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Welcome to the Jackson's: Charm-speak Therapy

“Pipes, we’re home” Percy called as he led the three of them into the apartment. Annabeth and Reyna followed behind him, each carrying an overnight bag just like him. After a week in New Rome it felt good to be back.

Piper sprung up from the sofa, switching off the TV she was watching, and rushed over to greet them with a welcoming smile. “Welcome back” she greeted, giving both her roommate’s a hug. She then turned to Reyna and smiled warmly. “Glad you could join us too. How long can you stay?” She asked politely.

“I got Frank covering for me so I can stay a week or two at most” she replied, putting her bag down and stretching her neck. It felt good to step away from her duties for a period, like a vacation. “Thanks for inviting me to stay” she said.

“You’re always welcome” Percy told her.

Annabeth nodded mutely, looking a little distracted as she put her bag down on the sofa. Piper walked over to her as she scanned the apartment, mildly surprised it was so clean. “You okay?” Piper asked her quietly.

“Huh” she said, definitely distracted. She met Piper’s concerned expression and smiled. “Sorry, I was miles away. And wondering what happened to the flat” she added.

Percy looked around the spotless apartment. “Looks fine to me” he shrugged.

“That’s the point” Annabeth said, cocking an eyebrow.

Piper rolled her eyes. “I do know how to clean up after myself” she said.

Annabeth shrugged. “I guess I was expecting…I don’t know, signs of more activity. Last time I left Percy alone for a week I was still cleaning pizza stains off the ceiling.” Piper and Reyna both blinked and looked at Percy with so many questions. He averted his gaze and turned his attention to checking the fridge, which he discovered was almost empty. Annabeth looked at Piper, who confessed she forgot to make a grocery run. “Too busy partying?” She asked.

“Sure. I threw a house party an invited every guy in the building for a gangbang” she replied sarcastically. “I’m surprised I didn’t mention it during the five hundred texts and calls you sent me.”

“You can’t blame me for being worried” Annabeth argued. “This was the first time you’ve been by yourself since…you know…”

Since I broke up with Jason Piper nodded. “It was fine. I was fine” she insisted, gesturing to the flat like it meant something. “You were only gone a week” she reminded them. She then looked at them both before quietly adding “that doesn’t mean I didn’t miss you.”

“Aw, we missed you too Pipes” Percy smiled, coming over to kiss their roommate with benefits on the cheek.

She smirked, glancing at Reyna teasing “I’m surprised you had time to miss me when you had your host to entertain you.” She saw them both groan in unison as she asked her bestie “did Percy fill you in on our talk?”

“He did” she replied, unable to hide the smirk as she chuckled in amusement. “It answered a lot of awkward questions.”

“Percy told me too” Reyna said, glancing at him uncomfortably before rushing to ask Piper “are you sure you can…fix this post hypnotic thing?”

Piper crossed her arms and examined her a moment, cautiously noting “it’d help if I understood what it’s like from your point of view. When did this compulsion start?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Everything was fine, apart from a wet dream or two. I suppose I have been fantasizing about him more since the last time we slept together at this flat” she admitted.

“This was when we had the Charm-speak enchantment” Piper checked. She saw Annabeth glance guiltily at the ornament that once allowed her and Percy to share Piper’s gift. It carried a lot of baggage for her. Piper knew Annabeth was still feeling raw about the whole ordeal that came out of it, but she had to talk about it. “Percy mentioned you encouraged him to experiment with it?”

“I just wanted him to have a bit more fun with it” she said. “And I was loving every minute of it, honestly. What control freak doesn’t get turned on being bossed around against their will?” She asked. She didn’t see Annabeth turn away as her face turned red, or her boyfriend walk over to comfort her. Piper felt for her best friend but kept her focus on Reyna for the moment. “So yeah, he gave me a few commands while we were in bed together. We might’ve gotten carried away. But everything felt fine when I left.”

“So nothing felt different?”

“No. I performed my duties, I hung out with friends, I had a few lovers as per usual, everything seemed fine. I guess there was that one embarrassing incident when I was having sex with Jason and I accidentally called out Percy’s name when I orgasmed” she confessed. “But don’t worry, he made sure to punish good and hot for it” she laughed.

Piper closed her eyes and swallowed a gulp at the thought of her ex fucking another woman. It shouldn’t bother me, you have no right to judge she reminded herself, recalling it was her who ended the relationship. She took a deep breath and asked “so what happened when Percy and Annabeth came to New Rome?”

Reyna exhaled. “It was fine, at first. But then I soon as I saw Percy I just…I don’t know, I just got this craving to pounce on him, fuck him like an animal, submit to his cock and carry his young. I’ve never had a pregnancy kink before, but I kept feeling this drive to have him breed me like a whore.”

Piper blinked at the graphic description, turning to Percy inquisitively. “Oh, yeah, she’s not one to mince words when it comes to sex” he told her.

“It’s part of my charm” Reyna shrugged.

“It’s part of something” Annabeth sighed, finally stomaching turning back to the conversation. “I thought it was mortifying how they were both carrying on all week” she explained. When Percy tried to defend himself Annabeth shot him daggers. “It’s not like you were saying no to all the attention. Did Percy tell you about the incident in the Mess Hall?”

“It sounded hilarious” Piper laughed.

“It was humiliating” Annabeth gagged. “When Percy told me what the problem was, I might have been amused but it was still awkward.”

“Annabeth ran interference for us for the rest of the week” Percy explained.

“Which wasn’t easy” she added. “I swear, Percy and I weren’t this bad during the honeymoon period. You were acting like horny school kids, sneaking around behind my back.”

“She did most of the sneaking” Percy protested.

“I couldn’t help myself” Reyna whined. Piper looked at her and glanced to her knees as they rubbed together. She could sense the arousal through her empathic abilities, and they were growing the longer she was in proximity to Percy. “It’s like a drug and I’m addicted” she said, her eyes darting all over Percy hungrily.

“The taxi ride was just as bad” Annabeth groaned. “We had to pull over and have Percy sit in the front seat because she couldn’t keep her hands off him.”

“Why didn’t you put Reyna in the front seat?” Piper asked.

“Because she was masturbating the whole time and we didn’t want to distract the driver” she scowled.

Reyna flushed red with embarrassment. “We really need your help” she said desperately, her eyes begging as she tore them away from Percy to look at her.

Piper nodded, tapping her elbow thoughtfully. Luckily she’d thought about it a lot over the week and she had come up with a plan. “Charm-speak induced suggestions are tricky, but I think I can undo it. It might take a while…and it might be most effective if I work with you both together” she said, looking at both Reyna and Percy. “Of that’s okay” she asked Annabeth.

Annabeth threw up her hands. “After the week playing chaperone, they’ll all yours” she huffed. She marched over to the kitchen, opening the fridge to do a stock take. “I’m going to do the shopping, leave you three to do…whatever you need to.”

Reyna and Percy looked at each other, sharing an uncomfortable moment before asking Piper “so what do we do?”

Piper, however, had become distracted as she watched Annabeth search the cupboards. She felt the complex emotions in her friend and grew concerned. “Um…why don’t you two go into the bedroom and wait for me” she suggested, nodding to the master bedroom. Percy was hesitant to be in a bedroom with Reyna but she jumped at the chance, driven by the compulsion that had been driving her all week. She grabbed Percy’s arm and dragged him into his bedroom eagerly, leaving Piper a moment to check on Annabeth. “How are you doing?” She asked worriedly.

Annabeth almost said she was fine, both realizing Piper would see through the obvious lie. She looked at her friend and sighed. “Percy also mentioned we hadn’t been connecting much lately” she grumbled.

Piper shrugged. If she was being honest, neither had they. Annabeth’s sex drive had gone from an unhealthy fifteen to a dry two. Whenever she shared their bed they did little more than cuddle. Sometimes Piper and Percy would have sex and Annabeth would simply watch, reluctant to join in. “It’ll take time, but it’ll get better” Piper promised.

Annabeth nodded. “I wasn’t too thrilled when Percy and Reyna kept hooking up during our trip. I kept telling myself I deserved it after what I did…it gave me time to think about things.”

“What things?” Piper asked, lending a comforting ear to the young woman.

“Me…Percy…us. I convinced myself Percy would be better off dumping me.”

“Percy would never do that. He loves you” she told her.

“I know. And I love him. I don’t want to lose him” she whispered, taking a slow breath. Piper shuffled up next to her and put an arm around her, patiently waiting for her to continue. “Reyna and I had a talk. She thinks I should…accept what I did rather than pretend it didn’t happen. That I should learn from my mistakes and take solace in what I’ve learnt about myself.”

“Sounds like good advice” Piper acknowledged.

Annabeth pulled a face, glancing to the ornament again. “Just keep thinking about all the trouble your mom’s gift brought us. Even now it’s haunting us. Percy was the most responsible of the two of us and he accidentally plants a suggestion to make women fuck him every-time they see him?”

“I did warn you Charm-speak is dangerous” Piper said. “I’ve done worse when I started, and I didn’t even know about it then” she added.

“Did you convince your boyfriend to fuck his own mother? Or your cousin to have sex with you?”

Piper grimaced and shook her head. “No, but there was plenty of stuff I could’ve done with it” she said. “Annie…what happened happened. None of us can change it. Maybe Reyna’s right, you should learn from it. But what you’re doing now…this fear that’s running your life…it’s not you Annie. I just wish I knew how to help you get your confidence back” she sighed, feeling so helpless.

Annabeth looked at her sadly, wishing things could go back to normal too. She reached over and squeezed her hand. “I don’t think I can be helped Pipes. But Percy and Reyna can, so you should help them. I’ll be alright” she promised, giving her a kiss on the cheek to prove it. Piper looked back at her glumly, leaning over to peck her on the lips affectionately. Annabeth kissed her back, the two sharing a pan intimate moment of connection that almost felt like old times. “Are you sure you were okay on your own this week?” She asked.

Piper rolled her eyes and nodded. “I was fine. I missed you, but I was fine. Felt nice being by myself” she lied. Annabeth tilted her head, pondering whether she could believe her, but decided to drop it and trust her. If she was struggling, she would say something. She picked up her bag and walked to the door, her mental shopping list in head as she wished Piper luck with her mission. Piper waved her off and took a deep breath.

She turned her attention to the master bedroom where her two patients were waiting. Her lips curled into a smirk as she jogged past it and ducked into her room for a moment. She had been thinking about it all week and she knew how to help. She also knew how she could have a little fun in the process.


In the bedroom, Reyna did her best to control herself but her urges were hard to ignore. She pulled a reluctant Percy into the bedroom and immediately felt compelled to kiss him, aggressively mashing her lips against his. He managed to pry her off him and took a step back, glancing over his shoulder hoping Piper was right behind him. “After a whole week you’d think you’d be sick of sex by now” he mumbled.

“Like I said last time, I’ve got an insatiable appetite” she grinned, stepping forward to put her arms around him and kiss him again. This time he did something uncharacteristic of him and shoved her back, sending her flying onto the bed. She gasped in surprised and then laughed proudly. “A whole week and you finally start asserting yourself. Now I’m really turned on” she smiled.

“Please, can you just…restrain yourself until Piper gets here” he asked. She giggled and stretched herself out over his bed, pining for attention but obeying her master. He rolled his eyes and paced the room, running his hands nervously through his thick hair. “I still can’t believe this is all because I got careless with Piper’s Charm-speak. I should never have agreed to mess with it like you suggested.”

“It was worth it” she purred, caressing herself feeling very aroused thinking about how he asserted his dominance over her that afternoon. She got so hot she decided to pull her top off, revealing her purple bra and toned flesh. Percy tried not to look but she could see his cheeks turning red. She was smoking hot and she knew it. “It was an honest mistake, you shouldn’t blame yourself” she said sympathetically, curbing her enthusiasm and sitting up. “We’ll sort it out and then we can move on. I just hope you haven’t grown sick of me after the spectacle I made of myself over the last few days” she said worriedly.

Percy looked over at her, seeing how genuine her nervousness was. He sighed and walked over to join her on the bed, sitting on the edge. “I haven’t gotten sick of you” he assured her, putting his hand cautiously on her knee. “If it’s okay though, maybe we could take a long break when it’s all over?” He asked.

She laughed, nodding in agreement, making a quip about how her other lovers are getting jealous. “What about that thing we talked about?” She asked.

Percy groaned, gulping uncomfortably. “Annabeth won’t like it. She might not ever respond to it.”

Reyna shuffled forward, taking Percy’s hand. “Do you trust me?” He nodded. “It’ll work, I’m sure of it” she promised, leaning forward to risk pecking his cheek. She could feel her body urging her to extend the kiss to his mouth, but she forced herself to sit back instead even as her loins screamed for him. He smiled back at her, hoping she was right.

After another uncomfortable minute Piper finally entered the bedroom. “Finally, I was just about to…what are you wearing? Percy asked as he turned to the door in relief.

Piper closed the door behind her, adjusting the glasses she put on the bridge of her nose as the white lab coat fell around her shins. She had a stethoscope around her neck draped between her breasts, which were visible beneath the white coat, as were the lace panties she wore. She had borrowed one of Annabeth’s hair bands to tie her chocolate brown hair back into a ponytail, making herself look as nerdy as she could despite wearing the bare minimum of clothing. In her hands she carried a notepad and a pencil, bringing them with her as she walked around the bed and pulled up a chair. “Sorry to keep you both waiting” she said, putting on a professional demeanor as she sat down and closed her legs, opening her notepad. “Would you like to explain what the problem is?”

Reyna broke into a smirk while Percy stared at her dumbfounded. They shared a look before Reyna shuffled forward. “Well Doctor, I keep getting these terrible cravings when I’m around one of my friends” she said, sliding effortlessly into the role play.

Piper nodded and pretended to jot something down in her notepad. “And what is the nature of these cravings? Are they harmful?”

“Oh no, they are…sexual in nature” she giggled.

“Piper, what are you doing?” Percy asked.

“I’m diagnosing my patients” she replied. “And it’s Doctor McLean, please” she smirked. Percy groaned and rubbed his eyes while the girls got into the game. “Could you please describe your symptoms Miss Ramirez?” Doctor McLean requested.

“Well Doctor…whenever Percy and I are in the same room, I get all flustered and aroused and start having urges.”

“What kind of urges?”

“Sexual urges.”

“It’d help if you could be as detailed as possible” Piper informed her.

“Okay. I start fantasizing about him, imagining him naked, thinking about his powerful arms around me, picturing his thick throbbing penis. I get sweaty and excited, and then I can’t stop thinking about the last time we had sex and how I want to…to fuck him again, and again, and again. I can’t help it. It doesn’t matter where we are…we could be in a bedroom, or a taxi, or the mess hall in front of hundreds of people, I just want to rip my clothes off and mount his dick and ride it until he cums inside me” she explained, visibly getting flustered as she described it.

Percy shuffled away from the horny young woman and turned to Piper. “Seriously, is this necessary?”

“No” she answered honestly, a playful smile on her lips as she looked over her fake glasses. “But it would help if I could observe the nature of this condition Miss Ramirez is suffering from. Perhaps you should demonstrate what happens when you have these urges” she suggested, lacing her request with a little charm-speak.

Reyna didn’t need to be charmed in order to obey. She was getting so aroused she felt like she was on fire and only Percy’s body could quench it. She turned and grabbed Percy by the head and smashed her lips against him, kissing him aggressively. Percy gasped as she made out with him, tensing up as she also began groping his crotch in front of Piper. The brunette girl sat back and watched the girl demonstrate her urges curiously, adjusting her glasses so she could watch unimpeded as Reyna hastily unbuckled Percy’s trousers. Percy moaned as her hand fished out his cock, molesting it roughly until it was rising in size. Reyna’s lips left his mouth and dove to kiss his penis, which grew hard when she attentively sucked it to an erection. Percy stared down as the Roman demigod once more sucked his cock, glancing up at their silent audience who watched inquisitively from her chair.

“Fascinating” she whispered, lowering her notepad to her lap so she could sneak a hand between her thighs and touch herself with her fingertips. She forgot how fun it was to be a voyeur rather than a participant, admiring the way Reyna lavished Percy’s cock with her tongue while wrapping her lips around him. Her nipples hardened with arousal under her lab coat, biting her bottom lip to suppress a moan. She controlled herself to keep up the professional doctor act as she asked Reyna to “describe what you’re thinking and feeling.”

Reyna released Percy’s dick with a pop so she could answer: “I feel empty, incomplete, like I’m missing something that only this cock can fill. I want it, I need it inside me” she gasped, stroking it with her hands as she talked, looking up at Percy explaining “it’s like you’re the only man on earth I deserve. I’m yours, whenever and wherever. No man can compare. If I fuck someone else, I think about you. I dream about your cock every night. I am your lover, your pet, your property, to use as you see fit. I live only to serve you” she moaned.

Piper listened and then looked up at Percy raising an eyebrow. “That must’ve been one hell of a charm you imprinted her with” she remarked.

“It was an accident” he said, even as Reyna rose up and peppered his jaw with kisses. She hurriedly removed her pants and ripped her underwear off, climbing onto his lap eager to mount him. “I didn’t mean to” he said.

“We know” Reyna said as she planted a passionate kiss on his mouth. Her pussy rubbed his cock dripping with arousal, mixing with the saliva she left behind ready to take him into her cunt again. “I’m sorry, I can’t help myself” she moaned, trying to resist the compulsion to drop onto him.

“So you feel a compulsion to fuck Percy whenever he’s in the room with you, or whenever you think about him?” Piper asked, still sitting in her chair rubbing her thighs together. “When does it go away?”

“When Percy cums inside me” she answered, staring down at his penis hungrily, curling her fingers around his collar. “I feel so empty without it. It’s like I catch breath without his cock in me, without his semen in my womb.”

“You mentioned a pregnancy’s kink earlier” Piper recalled, which she remembered as sounding odd.

“I don’t know where it came from. I keep having these wet dreams of Percy breeding me until my belly was swollen. I fantasize of giving birth to our children, our own army of strong warriors to defend New Rome. Our children would be so powerful” she whimpered, hovering over the cock she so desperately wanted to breed with.

Piper sensed the desperation from the strong willed warrior, whose willpower was the only thing keeping her from fucking Percy right now. She looked at Percy, who was clearly uncomfortable in this position. She thought about how hard it must’ve been for him, surviving a week with a horny demigods who won’t take now for an answer. Unless… “Reyna, what happens if Percy says no?” She asked curiously.

Reyna froze, looking up at Percy who stared back at her. She glanced at Piper and turned red. “He…hasn’t yet” she whispered.

Piper blinked, turning to Percy next. His cheeks had blushed red. “Percy, if Reyna is compelled to serve you, why haven’t you said no?” She asked. He averted his eyes a moment and Piper sensed shame radiating from him. She dropped the pretend and leant forward. “Percy, please be honest” she insisted. “Why haven’t you ever said no to Reyna’s advances.”

Percy scrunched up his eyes before turning reluctantly to them both. “I…wanted to…wanted to say no. But Reyna…I needed you. Needed you because…Annabeth didn’t want me” he whispered. Both girls froze as Percy awkwardly confessed “Annabeth was shaken, we couldn’t connect. I knew she was struggling and I couldn’t help her. I couldn’t bear it, seeing her so upset, so ashamed. I tried, but…it felt nice to be wanted, like this” he said, looking at the two of them on the bed, on the verge of sex, on the cusp of lust. “It felt nice to be with someone who wasn’t afraid, who just wanted sex, who I could connect with.” He shook his head in shame, turning to Piper guiltily. “I know that sounds wrong. Please don’t tell Annabeth. I don’t want her to think I’ve stopped loving her.”

Piper closed her eyes and sighed. She wouldn’t tell Annabeth. In the mental state she’s in, she’ll only blame herself. She didn’t realize this friction between them had gotten this bad emotionally. Reyna was a coincidental outlet for sexual tension, nothing more.

Reyna turned Percy’s face to look at her, her soft features showing her compassion as she kissed him delicately on the lips. “I’m sorry if I made things worse” she whispered.

“I’m sorry I brought this all on you” he replied.

Piper looked at them both, a tiny smile on her lips as she admired how cute they looked for a moment. “Percy…do you want Reyna to stop?” She asked.

Reyna looked at him, willing to back off if he asked. But to her delight he shook his head. “No, I don’t” he said. Reyna gasped as her hips dropped and her pussy sank down onto his erection, her moan expressing her relief at being filled by him once more. Their eyes locked and they knew they were on the same page, charm-speak or not. She shoved him onto the bed and began riding him more vigorously, the bed shaking as they rocked forcefully together.

Piper sat back and let the two of them express some sexual frustration, content to watch them work out their own issues. She put down her empty notepad and adjusted the glasses on her face, smiling as she watched Percy embrace Reyna more comfortably. She never noticed how well they worked together. No wonder Reyna liked Percy so much. She sat back and ran her hand under her lab coat, massaging her breasts as her nipples ached with arousal. Her other hand slipped between her legs as she unfolded them, palming her crotch feeling the dampness in her underwear. She bit her bottom lip and moaned, unable to control her own urges as she pulled her panties aside and fingered herself unprofessionally while her patients fucked each other.

The two demigods were oblivious to their Doctor masturbating nearby. Their focus was on each other and how good it felt to fuck. Percy was much more open to Reyna’s advances now, helping her quench this thirst that existed between her legs. She moaned and panted, her pussy milking his cock as she bounced on his lap clutching his shoulders. “Yes, fuck yes” she cried, her orgasm tipping her body forward so she fell on top of him. Somewhere along the line her bra came undone leaving her breasts free for Percy to molest, which made her tingle with pleasure as she made put with him. She clung to the bedsheets desperately, rutting her hips against him as he thrusted up into her. “Do it, please” she begged. “Cum inside me. Make me pregnant with your powerful warrior children.” Percy couldn’t resist the eagerness of her cunt swallowing his dick deeper and grunted as his seed spilled up into her womb. She moaned in relief and came around him, squeezing every last drop of cum she could out of his balls before collapsing onto his chest. She took a moment to catch her breath, her urges clearing for the first time since the taxi ride. She lifted her head and smiled, thanking him for the sex like she always did. “I’m sorry you felt Annabeth wasn’t there for you lately. She’s had a lot of her mind, but she loves you” she told him quietly.

“I know” he sighed, catching his own breath as he ran his hand up her sexy back, his deflated cock slipping out of her pussy. He looked up at the hot demigod and nervously asked “all that talk about wanting to get pregnant though. Is that really…?”

Reyna crossed her arms against his chest and laughed. “It was the charm-speak talking. Lucky for both of us, I’ve been aggressively on the pill for the last couple of years. I’m too far in my prime to want to think about starting a family right now, let alone raise a small army” she promised. Percy sighed, sharing his relief which Reyna didn’t take offense from. She rested her chin on his chest, adding as an afterthought “should that change in the future, you’d make an excellent sperm donor.”

“I’ll keep that in mind” he whispered, leaning up and pecking her lips. He couldn’t imagine having kids with Reyna though. There was only one woman he wanted to start a family with, but it was too soon to think about that just yet.

Their attention was drawn to Piper as she let out a particularly loud moan, followed by a sigh as her legs folded around the hand between her thighs. Reyna smiled broadly, nodding over her shoulder informing Percy “sounds like Doctor McLean just finished masturbating over her vulnerable patients.”

“Very unprofessional” Percy tutted.

Piper blushed, fixing her glasses and wiping her fingers on her coat. She rose out of her chair and strutted over to her patients and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Well can I help it if those patients are just too damn sexy. She asked, putting on her stethoscope to continue playing Doctor by listening to their heartbeat, which gave her an excuse to feel both their chests with her palm. “Heartbeat normal. Temperature high. Feel better now?” She asked Reyna.

The young woman nodded, sitting up on Percy’s lap to let the brunette examine her. “So Doctor, do you know what’s wrong with me?” She asked, continuing to play patient.

Piper scanned her from head to toe, returning the stethoscope around her slender neck to answer “I wouldn’t want to make a diagnosis without a through physical examination.” Percy rolled his eyes, wondering how long she was going to milk this role play for. She smirked, telling them both “I’m sure I can help. It took take some time. Undoing a suggestion is like retiring someone’s brain. Might need a few sessions.”

“Whatever it takes Doctor” Reyna smiled, looking down at Percy admiring his handsome body. “We’ll both feel much better after…oh gods” she gasped, her face becoming flustered again. She groaned, breaking out of character to grumble “so soon? I hate being a demigod.”

Piper checked her forehead, using her physical contact to read her emotions. Arousal was spiking again. “Sorry Percy, I guess she’s up for another round” she said.

Percy groaned as Reyna looked at him desperately. “Dude, I’m still tired. Can I get a moment to recover?”

Piper examined Reyna again and came to the conclusion she wasn’t going to wait. “How bad have these urges ever gotten?” She asked worriedly.

“Never bad enough I can’t control them” Reyna said, recognizing Percy wasn’t ready and forcing herself to climb off him. She sat on the edge of the bed and panted, taking a hand between her legs to keep herself from going crazy. “Sometimes I get so…aroused it’s hard to concentrate.”

“How do you usually managed if Percy isn’t around?”

“I masturbate, a lot. Sometimes I turn to another lover, someone who’s available. Frank helped me at one point, Hazel too…Jason mostly” she said, glancing at the girl. Piper didn’t let herself blink. “Each time though I think it’s Percy. I can’t help it but it’s the only way. I know when I was having sex with Frank I literally screamed Percy’s name when he came. It was embarrassing.”

Piper nodded, thinking about how they could help her right now. If she wanted to reverse the charm-speak she needed her calm, practically docile, in an equally suggestible manner. A pent up and horny demigod was not going to respond to treatment. She shuffled closer to the desperate young woman and suggested “use me. Pretend I’m Percy.”

Reyna looked at her in thanks but shook her head. “I don’t think it’ll work like that” she said, but Piper took her face and used Charm-speak. “Imagine I’m Percy Jackson. Treat me like I’m him, however you need.” Her eyes glazed over as the instructions took effect, and suddenly she wasn’t seeing Piper offering her services to her. She grabbed her face and pulled her into a passionate kiss, making out with the young woman who she perceived as someone else.

It wasn’t the first time Piper had used this trick with her Charm-speak. It worked better when Hazel manipulated the mist, but temporarily convince someone they were thinking of someone else. She had never considered using it in the bedroom like this, but Reyna seemed receptive to the suggestion. The daughter of Bellona pulled her onto the bed, her hands roaming over her body dislodging the lab coat from her shoulders, her lips mashing against hers as she manhandled her onto her back. Piper let the woman have her way with her, gasping as she nuzzled against her neck like a desperate puppy, biting her lip when her mouth drifted down to bite and suck on her nipple. Percy watched in curious awe as Reyna ravished Piper, molesting her body and humping her thigh, her palm rubbing her groin seeking a penis that didn’t exist. It didn’t stop her sucking on her breasts hungrily, making him wonder if Reyna still believed if it was still Percy she believed she was playing with (and if so, was she picturing Percy having breasts?). He shuffled over to address Piper, who was willingly submitting to the horny woman happy to be a vessel for her pleasure. She looked up at Percy through those ridicules glasses she was wearing. “You sure you can help her” he asked, now that she’d seem the Charm-induced suggestion in action.

Piper nodded confidently. “I’m sure. It’s just like when Drew used Charm-speak to plant that suggestion into her ex-boyfriend’s head, that made him drop his pants whenever he asked another girl out. It might take some time, but first…oh wow” she gasped, looking down as Reyna began humping her, mumbling Percy’s name as she nibbled on her collar. She looked back at the worried demigod and promised “she’ll be fine. But first we need to calm her down, relax her.”

“Get her to orgasm again?” He guessed. She nodded. She asked if he was willing to help, and of course he said he would. “By the way, I have to admit you look really hot in those glasses” he remarked, admiring her face. “Makes you look really smart.”

“Really?” She smirked. Percy does like his women to have intelligence she mused. “Maybe I could lend them to Annabeth” she offered.

Percy could picture Annabeth in glasses, the thought making his erection spring back to life. “That would be sexy” he smiled, a goofy grin on his face. Piper chuckled, grabbing his shirt and pulling him down into a kiss, snapping him back to reality. “Sorry” he whispered, pecking her lips in apology. “Just tell me what you need.”

“Follow my lead” she said, standing him down for the moment so she could take control of the situation. She rolled Reyna onto her back and proceeded to make out with her, using her hands to stimulate the young woman and feed her fantasy she was perceiving. Reyna still pined for Percy’s cock, but Piper delivered the next best thing by fingering her pussy. “Oh fuck. Fuck me please” she gasped, riding the girl’s fingers as her toes curled into the bed.

Percy watched in awe as Piper effortlessly brought the horny woman to a mind bending orgasm that rattled her out of her fantasy and back to her senses. She blinked in confusion as she looked up at the naked girl fiddling with her, blushing profoundly realizing she must’ve made of fool of herself. “Don’t worry about it” Piper said, wiping her soaking fingers over Reyna’s soft flesh and kissing her gently. “Now try to relax” she advised, waiting until the woman sank back into the bed before turning to nod at Percy. “Since Percy is your focal point, it’ll work best if he keeps you calm” she explained, shuffling over to give the man room to crawl in and make out with the woman. She kissed back. Feeling her urges return but much less intense. Percy followed Piper’s advise and kept Reyna calm, mouthing slowly down her body to please her with his mouth. She sighed as he slipped between her thighs, licking her folds and bringing a pleasurable tingle to her body. Piper laid down beside her and stroked her chest and scalp, whispering soothingly to her as she watched her melt into their embrace. “How do you feel?”

“Better” she sighed.

Percy looked up from Reyna’s pussy. “So what’s the next step?”

“I’m going to start feeding charm-speak to her, slowly. We have to be careful not to overdo it or we might make things worse. It’ll take a few sessions, I’ll try some one-on-one but she’s respond most of you’re here to help” she told him. Percy groaned but agreed to help however he could. Reyna dripped in anticipation for whatever sessions came next, for however long she had to stay. Hopefully it wouldn’t take weeks or months to cure her of her predicament.

It was the moment Percy had his head buried in Reyna’s pussy, her legs wrapped his skull covering her ears with her thighs as she shuddered from an orgasm that Piper leaned closer, pressing her lips to her ear quietly whispering “forget any Charm-spoken commands or suggestions made by me or Percy.”

Reyna gasped as she came down from her orgasm, blinking in shock as she suddenly felt a weight lifting from her mind. The urges had suddenly gone, that itch erased. She looked down at Percy who continued to munch on her, feeling none of the compulsions to be fucked by him any longer. “Wait, was that it?” She asked, looking at Piper dumbfounded.

The girl nodded, quietly explaining under her breath “it was never that hard to countermand a command. It was just as simple for Drew’s ex, once I caught up with him on his latest disastrous attempt at flirting. Though that particular girl he was trying to charm was rather into it” she recalled in amusement.

Reyna furrowed her brow in confusion, looking down at Percy. “But you told him it could take multiple sessions” she said. Piper brought her shoulders to her eyes, glancing mischievously at her roommate holding her finger to her lips. The praetor stared at her, holding back the laugh at how wickedly devious the daughter of Aphrodite was.

Percy pried his face out from between Reyna’s twitching legs, looking up at them both asking “everything okay?”

“Yup, everything is on track” Piper told him, patting Reyna’s comfortingly on the shoulder. “But we should keep at it for a few more hours, maybe stay with her for the night” she lied, feigning concern for the demigod.

Reyna hide her approval behind a façade of desperation, begging Percy to stay with her. “We’ll do whatever we have to, however long it takes” she said, happy when Percy hesitantly agreed to help however he can until she was better. The girls shared a private wink as they took full advantage of Percy’s generosity for as long as they could get away with it.

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