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We are Widow: Monica Raporccini

Natasha took a moment to enjoy seeing Monica in her cell through the security camera. They struck gold during one of their raids. The Scientist Supreme herself was present and they were able to apprehend her before she could escape. They brought her to a SHIELD base, off the grid and away from public areas. Given how disastrous their last attempt to lock her up on the Chimera was none of them wanted to risk it, preparing for another counter attack from AIM. Cap was coordinating the efforts with Hill, Tony was on the helicarrier arming his suits. The rest of the Avengers were preparing.

But Nat, she wanted to take this opportunity to look their adversary in the eye. She knew Bruce wouldn’t be up to it, not again. And she’d only get inside his head, using their shared history against him. Monica was brilliant at playing people, a pure sociopath. After everything she’d seen AIM do, the Inhumans they’ve imprisoned and killed in their experiments, the crimes they committed, Just seeing her made her grind her teeth.

The Doctor is here her other growled, seeing her through the Russian’s eyes.

“Yes” she smiled. “At last.” She felt her symbiote’s hate towards the scientist match her own. She recalled finding her alien friend in one of AIM’s labs, and could only imagine the experiments she ran on it. It wanted revenge as much as she wanted justice. Now they had her, what to do with her. She felt her other’s nudge in the back of her mind. She knew she should resist, but a part of her wanted to be inside that cell with her too. She considered her options and glanced around the security room. The skeleton crew were busy making preparations for the upcoming assault so nobody was watching the cell but her. She bit her lip and made her way toward the cell. “Let me do the talking” she asked.

Make her pay it demanded, it’s form shifting beneath her skin itching to come out. She held it back, promising it would have its chance after she talked to her.

Monica looked up as Natasha stepped into the cell, closing the metal door behind her. The cell was small, much like her last room which was designed to hold the Hulk in case of emergency. Like before, this room only had a metal table and chair for Monica to be interrogated at. She was still handcuffed, still in her scientist supreme outfit, and still with her stoic confidence as her gaze fell onto the Russian spy locking them both in. “Natasha Romanov” she said, sitting up in her chair watching her calmly. She appraised her briefly, her eyes drifting over to the cameras watching her. “I was wondering when you would drop by. Is Bruce watching?” She asked curiously.

“Banner has better things to do than concern himself with you Monica” she replied. She saw a flicker in her façade, maybe a hint of regret. She smirked. She doubted anything that woman claimed to feel for Bruce was ever real. She broke that man’s heart. Another item on the long list of things Nat wanted to strangle her for.

Let us punish her her other begged.

“Soon” she whispered under her breath. She turned to Monica, standing on the opposite side of the table to examine her more closely. She looked much the same. But there was a difference. One of her eyes was different, the pigment off. A discrepancy. She recalled the file AIM made about one of its Inhumans, a woman who could clone herself. Complete replicas with a small discrepancy in the Iris. It became the baseline for AIM’s cloning research. Nat recalled the report Clint gave about his experience in stopping Project Omega, his future self sacrificing his life to stop Monica and seemingly killing them both. She sighed. It never occurred to her she would have made clone backups of herself. “How many times have your experiments backfired Monica?” She asked curiously, hoping the question would throw her off.

The woman didn’t miss a beat, seeing the approach and answering “all breakthroughs come with risks. If you’re not willing to take those risk, true progress can never be achieved.”

“Like killing innocent Inhumans?” Nat scoffed. “Terrorizing cities and towns, experimenting on people, messing with powers you can’t control…”

“There’s a threat coming that we need to be ready for” Monica told her pointedly. “AIM will be ready for it. What we’re doing is necessary.”

The Avengers knew all about the incoming Kree invasion. But while this should be a time to work together, Monica’s approach to saving the world was just as bad. But that brought her to her next question, involving her other. “Is that what you were doing with those specimens in that facility we destroyed a few weeks ago?” She asked, sensing her suit tense as she stalked around the table towards her. “The one with the alien life forms? Where’d you find those?”

Monica narrowed her eyes and leaned forward. “What does it matter?” She asked.

Nat crossed the room and slammed her palm to the table. “It matters a great deal” she snarled, a sudden burst of anger surging within her.

Monica looked at the woman as she glared at her, her cold gaze examining her closely. “You’ve bonded with one of them, haven’t you” she realized. Nat rose up and backed away, but Monica smirked. She saw the glimmer of another presence behind Nat’s eyes. “I had assumed your foolish assault had destroyed them all. I didn’t think you’d be even more foolish enough to become contaminated with…”

She was interrupted when Widow’s hand grabbed the back of her head and slammed her down onto the table. Natasha wasn’t in complete control right now, but she didn’t put up much of a fight as the symbiote highjacked her body to lash out at the scientist, her outfit shifting into her alien suit spreading over her arm and skin. Talk over her other proclaimed. Nat had to agree. Monica wasn’t going to cooperate.

Monica hissed as she was pushed onto the table, her cheek against the metal bent over awkwardly. She peered out the corner of her eye and saw the alien life form on Black Widow’s body. It was part relief to see one of the specimens had survived. “So, what now Tiny Dancer?” She asked mockingly. She hissed when her nails dug into her skull, the Widow leaning over her extending her long tongue to lick the back of her neck, tasting the fresh meat waiting for it.

Natasha knew she was too valuable to kill. Fortunately her other was in agreement. Death would be too quick for someone like her. There was plenty they could do while keeping her alive however. We should punish her the symbiote said. Nat agreed, the idea popping into her head. Yes it grinned.

Inky black tendrils extended out of her suit as Nat grabbed Monica by the hair and yanked her up. Monica stood resolute as the alien suit started to slither over her body, tentacles wrapping around her and reaching places in an intimate manner. “Just so we’re clear, I’m going to enjoy every minute of this” she told the raven haired woman, feeling her tendrils molesting her body as she leaned down to run her tongue over her neck. Monica hissed went she suddenly bit down on her flesh, gritting her teeth refusing to make a sound.

It wasn’t uncommon for people with Natasha’s skill set to use sex as both a tool and punishment. But few of her fellow Widows had a sentient life form to help utilize it in such a manner. Luckily Nat had taken plenty of time to train with the symbiote, their bond linking their minds and sensations so when she began to molest the scientist supreme she got to feel it, like the tentacles were extensions of herself. The alien took delight in assaulting the woman too, it’s pleasure echoing through their bond as it’s tendrils coiled around her body squeezing her. Monica defiantly remained silent, even as tentacles groped her in uncomfortable places. Even as one of them looped around her neck and choked her, on the verge of strangling her. She looked over her shoulder at the woman bonded to the alien, scowling in a defiant voice “you think being raped by an alien life form is going to scare me?”

Natasha sneered, her hands running up her victim’s body while her symbiote decided to undo the handcuffs in front of her, but only so it could pull her wrists behind her back as Nat yanked on her hair snapping her head back. “I know you don’t scare easy” she whispered in her ear, biting at her lobe. “But I’m not interested in scaring you. Let she how hard I have to rail you to fuck those brains out. My friend is hungry” she chuckled. To emphasize the point, she latched her mouth onto Monica’s and shoved that really long tongue down her throat.

She enjoyed the choking sounds she made as the tentacles strangled her, her throat constricting around the tongue so she struggled to breathe. Nat counted to twenty as she deepthroated the woman before pulling the muscle out, watching her cough and gasp for air while she ripped her outfit open. Her palms found her breasts as her bra was torn apart, tendrils slithering around her mounds as she plucked her nipples. The ooze spread from her fingertips and attached to the nubs, sucking and biting at them making Monica wince as she was assaulted. She detached one of her hands so she could reach down between her legs, cutting through the tough fabric to violate her pussy and touch her clit. Delicious her friend remarked as her fingers penetrated the woman.

Monica bit back a moan as she was fingered aggressively, her nipples attacked as the suit did everything but insert itself into her breasts to milk them. She didn’t want to give the Black Widow the satisfaction of seeing her discomfort. She never thought she’d go this far. There was no way Captain America or any of the Avengers would stand for this behavior, which led her to conclude this was the alien’s influence. The more it assaulted her, however, the more she analyzed it’s actions. Her scientific mind was nothing if not through. “I think I recognize this life form” she muttered, it’s tendrils crawling up her skin to invade under her clothes.

Natasha wasn’t listening to any of her remarks as she shoved the woman onto the table, bending her over and kicking her legs apart. Her nails tore into the outfit exposing her ass and pussy from behind. Once her tentacles had the woman secure she crouched down and examined her ass. “Let’s see which tastes better” she smirked, her tongue licking her lips before plunging into her captive from behind. Monica gasped as that tongue extended into her pussy, delving deep like a cock all the way to her cervix. Nat ate the woman out for a minute before pulling out, her tongue leaping up the leaking fluids before slipping into her rear without warning. Monica stifled a moan as her anus was violated, the slick extension forcing its way into her back door tasting it. Nat compared the tastes and concluded she liked the pussy while her other preferred her anus. “It seems we’re at an impasse” she muttered, rising to her feet standing behind the scientist. Monica kept her glare ahead, refusing to watch as Natasha created a thick black cock from her suit. She stroked it a moment before smiling. “Or we can take both” she grinned, the penis splitting in two so she could line both extensions up with both her holes. She took hold of Monica’s hips and drove both cocks into the woman at the same time.

This time, Monica couldn’t stop herself from screaming. She braced herself as Natasha shoved both her cocks into her two holes, each stretching to accommodate the thick slimy phalluses. The tentacles restraining her shivered as the alien purred in approval, as did the Black Widow as she raked her nails down Monica’s back. She looked over her shoulder glaring at her. “You like raping your prisoners in the ass?” She asked.

“Not particularly” she admitted, lifting her by the hair to hiss in her ear “but for you, we’ll make an exception. And don’t worry, it’s just you, me and my new friend here” she promised, grabbing her by the hips and shoulders to ram herself into her from behind. Monica gasped as Nat pulled her cocks out and thrust them back into her body, her cocks shoving inside her hard and violently.

Her other held her still while Nat pummeled her, letting herself be as rough as she could as she fucked her nemesis good and proper. Monica winced and screamed, not to call for help but out of instinct. Widow’s treatment hurt, a lot, which was the point. The tentacles wrapping around her weren’t much better. Those that weren’t crushing her were molesting her flesh. The tendril around her throat tightened to silence her screams until Nat mental convinced it to loosen. She wanted to hear them. Her other wanted to hear them. They rocked her against the table, fucking her harshly, testing her body and her durability as their cocks rammed deeper and deeper. With a thought their size increased, expanding inside her body to make her belly swell. Monica hissed as her cervix was battered, her intestines rearranged, both cocks rubbing against each other as they drove deeper. Her body slumped against the table, resolved to let it happen, until Nat yanked her by the hair up so she could grope her breasts. Monica refused to look at her, so the symbiote rewarded her stubbornness with a thick tentacle down her throat.

Nat closed her eyes and let her body move into autopilot, her other taking over as it assaulted the woman in their grasp. She could feel it, every tendril and cock as if it was a part of her. She felt the tightness of Monica’s holes, her pussy and anus and throat crushing her. She even felt the odd sensations of the symbiote piercing Monica’s nipples to drink from her breasts, the tongues licking at her skin, the desire for it to seep into her every pore and overtake her. The sensations were overwhelming, so much so she orgasmed in her costume, her suit absorbing it all. She sighed in Monica’s ear as she felt the woman reluctantly climax to the assault, her body trembling as it gave into its biology. The suit drank her fluids absorbing them, feeding on them, craving more from her as it spread over her body. Nat gave her a moment to breath, pulling the tentacle from her mouth watching her gasp for air as she slumped against the table. “Not so smug now are you” she laughed.

Monica caught her breath as the alien ooze continued to crawl over her, exploring her body inside and out. She lifted her head, sweat covering her brow, putting on a confident expression. “Do you even know the creature you’re dealing with?” She asked Natasha.

“You mean the Aline life form? Banner took a look. A symbiotic life-form, needs a host to survive on foreign planets.”

“It also feeds on them in they’re incompatible” Monica told her. “We went through a few test subjects trying to find one.”

“Then I just I’m lucky I was the first” Nat smiled.

Monica grinned. “Who said you were the first?” She replied. Nat’s mile faded. “We found five of them. They crashed to earth in a meteor a year ago. Charlton wanted to focus on the Inhumans. I kept the experiments going. Kept them alive. After I leant about the Kree Invasion, I hoped them might prove a valuable asset. If you hadn’t destroyed the lab and the rest of them, they could’ve been a useful weapon.”

“A weapon for AIM maybe” Nat interrupted, wrapping her hand around Monica’s neck. “I know about the experiments you ran. We share thoughts now. It showed me what you did to it” she told her.

Monica sneered. “It didn’t show you everything then” she remarked. “Symbiotes also adopt traits from its hosts, the successful ones anyway. Tell me, this punishment, was that your idea it theirs?” She asked curiously. Nat hesitated a moment. “Here’s a hint, it would’ve been mine” she told her.

Something shifted in Natasha’s mind as she suddenly realized there was another consciousness linked to the symbiote. Her eyes widened as a Monica’s smile widened, her body suddenly twisting around and throwing the Widow into the wall. The symbiote shifted around them both, morphing around Monica as well as Natasha. As of Monica was controlling it. No, she saw it in the woman’s eyes as they stared into hers. Joining her. “How?” Nat gasped as Monica’s hand clamped around her throat, tentacles grabbing her wrists pinning them above her head, her body lifted off her feet.

“You thought it was hate compelling it back to me?” Monica asked her, the ooze spreading over her body shifting into a replica of her costume, almost shrinking from Natasha’s body. “Maybe part of it was hate. But the rest…longing? Desire? Desire to come home? You weren’t the first to bond to the symbiote Romanov. It took a risk but I achieved symbiosis. I thought I recognized this life-form. Thank you for bringing it back to me” she smiled.

Nat struggled against her grasp, screaming at her other. What are you doing?


“Huh” Monica mused, feeling Natasha tugging at her mind, at the aliens mind. It seemed confused, drawn to both of them. That could be fixed. One calm and dominant thought and it crawled back under her skin, it’s blackness growing on her hand as she brought it to Nat’s face. “You think you can convince it to stay with you?” She scoffed. “Maybe if I showed you what you failed to see, you’ll understand” she said, her fingers hooking around Nat’s face as slimy tendrils extended from her fingertips to delve into her ear.

Natasha gasped as Monica invaded her skull, and her mind, sharing the memories the symbiote was hiding from her. Monica was telling the truth. She opened the vial one day at great risk and exposed herself, bonding to the alien. They experimented with each other for days, testing the bond much like a at did but further. She felt the pain and pleasure and fascination. She felt the love, but also the hate.

Complicated the alien confessed, it’s voice faint in her mind. Doctor was curious…we were curious…taught us much.

“Do you want her back?” Natasha asked it. It didn’t answer.

Monica pulled her hand away, watching the discomfort and confusion in Nat’s face as she enjoyed the way the tables turned. Nat’s suit was dissolving by the second as the alien slithered over to her. Her naked body was revealed to her, her round breasts and dripping pussy. Monica admired her perfect features before figuring turnabout was fair play. “Since you got to have a go at me” she said, her nails dragging down Nat’s front slowly, her finger sliding between her breasts and down her stomach to her waiting womanhood. “It’s only fair I should return the favor” she said, her fingers rubbing Natasha’s pussy. Natasha turned pale as she felt Monica’s hand between her legs. She inhaled sharply when they penetrated her. “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to enjoy it as much as possible” she whispered, curling her fingers into the Russian’s cunt as deep as she could.

She enjoyed fingering Natasha’s cunt, her fingers digging into her pussy. With the symbiote on her hand she was able to reach further than usual, really sending shockwaves up the black widow’s spine, but she wasn’t just going to rape her cunt. She extended a tendril to tease her anus, feeling Nat tense and bit her bottom lip. But she pulled away, the tendril shrinking back to her palm leaving her confused. She brought it back and had it violate something else, something unexpected, somewhere that made Natasha scream. “There are places no human being could ever fathom to touch” she explained as the tendril she summoned forced it’s way into Natasha’s urethra. “We’ve had a lot of time to explore these places, the symbiote and I” she said. “You’re little show was barely the start of what I’ve experienced. I’ll be happy to show you where else a woman can be violated, and which parts bring the most pain” she added, finding a spot deep inside Nat’s pussy that made the woman clenched and whimper.

She tormented Nat for a while before pulling her hand way, watching the usually confident Russian spy let out a hoarse moan before collapsing against the wall. She let go of her neck and let her sink to her knees, hanging from her wrists by the tentacles. She looked pathetic. “You won’t…escape…” Nat said, choking on the sobs she was trying to suppress. She hadn’t even realize her eyes were wet with tears.

“We’ve got time” Monica laughed, tapping her temple informing her “we share thoughts now. You, him, and me. I know we really are alone, and nobody is here to keep an eye on you. Nobody is coming to stop me. Which gives us plenty of time to get…reacquainted” she said, stroking her symbiote friend as it grew from her costume. Nat looked up in dread as a familiar black cock extended from Monica’s groin, her hand stroking it as it pointed at her face.

Nat didn’t get time to resist as Monica forced the penis between her lips, making her choke on the thick black cock she only only moments ago was using to fuck her from behind. She could see the smug enjoyment in the woman’s face as she grabbed her head and rammed her cock down her throat. Natasha was fortunate she had practice and training in this kind of situation, dutifully sucking the cock while she tried to figure out how to regain the upper hand. The bond between her and the symbiote was still there, though Monica’s prior relationship with it was drawing it back quickly. She clung to it mentally, reminding it why it wanted to kill her, what she did to it. It seemed to work, stalling the suit into confusion. Monica sensed this and shoved the cock deep into Nat’s mouth, as if trying to suffocate her. You won’t win she thought, glaring at the woman as she chocked.

Somewhere in that confusion the suit reacted to her mental jibe, a tentacle whipping out around Monica’s neck pulling her back. She gasped as she choked, releasing Nat to claw at the rogue tendril. Nat felt the tentacles around her wrists loosen, slipping her hands free to hook Monica’s knees and send her crashing to the floor. The cock slipped from her mouth as the scientist went tumbling. The Black Widow pounced on her before drawing a breath, eager to restrain her as fast as possible. She spun her hips and landed a choke hold on Monica as she got back up, her legs wrapping around her head driving her to the ground straddling her face. “You’re not going anywhere Monica” she scowled, pinning her down with her knees, her pussy shoved in Monica’s face. “It’ll take more than a blowjob to break me.”

Monica scoffed. “We’ll see” she replied, throwing her foot up to send a tendril around Nat’s throat to strangle her. She fought it, remaining on top as she grabbed Monica’s hair and forced her to eat her out. Monica did so but only with an extended tongue thanks to the symbiote. Natasha moaned as her pussy was invaded, the tongue reaching all the way to her womb forcing itself inside. She retaliated with a hand against the woman’s groin, the symbiote swirling around her hand before penetrating her cunt. Monica moaned in response.

The two woman fought to out fuck each other, mentally fighting over the symbiote as it found itself torn between the pair of them. It was drawn to both, had reasons to desire each woman, both having the capacity to sustain the creature. It wavered back and forth, helping both and hindering each until, eventually, it mental screamed in anguish and forced both woman apart, sending them sprawling to either side of the room. They gasped in shock, both naked with torn fragments of their costumes. Their eyes met across the cell and they instantly leapt at each other, colliding in a furious fight that had them grappling on the floor.

The fight alternated from clawing and punching to groping and fucking repeatedly. Both woman couldn’t seem to decide if they wanted to kill each other or fuck each other. It led to a lot of aggressive kissing, brutal fingering and furious grinding while hands wrapped around necks or gripped hair. They rolled and tussled and screamed until exhaustion began to overcome them. Their movements slowed, but it was Natasha who claimed the upper hand. Her training allowed her to outlast her opponent, finishing the fight with a satisfying orgasm as she scissorfucked Monica into submission. Monica lay in defeat, panting heavily bruised and exhausted, dripping with cum and sweat. Natasha stood over her, rising to her feet victoriously looking much the same. She managed to catch her breath and found the handcuffs, clamping them to Monica’s wrists and throwing her back into her chair.

She stood over the woman and fixed a cold stare on her. Monica stared back begrudgingly. “I don’t know what’s worse. That the alien picked you or that you might be the best damn fuck I’ve had in months” she complained.

Nat was about to ask what she meant about the alien when her body healed itself, the symbiote appearing from her skin to reform her costume. She felt her other return, leaving Monica for good. What changed your mind? She asked it.

You did it replied, without elaborating.

She smiled, glad to have it back. It also seemed to bring with it the memories it had previously hidden from her, holding nothing back from her. She saw how it’s relationship with Monica ended and laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding” she grinned, looking at Monica smugly. “After all the experiments, and despite your bond, you’re telling me it killed you?”

Monica scowled and averted her gaze. In truth she pushed it too far. The version of her that bonded to the symbiote got carried away with its capabilities, became addicted to the pleasure sex with it brought. She kept escalating the situation until he body couldn’t handle what it could do to her. She wondered if in the end the symbiote turned on her. That’s part of the reason she wanted to bond again, to find out. But it reality that clone was killed by her own stupidity. Death by sexual pleasure, and some ruptured internal organs. “Sooner or later it’ll kill you to” she warned.

Nat didn’t believe her. The bond she formed with this creature was cemented into something more now. She knew for sure it meant no harm to her or her friends. So she left Monica in her cell. They both got what they wanted from her. “You know we’ll still need a name for you” she whispered to it.

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