A common misconception about America following the Event six years ago is that it devolved into absolute chaos. It was true, the government broke down and states were fractured by gangs and cults and outlaws who turned the country back into the Wild West with Mutants, but that’s not to say no law and order emerged. The UK could claim they established a network of communities rather quickly because they didn’t have as much land to cover as the US did, which meant it took the military response longer to respond. Moreover, they were closer to the reported epicentre of the Event so the destruction and resulting terraforming was much more severe. Cities were levelled and landmasses were changed and ninety-five percent of the country was overrun with mutations. But many dedicated military leaders marshalled their forces under the American flag determined to reclaim their world one dead thing at a time. They marched on the wasteland and declared war on the apocalypse, burning and massacring every hostile thing that stood in their way.
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