her moans became louder and Grover grunted as his cock became soaked in fluids. His arms wrapped around an invisible body which slumped against him, heavy breathing tickling his shoulder as he supported her. He wished he could see her, reaching up to seek out her face and brush her cheek. He felt a strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear, following the rip of the cap seeking to remove it. Her hand caught his wrist and she kissed him lovingly, deeply, her body pressing him against the sofa basking in his warmth. Her pussy massaged his shaft, smearing his fur with her cum while they made out. “Not yet” she said, referring to his unspoken request.

He felt her body shift again and suddenly her weight was off him, the indents in the sofa indicating she had climbed off him. He adjusted his seat, his erection still throbbing as he grasped it to stroke. He waited for a minute until he felt her brush his knees again, a hand taking his cock from him and holding it still as he felt a warm body lower down onto him again. He carefully reached out and felt a soft bum hovering in front of him, hearing her gasp as he squeezed her cheeks and spread them open for her. He helped her lower herself down, his penis finding her back entrance as she shifted it into position. They both moaned as he was enveloped slowly, easing her anus down his shaft. He took her weight as she slumped back, feeling her recline against his chest as her hands gripped his thighs. He brought his hands up and felt her naked body under his fingers, finding and squeezing her breasts playing with her nipples. She moaned against his ear as he felt her hair brush his shoulder. He took a chance and kissed what he assumed to be her neck. She turned her head and met his lips with hers and kissed him back.

Percy was still watching from his seat, stroking his cock steadily while watching Grover writhe against empty air. When he caught the boys eye he cocked his brow. “She’s sitting on my lap again” the satyr explained, grunting as his hips moved, sinking up and down in his seat as Annabeth rolled her hips with him. “I’m in her ass. She feels so tight.”

“And your cock feels so good” she moaned, her voice purring with enjoyment as she gasped and panted. Percy couldn’t see her, but he was sure she was watching him. Grover’s hand moved down to a space in front of his cock and he started fingering her, her moans growing passionate. “Yes, fuck me. I’m so wet right now.”

“Shit, it feels like you’re gushing” Grover marveled.

Percy’s dick throbbed, his hand pumping it furiously. He bit his bottom lip as he watched the invisible girl fuck his best friend. He could feel her gaze on him, taunting him. “I want you” she begged. “Both of you. Please Percy. Fuck me.”

He couldn’t get out of his clothes fast enough. He sprung up to his feet and raced to join Grover on the sofa. The young man looked up as Percy stood before him, nodding to him as he removed his hand and spread her pussy for him. His hand helped him guide his cock home and it wasn’t long until he felt a wet moist entrance brushing against his tip. Annabeth whimpered as he teased her until a pair of hands grabbed him and yanked him forward. He caught himself on the sofa and Grover’s shoulder, sharing an awkward glance with him before sinking into Annabeth’s pussy. She moaned and wrapped her legs around him, pulling him as deep as he could go while also sinking all the way onto Grover’s cock.

With both dicks filling her, Annabeth was trapped between them. Percy felt up her body, his hands tracing her curves recalling them from memory. He felt her lips against his mouth and he made out with her, their tongues swirling around each other. She pulled away and moments later Grover was getting the same passionate kiss, his hair being ruffled by invisible fingers. “Fuck me” she pleaded, and both friends eagerly satisfied her.

It was weird having sex with a girl he couldn’t see. Even weirder doing it with another guy, meaning the only face they had to look at was each other’s. They tried not to stare at each other as they teamed up to make love to Annabeth, their cocks sliding in and out of her nearly brushing each other as they twitched inches apart. Her pants and moans filled their ears and her body shuddered between them as they molested her body, driving her wild with pleasure. She rocked and bounced on their cocks, her hands gripping their thighs and ass and back and hair tightly, milking them both as they sped up the pace, driven by lust and love and friendship. They had missed this, being together, the three of them. They felt like teenagers again, discovering the joys of sex with one another.

They closed their eyes and got lost in the nostalgia, fucking and kissing until they all climaxed in one glorious orgasm. The boys groaned as Annabeth’s holes clenched around their cocks, becoming as tight as a vice. Percy lost his balance and slumped forward, crushing her between them as she trembled in escasty, looking down to see his ejaculate paint her insides through her translucent flesh. Grover’s did the same, illuminating the inside of her ass before their cum faded from view, absorbed by her body and the magic of her hat. Percy contemplated pulling out to spurt his cum over her front, getting aroused at the thought of her indivisible body painted by semen, but her pussy clung to him refusing to let him go as she climaxed continuously.

They rode the orgasm until their bits ached, the three of them panting from exertion, collapsing into a sweaty pile on the sofa. Grover’s chest heaved and he felt Annabeth flop over him like a rag-doll, her head against his shoulder. Percy hovered over them, holding himself up by his arms, his hands resting on the sofa. His eyes met Grover’s and they both blushed red. He tried to extract himself from his girlfriend but her pussy clenched again. “No…leave it in” she whispered, her breathing labored. He obliged, shifting his weight so they could get more comfortable. He felt her satisfied body as his hands sought her out, caressing her thighs and breasts. Grover found her arms and stomach, kissing her shoulder listening to her purr like a kitten. Percy leaned forward and attempted to kiss her lips. Annabeth giggled when he missed. “That’s my nose, seaweed brain” she laughed, her hands capturing his face to guide him to her mouth.

He kissed her passionately, raising his hand to follow the softness of her cheek to her hair, taking hold of the invisibility cap and lifting it off her head. Annabeth became visible once more, looking very beautiful and satisfied as she lay sandwiched between her two lovers. “You look so beautiful” Percy whispered.

She smiled, kissing him again. “And you looked jealous” she teased.

He rolled his eyes and conceded. “It’s impossible not to be, seeing someone as hot as you with someone else.”

“But you still love me, right?”

“Always” he said, kissing her deeply.

She turned her head and looked at Grover, caressing his cheek with the back of her hand. “You were amazing. I love you too” she whispered.

“Right back at you, Annie” he replied, hugging her against his chest and kissing her softly. He looked at the state the three of them were in. “It’s been a while since we found ourselves in a situation like this” he remarked.

“Just like old time?” Percy asked.

“But better” Annabeth nodded, snuggling up with both of them. She eyed the two of them while their guard was down, seizing her moment post colitis to make a final request. “After all these years, don’t you think it’s time you two shared just one kiss? Just one? For me?”

The two boys looked at each other awkwardly before turning to see Annabeth’s pout. They sighed, exhausted and still riding the aftershocks of the shared climax, arousal spiking in their groins. Percy turned to Grover and shrugged his shoulders. “Let’s not make it weird” he said.

Grover pout. “Could never say no to you” he muttered, closing his eyes and leaning forward for Percy to drop down and meet him in a quick, awkward, manly kiss.

It was over in a flash, but it made Annabeth’s heart melt with adoration. “That was so hot” she whispered supportively. “Thank you.”

Percy rose up and stared at his girlfriend. “Good, that’s all you’ll get the two of us doing” he said.

“Never say never” she shrugged grinning.

“Of course, you do realize now we’ll have to fuck your wise-ass brains out to prove we’re not gay now, don’t you.”

“Yeah. I feel very insecure after kissing a guy. We might have to have sex for the rest of the day” Grover again.

Annabeth grew wet as the two of them eyed her hungrily, biting her bottom lip in anticipation for their promises. "Well in that case, we should take this somewhere more comfortable” she suggested excitedly. They helped her to her feet and she picked up her cap.

Percy yoinked it out of her hands. “Nuh uh, I want to be able to see you at all times wise girl” he said, confiscating it and leading her and Grover to their bedroom to relive the glory days.

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