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Welcome to the Jackson’s: Home Invasion (Percy Jackson)

A Halloween Themed installment to the ongoing series.

CONTENT WARNING: contains rape, non-con elements and threats of violence.


It was October 31st in San Fransisco. Dark clouds loomed over the night sky as children dressed in costumes journeyed from house to house trick or treating. Not all the residents had time to welcome these children, so many would place bowls of candy outside the door for them. The apartment building Annabeth lived at was no exception, but she smiled at the ghouls and monsters as they scurried around her as she entered her building. After a lifetime running from real monsters, this adorable kids were a welcome sight.

She climbed the stairs and entered her apartment, locking the door behind her. She switched the light on as she took off her coat. And shoes. She was home alone tonight. Piper was on a flight home to see her father and Percy was out, which left Annabeth holding down the flat on Halloween Night. Not that she was scared. It was just a holiday.

She made herself a drink and put her handbag down, her dagger falling out of the bag onto the counter. A demigod habit, carrying a weapon everywhere. She left the kitchen sipping her drink, casually scanning the empty room until she felt a chill. One of the windows had been left open. “Goddamnit Seaweed Brain” she muttered, walking over and pushing it shut. She looked out at the drop from their third floor window before closing the curtains. She walked across the room and turned the light off, conserving their energy bill, before walking into her bathroom to have a shower. She let the door swing behind her, not bothered if it didn’t close. She was alone after all.

She failed to spot the dark figure step out of the shadows inside her flat.

He crossed the dark living room slowly, his thick boots stepping purposely over the carpeted floor. He wore a thick coat over broad shoulders and hid his face behind a hockey mask. Gloved hands ran along the mantle piece, pausing in front of the delicate ornament of a Dove on a Dias. The figure tilted his head from side to side, picking it up briefly.

The sound of running water drew his attention back to the bathroom door, which hung ajar a couple of inches. He placed the statue back and approached the door quickly, circling around the table watching Annabeth as she got undressed with her back to him. His eyes raked over her naked body as she climbed out of her clothes, her perfect curves drawing his attention as he examined her from her slender neck to her elegant legs to the tips or toes. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders as she shook it loose, completely oblivious to the intruder as he watched her from the door.

She tested the water temperature with her hand before stepping into the shower, pulling the curtain closed as she lifted her head to the running water. She sighed in pleasure as she let the hot water run down her body, seeping into her pores and relaxing her muscles. She took her time and made use of it to wash off the stress of the day.

The sound of the shower obscured the heavy breathing from the intruder as he walked up to the door and peered through it, watching her behind the curtain rub soap over herself. A gloved hand brushed the door, pushing it open another inch experimentally. The girl didn’t notice the figure watching her, unaware she was no longer alone.

He could’ve stepped into the illuminated bathroom, but instead he stepped away and explored the rest of the flat. With the shower running in the background, the man trudged slowly around the hall, scanning the family photos hanging there. There was one of Annabeth and her father, before he remarried, when she was very young. There was one of Percy and his mom, and another including Paul and Estelle. A fourth with Piper and her family hung underneath them. On the other wall beside a large mirror were photos of the Demigods together, and more with their friends, people they considered as close as family and not just by Olympian blood. The home invader examined them silently before crossing into kitchen, his cold eyes scanning the counter where Annabeth’s dagger continued to rest.

His hand passed over the counter lazily, his path moving along to the dining table and then back to the living room. He paused at one of the windows and peered through the curtains watching the trick or treaters below. Nobody saw him creeping around in the dark.

He moved to the bedrooms, poking his head into the empty guest room. Then he entered Pipers room, the bed made yet the room a bit of a mess. He stood in the center and surveyed the room, eying the stuffed bear zigging against her pillow as it stared back blankly. He turned and moved to the master bedroom, walking through it finding a picture of Percy and Annabeth together. They looked happy. Picked it up and stared at it, admiring the smile on Annabeth’s face.

The shower suddenly shut off as Annabeth finished up, stepping out to grab a towel and dry herself off. The stranger listened from the next room as she began humming to herself, wringing the water out of her blonde hair and rubbing herself dry. After the shower she felt very relaxed and refreshed and alert. So alert she heard the faintest of creaks when the stranger shifted his weight.

“Hello?” She called out, turning her head cautiously to the door. When there was no answer she dropped the towel and put on a dressing gown. Her bare feet left wet footprints along the floor as she walked silently to the door and peeked out. “Is anybody there?” She called out, easing the door open and poking her head out.

She was met with a dark empty flat.

She stepped out and scanned the flat, pulling her gown’s chord tight around her waist. She didn’t hear any other disturbances. The noise could’ve been the building settling. All the spooks around Halloween and being home alone have left the girl paranoid, she thought. “Percy! Pipes?” She called anyway, just in case.

When she wince again didn’t get an answer, she shrugged her shoulders. Must be hearing things she thought, walking into the kitchen. She picked up her bag and brought it to the hall, scanning the counter in the dark unable to find her dagger. “That’s odd” She muttered, her eyes narrowing in confusion as he put her bag down in the hall and flicked the light back on.

She looked up into the mirror and gasped when she saw a tall man in a hockey mask standing behind her in the reflection.

He was on her before she could whirl around and defend herself. Before she could scream his hand was over her mouth and she was grabbed from behind. She cried out into his palm and flailed her feet, kicking at the wall trying to shove herself backwards and squirm out of his grasp. He had one arm wrapped around her body, pinning her arms to her sides, so she couldn’t throw a punch. She struggled against him as he picked her up from the floor, twisting and kicking wildly until he shoved her against the wall. Picture frames shook and a few toppled to the floor shattering the glass. She felt pieces of glass under her toes as she was pinned to the wall by the man’s weight, the wind knocked out of her.

The moment his arm moved over her torso she brought her arms up ready to push herself off and fight back. But then she felt something cold and metal pressed against her neck. Something sharp.

“Do not scream” the intruder growled, lowering his mask next to her ear. She could feel his hot breath on her neck as he tilted her head back with the hand over her mouth, exposing her throat to the knife he was holding. She caught their reflection in the mirror and inhaled when she saw her dagger in his grasp, the celestial bronze pressing against her jugular. “If you scream, I will slit your throat. Do you understand?”

Fear suddenly gripped her as she nodded her head. Celestial bronze wouldn’t harm mortals, but to demigods it was just as deadly. The intruder cautiously lifted his palm from her hand and she inhaled as it moved to hold her against the wall. “Please, don’t hurt me” she pleaded quietly, suddenly aware she was unarmed and in her dressing gown against a masked intruder with a knife. “What do you want?”

“We’ll get to that” the man growled, keeping the knife held across her neck. “Are you alone?” He asked. She hesitated for a moment until the blade pressed under her chin. “Answer me” he hissed.

“Yes” she replied immediately. So immediately it took her by surprise.

“What about your roommates?” He asked, pointing to the photos on the wall.

She gulped before answering “out. Visiting friends and family. They won’t be…won’t be back until morning” she answered, alarmed at her compulsion to tell the truth. I should’ve told him my boyfriend was on his way back she thought. It made her think about the effects of charm-speak when Piper…

wait, that’s it! Aphrodite’s gift was still on the mantle piece.

Annabeth looked over her shoulder and confidently commanded “let me go and drop the dagger.

But to her horror, it didn’t work.

“Why would I do that?” the intruder said, his eyes looking down at her in admiration.

Annabeth shivered, not liking the way he was staring at her. “Please…don’t hurt me.”

“We’ll see” he whispered, the hand on her back moving lower to squeeze her butt. She squirmed, attempting to push him away, but he jammed an elbow into her back and pinned her against the wall. “Don’t move” he warned.

Annabeth suddenly felt a familiar compulsion ripple through her body as it obeyed his command. Her eyes widened when she realized this intruder, whomever it was, was using charm-speak. She glanced to the statue on the mantelpiece, wondering if it was sharing the gift with him instead of her. Why? She screamed internally.

She couldn’t find an answer, not in time to feel his hands lifting her gown to slap her ass. Her body remained motionless as he groped her, humming in appreciation as she whimpered in disgust. “Your boyfriend is a lucky man” he said quietly. He gave both her cheeks a firm slap that made her gasp, leaning closer whispering “tonight you belong to me.”

“Please…just take whatever you want” she begged.

“I intend to” he laughed in a sinister voice.

He grabbed her and spun her around so she was facing him, holding her against the wall by the throat. He held the dagger comfortably in his hand as he dragged the tip along her cheek, watching her frantic eyes follow it as it drifted down to the cleft between her breasts. She trembled in fear as he squeezed her throat. “Remove it” he ordered.

She swallowed a gulp as she stared into the stern gaze boring into her from behind the hockey mask. Her hands moved on their own, disobeying her command to wrestle him for her weapon and instead reaching for the chord of her gown. He watched her as she reluctantly revealed her naked body, awkwardly shrugging the dressing gown off her shoulders and letting it fall around her ankles. Her face turned away in shame as his eyes stared at her young body hungrily. She moved to cover herself but he squeezed her throat tighter, wordlessly ordering her not to.

“It would be such a shame to break something so delicate” the man said, his knife drifting down her body. Annabeth flinched as he flicked the tip against her nipple, whimpered when he brushed it over her stomach, and held her breath when the cold blade was pressed against her clit. He kicked her feet apart with his boots, making her open her legs so he could see her pussy. She stared anxiously as that dagger drifted dangerously close to her soft flesh. “Please” she whispered. “Let me go” she begged.

He did let go of her neck, but only so he could hold the dagger against it. This freed up his hand to molest her pussy and rub her clit against her will. She squirmed against him, her hands instinctively grabbing his wrist. He hissed and yanked them over her head, growling as he pinned them to the wall with his other hand. “Do not move” he ordered, holding the dagger hard against her wrists. She obeyed, knowing even if she didn’t she might slit her wrists on the knife.

He went back to cupping her pussy, watching her intently as he fingered her roughly. She grimaced as two gloved fingers shoved themselves into her cunt and she buckled her hips against him. She wasn’t remotely aroused, yet her body gave into the abuse and leaked over his hand. “Good bitch” the man whispered, hooking his fingers deeper forcing her to ride them. She let out a pained whimper as he raped her, her walls stretched wide to accept another finger while his thump dug into her clit. She gasped and gushed again, shuddering from the violent climax leaving her dripping with cum.

He released her pussy and she slumped to her knees. Her hands were dragged down, digging into the blade across them. She panted for breath and felt tears falling down her cheeks. “Please…let me go” Annabeth whispered, realizing begging wasn’t going to get her anywhere.

“We are done when I say we’re done” the intruder growled, reaching down to unzip his trousers. He pulled out a large disgusting erection, stroking it with his free hand. Annabeth recoiled as it was waved in front of her face, grimacing at the prediction of what he expected her to do next. “Suck it” he commanded.

Annabeth tried to resist the compulsion, but she whimpered in shame as her face turned back to it and began licking at it with her tongue. She grimaced again as she wrapped her lips around it, screwing her eyes shut not wanting to see the satisfied look in his eye as he stared down at her. She flexed her fingers but the dagger pressed harder against her wrists, threatening to cut them. With resigned reluctance she gave him a blowjob, her eyes watering from how awful the dick smelled. This man’s musk was as disgusting as she felt.

The man enjoyed watch her suck his dick, but soon he grew bored of the slow pace she was taking. “Stay still” he ordered, suddenly thrusting forward shoving her against the wall. She gagged around him as he grabbed her head and began forcing himself faster down her throat, her skull banging against the wall with each hard thrust. She grunted in discomfort and pain as her brain rattled inside she head, his thick cock shoved into her mouth all the way until it almost suffocated her. She tried to glare up at the intruder in the dark, but stars began bouncing across her vision from the constant pounding.

He face-fucked her harder, growling as he claimed her throat, his hips moving rapidly back and forth. After half a minute he reached his peak and grunted, spilling his cum down her gullet forcing her to swallow. His balls slapped her chin as he stuffed her mouth full of his dick, and she let out a pained moan as she struggled to breathe. Semen leaked out of her mouth and she coughed more up her nose.

Then suddenly she was released, heaving for breath and gasping for air, vomiting up cum onto the floor. Her hands were set free and she used them to hold herself up as she dry heaved. Her blonde hair fell over her face and she had tears streaked across her cheeks. She was shivering and shaking, her throat raw making each sound she made painful. She was dizzy and disorientated, the pounding against the wall knocking her senseless.

The once proud and smart demigoddess was broken, and her new master loomed over her ready for more.

He grabbed her by the hair and yanked her up to her feet. She screamed pitifully as she was dragged off the floor. She struggled as much as her weakened body allowed, her head still spinning from the forceful blowjob. She felt the room tilt as she was pulled over to the dining table and thrown across it. She landed with a painful grunt bent over the edge, he chest pinned to the table by a strong hand. She felt the cold blade of her dagger hooked behind her head, brushing her scalp. She hoped he wasn’t going to use it to cut her hair or something, or worse.

Suddenly she yelped as a firm hand smacked her behind again. The slap echoed around the room. And so did the next one. And the next one. The man spanked her repeatedly, over and over, slapping each cheek as hard as he could until they stung. She daren’t look over her shoulder. Her ass felt white hot and was probably glowing bright red. She whimpered from each slap after, in too much pain to mutter anything more than a whine. “Please…”

“Such a good little whore” her intruder whispered, rubbing her tender ass before brushing his cock against her pussy. She gasped as he penetrated her forcefully, immediately pounding her from behind.

She clutched at the table for purchase as it shook from the force of his thrusts, roughly claiming her cunt which should only be reserved for Percy. He fucked her so hard she felt it press against her cervix, each thrust punching it harder. “It hurts!” She cried, afraid she was going to break.

“Worried I might ruin this tight cunt for your boyfriend?” He laughed. He pulled out of her suddenly and she sighed. But then she felt him press between her ass cheeks and she screamed. “Plenty of tight holes to break in with my dick” he yelled, forcing his way into her anus.

Annabeth cried in pain as he raped her ass, her tender ass shooting signals through every nerve. She couldn’t stop him as he pounded her, the table rocking underneath her. She scrambled across the surface as her knees buckled, her body cumming involuntarily to the onslaught. She begged him to stop, but he responded by yanking on her hair arching her back. The dagger returned to her throat and she held her breath. Images of this monster slashing her neck at the moment of climax made her wet herself. Nightmares of Percy coming home to find her dead in her kitchen made her wail. “I don’t want to die” she whimpered, though a small part of her looked at what was happening and wished for the exact opposite.

The figure leaned in as he fucked he’d from behind, raped her from behind, and laughed in a sinister voice “when I’m done with you, I’ll come back for your pretty little roommate. I won’t hurt you. I want you to watch me make her my bitch. And if you’re a good whore, I won’t kill your boyfriend.”

Annabeth resigned herself to her fate, his threats feeling too real with the knife pressed against her neck. She wailed as he fucked her harder, breaking her ass, breaking her spirit and her will to live. She wished Percy was here to save her. She prayed to the gods for someone to…

“Annie! It’s me!”

The sound of the door opening and closing was followed by Piper’s footsteps as she dragged her suitcase into the hall. She unwrapped her scarf and coat and hung it up, switching the light on illuminating the dark flat.

She froze when she heard Annabeth wailing from the dining area, whirling in alarm and gasping when she saw her being raped by an intruder. “ANNABETH!” She screamed.

Annabeth’s eyes widened as she heard her best friends voice. “Piper!” She gasped in surprise.

The intruder spun around in surprise too, but Piper had already sprinted across the room and jumped onto his back. “LET HER GO YOU CREEP!” She bellowed, her charm-speak spilling from her powerful voice.

The man cried out as he was yanked off his victim by the demigod, the dagger falling out of his grasp onto the floor. The rubber blade bounced off the wood and it tumbled to a stop. Piper wrestled with the figure in the thick coat and swiftly drove a knee into his groin. The man let out a painful noise as he doubled over, wheezing out a frantic word as Piper began pummeling him to the ground with her fists. “Watermelon! Watermelon!”

“Piper, stop!” Annabeth cried, leaping off the table and diving for the frantic demigod as she beat the tar out of the “rapist”. She caught her arm and waist and pulled her off the man, screaming desperately “it’s okay, it’s Percy. It’s just Percy!”

Piper fought against Annabeth’s hold until her words sank in. She paused her assault to look down and Percy hurriedly removed the hockey mask, looking up at her wheezing and panting. Piper blinked in confusion, her heart racing as Annabeth pulled her away and turned her around. “I don’t understand” she stammered, hyperventilating, still in a panicked frenzy.

“It’s not real” Annabeth quickly explained, pointing to the rubber knife, showing her she was unharmed. “It was just a game. It’s not real. I’m okay. We’re okay” she promised.

Piper stared at the scene as Annabeth held her face, slowly calming down as she realized what was going on. Her breathing slowed and her eyes settled on a comforting Annabeth. It was all fake. A game. It wasn’t real.

She punched Annabeth hard in the chest. “DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!” She screamed, braking out of her friends hold to double over and heave. She struggled to regain her bra petah as her heart pounded in her chest. “I thought you were being raped!”

Annabeth nursed the bruise on her chest as she apologized. “It was just a bit of fun. A harmless fantasy.” She looked down at Percy, who was groaning and crumple on the floor holding his gut and his junk. She grimaced in sympathy. “I thought you were going to see your dad?” She said.

“My flight got cancelled” Piper answered, still trying to catch her breath. “I won’t be able to get the next one until morning.” She straightened up and wiped her cheeks, looking from the naked Annabeth to the wounded Percy. She opened her mouth, but couldn’t find the need to apologize. Or the energy to unpack this. “I’m going to my room” she sighed, trudging past the embarrassed blonde. Annabeth grimaced as she slammed the door behind her.

She wrapped her arms around herself as she walked over to check on Percy. “Are you okay?” She asked.

Percy could only whine in response. He knew this whole role-play thing was going to end badly. He never thought his balls would pay the price for it though.

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