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The Smutacular Spider-Gwen: Princess Jasmine (Aladdin)

The princess curled up on her bed pouting. Her father was never going to listen, and she was sick of arguing with him. Her eyes were red from crying, her tears all dried up. She had to get out. She couldn’t stay here any longer. She felt caged in a prison made of gold. Rajahh walked over and placed his head on her mattress for her to stroke. He always knew how to make her feel better. “What am I going to do?” She asked him.

As if in answer to her question, a star lit up above her balcony. Or rather, what she thought was a star. A light illuminated the night sky and shove into her room, blinding her as she sat up to stare at it. It burned brighter and she had to cover her eyes with her hand. But through her fingers she glimpsed something unusual. It looked like a…spiderweb?

Suddenly there was a pop and someone came tumbling out of the light, her body glitching violently until she settled into a physical being and rolled across the ground, coming to a stop at the foot of the princess’s bed. The light vanished, replaced by a breeze of displaced air which buffeted the silk around her room and her dark hair. Rajah growled as the stranger groaned, grabbing hold of the edge of her bed and pulling themselves up to their feet.

“I’m okay” the figure said, her voice sounding strange. The princess had never heard an accent like hers before. The figure rose and stretched, their feminine form coming into view to show a dancer’s physique. She wasn’t as tall or as curvy as the princess, but she was young and slim and dressed in a strange white and grey costume that covered her whole body. Her face was hidden by a mask under a white hood. Pink accepts stood out, as did the blue shoes on her feet. Shoes that looked nothing like the nobles wear. There was no way this person wasn’t from money, yet she had never seen clothes such as this.

The stranger shook her head and looked around the room, the eyes of her mask stretching and shrinking to match her expression of surprise. “Whoa! This is fancy” she said, staring at the lavish bedroom in awe. Her eyes fell on the Princess, just now realizing she was there. “Oh! Uh…hi?”

Rajah leapt forward to defend the Princess, snarling menacingly at the intruder. The stranger backed away in fear when she saw the tiger leaping towards her. “Okay, good kitty” the figure said nervously, backing away from him.

“Who are you?” The princess asked, leaping from her bed glaring at the intruder. “Speak, before I call the guards!”

“Okay, sure. I’m Spiderwoman” the stranger stammered, her eyes fixed on her tiger as he growled threateningly.

The princess had never heard of a Spider-woman. “How did you get in here?” She asked.

“That depends” she replied with a shrug.

“On what?”

“On where here is?”

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “This is my bedroom, inside the Sultans Palace” she replied, as if it was obvious.

The woman continued to look clueless. “That helps a lot less than you might think. Is that in New York?”

She blinked in confusion. What was New York? “What manner of Djinn are you?”

“I have no idea what that is” she said, still backing towards the balcony. “Listen, I’d love to try and explain, but the tiger is really terrifying so any chance you could ask it to not eat me?”

The princess glared at the intruder for a moment. She didn’t seem threatening, but she couldn’t let her guard down. She decided not to call the guards, yet. “Rajah!” She barked, calling her tiger back to her side. The animal growled and left the woman cowering on the balcony, circling back to brush against the Princess’s legs and wait for her instruction.

The stranger exhaled. “Okay, you have a tiger. That’s is pretty cool” she remarked. “A friend of mine will freak when he hears about this.”

“Enough!” The princess barked, growing impatient. “Who are you and how did you get in here?”

She held her hands up innocently, explaining “I told you, I’m Spiderwoman. But your expression tells me you’ve never heard of me. As for how I got here…that’s complicated.”

“Having the guards arrest you and letting my father put you to death isn’t” the princess warned. She felt sick for having to say those words, but they came unnaturally easy to her. I can’t marry who I chose, but I can have my father execute people on a whim she sighed. “Just answer the question” she begged.

The intruder looked at the Princess and her posture relaxed a little. “Huh, funny…my spider-sense isn’t going crazy over that threat. Which makes me wonder if you would actually do it.” The tiger growled and the figure stepped back. “Okay, that got a tingle” she muttered.

“I don’t want, nor like, seeing people beheaded” the princess confessed. “But if my father learns you’ve broken into my bedchamber, what I want won’t matter.”

“Okay, I get that. But seriously…I don’t know where I am. I was meant to be going home to New York, but my watch has been malfunctioning a little” she explained, pointing to the metal bangle on her wrist. The princess eyed it warily as it emitted tiny flecks of fire and glowed. The figure tapped it with her fingers and shook, but it only seemed to frustrate her more. “It was a gift from Hoby, a friend, but I swear he built it from spare parts. It doesn’t seem to work right. I don’t suppose you know anything about Multiversal travel?”

The princess stared back blankly. She barely understood half those words.

“Right” the woman sighed, taking another look around. It was dawning on her she was in the wrong place. She looked over the banister at the palace grounds, the city stretching out towards the horizon. “This isn’t New York, is it?”

“No” she replied, guessing New York is a place. Possibly outside of these lands. “This is the Kingdom of Arabia. And I’m the Princess Jasmine, only daughter of the Sultan.”

“Okay” the figure nodded, deciding to remove her mask and reveal the young blonde haired girl underneath. Jasmine gasped at her young face, and her outrageously short hair with pink highlights, one side cut shorter. “I’m Gwen Stacy. My dads a police captain, if that matters” she said nervously.

Jasmine was taking a little aback at the woman’s face. She seemed to be her age, or many a few months younger. Jasmine had yet to reach her eighteenth birthday, by which time she needs to be married to a prince. Though if she had her way, she wouldn’t marry anyone. But she had never seen a girl her age dress like this, or talk like that. “Where did you come from?” She asked, looking at the stars as if that’s where she fell from.

Gwen followed her gaze in confusion before looking at the watch. “Oh, right…fell through a portal of light…" she realized. She looked at her apologetically. "I didn’t mean to scare you. Like I said, this thing is…temperamental. First chance I get I’m punching that smooth talking anarchist in the face. As long as he doesn’t charm his way into my pants again” she added with an eye roll. “I was jumping from a friends universe and ended up in the wrong one. I don’t suppose you have a Spider-Man or anything like that here, do you?”

Jasmine shook her head.

“Figures. I’ll just have to try and fix it on my own” she grumbled, fiddling with her bangle.

Jasmine tilted her head curiously. Rajah had stopped growling, looking just as perplexed as she did. She was a strange one. “So you’re saying you came from a…another land?” She asked.

Gwen looked back awkwardly. “Uh…yeah, I guess so. I was going somewhere else and landed here by mistake. Sorry, I should just go” she said, hopping onto the balcony. She stood over the steep drop and looked back at her. “I’ll get out of your room and let you go about your business. Sorry again” she said, stepping off and falling to her death.

“Wait!” Jasmine shouted, darting onto her balcony racing to look over the edge. She was instantly met with the face of the blonde haired girl again. “How..? How are you doing that?” She gasped, witnessing her standing sideways on her balcony.

Gwen looked at her hands and feet, shrugging. “It’s a Spiderwoman thing. We stick to things” she said.

Jasmine stared at her in awe. She had never met someone like her. She looked over her shoulder at Rajah, who titled his head back at her. “If I don’t tell my father, will you tell me about this land you come from?” She asked.

Gwen lifted and eyebrow thoughtfully. She looked down at the dark city below. Not like she had many other places to be. “I guess I could spare a few minutes” she said.


Princess Jasmine explained exactly where Gwen had found herself temporarily stranded, deep in the middle of the Arabian desert somewhere in the past. Which meant she wasn’t Lilly to find anyone in the whole city, or beyond, who could help repair her watch. The princess had a lot of jewelry lying around though, some of the pins from which Gwen was able to make use of to try and reset the device while they hung out in her bedchamber. The spider-woman sat on the edge of her bed fiddling with the watch, trying not to break it as she fixed the glitchy computer system.

In return for the limited help, and not reporting her intrusion to the guards, Gwen told Jasmine stories about the world she came from. Jasmine sat on the bed hanging on her every word, fascinated by the tales of the city of New York and the freedoms it’s people shared. She couldn’t believe some of the things Gwen told her, especially how women like her could have the same rights and duties as men in her world. Gwen could go to school, play music, speak out against injustice, and of course chose who she wanted to marry. She was also intrigued by the magical powers the girl had, and upon hearing there are others like her. “Your world sounds incredible” Jasmine marveled.

“It’s okay, but not perfect” Gwen shrugged. She’d seen a lot of universes, some worse than others. Each had their own quirks. She looked around the palace she was in and smirked. “Your life here seems pretty amazing too.”

Jasmine scoffed. “Oh sure. Never being allowed to leave the palace grounds, not having any friends, surrounded by guards day and night and not having any say in how to live my life. I’m living the dream” she said sarcastically.

Gwen chuckled. “Yeah, having a Police Captain as my father hasn’t made my life much easier” she said sympathetically. She turned to look at the miserable princess and asked her “is your dad really going to force you to marry a prince on your birthday?”

“If I’m not, I’m breaking our own law” she grumbled.

“Still, must be nice having a lot of princes pawning over you” she smirked.

She rolled her eyes in disgust. “Most of them are arrogant, precocious, old and idiotic” she said, shuffling up to sit beside the girl. Rajah laid down behind her bed and she stroked behind his ears. “The truth is I don’t want to marry a prince. But I didn’t chose to be a princess, so I’m trapped.”

“So you have no say in who you can marry?”

Jasmine shook her head.

“That sucks” Gwen said. She never thought to be thankful about the things she took for granted back in her universe. Small things, like the power to vote. “You’d think being a princess would give you that much, at least.”

“Being a princess sucks” Jasmine agreed. She looked at her new companion with envy. “Your life sounds much more exciting.”

“Ha” Gwen laughed. “I wouldn’t go around getting bitten by spiders if I were you. Being a superhero isn’t all it’s cracked up to be” she warned. “Sure I’ve got the powers, and I can travel between universes now, but I had to sacrifice a lot to get them. Lose a few friends along the way.”

“I don’t really have any friends to lose” she pouted. “Accept Rajah” she corrected when her tiger poked his head up.

“None at all?” Gwen asked, finding that hard to believe. She shook her head in response. “You’ve never made a single friend? Not even met a boy?”

Jasmines cheeks suddenly turned a shade of rose. “Well…there was one guy…” she said bashfully.

Gwen’s eyes lit up. “Okay, now we’re talking!” She grinned, shuffling closer to listen.

“We met outside the walls” Jasmine explained guiltily. “I snuck out after a row with my father. I was running away. I didn’t see any other choice. I didn’t realize how unprepared I was until I was out there. But then this boy and his monkey helped me. He was sweet. They both were.”

“So what happened?” Gwen asked excitedly.

Jasmine’s face fell into her hands as tears welled up. “He was arrested and put to death” she said. “The guards thought he had kidnapped me. I tried to explain, but it was too late. It’s all my fault.”

Gwen saw the pain in her words and her expression softened. “I’m sorry” she said sympathetically, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I know a thing or two about what you’re feeling” she said quietly. Jasmine looked up at the blonde, her somber expression convincing her she too was responsible for a friends death. They both shared a sad look and their hands came together, squeezing each other for comfort. “What was his name?”

Jasmine turned away blushing. “I never got his name” she confessed.

Gwen couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, I get it. Yeah, I’ve had a few of those” she said. “One night stands are very awkward. But we girls have needs, right?”

“One night what?” She asked, unfamiliar with the expression. She read the suggestive look on the blonde’s expression and her eyes widened. “What? No! No, no, it was nothing like that!” She explained.

“So you two didn’t touch naughty bits?”

“Allah, no! That’s not permitted until after I’m married!”

“It is?” Gwen shouldn’t have been shocked, but then she failed history. Poor princess she thought. “So you’ve never had sex? Ever?” She asked in disbelief.

Jasmine shook her head. Then she narrowed her eyes. “Wait…you have?”

“Well, yeah…” Gwen shrugged, looking down bashfully, trying not to brag or sound like a whore. “I might’ve hooked up once or twice with a boy…or two.”

“But you’re not married? Or betrothed to another?”

“God no. I’m too young for all that” Gwen laughed. “Where I’m from, we’re allowed to pick and chose who we spend time with. And if we want to fuck or make out or fool around, no strings attached, that’s fine too.”

Jasmine stared at the audacity of her language. “Allah forgive us” she muttered, stifling a giggle. “Are all girls from your land so vulgar?”

“Well we can’t all be princesses, your majesty” Gwen smirked. She leaned in mischievously and asked her “so you’ve never fooled around with your handmaidens or anything? Or the guards?”

Jasmine paled and shook her head. “Absolutely not!” She replied sternly. “My father would disown me if I even thought such…improper things about my handmaidens. And as for the guards…”

she physically shuddered, which gave Gwen all the explanation she needed. “So no fooling around, at all? Huff, no wonder you’re so stressed. It’s all that pent up sexual frustration. You need one good fuck. I better your nameless stranger would’ve been happy to pop your cherry.”

Jasmine shook her head in disbelief. If anyone had heard the words spoken by this girl, she would’ve been beheaded. But Jasmine couldn’t help but snicker, a very improper noise coming from her mouth. Allah, forgive me, but this girl has no shame. She stared at this strange girl and smiled. She envied her more than she ever thought possible. “So…” she asked, nervous about asking this next question. “When you speak of my handmaidens…have you ever…?

“Had sex with a girl?” Gwen asked. She saw the princess turn red and smirked. “I might’ve fooled around with a few” she confessed. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m one hundred percent straight. Only attracted to boys. But I can appreciate an attractive woman, and I like to experiment every now and again.”

“You do?” She asked in surprise.

Gwen nodded. You can thank Mary Jane for that she thought to herself. “Why so curious? Are you attracted to girls, Princess?” She asked cheekily.

Jasmine looked away and tugged on her silk dress, biting her lip. “No” she said. But after an awkward minute she admitted “only once. It was a year ago. My handmaidens were bathing me. One of their hands brushed between my legs and I felt this…I felt something in my belly. Our eyes met and we looked away immediately. She excused herself and left the room. I was glad. I wasn’t sure what had happened. I couldn’t seem to meet her gaze after that day.”

“Oh” Gwen smirked, tilting her head mischievously. “Your first girl crush. What happened to this maiden?”

“She was given away by my father, a parting gift for another prince I rejected” she said shamefully. “I felt bad, but I thought it was better I wasn’t…”

“Tempted?” Gwen finished. Jasmine looked away ashamed. “Are you attracted to boys?” She asked. Jasmine flashed her a look. “Just checking” Gwen laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with being curious. You might not be gay. But having a gay experience doesn’t make you any less improper.”

“If I was caught consorting with another woman, the shame of it would ruin my father” she protested.

Gwen nodded, understanding her predicament. But the playful minx in her couldn’t help but add “only if he finds out.”

Jasmine looked at her. “What are you saying?”

“I’m not saying anything. I’m offering my services” she said. “It sounds to me like you need someone to teach you a few things, and let you come out of your shell for a night. And since I can’t go home yet, I’m available to teach you.”

“You mean…about sex?” Jasmine stared at her in shock. She couldn’t be serious. “I can’t…”

“Your father doesn’t have to know. Jesus, you’re already hiding me in your bedroom” she reminded her. “What’s one sleepover? But if you don’t want to, that’s fine. It’s completely up to you.”

Jasmine looked at the young woman in bewilderment. She was making her an offer she couldn’t possibly accept. It was shameful, illegal, unholy…and yet it made Jasmine’s heart skip a beat and her belly quiver at the thought. Her eyes scanned her athletic figure carefully. She was very attractive. But did she dare? In her fathers palace?

The bangle on Gwen’s wrist suddenly made a noise, startling the Princess. Gwen leapt to her feet and stared at it. “Yes! Finally!” She cheered, tapping the glowing bracelet casting a light. Jasmine stared at her as her face glowed orange, the girl focused intently on her jewelry. After a moment she turned back to the princess smiling. “Good news, it’s working.”

She blinked, snapping out of her daze. “Does that mean you can go home?” She asked.

Gwen nodded. “I guess my tinkering fixed it.”

Jasmine’s heart sank suddenly. So soon? Her eyes fell as disappointment fell over her face. She was just starting to enjoy herself. She felt like she finally had a friend.

Gwen looked back and saw the somber expression on her face. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I…please don’t go. Not yet” she begged selfishly. She clutched the bedsheets tightly as she stared pleadingly to the woman. “Couldn’t you stay, just for a little while?”

Gwen looked at her, then back at her bracelet. After a moment of thought she tapped it and the metal stopped glowing. “Now that it’s fixed, I suppose I could go home tomorrow” she smiled, retaking her seat on the bed beside her.

Jasmine grinned, feeling so happy she leapt forward and wrapped her arms around her new friend. Gwen laughed as she hugged her. But then she gasped as Jasmine impulsively kissed her on the lips. Her eyes widened and she pulled back instantly. “I’m sorry! I don’t know what…I don’t know why…” she stammered, horrified.

Gwen caught her hands and smiled. “It’s okay. That was nice” she said calmly, shushing her stammering. “Was that your first kiss?” She asked her.

Jasmine blushed and nodded. She couldn’t believe she had done that. She was overcome with such happiness she wasn’t thinking. “I shouldn’t have done that” she whispered.

“It’s okay. I won’t tell” she whispered. She reached up and lifted her chin with her finger, so their eyes could look at each other. “If you want to kiss me again, that’s up to you” she added.

Jasmine knew she shouldn’t. She couldn’t. The scandal would ruin her father. But the more she admired this confident blonde woman, the more she wanted to kiss her again. Those thoughts she buried when her handmaiden left returned, the same curiosity aching in her belly. She leant in towards the patient superhero slowly, parting her lips. She closed her eyes and felt her breath on her mouth as they came closer. Gwen didn’t rush her as she waited for their lips to connect, the princess kissing her nervously. It was only a peck, but it brought Jasmine out in hives and caused her to blush.

“Are you okay?” Gwen asked her.

She shook her head. What she was doing was shameful. Allah should curse her for acting like this.

“Do you want to stop?” She asked.

To her shock and horror, she shook her head no.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” She asked.

Jasmine couldn’t meet her gaze as she gave a tiny nod.

She trembled as Gwen’s hand brushed her cheek, her eyes closing inhaling a shaky breath. “Try to relax” Gwen suggested, her voice barely a whisper yet it echoed loudly in her ears above her rapid heartbeat. Jasmine felt her lips connect with hers and she tensed, but Gwen held them and stroked her cheek softly until she relaxed her shoulders. Her mouth parted and the kiss deepened, the feeling in her belly growing as the kiss lasted longer than any kiss Jasmine had had before. Her breath came out in a sigh as she leaned into it, falling into motions she wasn’t aware of, guided by the superhero subconsciously. After a while her mouth opened wider and she felt a tongue brush her lips seeking entry. She gasped as it found hers and their kiss become something powerful, lusty, immoral…

I shouldn’t be doing this she thought. But she didn’t want it to end, ever.

A soft growl from Rajah broke the spell and their lips parted. Jasmine gasped for air, unsure how long they had been sat there. Gwen was looking at her smiling, casting a nervous look at her tiger. “He’s not going to pounce me, is he?”

“Only if you try to hurt me” Jasmine muttered, staring at her lips. She could still feel them lingering on hers, their taste on her tongue. She licked her lips and whimpered, already missing them.

“Well?” Gwen asked, and Jasmine blinked not hearing the question. “Was that okay?”

“It was amazing” she breathed, resisting the urge to pounce on Gwen herself. “I want more” she pinned.

Gwen chuckled, brushing her hair behind her ear. “I’m open to do whatever you want” she said. “If you want to kiss me, or touch me, or if you want me to teach you how to fuck me, tonight it’s up to you.”

Jasmine gazed at the hot young woman propositioning herself to her. This time she considered it, very much considered it. Now that she had a taste, she was eager to see what else she could offer. A worried glance over her shoulder indicated she was still terrified about being caught. Rajah purred and brushed against her hand. She bit her bottom lip and petted him. “Rajah, could you watch the door for me?” She asked him.

He made an affirmative growl and stalked over to the entrance to her room, guarding it for her privacy.

Gwen exhaled. “Thanks. I wasn’t sure if he still thought I was dangerous. And it was a little weird having him watch us make out.”

“He won’t hurt you” she promised, turning back to Gwen excitedly. “But if anyone catches us…”

“they won’t” she promised. She was confident her spider-sense would alert her to any disturbance. It hasn’t let her down yet. “So, your highness, what do you want to do?” She asked.

Jasmine answered by grabbing her face and smashing her mouth back onto hers. Gwen blinked in surprise at the desperation behind the kiss, and then smiled as she returned it feverishly. It seemed Jasmine wanted to release some of that frustration she had pent up all these years, and could pounce just as effectively as her tiger.

The two kissed passionately on the end of the bed for many minutes, Jasmine attempting to mimic what Gwen had done with her. Her technique was clumsy and innocent, but that was something she could learn in time. Gwen let her stumble through it for a while before gently coaxing control back, delivering a sensual session for the girl. Her hands fell onto her waist and she felt her bare skin break into goosebumps. Jasmine broke the kiss gasping. “I don’t know…” she whispered.

“It’s okay. Nobody will know” Gwen promised her.

The princess caught her breath and shook her head. “No. I don’t know what comes next.”

Gwen smiled. “Whatever you want” she said, pecking her lips. “There no rush, no right or wrong way, so long as you’re comfortable. We can talk. We can cuddle. We can get naked” she said.

Jasmine paled at the last suggestion, looking down and instinctively covering herself. “I…I’m not ready for that” she said embarrassed.

“That’s okay” Gwen said, taking her hands instead. “Would you like me to take my clothes off?” She asked.

Jasmine stared at her, her eyes glancing down her attractive figure. “Are you sure?” She squeaked. She wouldn’t have dreamed of asking that of her.

Gwen smirked and rose to her feet by the bed, standing in front of the princess. “It would be my pleasure” she said, unhooking her watch and web-shooters and placing them on a dressing table nearby. She slipped off her shoes and then pulled the top of her costume over her head, dropping it to the ground after giving her short hair a quick swish. Then she pulled her bottom half off and kicked it with the rest of her costume.

Jasmine stared in stunned silence as the girls brazen behavior, and her stunning figure as she bore herself to her. She still wore two items of clothing the princess had never seen before, each covering her modesty. But the rest of her pale skin was on display and made her belly quiver. “Oh Allah” she whispered.

“The names Gwen” she reminded her, flashing a playful smile. She enjoyed the look of wonder on the woman’s face as she gawked at her half naked body. “You have my permission to touch me” she said, breaking the ice.

“Huh?” Jasmine gulped.

She stepped forward, presenting herself to her. She removed her bra to sweeten the pot. “Touch me however you’d like” she said, revealing her perky young breasts as she dropped her bra with a flourish.

Jasmine was mesmerized by her small breasts as they sat in front of her invitingly. Something between her legs got moist and she closed them. Gwen was beautiful, but it wasn’t her body Jasmine found intoxicating. It was her confidence. Jasmine would never be brave enough to stand like this in front of anyone. She was shy around her handmaidens. Gwen was also patient, waiting for the princess to bravely reach out and put her hands on the girls hips nervously. Her fingers felt soft against her flesh, her touch gingerly moving further up as she was drawn to her chest. Gwen purred as Jasmine found her way to caress the soft mounds of her boobs, closing her eyes as she let her play with them however she chose.

It took her a little while to find the courage to properly place her palms over them, marveling at how they felt and how stiff her nipples could get. She examined them carefully as they hardened under her fingertips. Gwen moaned when she took one between her finger and thumb and pinched it. “Kiss it” the girl whispered. Jasmine’s eyes widened as she looked up, watching her nod to her nipple. She bit her lip and nervously leaned in and pecked it with her lips. Gwen let out a soft gasp. “More.”

Jasmine had never thought of doing anything like this. But kissing another woman thrilled her. And kissing her nipples excited her. At Gwen’s gentle guidance, she was soon licking and sip king on her stiff nipples and massaging her breasts, taking each breast in turn and giving it equal attention. It didn’t do much for Jasmine, but she got very wet from watching how it affected the young blonde. She was moaning softly now, her fingers clenching by her sides. Her knees rubbed together and Jasmine glanced down and saw something dripping down the inside of her thigh. She wondered if it was the same thing she felt soaking between her legs.

She lost track of time again, losing herself in Gwen’s delicate boobs. Things got even hotter when Gwen took her hands and guided them to her bum, encouraging her to play with it too. She did have a nice bum, which felt firm in her grasp when she squeezed it. Gwen moaned and her arms fell to Jasmine’s shoulders. She looked up as her hands stroked her hair gently, their eyes meeting sharing great affection. She tilted her head back as Gwen leaned down to capture her lips again, the hungry kiss driving the princess onto her back with the half naked girl on top of her. Her body rubbed against her as they kissed and Jasmine felt something burn inside her loins aching for attention. Gwen’s hands brushed against her bust and she felt her own nipples harden in response, and grow so sensitive she let out an “eep!”

Gwen pushed herself up and looked down at the blushing princess, her eyes raking over her torso. Jasmine shivered, feeling like Gwen had Rajah’s hungry stare and was sizing her up for her next meal. The girl smirked and pecked her lips. Then her cheek. Then her jaw, then her neck, then her collar. Jasmine moaned and felt anticipation grown the lower she dropped. She kissed her shoulder and then lifted her eyes to gaze at her again. “Can I see yours?” She asked politely, a fingertip grazing the top of her dress, hovering just over her breast.

Jasmine hesitated as she looked down at herself. She had never shown her body to anyone outside of these palace walls. She looked at Gwen, a complete stranger to her, and became anxious. The girl didn’t pressure her, but her eyes held an expectant twinkle. She had shown hers. Turnabout was fair play. She nervously reached up and fiddled with the top half of her outfit before slowly pulling it down. Her olive toned breasts spilled out of the blue silk and perked up to meet the blonde woman. Gwen stared at them and Jasmine trembled under her attentive gaze. She compared herself to the white skinned girl. Hers were a size bigger, but she didn’t think she was any more attractive. “They aren’t much” the princess murmured.

“They are gorgeous” Gwen marveled, gently running her fingers over her perfect skin. Jasmine felt her cheeks warm up as she allowed the girl to touch her. She squeaked when her fingers tweaked her nipples, her fingertips sticking to them experimentally. Jasmine suddenly remember this woman could stick to walls, and wondered what else she could stick to. She gasped when Gwen leaned down and kissed her boobs softly, swirling her tongue around them playfully. “Does that feel good?” She asked.

“Mm-hm” she nodded, unable to put into words how good it felt. Her body got warm the more Gwen played with her, in a way she never thought possible. She was beginning to tingle, goosebumps all over her body. She ran her fingers thought her hair, feeling like she wanted to pull it out. This strange girl was driving her to madness with just a few kisses. Then she moved to her belly and the princess squirmed letting out a whimper.

Gwen noticed her reaction and focused on her belly button for a moment, licking and stroking her soft flesh above her navel. Jasmine was on the verge of giggles. It appeared she was quite ticklish. Good to know she smirked. “Do you want me to keep going?” She asked.

“Going where?” Jasmine shivered.

Gwen brought her hand down and gently caressed the inside of her thigh, brushing her hand up her silk leggings towards her groin where her loins ached. Jasmine gasped when the back of her hand touched down there, a bolt of sensation shooting up her spine. Her knees snapped shut in a flash. Whatever awaited down there, she wasn’t ready to face it yet.

Gwen chuckled at the terrified innocence on the princess’s face. She reached forward and cupped her cheek, pulling her in for a delicate kiss. “The first time is always scary” she told her. “I could show you what to do, if you’d like?”

“Do what?” She asked.

“Fuck a woman” she replied.

Jasmine paled but didn’t recoil, or protest. She had already done more than enough to bring shame on herself and her family. There was no point in stopping now. She nodded meekly.

Gwen crawled up the bed and positioned herself against the array of pillows, propping herself up. Jasmine followed and watched as she removed the final article of clothing from her body, her underwear, discarding them onto the floor. Gwen shamelessly opened her thighs and presented herself to the princess, revealing her puffy pink pussy to the stunned young woman. “Have you ever seen a pussy up close before?” Gwen asked curiously.

Jasmine shook her head. The only one of these she had ever seen was her own in the mirror. She gazed at it curiously, hesitantly crawling forward when the blonde girl beckoned her with a finger. She knelt in front of this woman, briefly forgetting she was a princess and was meant to be in the position of power and dominance. The change in dynamic was new to her, and it excited her more than she expected. She looked up at her guest nervously. “What do I do?”

“That’s up to you” Gwen said, running her fingers though her folds opening herself up for her to admire. She got a flutter of arousal seeing the look on the poor innocent princess’s face. She was having way to much fun corrupting her. She used her fingertips to guide her eyes along her sex, talking her through it like a school teacher. “See how wet I am? That’s how aroused being with you has made me. The more aroused I get, the more sensitive all this becomes, and the better the sex is. This spot here, that’s my clit. I like to rub it when I’m masturbating. But I love it more when other people touch it, or lick it and kiss it. Give it a try” she suggested playfully.

Jasmine gulped and reached out to stroke the spot Gwen pointed her too. She felt a naughty sensation creep up her arm as she did so, like she was touching something forbidden. Gwen sighed softly, her legs falling open wider. She encouraged her with a nod and Jasmine leaned down and kissed it with her lips before licking it twice.

“Yes, that’s it” Gwen moaned, biting her bottom lip. “Keep doing that.”

Jasmine alternated between rubbing and licking her clit, clumsily making out with it feeling like a fool. But she found the look on Gwen’s face as she pleased her intoxicating. Suddenly all she wanted to do was serve her however she asked. So when she gave her new instructions, she followed them without question.

“Run your fingers through the soft flesh underneath…that’s right. You’ll find an opening, it’s easy to spot. I want you to take your fingers and slide them in…both of them…ah, perfect. Yes, right there.” Gwen moaned as Jasmine slid her fingers inside of her, melting into the pillows running her fingers through her blonde hair. “Good princess. Keep licking my clit” she said, her eyes closing as her expression took on a look of transport.

Jasmine was hypnotized by watching her face as she fingered the girl, her mouth moving on its own to pleasure the woman in front of her. Gwen continued to give out sporadic instructions and advice between moans, which Jasmine eagerly followed, and soon the princess was watching the heroine lose herself to the pleasure she was bringing her.

Her legs twitched and Jasmine pulled part a little fearing they might slam shut around her face and suffocate her. “Fuck! Don’t stop!” Gwen screamed, her back arching against the pillows, her hand shooting forward to tug Jasmine by the hair back to her pussy. She almost ripped the headpiece from her head as her fingers curled tight into her raven locks. Jasmine found her mouth shoved into the dripping pussy and obediently licked at it along with her fingers, her heart racing as her body got more aroused at the dominance over her. Gwen screamed again and released a powerful climax that gushed fluid all over Jasmine’s hand. Her hips shook for a long moment before she collapsed into the pile of pillows panting.

Jasmine pulled away from her and stared at the heaving woman, shocked that she had brought her to such a state of exhaustion. Her fingers slipped out of her pulsing cunt and glistened with cum. She didn’t know what to do now. She gingerly crawled up and looked down at Gwen, who was blinking warily coming down from her post-orgasm high. “Um…are you okay?” Jasmine asked sheepishly. “I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?”

Gwen suddenly shot up from the bed and grabbed the Princess, slamming her lips against hers in a passionate kiss. Jasmine gasped and froze in shock as Gwen wrapped her arms and legs around her, kissing her madly pinning her arms to her sides.

Gwen made out with her wildly until she came to her senses, pulling away letting them both catch their breath. “Sorry” Gwen blushed in embarrassment. “That was awesome. I…it had been a little while. I really needed that. Thank you” she said, pecking Jasmine on the lips. The princess blushed under the praise, butterflies in her belly as her shoulders came up bashfully. Gwen looked down and saw her hand still covered in cum. She took her wrist gently and brought her hand up to her face, playfully pressing her soaking fingers against and under her nose. “There, now you’ll smell me until tomorrow night” she smirked.

Jasmine inhaled and got a strong whiff of Gwen’s sweet scent, the flavor bringing a smile to her face. She then watched as Gwen leaned forward and wrapped her lips around her pinkie finger, sucking the cum from her hand. It looked really hot. Gwen’s eyes flashed encouragingly, so Jasmine licked her lips and sucked one of her fingers clean. She tasted Gwen on her hand and she hummed in enjoyment. They both shared her remaining fingers, licking them clean until their tongues met in the middle, leading to a deep and sensual kiss between them. Their bodies pressed together and Jasmine could feel their nipples rubbing together excitedly.

They made out for several minutes until Gwen, looked at the Princess expectantly. “I want to return the favor” she said.

Jasmine blinked and followed her gaze as it glanced down at her lap. Her own pussy ached, craving attention, but she continued to hesitate nervously. “I don’t know…” she squeaked fearfully. “What if I’m not ready?”

“Do you trust me?” Gwen asked.

Jasmine froze. The last time she heard those words they came from a man she’d just met. A man she came to admire, and care for. A man she lost. She looked into Gwen’s eyes, just like she had done that day in the market, and gave the same answer. “Yes” she breathed.

Gwen rose up, gently guiding Jasmine around so she was where she once sat. Her hand pressed against her chest and coaxed her onto her back against the pillows. Jasmine laid back and silently watched as Gwen crawled over her and kissed her body, worshiping her from her breasts to her belly button. Then she knelt forward and carefully toyed with her legs, seeking the means to unwrap and remove her silk leggings. Jasmine shivered as her bare skin was exposed, her virgin womanhood uncovered for her guest. Her arms slipped out of her top piece and it followed suit, leaving her virtually naked save for her jewelry around her neck, wrists, lobes and ankle. Gwen left them be, the gold and metal making the olive skinned woman look like an exotic bloom waiting to be deflowered. She ran her hands over her naked body, enjoying how smooth and soft she felt to touch. She took hold of her knees and coaxed them open slowly, opening up her legs do she could crawl between them and seek out her most intimate treasure.

“What do I do?” Jasmine asked quietly as she watched Gwen lie down on her stomach with her head positioned in front of her glistening womanhood. She felt very exposed and anxious. When Gwen brushed her thighs with her fingers she trembled.

“Just relax” Gwen advised, gazing up at her warmly before gently kissing along her navel, moving up and down the inside of her thighs. “Sit back and let me please you, your majesty” she whispered, leaning down to claim her virginity with her tongue.

Jasmine had experienced many things in her life that brought her pleasure, from chocolates to warm baths, but none of them held a candle to what the Spiderwoman did to her that night. The moment her tongue made contact with her body she gasped, the ache that had been craving attention suddenly exploding into joy. She watched in curious fascination as Gwen introduced her to oral sex, performing the same thing she had been instructed earlier but doing it far better. She moaned as Gwen licked her clit and then moved lower to suck on her dark lips, opening up her pussy to explore with her tongue. Jasmine’s head rolled back as her body ached in spontaneous response, lightning bolts of pleasure shooting up her spine and down to her fingertips as they curled into the silk sheets. She felt the girls hands cradle her thighs as her legs twitched, her knees shaking as she ate her out sensually. Jasmine’s gasps became moans and soon she was panting and pulling at her own hair. She looked down and saw Gwen’s eyes fixed on her as she reached up and played her breast, her fingers sticking to her nipple. The other rubbed her belly before looping around her hip and playing with her clit.

After that Jasmine had to close her eyes, losing herself in the sensations Gwen racked her with. Her heart raced and her breath came out in heaving motions. Butterflies fluttered wildly in her stomach each time her tongue or hands toyed with her. Jasmine couldn’t breathe, could speak, couldn’t think. Her mind melted until all that existed was pure blissful, shameful pleasure. Her father would kill her if she saw her like this, behead Gwen if he caught her, disown her and throw her into the streets for her crime. She didn’t care. She didn’t want this to end. She had never felt joy like this. Never felt pleasure like this. She felt giddy and scared and excited and small and happy.

She felt free!

Gwen watched the Princess spiral into a madness that she had never experienced before. Her body convulsed with every breath that got caught in her throat until she was practically holding it. “Don’t fight it” Gwen said, bringing her fingers up and inserting two of them into her tight virgin entrance. “Don’t hold it in. Let it go. Let go princess.”

The final part of Jasmine’s mind that was keeping her quiet, for fear of being caught or seen or found out, broke the moment Gwen curled her fingers and found a special spot deep in her body which her fingers stuck to. Suddenly everything Jasmine was feeling magnified by a thousand and she couldn’t stop herself. Her mouth fell open and she screamed, a pure, animalistic, primal, cathartic bellow of suppressed emotion unleashed as she clenched around Gwen’s fingers and gushed like a fountain. Her vision when white as her eyes rolled into the back of her skull, her spine arching off the bed, her fingers and toes curling up into fists. Somewhere she heard Rajah roar, as if trying to cover her wails as they echoed through the palace. There was no hiding this moment as she soared into the stratosphere and came crashing back into the bed breathless and gasping.

The climax lingered with her for a long while, several minutes in fact. Jasmine stared at the ceiling as her chest rose and fell, her body feeling limp and alive. Everything tingled, especially her pussy. She shivered as Gwen extracted her fingers, leaving her feeling empty and hollow. She felt a breath against her clit and whimpered, the nub so sensitive she might cum from a stray gust of wind. She was vaguely aware of her surroundings as feeling came back to her slowly, her thrumming heartbeat in her ears dying down until she could hear Gwen whispering to her. “Wha?” She muttered deliriously.

Gwen giggled as she crawled up next to her and propped herself on her elbow, leaning over Jasmine’s flushed face and kissing her cheek. “I said, are you okay?” She repeated patiently.

Jasmine slowly moved her mouth and swallowed a gulp, finally blinking her eyes as the shock wore off. “I…I…holy fuck” she whispered.

Gwen smirked. I believe that’s the first time I’ve heard the Princess swear she thought. “Congratulations. You just had your first real orgasm” she said proudly.

Jasmine stifled a laugh as she felt Gwen’s hand rub her belly slowly. She couldn’t put into words what that felt like. It was as if everything was buzzing, alive, and she was flying. She felt free, true to herself, if only for a brief moment. “That was amazing” she muttered.

“Yeah, it looked like it” she agreed. “The first one always blows you mind. It took me several hours to snap out of the daze my first time left me in. If you need a minute, that’s okay. I’m happy to lie here and we can fall asleep together.”

The last thing Jasmine wanted to do was fall asleep. She wasn’t tired, she was wide awake. She snapped up and grabbed Gwen by the face and pulled her into a powerful kiss that took Gwen by surprise. She yanked her onto the bed and made out with her passionately, seeking something she never realized she had been missing. “I want to feel that again” she said, panting between kisses, locking two desperate eyes on her new best friend.

Gwen smirked and returned the kiss, the two of them getting lost in each others naked bodies. If the princess was up for more, she would be happy to introduce her to a whole new world.


The next morning was the first time Jasmine felt like she had slept so peacefully. She was so comfortable in her bed she didn’t want to open her eyes. But as the sun warmed her face through the open window she stirred in her sleep until she awoke, blinking away the dream that raced from her mind.

She sat up in her bed rubbing her eyes, yawning, the covers falling around her waist revealing her naked body. Her hair was a mess, the head band shoved under her pillow which she fished out once she felt it with her hand. Her jewelry still hung around her, glistening in the golden light of the morning sun. Rajah was curled up on the floor by her bed, purring softly. She massaged the back of her neck as she stretched. She handed felt so relaxed in ages.

The cause of her good mood rolled over in bed behind her, rising up to greet her with a neck massage and a kiss behind her ear. “Good morning” Gwen purred.

Jasmine smiled broadly, reclining against her naked body as before turning back to kiss her lover. Gwen wrapped her arms around her waist and peppered her neck and shoulder with kisses while Jasmine stared out into the blue sky. “We really shouldn’t have done that” she muttered guiltily. “My father would be so disappointed in me.”

“And you saying last night was a mistake?” Gwen asked. “That you regret it?”

“Yes, and no” Jasmine sighed. Last night had been a huge mistake, and later she will surely regret it. But right now, she couldn’t bring herself to deny how incredible last night was for her. She basked in the warmth of the sun and the presence holding her from behind, closing her eyes releasing a long exhale. “I hate this part. As soon as I get up, I have to go back to my life. Be a princess. Obey the law.”

Gwen rested her chin on her shoulder for a moment, pondering the conundrum. “Then perhaps you should come back to bed and sleep in” she suggested, squeezing her tighter.

Jasmine giggled and turned around. It wasn’t much of a solution, but she liked the idea very much. She embraced the young woman and kissed her passionately, falling back under the covers to escape back into the world they made together.

Last night had been an eye opening experience for the Princess. Gwen taught her everything she could about sex in one night, guiding her through different positions and techniques for as long as Jasmine could keep up. And the young Princess found the energy to go all night, experiencing orgasm after mind blowing orgasm at every turn. She learnt how to finger Gwen’s pussy, eat her out in a sixty nine, scissor between her legs and also masturbate by herself. Gwen also used her webbing to create some toys, what she called dildos, and walked Jasmine through how it would feel if a guy was to put his penis inside of her. Jasmine was blown away when Gwen webbed this fake cock to herself and fucked her like a guy would, allowing her to try even more positions; such as on her back, her side, on all fours and on top (which was her favorite, letting her set the pace and play with Gwen’s body at her leisure). Gwen also told her about other things Jasmine could do with a boy, such as blowjobs and anal, but by then both of them were getting tired and ended up falling asleep in each others arms.

Jasmine made out with Gwen for the next hour on the morning, exploring her body with her hands as their legs rubbed together. Neither felt the need to have sex any further. Jasmine was content to kiss and touch her. She wanted to memorize as much as she could of Gwen’s body, knowing she couldn’t hold onto her forever. “You have to go soon” she said glumly.

Gwen nodded sadly, stroking Jasmine’s cheek. She couldn’t stay here forever. She had to get home. “Are you going to be alright?” She asked the Princess.

Jasmine nodded hesitantly. She couldn’t deny her destiny forever. “I’m going to miss you” she said. “You’re the only friend I’ve got.”

A growl from the floor corrected her.

“Okay, second friend” she laughed.

They stayed in bed as long as they could. Eventually Jasmine forced herself to get up and dressed. If she didn’t show herself soon, her father would send guards to find her, or come check on her himself. She couldn’t allow anyone to walk in and catch her in bed with another woman. Gwen pulled her costume back on while Jasmine pulled on her clothes and brushed her hair, fixing herself up to look as perfect as she was expected.

As she sat at her dressing table she watched Gwen through the reflection as she tied the laces on her shoes. She smiled as Rajah padded over to her and allowed the nervous blonde to pet him. “He likes you” she explained.

“More like he knows you like me” Gwen smirked.

Jasmine blushed.

Gwen picked up her watch and tapped the screen, making sure it still worked. Jasmine stood up and walked over to join her, standing in front of her trying not to be upset. They only met last night, but now it feels like she was losing a close friend. Gwen smiled and took her hands gently. “You know I could come back and visit” she offered.

Jasmine shook her head. “I don’t want that kind of hope haunting me” she said. Gwen had explained her life was chaotic and dangerous. The chance of her finding time to visit a random girl she hooked up with would be difficult enough in her own land. “I need to focus on my own life. And you must return to yours."

As if on cue, fireworks exploded in the distance over the city. The two girls looked out and stepped up to the balcony to watch an extravagant parade enter the city streets, marching towards the palace. “What is that?” Gwen asked in wonder as she spied dancers and jugglers and a giant elephant.

“Another suitor hoping to win my hand in marriage” Jasmine sighed, rolling her eyes. Pompous, arrogant Neanderthalsshe thought, turning away from the exorbitant display.

Gwen walked over and put her arms around her again. Jasmine clung to them, wishing she didn’t have to let go. “You never know. This Prince might not be a jerk” she said supportively.

“I doubt it” she scoffed. She appreciated her trying to cheer her up though. She met her gaze and held her face one last time, kissing her on the lips. “What I wouldn’t give to live in your world” she whispered.

Gwen cocked her head and gave her a cunning smile. “That is an option” she remarked, tapping her watch. A twisting portal similar to the light that brought her here expanded next to the two of them, the light filling her bedchambers stretching into another world. Jasmine looked at the glowing lights in awe as the colors danced across her face. She looked at Gwen who stepped towards the portal, turning back and offering her hand. “If it’s a new life you want, you could come with me. I can’t promise it’ll be easy, but it’ll be an adventure.”

Jasmine stared at the portal, excitement tugging at her chest as she looked at the hand offered to her. A whole new world for her to experience, if she was brave enough to take the leap. Rajah came to her side, brushing against her leg as she stood there. She patted his head, looking between Gwen and the balcony, her old life and the new possibilities.

After a long moment of indecision, she stepped away from the portal. “I can’t. I can’t leave my father” she said.

Gwen smiled, lowering her hand. “That’s okay. I’d have done the same” she said, understanding completely. Blowing one last kiss she turned towards the portal. “Goodbye princess” she said over her shoulder.

“Goodbye, Spider-woman” Jasmine waved, watching the girl vanish in a flash of light, leaving her alone with Rajah in her bedroom.

Rajah brushed her hand with his head, comforting her as she wiped a tear from her cheek. The parade had reached the palace and she she once again felt her destiny calling. She cast one last look at the bed, the memories of her night with Gwen bringing her a comforting joy that she would look back on for the rest of her life, even if she could never share it with anyone. Lifting her head high, she resolved to step back into her world and meet the latest Prince she would undoubtably kick back to the curb.


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