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The Unknown Region: The Exile - Chapter 15

The next morning was full of anticipation for everyone. Nasir had pinpointed the approximate location of the third relic deep in the Unknown Region, as close an approximation as he could get without a reliable map of the area. Valerius had everyone make preparations for immediate departure, planning to leave before sunset. He told him Royal Guard to make the necessary preparations, acknowledging their numbers would be limited as many remained injured. “We’ll follow you my King” Brunhilde promised, rally as many able bodied soldiers as she could. He appreciated the loyalty from his captain, thanking her personally for her dedication. He also requested General Hanson join them on their journey, his knowledge of the Unknown Region would be invaluable. He accepted without hesitation, happy to serve the High-King once more. His Elders weren’t as enthusiastic about him leaving so soon. They spent all morning trying to convince him to stay, but instead he convinced them he had to see this through. The potential of victory was too great to ignore.

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