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Welcome to the Jackson’s: 24 Hours

It was approaching midday by the time Piper returned home. She had stayed over at a friends last night (not for a sexy sleepover, for a change) so Reyna could stay over with Percy in the hopes of helping Annabeth overcome her emotional trauma. She prayed the praetor had succeeded where she had failed. She hesitated at the door before unlocking it with her key. “Hello, I’m home!” She called out, removing her shoes and putting her bag down. She walked through the hallway and scanned the kitchen and living room. They were both empty. “Annie? Percy? Reyna, are you guys here?” She called, walking further poking her head into the other rooms.

She checked the master bedroom first and gasped when she found the bed completely destroyed, the mattress mangled and the bedsheets scattered, the frame shattered. “What the Hades?” She muttered, examining the room like a tornado had ripped through it. Has there been a fight? Oh gods, I hope nothing bad has happened! “Annabeth! Percy! Reyna!” She shouted, racing to the next room searching for them. She checked her room but found it empty and intact. She opened the door to the spare room hoping to find Reyna, but she wasn’t there.

Before she could check the bathroom, however, the door opened and she froze as two giggling demigods stumbled out entangled in each other. “Piper! I’m sorry, we didn’t hear you come in” Annabeth said when she saw her, her blonde hair still dripping wet wearing one of Percy’s shirt’s over her naked body. Percy was topless, his boxers pulled on hastily, his jet black hair also damp as steam rolled out of the room behind them.

Piper let out an exhale and relaxed. “It’s fine. I didn’t realize you were in the shower…together?” Her eyes narrowed as she looked at them, their bodies and their auras practically radiating joy. “Are you…is everything okay?” She asked, trying not to get her hopes up.

Annabeth could see the hopeful optimism in her best friends eyes and smiled. “Yes, we’re okay” she said, turning to her boyfriend and giving him a big kiss. “Everything’s perfectly fine.”

Piper looked between her and Percy, her smile spreading over her lips. She could sense it. The tension and unease was gone. She suddenly cheered like a schoolgirl and leapt in to hug them both, relief flooding her chest. “Oh my gods, that’s amazing. I’m so happy for you. I’m…wow, I didn’t realize how badly I wanted this” she said. Unable to contain herself. She looked at Annabeth, asking again “are you okay? Everything’s okay? Are you..?”

“Me?” Annabeth smirked, stroking Piper’s cheek. “I’m getting there, but yes. I’m feeling more like myself again” she promised. Piper grinned, hugging her tightly full of pride. Annabeth hugged her back, looking up at Percy as he hugged them both.

It took a few minutes for the pair of them to explain to Piper what happened while she was away, by which point she had helped Annabeth make the coffee and sat around the island in the kitchen with them. “So what happened to Reyna?” She asked sipping her drink.

“Once she managed to unlock my lioness, as she called it…” Annabeth recounted, ignoring Percy’s cough which proceeded the phrase “control freak” which made Piper giggle, “she assisted me in…reestablishing boundaries.”

Piper gave her a suspicious smirk, deducing what she meant by assisting. “I hope you weren’t to hard on her” she said sympathetically.

“Actually she took most of her frustrations out on me” Percy said. Annabeth shot him a look which held no malice.

Piper looked over to their bedroom. “Is that what happened to the bed?” She asked. Annabeth and Percy both turned a shade of red as they flushed with embarrassment. “I guess we’ll have to get it fixed. I’m sure Leo will give us a fair rate.”

“Or it could just be replaced” Percy shrugged.

“Not if you want it reinforced” Piper smirked.

Annabeth and Percy shared a look, both shrugging and smiling to each other. “Anyway, Reyna had to leave a few hours ago to return home” Percy explained. “Once she was able to walk on her own” he added quietly.

Piper pitied the Roman demigod, imagining the ordeal the pair must’ve put them through. She could take care of herself she reminded herself. And she would’ve been disappointed if she walked away with anything less than wobbly knees she mused, recalling how rough she liked it. “Well I’m just glad it all worked out. It’s good to see you back to your normal self Annie” she said, reaching over to squeeze her hand.

Annabeth smiled. “I have to admit, it does feel good to be myself again. Though I will try to be careful more often” she added cautiously. “So if I seemed to get a little out of control again…”

“Don’t worry, we’ll bring you back” they both promised.

“Oh, and Piper. The next time your mom offers to share your charm-speak…”

“I’ll tell her to go to Tartarus” she agreed. They all laughed and talked for a little longer until Piper playfully asked “so are you two going to move into the spare room until your bed is fixed, or are you planning to sleep on the floor?”

“We haven’t discussed it” Percy shrugged. “Though I suppose I assumed we be moving in with you for a while.”

Piper let a smirk tug her lips briefly before sitting up and telling them “I mean, it’s really short notice and I’m not sure I have the room for the three of us.”

“Oh hush, both of you” Annabeth scoffed. “We’re taking the spare room, end of. Of course if Piper wants to let us sleep in her bed, I won’t turn down her hospitality” she smiled.

Piper grinned. “I’ll think about it” she promised, taking only a second to consider it before deciding “okay, you can stay with me tonight. I’d love to have you both” she said, standing up to bring her empty cup to the sink before putting her arms around Annabeth’s waist. “I’ve really missed you Annie” she whispered, kissing her shoulder tenderly.

Annabeth smiled, turning around to put her arms around her. “I’ve missed you too Pipes” she replied, pressing her forehead against hers. Before a Piper could lean in and kiss her, she brought her hand up to her lips. “However, there’s something we need to discuss first” she said. Piper blinked in surprise as Annabeth suddenly pulled away to join her boyfriend. “Percy told me what you and Reyna did while you were deprograming her” she said.

Piper looked sheepishly at him. “It’s was just a silly prank” she said.

“A devious little prank, extorting sex from my boyfriend” Annabeth said, feigning hostility. “Very naughty, very Aphrodite of you Piper.

She turned to Percy, playing the part of the shameful child as she walked up to the young man. “I’m really sorry Percy” she said softly, placing her hands over his bare chest, flashing her puppy dog eyes at him. “If there’s anyway I can make it up to you…”

Percy smiled, taking her hands and squeezing them. “I know you’re sorry” he whispered. “But I told you I’d have to get you back for it.”

“So, we’ve come up with the perfect punishment for you” Annabeth smiled.

Piper turned to her, suddenly growing nervous. “We?”

“Percy and I brainstormed some ideas while we were having a shower” she explained, running her hand over Piper’s shoulder and she swept behind her, trapping the girl between their warm bodies. “Now wait here, I’ll be right back” she whispered in her ear, stepping away to walk purposely to their bedroom leaving Piper staring after her.

Piper looked at Percy, her giddy excitement about being punished turning to anxiety. “This isn’t going to be one of those kiss and make up punishments, is it?” He chuckled and shook her head. She glanced over her shoulder before shuffling up to him. “She’s really okay, isn’t she” she asked quietly.

“She is” he nodded. “Her confidence is back. The guilt is still there, but she’s made peace with what happened, who she is.”

She sighed in relief, nodding thankfully. Then she turned back to the bedroom, thinking about how the old Annabeth would get her own back on her. “I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”

“Oh yes” he whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist so she could run off. She gulped and waited for the daughter of Athena to return.

Which she did a few seconds later, carrying a small object attached to a wire and a strap. Piper stared at it as Annabeth held the item in front of her deviously, the pupils in her kaleidoscope shrinking as she lifted them to look at her nervously. “I’m just going to need you to take your pants off for a minute” Annabeth told her smirking.

Percy held the brunette steady as Annabeth inserted the toy into her tight entrance, making sure it was firmly lodged into place before bringing her head out from between her legs. She picked the mobile phone off the floor while she checked the Velcro strap around her thigh, the cable connecting the vibratory to the device hooked inside her leg. She pressed the button with her thumb and connected the Bluetooth, the screen pinging establishing the link. “Okay, you’re all set” Annabeth said proudly, rising from her crouch to pull Piper’s underwear back up her thighs.

“Ready for what?”Piper asked, still nervously staring at her as she helped her back into her pants with the dildo in her pussy. Annabeth finished zipping her up and patted her crotch, making sure it was secure and snug. She asked if she was comfortable and Piper reluctantly said yes. Surprisingly the discreet toy was very comfortable slotted inside of her, the cable had enough lease to run down her leg to the inside of the belt around her left thigh. She moved her leg and almost didn’t feel it.

Annabeth stood in front of her and toyed with the phone in her hands, explaining “you are going to wear this for the next twenty four hours, starting…” she checked the clock on the wall approaching 12 o’clock, “in a few moments.”

Piper narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “That’s it?”

“Not quite” she smirked, walking around the island to join Percy. “You remember when you took me to that store to get this, along with a few other toys” she asked the daughter of Aphrodite.

Piper did and she now realized she would come to regret it. “I remember. I also remember the clerk explains how it has an app to control it remotely” she replied.

“Well, for the next 24 hours, that app will be under Percy’s control” Annabeth told her, passing the phone back to her boyfriend. “And also, it’ll remain on its lowest setting for the duration.” Piper sighed, already guessed as much when Annabeth made her wear it.

Percy sat at the island looking at the new app his girlfriend downloaded for him. He would never have thought of something like this without her, but he was still surprised Piper hadn’t protested more. He knew it couldn’t be too much for her to handle because she’d say something if it was. “Maybe we should check it all works first? Test the settings?” He propositioned.

Annabeth tilted her head and thought about it, nodding in agreement. “Alright” she said, leaning over to show Percy which buttons to tap. “The device has five levels of sensitivity, from low to very high. This one’s the lowest…” she showed, tapping the screen activating the toy on level 1.

Piper gasped as the dildo started vibrating inside her pussy, the toy buzzing gently against her walls. Her friends looked up at her, making sure it was okay as she stood still getting used to it. “Huh, that’s not so bad” she said, twisting her hips feeling the toy move a bit but remain in place. It was like a dull hum, she barely noticed it. A little disappointing really. I can handle this for a day she thought.

Once she’d nodded to them, Annabeth and Percy smiled and turned back to the app. “Alright, now let’s try level 2” Annabeth suggested, pointing to the button for Percy to tap.

Piper gasped again, but this time she let out a shallow breath as the buzzing increased. This was a bit more noticeable, the vibrations stimulating her inner walls more. She took a deep breath and stayed composed. This is fine.

“Now level 3” Annabeth said, and now Piper was moaned seconds after Percy raised the setting. She closed her eyes and breathed as the vibrations got more intense, her pussy starting to tense up in reflex. “Level 4” came next, and both Percy and Annabeth watched Piper stumble forward gasping. She caught herself on the countertop gritting her teeth, the dildo buzzing at a high frequency as it rattled her insides. She struggled to exhale and keep her composure, losing the battle as she whimpered through her throat. Annabeth tapped Percy on the shoulder, quietly telling him “now level 5.”

He tapped the button and Piper gave up trying to act tough as she moaned loudly, the vibrator stirring her up violently until it felt like she had one of Percy’s whirlpools inside of her. She slumped against the counter, her hips shaking as she panted rapidly, her teeth clattering as she was pushed towards a climax she tried to resist. She closed her eyes and let it come, only for the toy to suddenly cease denying her an orgasm. “Seriously?” She whined, looking up at the two of them as they leant forward checking she was okay. She exhaled slowly, waiting for her knees to stop shaking before standing up straight. “I’m okay. That was intense” she confessed, wiping her brow. She looked anxiously at the phone in Percy’s hands. “Do I really need to do this?” She asked him.

Percy shrugged. “I warned you there was going to be payback.”

“But this feels cruel.”

“It’ll be fine. I promise I won’t abuse this thing” he told her. “But that’s not going to stop me having a little fun once in a while.”

Piper pouted, walking forward nearly tripling over her own feet. She dragged herself to Percy asking him “is there any way I can convince you to go easy on me? Show mercy?” She asked seductively, trying to play on their friendship.

Percy smiled, stroking her cheek teasing her lips with his before informing her “almost forgot to mention the last part of your punishment. You’re not alone to have sex for the next twenty four hours.”

That statement made Piper physically take a step back. “I beg your pardon!” She said, with a lot more panic than she was comfortable with. She flush red briefly with embarrassment before asking “what do you mean…?”

“I mean no sex, with anyone. Not even a kiss” he said. She looked to Annabeth with an expression of betrayal but Percy explained "it was my idea. It’ll be good for you. Think of it like a detox.”

“This coming from the guy who spent a week fucking the praetor of New Rome” she asked. She caught her tone and apologized immediately. The thought of no sex for 24 hours seemed to be a trigger for her. Oh gods, I’m becoming like my mother! “Alright, no sex. No…intimacy with anyone, or anything…” she nodded, reluctantly. She looked down at her groin where she still had an ache between her legs, her cheeks flushed.

Annabeth saw her expression and laughed. “You’re allowed to masturbate” she told her. “As long as you don’t remove the vibrator.”

“What if I have to pee?” Piper asked.

“It’s waterproof” she said. She circled around the counter and checked the clock again. Another minute and it would be noon. “Pipes…I’m not going to swear you to the River Styx or anything, but I want you to promise you won’t take the device out until the 24 hours are up. Understand?”

Piper stared at Annabeth and then at Percy, glancing to the clock ticking down to 12. She took a deep breath, telling her she could handle this. “I promise, I won’t take it off” she swore, squeezing Annabeth’s hand. The blonde smiled at her, looking at the clock counting down the seconds. As soon as it reached 12 she nodded to Percy, who started a stopwatch on his wrist and activated the app. Piper inhaled as the dildo began buzzing, staying at the lowest setting. “Okay, so what now?” She asked.

Annabeth broke into a grin. “I’m really glad you asked. I’ve got a full day planned for us” she said, bouncing on the balls of her feet bounding towards her room. “I thought we’d go out shopping, then catch a movie before going out to dinner. What do you think?” She asked over her shoulder.

Piper blinked in surprise and mild horror. “You want to go out? I mean…couldn’t we just stay in?” She asked, looking pleadingly at Percy.

“I’ve got to work” Percy shrugged. “But dinner sounds like fun.”

“Yeah, there’s this new restaurant I’ve always wanted to go to” Annabeth called out. “And since we’ve both got the day to ourselves why not have a girls day out.” She poked her head through the doorframe, seeing the pale complexion of Piper’s face. “Besides, you didn’t think we’d let you hide in your room all day did you?” She smirked mischievously.

Piper stared at her best friend as she ducked out of sight to get dressed, turning back to Percy uncomfortably. “Is it too late to ask for her to go back to how she was?” She wondered.


Piper couldn’t remember the last time she had an ordinary shopping trip. Between getting into trouble at home, coming to Camp Half-blood and running from monsters, it was a rare occurrence to be able to walk into the city center and enjoy the crowds while perusing the windows. She and Annabeth walked hand in hand, weaving between groups of people and crossing the busy streets laughing. She had a whole itinerary of places she wanted to visit planned out, but Piper managed to convince her to shop properly. “First rule of shopping, look at every window. If something catches your eye, you have to go inside and look around.”

“Is this the Daughter of Tristen McClean talking or the Daughter of Aphrodite” Annabeth joked, remarking she sounds like her siblings when she was growing up at camp. Piper scoffed but didn’t dignify the remark with an answer. The truth was she liked shopping, when it was on her terms. They passed a car dealership on the street and Piper felt a childish urge to walk in and steal a car just for old times sake. Annabeth talked her out of it, dragging her into the shopping mall laughing.

They walked from shop to shop for the next couple of hours, exploring what San Francisco had to offer. Annabeth was appalled she didn’t do something like this sooner, finding all sorts of places she would be coming back to in the future. There was an old book store in particular, stocked floor to ceiling with novels and literature that held her attention. She scanned the titles and flipped through the pages like it was a library, her eyes lifting up with each new discovery she made. Piper waited by a shelve, watching her through the bookcases as she chatted with the clerk with a smile. It warmed her heart to see her so cheerful, her smile infectious as Piper broke into a grin. Annabeth caught her eye and smiled back, hopping through the rows of bookcases excitedly.

Piper suddenly inhaled as the vibrator in her pussy suddenly switched up a gear. On the low setting she nearly forgot she was carrying it. Now it buzzed at level 2 and she nearly jumped out of her skin. She looked around, relieved nobody noticed anything, exhaling carefully adjusting to the increased stimulation. After a few minutes it stopped, fading back to level 1. Percy just reminding me he loves me she thought. It was so brief she didn’t feel the need to mention it to Annabeth when she was finally ready to leave (with a small pile of books under her arm), though it left her on edge knowing it was only a matter of time until he started playing with the app more.

The toy sprung up and down on and off the for next hour, nothing higher than level 2 thankfully. So aside from a few gasps Piper was able to keep her situation under wraps. Annabeth dragged her into the main department store to look at getting some new outfits. “It occurs to me I don’t have anything to wear to this new restaurant” she said as she scrolled through the blouses.

“How fancy is this restaurant?” Piper asked. Annabeth pulled out her phone and showed her and image of the place. “Seriously?” Piper gasped. It was fancier than any of them were used to, but not too fancy. She put her Aphrodite cap on and scanned the racks around them. “Okay, if that’s where we’re eating, we’re looking in the wrong place” she told her, grabbing her wrist and leading her to the section that would most accommodate such and elegant dining spot.

Half an hour later they were both in the changing room with a selection of dresses and outfits, put together with help from the fabulous staff member who floated nearby to see the results. Annabeth stepped out in a green blouse and black skirt, her blonde hair in a pony tail as she stepped in front of the three mirror. “What do you think?” She asked.

Both Piper and the staff member looked her up and down and scrunched up their faces. “It looks good, but…it’s not you” the man cautiously said.

Annabeth furrowed her brow in confusion, turning to Piper who plainly said “I don’t think green is your color.”

“No?” She asked, looking at her reflection. But then she wasn’t as fluent in fashion as some of her friends were. She sighed, picking up the purple top and holding it over the skirt. “How about this?”

“Better, maybe” she said, joining her to get another angle, imaging the outfit on her.

The attendant looked through their outfit selection and pouted. “Have you considered something in blue?” He asked.

Piper nodded. “Blue would work. Especially with your blonde hair” she said. Annabeth didn’t look convinced, but Piper turned to the man telling him “there was this outfit on a manakin by the window…”

“With the sequins and the sleeveless top” he grinned, nodding enthusiastically. “Wait right here, I’ll be right back” he said, shuffling off into the store.

Annabeth stared at her best friend through the mirror. “Blue? I don’t recall liking blue. That’s Percy’s color.”

“Just try it. It’s better than…whatever that is” she grimaced, tossing one of their mustard colored choices aside. Annabeth sighed and changed out of what she was wearing, passing the outfit to Piper so she could hang them up. She rifled through the rack before feeling her toy shift again. She grunted and ignored it, waiting until Annabeth stepped out in her jeans and top before holding up a red dress.”"What about this?”

“I know for a fact red isn’t my color” she said. She then looked at in and then at Piper, taking it and holding it up. “It is yours though. You should try it on.”

She blinked, glancing over her shoulder whispering “you can’t be serious. With this thing on? The dress only goes halfway down my thighs.”

“He won’t notice” she whispered, predicting he she’d be in and out of her outfit before he gets back. “Go on. You can’t say you haven’t been dying to try it” she said. Piper looked at the dress and smirked, taking it and slipping behind the curtain. Annabeth waited patiently, casually looking through the clothes rack contemplating white instead.

A few moments later Piper stepped out from the curtain, and Annabeth turned around and blinked. “Wow” she said, the sight of Piper in the frilly sleeveless red dress which fell just above her knees.

Piper saw the look in her best friends face, the same look she got when her mother gave her that blessing to announce she was her daughter, rending her stunningly beautiful for over a day. She never thought she’d render Annabeth speechless outside of sex, but seeing how she looked in the reflection she understood. She stood barefoot in front of the mirror, her chocolate brown hair falling over her shoulders as she adjusted the cloth. It fit perfectly on her, and she looked stunning. “How do I look?” She asked, giving it a twirl and a smile.

Annabeth continued to stare at her breathlessly, which was why she didn’t noticed their little helper had returned until he clapped behind her back. “Breathtaking” he said, just as stunned by her appearance. “It’s like the goddess Aphrodite made it for you herself.”

Piper and Annabeth shared a knowing giggle as Piper smiled. “It’s not too much? Or too little?”

“Not at all” he said, admiring her beauty. “Although, a simple belt around the waist would accent the color nicely.”

Piper had to agree. And maybe some thigh high boots instead of stockings she thought, casting her eye down her legs. She froze when she caught sight of her little toy just below the hem, quickly pulling her dress down as far as it would to hide it from the attendant. “Is that the dress?” She asked, diverting attention from herself.

The man looked down and beamed. “Yes, just like the one you mentioned” he said, holding it up to show Annabeth.

The young woman looked at it and blinked. “I don’t know…” she said hesitantly, but the man insisted “this would look stunning on you. Such an elegant dress for an elegant woman.”

Piper nodded eagerly, prepared to argue with her to try it on. But suddenly her gut clenched as the worst happened. Level 3. Damnit Percy! “Ah!” She gasped, the vibrator suddenly buzzing faster than before against her sensitive areas.

The attendant looked up as Piper bent over, her hand hovering around her groin. “Are you alright?”he asked with concern.

Annabeth turned around and saw the discomfort she was in. “Pipes? You okay?” She asked, rushing forward to check on her. She nodded but struggled to breath, her pussy beginning to clench reaching the limit. She suppressed a moan but a small whimper escaped her throat. “It’s just cramps. She’s been suffering with them all day” Annabeth told the man, covering for her as she backed away quickly behind the curtain.

“Is she going to be okay?” He asked worried as she ducked out of sight.

“She’ll be fine” Annabeth said, leaning closer whispering “it’s, Um…it’s that time of the month” she lied. The man nodding, offering to come back later. She thanked him for the dress, and the help, waiting until he had left before creeping back to the curtain. “Pipes? You okay in there?”

“No” Piper said, panting shallowly feeling her pussy aching. All the stimulation at Level 2 left her sensitive, and now Level 3 was sending her towards an orgasm. “Oh gods” she moaned, covering her mouth realizing she was about to cum in a public changing room. She looked around making sure there were no cameras, not wanting to be seen like this. “Annie…”

“Don’t worry, I’m right here” Annabeth promised, keeping guard as Piper conceded to her body’s whims. The only path forward is through. She had to let herself climax. She knew this was coming but she naively hoped she’d hope it back until they got home. She reached under the dress to rub her crotch, her fingers pressing through the underwear. The dress. She couldn’t risk making a mess of the dress. She hurriedly unzipped it and climbed out of the outfit, kicking it out of the cubicle for Annabeth to snatch up from the floor. She fell against the wall in her underwear, breathing heavily clamping a palm over her mouth to muffle the moans as she reached into her panties and rubbed her clit. The toy vibrated inside of her as she clenched around it, triggering an orgasm that had her gushing. She cried into her hand and slumped against the wall, heaving for breath as she sank to her knees.

The orgasm passed, and a few minutes later the vibrator switched back to level 1. She caught her breath and wiped her face, feeling sweat on her forehead. She pulled her hand from her soaked panties and wiped them on her T-shirt, the only cloth on hand. “Pipes? Everything okay?” Annabeth asked when she fell quiet. She cautiously poked her head in and saw her on the floor with a mess in her underwear. She covered her mouth to hide her amused smirk. “Sounded like fun.”

“Shut up” she snapped quietly, not finding the humiliation amusing. She checked her watch. Just 21 more hours. I can handle that.

Annabeth pulled her head back. A few moments later she reached in with her hand, holding an extra pair of panties. “I had a feeling you might need more of these” she said.

Piper glared at her through the curtains, snatching them out of her hand red faced. “I hate you” she muttered as she changed her underwear and got dressed.

Annabeth smiled guiltily. “I love you too” she replied, quickly texting Percy thanking him for his timing and warning him to wait a while before raising her torture again.

Once Piper had composed herself, they chose their outfits and paid for the dresses. Piper couldn’t bare to look at the friendly attendant on the way out, her cheeks glowing bright red feeling mortified. “Can we go home now?” She asked as they walked through the wall carrying their shopping bags.

“Nope. I wanted to see a movie, remember” Annabeth grinned. She checked the time and gasped. “It’s starting in half an hour. Come on!” She cried, racing to the cinema with Piper begrudgingly jogging behind her. She grimaced as she ran, her cunt starting to ache as the moved.

As soon as she read the title of the movie Annabeth had selected she knew she was taking the piss. She had heard all about this film, a story set in the ancient days of Sparta with ass much violent action as there was raunch sex scenes. She gave the blonde girl a look as she bought their tickets, rolling her eyes as she smirked. “Demigods fighting and fucking. Subtle” she whispered.

“I’m only here for the political intrigue of Ancient Greece” she replied innocently. Piper grumbled something to herself as she made a beeline to the conception stand. If she was going to sit through a sexy, violent, political period drama she was going to stock up on drinks. While she got them some snacks Annabeth slipped her phone out of her pocket and texted Percy a string of numbers, doing some quick math in her head to give her best friend the most out of her experience.

The screen room wasn’t as packed as Piper feared it might be, only a quarter of the seats were filled. The two girls found a pair of seats near the back where they were pretty isolated, giving them some privacy’s ad a decent view of the screen. Piper sipped her extra large cup as the lights dimmed, glancing nervously at Annabeth who gave her a warm yet suspicious smile. Piper swallowed her drink, and her nerves, acutely aware of the buzzing between her legs waiting for its pace to change.

The film rolled on and they were surprised at how into it they both were. The action and fighting were unrealistic, but it didn’t make the burly muscular men look any worse in slow motion. Piper felt herself get aroused as their sweaty, meaty arms and chests, and then their other assets when they were teased at the edges of the screen. She shifted uncomfortably, blaming the toy in her pussy for her raging hormones. But when she looked to her right she saw Annabeth biting her bottom lip and sensed an equal level of arousal from her. She nudged her elbow, her smirk reminding the blonde she had a boyfriend. She non-verbally shushed her, fixing her eyes to the screen enjoying the eye candy. Piper chuckled and followed suit, happy to be (technically) single.

It was at the beginning of the next act when her vibrator switched to level 2, conveniently at the start of a scene set in a bath house. She rubbed her thighs together as she got to watch their main characters converse about politics in a steam room with naked men and woman bathing around them. She looked at Annabeth suspiciously out the corner of her eye, but she kept hers straight ahead. Could be a coincidence she thought. She knew it wasn’t when the first sex scene rolled around and Piper’s dildo spiked up to level 3 for the exact duration of the sex scene. She gasped as her hips jerked in her seat, her growing aching with need once more. Someone behind her shushed her when she gasped a little too loudly, bringing some color to her cheeks and she looked apologetically over the headrest. She saw Annabeth giggling next to her and scoffed. She’s seen this movie already she realized, cursing under her breath.

The vibrations increased and lowered over the course of the whole movie, increasing in sensitivity depending on how raunchy the scenes were on screen. And they got pretty steamy, to the point Piper might’ve climaxed without the aid of her hidden sex toy. Annabeth got the timing down perfectly, watching the brunette squirm each time a naked man or woman came on screen. Percy followed her instructions to the number, except for one where he mistimed it by a few minutes and Piper needed up coming to the sight of a beheading. She covered her mouth and turned pale as they got a few odd looks from members of the audience. She shook her head and Piper sank awkwardly into her seat.

For her part, she was getting aroused all on her own. Watching Piper be tortured by the vibrator was turning her own, and the hot images on screen were fueling her desires to the point she was aching to fool around herself. She shifted in her seat, anticipating the scene that was coming up, her palm rubbing her crotch as she bit her bottom lip. The build up was slow but it would be worth it. Piper sensed it, her hand falling onto her leg as she watched the screen as their hot protagonist walked into a den of sexy naked women. Annabeth looked down at her hand as it inched closer to her groin, giving it an authoritive slap knocking it away. Piper looked at her as she wagged her finger, reminding her she wasn’t allowed to touch anyone but herself.

She pouted, feeling the arousal coming from the blonde as they sat side by side. The orgy began and so did the buzzing of her dildo rising through level 3. She stifled a moan as she rotated her hips, pressing her thighs together trying to control herself. She wanted to rip her pants off and finger her pussy to a climax she’d been edging for the last half hour. She was panting erratically as she watched the steamy sexiness unfold on screen. She saw movement out the corner of her eye and turned her head to see Annabeth slipping her hand into her bag at her feet. Her eyes widened when she saw her invisibility cap in her hands. “Don’t you dare” she whispered, glaring at the blonde as she smiled apologetically, her hand on her zipper as she slipped her cap on, vanishing out of sight. Piper gasped, reaching out to try and yank the hat off only for her invisible hand to swat her away.

She slumped back into her chair as her vibrator reached level 4, her mouth falling open as an involuntary moaned slipped out. She was shushed again, prompting her to cover her mouth while her pussy was set on fire with pleasure. She panted through her nose and looked around, spying a handful more audience members rubbing themselves in the darkness, including a young couple slyly jerking each other off. She tore her eyes anyway and fixed them on the screen, staring at the naked flesh as they pleasured each other while her body convulsed into a string of agonizing climaxes. She struggled to stay quite, or keep composed as her hips jerked violently, the toy stirring her insides like butter. She clutched the armrest so tight her knuckles turned white, her screams muffled in her other palm until the scene came to an end and her vibrator sank back to Level 1.

She continued orgasming until she couldn’t breathe, collapsing so low in her seat she nearly fell out of it. She heard Annabeth sigh in contentment before she reappeared in the chair beside her, dropping the invincibility cap to her lap hiding the zipper which was still undone. She looked over at Piper and the sweat laced brow above her red face, her body still convulsing from sensitivity. She didn’t say anything, but she reached over and squeezed her arm. Piper dropped her hand away from her mouth and took a shaky breath, nodding silently sitting back up in her seat. “That was the last sex scene” she whispered to her, assuring her it should be okay for the rest of the movie.

Piper never let go of the armrest until the credits rolled.


They arrived back home around five in the afternoon. Percy was sitting at the table casually tapping his phone when they got in. “Hey, how was the movie?” He asked smiling.

“Fuck you” Piper huffed, throwing her bags down walking awkwardly. She blanked the young man and reached into the fridge to grab a drink, her expression officially losing her enthusiasm.

“She’s been in a mood since we left the cinema” Annabeth told him, giving in a kiss as she passed him. “I think climaxing in a public place has lost its thrill for her.”

“Well I didn’t have the luxury of hiding under an invisibility hat” Piper snapped, slamming the fridge closed so hard it rattled. The two of them looked at her as she forced herself to take a breath, grimacing as she leant against the counter. “I’m sorry, I just…I’m fine” she said, controlling her breathing as her core ached. The constant vibrating was starting to become unpleasant.

Percy turned to Annabeth silently, his expression asking if everything was okay. She tilted her head from side to side but ultimately nodded. “Well, if we’re still going out for dinner, the booking isn’t until seven so we’ve got an hour or so” he said cautiously.

Piper closed her eyes and groaned. She forgot Annabeth had wrangled them into going out tonight too. I don’t know if I can stomach being in another public place she whined. “Fine, whatever. I’m going to take a shower” she said, pushing herself into the bathroom before Annabeth could claim it.

She locked herself in the bathroom and slumped against the door. It wasn’t like her to loose her temper, but it felt like she was riding a knife edge all afternoon. She climbed out of her clothing and dropped them on the floor, stepping out of her underwear and moving towards the shower. Maybe some hot running water can calm her down. She turned on the shower head and waited for the water to reach temperature, stepping underneath and sighed as it ran down her skin. That’s better she thought, lifting her face to the shower head savoring the feeling of it running down her body, through her hair. Along her chest and back. She rolled her shoulders and felt them relax, along with everything else. It felt good to just let all the tension go.

She got jolted out of tranquility by the toy still stuffed in her cunt jumping two levels abruptly. “For fuck sake Percy!” She screamed after catching herself on the glass partition.

“Annabeth dared me to do it” he called back through the door, followed by the faint sound of a slap on an arm.

Piper groaned, looking down at the sex toy still secured to her thigh and lodged in her pussy. For a brief moment she forgot it was then, it’s constant buzzing no longer fazing her. And once again it made its presence known. Why did they have to make it waterproof? She thought, wishing she could just crush it between her thighs or something. I should never have agreed to this. She took a breath and sighed. 24 hours? I’m losing my mind after five. I should just grovel for forgiveness and give up sex for a month.

No! She thought, clenching her fists in determination. I’m not giving in. That’s not what we do. I can handle it, I’ve survived worse. It’s just a fucking sex toy. You can do this.

Fuck, now I need to cum she groaned, bringing her hand between her legs to angrily masturbate in the shower. Fucking herself alongside the toy made the ache bearable enough to finish her shower, cleaning up and regaining her composure before stepping out and drying off. Her towel reached her hips and jostled the cable, making her shiver as it moved the vibrator towards her clit. She reached down and took hold of it, her mind suddenly realizing I’m on my own. I could take it out for just a few minutes. They would never know. She looked at the door nervously, her hand itching to pull it out. She grit her teeth and pushed it back into place instead. I can handle it she said, reinforcing her fortitude and exiting the bathroom with fresh determination.


It was approaching quarter to seven when Percy once again informed his girlfriend “we’re going to be late!”

“Just give me a minute” she called from the bedroom.

“You said that fifteen minutes ago” Piper called, just as impatient as Percy was as she adjusted the black belt around her waist. The man from the department store was right, it just go with the red dress. And so do the thigh high shoes she found in her closet. She checked her make up in the mirror and adjusted the denim waist coat she threw on top, her brown hair falling over her shoulders. “Christ, and I thought my siblings took forever to get ready” she muttered.

Percy paced around the hallway wearing a pale blue shirt and tie with black suit pants, the jacket waiting on the back of a chair for him. This was the most dressed up any of them ever had gotten for a restaurant, but Annabeth insisted them look the part. He looked over at Piper and couldn’t help but compliment her. “You look stunning.”

She looked back and smiled. “You scrub up pretty well yourself” she replied.

His eyes glanced down to her legs, quietly asking “you going to be okay with…you know?”

She reached down and pulled the vibrators strap further up her thigh to hide it under the dress, a part of her terrified someone would see it. For once she hoped her natural beauty would keep everyone’s eyes on her face, and maybe her breasts, and not on her legs (no matter how attractive they looked in those boots). “I’ll manage” she said, twisting her hips making sure it wasn’t going to slip out. She stepped back and stumbled a little, exhaling slowly.

Percy was there to catch her, in case she lost her balance. She assured him she was alright, relived not to be wearing heels tonight. “Shame we’re not allowed to fool around tonight” he said to distract her. “I would’ve loved to undress you out of this outfit later.”

She looked up and smirked. “So would I” she whispered, fixing his tie for him. She closed her eyes and whimpered as a micro orgasm shook her core briefly. “Percy, can I ask a favor” she said worriedly. “When we get to the restaurant…could you not use the app until we leave?” She pleaded, not wanting to make a fool of herself. He looked down at her and sighed, kissing her forehead promising he won’t. She thanked him, wishing she could just kiss him once tonight.

“Okay, I’m ready” Annabeth said, finally stepping out of the bedroom. Piper and Percy turned in unison and simultaneously gasped. “Wow” they both muttered as Annabeth stepped out in a sleeveless blue dress covered in sequins that came down to her ankles, her heels accenting her elegant legs, her blonde hair braided down one shoulder. She had turquoise eyeshadow on and it made her grey eyes sparkle like stars. She stepped forward nervously, looking at them both asking “who do I look?”

“You look…beautiful” Percy said, and Piper nodded in agreement. Suddenly she felt underdressed.

Annabeth grinned, not used to eliciting such a reaction. She picked up her white coat and Percy helped her put it on, picking up her handbag and checking they had everything. She hooked one arm around Percy’s and the other around Piper’s asking excitedly “ready to go?” They both rolled their eyes and the three of them walked out of the apartment together for a night on the town.


The resturant was more elegant than any of them had expected. Tables scattered the floor, which raised up two levels at the back with booths lining the walls. A window to the kitchen was presented against one of the walls and the smell of a thousand aromas welcomed them as they walked up to the doorman. Piper was sure they’d never get in, but sure enough Percy gave his name and the man led them to a table at one of the booths tucked away in a corner. Piper shuffled into the middle between Percy and Annabeth, looking around the restaurant in amazement. “I feel like I’m a kid again, going with with my dad” she said, forgetting how grand some of these places could be. One look at the menu however brought this fancy look back to earth. A mix of dishes from intricate to basic adorned the listing, though the prices were still a little over budget.

The three of them ordered some wine and took a moment to enjoy the fact they were having a night out. “This is nice, isn’t it?” Annabeth smiled, thinking back to her life on the streets after running away from home. How she would’ve loved to come to a place like this.

Percy nodded, thinking how his mom would’ve had to work five jobs to afford a meal like this. He raised his glass and proposed a toast. “To a future together” he said. The girls laughed and clinked their glasses with him before taking a sip.

Piper brought the wine to her lips and suddenly froze, struggling to swallow her drink as her gut clenched. She gasped as her body shuddered, almost dropping her glass only to catch herself before she spilt her drink. She gripped the table and grunted, the sensations shooting up her spine as she felt her pussy clench around the vibrator inside of her. It felt like it was white hot, her body on fire, the toy buzzing harder that it’s base level. She could feel people looking at her across the restaurant, muttering about the girl acting strangely. She pressed her legs together, afraid they might see her underwear becoming damp, or the cable slinking out from it to the strap hidden under her dress. She tried to control her breathing, suppress the moans or the whimpers, but the vibrations were getting worse.

Percy and Annabeth turned and saw her discomfort, quietly asking what was wrong. “You promised” she whispered, shooting daggers at Percy as she felt her body convulse from another orgasm.

Percy blinked in confusion before Annabeth shuffled closer to check on her. She looked up at him, her eyes questioning him about her condition. “I didn’t do anything?” He whispered, glancing around making sure they weren’t drawing attention. When Piper insisted he had he pulled out his phone and opened the app. “See! It’s not me!”

The girls grabbed his phone and looked at the screen. It said the dildo buzzing inside of her was still set to it’s lowest setting. “Pipes?” Annabeth whispered as the girl shook her head in disbelief. That can’t be right, unless… she gasped as another orgasm was ripped out of her, her fingers curling into the tablecloth. Annabeth was quick to help her, shielding her from prying eyes while Percy caught the wine glasses stopping them from falling over. “Are you going to be okay?” Annabeth asked quietly, holding her arms steady as she breathed heavily.

Piper wasn’t sure. She realized the toy had been in her too long, overstimulating her nerves. Now the lowest setting felt like she was at level three constantly, her hips jerking twice a minute. She closed her eyes and breathed, forcing herself to calm down. I can do this she told herself, though her body was starting to doubt her conviction. She looked up at her friends and nodded. “I’ll be alright” she said.

“Are you sure?” Annabeth asked.

“This was your idea, remember” she recalled, looking the blonde in the eye. She looked away guiltily, sharing a look with Percy. She was starting to have doubts of her own. “I can manage” she promised, looking at both of them as she straightened up in her seat, brushing her dress down and composing herself. She put on a brave face, hiding the discomfort now she had a handle on it. The waitress came over to ask if they wanted to order. They politely made their order, keeping it within their price range. Piper talked as little as possible, unwilling to trust her voice to stop trembling as she ordered a light dinner.


Ordering something light proved to be the smart call because the young woman felt like she was going to be sick moments after leaving the restaurant. She clung to Percy’s arm, who volunteered to carry her as she wobbled along the street. Annabeth was by her side too. Supporting her waist in case her knees gave out. She had climaxed twelve times during their dinner, including while eating desert. The last one was so strong she almost screamed, almost spiting out the ice cream she was swallowing. Fortunately her friend ran enough interference to hide her condition from the other diners, all the way until she needed help out of her seat once they’d paid the bill. Now they walked slowly through the streets of San Fransisco at night, ordering an Uber and finding a street corner to wait at.

Piper slumped over next to a lamppost heaving, her hair falling over her face which glistened with sweat. Annabeth rubbed her back soothing her, Percy standing nearby watching out for the Uber. “It’s getting to be too much, isn’t it” Annabeth deduced.

“I can manage” she told her, unwilling to give in to her own body.

Percy walked over and knelt in front of her. “Pipes, you know neither of us intended for you to be hurt with this” he said. “If you want to stop, just say so.”

“That’s sweet, but I can handle it” she replied, unsure whether it was pride or stubbornness making her carry on with this challenge. “If I can’t, I forfeit, which means I have to go for the other punishment” she reminded them. “I had handle a few more hours with this thing in me.”

Percy and Annabeth shared a look of concern. Maybe, but can you handle the next fourteen of them they thought. And did Piper really believe they’d enforce a whole month without sex? They tried to explain she didn’t need to carry on, but there was no talking her out of it.

She stood up and sucked in another breath, leaning against the lamppost rubbing her lip knees together. She tried to focus on something else, anything to take her mind off her burning loins. Her brow furrowed. “Am I hallucinating or is someone screaming about a horse?”

The others turned their heads and listened. Sure enough there was a lot of shouting and screaming about a horse. They looked around and saw people running from a side street. “Come on, let’s check it out” Annabeth suggested, taking Pipers hand leading them towards the commotion. Percy brought up the rear, the three of them running around the corner. Piper’s stiffness evaporated as they laid eyes on the horse people were shouting about. “You’ve got to be kidding me” Percy groaned.

The thing about the mist is it hides the myth from mortals. Through the mist the people in this city perceive events in a way their rational minds can comprehend. For example, while they are shouting and pointing at a wild horse running amok in the city streets, what they aren’t seeing is the eight foot tall Chimera that’s actually terrorizing them. It’s lion head roared while the smaller goat head attached to its goat body bleated menacingly, but not as menacing as the snake tail whipping around snapping at people. Men and women scrambled away from it as it stalked between cars, jumping on top of one crushing it under its immense weight.

The demigods stared at the monster with a mix of fear and exasperation. “And we were doing so well too” Percy grumbled, counting how many weeks it had been since they last had to fight a monster in public.

Their training kicked in effortlessly as Annabeth stepped forward. “We need to draw it away from the crowd before we kill it” she said, removing her heels as she reached into her handbag. She pulled out the bronze dagger she packed in case of emergency. “Do you two have weapons?” She asked. They both looked at her as they pulled out their own precautions, Piper drawing her ceremonial dagger from her inside jacket pocket while Percy drew his pen from his trouser pocket. Annabeth shrugged. Ask a stupid question. “Okay, I’ll distract it while Percy circles around the back. Piper, think you can get the civilians to safety?”

“Easy” she nodded, her adrenaline making her heart race and numbing the ache between her legs. She hoped she wouldn’t have to pick a fight while wearing a sex toy, but it wouldn’t be the first time.

Percy uncapped his pen, Riptide springing into his hand as he twirled the bronze sword comfortably. “Let’s go” he shouted, sprinting forward with his friends running beside him.

They split up and followed Annabeth’s strategy. The daughter of Athena caught the Chimera’s attention by waving her arms and shouting at it. It’s large head turned to fix its gaze on her, snarling as it stepped forward. Percy ducked behind a van to flank it, keeping a wary eye on his girlfriend as she put herself in harms way. While the beast was diverted, Piper corralled the rest of the mortals using her charm-speak, convincing them to evacuate or get inside a nearby building. The plan was working perfectly, until Percy was spotted by the snake head on the end of the tail. “Percy, look out!” Piper shouted, warning him in time to look up and see it snapping towards him.

He dodged out of the way, it’s poisonous fangs narrowly missing his shoulder but ripping his jacket. He cursed and swiped with his sword, batting it aside. It also drew the rest of the beast however, the lion head turning towards him. Annabeth didn’t give it a change to mail her boyfriend, springing barefoot across the pavement leaping at the blood red mane grabbing hold of it. It roared and tried to shake her off, the goat head bleating trying to hit her with its horns. She took her dagger and stabbed it into its thick skin, causing it to rear in pain. Percy came in swinging, cutting its side until it swiped at him with its paws. Piper tried to rush in and help, but the tail whipped across her midsection and sent her flying into a parked car knocking the wind out of her.

Percy rolled under the claws at it swiped at him, avoiding its jaws as Annabeth tried to climb onto its back. It’s tail whipped around, snapping at her and her dagger as she swatted the snake head away. The Chimera bucked and threw itself to the ground to roll, forcing her to jump off before she was crushed. She rolled over the ground and scrambled up to her feet in time to see Percy charge the monster summoning and whirlpool around him from a sewer grate. She launched a torrent of sewage at the creature which pissed it off, retaliating by biting into a nearby moped and throwing it in his direction. He ducked underneath it but the wheel clipped him, sending him sprawling.

His phone came tumbling out of his pocket, hitting the ground hard enough to crack the screen. The app for the vibrator flashed on the screen as the glitch caused the settings to switch to maximum.

Piper had just gotten back on her feet when the dildo spiked violently to its highest setting, the buzzing toy attacking her overly sensitive pussy hard enough make her knees buckle. She felt her breath catch in her throat as she gasped, feeling like she had a white hot poker in her cunt as the plastic rubbed against her so fast it burned. No, please…not now she begged, clawing at the road as she doubled over in pain. Her breath came out ragged and panting as everything seemed to send electric shocks up her spine, her hips shaking uncontrollably. “Fuck” she whimpered, tears forming in her eyes as she was forced to endure a fresh wave of torture. A climax was forced out and Piper couldn’t stop the scream through her gritted teeth.

Her cries drew the attention of both her friends and the monster. Annabeth spun around to see her writhing on the floor, calling her name terrified she was injured. The Chimera saw her too, it’s hungry snarl indicating it’s intentions. Percy was still picking himself up from the floor, so Annabeth put herself between it and her best friend to fight it. But it just roared and knocked her aside, tearing her dress as it’s claws scratched her thigh. She cried out in pain, but couldn’t take her eyes off the monster as it advanced on Piper.

She tried to push herself up, push through the agony shooting through her cunt stirring her insides. She sensed the looming threat approaching, looking up to see the Chimera snarling, it’s eyes staring at her. She panted rapidly, her heart racing, her gut clenching. She scrambled back, her feet kicking at the gravel. She couldn’t move, the pain in her body paralyzing her. The monster crept closer, it’s teeth bared. The snake head snapped above him, it’s fangs dripping with venom. She reached out and grasped the hilt of her dagger. Though if she had the strength to use it was up for debate. She grit her teeth, her cheeks becoming wet with tears.

“Stop” she whispered, summoning the strength to fight back. Fight her body, fight this bastard toy, fight this monster looming over her. She dragged her arms underneath her, pushing up with all her might. She looked up at the beast, resisting the orgasm that was rippling inside of her, channeling her powers into her voice to scream “STOP!”

The Chimera froze in place, her charm-speak rooting it to the spot. It growled at Piper, unable to inch closer. All three heads snapped, it’s body shaking against invisible restraints. Piper inhaled, holding her breath, keeping her eyes fixed on the monster. She didn’t know how long it would stay frozen for, she had to find the willpower to move and do something. The charm was already breaking, the monster inching closer as Piper fought to get her feet underneath her.

Fortunately her friends had her back. Before it could break out of her charm-speak hold Percy sprinted in from behind and slashed at the Chimera’s tail severing it with his sword. The monster howled in pain, the magic breaking as it lunged back only to have his girlfriend jumping onto its mane again stabbing her dagger in the lion’s eye. It howled louder, it’s jaws snapping open and shut as blood poured from the wound while Annabeth drove the blade into the creatures skull. It’s body twisted in agony, the goat bleating angrily. But Piper found the strength to push herself up, reaching out and grabbing the beast by the horns yanking it down with all her might. She ignored the painful climax shaking her body as she swung her dagger and stabbed it into the goats forehead, impaling its final brain and dragging the monster down with her. The Chimera toppled on top of her lifelessly, the body disintegrating into dust before it could crush her. She collapsed onto the floor gasping, her friends hovering next to her relieved it was over.

Annabeth dropped to Piper’s side as she continued to writhe in pain and torment on the ground. “It’s okay, it’s going to be okay” she said frantically, her hands running over her looking for a wound. Her thigh was bleeding and her blue dress was torn, but aside from a few bruises the blonde demigod got away unscathed. Percy had a cracked rib but his suit suffered most of the abuse. They discovered Piper, in comparison, was untouched. “Pipes, where does it hurt?” Annabeth asked her as she kept wailing. She couldn’t speak, her adrenaline from the fight unable to numb her. Annabeth examined her in a panic before her hands gestured to her stomach, or rather her groin. She checked and felt the harsh vibrations from her crotch, her eyes narrowing. “Percy! The app!” She yelled.

“Seriously?” He asked in bewilderment, more focused on the monster they killed. She repeated herself so he checked his pocket. When he didn’t find his phone he searched the street quickly, finding it after twenty seconds beneath a car. He looked at the cracked screen which was unresponsive. “It’s trashed” he shouted.

“It hurts” Piper cried, tears falling down her cheeks as she rolled over on the ground. Annabeth reached into her bag and found her phone, redownloading the app on her device and syncing it to the toys Bluetooth. Her eyes widened when she discovered which setting it was on and swiftly brought it back to 1. Piper’s moans lessened but they didn’t stop. “I what to go home” she whimpered.

Annabeth nodded, calling Percy over to help her. They pulled Piper up to her unsteady feet, hoisting her over their shoulders as they gathered their stuff, their bags and heels, and slowly made their way back to the street corner where mercifully their Uber was waiting.


They were lucky. The wounds they suffered were so mild they’ll heal in a week. Percy helped clean the scratch on Annabeth’s leg and she wrapped up his torso so his ribs could heal. But there injures paled in comparison to the torture Piper was suffering. She laid on her bed and couldn’t stop shaking, her voice becoming strained from the constant moans and sobs as she feel into a cycle of orgasms and painful stimulation. The two of them stayed with her once they were patched up, helping her out of her shoes so she could lie down, sitting either side of her in their torn outfits watching over her as she tossed and turned. They didn’t need to have her empathic abilities to see how much discomfort she was in. Her vibrator might as well be on max with how sensitive her bits had become. Percy checked his stopwatch; she still had twelve hours to go.

“I can’t do it” Piper whispered, looking up at Percy through desperate tears. “It’s too much. I thought I could handle it but it’s too much. It hurts…it won’t stop…” she shook violently again, another orgasm making her teeth clatter. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I pranked you, sorry I…used you. I promise I will never do it again. I swear, just please…please make it stop” she begged.

Percy felt his gut clench as he saw her in so much pain. He looked up at Annabeth, her expression sharing his heartbreak. This was only meant to be a playful punishment, it wasn’t meant to hurt her. She shared a guilty look, but she reiterated the promise they made at the start. “It’s your call.”

Percy didn’t think twice about it. He reached for Annabeth’s phone out of her bag and brought up the app. With one push he switched the vibrator off. Annabeth nodded, following his lead by coaxing Piper’s trembling legs apart long enough to unplug and carefully remove the toy. Piper’s convulsions didn’t end right away, so the two of them stayed with her the rest of the night, cradling her trembling form softly comforting her until she finally fell asleep curled in a ball.

Annabeth stroked her hair gently, a tear rolling down her cheek as she looked guiltily up at her boyfriend. “Is this my fault? Did we go too far?”

“This isn’t like before Annie” he told her, squeezing her hand. “It’ll be okay. She’ll be okay. And it was my idea, my responsibility” he said, lowering his gaze to the shivering young woman cradled between them. He leant down and kissed her cheek, softly whispering “you’re forgiven Pipes. I hope you can forgive us.” They both snuggled up next to her, willing to stay with her until she wakes up.

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