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Welcome to the Jackson's: Artemis's Deal (1 of 3 The Hunters Trilogy)

Stuffy became a godsend to Thalia Grace whenever she stayed over, thanks to Piper. Each time she took the guest bedroom the bear would appear in her room waiting for her. Thalia always felt a sense of anticipation each night when she got to turn in and share her bed with his and his plastic strap on. She made sure to keep his purpose a secret from Annabeth and Percy, respecting Piper’s privacy and honored to share in her playtime. Every time she used the stuffed toy she allowed her mind to wander to places she previously resented, thoughts of unattainable goals. She thought of Percy making love to her as she bounced on the plastic cock, closing her eyes imagining the time she got to glimpse that moment during the mist-veiled party. She also thought of Piper often, and Annabeth, the three flatmate staking turns in her imagination to bring her to pleasure through Stuffy.

One morning Thalia was in her room stealing a moment with the toy, lying on the bed with her legs wrapped around the large bear hugging him against her chest, his cock thrusting into her pussy thanks to her puppetering skills. She moaned softly stroking his furry head with her fingers until she had a knock on her door. “Thal, are you up?” A voice called. It was Annabeth.

Thalia shot up in her bed, looking at her naked body and the bear stuffed inside her, quickly whipping the bed covers over them both to hide what she was doing. “Just a minute!” She called back, hurriedly hiding the bear before Annabeth opened the door and poked her head in. “What’s up?” She asked innocently, hugging her knees around the mound hoping the perceptive demigod didn’t notice anything.

“There’s someone here to see you” she said, a worried look on her face as she glanced out into the flat. “It’s rather urgent” she said.

Thalia nodding, telling her “I’ll be right out,” waiting for the young woman to leave the room before exhaling. She removed Stuffy and put him back to his spot at the corner of the room without his toy. “Must be serious” she thought, ruffling the toys fur before climbing out of bed to get dressed.

She stepped out of the guest room dressed in her silver hunters uniform, adjusting the sleeves when she walked out to greet and timid Annabeth. Percy and Piper were sitting in the living room, both of them standing up as Thalia walked over. “Someone here to see you” Percy repeated, looking to their visitor who sat in an armchair by the fireplace.

Thalia stumbled when she found her patron Artemis waiting for her, her raven hair falling over her shoulders and she turned her silver eyes upon her. “Lady Artemis!” She squeaked, immediately giving the goddess a respectable bow. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I thought it was time we had a talk” she replied curtly, flashing the demigods a look indicating it should be private. The three of them tentatively left the room, retreating to the kitchen leaving the huntress to speak to her goddess. “I’m coming to understand you are not satisfied with your position in my pack” Artemis remarked.

Thalia’s eyes widened. “No! No, I am. I love being a part of your hunters.”

“But you are not satisfied with everything that comes with it” she observed, sitting forward on her elegant but young frame. Thalia hesitated before the hunter goddess explained “I know about some of your…extra circular activities. Frankly I think Aphrodites daughter is a bad influence.”

“I haven’t broken my vows” Thalia said desperately.

Artemis narrowed her eyes, silently advising she doesn’t interrupt her. “Maybe not. I will admit, I am impressed with how…creative you’ve gotten in bending the rules. But it hasn’t escaped my notice. Using Poseidon’s son and his water manipulation was…intriguing. And that bear you were currently hiding from Athena’s favorite, I’ll allow. But using the mist and emotional transference? I understand it wasn’t your idea, but it is a troubling development.”

“Troubling?” Thalia gulped.

Artemis sighed, rubbing her forehead explaining “I can’t prevent you from having these desires. Nor can I stop you from abusing these loopholes you’ve found. But I would be negligent in my duties not to ask you if this pattern is going to continue. And if so, should I be concerned about my lieutenant having second thoughts?”

“No Lady Artemis” Thalia assured her. “I’m not having second thoughts and I do not wish to leave. I just have…” she blushed from embarrassment, lowering her gaze saying “I’m sorry. I won’t take my position for granted again.”

Artemis raised her head, believing the sincerity of her statement. However, she sighed lounging back into her chair. “I understand your difficulties. Sometimes I forget my hunters are still mortals, with mortal weaknesses.” She climbed out of her seat, lifting Thalia’s chin assuring her “I won’t dismiss you from my pack. You are too valuable to me, and your fellow hunters. But as their leader, you need to set an example for them.” Thalia nodded, resigning herself to the fact her extra-circular activities will have to end.

Unfortunately, someone else had other things to say about it. “Excuse me” Piper interrupted, stepping back into the living room getting their attention. “Thalia’s not in trouble is she? Because she hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s mostly my fault…”

“Don’t worry Piper McLean” Artemis told her, turning to the nervous demigod with choppy brown hair. “I’ve accepted Thalia’s apology. She won’t be leaving my pack at this time” she explained. She flashed a glance to the raven haired girl. “She’s fortunate. I wouldn’t normally be in a generous mood for such transgressions.”

“Transgressions?” Piper scoffed, looking at the goddess with bemusement. “She hasn’t done anything wrong. She’s kept to your vows.”

“Piper!” Percy coughed, catching her eye from the kitchen as he and Annabeth gave her the signal to stay out of it. Thalia gave her a look asking the same.

But Piper chose to ignore it. “You can’t punish her for wanting to do something and finding ways to fill the void by herself.” She said defiantly.

“I’m not here to debate whether masturbation is appropriate” Artemis snapped, fixing her gaze on Piper seeing a lot of her mother in her. “You are right, I can’t stop her from wanting to have sex. But it’s a matter of principle. When a hunter joins my pack, they vow to follow my path and guidance. They vow to uphold the values I’ve set. They vow to pledge their loyalty to me and their fellow hunters. And finally they vow to renounce all romantic attachments now and in the future. As my trusted lieutenant, Thalia is duty bound to uphold those values and set an example to those under her.”

“And she has” Piper protested, looking to the others for back up.

“Thalia has done nothing up uphold your values” Percy nervously agreed. “She is loyal to you and her hunters.”

Thalia smiled, appreciating the vote of confidence. “Her loyalty isn’t the issue” Artemis said. “It’s her behavior. It sets a bad example and could confuse some of our new initiates. But I suppose it’s to be expected” she sighed. “Most who join the hunters are maidens like myself. Thalia was a…special case” she conceded, referring to how she was forced to join by order of Olympus to prevent her role in the prophecy. Thalia had agreed and never regretted the decision, but her initiation was unorthodox for many reasons (including the fact she wasn’t a maiden). “I expected more from a woman who understood exactly what she was giving up” Artemis added. Thalia blushed awkwardly.

“So she had sex before she joined” Piper said. “That doesn’t make her any less a Hunter of Artemis” she protested.

“Piper, maybe you should just leave it” Annabeth suggested.

“No!” She said. “I get the whole “no boyfriends or girlfriends, not allowed to fall in love part” but denying sex all together? Saying they’re not allowed to masturbate?”

“That’s not what she’s saying!” Thalia told her but Artemis held up her hand silencing her, letting the demigod say her piece.

“Thalia may have desires that you won’t allow, but not once did she consider breaking your vows to indulge them” Piper snapped. “Sex is not something to be shunned or ashamed about, and I’m not just saying that because of who my mother is. But denying it from people can cause more harm than you might think. Not everyone chooses to remain celebrate like you Lady Artemis, or like Annabeth’s mom, or Hestia. And I doubt Thalia is the only one who feels this way. I bet there are other hunters in your pack who are struggling to cope with your expectations and their own desires. If they are then you can’t just ask them to ignore it and move on. You are duty bound to help! Thalia told me the Hunters used to have ways of helping, they weren’t always so conservative. They deserve to be happy too, so you need to help them” she said, accidentally slipping into her charm-speak at the end.

Artemis waited until the girl finished her argument before turning back to Thalia. “I’m beginning to see why you risked my wrath for this one” she whispered, her expression showcasing she knew about the kiss Thalia snuck while the girl was sleeping. The hunter sank back shamefully, averting her gaze to the floor. Artemis turned back to the demigod, impressed with her passion. If another demigod had spoken to her like that, they would’ve suffered for it. “You’ll find your mothers gifts will have little effect on my child” she told the brunette, glancing at the enchanted statue on the mantle. Piper turned red silently apologizing. Artemis regarded the girl a moment before considering “why don’t we take this discussion somewhere more appropriate. Dress warmly she advised, striding past her towards the door.

Piper blinked in surprise, catching the others perplexed looks as she turned and stared after the goddess. When she paused at the door holding her bow she turned back expectantly. Piper gulped and hurried to put her hiking boots and winter coat on. Percy hurried over to whisper “I have a bad feeling about this”

“She can’t exactly refuse now, can she” Annabeth hissed in a hushed whisper, glaring at Piper afraid of what the goddess might do to her. “We’re coming with you.”

“No! I can handle this by myself” Piper assured them, pulling her coat on. But just in case she also slipped on her dagger around her waist. She was leaving with a hunter goddess. She could end up fighting anything from wolves to dragons to giants again.

Thalia walked up, glancing between Piper and her patron. “You shouldn’t have said anything.”

“You’ve done nothing wrong” Piper insisted.

“I know, but what you said…Piper, what are you doing.”

“Trying to help you and your fellow hunters” she explained. “And maybe enlighten a god about the virtues of a healthy sex life.” She grimaced when she said that, realizing she was sounding more like her mother everyday. She gave Annabeth and Percy a kiss and squeezed Thalia’s hand, promising them “I’ll be careful. I’ll come back.”

Artemis cleared her throat, hurrying the demigod to join her at the door. Piper took a deep breath and ran over, falling in step behind the goddess as she stepped out of the flat with the demigod in tow. Her three friends watched nervously as Piper left alone on whatever journey Artemis had invited her on.


Piper wasn’t sure where she’d be going, but apparently cold was an understatement. Almost as soon as she stepped out of her flat Artemis had whisked them to some mountaintop late in the evening. She rubbed her hands together to keep them warm as she followed the goddess dressed in her elegant hunters robes and a fur cloak, her bow strained across her back, her quiver hooked to her hip, her black hair falling between her shoulder blades. Her outfit was so slim in contrast Piper briefly wondered how the elegant woman stayed warm. “Where are we?” She asked, looking around the stone pillars lining either side of the path leading to a cave in the mountain.

“An old favorite” Artemis answered vaguely, casting her eye around the dark cavern. It was a modest space, big enough to hold over thirty people. The black walls shielded the pair of them from the winds, the opening looking out of the coastline below. She stopped by an old fire pit, gesturing to a dead tree by the exit. “Let’s see how well your survivability is. Make a fire while I check the perimeter” she suggested, unslinging her bow walking off to patrol.

Piper opted not to argue with her, too cold to find any bite his her voice. She broke off some branches and called upon the survival training she got from Camp Half-blood. She wished Leo was here to help, but she found some rocks to spark a flame and got a fire burning. With the light of the fire she was able to see the carvings and paint on the walls, which weren’t just rock face. It looked like this used to be a temple, the remains of a statue lying in rubble a few feet away. The floor was marble and sandstone, the faded images showing hunters on islands from Greek times. Piper recognized the amazons amongst the imagery.

Artemis returned with some furs she either created or skinned while she was out. She laid a few down and offered one to Piper as a reward for the fire. They sat down upon the furs, using some to ward of the chill until the fire warmed the cavern up. “What is this place?” Piper asked again.

“My temple, once” Artemis said, lost in thought as she looked around. “Back in the old days places like this served as a haven for my hunters. They would come here on hunts, I would shelter them. Many fell to ruin as time and the elements took them. The hunters were respectful enough to let nature run its course. They still come here once in a while. The path is treacherous, but no predator can follow.”

Piper looked down at the drawings by her feet. “Did the amazons use it too?”

Artemis nodded. “They shared our havens, once so often. A common union during the old rites” she mused.

Piper waited until she was a little Warner before asking the goddess “why did you bring me here?”

Artemis looked at her over the campfire, admiring the way her light bounced across her features. “I’m surprised Thalia knows about the old rites” she remarked. “Not many of my hunters can recall that far.” Piper didn’t say anything, waiting to see what the goddess said. “You are correct, Thalia isn’t the only hunter to have these difficulties. It’s becoming quite common. But she is the first to have found such elaborate methods to bend the rules. Most end up breaking them instead. I suppose I have you to thank for that” she said, fixing her gaze on her.

Piper didn’t waver under her gaze. “Thalia takes her vows seriously. And we’ve always supported her” she explained.

“I know. I’ve been watching” she nodded. Piper narrowed her eyes nervously. “I like to keep my eye on potential initiates” she explained calmly. “You were once offered a place with us, but turned us down. You didn’t agree with our commitment.”

“I didn’t want to chose between the hunters and…and a life without attachment” she replied, thinking about Jason. They were sort of together then. That seemed a long time ago.

“You were romantically involved with Jason Grace. Now you are not” Artemis summarized bluntly. Piper bristled. She didn’t think it was quite that simple. “Are you now romantically involved with Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase?” She asked curiously.

Piper shifted awkwardly. “It not…it’s complicated” she replied.

Artemis nodded. She didn’t really care. It was an attachment, one which kept Piper from considering joining her pack. She didn’t hold ill-will to those who chose not to join. If she did she’d be holding grudges for an eternity. “I understand your choice. And I know you respect Thalia’s. But choices bring…heartache. There are things that must be sacrificed for immortality.”

“I understand. But Thalia isn’t seeking attachment. She just wants love, companionship, to feel…mortal” she said.

Artemis fixed her eyes upon her, lowering her bow to the ground. “I’ve never withheld such desires from my hunters” she explained, rising to her feet circling the temple. “In fact, I once celebrated them. This place, and others like it, used to be much more than a safe haven from the wilderness. My temples once served as meeting places for my followers to share each other’s companionship, their love, their loyalty. You see daughter of love, I’m not blind to the needs of my hunters. I know I cannot expect all to pledge a maidens life like myself. In fact, I too shared their impulses.”

“Really?” Piper asked surprised. “You?”

“I am my fathers daughter” she shrugged. “But I swore never to marry, and never to lay with a man, mortal or god. But with my hunters, I showed love and companionship. They were my family, my pack, y lovers.”

Piper shook her head blinking in confusion. “Wait, are you saying you used to have sex with your followers?”

“Sometimes. Usually I was simply there for them. But that was a long time ago” she explained. “Those rites Thalia hinted to you, they were a reward, a way to keep my followers happy, loved, an sated. Every full moon we would gather together and celebrate our comrades, share our love for one another. We would, as you might say, indulge in our companionship.”

Piper rose in her seat intrigued. It sounded like Artemis was describing a regular festival of love and sex, an orgy every full moon. But she sensed it went beyond just sex for them. “Why did it stop?”

“It didn’t” she replied. “We used to share the custom with others, like the amazons, welcome male hunters to share our love. But over time more and more hunters chose not to partake in the more debauch celebrations. Many hunters opted for the maidens path. Temples saw less use and for others the activities became a distraction. In the end the rites were forgone and forgotten. Some hunters even began masking they existed, to prevent further distractions from initiates. The old ways had passed so I let the rites fade from memory.”

“So sex was never forbidden to the hunters” Piper gasped.

Artemis shook her head. “Not forbidden. But some discouraged it. To some it became a liability to their duties. The rites were considered an unnecessary indulgence.”

Piper shook head. To think there was a time when hunters of Artemis could’ve given into their desires freely. It sounded almost perfect. “Why not bring it back?” She asked.

“Because I don’t think it’s necessary” Artemis said. “I don’t want to confuse my pack.”

Piper scoffed, rising to her feet. “Your followers are already confused. You want them to feel loved but you suppress their will to explore their feelings. You don’t want them to be romantically engaged, that’s fine. But what about the natural desires to just…fuck?”

“Sex is a distraction” she scoffed.

“Or a release” Piper argued. “You said yourself you used to engage with your hunters on an intimate level. Why?” Artemis hesitated, grinding her jaw, prompting Piper to conclude “you know just as much as we do there are some impulse not even a maiden can ignore forever.”

“I’ll admit curiosity drove me to experiment.”

“So teach them. Show your followers it’s okay to explore what they are feeling. Some of them were only teenagers when they joined. But just because they stopped aging doesn’t mean they haven’t grown up and started learning things about themselves. What they are going through is a natural development. They need guidance from their patron.”

Artemis scoffed, looking around the temple with her hands on her hips. “What would you have me do?” She asked.

Piper gestured to the temple. “Teach them about the old rites. Show them you understand their struggles. Bring back the celebrations. Then instead of becoming a distraction, it can inspire a greater sense of love, companionship and loyalty.”

Artemis considered her words, staring back at the demigod with admiration. She had to admit, she was quite compelling even without the charm-speak. In truth Artemis had already recognized the issues Thalia and others like her had made her aware off. Her hunters were beginning to lose faith because of these desires. Maybe bringing some old methods back could reinforce their faith in her and themselves. But she wasn’t going to be so quick to admit that, not yet. “You propose I bring back the old rites and allow my pack to indulge in those desires they believe should be denied?” She asked. Piper shrugged. “I’m not sure if I can agree to that” she said. “I may need more convincing.”

Piper sighed, though the debate had made her forget about the cold. “What would it take to convince you?” She asked, stepping before the goddess.

Artemis tilted her head. “How would a daughter of Aphrodite convince a goddess to change the way she took care of her followers?” She asked her.

Piper thought about it, her eyes glancing around the temple before coming to the conclusion “by demonstrating how it would be beneficial.”

Artemis cocked an eyebrow as Piper stepped up to her, her eyes watching over the young demigod as she reached out to caress her jaw with her delicate fingers. Without saying anything she stepped behind the goddess, slowly unclamping her cloak to lift it off her shoulders. Artemis said nothing as she dropped it to the floor, bringing her hands up to caress her shoulders in a soothing manner.

“You think letting the hunters indulge in their desires would be a distraction from their duties” Piper said, continuing to massage the woman while she plead her case. “I think allowing them to satisfy their desires would bring a release that would clear their minds of those disruptive thoughts. Imagine it. Once a month, every full moon, for one night, every hunter had the option to cleanse their mind, body and soul, releasing all the stress and tension built up over time. Then they could go forward, relaxed and refreshed, more energized to serve their goddess.”

“A compelling argument” Artemis admitted, releasing the softest of sighs as Piper’s hands stroked the back of her neck. She proved a very good negotiator as she leaned in and kissed the soft flesh of her neck. “But what’s to stop them from wanting more?” She asked.

“They might” Piper agreed, her fingers hooking into the goddess’s robes. “But I wager their first loyalty will be to you. They will accept one night of pleasure and passion and then return to their duties. Moreover, I believe they will anticipate this celebration more if their patron honors them with her presence” she said.

“You’re proposing I should indulge myself with my followers?” Artemis queried.

“You want to inspire loyalty, love and companionship?” Piper smirked, pulling her robes over her shoulders to let them fall down her strong arms. “I believe they’ll happily serve you however you ask them to. I know Thalia would” she added, stepping back to admire the goddess’s stunning figure as her robes fell around her feet.

Artemis turned to face the captivated demigod, believing her observations about her followers. She’d experienced much the same in the past. She inspired respect, love and loyalty in those who followed her. She would be honored to share their companionship, and their beds for one night should they wish. “If I was to enact this” she said, stepping up the the dressed young woman who was transfixed by her natural beauty, “not all the hunters would want to take part. Some would chose to remain celibate.”

“Of course. All are free to chose” Piper agreed. “This is about celebrating each other. All can participate, even if they just talk, or watch, or step away to serve you another way.”

Artemis nodded, liking her suggestions the more she heard them. “Then maybe they won’t need to come together in our temples” she said, stroking Pipers cheek as they locked eyes. “Or should they?”

“It could be an option” she suggested, her hands reaching out to stroke her naked body. “The hunters have their meeting places, like the cabin at Half-blood hill” she said as the goddess purred from her touches to her breasts and stomach. “You could visit them there, or at their camps. They can come together however they chose, or not at all.”

“Yes” she agreed, gazing into Pipers eyes as their faces drifted closer. Before their noses could touch she pulled back. “However, not all hunters will want to indulge with each other. Some will seek outsiders” she pointed out. “Including our Thalia” she added.

Piper cursed, seeing the same concern. Hunters hooking up with each other and their goddess is one thing, but others could pose a problem. But thinking of Thalia made her realize she wants her to be happy. “Maybe we should let them indulge outside the pack” she suggested, floating the idea.

Artemis grimaced, tapping her finger against the demigods shoulder before saying whispering in her ear “I may need more convincing to agree to that.”

At her gentle nudge, Piper dropped to her knees before the goddess posing as a sexy young woman barely legal. She went to work in convincing her, taking hold of her hips and planting kisses along her thighs leading to her navel. Artemis gasped as she gave her some oral pleasure she hadn’t indulged in for a long time. “Why not outsiders?” Piper asked between licks, stroking her folds with her fingers.

“Too many complications” Artemis explained between moans. “And I don’t want men taking advantage of my hunters. I won’t allow it.”

Piper considered the dilemma while she sucked on her clit, coaxing her folds open with her finger before having an idea. “What if you only allowed a few outsiders? A select few?”

Artemis was intrigued. “Go on.”

Piper bit her lip, inserting her finger into the goddess before suggesting “let certain men, or women, to play with your followers.”

Artemis guessed which men she was referring to. “Men like Percy Jackson?”

“Lover should approve of” she clarified, including Percy in that category. She gently fingered the goddess while she made her case. “There must be some outside your pack you trust enough to take care of your hunters. And there are some they trust. Let them petition you for their time, like an exclusivity list. Only those who meet your approval can indulge your hunters. They won’t have to be limited to men, or women, demigods or mortals.”

“Or gods” she nodded. But as an after thought she added “there’ll need to be exclusions. Like my brother. He’d leap at the chance to violate my hunters.”

Piper laughed, picturing Apollo waiting at the club but not allowed to enter. “Invite only” she chuckled.

Artemis laughed too, the idea very agreeable. As was Pipers technique as she brought the goddess to a silent orgasm that made the immortal tremble. She looked down at the young woman, lifting her up to her feet smiling fondly. “You are quite convincing” she confessed, stroking her chin as she gazed into her eyes. “Are you sure you wouldn’t want to join us?”

Piper considered the offer briefly. Now she wasn’t tied to Jason there wasn’t really a reason not to become a hunter of Artemis. But she politely declined anyway. “I don’t think I’m ready for that commitment yet” she said.

“Pity” she sighed, her lips teasingly brushing against hers. “You would’ve made a promising member” she said disappointed. Just as Piper closed her eyes preparing to kiss her the goddess stepped back, leaving the demigod hanging as she got dressed again. “I’ll consider your request” she said, picking up her bow and extinguishing the campfire with a wave of her hand. Piper snapped out of her daze when the goddess walked past her declaring she would take her home. The young woman followed behind before she froze to death.


As promised, Artemis brought a Piper straight home. They walked through the front door trailing snow on their shoes, interrupting a silent lunch where Thalia was sitting at the table with Percy and Annabeth. None of them had left the flat, afraid of being gone when Piper got back. They leapt to their feet when the door opened, relieved to find their friend unharmed. “We were worried” Annabeth said, leaping in to hug the girl tightly. “What happened?” She asked.

“It’s a long story” Piper replied.

“Thalia!” Artemis called, signaling to her hunter. “It’s time to go. We have much to discuss” she said, waiting by the front door.

Thalia obediently packed her stuff, slinging her bag and bow over her shoulder as she went to join her patron nervously. She paused by Piper, glad she was safe. Piper squeezed her hand, telling her it’ll be alright. She bid the three of them farewell and left the apartment with Artemis, the door closing behind them.

Percy turned to Piper curiously. “So what happened? You didn’t have to fight a bear or something did you?”

Piper exhaled, the adrenaline wearing off now she was out of the cold. “No, but I almost wished I did” she confessed, glad the ordeal was over. She forgot how much she hated talking her way out of trouble. She did not have a future as a politician she decided. “It was enlightening though” she said, removing her boots and leading the two of them into the living room to recount what she learnt.

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