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Victor the Sparkly Vampire (Secret Clubhouse)

Once the shock had worn off, Victor couldn’t help but appreciate the prank Fred and George pulled on him. Stealing his coffin wasn’t cool, but priming it with a glitter bomb when he opened it was a little funny. Maybe his ego did need taking down a peg. It didn’t stop him from flaunting his good looks as he walked up the stairs to the clubhouse, the nearest private place he could find to clean up.

He found Beatrice sitting on the lower level scribbling some notes for a test she’d forgotten, the young Hufflepuff lifting her gaze as he entered. The moment she saw his new sparkly look she giggled. Victor confidently strolled over to join her, asking her if his sparkles were cool. She rose from her chair to admire him, butterflies in her stomach as she confessed he looked very dashing. He resembled a brilliantly handsome vampire she saw in a muggle movie once, only even more handsome. His ego rein flared when she explained this, smiling broadly before kissing her hand. She blushed before throwing caution to the wind and leaping up to kiss him on the glittery mouth. She’d always wanted to kiss a vampire.

The young man took the eager younger girl into his arms as she made out with him, their feet dancing around each other until Beatrice tripped and stumbled back against the desk she was working at. Victor went with it, catching her and lifting her onto the table brushing her coursework onto the floor. She couldn’t pry her lips from him as she felt his hands drift over her, bringing goosebumps over her arms as she panted excitedly. He loosened her tie and exposed her slim neck, leaning in to suck on her soft flesh making her gasp. She asked him if he was going to drink her blood. He acknowledged how that would be sexy, vampires also fed off other fluids from the female body. When she asked what he meant he licked his lips and lifted her knees over his shoulders, crouching down to dip under her school uniform. She watched in anticipation as the handsome vampire pulled her underwear to the side and devoured her young pussy, her moans filling the room as she fell against the table. Her body trembled as he ate her out, sucking the juices from her pussy lips until she climaxed, drinking her cum like he was thirsty. When he rose back to his feet he licked his lips, smiling in delight was Beatrice stared up at him. He brushed her cheek with his finger before politely thanking her for the meal, stepping away leaving her at her desk. She asked if he could stay longer. He promised he’d return to feed again sometime, flashing her a charming wink before disappearing into the shadows.

Beatrice didn’t see him again that night, or for the next few weeks. She understood, given how popular he was, he might never come to see her again. But that didn’t stop her from fantasizing every night of her sparkling vampire lover swooping into her dorm room to suck her blood while he made passionate love to her.


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