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There’s more to life than boys: Part 3 (Stranger Things)

She found Eleven in Will’s room, which was almost completely empty now. The bed remained but the walls were bare and the rest of the furniture was gone. As a result Eleven was on the floor next to the bed, wearing Hopper’s coat when Max came in to look for her. She came over and took a seat beside her, looking at her cheeks glistening with tears. “Are you okay?” Max asked cautiously.

Eleven looked at her and passed the letter she found in Hopper’s jacket pocket. It was the speech he was rehearsing to set boundaries with her relationship with Mike. Even Max could hear the man’s voice on reading it. Eleven was in bits. “I miss him” she sobbed.

Max shuffled closer and wrapped an arm around her, hugging her tight. “I’m sorry El” she said, trying to stay supportive.

But El heard it. The tremble in her voice. She’d been hearing it a lot, especially from Joyce. She turned to her and could see the grief in her expression. “You miss Billy” she guessed.

Max scrunched up her eyes, suppressing the urge to break into tears like she’d been doing all day. Not even Lucas noticed. “He was an ass, but yeah” she admitted, looking at El finally letting her face show how distraught she was. “I didn’t think I’d miss him this much. What he did…he saved us in the end.”

“They both did” Eleven nodded. Tears started streaming from both of them now, the sobs overwhelming them. Now that they were alone together, neither one of them felt like they needed to pretend. They let all the grief out and wept side by side in the empty bedroom. For a moment they let themselves feel everything, their hands coming together interlocking their fingers. Somewhere in the moment their eyes met, the emotion overtaking all other senses.

They wouldn’t remember which of them kissed the other first. But it was Max who kicked the door closed as she rose to her knees to make out with the young brunette. Eleven rose with her, grabbing the redhead’s face kissing her desperately as tears ran down her cheeks. The two friends shared their grief in an intimate way, finally giving into the urges they’d been resisting for days. They let go of their hesitation and gave into their desires, letting it guide them as their hands pulled their clothes off. Hopper’s jacket fell off Eleven’s shoulders, which seemed to unleash the girl as she tugged Max’s shirt up over her head. Max did the same, revealing the girl’s chest and bra. If they weren’t so desperate to get undressed Eleven might’ve remarked Max was a little more developed that she was, which could’ve made her feel self conscious. But right now, she didn’t care or notice. All she cared about was getting her trousers undone so she could remove them next. Max reluctantly broke the kiss to help her, rising up onto the bed to push her trousers down her legs onto the floor. Eleven stood up, hurriedly dropped hers too and pounced on the girl, slamming her onto the mattress attaching her lips to hers. Max dragged the girl onto the bed with her, the pair of them getting tangled up with each other making out passionately.

Now they were on the bed, things between them got even more steamy and intense. It never even occurred to them that somebody might walk in on them, half naked and in the process of undressing further, kissing and fumbling over each other doing something some might consider obscene. If either of their boyfriends found them they’d be mortified. If Joyce found them Eleven would probably die of shame. If Dustin or Will saw them, they’d never hear the end of it. But right now, all they could think about was each other and the desire they shared and the guilt that fueled it.

There wasn’t much of a structure to what they did. They kissed and fondled each other, hands caressing skin wherever they found it. Neither girl took on a dominant factor to assert control, nor submit to the whims of the other. They simply let their instincts take over. If they felt a compulsion to thread their fingers through the others hair, they did. If they wanted to press their body against each other, they obliged. When they felt the few articles of underwear that remained was restricting them, they hurriedly removed that too. Eleven felt butterflies in her stomach as her palms reached down and squeezed Max’s bottom, peeling the girls panties away to grab her soft cheeks. Max gasped softly, breaking away from her lips to suck on her neck, her own hands pulling the young woman’s bra off exposing her developing breasts. Their bodies writhed as they groped each other, palms feeling up chests and nipples while thighs brushed up hips to wrap around their waists. Soon the girls were naked and rubbing against each other, either yet aware how two women would make love to each other. They found pleasure in the embrace however, content to let the delicate touch and shared kisses sustain them. Their bodies made contact briefly, their groins rubbing together stimulating their pussies as their breasts pressed together at just the right angle, but short of a short intake of breath neither girl took note of it, eager to resume their kiss coiled in each other’s arms.

They didn’t know how long it lasted. It could’ve been a minute. It could’ve been half an hour. They didn’t stop until the tears in their eyes streaming down their cheeks got too much, their quiet sobs breaking the kiss leaving them panting as they lay together on the bare mattress. They held each other, wordlessly comforting one another, foreheads together softly letting their grief engulf them.

“I’ll miss you” Max whispered, breaking the silence after a while.

Eleven swallowed another sob as she looked up at her best friends face, her hand stroking her cheek. “I’ll miss you too” she replied.

They both leant in and shared a kiss, this one deeper and full of passion and love. A few minutes later they agreed to get up and put their clothes back on, before somebody came looking for them. They got dressed in silence, both still crying in silence. But it wasn’t just grief for the people they’d lost now. It was also the loss they were going to feel next. With Eleven moving away, they may never see each other again. And though they didn’t say it, there was something between them they would never get to have again.

So before they left the room they took each other’s hands and stepped into one last kiss, one saying goodbye to each other and this thing they would never get to explore. It might be for the best, but it was the longest goodbye kiss either of them shared with another human being. Longer than the kiss El gave Mike. Longer than the hug Max gave Will. They held onto that kiss as long as they could until it was time for El to go.

Max watched Eleven leave standing beside her friends, resolving herself to bury the love she felt for her best friend. In the car driving away, Eleven did the same as she looked out the back window to see them all fade away.

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