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The Secret Clubhouse: The Discovery

The three of them stepped through the door way and looked around at the cylindrical tower around them. Three platforms circled the stone chamber rising steadily, stairs leading to each level. There was an exit at either end plus two more between the platforms, each leading to stairs that would lead to one of the three clubs or the main castle below. Chandeliers and lights illuminated the huge space and windows overlooked the grounds in all directions. Banners draped over the walls alongside paintings and portraits, none of them moving. It was impressive to explore.

The first platform had a fireplace, a large table, several sofas and armchairs and a carpet thrown down. Clearly the social area. The second platform had several desks designed for walking, the study area with book cases and lamps and stationary. There was a pair of reading chairs by the bookcases. The balcony overlooked the social space beside the steps leading up. At the opposite end was a spiral staircase that lead to the third platform, the most intriguing. This had another desk and a large sofa, but the floor was carpeted and a large four poster bed sat at the back beneath a glowing mosaic that cast multicolored lights down onto the mattress. If the first level was social and the second was study, this one was designed for privacy.

“It’s incredible” Hermione marveled as she explored the tower, running her hands over the bookshelves on the second floor examining the volumes. Harry was on the first floor checking out the fireplace, discovering it was connected to the floo network. Ron leant against the stone banister on the third floor scanning the room from above. It was big and quiet and very cozy. “How did you find this place?” Hermione asked the ginger haired boy looking up in his direction.

“I didn’t” he confessed. He was the one who brought them here after cryptically informing them both there was somewhere they should check out. They were curious enough to follow him through Hogwarts until they came to the winding staircase that lead to a hidden door masked by a concealment charm. Ron whispered a passcode and the lock opened revealing this to them. Harry mistook the place as the room or requirement he’d heard so much about. This wasn’t it though. “My brothers mentioned this place, somewhere they liked to hang out while they’re here” he explained, waiting for them to join him on the third floor. “It took some convincing but they gave me the password and the location.”

“What is this place?” Harry asked, pushing his glasses up his nose eying the furniture curiously.

“They say it’s a clubhouse. Used to be part of the old Hippogriff, Dragon and Sphinx clubs until they were disbanded. According to Bill it became a meeting place for a group they all were a part of, something called the Circle of Khanna. Whatever it was this place became their secret clubhouse. Somewhere they could study, hang out or hide out in for a while.”

“Do the professors know about it?” Hermione asked, doubting any of the teachers would miss a room this big.

Ron shrugged. “They never came looking for them in here, so they say” he replied.

Harry sat on the bed wondering how often students would need it to cram overnight studying. Then he realized it was probably most used for anything but studying or sleeping and stood back up. “Why tell us?” He queried.

Ron shrugged again. “I figured given everything that happened with the philosophers stone, chamber of secrets and the Azkaban business we could use somewhere to relax. Somewhere not crawling with students.”

“It’s certain private” Her ions agreed, a thoughtful smile on her face. She could envision much potential with this space. “Thanks Ron” she said, giving the boy a peck on the cheek. “I finally have somewhere to do research without a bunch of Gryffindor boys getting friendly.”

“I’d better warn you then, Fred and George make a habit of dropping in every once in a while” Ron advised. “And we’re not the only ones privy to the password.”

“What is the password?” Harry asked. “You whispered it so quietly I don’t think we heard it.”

Hermione’s eyes narrowed confirming it, turning to Ron expectantly. Ron realized the same and smirked. “Well, maybe I should just keep it to myself then” he said coyly. “Wouldn’t want you guys spreading the word around Hogwarts would we?” He joked.

“Not funny Ron. What’s the password” Hermione said humorously. When Ron decided to keep it to himself she impatient stepped forward and insisted “tell us.”

Ron’s smirk got wider. “What would I get out of it?” He asked.

Harry rolled his eyes. Clearly Ron has finally been taking cues from his older brothers. “Judging by the look in Hermione’s eyes, your dignity” he advised, nodding to the impatient witch glaring at him.

Ron however just found it amusing even as she started shooting daggers. “Come on. What would you give for this place?” He asked her.

She ground her teeth reluctantly offering “I’ll help you with your potions homework.” He considered it but didn’t seem convinced. “Fine! I’ll do your potions homework, and your transfiguration essay.”

“Wow, barely even had to haggle” he laughed. “Is a secret clubhouse really that important to you?”

“If it means getting a break from guys like you every once in a while, yes” she said.

“And what’s wrong with guy like me?” He asked.

She rolled her eyes. “For a start they don’t appreciate a girl need her privacy. And second, give me that password” she hissed.

Ron backed away cautiously, mulling over the power he had over her as she seethed in irritation. He looked over at Harry, a sinister idea forming in his head. “Let’s see how far your willing to go for this place” he said, walking over to Harry and whispering the password in his ear. Hermione stared at him giving it away and became even more agitated. “Now, since Harry has the password too, the price is doubled. Both our homework for the next month” he offered.

Hermione sighed, crossing her arms in outrage. Harry hadn’t expected this but didn’t object to the proposal. She bit her lip considering it, wondering if Ron would just raise the bar again. But she realized Ron made a grave mistake in telling Harry, and jumped on it to get one over on the boy too. She she put on a smile and walked over to Harry Potter, her hands clasped behind her back innocently asking him “do you really know the password now?” Harry glanced at Ron and nodded. “If I made you an offer, would you tell me?”

“Homework for a month” Ron repeated.

Harry, however, was more unsure, especially with how friendly Hermione had become as she approached him. “Um, I don’t know…” he stammered until she leaned in close and whispered “if you give me the password, I will give you a kiss, right now.”

His eyes widened as she looked at him, dead serious in her expression. He glanced at Ron, who failed to hear her counter offer. And damn it was a compelling counter offer. Hermione saw the conflict and hesitation, keeping her smile as he thought about it, agonized over it, before his lizard brain spontaneously replied "sure, okay."

She jumped on it before he could take it back, grabbing him by the collar and slamming their lips together. Ron gasped in surprise as they kissed in front of him. It lasted only a few seconds but it lit something in both friends as they broke away breathless. After a moment to compose themselves Harry blurted out “Privacy Assured.”

“Harry!” Ron yelled as Hermione basked in her victory. The boys stared at each other and began bickering. “One kiss and you give it all away.”

“She was very persuasive” he argued.

“No, you’re just an idiot!”

“Oh grow up boys” she snapped, jumping onto the bed to admire the clubhouse from a new view. “This place is ours now. Deal with it” she said, falling back to lie on the mattress. Ron didn’t seem happy but when he looked at Harry, who shrugged and joined Hermione on the bed, he sighed and lay down beside her. After a moment of quiet sulking he asked “why didn’t you offer to kiss me?”

Hermione looked at him sideways. “Because you were being a jerk” she replied bluntly. He considered that and sighed again. Hermione decided to take pity on the poor boy and sat up, tapping his shoulder waiting for him to turn back before planting a kiss on his lips. He froze in surprise even after it ended, staring at the amused girl who conceded “you deserved it for finding out about this place.” She shot a glance at Harry before lying back down, relaxing on the covers watching Ron snap out of his daze and collapse beside her.

The three of them lay side by side enjoying the peaceful silence until Harry found himself wondering “why bother including the bed? It’s not like the professors wouldn’t make sure everyone’s sleeping in the dormitory.”

“I don’t think the bed was added for sleeping mate” Ron muttered with a knowing smirk. Both Hermione and a Harry looked at him prompting him to admit “I might have gotten a bit more than just the location of this place from Fred and George.”

“Ew, gross” Hermione muttered, but made no effort to move or get up. The mattress was incredibly comfortable. “You won’t catch me doing anything like that in here” she said.

“Never say never” Ron chuckled.

Harry looked around at the private room, the same idea playing with him. “It would be more convenient then the dorm room” he muttered.

“Merlin’s beard, will you both stop” Hermione chided looking at both of them.

“Hey, you’re the one who kissed us and got on the bed” Ron retorted. She rolled her eyes in irritation. Ron sat up and looked at her as she crossed her arms. “Are you seriously trying to tell us the idea hasn’t crossed your mind?”

“What idea? Sex?” She huffed sitting up and pulling her feet onto the bed. She saw Harry looking at her too and sighed. “Maybe, but that’s beside the point. I wouldn’t do it. Especially not here.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know” she said defensively. “Can we talk about something else.”

“We didn’t mean to upset you Hermione” Harry said sitting up.

“I’m not upset” she snapped. But Harry could tell the tone she took when she was uncomfortable and agitated. She brought her knees up. “I’m not. It’s just…this is stupid.”

“What is?”

“Just…I’m not comfortable talking about sex, okay” she explained.

Ron shrugged. “Figures.”

She looked at him sharply. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. I just thought…” he started, but Harry shot him a glare warning him to stop talking before he said something he’d regret. He took the hint and apologized. “I’m sorry.”

She calmed down and leaned back against the headboard. After a few minutes of awkward silence she decided to confess “I’ve never done it, alright. I’m a…” She didn’t need to finish as Harry and Ron nodded, leaving the girl blushing and embarrassed. She didn’t know why she felt compelled to explain herself but she figured she could trust them.

Harry was the first to speak, quietly telling her “neither have I” which shocked her. A few minutes later Ron uncomfortably admitted the same, proving she didn’t need to be as embarrassed as she was. “Being a virgin isn’t a bad thing, is it?”

She shrugged. “I guess not. It’s just… I keep having to listen to girls talk about this stuff as if it’s meant to be a thing you do now. So when they ask me I just deflect the question and get defensive.”

“Fair enough” Ron acknowledged. They sat in silence for a moment before he decided to Rick asking “out of curiosity, are you saying you have no interest or just…” She shot him a warning look before shrugging. She hadn’t thought about it. “I mean, if you were waiting for someone special, I could be a while. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just do it and get it over with?”

She broke into a laugh. “Just like that? Sure, I’m sure there are dozens of boys waiting to pop my cherry” she laughed.

“You’d be surprised” Harry muttered. He’d noticed how many students would steal glances at her. Thinking about it he too had occasionally considered how attractive she’d become this last year. Which probably lead him to offer the suggestion. “what if you could do it with a friend. Or two” he suggested, averting his gaze awkwardly.

Hermione looked at him and saw the sheepish expression. Then looked at Ron and saw his gaze suddenly look away. “What, you mean…us?” She asked, the air around them suddenly becoming tense. She bristled, instinctively repulsed by the idea. But then her head started thinking and her eyes analyzed the pair of them sitting beside her. Logically it was a compelling suggestion. They were friends and she could do much worse. And she knew they wouldn’t necessarily mistreat her on their first time. It’d be a shared experience, no expectations. But it would complicate their friendship considerably. “That’s sounds like a bad idea” she said dismissing it.

Ron thought about it himself. “Is it though?” He asked. “I mean, we are friends. And we’re all… I guess… it makes sense.”

“It would make things complicated” she said. “And I wouldn’t want to make things uncomfortable.”

“Maybe it wouldn’t” Harry said, thinking this thought. “Not if we make sure there is no expectations going forward. We could just make it an… a learning exercise. We do it once, with each other. People we trust. Then we could all go on with our lives and be confident enough to say we aren’t virgins anymore.”

Hermione did find the idea of losing her virginity compelling. But the logistics still worried her. “If we did this now you’d be talking about a threesome. I don’t know if I want my first time to be with…with both of you.”

“Well I’m not asking you to choose, unless…” Harry said, until he realized that would lead to an even more uncomfortable conversation. He didn’t want Hermione to have to chose between them. She wouldn’t want to hurt either of their feelings. And there’s a chance it would cause more damage then the sex itself if she did.

Ron, somehow, missed that part and found himself focused on a separate concern. “Wait, if this is a threesome, I hope you’re not suggesting that all three of us do it to each other” he said to Harry, who looked at him perplexed. “I’m okay with Hermione, but you and I…that’s not…”

Harry blinked and blurted “no, no, I’m not say that you and I… though I guess that wouldn’t make it fair on you” he said to Hermione.

She looked between them, the image of them kissing each other materializing in her mind and making her both intrigued and repulsed in even measure. “No, I get that. And no, I wouldn’t choose between you… this is crazy! It’s not like we’d actually do anything” she said frantically.

Harry looked at Ron and got the impression they actually were slowly talking each other into it. “Would it be so bad?” He gently asked her, willing to drop it if she said so. She hadn’t yet said no directly, just projected reasons why they shouldn’t. When he looked into her expression he realized she actually was considering it.

She thought about it for several minutes, the gears spinning wildly in her head figuring out all the ways it could go wrong. But she also saw all the reasons this would be good for them. So after much consideration she adjusted her position and sat crossed legged in front of them. “If we do this, there’ll need to be rules” she said.

“Wait, so we’re actually doing this?” Ron asked in shock. Even Harry was caught off guard.

Hermione took a deep breath listing the condition. “First, this can only be a one time thing. After this, there will be no follow ups” she said looking at Ron. “We also never talk about it, never speak of this. Not in passing, especially not jokes. Not even when we’re in private” she added sensing Ron’s first question. He closed his mouth. She looked at Harry, who nodded to. “Second, if at any point one of us gets uncomfortable, or chooses to, we all stop. No discussion or arguments. Agreed?”

“Fair enough” Harry agreed, as did Ron. It was a fair rule.

She took another breath, doing the math in her head. “Since you two won’t be…doing it between you, that means all the attention will be on me” she said nervously. “So I guess we’ll need dos and don’ts. Limitations.”

“I have one” Ron interrupted, drawing their attention. “I don’t do tickling. I always hated it growing up so I don’t want that here, okay?”

Harry and Hermione looked at each other and shrugged. “Okay, fine. No tickling” she said. “For me, no rough stuff. That includes slapping or smacking or anything like that. With we’re going to do this I don’t want it to hurt.”

“That’s fine” Harry nodded, biting his bottom lip asking “what would you be willing to do?”

She chewed her lip and thought about it, cautiously accepting “touching, fingering, kissing where you want within reason. I’m willing to try sucking your cock, but if I don’t like it I’ll stop” she warned. She listed a few other surface ideas until she got to anal. “My ass is off limits. I don’t think I’m ready to try that yet. Deal?”

“So tits, mouth and pussy, but no anal. Got it” Ron summarized. He looked at them both, feeling like everything had been settled. “So we’re really doing this?” He asked again, still in disbelief.

Harry felt the same. Hermione was the most nervous. “I guess so” Harry muttered, licking his lips awkwardly. He looked at them both asking “so how should we start?”

They all hesitated as they looked between them, the three of them silent and reluctant to make the first move. It was Hermione who suggested “well, I suppose the logical first step is to kiss me.” She looked at Harry and then Ron, giving them both the chance to be the first to instigate it.

It was Harry who plucked up the nerve to initiate the first move, shuffling forward to kiss Hermione on the lips. It lasted much longer than the one she gave him, but it was much more awkward and nervous. Neither of them cared as they closed their eyes, leaning into it feeling butterflies in their stomach. It was sweet and almost innocent. The only thing that almost ruined it was the blanked stare Ron was giving them, struck dumb by the situation. That shock turned to envy as the kiss went on a little longer than he was comfortable with, spontaneously clearing his throat jarring the two of them out of their moment. Hermione turned to him slightly irritated until her expression softened, grabbing hold of the scruff of his collar pulling him into one of their own.

Harry was much more patient as he watched his friends make out, using the pause to figure out who they should proceed with this endeavor. He decided this would be a good opportunity to begin removing his uniform, thinking that might make things easier. Hermione caught a glimpse of him removing his tie and jumper beside her and felt her stomach flutter, looking down at Ron figuring it was a good idea. She helped the ginger boy with his tie as he looked at Harry and got the message, pulling his shirt and jumper off in one swift motion. Hermione stared in surprise as his scrawny torso was revealed to her abruptly, swallowing nervously realizing they really were going to have sex today.

When both Harry and Ron were in their boxers, the boy who lived keeping his glasses on also, it was Hermione’s turn to get undressed. She took her tie and jacket off first and kicked off her shoes, sitting between the boys who silently offered to assist her. She didn’t object as Harry waited for her to unbutton her shirt so he could remove it from her shoulders while Ron gently pulled her skirt down her legs and dropped them to the floor. She saw them staring at her young figure covered by her underwear and awkwardly removed her tights leaving the panties and bra. She felt goosebumps on her exposed skin even as her eyes raked over their bodies in return. Fortunately neither boy was willing to go all the way yet and settled to lay either side of her and continue sharing kisses one after the other.

After a few minutes of kissing and fondling as their hands found their way to her flesh to stroke experimentally, Hermione took her own initiative and reached out to both of them and cautiously palmed their groins. Both boys gasped as she found their bunging boxers and felt their crotch, the dicks hidden inside reacting favorably. She shuddered from the contact too, the tension growing in anticipation as she looked at both of them. Her eyes conveyed the question: who first?

Ron, bizarrely, shook his head. Maybe he wasn’t psyched up enough yet. That left Harry nervously nodding as he allowed Hermione to reach into his boxers and grasp the package waiting for her. They both inhaled when she got a hold of his penis and pulled it out of his boxers, her fingers wrapping around the stiff shaft as it grew erect in her palm. She became transfixed by it. It was the first cock she’d ever laid eyes on, let alone hands. Ron distracted himself in her neck trying not to catch a glimpse while Harry stared at her breathlessly, his cock throbbing in her palm. She froze, unsure what to do now. So he reached down and wrapped his hand around hers and gently guided hers into stroking him, massaging him slowly in a joint handjob. She watched with curious fascination as his breathing changed in response, focusing on their movements wanting to learn. After a few moments of stroking she was able to do it herself, which was good because Harry could no longer concentrate enough to teach her.

Meanwhile Ron was feeling a little neglected, trying to grab Hermione’s attention by kissing her cheek. She was too absorbed in the handjob to notice so he turned his attention to her body, trying to get a reaction by squeezing her boobs. He was able to make her moan but not much else. Not until his hand brushed between her legs against her crotch. That made her inhale sharply and look at his hand, her alarmed eyes whipping up at him full of arousal. He did it again and discovered the most sensitive part of the female body was just beneath the fabric of her panties. She gasped and moaned as he rubbed and pressed against it, moving up and down watching her squirm beneath his hand. He managed to capture her lips mid moan and she grabbed him, the kiss becoming desperate as her hips buckled. But at no point did she remove her hand from Harry, continuing to jerk him off even while Ron rubbed her pussy. Soon it became a race to see who would give first.

It was Harry who lost, groaning spontaneously as he suddenly ejaculated in her hand, his first climax jettisoning his cum over Hermione and Ron. Ron jerked away trying not to get sprayed but Hermione barely noticed, her own body convulsing following close behind him as she orgasmed for the first time. She thought she’d made herself cum from masturbating before, but this was different. It was much better when someone else brought her to climax. Her panties became soaked as she trembled on the bed, panting heavily releasing both her boys to catch her breath. “Holy shit!” She gasped staring at Ron. “I’ve never cum like that before.”

“Me neither” Harry panted, turning to Hermione giving her a kiss on the cheek. She returned the kiss on his lips before rewarding Ron with a more passionate snog. Harry looked down at her pussy, her panties soaked through as juices leaked from her entrance. Curiosity overcame him and he shuffled around to kneel in front of her taking hold of her underwear.

Hermione froze as Harry gently pulled them away from her groin, breaking her kiss with Ron to ask him “what are you doing?”

“I just wanted to look” he answered, removing the panties from her legs and tossing them aside as he cautiously coaxed her thighs open. She opened her legs to him, blushing bright red as both her friends got to gaze at her pussy. It was pretty and glistening with cum. Harry became mesmerized as he lay down on his stomach to stare at it. “It’s beautiful” he told her.

Hermione wasn’t sure if she’d die of embarrassment letting a boy look at her vagina, but seeing Harry gawp at her made her feel very sexy. Ron stared too, but she was able to break his attention by reaching down to touch the bulge in his underwear. He shuddered awkwardly, his own conflicted expression flashing before her until his eyes fell on her chest still supporting her bra. She looked down at it and made an offer: “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

Ron’s eyes darted between her face and her chest as he contemplated it before predictably sitting up and whipping his boxers off. Hermione reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, throwing the last of her clothes away leaving her naked on the bed. She looked down at Ron’s manhood and licked her lips, waiting for him to lay back beside her before reaching down to stroke it. He reached out to play with her breasts in response, amazed at how soft they were and how hard her nipples were. He couple resist giving them a pinch, which made Hermione squeak and slap his hand away. “Sorry” he said, but she could tell he wasn’t.

Harry, meanwhile, had gotten over his shock and was licking his lips in anticipation as his face drifted closer to her pussy. He looked up at the bookworm and found her naked, taking a moment to admire her pretty young tits before kissing her thigh. “Hey Hermione? Would it be okay if I… if I licked it?”

Hermione’s stomach fluttered as she looked down at the young man situated between her legs. This was the part in those erotic stories she read where the prince would taste the heroine’s nethers before making love to her. Excitement aroused her as she nodded eagerly, griping the bedsheets watching Harry kiss around her cunt before running his tongue along her folds. She moaned loudly and fell onto the mattress, thrusting her chest out as her back arched mistakingly giving Ron and invitation to suck her nipples with made her moan again. Her body ignited in pleasure as Harry tasted her womanhood and his tongue started to explore inside her hole. She panted and moaned staring at the ceiling, convincing herself this was a dream. Even when Ron came up and kissed her mouth again she wouldn’t believe it was really him she was kissing. It wasn’t Harry’s tongue lapping at her clit, nor his fingers curling into her pussy gingerly. It seemed too good to be true.

“Fuck, you are gagging for it” Ron muttered as he pried his mouth away from the horny witch. He glanced down at his erection, which she was still stroking frantically, wondering how that mouth of hers would feel on his cock. He cupped her cheek and reminded her “you said you’d be willing to try sucking cock right?” She nodded, though it was a question if she understood the question at that moment. He took it as a sure thing and climbed up onto his knees, shuffling over to her face presenting his penis. She looked at it and immediately sat up, instinctively opening her mouth and wrapping it around his cock. In her head she was sure this was part of the dream and didn’t think about the fact she was sucking a boys cock for the first time. Ron grinned like an idiot and gently thrust into her face, enjoying the sensation of her tongue slathering his underside while her mouth suctioned his tip.

Her brain was able to snap back to reality moments before she climaxed, the build up driving her back to sanity as she blinked and realized her mouth was full of dick. She stared up at Ron and started to panic, but he was getting close and put his hand on the back of her head to stuff it deeper. She gagged and clawed at his thigh, yanking her mouth free moments before he ejaculated, resulting in his cum spraying all over her face and hair. “Ew, gross” she muttered, collapsing back onto the bed unable to complain as she felt her insides spasm again into a bigger orgasm than before. Her toes curled and her hands flew to Harry’s scalp gripping it tightly as she suddenly screamed “oh fuck!” Coming into his mouth. Harry was able to pry his face out from between her thighs moments later, gasping for air watching Hermione pant and shiver from the climax. “Sorry, I got…phew. This is getting intense” she remarked. She looked up at Ron too, apologizing for her reaction.

“It’s cool” he replied, still in shock from his first orgasm. “I think I need a minute” he whispered slumping onto the mattress.

Harry, however, clawed up Hermione’s front looking very much alert. “Are you okay?” He asked her. She nodded, smiling assuringly. He looked at her naked body beneath him, and the erection hovering above her dripping pussy. “If you want to stop…” he said, but she put a finger to hips lips whispering quietly “I want you to be my first.” He looked at her and smiled, feeling the same way. So with a silent agreement they positioned themselves ready to take the next logical step in this relationship.

He hesitated a moment glancing at Ron. “Are you sure?” He asked.

She glanced at the distracted young man before turning her attention back to Harry whispering “I’m sure. But I am worried…this won’t affect our friendship will it?”

“I hope not” he replied, the same concerns going through his head. Her nervously positioned his body on top of her, his penis hovering at her waiting entrance. Resting on his elbows he looked at Hermione, who impatiently took hold of him and made sure he was pointing in the right spot before silently nodding him to do it. So with a gentle shove he penetrated his friend slowly feeling her virgin entrance stretch around his penis.

It didn’t hurt Hermione as much as she was expecting it to. In fact due to all the foreplay and two orgasms she was able to take his entire shaft without much discomfort. She exhaled slowly as his cock filled her pussy completely, the sensation brand new to her and quite alarming. She felt full, stuffed to the brim, and yet her insides seemed to crave more. She stared up at Harry who remained still to get used to being inside a girl for the first time, her legs wrapping around his waist as her arms looped around his neck. She pecked his lips and smiled. “This is amazing” she whispered.

“It feels great” he agreed, smiling back.

“Wow, that actually looks hot” Ron muttered, interrupting the silence reminding the two of them they weren’t alone. They glanced at Ron who was sat up watching them, his hand stroking his cock. Their cheeks turned red suddenly embarrassed. But rather than pull out and abandon the idea Harry decided to continue, giving Hermione a silent look asking permission. She nodded, rolling her head back to focus on the sensation of his hips drawing his cock out of her vagina become pushing it back in. The fireworks she felt made her moan and wrap her arms and legs tighter around him.

Soon Harry found a rhythm to his thrusting, his hips rocking on their own gently fucking Hermione on the bed still on his elbows. She clung to him tightly, panting in his ear when she wasn’t kissing his neck or cheek. At one point she threw her head back to moan, a quivering orgasm passing through her body that made her squeeze his dick tight. He paused to let her ride it out, gasping at how much she crushed him and how good it felt. When she signaled him to carry on he moved even faster, eager to make her cum again. Halfway through Ron got tired of just watching and reached over to squeeze one of her breasts, pulling the girls attention momentarily to steal a kiss from her panting mouth. She took pity and jerked him off a while, long enough to satisfy him until she felt another orgasm approaching. “Oh fuck Harry. I’m about to cum again!” She cried.

“Me too” he groaned, his balls aching desperate to expel their load. He humped harder and felt her walls constrict around him. “Oh fuck Hermione. I want to cum so badly.”

“Yes, I…I… shit, I don’t have any condoms!” She realized, her eyes widening in panic sitting up abruptly.

“Seriously? You mention that now?” Ron laughed.

“Well I didn’t know I would be having sex any time soon” she chided. She looked apologetically at Harry telling him “you need to pull out!”

“I don’t know if I can..” he stammered, but she screamed “NOW!” Very insistently. So with great reluctance he yanks his cock out of her pussy just in time, ejaculating a second later spraying semen over her chest and tits. He groans in relief as he paints her pale body, unable to stop himself until he was finished. When he opened his eyes she was staring at the dripping mess on her front sighing. “Sorry” he apologized.

She sighed again, falling onto her back. She’d just cleaned her face of Ron’s cum too, though more still stuck to her hair. “Well I thought it was really hot” Ron said sliding down next to her, admiring her cum stained body.

She rolled her eyes and made an effort to wipe it away, getting it over her fingers resisting the urge to lick them clean. “I look like a mess” she complained, wiping them on the bedsheets.

Harry lay next to her saying “you look great.” She scoffed, but he insisted. “You look very, very sexy.”

“You really fucking do” Ron agreed, staring at her admirably.

She looked at both her boys, seeing the affection in their gaze and forced a smile. “I was incredible” she told Harry, stroking his cheek kissing him tenderly. “Thank you” she whispered. He kissed her back in response.

Ron slipped in quietly asking her “so does that mean it’s my turn?”

She looked back and met his face with an affectionate but exhausted sigh. “I guess so” she sighed, feeling bad about leaving Ron out of it. She gave him a kiss and diplomatically suggested “I need to rest a moment. Maybe you could lick all this stuff off me while you wait?”

“Gross, no way” he scoffed. But he looked at her chest and replied “but we can suck on your tits while you’re resting, can’t we Harry?” He said. The young man looked at Hermione, who gave him an amused chuckle granting permission, laying on her back presenting her chest to them both. Both boys shuffled over her and proceeded to play with her breasts before each taking a nipple into their mouths. Hermione gasped as they began sucking experimentally, intermittently swirling their tongues over her nubs while their fingers kneaded her flesh. She pushed her chest out and combed her finger through their hair, sighing with pleasure as she lay trapped between them. A couple of minutes of this had her thighs rubbing together again, her body buzzing with adoration and excitement.

At some point Ron decided to check if Hermione was ready for him by slipping his hand between her legs. He watched her shiver when his fingertip brushed her folds, effortlessly sliding inside finding her soaking wet. Harry let go of the nipple in his mouth and looked down to see his best friend fingering her, watching Hermione’s face contort in pleasure. He caught Ron’s eye, who was enjoying her squirming very much, the ginger boy enticing him to join in coaxing her thighs open. Harry gingerly pressed his fingers against Hermione’s clit as felt it stiffen to his touch as the girl whimpered. She was really sensitive now. If they kept going she was likely going to cream in a few sort minutes. “I think she’s ready for you mate” he told Ron.

“You think?” He asked looking at her.

Hermione heard them and sat up begging “yes, please…I’m ready.”

Ron grinned, removing his hand listening to Hermione’s spontaneous disappointed whine. “I’ve always wanted to do this” he said, excitedly stroking his erection as he rose to his knees patting the mattress. “Can you get up and turn around please” he asked her. She looked at him in confusion as she climbed up onto her hands and knees. But as soon as she did so she realized why as he took hold of her hips and guided his penis towards her entrance. She sighed feeling it slide in, his cock distinctly different to Harry’s but just as rewarding. Once he was sheathed Ron took a moment to admire her backside, playfully slapping her cheeks. “I never realized you had a sweet ass” he complimented.

“Spank me like that again and it’s the last time you’ll get to see it” she warned shooting him a glare.

Ron leaned closer wrapping his arms around her, his hands clasping her breasts as he asked “you mean there’s going to be a next time? I thought with was a one time thing?”

Hermione suddenly turned red as she blushed. She didn’t know why she said that. Losing her virginity wasn’t helping her think straight. Even Harry looked at her wondering if she was having second thoughts. She averted her gaze unable to look at either of them, not even as Ron began humping into her from behind. His thrusts weren’t gentle and Hermione found herself clinging to his arms just to stay upright as he fucked her. Harry crawled closer so she could fall against his chest, holding onto his shoulders for support. She panted into his neck letting her body be used, enjoying the brief moment of releasing control. Her brain seemed to shut down and give into the pleasure. It was an enlightening experience for her.

“Are you okay?” Harry asked her, cupping her cheeks bringing her face up. She nodded, a delirious smile curling in her lips before she kissed him. Ron adjusted his grip and fucked her harder, her pants turning to moans. Her eyes fell to Harry’s cock growing hard in front of her. He caught her staring at it as she licked her lips. “You don’t have to do anything” he whispered.

She took a hold of his penis. “I want to” she told him, lowering down to her elbows so she could take his dick into her mouth and give him a blowjob. Harry looked up at Ron who was grinning like an idiot as he rocked her onto his cock, the boys spit roasting the bookworm on the bed. Hermione closed her eyes and let their motions guide the sex, giving into her body’s cravings and desires. She let go and orgasmed two more times at afternoon.

During the second climax both Harry and Ron were about to cum too. Harry reminded Ron that none of them had condoms. “Don’t worry, I have no intention of coming there” he replied, pulling out of Hermione and jerking himself off until he ejaculated all over her back, cum shooting into her hair and over her shoulders. Harry pondered if she would be willing to swallow his cum, lifting her chin seeking to ask her. But she let him go as the first droplets leaked out of him, gaging from the taste deciding for him. He couldn’t help himself as he sprayed her across the face and neck, sperm blinding her as she was painted from both sides. She didn’t have the energy to complain as she collapsed onto the bed immediately after, shaking from her orgasms covered in cum heaving for breath. When they were spent both Ron and Harry slumped onto the mattress either side of her, panting heavily staring at the ceiling.

As far as first times went, this had to be one for the books.

After a few minutes Hermione regained her senses, groaning from her aching body as she rolled onto her back. “I cannot believe we actually did this” she muttered.

“Neither can I” Ron grinned. “Fuck, my brothers are going to be mad.”

“Remember our deal! We don’t tell anyone” Hermione reminded him. “We never talk about this.”

“What? Ever?” He asked objecting. She shot him another glare and he got the message. Never. “I suppose you never want to have sex again?” He asked mockingly.

Hermione didn’t dignify the question with an answer. In truth she wasn’t sure if she wanted to explore sex for a while. She needed time to digest the threesome she’d just had. Harry rolled over and took her hand gently whispering “don’t worry. We won’t tell anyone. I’m just glad you got to be my first.”

Hermione looked over at him, a warm feeling passing between them as she squeezed his hand. She reached over and, despite how much of an ass he can be, squeezed Ron’s too. In the end she was glad her first time was with her closest friends. It was a nice memory to hold onto. She looked around at the clubhouse which had remained, thankfully, deserted for the encounter. “For the record, I don’t think we should use this place for sex ever again” she said.

Unfortunately she had no way to enforce that idea.

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