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The Smutacular Spider-Gwen: The Spider & The Snake (Jungle Book)

Gwen swung through the trees to get some height, hoping she could figure out where she was. Turned out she had landed in a jungle rather than Central Park.

“Damn it. The watch must be glitching again” she whined as she clung to a tree trunk, over looking an expanse of green ahead of her. She stuck to the side of the tree and fiddled with her wrist watch again. “Navigation must need calibrating. I think. Urg…why couldn’t I have been born with science brains like my other counterparts? I’m a drummer. I hit things! I don’t fix them.”

She scanned the jungle again. She had absolutely no idea where she was. Hopefully she was on her earth, though the feel of this universe felt off. And there was little chance she was going to find anyone nearby, let alone someone smart enough to help her fix her watch. She groaned as she set the device to do a system diagnostic. All she could do was pray it resolved itself. Maybe the next jump will send her somewhere more populated.

She swung on for a few more yards until she found a tree she could perch on, landing on a thick branch she was confident could hold her wait. She scanned the ground several dozen feet below her. She didn’t see any wildlife that might try to eat her or anything. It looked and smelt like a typical rainforest. She heard some animal noises in the distance, but none of them were close enough to warrant any concern. She rose up and walked along the branch, brushing a curtain of hanging vines out of her way to hop to the next tree.

As she explored the jungle, one of the vines she brushed by began to move and slither above her, following the lost super heroine stealthily. She didn’t register the movement until her spider-sense tingled, bringing her head turning to look behind her. When she didn’t see anything, she tensed. “You’d better not be some alien waiting to pounce on me” she warned.

After a minute the tingling passed and she relaxed. The humid air started to get stuffy, so Gwen removed her mask to avoid sweating. She could remove the whole costume, but she didn’t have a change of clothes. “I’m going to reek for days” she complained looking at the torn patches in her suit. Crashing through a forest had ripped it to pieces. It was a wonder it was still hiding her privates or hanging by a thread. She spun some webbing to cover her best she could, until she could repair the damage.

Her spider-sense tingled again and she whirled around on the spot, her eyes snapping up into the trees as she lowered into a combat stance. “Who’s there?” She yelled.

“Well, what do we have here” the creature said as it emerged from the branches above her, gazing at her curiously as it’s head lowered down. “A man-cub? And just when I was getting lonely.”

Gwen stared at the snake which emerged from the tree, creeping towards her slowly. She’d never seen a snake talk before, so she was thrown off guard. But as she stared, her eyes became transfixed on his and suddenly she couldn’t look away. Her head began to swim and it was like she was seeing many bright colors in its eyes. Beautiful, hypnotic colours. Her arms lowered and she rose up to meet the snake as it drifted closer to admire her. What’s happening to me?

“My my, you look different from the last man-cub, don’t you” the snake purred, circling around her slowly. Her eyes followed him as she turned in a circle, her body moving to keep their gazes locked, her feet effortlessly clinging to the branch. “So much bigger, older maybe…my, you look practically delicious” it smiled, it’s tongue flicking out to brush against her nose. “I think you’ll make an excellent snack” it said.

“Sn…snack..?” Gwen mumbled, struggling to concentrate.

“Yessss” it hissed, admiring her face appreciatively. Gwen felt it’s tail lower down from the branch above and curl around her jaw, lifting her head to tilt it to the side gently. “SSSuch pale skin. So very different from the othersss. I wonder…you are not from the village, are you?”

“N…no” she answered sluggishly, her eyelids feeling very heavy.

While her body was in some kind of trance, her spider-sense was constantly buzzing, sending her mind racing. What is going on? Why am I talking to a snake? Have I been drugged? Is that it? I’m hallucinating and that’s why I feel so sleepy. Wake up Gwen! WAKE UP!

The hallucination of the snake felt real enough as its body slithered lower, its tail sneaking between her breasts to curl around her body. Something about the comforting nature of its scaly texture pressed against her made the blonde girl moan, especially when she felt the tail rub against her groin. Her eyes tracked the head as it lowered down towards her groin. “I mussst have a peek” it said, its nose probing between her legs where her costume was barely holding together.

It hooked its tail through the threads and she heard the snapping and tearing of the remaining threads. “Oh god…what are you…doing?”

“Just opening up your treasure trove” it replied, nudging her legs apart so it could gaze at her young womanhood. “And it’s Kaa, not god. But I appreciate the sentiment” it added.

Gwen trembled as Kaa’s forked tongue flicked against her clit, sending bolts of pleasure shooting up her body. Her heavy eyelids drooped lower and she moaned, her pussy leaking down her thighs. What kind of hallucination is seducing me? Why is it a snake? I must’ve of been stung or bitten. Or maybe I brushed by the wrong plant. Shake it off Gwen! Snap out of it!

“I…have to…wake…up…” she mumbled, resisting the daze she was in as her spider-sense buzzed louder, responding to the snake’s body coiling around her while his mouth inched closer to her pussy. She looked down and witnessed its mouth latch around her entrance and suddenly she had its tongue delving into her body. “Oh my god!” She gasped, her eyes widening in shock as her hips trembled.

The shock of having a snake devouring her pussy broke Kaa’s hypnotic trance and Gwen snapped back to her senses. She shook herself awake and looked down in horror to see the hallucination was very real. “WHAT THE FUCK!” She shouted, immediately kicking at the snake between her legs.

She stumbled back and tripped over onto the thick branch, landing on her ass and quickly sticking her fingers to the bark to keep from tumbling over. Kaa shook his head in surprise, grunting as his body was yanked up over the branch he was hanging on. The part of him that had been wrapped around Gwen tightened, pinning her arms to her sides immobilizing her on instinct. “Well, that wasn’t very friendly, was it?” Kaa scowled.

Gwen stared at the talking snake. Crap, don’t tell me I’ve landed in Spider-Ham’s dimension again, she groaned. She pushed herself backwards along the branch to get away, flexing her athletic muscles with her enhanced spider strength to break free. Kaa’s grip loosened only a little, however. Somehow the snakes muscles were stronger than hers. “Let me go!” She screamed.

“Oh, but we were just starting to get to know each other” Kaa said, it’s head lowering back down dragging its body with it. He constricted around her tighter as it moved, dragging her closer even when her feet dug into the branch. “Don’t you want us to become friends?”

“I’ve got enough friends to suffocate me already” Gwen muttered, squirming in his grasp as he slowly crushed her. She was struggling to breath as the snake wrapped around her torso just below her breasts, which popped out of her costume thanks to the shifting scales breaking the threads. She gasped in alarm and panted heavily, the exertion weakening her efforts. “What do you want, you disgusting pervert!”

“Why would you say such a mean thing like that?” He asked.

“Gee, I don’t know. Maybe because I caught you poking your nose between my legs” she snapped.

“Oh, you mean here?” He laughed, looping his tail around her thigh to delve into her pussy.

Gwen gasped. “Hey, stop that! Pull it out!”

“But it feels so nice inside there” Kaa smiled. “And it tastes so delicious. I’d like to get another sip from that fountain” he said, dragging her closer to edge towards her pussy again.

Her foot kicked out before he could get close. “Don’t you dare!” She yelled. “Just let me go before I turn you into shoes or something.”

Kaa found her attempts to resist amusing, even when his attempts to catch her eye failed as she averted her gaze. Her spider-sense was ringing off the charts and she was on to his game now. “This would be far more pleasurable if you stop resisting” he whispered, lifting her up with his powerful body so she was hanging from the branch above, her toes barely gripping the branch below. He rubbed his tail along her folds, watching her squirm as it dragged between her legs. He brought his head to her tantalizing breasts, circling his tongue around her nipples instead. “Just relax and sssavour the moment.”

Gwen grit her teeth as the snake violated her body. She didn’t like how immobile she was, strung up like this. It’s body would squeeze tighter periodically, each breath getting shorter until she was holding her breath. Her legs kicked at the tail grinding against her pussy but she could get leverage to move it. And her web shooters had been damaged by the crushing power of the snake. But she realized the worst was yet to come as she felt something wet probe her ass. “What is that?” She squeaked.

“Oh, it’s just my little snake. Do you like it?” Kaa asked, his penis extending from his body to rub against her opening.

Gwen turned pale as it tested the waters in her anus. She clenched hard, refusing to let it in. “No way! I’m not letting that thing in my butt.”

“Oh, what a shame. Then maybe this one will be more welcoming” he said, aligning his cock with her pussy next.

Gwen wasn’t able to stop its penetration as it slid all the way home. She screamed as it raped her, sliding its thick phallus in and out of her, fucking her womanhood. “No. Fuck. It’s too big. Pull it out!” She yelled, her cries getting harder to shout as it squeezed her tighter. “Stop! I can’t…breathe…”

“Oh, my apologies” Kaa said sincerely, ceasing his movements and loosening his grip. Gwen flopped onto his cock gasping for breath, her chest heaving as she hung suspended in the snake’s embrace. “Is that better?” Kaa asked, gazing at the girls face with concern.

She savored the ability to inhale deeply as her hair feel over her face, sweat dripping from her forehead. She lifted her head and opened her eyes, her spider sense making her head spin. “Why are you doing this?” She asked deliriously. She looked at the snake staring back at her. “what are you…?”

“Here. Let me look at you” Kaa said, staring intently into her eyes as she made the mistake of locking onto them. Her spider-sense rang but she was too late to look away. And too weak to resist as his hypnotic gaze took effect. “Both eyes, if you’ll please” he said with a flourish.

Gwen’s mind entered a euphoric haze as she fell completely under the snake’s control, her eyes becoming glassy as a smile formed on her lips. The hypnotized superhero stopped struggling and allowed the snake to have its fun with her body.

Kaa took full advantage of the young woman. She put up no resistance as he dropped down from above to wrap himself around her. She laid down against the tree and spread her legs when he asked her to, moaning with pleasure as he once more licked her pussy with his forked tongue. He pressed his mouth between her legs and sucked up her fluids as they leaked out of her, drinking them up greedily. “Mm, yes. Just the thing to quench my thirst” he purred.

Gwen reclined against the branch as the snake coiled around her, his body looping around her arms and legs and torso, hugging her tightly. It her trance, she grew aroused as he massaged her, squeezing her gently until she moaned. Every so often his tail would play with her, either by circling her nipples or teasing her holes. At one point it slipped between her lips so she could suck it and explore her throat until she choked. Kaa charmed her into wanting to please him, giving his throbbing snake dick a blowjob and stroking his flesh affectionately. She had never had sex with a snake before now, but Kaa had no reason to complain. Especially when he got to insert his cock into her formerly protected back door.

“Oh, fuck” Gwen gasped as her anus was penetrated, clenching around his dick while he tightened his grip on her. “It hurts” she whimpered, and Kaa worried it might break his hold over her mind.

“Just relax” he said, fixing his eye on hers for good measure. “The pain will passsss” he promised.

Gwen stared into his eyes and felt sleepy again, her body loosening allowing him to violate her further. The pain did indeed pass and the blonde was swept up in the pleasure of being anal fucked by the snake. Her head rolled back and she moaned, rocking her hips against him, his pussy rubbing against his scaly body. She rode the snake to an orgasm, her screams of escasty echoing across the jungle waking every creature lurking within.

Kaa finished depositing his release into his meal and extracted his cock from her tight ass. She slumped against the tree panting heavily, her eyelids dropping. She was exhausted and weak, almost asleep. Perfectly pacified. “There there, my dear” he whispered, wrapping her up in his body, savoring the feel of her breasts against his flesh, her arms pinned to her sides, her slender neck as his tail coiled around it. “Close your eyes and sleep” he insisted.

“Sleep” she slurred, her head roping, her eyelids becoming heavy. “Yes. I need to sleep.”

Just before she could pass out, her wrist watch suddenly lit up and hummed to life. “Gwen! Can you hear me?” A voice called over the watch. “This is Miles. We’ve triangulated your location. Are you okay?”

“Miles?” She whispered. Her spider-sense buzzed and stirred her awake, her mind clawing to break up the surface of this fog. “Miles….help…”

Kaa cut her off by yanking his tail around her throat, silencing her swiftly. She was all wrapped up now. He could suffocate her with a squeeze, but he liked his dinner fresh to the last moment. He hummed softly to himself while the watch continued to buzz. “Hang tight. We’re coming to you. Should make it before morning” they said.

“She won’t be here in the morning” Kaa laughed, hovering over the young woman and extending his jaw.

Gwen lifted her head and gazed up into the approaching maw of the snake seeking to swallow her whole.

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