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The Slytherin Arrangement (Merula & Male MC)

Weeks went by without Merula talking to you. Less than usual, making a point of actively avoiding you. You didn’t take it personally. She was just following through with her statement. You didn’t talk to her about the courtyard. You kept your promise and never told anyone. She must’ve noticed because she finally intercepted you between classes and pulled you aside into a store room, closing the door before anybody saw you.

Unlike last time you were both in your school uniform, your matching house colors prominent on your robes. Merula always liked to wear hers a little more casually while you settled for their formal look. You stood in the dark storeroom silently, waiting for her to say her piece. You could tell she had something to say. “So, did you tell anyone about what happened?” She asked first.

“No” you replied truthfully.

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but then nodded. She believed you. “Good. Then maybe this won’t be such a disaster” she muttered, shifting a little uncomfortably for a moment before regaining her confidence. “Okay, since it seems you’re actually capable of keeping a secret, we can come an…arrangement” she said, fixing her eyes on you appraising you carefully.

“What kind of agreement” you asked curiously.

“The kind where you don’t ask questions, or talk, and you get rewarded for it” she replied. You let a bemused sigh but hold your tongue. She was lucky you had more patience than her. She stepped forward her her hands on her hips, looking at you up and down with those intense violet eyes. “You should count yourself fortunate, having been chosen by the Most Powerful Witch for sex. As luck would have it, I’ve been looking for a regular distraction and, against my better judgement, I’ve decided it should be you.”

You widened her eyes in surprise. Was Merula seriously proposing for you one night stand to become a regular thing? Ordinarily you’d be the last person she’d consider even associating with, let alone sleeping with. But you couldn’t deny the possibility excited you. Ever since that evening your loins had been burning for a chance to get into her skirt again. If she was willing to offer herself up like this, you’d be wise to go along with whatever arrangement she suggested.

Fortunately her proposal was simple. “The deal is I’m in charge” she told you. “You’ll receive a note, or an owl, or if I’m really desperate I’ll find you and give you your instructions personally. There’ll be a time and a place, and I expect you to show up. If you show up late, I won’t be there. I won’t wait for you. If you show up on time, you do exactly as I say without question. If I tell you to shut up, you stop talking. If I tell you to stay still, you keep your hands to yourself. If I tell you to fuck me, you’d better make it the best fuck of your life. And if I want to go again, you don’t get to complain. I decide how long, or how little we do it. Do you understand?”

Come when she calls and let her boss you around in exchange for sex. Sound like fun you muse as you nod in acknowledgment. “I understand” you reply.

“Good. And just be aware…this is a private arrangement” she warned. “When I call you, you come alone. If you tell anyone about this, anyone at all, we’re done. No exceptions. Got it?”

“Got it” you promised. You have expected her to make you swear and Unbreakable vow. Know doubt she considered it.

She narrowed her eyes, a look of satisfaction and little relief crossing her expression as she straightened up. She licked her lips as she cast another pass of her eyes over you. “Okay then. Let’s test it then” she smirked, stepping back crossing her arms. “On your knees” she commanded.

“Seriously” you retort on instinct.

She raised an eyebrow. “Without question” she repeated, letting you sigh in complaint before adding “and no complaining. In fact, no talking either. On you knees, right now” she said.

You fix your gaze on her and scowl. But inside you felt butterflies of excitement. She was rather hot when she was bossy, you secretly thought so. So having her willfully boss you around was enticing for both of you. Of course you wouldn’t admit that to her, even as you slowly dropped down to kneel in front of her in the store room.

Her eyes lowered to follow you, her smile giving away how much pride she felt looking down at you. “At least you know how to follow instructions. That’s a good sigh” she smirked. You watched as she double checked the door was locked before reaching down to lift up her skirt, pulling her underwear to the side revealing her sex. “In the future I’d rather do this somewhere more comfortable, but like I said I’m in need of distraction. Lick me until I tell you to stop” she ordered.

You looked at her enticing pussy and moistened your lips, seizing the opportunity happy to indulge the girl. You shuffled forward towards Merula’s presented groin and began licking her as she instructed. She held her skirt above your face and watched you intently as you ran your tongue over her young pussy. You have hoped one day to get between her legs again, but you never expected it to be in a dark storeroom. Nevertheless you happily lapped at her sex and munched on her pussy.

Merula didn’t say much as you ate her out, but the soft moans that occasionally escaped her throat voiced much of her appreciation. You looked up from under her skirt and saw her attention waver from you, her eyes closing as she bit her lip in pleasure. Her skirt slipped from her hand so she could grab the back of your head and guide you deeper between her trembling legs. “Yes, that’s right. Keep going” she whispered, her moans growing longer as she rode your tongue. You kept her knees steady with your hands while you thrust your tongue into her opening, exploring her as deep as you could tasting her juices which now flowed freely. Her nails dug into your scalp as she panted, soft growls resonating through her throat as she humped your face. Her body language screamed enjoyment and desperation, and you were eager to please her. The moment you slowed down she growled more insistently and shoved you back in. “Don’t stop” she whimpered.

You didn’t. Not until she orgasmed and let out a startled scream of delight. She came over your mouth, spilling her cum onto your tongue for you to drink up. You lapped at her hungrily watching her shake uncontrollably until she tugged on your hair removing you from her pussy. You knelt in front of her with your lower jaw covered in cum while she stepped back and caught her breath.

She looked down at you breathlessly and smiled. “Stand up” she instructed. You obeyed. She reached out and stroked your jaw scooping up the trace of her orgasm onto her fingers, popping them in her mouth to suck them clean. You hummed in arousal, your cock itching to spring out of your pants for her. “Good. You didn’t disappoint” she said in approval, replacing her underwear and fixing her uniform. She reached into her pocket and handed you a piece of paper. “Remember our agreement. Don’t be late, and don’t tell anyone” she reminded you.

You took the piece of paper and opened it, reading the contents. It was a time and place. The clubhouse, tonight. “I won’t be late. Doesn’t mean we can have some more fun here though” you remark, stepping forward to brush her hair behind her ear as you lean in for a kiss. Your groin was aching for a quick now that you’d had a taste.

Merula smirked as you kissed her seductively, savoring it for a moment before planting a palm of your chest and pushing you firmly back. “I decide when and where” she scoffed. “I right now I have potions class” she said, dismissing herself from the storeroom leaving you with some serious blue balls. You groaned in frustration, clinging to the piece of paper she gave you. Tonight couldn’t come fast enough.


The arrangement proved to be very agreeable, after a while. It took a few weeks to get over some teething problems but eventually it became very routine. You’d get a message from Merula would met her as expected. Then she’d immediately start bossing your around until she grew bored. Your sessions would vary, usually less than an hour at a time. Most of her notes directed you to private areas, usually the clubhouse. Made sense. Only the circle of Khanna knew about it and most of the members didn’t use as often as others so it wasn’t difficult to get in and out unseen. Other times Merula had you meet her in a classroom, or a storeroom, or sometimes in a secluded hallway or the outskirts of the forbidden forest, anywhere you’d be sure nobody would see you. You did your best to arrive on time. Some days would prove difficult, either from class or your friends intercepting your rendezvous. You were only late a few times and Merula was never pleased. But you noticed she always seemed to be waiting, despite her warning.

When you did arrive it would get interesting. Once she was sure you’d do whatever she instructed you too she had much more fun having her way. You’d be commanded to pleasure her, kiss her or please her in many ways, from eating her out to sucking on her nipples to massaging her feet. One time she just had you kneel in front of her kissing her toes while she sat in a chair like it was a throne. She never even took her clothes off for that session.

But mostly she had only sex on the mind when she summoned you. Some days she was so desperate she didn’t mess around, throwing her clothes off and ordering you to just fuck her brains out. A few sessions were instigated impulsively, the girl yanking you into a classroom or catching you in the boys toilets to have a quickie, either mounting your lap or demanding you bang her from behind as fast as possible. Occasionally she’d settle for a nice round of fingering, or pussy licking in these quickies. One time she surprised you by shoving you into a toilet stall only for her to get on her knees and suck you cock inside. As per her rules, you didn’t ask questions and just let her wank you off before disappearing for a week to return with another note.

Things went on like this for a few months. As far as casual hookups went this could be considered pretty steady. Sex was regular, usually expected. It was fun for both of you. You got really aroused whenever she bossed you around and so was up for anything, even the daring stuff. You managed to get some say in a few sessions whenever she was in a good mood. Merula would avoid places of most risk, like your own dorms or the common room. The only time she agreed to have sex in the Slytherin common room was during a big quidditch match where everyone in your house would be at the stadium, giving you a few precious minutes to bust a nut in the dark and cozy space. You almost got caught when Liz almost stumbled upon you both, forcing you to bring Merula to your dorm room to finish in your bed. She was impressed at the near miss and made you pay for it the next time you hooked up in the clubhouse. She brought a strap on and a bottle of lube and you discovered why she wasn’t as eager to try anal as you were.

Despite this, over time she gave away how much she looked forward to these sessions. During some of them her guard lowered and her demeanor softened. It wasn’t guarantee, but it was special when it happened. It’d be in the middle of sex and you look at her and her expression gave away her affection and desire. You recalled one time she was riding you on the bed in the clubhouse, both of you completely naked, her body on top of yours riding you like a cowgirl. Her back was arched as she pressed her palms to your knees, bouncing her hips on top of yours. Her eyes were closed and she was panting, her breasts rising and falling gracefully. You couldn’t help but stare at her face as her expression was one of bliss and joy. She looked sexy and beautiful. It was like she’d forgotten she was your mistress for a moment. You reached up and caressed her body, her thighs and boobs. She moaned softly and rocked harder. You sat up on the bed and wrapped your arms around her, bringing your lips to her tits to kiss them. She opened her eyes and looked down at you. There was no irritation at that moment. You glimpsed it when you looked up at her. Genuine affection. Your eyes met and she blushed. You didn’t say anything. Only hugged her tighter and resumed kissing her. She threw her head back and resumed rising your, her arms cradling your head as you fucked one another, lost in the bliss of the moment until you were both satisfied.

You looked forward to those sessions, when she let her guard down and lost herself in it. Those were the dates it didn’t feel like she was using you as a distraction, for your body alone. Those were the dates it felt you and and her were companions, equals sharing a connection. Those dates exhausted her the most, and you, always ending in you and her snuggling up together to rest you eyes and recover, often dosing off in each others arms. You savored the afternoons you’d fall asleep with Merula pressed against your chest, your hand cupping her boob or shoulder, her soft snoring lulling you to sleep. She was always gone by the time you wake up, and of course you never spoke about it afterwards. But every once in a while you’d catch her eye across the classroom and see a little redness in her cheeks and a smile on her lips.

Then the next note would arrive and it was back to business as usual.

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