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The Smutacular Spider-Gwen: Hanging Loose (The Last of Us)

Ellie hung upside down from the tree, the snare bound around her ankle firmly. She cursed at herself for not seeing the trap. It was definitely built for survivors and not deer. Her gun had fallen from her grasp and she stretched her arm for it. She couldn’t reach. Nor could she get to her knife, with had slipped out of her belt and landed next to her gun. “Fuck” she swore.

She heard the rustle of bushes nearby and wondered if it was the hunter who set up the trap. But then she heard the telltale clicking of infected. She swore again, twisting herself to see the clicker shambling straight towards her. No point staying quiet, it had already heard her. It roared and rushed at her. She threw her arms out to grab it, swinging like a pendulum when it wrestled with her. It’s jaws snapped and she kept them at bay. She wasn’t worried about it biting her. She was worried about it ripping her throat out with its gnarled fingers. “Shit!” She cursed, looking around wondering how she was going to kill it.

A gunshot rang across the clearing and blood splattered her face. The clicker slumped out of her hands and colapsed to the floor. She gasped in surprise and looked over to see the hunter emerge from the bushes carrying a rifle. “Must’ve slipped through the traps” he said, looking down at the infected distastefully.

Ellie exhaled. “Thank you” she said.

He turned his gaze to her, examining her for a moment. “Were you bitten?” He asked, raising his gun cautiously.

She shook her head. “No” she replied.

He kept his gun up while he appraised her. He lowered long enough to drag the body aside, and confiscate her weapons. He took her gun and placed the rifle by the tree. He checked the magazine before pointing it at her. “Are you infected?”

“No” she said again.

“You’ll forgive me if I don’t take your word for it” he said.

He kept her covered while he approached cautiously. He grabbed her arm and yanked it forward, examining her bare untouched skin. Ellie stiffened when he did the same with the other arm, his eyes scanning the tattoo intently. He didn’t see the healed bite marks hidden underneath it.

He circled around her, examining every inch of her body for wounds. “Where’s your group?” He asked.

“It’s just me” she told him. She didn’t care if he didn’t believe her. It was true. She gave him the side eye. “Where’s yours?”

He chuckled. “Parted company”he replied cryptically.

“Are these your traps?” She asked, pointing to the snare around her ankle.

He nodded. “Keeps the infected out, mostly. And useful for hunting” he explained.

Ellie was about to ask what he would hunt. But she got her answer when his search for bites went further than a cursory examination. At first she mistook his hands feeling her up as being thorough. But when those hands slipped under her vest to cop her feel of her breasts, she lashed out. He grunted when she elbowed him before punching her in the gut. She gasped as she got the wind knocked out of her, her eyes snapping up to see the barrel of her gun pressed against her forehead.

He leaned down glaring at her and she saw the same look David gave her all those years ago. “If you don’t struggle, I might let you go” he said coldly. He reached out and tugged her top down so he could admire her breasts. He licked his lips appreciatively. “I guess that makes you catch of the day. Most of the women who blunder into my traps are as ugly as a pigs arse. I think I’ll enjoy taking my time with you.”

“Touch me, and I’ll kill you” she snarled.

He sneered, pulling the hammer back on her gun. “You can certainly try. And I prefer it if you were awake. But if you’d rather be unconscious for this, that can be arranged.”

She went to swing at him, grabbing for the gun. He yanked it back, slapped her face, tossed the gun to the side and grabbed her by the neck with his fist. She choked as he strangled her, clawing at his arms trying to break his grip. She tried to kick at him, but being suspended she didn’t have the level of control she needed. She saw black spots begin to dance in her vision as he squeezed harder.

He watched her with a sadistic glee in his expression. “Are you going to behave now?”

She felt the lack of oxygen weaken her hits, everything becoming lightheaded. She reluctantly nodded before she passed out.

He grinned, holding her for a moment longer before letting her go. She heaved for breath, panting and coughing, everything going dizzy as the blood rushed to her head. Play you cards right, and I might keep you alive for a few days. It gets lonely out here. But try anything, anything at all, and I’ll make sure your death is slow and painful. And maybe I’ll still make use of this sexy body until it gets cold.”

Ellie hung from the tree fighting to stay awake while the man unbuckled his trousers. This pervert was sick. Fortunately it wasn’t the first Ellie had been forced to deal with. They died too. She glared at him threatening when he pushed his trousers down to pull out his penis, which was already growing hard from arousal. She clamped her jaw shut, wondering how much force it would take to bit it off.

She saw the look in her eyes and crouched down again. He slapped her across the face. “Don’t get any ideas” he warned, reaching down to pick up Ellie’s pocket knife. The blade sprung out close to her face and she flinched. He dragged the point across her cheek. “Consider all the ways I could multiple you with this before you think about doing anything you’ll regret” he hissed.

Ellie got the message, continuing to glare at him while he stood up and brought his cock to her face. She grimaced from the stench, wondering when the last time he had a wash was. He took some perverse pleasure in slapping her across the face with it, watching her grimace and swear. He pocketed her knife and began undoing her trousers next, lifting them halfway up her thighs to reveal her pussy. “No underwear? It’s like you were begging for it” he grinned.

“Fuck you, pervert” she snapped.

He laughed, allowing the outburst. He stroked his cock until it was ready before pointing it at her face. She inhaled sharply before shaking her head, keeping her mouth shut. He grunted in frustration when she refused to open it, his cock poking at her face over and over. “Don’t make me hurt you” he hissed.

She eyed him a moment, weighing her options. She took her chance and jabbed at his junk with her fist. He saw the punch coming and twisted, her fist hitting his though instead. She grabbed at his jacket, trying to get to her knife. He struck her in the stomach again, the air escaping her lungs once more. He grabbed her arm to yank it up, using his other hand to grab her head and slam his cock into her open mouth while he could. She choked on it in alarm, trying to push him off. But he thrust into her throat and wrapped his arm around her, skull fucking her forcing her to suck him. She slapped and clawed at his thigh and butt, but he didn’t stop. Nor did he let her arm go.

He raped her throat with perverse joy, knowing she couldn’t escape now. “I do prefer it when they are awake” he grinned, admiring her young pussy hovering in front of him. He licked his lips and began violating it with his tongue, forcing himself into her folds.

She gasped, feeling the assault. She fought against him, trying to drive her knee into his face. He got hold of her ankle and kept it still, her other arm pinned. She tried to fight with one hand, but he ignored any pain she could use. She sucked in a breath through her nose and prepared to bit down, but his thick girth locked her jaw when he slammed deep into her throat. Her eyes watered, from the smell and the struggle to breath. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten herself into this.

She weighed the options and decided the only option she had was to let this run its course, and hoped he kept her alive long enough for her to kill him first.


The portal opened up twenty feet in the air and Gwen leapt through landing on a thick branch. “Well, this definitely isn’t New York” she sighed, waiting for the portal to close before checking her wrist watch. The screen glitched and she yelped as a spark shot from the edge. “Damn it Hobby. Miguel’s gizmos never shorted out like this” she muttered, fiddling with it and giving it a slap with her hand.

The screen came to life and gave her a readout of her location within the we’d of life and destiny. “That’s more like it. Only a couple dimensions off from where I’m meant to be. And a few hundred miles from New York City too. sigh maybe I can find a local workshop where I can fix the gizmo. Please let there be electricity in this world” she pleaded.

She scanned the forest she had landed in for a clue to which direction to try. She could make for New York, but she couldn’t be sure it was the same place geographically. Last time she ended up in Arabia somewhere in the dark ages. For all she knew she could be in Kansas, or Oz (she didn’t see a yellow brick road, yet).

She used Eeni, meanie, minie, mo to chose her direction and prepared her web-shooters. But then she heard a commotion from nearby and she changed her mind. “Hello?” She called out cautiously.

She waited a moment before leaping across the trees to investigate. The closer she got, the clearer the sound of voices became. People? That’s a good sign, she thought. She jumped onto a thick branch and peeked through the leaves to spy a man standing by a clearing under a tree. He was grunting and mumbling to himself in a way that gave Gwen the creeps. And not the spider-tingle kind of creeps. “Am I in Central Park? I don’t think I want to stumble upon another dude masturbating in the bushes again. It was awkward the first three times” she whispered to herself.

She reluctantly leapt to the tree he was standing under, sticking to the bark and crawling slowly around the trunk to see what he was up to. She froze when she discovered the young woman strung up by her ankle hanging upside down being made to suck his cock. “Fuck, that’s right bitch” the man grunted, stuffing her mouth full with his dick. He had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, one hand holding her wrist while the other squeezed her ass cheeks, prying her thighs apart so he could lick her vulnerable pussy. “Just my luck to catch a cocksucker like you” he boasted, moaning as he ejaculated into her mouth.

Gwen looked down to examine the woman trapped in his snare, her eyes rolling back as his cum spilled from her lips, her cheeks puffing out choking on his cock and semen. She was clinging to his ass desperately, struggling to breathe. She let out a strained whimper.

“Well that doesn’t look consensual” Gwen growled, putting her game face on. She shot a line of webbing from her wrist to the ground, parallel with the hunter.

His head turned to the THWIP of her web, following back in time to see her boot meet his face. She kicked him off the helpless woman, who gasped in surprise and relief when his cock was yanked from her mouth.

He landed on the ground hard, grunting in pain. “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!” He yelled, glaring at the costumed freak.

She landed on the ground threateningly. “I’m so disgusted right now I don’t even have any quips to make” she spat. “So I think I’ll just beat your rapist ass and leave it at that.”

The hunter leapt to his feet and reached for his rifle. She shot a web and yanked it from his grip. When he drew the handgun, she kicked it out of his hand and dove at him. He obviously never tangled with a spider person before because he was spinning around wildly as she leapt over his head, punching and kicking him until it was over in seconds.

Gwen stood over the groaning man, her boot stepping dangerously close to his dripping cock contemplating stamping on it. In the end she settled for tying him up like a pig, lassoing his hands and feet making sure it was uncomfortable. “Let’s see how you like being strung up, you pervert” she hissed.


Ellie managed to recover her senses in time to witness the stranger take down her abuser. She watched in awe as the costumed hero beat him up faster than a normal man could move. Her heart beat a little faster as she watched her dance around him like a leprechaun, and punch like a bloater. She coughed up the man’s disgusting cum to clear her airway, but only so she could catch her breath and pant in arousal. Whoever this woman was, she was turning her on.

Once she finished tying the hunter up, the masked hero turned to check on her. Ellie stared at the mask hiding her face. She’d met a lot of weirdos out here, but few of them wore masks like this. It was white and black and she wore a hood and blue shoes. It was skin tight, which showed off some very attractive curves in her hips and breasts. Ellie’s imagination was already starting to run a little wild, despite the situation. “Hi” Ellie said.

“Hey” the stranger replied, tilting their head in concern. “Are you alright? Did he hurt you?”

Ellie tried to think of what to say, but her brain didn’t seem to catch up. She opened her mouth a few times before stumbling over her words. She blushed in embarrassment. “N…no…I don’t think so” she stammered, lifting her head to examine herself.

She turned bright red when she realized her hand was rubbing herself between her exposed thighs, and her hard nipples were on display. The stranger watched her curiously. “Sorry. I assumed I was…did I interrupt some weird roleplay or something?”

“No. No, fuck no!” She cried, feeling mortified and humiliated. “No, he…we weren’t…fuck” she muttered, trying to compose herself. She stopped touching herself and used her arms to cover herself instead. “Thank you for saving me” she finally managed to say.

Gwen exhaled. “You’re welcome. What’s your name?”

“Ellie” she replied, feeling she could trust this stranger more than the other one.

The hero approached her carefully. “Hi Ellie. My name is Spider-woman.”

Ellie raised an eyebrow. “What kind of name is that?” She laughed.

Spiderwoman’s mask stretched to show the look of surprise. “It’s my superhero name” she said. There was a pause before she narrowed those eyes. “You do have superheroes here, right?” She asked.

Ellie furrowed her brow in confusion. “You mean like in those comic books I like to read?”

The costumed figure groaned. “Oh great, it’s one of those worlds” she muttered, looking around the clearing.

Ellie started to wonder if this person was mentally unwell. “Who are you?” She asked.

“Doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about it” Spider-woman said with a sigh. “Do you want some help getting down?”

Ellie forgot she was still hanging from a tree. She nodded, gesturing to the snare holding her up. Spider-woman examined the trap, circling her and the tree to figure out how to get her down. “So…where did you come from?” Ellie asked awkwardly.

The stranger chuckled. “That’s a long story” they replied.

“Is this what you do? Travel the road and rescue helpless women?” She asked jokingly.

“More than you might think” she laughed. She looked at her curiously. “So what brought you out here in the middle of…where are we?”

“I don’t know. I’m making my way west” Ellie told her, keeping her destination secret, just in case. “I got ambushed by that guy while I was hunting. I’m lucky you showed up when you did. I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to repay you.”

“Don’t worry about it. Part of the whole superhero thing. Even if I did try to market it” she grumbled.

Ellie stared at her in surprise. Hot and modest. Her loins were practically aching now.

She looked up and was mortified to realize she’d started to finger herself again. Worse, her savior noticed. “I didn’t know bondage turned you on” she quipped, approaching the woman.

Ellie bit her lip nervously. “Actually, it’s the company” she confessed, her eyes examining the skintight suit. Her hero titled her head in confusion, so the girl explained “I’m not really into guys. The rapist kid or otherwise.”

Spider-woman’s eyes widened, nodding in realization. “Oh, okay. Fair enough. So…lesbian walks into the woods and gets forced to suck dick. It happens.”

Ellie couldn’t help but laugh. It made her wonder how she must look, her face covered in cum, her hair a mess, her clothes in disarray. Her face turned red from embarrassment. “I must look a right state” she muttered.

Spider-woman appraised her a moment. “You’ve obviously had it rough” she observed. “But you do look gang sexy” she confessed.

Ellie smiled, appreciating the compliment. Her heart beat a little faster now she was closer to her. “Odd question…but are you…?”


“I was going to say single, but sure” she blurted out.

Spider-woman raised an eyebrow. “You don’t waste time do you?”

“Sorry. It must be the blood rushing to my head” she apologized nervously. What am I doing? I don’t know this person!

The stranger laughed nervously. “Yes, I am single” she answered coyly. “And um…I haven’t decided if I’m straight yet” she admitted.

Ellie’s smile turned into a grin. “So…”

“So…This is becoming awkward” she replied.

Ellie nodded, biting her lip. She stared at the costumed stranger, her hand coming up to her cheek. She felt the fabric of the mask, staring into her eyes through it. Her pussy was so wet she could feel it soaking her fingers. I am so aroused right now. Forgive me Dina. “What’s your name? You’re real name?” Ellie asked.

Spider-woman hesitated for a moment before quietly replying “Gwen.”

“Well…Gwen…I think I know how I can repay you for saving me” she said excitedly.

Gwen looked at the young woman, her head tilting up to appraise her sexy body. Ellie thought she saw the mask stretch into a smile. “Can’t say I’ve ever…ahem, you don’t need to…”

“I want to” Ellie told her, reaching out to take her head in her hands. Her pupils dilated as she stared at her hero, butterflies in her stomach. She worked out it had been weeks since she’d let herself think about sex. Her need for vengeance had consumed her. Now that was gone, she wanted to open herself to something less destructive. She wanted to feel love again. This was the first step. She found the edge of Gwen’s mask with her fingers and peeled it up to her nose, revealing her pretty lips which trembled nervously. She leant in and closed her eyes, planting a grateful kiss upon them.


Gwen wasn’t sure what to do, or say, when Ellie kissed her. She froze in indecision, her eyes wide behind her mask. She had never gotten this kind of reward for saving someone before. That wasn’t to say she hadn’t fantasized about it late at night. But in those dreams, it was a man offering himself and not a sexy lesbian. She couldn’t say Ellie wasn’t attractive. And she was a good kisser.

She gently pulled away to gather herself, laughing nervously. “Wow. That was…this was not how I thought today was going to go” she said.

“I thought saving helpless women was what you do?” Ellie smirked. Gwen laughed, licking the corner of her mouth. Ellie saw the white substance left behind and gasped. She forgot she was covered in that rapists semen. “Ew, gross” she gagged, trying to cough it out of her throat.

Gwen giggled, taking hold of her head. “I think it’s very sexy” she whispered, leaning in to kiss her again, sloppily licking up the man’s cum.

Ellie grimaced as she shared his cum. But her frown turned to a smile once Gwen gave her a tongue bath and cleaned up her face. Gwen admired the freckles and the dirt smudged into the skin. She might need some polishing, but she looked gorgeous all the same. “We should get you down from there, so you can thank me properly” she suggested, stretching up to reach for her ankle to untie her.

Ellie’s face came into view of her crotch and the young woman purred. “I quite like the view from here” she said, reaching out to grasp that ass naughtily.

Gwen gasped as her bum got pinched, looking down to see Ellie was feeling up her legs as well. She purred in approval, getting very turned on from the attention. She looked up and came face to face with Ellie’s wet pussy. “You have a very pretty pussy” she complimented.

“I’ve shown you mine. Maybe you should show me yours” Ellie suggested, rubbing her crotch. Gwen giggled, biting her bottom lip before gently shimmying the waistband of her pants over her hips. Ellie took hold of them and pulled them down her thighs, relieving her dripping pussy. She raised an eyebrow. “No underwear?”

“You’re one to talk” she replied.

Ellie laughed, pressing Gwen’s legs to admire her young cunt. She licked her lips and hooked her hands around her bum, guiding her closer so she could lean in and plant a kiss on her clit.

Gwen gasped and then moaned as Ellie began licking her. “You’re very good at this” she said.

“I’ve had plenty of practice” she smirked.

Gwen leaned into the embrace, shuffling her feet forward so Ellie could eat her out comfortably. She reached up and began rubbing her pussy in return, using her sticky fingers to tease her clit. Ellie moaned between her legs, squeezing her ass tighter, her knees shaking. Gwen tried to return the favor, but she kept panting so much she couldn’t concentrate on sucking her clit. So she hooked her arm around her hip and used her other hand to finger her pussy while she rubbed her clit, driving Ellie crazy on another way. The girls started competing to see who could get the other off first, their moans filling the clearing.

Ellie was the first to submit to a climax. And with her suspended upside down, the orgasm rushed straight to her head. She moaned and gushed in Gwen’s face, coating her fingers with cum. She shook in her arms as lightning shot down her spine. She gasped for breath before inhaling sharply, the world spinning for a moment. She hung from the tree delirious, her eyes rolling into her skull.

Gwen’s face appeared in front of her, calling her name. Ellie barely heard it as she was lowered down and brought the right way up. She felt the world spin until Gwen propped her up against the tree, holding her up by the armpits. She blinked and shook her head, feeling dizzy. “I should’ve warned you. Learnt the hard way that inverted gravity and orgasms don’t mix well. All the blood rushing to our heads…are you alright? Do you need to sit down?”

“I’m fine. I just…need everything to stop spinning…” she said, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose. She opened them again as was greeted by a young woman with blonde hair, a piercing in her eyebrow and blue eyes looking very concerned. She was pretty. Young, almost a teenager. She was wearing her costume, her hood down, the mask in her hands. Her pants were still bunched around her knees. As was Ellie’s, with her top above her breasts. She focused her gaze on the girl, using her pretty face to center herself. She reached out and cupped her cheek. “Thank you” she said, leaning in to kiss her properly.

Gwen accepted the kiss, giving her one back. “Are you okay?” She asked. Ellie nodded. She smiled, glad to see it. She looked down at her attractive body again. “Do you want to stop?”

Ellie shook her head, reaching down to cup Gwen’s pussy. “I’m not finished thanking you for saving me yet” she whispered. Gwen smiled, wrapping her arms around her, eager to continue receiving her reward.

A groan drew the superhero’s attention back to the hunter tied up on the ground. He was watching them groggily, lying on his side. Gwen’s eyes drifted to his groin where she saw his cock hanging out of his pants. He didn’t let herself get a proper look at it while he was forcing it down Ellie’s throat, but it was huge. A tiny part of the blonde’s brain felt a tug as her core got even wetter around Ellie’s hand.

Ellie continued to pepper her face with kisses until she noticed she was distracted. When she asked what was up, Gwen cupped her face and turned it to their captive audience. Ellie scowled. She forgot he was still here. “Enjoying the show, pervert?” She growled.

“What are we going to do with him?” Gwen asked.

Ellie knew exactly what she wanted to do with him. She walked over and picked up her knife, toying with the blade.

Gwen’s eyes widened and she snatched it out of her hand. “No way. That is not what I do” she hissed.

“We can’t just let him go” Ellie snapped.

“Then we turn him into the police” she suggested, which got a curt laugh from the young woman.

Ellie stared at her until she realized she was serious. “Where are we going to find a police station out here? Law enforcement died out along with the rest of the world.”

Gwen, unfamiliar with the world she had landed herself in, looked very confused. But she was steadfast when she said “I won’t let you hurt him. Even if he does deserve it.”

Ellie looked at their captive rapist, releasing a sigh. She turned away begrudgingly. “I’m not taking him with us” she said.

Gwen looked around at the forest. “Fine. We’ll leave him tied up. The webbing will dissolve after two hours or so. He’ll be fine.”

Leave him for the infected, Ellie thought, smiling. “Okay then” she nodded.

Gwen looked at the man’s junk again. “Shame. He packing some serious heat for a rapist” she muttered.

Ellie could see the girl was tempted. She only felt disgust when she looked at the man’s cock. But that’s when a lightbulb came on in her mind. “Why don’t we give him what he wants” she suggested, turning back to the man, sauntering up to him. She kicked off her boots and nudged him onto his back, pressing the soles of her feet hard against his cock.

Gwen watched in bewilderment as Ellie teased the man on the ground, watching him groan. “What are you talking about?”

“You’d like to play with this cock, don’t you?” She asked. Gwen blushed, but reluctantly nodded. “Then let’s do it. Let’s fuck him, together. I have no intention of sucking his dick again, but I’m sure I can find some way to enjoy myself” she said.

Gwen looked down at the captive man nervously. He was helpless and at their mercy. And she was very tempted, and aroused as Ellie kept pressing her foot against his erection, which throbbed against the sole of her foot. “Are you suggesting…that would make us no better than him!”

“It won’t. It wouldn’t be rape” she argued, fixing her eyes on him. “Look at him. He’s been watching us this whole time. He’s staring at our tits even now. I’m sure he’d happily accept any chance to get us to ride his disgusting cock down here, correct?” She asked, removing her foot and watching it throb.

The man whimpered on the ground, nodding frantically. Gwen had to admit that certainly indicated consent.

She looked at the young woman, biting her bottom lip uncomfortbly. “How do you suggest we do this?” She asked.

Ellie appraised the desperate man at their feet. “Since I have no interest in fucking him, you can take his cock. Why don’t I help you get out of this costume” she suggested, stepping closer to peel her out of it.

Gwen undressed herself and watched Ellie strip naked, her body scarred and birth but athletic and sexy. Her boobs were bigger than Gwen’s, but Ellie admired them like they were the prettiest things she’d seen in ages. They made out for a bit before Gwen stepped over the thick erection and lowered herself down. She moaned when she guided it inside, enjoying the feeling of it deep in her core. She got comfortable on his lap before bouncing vigorously on his cock. She was so aroused she was eager to fuck even a rapist.

“Yeah bitch, keep that up” the man growled, staring at her bouncing tits intently, his grin spreading. He couldn’t believe he got to fuck a young blonde after all of this after all.

Ellie, however, stepped into his line of sight, glowering at him sternly. “Here’s the deal, fucker…if you don’t keep your filthy comments to yourself, I’ll gag you with something a lot worse than this” she said, pointing to her pussy, which she presented to his face. He stared at it in awe, licking his lips. “But if you’re a good boy and play nicely, not only will my friend continue to ride you, you’ll get to lick my pussy. Make us both happy, and I might consider letting you go” she added in a whisper.

The man considered his options. He was already inside the blonde chick. But when she heard her offer, she slowed her hips and taunted him with removing her pussy from his cock. She grumbled and nodded his head. Ellie took him at his word and lowered herself onto his face, allowing him to munch on her pussy.

The lesbian didn’t get any satisfaction from this. She grunted and hummed, playacting at feeling pleasure, but having a man eat her out never really did it for her. Luckily Gwen was there to tilt her back so she could play with her breasts, exciting her nipples when she pinched them. She reached behind to weave her fingers through her hair, kissing her deeply. She closed her eyes and pretended someone else, someone more attractive, was licking her pussy while she kissed the Spider-woman. That got her juices flowing.

“Listen, I need to fix up something before I head back out again” Gwen whispered while they both fucked their new plaything. “Any chance you can show me the way to the nearest city?”

“I suppose you could come with me, until we find somewhere. Jackson shouldn’t be far now. Maybe someone back home can help you” she replied.

Gwen nodded, agreeing to join her. She examined the young woman while she rode the man’s face, watching her face closely. “Can I ask a question?”

“Can it wait until we’re done with this mother fucker?” She asked curtly.

Gwen massaged the man’s dick, sensing he was about to burst. She put her curiosity on hold until he climaxed, his semen spilling into her needy cunt. The man moaned as she milked him dry, getting a satisfying orgasm for her troubles. It felt good to vent some frustration out on a bad guy. Ellie slipped back when the man clumped to the ground, passing out from the excitement. She was still horny, so Gwen helped finger her to a conclusion that left her panting hard. “Thank you” she sighed breathlessly.

“So, um…this place you’re heading? Is there someone waiting for you back there?”

Ellie opened her eyes and felt her cheeks turn red. Then she looked down with shame before climbing off the rapist. “Yes…no…I don’t know” she confessed, picking up her clothes. Gwen followed her, putting on her costume, waiting for her to elaborate in her own time. “We had a fight. She told me not to go, but I couldn’t…I couldn’t leave it alone. I’m not sure if she’s there waiting for me. I don’t know if wants to see me at all. Maybe I’ve messed up to much this time.”

Gwen knew that feeling. She patted her on the shoulder, searching for words of encouragement. “Is she special? To you, I mean?”

Ellie nodded. “Very special” she whispered.

“Are you going to try and make things right?”

She nodded. “I hope so.”

Gwen smiled. “Then I think you’re doing what you think is best. I hope it works out for you.”

“Thanks” Ellie replied. She picked up her weapons, assembled her gear, while Gwen secured the hunter to a tree. “What about you? Where are you heading?”

“Home. Eventually” she grumbled, glaring at her watch.

“Anyone waiting for you back home?”

She laughed. “Not really, no. No one special.” A nervous pit formed in her stomach. “Just so we’re clear, you special someone is a girlfriend, I’m guessing?”

“Maybe” she replied awkwardly. She sensed where Gwen was going and chuckled. “I won’t tell her if you don’t” she said. “Pretty sure we’re on a break anyway.”

“Hooking up with randoms…not a good look if you’re trying to win her back” Gwen muttered as they set off together.

Ellie broke into a laugh. “I think rules like that ended the same day the world did. Shit, Dina would divinely have something to say about that.”

“So you two aren’t exclusive?”

“We’ve never discussed it. Why? Considering going another round?”

Gwen’s cheeks turned so red she hid them behind her mask. “How far is it to this town you’re going to?”

“A days ride on horseback, at least. And we don’t have horses” she smirked.

Gwen checked her web-shooters, offering to cut down their journey. Ellie clung on as she got to web-swing her way west, which blew her mind. They crossed a large distance in good time, but still had to camp out for the night in an abandoned penthouse. It had a very large bed though, where Gwen showed her a few more uses for her web-shooters as she made Ellie some toys for her to fuck her with.


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