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Weclome to the Jackson's: Reyna vs The Beast (1/2)

Percy was sure Reyna had lied when she claimed the showers at the gym were broken, but he was too much of a gentlemen not to offer when they finished their sparring session nearby. He brought the young praetor back to his place and let her use his while he made them something to drink. She didn’t take long, switching the water off and brushing the towel over her body to dry off. “Is it just us? Or are you expecting your other half back soon?” Reyna asked, calling from the bathroom.

Percy checked the schedule on the fridge. “Just us. Annabeth’s at Camp Half-blood and Piper is seeing a friend. It’ll be late before either of them get back.”

Reyna smiled, glad to here it as she finished drying her hair and stepped out into the apartment in her birthday suit. “So we won’t be interrupted? That’s good” she said, catching the young man by surprise as she boldly strolled into the kitchen. “Gives us a chance to pick up where we left off.”

Percy gulped as the naked Roman demigod stalked towards him, his hands darting around before hurriedly holding up the cup of coffee made her. She smirked, accepting it and taking a sip. “Um…I think there’s a dressing gown you can use around here somewhere” he stammered.

“I feel perfectly comfortable” she assured him.

“Yeah, we’ll…I’m not sure I do” he replied nervously.

She rolled her eyes. “It’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before Percy. Remember that night at Camp Jupiter, not long after your victory in our war games, in my chambers?”

“I had amnesia then” he recalled, skirting around the table as Reyna advanced on him. “I didn’t know who I was. I didn’t know I was in a relationship.”

“Never stopped you before” she remarked, fixing her eyes on him. “What are you afraid of? That you might enjoy yourself again?”

“I just don’t think it’d be a good idea” he said, still backing away until she crossed the distance in a flash and stood in front of him. “Is this why you wanted to come here?”

“Can’t a girl get a shower from an old friend?” She asked, backing him against a wall. She raked her eyes over his chest, running her tongue over her upper lip. “I was hoping you would join me. You’re still sweating from our workout.”

“That’s a good idea, I should freshen up” he said, attempting to dart past her.

Her hand shot put and pressed against his chest, holding him in place. “That won’t be necessary. I like my men sweaty. Try not to be so worried. We both know if I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn’t be so friendly. And I want to be so…so friendly Percy” she whispered, stepping closer moving her mouth over his lips. Her body was so close her breasts were brushing his chest, her breath on his skin. She sensed the anxiety coming from him and assured him “I’ll be gentle. Unless you ask me not to be” she added, reaching down and grasping his crotch with her palm. Percy gasped, a quiet moan escaping his lips as she fondled him.

Suddenly snapped, grabbing her wrist and barking “stop!” Pushing her away from him. Reyna stumbled against the table as his fixed his sea green eyes on her, a flash of aggression as he asked “what are you doing?”

She smiled. “There he is. The man who took me to bed that night” she stated, fixing her gaze on him as he stormed past her. She felt the cold breeze and shivered, her heart racing more a moment. “I was worried you might’ve gotten soft. Glad to know there’s still that fire in you.”

Percy narrowed his eyes at her in disbelief. “That’s what this was? A test?”

“More like an attempt of seduction. I’ve missed you Percy. I was hoping we could rekindle old flames, if only for a day.”

“I’ve got a girlfriend” Percy reminded her, recalling a similar conversation they had when his amnesia was cured and he returned to Camp Jupiter.

She scoffed. “I’m not expecting anything romantic you dolt. Just scratching an itch.”

“If it’s just sex, why not asking someone else?”

“Believe me, I have plenty of suitors for this activity. But I’ve been craving the son of Neptune lately. I don’t know why you’re so resistant” she said in surprise, crossing her arms in frustration. “It didn’t stop you before.”

“Again, I didn’t know I had a girlfriend at the time” he repeated. “What happened between you and me…I was a one time thing.”

“And this could be another one time thing. Or a regular thing” she shrugged. Percy shook his head, but before he could argue she pointed out “it’s not like you can play the faithful boyfriend card. We know you and Annabeth practically have an open relationship, so I don’t see the problem. For fuck sake, you have a live-in consort as a roommate. Or is this arrangement with Piper more of a polyamorous relationship?”

Percy turned red as he stood awkwardly in front of her. “Piper’s…she’s a close friend. She’s not…it’s not a love triangle thing or anything. We love her, but she’s not…”

“Percy, you don’t need to explain” she sighed. “I have plenty of platonic lovers myself. Frank and Hazel among them. Even Jason, now that he’s broken up with your close friend” she added.

Percy stiffened, realizing it had been a while since he had spoken to the son of Jupiter. “How is he?”

She shrugged. “His ego’s a little bruised but I’m helping him through it. He doesn’t know Piper moved in with you, yet. I get the impression he won’t be happy when he finds out.” Percy groaned, thanking her for the warning. She put her hands on her hips as she continued “but I didn’t come here to talk about Jason. I came hoping you’d be willing to join my list of cohorts. If you’d rather I come back and get permission from your girlfriend…?”

“No, it’s not…I’m sorry, you just…”he stammered, still anxious as he looked at her.

Reyna narrowed his eyes and asked him “what? I know you’ve slept with other girls. Why won’t you sleep with me?”

“Because, what we did…I’m not proud of it.”

She sighed. “Please tell me this isn’t guilt about cheating on Annabeth.”

“No, she’s already forgiven me for that. She understood I had amnesia.”

“Then what?” She marched forward and stood in front of him to force him to look at her. “Every time I’ve asked you look at my with fear. Why are you so afraid of me?”

“I mean, you are an intimidating presence” he told her.

She stared at him before shaking her head. “No, that’s not it. You’re not scare of me. You’re scared of yourself. Your scared of the man you were when we were together.”

Percy stared back at her, recalling that night in perfect detail and feeling very unnerved by it. “I’m not proud of what happened” he muttered.

“Why not? What happened had a lot to be proud about” she laughed. “You were one of the few lovers I’ve had that made me feel alive. Not many people compare. Not even Jason, at least until recently. I miss you Percy Jackson.”

“I’m not that man” he told her. “That version of me…that wasn’t me.”

She fixed her eyes on him leaning closer. “Yes it is. We both know it. That animal is still in there, and it’s itching to get out. I can tell. I can see the hunger in your eyes when you look at me. You want me, don’t you?” She taunted, swaying her naked body like bait as Percy soaked her in with his gaze. “You want this, but you’re scared to take it.”

“If it’s just sex you want, we can do that” he said, stepping forward offering to kiss her.

But she slapped his hand away when he cupped her cheek. “I’m not interested in the nice guy Percy. I want the animal. I want the warrior who defeated his enemies and then claimed his prize, who took me to my own bed and showed me what it meant to feel alive. I want the animal.” He backed away, shaking his head. “Have you ever been that way with another woman?” She asked him. “Has Annabeth seen you like that?”

“Yes” he replied. “Once, in Tartarus. It frightened her. I swore I’d never let her see it again.”

Reyna nodded, stepping around him cupping his jaw. “You caged the beast for the woman you love. I respect that. But trust me when I say, you can’t keep it caged forever. I heard about the gift Aphrodite blessed this house with” she said, looking around the apartment before addressing him directly. “You and Annabeth share Piper’s ability to charmspeak?”

“Only while we are in this apartment” he nodded.

“I’m guessing it’s difficult, watching what you say, making sure you don’t accidentally bark an order” she assumed. Percy ground his teeth uncomfortably. “Power like that is dangerous. Hard to suppress. Even harder when there’s a part of you itching to use it, abuse it. Piper has the discipline, growing up learning to control it. But you…how often do you use it?”

“I try not to” he whispered.


“Because it’s so easy to start. And if I do I won’t stop. It’s like a drug…it’s addictive.”

“Have you ever used it during sex?” She asked. He shook his head. She could guess why. “The beast in you wants to get out. Sooner or later, it will. But when it does, who do you think will get caught in its teeth?” Percy looked away, glancing at the photo of his friends. “It might scare her, but it doesn’t scare me” Reyna told him.

“What exactly do you want?” Percy asked.

“To help you” she explained. “And help me. Let me be your outlet. Let me help you lose control, take control of that dark part you have caged inside.”

“I thought you just wanted sex.”

“I do. But I prefer my lovers to be warriors, rough and violent. Like you. I want you to vent your aggression on me. That way you won’t hurt anyone else.”

“That sounds dangerous” he noted.

“Maybe. But I like a little risk. I like to be dominated, to be manhandled, to be prey to a predator” she whispered, getting aroused just thinking about it. “If it’s consent your worried about, you have it. I’ll give it to you in writing if I have to.”

“I could hurt you” he argued.

“I hope so” she laughed. But as a compromise she proposed a safe word. “Watermelon. How’s that?” She stepped closer, her warm breath brushing his cheek as she continued to provoke him. “Don’t you want to stop being the good guy, just for a while? I know you want me. I can see you want to ravage me, to bend me over and turn me into your bitch. You could. With that charmspeak, you could force me to do anything you want. I want that too. I want you, I need you. I promise to tell you when I’ve had enough. Claim me Percy. Make me yours. We won’t tell anyone if that’s what you want. It can be our secret. Let the beast out Percy. Show me what you can do.”

Percy wanted to say no, to turn away, to throw her out the door and slam it shut. But her proposal was too enticing. That part of him was growling, hungering for the meaning being offered. Reyna was right, it wanted to come out. Has done for a while. And let’s be real; I’m so sick of being the nice guy. There was silence for a long minute until Percy’s eyes lifted to look at her. She saw the glint in his eye and smiled moments before his powerful hands grabbed her arms and spun her around, slamming her against a wall. She gasped in delight as he growled at her. “If you need me to stop, I will. But it won’t be easy” he warned.

She lifted her chin confidently, fixing her own glare on him as she growled. “Give me your best. I can handle it.” Percy nodded, the pact silently forged with an aggressive kiss between the two of them.

The moment the kiss connected the lease came off. Reyna was too enticing as bait for Percy not to hunger for it. Her naked body squirmed against her as he ravished her with his hands, nails dragging over her toned flesh making her sigh in approval. She retaliated with equal vigor, mashing her lips against his fighting for dominance with his tongue. He put up a powerful struggle, the two demigods sucking the oxygen out of each other as their bodies ground together, fingers curling into their dark hair pulling on it. Reyna felt her arousal light a fire in her loins as she bit Percy’s bottom lip, breaking the kiss quickly inhaling before diving in again. She tasted blood in his mouth and became even more aroused, especially when he shoved her head back and latched his teeth to her neck. She growled as his teeth sank into her collar, marking her as his prey. She grinned, recalling the last place he marked her, the bite marks still there mixed with the rest of her scars. She clawed at his scalp as she kissed his jaw, moving to his ear biting his lobe until he let out a deep growl, fixing his hungry eyes on her as their groins pressed together. She felt his bulge nudge her exposed pussy, dripping in anticipation. She leapt back in to kiss him again.

Stop” Percy hissed. Reyna’s body froze, holding her lips back as his charmspeak washed over her. She fought the command but her body obeyed, leaving her pinned to the wall as Percy stepped back. “Wait” he ordered, catching his breath as he watched the Roman praetor struggle to disobey him. Reyna had never actually been the victim of charmspeak, so despite her bluster this was brand new expedite. One which left her excited and aroused. She was no longer in control as Percy stepped forward, gazing at her with an intimidating gaze. “Don’t move” he whispered as he reached out and groped her breasts, making her gasp as he squeezed them twisting her nipples. She had no choice but to let him molest her, his hands roaming everywhere as the young woman remain captive to his spell. She noted, however, she could still speak. Percy worded it that way so she could tell him to stop at any point. Yet she remained silent, even as his hands invaded between her legs and probed her moist cunt. He watched her expression remain neutral as he fingered her, staring back defiantly even as he ran his tongue over her neck and grazed his teeth along her nipples. He bit down once, only once, making her growl as he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked as hard as he could. He released it with a loud pop, watching her breast bounce before rising up to cup her jaw turning her head to face him “anything you want to say?” He asked quietly, his hot breath tickling her lips.

She gave him a cocky smirk. “No” she growled.

He stared at her coldly, pulling his hand across her chin scratching it with a nail. She hissed feeling a cut form, biting her bottom lip from arousal. “Get on your knees” he ordered, unbuckling his belt. She obediently dropped to the ground, keeping her eyes on him the whole time as he unzipped his trousers.

She didn’t look down at his crotch until his stiff cock slapped against her cheek. It was hard and thick and thrumming as blood pumped into it, almost mouth watering to the woman. Gods it’s been too long she thought, eager to get her hands on it as it danced under her nose. She kept her hands at her sides, playing the submissive slut like a good girl waiting for her master’s next command.

However Percy, while starting to get into the dominating role, hesitated when he looked down at the naked woman on her knees. He gulped, breaking character to once more ask “are you sure this is okay? If you’d rather we just go to my room and…”

“Percy!” She hissed, snapping her eyes up to glare at him. He fell silent. “I’m sure” she growled, taking hold of his cock and pumping it roughly. It frustrated her she had to take the initiative, not when she was so close to what she wanted. She brought her other hand to his balls and squeezed them, hard enough to make Percy wince. His eyes flashed in anger glaring down at her. “I want the animal” she told him.

Percy knew she was trying to provoke him. And it worked. He reached down and grabbed Reyna by her hair, clutching a fistful tightly tugging it to make her hiss. “Alright then” he scowled, prying her hands off his cock and balls so he could shove it in her face. “Suck my cock” he said, rubbing his tip across her nose.

Reyna submitted to the compulsion to open her mouth and allow it entry, gagging when he shoved himself into her throat pulling on her hair. She sucked on it, her tongue lapping at the shaft as it thrust in and out. Her hands clung to his knees as he fucked her face, gripping the fabric of his trousers pulling them down his thighs. He stared at the dutiful cocksucking demigod intently, their eyes meeting when she looked up at him, her smile hidden behind a mouthful of cock.

The blowjob reached a new level of intensity when Reyna tried to remove herself from him, seeking to please his balls kissing them better as an apology. But before her lips could extracted themselves from the tip Percy grabbed her by the head and slammed her back down his shaft. “Don’t stop!” He hissed, his hips humping her more aggressively as he plunged into her throat. Her eyes widened as she found herself choking on his dick as he skullfucked her desperately, his nails digging into her scalp clutching her tightly. She clawed at his thighs but he ignored the pain, desperation and assertion overtaking his hips. It occurred to him later she couldn’t have used her safe word if she wanted too. Fortunately this act of dominance got the girl so wet she had to plunge a hand into her pussy to quell the urges she was feeling. This was what she wanted. Rough, unrelenting, animalistic intent. Her jaw ached as Percy reached his peak and plunged balls deep into her throat, her neck bulging as he ejaculated into her mouth. “Swallow it. All of it” he barked as he pumped his seed down her throat. She screwed her eyes shut and gulped it down, her lungs burning as she struggled to breathe. She came in her hand as black spots ticked the edges of her vision until Percy was finished and pulled out of her. She inhaled sharply and doubled over on her hands and knees, catching the last remnants of his sperm swallowing it down before staring at his shoes listening to his panting breath.

It was a few moments before she was able to catch her breath and lift her head back up to look at him, her jaw still aching. She looked at Percy coldly, daring him to ask if she was alright. But to her delight he didn’t ask, only demand. “Get up” he barked, stepping back waiting for her to rise to her feet. She wiped her mouth and held her head up confidently. “Over here” he said, pointing to the table. She notice he didn’t use charmspeak and so refused to comply. He growled, “come over here!” Her legs carried her over, her glare fixed to his face, daring him to do his worst. Percy raised an eyebrow, yet she remained silent. He took a deep breath, raking over her with his eyes. “Turn around and bend over” he ordered. Reyna grinned in excitement as she did as she was told, bending over the table presenting her ass to him. He stood behind her, admiring her firm backside placing his hands upon it. She purred, briefly, before returning to defiant silence. He kneaded her cheeks roughly, preparing his next move. But first he leaned over and spoke to her, whispering in her ear. “From this point on, if you want me to stop, all you have to say is one magic word” he told her.

“I won’t” she promised, looking at him confidently.

He didn’t smile, though she suspected he wanted to. But that would mean admiring he was enjoying this power he was wielding. “I’m going to spank you now” he explained bluntly, his palm rubbing her bare bottom.

She scoffed. “Is that all?”

“For now” he nodded. Then he leant closer whispering in her ear “and you are not allowed to scream.” Reyna scoffed again, stifling a laugh. If that was the best command he could offer she believed she was going to be underwhelmed. But then his palm struck her, hard, and she felt the involuntary Yelp shoot up her spine only to be silenced at her throat. The charmspeak forced her voice to suppress it, which like holding back a burp which sent cartwheels through her stomach. She groaned instead, her fingers curling against the table as she felt the handprint on her butt get hot. She looked over her shoulder at Percy, already lining up his next swing. She inhaled deeply, bracing for a spanking of demigoddly proportions.

She almost forgot how strong demigods could be, especially children of the big three. So when the Son of Neptune smacked her bottom, the Daughter of Belladonna felt it. Each smack left a red mark. The smack after stung even worse because it met the same place. Suddenly the command not to scream began taking its toll as Reyna was gritting her teeth whether she wanted to or not, each Yelp caught and suppressed which made her ache even more. She discovered she could moan, groan, gasp and swear, but nothing louder than an exhale. After ten smacks she was clutching the table. After twenty her knees were shaking. After thirty her eyes began to water, her breathing becoming ragged. Her ass was so red it felt like it was on fire, and each slap stung even more.

Percy eventually paused his assault to let her catch her breath, leaning over her asking “had enough?” She grit her teeth and looked over her shoulder. “Anything you want to say?”

“No” she answered defiantly.

Percy chuckled, nursing her sore backside. He stepped back and crouched down, gazing at her cheeks as they glowed bright red. He could feel her shiver each time his fingers kneaded them, and heard her release a nervous breath when he spread them apart to gently blow on her waiting hole. He recalled how a very kinky friend of his taught him that meat always tasted better after it had been tenderized. And Reyna’s ass looked very tender. So without preamble he dove in and plunged his tongue into her anus to devour it.

Reyna felt her chest tighten as she tried to scream, unable to let put more than a pained moan as Percy ate her ass, clutching her bottom licking and munching on it hungrily. She squirmed in his grasp, her nails digging into the table as she grit her teeth. After the rough spanking it was so sensitive she felt like it was burning, his slick tongue sizzling against flesh. Yet it didn’t stop her pussy from dripping with arousal, or her ass from rubbing against his face eagerly for more. Percy took the encouragement as a sign she wouldn’t be satisfied, halting his tonguing much to her disappointment. Instead he slapped her ass again, savoring the gasp and whine before rising to his feet.

“You like having your ass played with?” He asked her, fondling her butt. She nodded, hiding her smile behind her loose hair. “I like playing with it too. I could spank it all day” he muttered, giving it another series of slaps for good measure. Reyna refused to break, refused to use her safe word no matter how much they stung. She wanted it rough and she was finally getting it. He looked down at his erection, rubbing it against her thighs bringing goosebumps to her flesh. “Would you like me to play with it some more?” He asked her.

“Yes” she growled, dripping in anticipation. “Put it in my ass Percy” she demanded.

Percy leant over, yanking on her hair growling in her ear “I decide what I put in your ass, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano.” Reyna shuddered at the use of her full name. He knew she didn’t like it when he did that. He grinned smug, pushing her back onto the table pinning her down. “I need to get something. Don’t move from this position until I get back” he ordered.

Reyna stayed with her chest and cheek pressed against the table, her ass in the air bent over the surface as Percy left the kitchen to slip into his bedroom. Reyna was forced to wait for him for five minutes, pouting in complaint as her ass ached in discomfort. She was so turned on she needed relief, but she couldn’t move her hands to pleasure herself. She considered calling Percy to hurry back, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of hearing her beg. After five minutes she heard his footsteps return, striding her eyes to try and see him as he crossed into the kitchen. She felt his presence behind her and tensed.

Seconds later she felt a sharp whack across both her butt cheeks, taking her by surprise as it hit her harder than any of his previous slaps across her stinging bottom. Her body lurched as she yelped, the muted cry so powerful it brought tears to her eyes as she started whimpering, quickly controlling her breathing panting heavily. Percy leaned over and looked at her face. “That almost broke you, didn’t it” he said. She looked back at him, attempting to shake the tears from her cheeks as she lifted her chin defiantly. “Anything to say?” He asked again.

She glared back at him. “Never” she whispered.

For a moment Percy’s eyes glinted in sympathy, concern crossing his expression making her fear he would break character again. But then it was gone as he grinned, raking a set of nails down her spine causing her to shiver. “A friend of mine would love you” he said as he took up position behind her, soaking in the sight of her primed body. She craned her neck to get a look at him, catching his reflection in a kettle on the counter, her eyes widening as she saw he was now naked, his cock standing ready. “You’d like her too. She’s a very eccentric person. Lots of kinks. Likes to be played with. Last time she was here, she brought a box of toys with her. She would have me use them on her, or else she’d use them on me. Annabeth isn’t fond of her though so she doesn’t come around often. She left her box of toys here though, which means you and I can play with them. If not, you know what to say” he reminded her as he brought one of those toys with him, holding it in his hand aiming it at her anus. Reyna couldn’t get a clear look at the object he was holding, the reflection hazy as he took hold of her hip as she felt something cold brush her cheeks. He paused momentarily to add “you’re allow to scream if you want. And please say when you need me to stop.”

Reyna had no intention of using her safe word. But she almost changed her mind when Percy inserted the long glass butt plug into her anus forcefully. She finally got the cry out loudly as it penetrated her back door, her hands clutching the edge of the table tightly as it slid in and twisted around. The surface was smooth and cold but the shape twisted like a corkscrew, Percy’s hand holding the handle at one end which he used to turn it and push it deeper, his other hand spreading her cheeks. Reyna moaned and whimpered as he kept pushing it deeper, pausing every so often to let her take a breath and give her a chance to shout her safe word. Each time she refused it pushed it deeper, watching her pussy leak fluids onto the floor as her feet scraped the tiles. Reyna counted the number of inches as it entered her, losing count after seven, the toy continuing to enter. How big was this friends ass? It can’t possibly fit!

As it turned out, it did. Even Percy was impressed as he pressed his palm against the handle stuffing the last inch into her ass leaving it firmly lodged inside of her, the cylindrical handle flush against her butt. He stared at it as it quivered, then as the ass that managed to take it all the way. He marveled at the young woman, who breathed heavily dripping with sweat. He resisted the urge to give it another slap, instead kissing her butt proudly before stepping back. “Stand up” he ordered, watching cautiously as she sluggishly shuffled off the table and pushed herself up. She stood up straight, her legs trembling feeling like she had a glass rod up her ass. But she turned back to him and jutted her chin out proudly. He stepped forward, putting his hand on her waist pulling her closer. “You okay?” He asked quietly.

She nodded, a small smirk on her lips. “That the best you got?” She asked.

He looked at her determined expression and shook his head. “You are insane” he laughed, planting a powerful kiss on her lips.

“You’re the one who shoved a dildo up my ass” she retorted playfully, kissing him back roughly pulling him deeper into the aggressive kiss. “Isn’t it fun taking control of me?” She asked him.

“Are you sure you’re okay with all this?”

“I haven’t used my safe word yet” she reminded him, nibbling on his ear. “Until I do, don’t you dare let up on me. I’m so horny, I need more.”

“Alright then” he smiled, kissing her roughly before shoving her back onto the table. She gasped as the butt plug shifted inside her as she was pushed onto the table, looking up at him biting her bottom lip in arousal as he climbed after her, forcefully spreading her legs. They both growled in anticipation as their lips met again, their hands groping and exploring their bodies seeking to ravish each other. Percy’s erection throbbed with fiery need, which Reyna stoked when she stroked him with her hand. He caught her wrist before she might make him burst, pinning her down gnawing at her neck making her moan hungrily. “Tell me what you want me to do” he whispered in her ear.

“I want you to fuck me as hard as you can” she answered, her breathing heavy as she stared desperately into his eyes. “I want to be used like a cum dumpster, bred like a bitch in heat. I want you to take that thick powerful cock between your legs and impale my needy cunt until I can’t walk. I want you to abuse me, slap my tits, bit my neck, put your arms around my throat and choke me, twist my nipples until I scream, pin me down and make me cum until I pass out.”

She doesn’t ask for much he mused as he hovered over the desperate woman, his gaze soaking in her naked body as he hands drifted over it. She looked so enticing with her legs spread like a slut, her chest rising and falling tantalizing him with her breast. He put one hand on her boob, squeezing it firmly licking his lips. His other hand found it’s way to her neck, which she presented like an offering, her eyes trained on him intently. He leaned down and grazed her lips with his teeth. “Your body belongs to me today” he hissed, grabbing hold of her thighs pulling them apart and spearing his cock into her dripping pussy.

Reyna screamed as he penetrated her, pleasure shooting up her spine as he finally filled her cunt. She moaned loudly in agreement, submitting her body to his assault as he began thrusting and fucking her, pounding her hard and fast making the table shake beneath them. She laid back and let it happen, begging for more reaching for his arms. He grabbed her hands and yanked her up, smashing his lips against hers in a powerful kiss sucking the air from her lungs. “Harder” she demanded through the kiss. He growled shoving her onto her back, his hands holding her down by the shoulders. He gave her want she wanted, thrusting harder against her, his cock stirring her insides feeling the butt club through her walls as they clutched both of them. Reyna moaned as she came, her body climaxing around his member. She feared he’d slow down, but instead he picked up the pace. He fucked her through the orgasm into another one, her body bouncing back and forth with each thrust. “Fuck me!” She begged, moaning incoherently as Percy molested her body roughly. He did as she asked. He slapped her tits, twisted her nipples, savoring the screams she released until his hands latched around her throat. She grabbed his wrists and held them there, staring at Percy daring him, begging him, to squeeze.

Percy wasn’t used to having so much control over a girl. It was intoxicating, the animal in him becoming drunk on the power. He pounded Reyna harder, putting all his strength into his hips while his hands clamped around her throat. “Fuck” he muttered, her walls crushing him tighter as she climaxed again. He forged through it, squeezing tighter as the table creaked underneath him. He hoped it was strong enough to survive the pounding he was delivering, Reyna’s legs wrapping around his waist holding him tightly. Her hands gripped the table, her head rolling back, her breath gasping as he choked the Roman demigoddess. “Is this what you wanted?” He asked her, his labored breathing becoming rapid and erratic. He saw her head bob but couldn’t be sure it was a nod or just her body bouncing off his cock. He didn’t care, drunk on the power thrusting harder. “This is what you asked for! You wanted the beast? Well the beast is hungry! It will devour you and your precious cunt! I’m going to cum inside your womb and breed you like the slut you are! You will never leave this table, this apartment, you are my bitch to fuck whenever I ask for it!”

Reyna trembled uncontrollably as Percy pounded her, her screams hoarse and strained as he strangled her, her body climaxing almost constantly. Percy fucked her harder, crushing her throat, clutching her breasts like they were toys, the table shaking violently beneath them. He thrust and fucked and howled as his desire to breed her took over, the ache in his balls uncontrollable as he pounded her into the table threatening to break it and her in two. He stared down at the woman in his grasp, his prey, his bitch, listens to her pants as they got weaker, her hand clawing at his arm as he crushed her windpipe. She was struggling to breathe, her mouth moving trying to scream, her toes curling as her knees shook, her sensitive pussy on fire as he pistoned in and out of it, penetrating her uterus. He grit his teeth, desire overwhelming him as he slammed his dick into her womb and howled, ejaculating like a geyser inside her trembling body. They orgasmed violently together, Percy’s hot cum spilling into her womb like a hose, refusing to stop even as it reached capacity. Reyna shook uncontrollably beneath him, trapped beneath his powerful grip as she milked his cock, her eyes rolling closed as the last gasp of air left her lungs.


Somewhere in Percy’s lust fueled haze he heard Reyna’s voice come in a whisper, snapping him back to reality finding her eyes rolling into the back of her head, his hands around her throat as she slumped in his grasp. He fought his way out of the haze and pulled his hands away, slumping forward overcome with exhaustion. Reyna inhaled sharply, coughing and sputtering on the table, her body still clutching Percy as he fell on top of her. His balls continued to empty their contents into her pussy, cum spilling out mixing with her fluids to drip onto the table as it was pulled out. The exhausted young man rolled off the woman collapsing beside her, panting heavily as she continued to heave for breath rubbing her bruised neck.

They both stared at the ceiling in a daze, their senses returning to them slowly, their bits aching. Reyna’s pussy felt numb from all the activity it suffered. She didn’t even feel the dildo still in her butt. Her throat was raw as she drew in slow ragged breaths, her face glistening with sweat as she wiped her brow. Percy heaved beside her, his chest rising and falling steadily, his cock deflating as he finished dripping with semen. Their feet dangled off the table as they laid side by side in silence, the faint ticking of a clock filling the kitchen.

Reyna was the first to break the silence as she muttered in a hoarse voice “fuck, I needed that.”

“You alright?” Percy asked, turning his head to look at her.

She nodded, exhaling slowly rubbing the red marks on her chest and neck. She felt his concerned gaze and looked at him smiling. “I’m fine. How about you? Feel better?”

He looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. Oddly he did, like a tension had been lifted. He nodded, sharing her smile. “I was worried I might’ve hurt you” he whispered.

“Please, I’ve been fucked much harder than that” she shrugged.

Percy looked at her, curious and alarmed. “I lost control.”

“You had my consent.”

“You almost passed out. If you hadn’t said watermelon I might’ve strangled you to death.”

“But you didn’t” she replied. After a pause she added “anyway, I didn’t say anything.”

“You did. You used your safe word.”

“No I didn’t” she insisted. The two of them looked at each other. Percy was sure he heard her whisper the word. Reyna furrowed her brow in confusion. She knew for a fact she hadn’t. She turned away from him and chuckled. “You must’ve imagined it. Your conscience stepping in to save me.”

Percy turned to the ceiling and sighed. “Yeah, must’ve been. Fuck…we must both be insane” he said.

“Life of a demigod” she laughed, rising to her elbow shifting uncomfortably as she rolled onto her side to kiss him. “Thank you for the fucking good sex Percy. I hope I’ll get to see the beast again someday.”

“No, that animal is staying caged for a long, long while” he replied, rolling onto his side to kiss her back. He rubbed his hand over the bruises he left on her hips and chest, gazing into her eyes asking “would you settle for just the mortal instead?” He asked.

She regarded him affectionately as she stroked his cheek. “Of course I would. Though, I hope I can negotiate for a little more charmspeak in the future.”

“You’d have to be very persuasive” he teased, kissing her lips as he reached around her waist.

“I can be persuasive” she assured him. “Or I could just take what I want.”

“You could” he whispered, reaching down and grabbing the handle of her but plug. She gasped as he twisted it, reminding her “but you already belong to me. Unless you want to bargain for your freedom, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano.”

Reyna growled softly, fixing her predatory gaze on his as she bit her bottom lip. “I suggest we take these negotiations somewhere more comfortable, Percy Jackson.”

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