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We are Widow: Spider-Man & Ms Marvel

Nat checked the evidence had been uploaded to JARVIS before she sat back down. With the data from the AIM servers they had enough to expose Sebastian Smythe’s illegal operations with synthetiods at AIM. And she had a chance to fulfill a favor Liz Allen asked of her, wiping some “evidence” AIM was hoping to use to sling mud at her friend Peter Parker. She asked JARVIS to take them back to the Helicarrier and turned back to her strike team. “Good job you two” she said, looking at the heroes.

“Thanks Nat” Ms Marvel replied, sitting in one of the chairs beaming with pride. Spider-Man nodded along, leaning against the wall silently.

He may not be saying much, but he body language told the Black Widow he was happy with how it went. The mission was a success and soon this whole conspiracy would be behind them. But Nat got the feeling he had other things on his mind. She pursed her lips and quietly asked their auto pilot to take its time returning to base. They could spare another hour in the air to catch their breath. She walked over to the web-head, crossing her arms quietly asking him “is everything okay?”

He looked up at her with a start. It appeared he was in a world of his own. “Sorry. I’m fine. I was just thinking about…stuff.”

“The mission’s over. You can relax now” she told him, putting her hand on his shoulder. He nodded, exhaling through his mask, but he didn’t sit down. Natasha felt the tension in his shoulder and stepped closer. “When we get back, you could come to my room and I can help you unwind” she offered quietly.

Spider-Man looked at her. She couldn’t tell if he was smiling under his mask, but he nodded. “Thanks, but I want to check with Liz at the Anthill first. Make sure she’s okay.”

Nat smiled, stepping back respecting his choice. Lucky girl she thought. “Maybe after?” She suggested. He nodded, promising to think about it.

“Maybe now” her other suggested, nudging her forward sending her tumbling against Spiderman’s chest.

She gasped as he caught her, looking up a little embarrassed telling him “must be turbulence.” His eyes shrank indicating confusion as he looked down at the ground. He was a science guy, he must’ve saw right through the lie. She pushed herself up right and straightened her outfit, which she suddenly discovered had unzipped itself down to her cleavage. Not this again. You’re more horny for this guy than I am.

Want spider” it whined, stimulating the urges she was already resisting to nudge her to him.

She held on via willpower and stepped away from the object of her symbiote’s desire, crossing the quinjet and taking a seat beside Ms Marvel. The young woman smiled at her, turning back to her phone as she texted Kate on the Chimera. Spider-Man stayed where he was, still looking confused in Nat’s direction. Try to be patient. With luck our Spider will come to us, in his own time. Please don’t embarrass me. Her other grumbled, hungry for attention. It shifted around its host and tried to molest her, but she willed it to stay still and keep her uniform from shifting into a swarm of tentacles to fuck her with. She also pulled the zip back up to her neck, hiding her cleavage from her strike team. Good thing the jet’s on autopilot she thought.

After a few more minutes of mental struggling her symbiote growled “very well. If we can’t have Parker, we shall find another.”

Natasha didn’t know what that meant until she heard Kamala gasped next to her. She looked over and tensed in horror as she saw her own hand reached over and palming the girl’s groin. Kamala froze as Nat cupped her, looking over with wide eyes and rosy cheeks at her mentor figure. Nat tried to apologize and pull her hand away, but her other held it there against her will. Let go! She cried in her head, her face turning red as she felt her fingers caress Kamala’s crotch. The young woman inhaled sharply, staring at her fearfully as her eyes darted to Spider-Man watching them. Nat followed her gaze and turned bright red. So this is what dying of embarrassment feels like.

Kamala wasn’t against whatever moves Natasha was making on her, it was nothing they hadn’t done before, but this was the first time they’d done anything around other people. It was always a secret thing, a private thing, and now Black Widow was rubbing her crotch on the quinjet in front of Spider-Man. Kamala saw that he saw and she was mortified. She nervously reached down to remove her hand but it seemed to be stuck to her. She squirmed in her seat as her fingers caressed her, extending to her undercarriage. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, praying to Allah for a lighting bolt to kill her before the humiliation did. After a moment Nat’s finger found her clit and Kamala had to clamp her hand over her mouth to suppress the whimper of arousal.

Nat looked at her apologetically, trying her best to stop her hand from groping her. Alright, if I get Spider-Man to have sex with me, will you leave Kamala alone? Her other thought about it and finally released her hand. Both women gasped in relief and tried to pretend that uncomfortable display didn’t happen.

“So,er…is that a thing you two do after every mission?” Spider-Man asked awkwardly, officially making the silence even more unbearable.

Natasha looked up at him and flushed bright red as she glanced at the humiliated Kamala, who tried to hide behind her burkini. She felt her other nudging at the edge of her mind, so she turned to him and loudly proclaimed “yes. Sometimes, to celebrate a successful mission.” She could feel Kamala’s shocked stare burning into the back of her head as the Black Widow stood up and sauntered towards the stunned superhero. “It’s an effective method to decompress after a battle, relive stress and relax” she explained, not giving herself a chance to stop herself as she approached Spider-Man in a sultry manner. “I could show you how we Avengers relieve stress right now, if you’d like” she purred, reaching down to cup his crotch brazenly.

Both Kamala and Spiderman’s jaws dropped as Natasha started making moves on him, palming his groin rubbing him as she stepped closer to press herself against him. Spider-Man was too stunned to say anything, fumbling over his words as the blood rushed to his groin. Kamala was in shock. She had no idea what was happening. First she starts feeling me up and now she’s seducing Spider-Man? I must be dreaming. I’m unconscious in an AIM lab somewhere and I’m imagining one of my fan-fictions. Captain Marvel is about to come in and start making out with Black Widow any second.

Spider-Man’s thoughts were less cohesive. “Um…er…wha?” He stammered, staring blankly at the sexy Russian woman putting her hands all over him. Like Kamala he had no idea what was going on, but if this is how the Avengers socialized than he had been heavily misinformed. But then we had sex too, so… he thought, the bulge in his pants expanding as his train of thought left the station.

Natasha couldn’t believe she was doing this. This is all your fault she told her other, who was spurring her on making her costume ripple in all the right places. She swallowed back a moan and focused on Spider-Man, keeping up her sultry act to quietly whisper “I can feel your tension. Like me help you relieve it.” She took Spiderman’s wrist and guided him to the seat, gently pushing him into a chair two across from Kamala. She kept her gaze away from her protégé, hoping she wouldn’t judge her and pleading she wouldn’t tell Cap about this, staring intently at his crotch as she reached down and felt around the waistband. She hooked her fingers into it and coaxed them down his legs to reveal the penis growing in size as the blood rushed from his head. She felt the symbiote purr as it admired his length, her throat moistening in anticipation. Out the corner of her eye she saw Kamala’s eyes widen before she averted them, her cheeks a bright rosy red. “Sorry kid” she mumbled under her breath, praying she didn’t scar the Muslim girl by letting her witness this.

Any sense or cohesion Spiderman might’ve had over the situation he found himself in evaporated the moment Natasha’s lips wrapped around his pole. She dived into the blowjob before anyone could talk her out of it, sending pleasure up Peter’s spine as he gasped in shock. “Holy…shit…sexy…redhead…sucking…cock” he stammered, staring down at her as she worshiped his cock expertly. He clutched the seat as his mind bounced between the absurdity of the situation and how good her mouth was. He knew they shouldn’t be doing this right now, not with Kamala literally sitting next to them, but common sense disappeared when she took hold of his dick and pulled him over here. All he could do was not pass out as Nat’s tongue swirled around his penis, her symbiote extending it so it circled around him further as she took it deeper into her throat.

They both sensed movement out the corner of their eye and saw Kamala nervously shuffle over to the seat beside them. She was staring down at the Black Widow as she serviced Spiderman’s dick, unable to tear her eyes away as she awkwardly sat next to them. She had tried not to watch, this was everything her parents drilled into her she wasn’t to get involved in, but her curiosity kept drawing her gaze back and now she felt all tingly between her legs. She thought getting aroused in public would be the death of her, but she figured there was no harm in looking. Natasha looked up at pond saw her watching, her cheeks blushing when she caught her eye, and reached out to gently stroke her leg. She pulled her mouth off Peter’s cock and caught her breath, stroking his length in front of the curious girl. “Don’t tell Cap about this” she begged.

“I won’t” she promised meekly, just as embarrassed about the situation. She stared at the cock in her hands and couldn’t help but exhale. “Wow. It’s…bigger than I thought” she whispered. She glanced up at Spiderman and blushed even more, wondering which would kill her first; shame or embarrassment.

Nat pressed her lips together as she watched the curious teenager. She’d almost forgotten Kamala had yet to see a male penis yet. All that training with her, introducing her to her symbiote, those private sessions teaching her about sex in her room, she had yet to be introduced to a flesh and blood penis yet. She looked at the prime specimen in her hand and asked “would you like to touch it?”

Kamala’s eyes widened and she turned pale. She wouldn’t have imagined…abu would kill her she thought. I mean, he wouldn’t be happy if he knew…alien penis made out of goo is one thing, it’s still fake, but a real one? I shouldn’t… she opened her mouth to refuse, but the rejection got stuck in her throat. Instead she saw herself, as if she’d left her body suddenly, turn to Spider-Man and quietly squeak “is that okay?”

Spider-Man looked at the young girl sitting next to him, then at the hot Russian spy kneeling in front of him, then at the erection exposed on his lap, and shrugged. “I guess so” he muttered. This day couldn’t get any weirder thought.

Kamala felt goosebumps all over her as she turned back to the penis, which Natasha now offered to her. She hesitantly reached out and wrapped her fingers around it, noting her brown skin contrasted against Spiderman’s white flesh. “Whoa” she exhaled, nervously stroking the cock feeling it pulse beneath her fingertips. She could feel the blood pumping through it. It seemed to grow in her hand. It looked so big against her small palm. Nat’s hand came and wrapped around hers, the older woman locking gazes with the girl as she gently guided her through jerking the man off. Kamala tried to pay attention to what Natasha tried to teach her, ignoring the frantic squealing inside her head alongside the condescending voice of her parents telling her she shouldn’t be doing this. She glanced up and saw Spiderman’s head fall back in the chair, heard a tiny groan escape his mask indicating what she was doing felt good to him. She bit her bottom lip and kept going, squeezing a little tighter to see if it helped. It did as Spider-Man groaned again. Natasha smiled proudly.

“Is this really how the Avengers celebrate a successful mission?” Spider-Man asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

Kamala looked at him and quickly answered “no.”

Natasha blushed, apologetic for the lie. But she playfully added “it does relieve stress” as she kissed his tip, wondering if it was really so outlandish if the Avengers were to have sex every once in a while. She’d gotten into Tony’s pants enough times and Bruce and her were old friends. Plus her sparring sessions with Kamala and Kate practically made them more than students to her. She looked up at her student and slyly asked “did you want to kiss it?” Kamala gulped, once more turning to Spider-Man who immediately nodded to her. She stared at the foreboding penis and swallowed again, shifting uncomfortably in her seat before leaning down towards his lap. Natasha rocked back and gave the girl room to lower down and hover nervously over the throbbing erection. Her dark hair fell around her face as she stared at the penis, summoning up the courage to dip down and peck it on the tip. Natasha laughed, brushing the adorably innocent girl’s hair behind her ear. “It’s just a penis, it won’t bite you” she said, giving the cock a kiss before leaning in to kiss the girl on the lips too. “Try to relax” she advised, urging her not to panic.

Kamala felt very flustered as she looked at the cock, adjusting herself in her chair bringing her legs up and under her, before hesitantly leaning down to try again. Natasha’s hand rubbed her back supportively as her lips connected to the tip again, kissing it longer watching it twitch in response. Nat nodded, watching her silently until Kamala was awkwardly peppering the shaft with kisses, leaning in to join her as the two women worshiped Spider-Man. The hero watched them both intently, his brain melting at the overload of sexiness in front of him. Kamala paused after about twenty kisses to watch Nat use her tongue next, following her directions as she ran her tongue up and down his shaft and swirled it around the tip. Spiderman’s hand fell onto the back of her head, stroking her hair indicating she was doing a good job. Nat gave him a quick suck, releasing him with a pop, before nudging the dick to Kamala’s lips. She gulped nervously, taking hold of the penis and opening her mouth to lean forward.

She was only brave enough to wrap her mouth around the tip, but Natasha was glad she did. She knew it was too soon to expect her little virgin to be able to suck a cock all the way. “Take your time” she told her, whispering in her ear as she watched her, her hand stroking the rest of his dick. “Don’t worry about being good, or how much you can put in your mouth. Does concentrate on what feels right, the rest will come with practice.” And by practice she was envisioning getting her other to grow some fake cocks for her to practice on, in between the classic dildos she had stashed away.

Kamala couldn’t believe she was sucking a man’s cock at all, even if it was only the tip. She closed her eyes and sucked, using her hand to rub the length she didn’t have in her mouth. It was a crazy experience and she had butterflies in her stomach all the way through. “Oh boy” Spider-Man moaned, his fingers sticking to her scalp as he kneaded the back of her head.

With his strength he could shove her face down further, but he had enough restraint to let her go at her own pace. All the same, Nat looked up at him saying “be gentle, it’s her first time.”

“For her first time, she’s unbelievably good” he replied.

Kamala felt her cheeks heat up at the compliment, smiling around his cock which she licked around like a lollipop. She didn’t want to mention she had sometimes fantasies about doing this with other male superheroes (and some villains). Nat rubbed her back, stating “she’s a natural” before kissing her on the neck and cheek. Kamala blushed under the praise, working hard to live up to it as she sucked Spiderman, even sliding another two inches into her mouth.

Natasha watched her protégé with pride, her hand moving up and down her spine while her costume rippled with arousal. He could feel her other itching to wrap it’s tentacles around her and pleasure her young body. He held it back, letting Ms Marvel concentrate on her first blowjob. Instead she reached underneath and palmed Spiderman’s balls, fondling them like she was playing with dice. Peter squirmed in his seat, especially when her symbiote reached out from her wrist and circled around his sack before slithering up to his ass. Spider-Man grunted as a tentacle penetrated his butt, mumbling something about “hoping that was her finger”. Kamala yelped as she almost gagged from his cock thrusting up into the back of her throat, the erection getting stiffer and throbbing even more.

The three of them continued the blowjob, Nat leaning in to get in on the action while her other fingered Peter’s anus, her tongue licking the underside of his cock while Kamala kept sucking his tip. After a minute Peter’s moans got erratic and his fingers curled into Kamala’s hair, his balls quivering ready to burst. Nat felt the signals and turned to her young partner. “He’s ready to blow. Do you want to taste him?” She asked. She knew from experience not all girls like to swallow a guys cum on their first time. Kamala wavered to think about it. She bobbed her head nodding, excitement filling her belly. Nat smile, leaning in to instruct her on how to make a seal with her mouth so she could catch it all. She gently squeezed on Peter’s balls to help him along, watching the hero lose it and ejaculate into Ms Marvel’s waiting mouth. Her eyes widened as she discovered how much sperm Spider-Man could ejaculate, her cheeks puffing put as she struggled to hold it all, droplets leaking down his penis. When he finished she pulled her head up, keeping her mouth sealed like she was told. She tried to swallow but she gagged, clamping a hand over her mouth feeling like she was going to vomit. “Here, let me help” Nat said, coming to her aid when she saw Kamala struggling. She put her mouth over hers and pried her lips apart with her tongue, sharing the load with the girl scooping the prize from her mouth and swallowing it. She left enough for Kamala to gulp down, which made her grimace as she coughed in disgust. “I know, it’s an acquired taste” she said, helping wipe her chin. “Not everyone enjoys the taste of semen. Well done for trying.” Kamala nodded, rubbing the water from her eyes as she slumped back into her seat rubbing her chest.

Nat turned back to a relieved Spider-Man. “Now what’s say you return the favor?” She asked, standing up before the heaving superhero. Her symbiote peeled away her suit until she was naked, leaving her in her belt belt and bracelets.

Spider-Man stared up at the sexy Russian, speechless and stunned. “I…um…” he mumbled, looking at his deflated cock which needed time to recover.

Nat smirked, bending down to tease under his chin. “I was thinking of something more like this” she purred, lifting his mask up to his nose revealing his gaping mouth, which she quickly latched onto to make out with. She knew the rules about removing his mask. Not seeing his face made it more exciting.

Spider-Man got the hint and found the energy to leap up and twirl her around, dropping her into his seat and spreading her legs wide open. She bit her lip as she watched him drop to his knees and dove into her pussy, devouring her like a starving man.

Kamala watched in silent awe, staying back taking a minute to recover and enjoying the show from the sidelines. That didn’t stop her hand reaching down to rub under her costume between her thighs where a familiar ache had developed. Natasha moaned as Spider-Man ate her out, her naked body writhing in her chair folding her legs over his shoulders. Her hands pressed his head against her pussy, encouraging him to lick deeper while his sticky hands massaged her thighs. Halfway towards her first orgasm she looked over and smiled as Kamala was transfixed by the young man, her hand inside her costume fingering herself. “You can have a turn next if you’d like” she said, reaching over to stroke her leg suggestively.

She blushed but didn’t stop masturbating, refusing to even take her eyes off the Spider-Man between Black Widow’s legs. Natasha licked her lips and reached inside the brown girl’s pants, replacing her hand to play with the girl’s pussy. Kamala moaned as Nat rubbed her clit. Then she whimpered as her symbiote manifested around her hand and started molesting her inside her costume. “Oh fuck” she gasped, squirming in her seat as tendrils slithered down her thighs and around her waist, merging with Nat’s fingers as they wiggled against her womanhood. She didn’t feel as embarrassed about doing this with her on the quinjet now, not since their teammate was tongue deep in the Black Widow. She spread her thighs wider and welcomed the slimy tendril slipping into her pussy from her hand, fingering her extra deep making her moan loudly.

Natasha’s other got off on molesting the young girl, but it hungered for Peter’s tongue as he lapped at the Black Widow. The orgasm hit and she came into his mouth. The young man lapped it up and then rose up to admire the sexy redhead woman. He looked at Kamala next, as if pondering to offer the same treatment. “No, fuck us” Nat hissed, her other seizing control of her momentarily to pull the young man into a passionate kiss while her free hand grabbed his erect cock. Peter was powerless to resist as the horny former spy wrapped her legs around him and yanked him into her waiting cunt, swallowing him whole with a dancer’s skill. He moaned into the kiss as his cock was sucked in, his hands flying to catch himself on the chair staring at the hot woman. She regained control but didn’t lose the desperate look, urging him to fuck her. He growled, thrusting into her pounding her cunt. Her legs tightened around his hips, threatening to crush him with her increased strength. Her other hand continued to finger Kamala, who was whimpering and moaning next to her in the throes of an orgasm. She clutched her arm and rode the slimy fingers wiggle in inside of her, her wide eyes watching the two of them have sex with curious wonder. Spider-Man glanced at her, long enough to see her cheeks redden, then turned back to Nat and met her hungry gaze with his. He felt the tendrils of her other slither around him, egging him on, stimulating the pleasure spots on his back and thighs. He thrust harder, faster, pounding her relentlessly until he couldn’t hold back any longer. “Yes” Natasha screamed as Spider-Man busted a nut inside of her, her symbiote feeding on the climax as she shuddered in her own orgasm. The symbiote rippled in pleasure, stimulating Kamala’s insides making her climax alongside them, panting heavily as she collapsed against black Widow’s shoulder.

Nat sighed as she came down from her high, looking at her satisfied protégé and sharing a kiss with her. She then shared a kiss with Spider-Man smiling. “I think you owe Ms Marvel a turn now” she whispered playfully. Kamala broke into an excited grin and she looked up at Spiderman, how smiled back and gave her an affectionate kiss.

As soon as everyone had recovered Kamala was climbing out of her pants, her shoes kicked off to the side while Spider-Man was pushed down to the floor. She climbed on top of him and peppered kisses over his exposed jaw excitedly. Natasha shuffled behind her and helped lift her costumed over her head, leaving her completely naked in only her mask. “Should I take this off?” She asked, running her fingers nervously over it.

“If Spider-Man wants to keep his on, I think you should show him the same curtesy” Nat suggested, noting how “it’s more exciting if it’s Ms Marvel fucking Spider-Man.” Kamala couldn’t agree more, grinning ear to ear as she carefully mounted the man’s cock for the first time. Her not-so-virgin walls stretched around his shaft and she gasped in shock, instinctively embiggening her hips to make sure it fit. As a side effect her boobs expanded, which she didn’t realize she could do. Nat noticed and gave them a curious squeeze. “Something else to practice with” she whispered.

Spider-Man stared at her new breast size too, nervously reaching up to fondle them. Kamala exhaled, realizing he was the first boy to touch her this way and about to be the first man to have sex with her. “You didn’t need to change for me” he said tentatively. Kamala looked down and saw the sincerity in his expression, her cheeks turning rosy red and she let her boobs shrink back to normal. Her pussy shrank too, tightening around his cock until they were both moaning. He stared up at her teenage body, his sticky fingers roaming over her brown flesh, quietly marveling “beautiful.”

If anything was going to get a girl in the mood to fuck someone, it’s when a man sees them in their natural, unaltered form and calls them beautiful. Kamala fell into his embrace, making out with him passionately, bouncing her hips on his cock. Her first time with a boy and it felt amazing. He felt spectacular. His cock was superior. And he was so gentle with her, so patient, so loving, Kamala could fall in love with Spider-Man. He let her set the pace, took his time, caressed her body and found all the spots that made her feel good. And the way his fingers stuck to her skin, to her belly button, to her nipples, to her butt, Kamala was moaning in pleasure and tingling with excitement. She came around his cock within minutes, massaging his shaft with her slick walls as her hips bounced, planting affectionate kisses over his jaw. “Is this really your first time” he asked her.

“First time with a boy” She nodded.

Spider-Man smiled, kissing her on the lips. “Black Widow’s right. You’re a natural” he complimented. She grinned, kissing him back, continuing to make love to him.

“You two are so cute together” Natasha purred, slipping in behind Kamala running her hands over her back. The young woman purred as the older superhero felt her up, biting her bottom lip as her hands reached around to cup her breast. Nat kissed her shoulder tenderly, then the back of her neck, then ran her tongue down her spine making the girl shiver. “I could just eat you up” She growled in a mixture of arousal and hunger as her eyes soaked in the gorgeous young teenager and licked her lips. “In fact, maybe we will” she grinned, the black ooze of her symbiote extending up her neck to wrap around her jaw, extending her grin and her tongue.

Kamala grew concerned at the Ominous tone her voice took on with that last statement, peering over her shoulder to see the symbiote empowered woman reach down and spread her ass cheeks before licking her puckered hole. Her eyes widened as her tongue swirled around and then penetrated her anus, screaming in shock crying out “wait, I’ve never…AH!” She fell forward onto Spiderman’s chest, gasping and screaming as Natasha drove her tongue deeper into her forbidden passage, swirling it around exploring her thoroughly. Her eyes screwed shut and she mumbled a series of curse words that would make her Abu very red faced. Spider-Man cradled her body as she rocked and shivered, wrapping his arms around her as she rode both his cock and Nat’s tongue. He wiped a tear from her cheek when she finally opened her eyes, asking if she was okay. After a long moan she nodded, wiggling her hips getting accustomed to having her ass violated.

Natasha didn’t let up, her other hungering to feed on the young woman. It also eyed the cock still sliding in and out of her dripping pussy from below, her hand fondling his balls again slipping another tentacle into his anus. Peter grunted as he was violated, but didn’t protest as the symbiote fucked him in the ass. Nat felt the desire to pound the spider in the ass from behind, slam him deeper into Ms Marvel’s tight cunt until they both squirted in escasty. She extracted her face from Kamala’s ass, dragging her slick tongue out with a slurp leaving her hole pasted with saliva, rising up to her knees rubbing herself until a fresh extension expanded from her groin. There was time to ram Spiderman’s anus, but there was an eager young butt all primed and waiting right here in front of her. She took hold of Kamala’s hips, black tentacles coiling around her from her arms keeping her still as she brought the slick symbiote cock to her anus and pressed it against her entrance. “Your ass is so delicious, and so tight, we could fuck it all day” the Black Widow moaned as she shoved her cock into her protégé from behind, arching her spine in pleasure as her teenage ass squeezed her shaft.

Kamala’s eyes bulged out of her head before rolling into her skull as she was stuffed with the slimy phallus, a raspy moan escaping her lips. She clutched onto Spiderman’s firm body as she was penetrated, taking two cocks inside of her at the same time. Peter felt the second penis rub against his through her walls, her pussy tightening around his on reflex. He looked up at the sexy symbiote covered redhead hovering over her and advised “be gentle, it’s her first time.”

Natasha smiled, happy to see Kamala take her first anal dicking like a champion. Her other wrapped her up in tentacles, restraining and steadying her as she thrust into her from behind. She pulled her arms back and hoisted her up so she could let her tentacles molest her body, her hands bound by black tendrils arching her back. She savored the whimpers she made as she rode both cocks at once, licking the sweat from her neck and chest with her tongue. Spider-Man pleasured her too, his fingers sticking to her breasts plucking her nipples making their as hard as pebbles. As she thrust, the tentacle in Peter’s ass thrusted too. She felt them both through her symbiote, along with the tentacles that stuffed themselves in her own pussy and anus. It felt like she was fucking them both and herself. “Delicious” she hissed, giving over to her other as pleasure engulfed them both, the three heroes lost in one lustful tentacle induced threesome.

Kamala lost all sense of herself as she was double penetrated, triple when her head was yanked back and Widow’s tongue dove down her throat to give her a sloppy and hungry kiss. She couldn’t have imagined this day getting so wild. She couldn’t imagine any of her stories getting this out of control. She moaned and screamed and orgasmed over and over, milking both cocks as she was sandwiched between the two spiders. She made out with Natasha, made out with Spider-Man, made out with the slimy head that briefly petruded from Nat’s suit, feeling the ooze spreading over her naked body stirring her up inside and out. It spread over Spiderman too, turning his costume a shade of black that looked really sexy on him. His thrusts got erratic inside of her, pounding her teenage hole so hard she was seeing stars as she bounced on his lap. Nat pounded her too, testing her endurance as she drove her cock into her faster, crushing her against Spiderman’s chest so she could tongue fuck him in return. She climaxed three more times before Spiderman grunted and ejaculated into her, filling her young womb with so much spunk she prayed they had a powerful morning after pill she could use. He last thought before she passed out was how cute her and Spiderman’s babies would look.

A few minutes later, Peter Parker was complimenting Black Widow on her methods of relieving stress while pondering the virtues of unrestrained sex with an alien life form. They sat on the floor of the quinjet half naked, covered in each others fluids basking in the afterglow of their mutual orgasms. Kamala slept beside them, her head crawled on Natasha’s lap mumbling incoherently deep in whatever wet dream was making her smile. Nat stroked her head delicately, mildly embarrassed and apologetic about how she lost control of the situation. It was an enjoyable experience however. It left her relaxed and her other sated. Spider-Man felt rejuvenated too as he rolled his handsome muscles. “Just to be clear…this isn’t something you Avengers do regularly?” Spider-Man asked nervously.

“Hell no” Nat laughed, shaking her head. “Please don’t tell Cap, or anyone about this. Maybe just pretend it didn’t happen.”

“Which part? When you gave me a blowjob in front of Ms Marvel or when you had your suit anal fuck me into cumming all over your breasts?” He quipped. She shot him a warning look before hiding her face ashamed. “Don’t worry. I’m good at keeping secrets” he promised. She smiled, thanking him in advance. “Shouldn’t we be back at the Chimera by now?” He asked, finally doing the math of how long they’ve been in the air.

Nat looked up suddenly and grimaced. “Crap. JARVIS, you can bring us home now!” She called out.

“At last Ms Romanov” their AI pilot spoke over the intercom. “I have several messages from the Chimera requesting an update. I told them you were avoiding AIM patrols but Mr Stark insisted on sending a search party.”

Natasha turned pale as she heard the tell tale sounds of repulses closing in from outside. “I don’t care how, do not let Tony in this Quinjet!” She pleaded, looking at the mess the transport and their strike team was in. Spider-Man chuckled and Ms Marvel stirred awake as Black Widow raced to come up with a cover story as to why they were very, very late to the rendezvous.

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