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Welcome to the Jackson's: Hestia's House-call

Piper was getting accustomed to gods showing up unexpectedly without warning. She wasn’t expecting this particular Goddess to pay her a visit.

She woke up in her room to the sound of a crackling fire, which she immediately registered as odd since her room doesn’t have a fireplace. She opened her eyes and groaned internally. She was too tired to deal with godly stuff right now. She sat in in her pajamas and squinted her eyes as they adjusted to the light emanating from the new fireplace. When they did she found a young woman, barely older than a teenager, dressed in a brown dress with long curly brown hair. When she looked up at the demigod from her seat by the fire she found they shared the same firery warm glow that gave her comfort. Her tension eased instantly, and not just from the comforting aura the goddess put off.

“I’m sorry if I woke you” Hestia apologized, casually tending to the fire in the corner of the room. She had her knees pulled up and Piper could see her bare feet poking out from under her plain dress. “I suppose I should’ve given you some notice.

“It’s okay” she sighed, rubbing her eyes and shuffling to the edge of the bed. “I wasn’t expecting company. I didn’t think you left Olympus” she remarked.

Hestia smiled. “I like to go a wandering every once in a while” she confessed. “I figured while I was out I should check in with you” she said, offering her a seat at the fire. Piper shrugged and climbed down to the floor, careful not to let her baggy pajama bottoms touch the flames as she sat cross-legged opposite the goddess. “How are you finding your new home?” Hestia asked her.

“It’s an adjustment” Piper answered, looking fondly at her room. “But we’re making it work” she smiled.

“I wasn’t talking about the flat” the Goddess of the Hearth remarked.

Piper looked at her over the fire and felt her cheeks turn bright red. “Oh” she muttered bashfully.

“You don’t need to feel embarrassed” Hestia told her warmly. “It’s not always a place where we feel content and safe. Family comes in many forms. I just wanted to be sure you were happy with the hearth you’ve made for yourself.”

Piper almost felt guilty as she contemplated her response, considering how she got here. As a deflection, recalling a joke Percy once made, she asked the goddess “did you have something to do with my plumbing at my last place?”

“Unlike my siblings, I don’t feel the need to interfere with mortals or demigods lives. Or their showers” she scoffed. Piper apologized with a soft chuckle as Hestia smirked in amusement.

She looked into the fire, her thoughts drifting back to how things played out in the end. “I tried. We tried, we really did. After the war, after everything we had gone through to be together… we thought we could finally be normal. Or as close to normal as we could. But things just…” she wiped a tear from her cheek, feeling it all coming back again. “I want to say it was my fault. My insecurities. I mean, I had my memories altered by the mist to make me think Jason and I were in a relationship once, so how could I be sure what I felt was even real? How ironic, the demigod with the power to read emotions can’t even make sense of her own. And Jason was so…infuriatingly patient. Eventually the arguments and the awkward silences were just too much for both of us. I can’t even remember whose idea it was for him to move out. I guess we just drifted apart. That place didn’t feel like home after that. Not without him” she sighed sadly.

Hestia listened, patiently and silently, nodding in understanding. “But you found belonging with others.”

Piper smiled. “I know it must seem mad, shacking up with another couple. But Percy and Annabeth have been amazing. They welcomed me in without a second thought. We never really discussed what this…arrangement is; whether I’m their girlfriend or a friend with benefits, but it works. This apartment…this is our home. We’re happy here. I’m happy here, with them” she told the goddess.

Hestia smiled. That’s all she wanted to hear. “I’m glad” she smiled, nodding approvingly at the young woman.

They sat at the warm fire for a while, enjoying the flames before Piper looked at Hestia asking again “are you sure you didn’t mess with my shower to get me to move in with Percy and Annie?” Hestia chuckled, refusing to admit one way or the other. “Thank you for coming to check on me” she said.

Hestia smiled. She liked to make sure everyone felt safe and at home, even the mortals. She was sweet like that. Now that she’d done what she came to do, she said “I should be going, let you go back to sleep.”

Piper saw her unfold from her seat and rise to her feet. She looked elegant, even in this young form she had chosen. It was rare for the Goddess of the Hearth to make her appearances so she took this opportunity to examine her natural beauty. Sensing she may never get this opportunity again, she risked offending her by offering “you could stay a while. Maybe the night.” It came out so naturally she didn’t even notice she was using charm-speak.

Hestia looked down at her, a bemused smile on her lips as she hovered beside her fire. “I shouldn’t” she muttered hesitantly, biting her bottom lip staring into the flames. Piper flashed her a soft smile, her eyes sparkling welcomingly until the goddess tentatively sat back down beside the demigod. “I shouldn’t, but maybe just another hour” she whispered.

Piper smiled, shuffling beside her admiring her warmly. Hestia smiled, content to stay with the young woman. “Thank you” she said, hoping she wasn’t pushing her luck with this. Annabeth had once commented she had more of her mother in her than she’d like to admit. The fact she was about to try and seduce a maiden goddess seemed to be proving her point.

Hestia turned to look at the young woman, seeing her edge a little closer until their knees touched. “Do you often invite Olympians to your bedroom Ms McLean?” She asked innocently.

“Only the kind ones” she replied, turning in her seat to brush her hand across Hestia’s soft brown hair combing it behind her ear. Hestia looked stunning, adorably innocent. Piper almost forgot she was thousands of years old. “Why did you never take a husband?” Piper ask curiously.

Hestia chuckled. “I preferred my own company” she answered.

“Doesn’t that get lonely?”

“Sometimes” she admitted.

“Maybe tonight you can let me keep you company” Piper offered, her hand still stroking her hair moving down to her delicate neck.

Hestia purred softly as the girls fingers caressed her skin, her eyes gazing into hers. “You mean here by the fire? Or in your bed?”

Wherever you would like” she said, slowly leaning closer to smell the gentle aroma the goddess had, reminding her of home. It a low and charmed voice, Piper whispered “stay with me tonight. Let me take keep you company.

Hestia felt her eyes close moments before Piper’s lips connected with hers. As soon as the goddess and Demi goddess kissed the attraction became magnetic and they leaned into it even further. Their bodies moved together as their kiss deepened, their hands caressing each other softly. Piper’s hand kneaded Hestia’s scalp threading through her long hair while Hestia’s hand brushed along her thigh, the smaller woman folding into the demigod’s arms taken in by the kiss. Piper guided her onto her lap, pulling the goddess close running her fingers up her back, their lips moving as one. She noted how she tasted like butter-scones and chocolate, her warm scent making her purr happily. Hestia sighed as the girl caressed her, slipping out of the kiss to catch her breath while Piper moved down to kiss her neck gently.

she bit her bottom lip as her arms wrapped around her shoulders, breathing in the intoxicating scent of her shampoo as she sat on Piper’s lap, her body tingling with arousal. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, but she didn’t want to stop. She shivered with nerves when the chord around her dress was undone, brushing her fingers through Piper’s choppy brown hair as the young woman cautiously stroked her thighs guiding them under her dress. Hestia’s warm brown eyes met Piper’s Kaleidoscope gaze before she nervously lifted her arms so her outfit could be lifted off her revealing her petite young frame.

Piper marveled at it for a long moment before unbuttoning her top, removing it to expose her own body to the goddess. Hestia ran her hands over the demigod, biting her bottom lip as her palms caressed the girls chest making her moan. “Have you ever done this before?” Piper asked her, her hands stroking Hestia’s soft skin, her lips drifting down to kiss her delicate nipples.

“Not with a mortal” Hestia confessed, gasping as her breasts were played with, her body humming with anticipation. She rocked gently on Piper’s lap, her moist sex dripping against her pajama bottoms eagerly. Piper lifted Hestia’s hips a little so she could shuffle her clothes off, leaving them both on the floor, naked and aroused and ready to continue playing. Hestia dove into the kiss once Piper lifted her leg into position, the two girls making out as their pussies rubbed together. Hestia bounced on Piper’s lap scissoring her thighs, kissing her desperately until they were both moaning and panting.

If this was the first time the maiden goddess had sex with another woman, she didn’t show the signs of naïve innocence Piper would expect. She figured she must’ve spent her lifetime watching others. She almost asked her if she liked to watch people fuck, but bit her tongue. She wanted tonight be one they’d both remember. “Turn around” Piper requested.

Hestia held back the whine and grumble as she obediently turned in a circle, shuffling in Piper’s lap before slipping down between her legs, her back pressed against her chest. Piper wrapped her arms and legs around her, cradling the smaller woman kissing her neck. Her hands played with her smaller breasts a moment before drifting down to finger her pussy, two fingers slipping inside while her thumb rubbed her clit. Hestia moaned as she was toyed with, clutching to Piper’s knees arching her spine against her. “Don’t stop” she whispered.

Piper never wanted to stop. She fingered Hestia gently and confidently, cradling her beautiful frame as she writhed and trembled against her. She used her powers and felt the intense emotions she was feeling, using them to stimulate her own pleasure. To her it felt like she was fingering both of them. When a third finger slipped into Hestia she felt it in her own pussy. When the goddess shuddered in an orgasm she gasped in sympathy, her toes curling into the carpet. She brought her to climax three times before Hestia collapsed against her chest, her head cushioned by her breasts staring up at the affectionate demigod. “Do you want to stop?” She asked her, removing her hands to draw her fluids over her skin. Hestia licked her lips and shook her head. Piper smiled, pulling her head back so she could kiss her lips.

Moments later both women were on their sides, their legs wrapped around each other and their heads between their thighs, their mouths kissing and licking their pussies. Hestia finally showed her inexperience but she was enthusiastic, and Piper appreciated the enthusiasm as she squeezed her ass and lapped up her juices. She was move methodical with how she pleasured her lover, her tongue finding the unexplored depths of her womanhood no mortal had touched before. Hestia was moaning constantly as she was eaten out, her legs shaking with every orgasm. But she was able to make Piper cum too, experimentally fingering her cunt to make the girl cry out and climax. It was an endless cycle of pleasure for both of them as they sought to outdo each other.

In the end they finished together, concluding in each other’s arms by the fireplace. The duvet was pulled from the bed and draped over their naked bodies as they casually made out, goddess and Demi goddess holding each other basking in the warm afterglow. Hestia pulled away from Piper’s soft lips and nestled against her shoulder in content. “This is nice” she whispered sleepily.

“Yes” Piper agreed, hugging her close resting her shin against her head. “Thank you for staying with me” she whispered before dozing off to sleep.

Hestia waited a few minutes, enjoying the peaceful moment before regrettably extracting herself from Piper’s embrace. She couldn’t stay till morning, no matter how much she wanted to. She extinguished the fire and made it disappear before looking back at her one time lover. She brushed a strand of hair from her face and kissed her forehead, thanking her for the amazing experience. She hoped she wouldn’t feel guilty about her attempts to charm her into sex, even though her charm-speak didn’t really work against gods. She didn’t need cohering into sharing her room for the night, just sad it had to be over so soon.

She rose up from the floor and put her dress back on, casting a quick look into the next room to make sure Percy and Annabeth were happy in their new home too. She bid the tree of them farewell before disappearing from the flat, promising to look in on them every once in a while.

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