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Victoria takes a Shower (The Misadventures of Super-Max)

Victoria watched her friend Taylor leave the bathroom, silently tutting as she returned her attention to the mirror to apply her make up. She wondered why Taylor bothered hanging around her, not that she was against the company. But the way she was talking about her and Nathan Prescott, as if she'd ever go there.

Although, there had been a few occasions she'd had the opportunity to admire the rich boys "assets" where she wouldn't have minded getting to know him more intimately. But she had her eyes on a much bigger prize.

For now, tormenting Kate about her little viral video was more than enough to keep her busy. Happy to add fuel to the furnace she took out her lipstick and wrote the link to the website across the reflective glass, knowing it'd be seen by everyone in the dormitories. She gazed upon her handiwork and smiled, returning to checking herself out before witnessing something materialize in the reflection.

"What the fuck?" She uttered just as a hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back into one of the shower stalls.

Max Caulfield had just started the shower when Victoria entered the room and started harassing Kate. Her first impulse was to get out there and stand up for her, but opted for staying put in case she had an opportunity to turn this to her advantage (and to avoid Victoria altogether). So when Kate and Taylor left leaving Victoria on her own, Max was prepared to wait it out until she left. But when she saw her writing the video link that had been tearing Kate's life apart on the bathroom mirror, she decided enough was enough.

In that moment, Max Caulfield chose to be reckless and assertive, taking control and seeding revenge on her unofficial nemesis. Besides, if it all goes wrong she can just rewind time (which she'll probably do anyway).

While the blonde girls back was turned, Max stepped out of the shower, wearing nothing but her birthday suit and reached out to grab her by the wrist, yanking the startled girl into the stall with her and pulling the curtain closed concealing them both within. With a surprising burst of speed Max pinned Victoria to the damp wall on her right, pressing her weight against her so she couldn't move. Victoria stared wide eyed at the smaller girl, too stunned to fight back and overpower her. The shower was still running spraying water all over the stall, raining across Max's shoulders, meaning now Victoria was caught in the crossfire, her fashionable red jacket and black miniskirt and grey tights getting wet as she stood inside the stall.

"Max?" She stammered, her startled green gaze turning to a glare as she regained her composure. "Like, What the hell are you mphft?"

Max clamped her hand over Victoria's mouth to silence her, fixing her with an intense blue gaze. "Victoria, just this once" she said slowly, holding her nerves together long enough to go through with this impulsive act, "I'm telling you to shut the fuck up. Okay? Cool."

Satisfied Victoria was sufficiently caught off guard, Max let go of her mouth so she could quickly grab both her wrists before she could wriggle free of her grasp, pinning them to the wall by her side. The blonde girl continued to glare at her, but Max could see hold hard she was trying not to glance down at her naked body. Strangely the young woman didn't feel the slightest bit self-conscious right now, in fact rather empowered by how dominant she was being. "What do you want dork?" Victoria asked coldly.

Took a moment to think about her answer before deciding to cut straight through the bullshit and lunged forward planting a kiss on Victoria.

The girl froze in disbelief, instinctively leaping back to break away but discovering her back was already to the wall leaving no room for escape. Max leant into her body, dominantly overpowering the shell shocked young woman as she pried her mouth open to slip her tongue inside, exploring deeply with a gluttonous moan. When she finally broke the connection, Victoria was left speechless while Max just chuckled. "What's wrong?" She asked with a smirk? "I thought you'd be into this, What with how much publicity you keep giving that video of Kate." She crept forward to tease the blonde with another peck, who immediately turned her head away to deny her. "Or do you rather just enjoy watching instead of partaking?" She asked slyly, instead showing her affections to her exposed neckline.

Victoria hissed through gritted teeth as Max's teasing lips caressed the soft flesh of her neck, unwilling to let herself get entranced by how hot she was getting. The idea of the young brunette seducing her made her want to vomit, but a part of her was getting incredibly turned on by her confidence. Her body temperature rose steadily the more Max kissed her, gently grazing her teeth along her skin bringing out goosebumps. When she dug a little harder, leaving a hickey on her collarbone, Victoria had to bit her lip to stop herself moaning. The little matter of the two of them still standing under running water just excited both of them, soaking the blondes clothing making everything cling to her slim body.

Max was particularly aware of this fact and was growing impatient of hoping Victoria would come around to undressing herself. Once more taking the initiative she risked letting go of her wrists to quickly grab the bottom of her red blouse, the fabric soaked through turning it several shades darker. Victoria realized her hands were free too late, looking down in time to find Max pulling the blouse over her head in a hasty effort to remove it. The result was the article of clothing got stuck once it lifted above her armpits, the sticky fabric getting tangled with her arms and caught around her head, leaving the screaming blonde trapped in her own fashion.

As the young woman struggled against the blouse, Max couldn't help but smile at the turn of events as she turned her attention to the revealed yellow shirt underneath. Like the rest of Victoria, it was soaking wet making it virtually translucent enabling the girl to see the heaving bust hiding underneath, framed neatly within a red bra that gloriously presented her assets. "Wow" she whispered, marveling at a treasure she couldn't imagine many guys getting to witness.

Victoria screamed again, feeling Max's eyes on her and straining against the blouse, afraid of tearing the fabric but desperate to break free. Max made a loud sigh to torment the girl while her small hands toyed with the helm of her shirt, calmly running over the buttons running between her breasts. She could feel her body trembling underneath her touch and took great joy in hearing her gasp loudly when she tore the shirt open, buttons flinging across the stall as the fabric peeled away from her chest, leaving her open for max to dive in and enjoy.

The shirt didn't come undone the whole way, the few intact buttons sitting just beneath the bra, enough to give Max clear access to the pale skin between Victoria boobs as she kissed her way down her front, cupping her breasts with her hands as the young woman squirmed against her. She twisted her torso trying to shake her off while her arms were trapped above her head, the blouse starting to smother her the more she struggled. Max pressed her back against the cold wall while she motor boated her chest, blowing a raspberry into her tits, squeezing them methodically. After a few minutes of playing she braved a peek under the soaking undergarment, carefully pulling the bra down to briefly reveal her left nipple, overjoyed to find it fully erect. Max quickly kissed it with a giggle, running her tongue around it and suckling the nub before covering it up again so she could help the blonde out of her blouse.

Victoria was red faced when Max finally pried the fabric off her head, partially due to the feeling of nearly drowning and partially due to the ministrations Max was delivering to her body. When she felt her bite her nipple she nearly died, unwilling to admit how good it was starting to feel. She gratefully threw the blouse onto the tiled floor, heaving in air as Max comfortingly combed her soaking wet hair with her fingers. For a moment she forgot she was being held captive by the younger brunette, simply leaning against the wall breathless while Max cupped her cheeks and pulled her into a steamy kiss.

She woke up to the situation when she felt her lips connect with the girls, instinctively moaning into the kiss as the naked photographer dove back into her mouth, moving deeper. She brought her hands up to push her away until her palms found her small breasts, pulling away from embarrassment while Max stepped closer, pressing against the shuddering blonde. Victoria's hands wavered around her glistening form, trying to find purchase that didn't feel intimate, her fingers unintentionally drifting over her back and arse before grasping her shoulders. Max however hooked her arms around her waist, tightening her hold on her to stop her pushing her away, their boobs crushing into one another.

"Fuck" Victoria groaned, the regrettable rush of hormones to her extremities heightening her sensitivity. Her body was betraying her to Max's advances and the girl was picking up on it, grinning wildly as she kissed along her jaw to her earlobe. "This has to stop" she breathed, fingers clawing into her shoulders trying to ignore how wet she was getting below her skirt.

"Then tell me to stop" Max said confidently, breathing directly into Victoria's ear as she waited for a response.

The clothed photographer opened her mouth, ready to finally tell her to go fuck herself, but to her horror her voice refuse to do what her brain told it, instead releasing a pitiful whine.

Max looked up at her desperate green eyes and smirked as she grabbed the girls waist and spun her around to face the wall, pushing her against it with a firm hand on the small of her back. Victoria let herself be manhandled, her hands pressed against the damp surface with her feet nervously rubbing together. She glanced back at the naked young woman, who was looking over her with a predatory gaze she'd never suspected Max was capable of. Her free hand lifted her miniskirt to reveal the blondes firm backside, the sight of which brought a smile to Max's lips.

Seconds later, Victoria was yelping from a harsh smack.

Max considered spanking the young woman, but her heart wasn't into the idea of punishing her like that. She was too impatient and wanted to get a taste of her already. Without saying a word she trusted Victoria not to move as she removed her hand from her back, kneeling down under she was looking up at her rear. Victoria was wearing black tights that ended at the top of her thighs (they look sexy on her, Max thought) and black panties under the skirt. The shower had drenched the two girls by now but Max swore she could see a telltale damp spot on the underside of the underwear not from the running water.

I could spend hours teasing her like this.

Her impatience got the better of her however as she peeled the underwear off of Victoria and pulled them down her long legs slowly, gazing upon her bare arse and dripping womanhood. So pretty, I can hardly choose, Max drooled.

Victoria felt her fingers probing her sex and flushed red, quickly clenching her thighs together in an attempt to deny her entry to her aching pussy. Thought she may have dispelled the immediate threat, she doubted her body would willingly put up a fight if Max chose to venture further.

Unfortunately, that wasn't to be her target.

"Are you enjoying yourself yet?" Max asked innocently, giving Victoria another smack with her palm. The girl shuddered on reflex as she let out an exhastberated moan, once more disgusted with herself. The naked girl chuckled as she got settled on her knees, licking her lips. "Just try to relax, and it'll all be worth it."

Without further hesitation, the freckled young woman grasped Victoria's cheeks with her fingers and lunged between them, her tongue farting out to plunge inside the welcoming virgin hole of her back entrance. Victoria's breath caught in her throat as her arse was penetrated by the slick muscle, her mouth hanging open in a wordless cry. She'd had never experienced anything like what was happening, but oh god help me, it feels so good.

The breathless blonde panted the further her naked consort explored, her knees shaking as she leant on the cold wall for support, water raining from overhead, Max licked inside her thoroughly, wrapping her arms around her thighs to hold her still so she could mush her face as hard as she could in the crack of her butt. It felt exciting and dirty, a thrill the younger girl wasn't accustomed to. Who knew eating out a girl was so much fun. And Victoria Chase of all people! Nobody would ever believe this.

Max could feel Vctoria's pussy leaking fluids down her legs and arms, sensing how hot and bothered she was making her. The rising pitch in her gasps and hitches supported the prognosis. She hummed into her meal, feeling a similar sensation forming between her own legs as she unraveled one of her arms to play with her clit, stimulating her throbbing cunt.

It wasn't long before the reluctant lesbian found herself cascading into a much needed climax, closing her eyes and submitting the to powerful thrill of bursting with pleasure, screaming with veiled joy as she clung to the stone wall, one of her nails chipping. Max held her tight as she rode the orgasm, her free hand reaching up to press hard of the girls sensitive clit to make her scream, grinning from ear to ear. Breaking away from the clenching orifice she looked up at the panting young woman, red faced and humiliated. She stood meekly in the shower waiting for the euphoria to pass, grateful for once it was just her and Max Caulfield in the shower to see this.

Then she heard the sound of a camera click as a white flash glinted off the water droplets on the wall.

Whirling around she witnessed Max rising to her feet and taking a step back, lowering the Polaroid camera from her face as she smirked. "Smile" she said teasingly.

Victoria shared in horror as the photo was developed instantly, lunging forward to grab the picture. Max proved faster though, snatching it out of her reach to shake in front of her eyes. "Give it to me!" Victoria shouted, desperation in her voice as she lunged for it again.

Max didn't evade her, but somehow manuvred herself to collide with her body so the girls face planted itself into hers to steal another kiss. She retreated back in surprise, glaring at the smiling brunette as she stood confidently in front of her. She looked at the Polaroid in her hand, wondering if she'd believe she used her time travel powers to grab the camera from her room and rewind back to this moment just to get this perfect shot. And now she was quite evidently at her mercy.

"You want this back?" Max asked her, showing her the image of Victoria in the shower, the perspective under her mini skirt with a perfect view of her glistening butt and soaking pussy, her face filled with pleasure and humiliate.

Victoria stared at max intently, her green eyes full of hate and desperation. "What do you want?" She asked, her voice shaking pleadingly.

Max thought about what her demands should be a moment. She could get her to do anything right now so she had to be smart. "First thing," she began, talking purposely slowly. "You need to stop harassing Kate. No spreading the video around, no teasing or mocking, just leave her alone."

Victoria huffed but nodded in agreement.

"Secondly, just…stop being a bitch. You're a great photographer but a horrible person. Try to be nicer to people, or I will started talking about our little day in this shower."

She glared at her menacingly but held her tongue, hesitating before giving her a curt nod.

Max smirked, happy with the outcome of the extortion. But she had one more important thing to do. "And finally" she said, her voice full of smug confidence as she stared back at the waiting young woman. She cast a glance down at herself , making sure Victoria was following her signals, "making you cum has got me really horny. Would you mind returning the favor?"

Victoria stared Max for a long minute of disbelief and silent objection, but Max just held up the photograph again and tilted her head. With a disgusted eye roll and a heavy sigh Victoria took a step closer to her, glaring at the blue eyed devil as they stood face to face. She made one last effort to grab the evidence until it was snatched away, forcing her to conceit defeat as her hand fell onto Max's chest. Feeling the blondes hand on her boob got Max excited, reaching up with her empty hand to caress her neck and pull her closer, stealing another kiss from her lips. The look of distaste told her she wasn't in the mood for foreplay so they just got down to it as Victoria slowly sank lower down, positioning her face before Max's waiting pussy.

The freckled young woman hummed to herself as Victoria psyched herself up to touch her private area, stroking her blonde hair and gently easing her head closer to spur her on, eventually sighing in pleasure. "Finally we found a good use of that big mouth of yours" Max chuckled as her rival began to indulge her, closing her eyes to enjoy her shower.

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