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We are Widow: Red Room Takeover

Nat disabled the last holographic enemy with a powerful kick that wouldn’t snapped the neck of a flesh and blood human. But since this was only a hologram, it instead dissolved into pixels. She whipped her hair out of her face, her skin coated in perspiration, and prepared for the next wave of opponents. “I can do this all day” she yelled.

She wasn’t yet sure who it was she was talking to, but she had some suspicions. The familiarities to the Red Room was a give away, though the electrified pits and moving platforms was still native to the HARM Room. Whoever hacked their system to trap her in here during her training exercise was certainly skilled. They got through five layers of encryption to infiltrate the helicarrier (assuming Stark’s firewalls were as good as he claimed). Tony managed to get a comm signal through briefly to notify her they were working on overriding the hack and tracing it, but she’d have to handle herself until then. Unfortunately the hacker wasn’t a talkative type, only offering a few taunting words to her through a voice synthesizer before unleashing waves of their own programs at her. She managed to fight them all off, the cuts on her cut proving the safeties had been overridden. But she didn’t think they were trying to kill her. This was a game. They knew who she was and were simply testing her. Toying with her. She calculated at some point they’ll reveal themselves to her.

Sure enough, instead of another wave of enemies she was greeted by a solitary figure in a red and black suit, their face obscured behind a visor. Natasha examined them and their strangely generic figure with slim and elegant legs and toned abs, the outfit a cross between a dancers uniform and her own Widow suit. The visor was blank, no identifying features. She could tell if it was a man or a woman. It wouldn’t matter. This was an avatar, a holographic interface for the hacker infiltrating their training room. Either way, it gave the Black Widow something else to punch. “Do I at least get a name for the person I’m about to virtually beat up?” She queried as she advanced towards them across a red platform.

“You should know, since you’ve been using my name all across AIM” the figure replied, her voice still disguised but not as heavily. Nat smiled. An intentional mistake. A tease to her true identity. Her list of suspects just got cut in half.

The two of them clashed into a duel of skill and style. This avatar was a fighter, a good one. Nat couldn’t be sure how good the real person was, with it being a computer simulation. Hell, her physical body was barely moving around an environment half this size. It didn’t stop the sensations she felt seem real as she was punched in the gut and flipped onto her ass. She caught her wind and leapt back onto her feet, blocking and kicking back jumping into her trademark scissor maneuver to drive her opponent to the ground. But as soon as her legs wrapped around the head of her opponent she reversed it and slammed her onto her back pinning her to the ground. The figure trapped her arms beneath her knees, her crotch hovering over her face as she stared down at her. “I’m glad to see you haven’t lost your edge” the figure noted, grabbing Nat by the hair tightly. “Let’s see if your other skills have remained sharp.”

Nat hissed as the figure kept her pinned as her outfit dissolved. Before Natasha could blink she was staring up at the shaven pussy hovering over her face. She looked up at the figure as her grip on her head tightened and she suddenly shoved her face against her groin. Nat gasped as she inhaled her nether regions, resisting against the aggressive assault until she got her wits back. Alright, if that’s what you want she thought, extending her tongue to begin licking at this cunt. The figure sighed as Nat started eating her out, devouring this pussy biding her time for an opportunity to turn the tables.

Natasha wasn’t sure if the Hacker was capable of feeling the sensations she was delivering to this avatar. Stark’s haptic protocols only went so far for her when she was in the HARM room, enough to give her a jolt through the VR rig so she knew when she was hurt. It didn’t always work the same way during sexual activity, not on holograms (Tony tried it and gave Nat plenty of details). However, somehow, Nat could feel a moist pussy against her tongue when she licked it. She tasted it, felt it’s fluids drip into her mouth. More to the point, the avatar reacted like she felt it too. Maybe she had her own sensory rig. Or maybe it’s simulated and the hacker is just sat behind a computer jerking off.

No time to come up with logical theories. She found an opening and seized it. She was able to flip her opponent onto her back and got on top of her. She grabbed her wrists and trapped them above the figure’s head, staring down into their visor. “Not bad” the figure said, squirming against her as her body rubbed up against her thigh. “Disappointed you couldn’t wait until I was finished.”

“We’re done when I say we’re done” Nat told her in a thick Russian accent, dragging a finger down the hacker’s chest finding a zipper to open the outfit. More of the figure’s flesh was revealed as the suit unraveled, dissolving away exposing her slim athletic build. This avatar was very attractive, but Nat continued to picture someone else behind the computer. She had a theory, and she wasn’t too far off her representation. She hooked a finger into the figure’s pussy and the figure moaned, a familiar moan. “Tiny dancer, I presume” she guessed.

The figure stared up at her. “You tell me, Tiny Dancer” the hacker replied.

Nat started to finger the hacker, feeling her hand plunged into something that felt like a moist cunt. She also felt her groin rub against a thigh as she held the figure’s wrists tightly. It felt real, more real than the HARM Room usually would allow. She tested it further by leaning down and wrapping her lips around the woman’s nipple, feeling it perk up as the figure purred. For all intents and purposes, she was have sex with a person. At least now she had the upper hand. “Why are you doing this?” She asked, pulling her hand away at the last moment to deny an orgasm.

The hacker growled as she looked up through the visor. “To see you, of course” she replied, her body suddenly jerking bringing her legs up to wrap around her. Nat tried to counter, but her wrists slipped out of her grasp and before she could stop her she had her on her back with her knees shoved to her ears, her pussy bare and vulnerable. The hacker pinned her down and tore her bodysuit open. “And to see this again” she added, lifting her visor halfway to reveal her lips. She licked them in anticipation before lunging forward to plunge her tongue into her.

Natasha gasped, feeling that tongue enter her. It was moist and agile and dived deep into her. She felt the hacker’s hands on her legs, her breasts, her ass as she squirmed and moaned, the woman orally fucking her with expert precision. Nat recognized the technique. She was taught the same in the Red Room. Natasha panted as her orgasm approached, but at the last second the woman pulled away, denying her in sweet revenge.

She was allowed to fold onto her back as the Hacker climaxed on top of her, her face above hers grinning. “Frustrating, isn’t it” she taunted.

“Turn around and we can both fix that oversight” Nat challenged, still pinned to the ground.

The hacker smiled. “I have a more pleasant idea” she replied, maneuvering into position to slot her groin against hers, their thighs scissoring each other. Nat thrust her hips up as they began grinding together, moaning in agreement as she was released to gain purchase and rub against her opponent. “The Avengers are almost through my firewalls” the Hacker complained as they fucked each other, their bodies grinding in practiced motions. “I was hoping this would take longer.”

“I might’ve done if you didn’t lead with the endless waves of bad guys” Natasha remarked.

The woman chuckled. “I found sex more fun after some combat. First we fight, then we fuck.”

“That’s how we always did it” Natasha nodded, noting how the voice synthesizer was no longer hiding her opponents voice. She wasn’t hiding her identity anymore. Fortunately, Natasha had already worked it out.

The two of them ground their pussies together aggressively, their hands gripping their thighs and hips to get more leverage. Their moans filled the HARM Room as the red walls began to dissolve and return to blue. Indicators that Tony’s counter measures were kicking in. The hacker’s avatar began to flicker as the connection destabilized. They increased their efforts, hoping to finish before the connection was lost. They climaxed together moments later, the cries melding together as they came simultaneously. They panted heavily, sitting up and meeting in the middle with a familial kiss.

“You could’ve just called” Nat told her opponent, removing her avatar’s visor to reveal her angular face and blonde hair.

The computer representation of Yelena Belova grinned as she leaned in to kiss her “sister” again. “This was more fun. Besides, given what happened and everything around AIM, I wasn’t sure if I could trust you. But we should meet up in person sometime.”

“Soon” she agreed. She looked up at the HARM Room, the Avenger’s voices coming through the speakers telling her they almost have her out. “I have to ask, have I just been fucking a hologram? How did you experience this?”

“I don’t know what you mean?” Yelana asked, her Russian accent noting her surprise. “I’m in a café on a public network. This was just a show. Why? Did Stark actually make it so you can have sex with a computer?” Nat didn’t have time to answer as the connection failed, Yelena forced to disconnect. “Till next time Natasha” she said, dissolving from the room.

Natasha shut down the simulation and removed the headset, her sighing in relief at being out. But she still felt the real tingles of her orgasm and the sensations of the experience. She looked down at the haptic sensors and realized they weren’t the only things stimulating her. Her symbiote sank back into her costume after revealing it had been mimicking Yelena’s actions in the simulation to pleasure her. She raised an eyebrow. “Was that you the whole time?” She asked.

“We thought it would be fun” her other chuckled.

She stood up and rubbed her aching limbs, her eyebrow raising further. “You took her actions and mimicked them? So the body I was touching, the pussy I was licking… her suit shrugged and she got a mental snapshot of the slimy forms the symbiote made for her to fondle and play with. She smiled. “I didn’t know you could make toys of that kind.

“We can take any form we choose” it told her, a head extending from her shoulder to circle around and face her. It shifted from its pointed teeth to a replica of Yelena, her features molded into the black ooze. “We can change our shape to serve any need that is required.”

Nat smiled, stroking the replica face before taking hold of it to make out with her symbiote passionately. The face kissed her with its slimy lips before sinking back into her body. “Oh, we need to explore those possibilities later” Nat mused as she composed herself in time for Tony to finally open the door.

Later her and her symbiote spent the night exploring those possibilities as the suit took a form of its own to fuck the Black Widow in every position possible. By the time they were finished Nat had a very big and very satisfied smile on her face.

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