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The Secret Clubhouse: The Beginning

You stood at the top balcony looking down at the rest of the clubhouse where all your friends and fellow members of the Circle. It was busy, which was good. It was fortunate they found the place. It had three floors and they only needed to fill one. They stood around, some talking, others lamenting. Most were exploring or admiring the space. It was part study, part common room, part training area. It was perfect. None of them had come up to the floor you were on, not yet. It wouldn’t take them long, but you wanted to keep it to yourself for a little while longer.

You looked around at the third floor, the extended lounge space and elegant décor still mesmerizing. You scan the carpet and trace the steps you took the first time you saw this place, circling the room as the memory illuminated inside your mind bringing a mix of emotions.


“Holy Merlin!” You cry as Rowan led you through the staircase and into the large tiered space. You stare up at the tall ceilings and elegant décor, following her excitedly as she shows you the study area, the sofas, the huge windows and winding staircases. “How did you find this place?” You asked her, staring at her in befuddlement.

“I read about it while I was researching the clubs Mcgonagal told us about” she replied modestly, fixing her glasses on her dark skinned nose, her raven black hair falling over her shoulders and elegant blue dress. The purple flowers stitched into the fabric seemed to dance as Rowan strode through the room twirling with excitement, the silver pendant around her neck sparkling in the candlelight. “When the Dragon, Hippogriff and Sphinx clubs were created, some members thought it wasn’t fair to exclude other members from other clubs. This was before it was allowed that you could join more than one. Anyway, they built this space to connect all three clubs so members could socialize and share what they learnt. Over the years the clubhouse stopped being used as much but it remained as a social space, until students stopped visiting.”

You look back at the door you came from, which you know was locked and virtually hidden. “The password suggested it was hidden rather than lost” you point out.

“Yeah, I found a journal wedged in the shelves that gave me the password and explained how it was used as a meeting place” she explained. “Apparently it got a bit of a reputation with select students who still knew about it. Looking at the place when I found it, it seemed to still be in use. But I’ve never seen anyone else in here when I visit.”

You circle the space alongside your best friend, your starry dress brushing against the soft furnishings as you fiddle with the necklace around your neck. You caught the sparkle of your tiara atop your tied back hair in a reflection of a window, looking out over the school grounds. It was a breathtaking view. “So how often have you come up here?” You asked her.

She shrugged. “Three, four times a week. It’s a great study place while the common room is noisy and Madame Prince has grown annoyed at my constant presence in the library. It’s quiet. I could stay here for hours. I almost tried sleeping here overnight just so I could study more, if only we didn’t have the curfew.”

You look at one of the sofas and take a seat, testing the cushions. “It’s is comfy I suppose” you admit.

She looked at you and the sofa and laughed in that cute chortling she does. “Oh, not the sofa. Come with me” she said, grabbing your hand and pulling up up the stairs to the highest level. You were stunned to find a four poster bed sitting up here invitingly. “I don’t know why a social space needed a bed. I guess students wanted a place to crash after all the homework” Rowan guessed, hopping onto the edge of the bed inviting you join her.

You take a seat and bounce on the mattress. “Wow” you mutter, feeling the sickly sheets and pillows, laying back to feel it. Rowan lay beside you, equally satisfied with the bed. “This is so much nicer them those in our dorm room” you sigh. Rowan nodded in agreement. You turn to her, finally asking inquisitively “why are you showing me this place? Don’t you want this all to yourself?”

She rolled onto her side smiling broadly answering “you’re my best friend. I wanted to share this with you. Now we have somewhere to spend time together, to study and hang out. I had this place to myself for months. I guess I got lonely. You’re the first person I’ve told.”

Your eyes widen in shock. “Wow. That’s…I’m honored.” You sit up and look around this place. Briefly you considered inviting some more of your friends here. But for now it was fun to have a secret hideout with Rowan. “Privacy Assured” you mutter, the password bemusing you. “Pretty appropriate” you smile, looking at Rowan sharing her excitement. You suddenly blush, feeling the silence of the room suddenly overwhelming. “Thank you, for sharing this. And for being my date to the Celestial Ball” you tell her.

She blushed back, affectionately replying “thank you for asking me to be your date. You’re the first person to ask me…anything like that.”

“It was an easy decision” you tell her, putting your hand on hers looking into her dazzling eyes. You feel like you friendship with Rowan just got stronger as you feel butterflies in your gut, the red in your cheeks glowing brighter. You glance at the bed, joking echoing “it is a shame we can’t sleep over here. The rooms so far away from the dormitories…”

Rowan’s lips curled into a gleeful smirk. “Actually…there’s one last thing I need to show you.”

Minutes later the two of you were standing in the alcove of a doorway on the second floor of this clubhouse. But instead of looking at a brick wall Rowan revealed the four engraved door handles built into the stone. Taking the handle marked with the Ravenclaw house crest, she turned it and opened the door revealing the common room on the other side. You take a step inside and find yourself in a hidden alcove behind a curtain by the stairs to the dormitories, a couple of students oblivious to your presence sitting on the sofas.

You turn back to look at Rowan, who was still standing in the alcove with a brig grin on her face. “How?” You ask, stepping back through the doorway to check the windows and the geography. It was bizarre. But then Rowan pulled her next magic trick, closing the door and then turning the Gryffindor handle. When she opened it again they were looking into another alcove in the Gryffindor common room. This time you just stared, asking again. “How?”

“I can’t explain it either” she said, closing the door pointing to the handles. “Each one opens a portal to the corresponding common room. The doors are hidden, nobody sees you.”

“I wish I had known about this when I needed to sneak into the Slytherin common room” you laugh, looking at the handle with the snake resisting the urge to open it.

Rowan caught your hand before you could give in to temptation. “You could, but it’s a one way portal” she warned. You look at her as she explained “it only opens from this side. And it’s difficult to keep open. Once it closes the other side is just a wall, no way to get back. Believe me, I spent days examining the wall in our room trying to find one.”

You nod, leaning against the wall staring at the door. This could let them get back before and after curfew. It opened up a lot of possibilities. “So we could spend as much time in here as we wanted, and be back in time for curfew” you said aloud, joining Rowan in an excited smile as the two of you take hands and walk back into the clubhouse. You find a wide open spot and decide to continue the dance you started in the great hall. The candlelight brought the perfect atmosphere as you both giggle and danced, twirling in each other’s arms. It felt much more freeing being alone, with no one else around. You took Rowan’s hands, twirling with her, your dresses swaying around your feet. Your eyes met and there was sparks, those butterflies in your gut bringing a feeling of euphoria to your senses.

Which was probably why you didn’t object when Rowan spontaneously leaned in and kissed you.


You sat down on the bed on the third floor, that kiss coming to mind. It was the kiss that changed everything, even though she practically freaked when you kissed her back. You remembered you both froze after that, stunned and shocked by the kiss. It took a whole minute for either of you to speak, then another five to get past the blushing awkwardness to use the one way portal to return to the common room and bid each other goodnight. It was a tense morning the next day. Neither of you talked about it. Looking back you wonder if things might’ve gone differently if you’d found the courage to talk about it sooner.


Three weeks had passed by the time Rowan sat down beside you in the great hall. At first she just sat there staring forward. Then she took a breath and plainly said “I’ve given up on dating.”

“What?” You asked, caught of guard by the odd statement.

She glanced around and shuffled closer, lowering her voice to explain “I’ve decided to give up on dating. It’s not for me. I think I’m happier by myself.”

You blink, unsure what to say. “Okay” you managed after catching up a little, closing the notebook your were writing in. “What brought this on?” You asked, a little worryingly. “Was it the… is this because of what happened after the ball?”

“What?” Rowan asked, looking at you oddly. You look back. She can’t have forgotten you think. “Oh, you mean the kiss” she realized, shifting a little uncomfortably. “No. Well, not entirely” she confessed. “I didn’t want to say anything before. You seemed pretty…weird about it.”

“Yeah, because I thought you were being weird about it” you replied, sighing at the blatant miss communication. “I didn’t want to…freak you out or anything. But you kissed me first, and I just…”

“Yeah” she said, nodding in agreement. “I didn’t know what I was thinking. It just happened. But it made me realize that I’m not ready for anything like that yet” she explained.

“You’re not?”

“No. I freaked out because I started thinking about it. And then I started thinking about the whole dating prospect and, I know you asked me to the ball as a friend, but it got me considering future dates and boys and…I’m just not ready, I can’t handle anything like that yet. So I’m giving up dating and focusing one something more important.”

“Becoming the youngest professor at Hogwarts?” You guessed.

She grinned back. “Absolutely” she confirmed. “But I hope we’re still friends” she then said, which surprised you more than her no dating declaration. “I was worried the kiss had made things weird between us.”

You look back at Rowan, seeing the concern on her face, and confidently assure her “it’s not weird. We’re still friends. That is, as long as you are still okay with me visiting you in your secret clubhouse” you asked playfully.

“Our secret clubhouse” she beamed, joyfully wrapping her arms around you glad things hadn’t been ruined. You breathed a sigh of relief too as you both made plans to study together later in said clubhouse.


Looking back, you wonder if you made a mistake not saying anything about how disappointed you were at the time.


The months rolled by while you continued your search for the Cursed Vaults and your brother while trying to stay on top of your studies. The clubhouse helped a lot giving you a place to relax and study without worrying about the dangers out there. Rowan was always on hand to cheer you up and help, in her own quirky way. She was consistent with her decision about dating, but it didn’t stop either of you in your sexual awakening.

One day you stumble upon a stash of magazines in the Ravenclaw common room, which you bring with you to the clubhouse so the pair of you can peruse in private. Rowan became worried the owners might get upset, but you argue Filch would only confiscate them and get the owners into trouble so this would actually be a public service. Privately you know if they did get mad they’d be too embarrassed to ask around for them. Maybe when you’re done you could put your investigative skills to tracking them down and returning them. Until then you opened the pages and examined the countless pictures of naked men and women in different poses, outfits, small printed articles dwarfed beside their bodies.

“Holy Merlin!” Rowan gasped, the two of you tilting your head as your eyes followed the length of a particular male specimen spreading across two pages. “Are all guys that big?” She asked.

“I wouldn’t know” you confess, staring at the man’s gunk wounding how he’s able to walk with that monster.

A few days later you found Rowan in the small alcove with the house doors as you’ve called it. You come over wonder why she appeared to be creeping just inside, looking over her shoulder finding her peeping into the Gryffindor common room. It was early evening but there wasn’t many students there today, bar one. The reason for Rowan’s stalking. You roll your eyes when you spot Bill Weasley lounging in an armchair in front of the fireplace with his wand in hand and a book in his lap. He seems to be practicing the vemillious charm. He has seen either of you staring at him.

“You know, with this doorway, you could walk in and talk to him” you whisper to Rowan. You were fully aware she had a massive crush on the boy, always had. The way she obsessed over him made you jealous sometimes.

Rowan looked at you turning pale. “I couldn’t do that!” She squeaked quietly, nervously watching him from the alcove with a tapestry helpfully obscuring them from view. “We’re not allowed to go into other houses common rooms anyway” she said.

You shrugged. “We’ve done it before” you reminded her. She glanced over her shoulder with a grimace. Unlike you she wasn’t completely okay with breaking the rules. “Well, if you won’t visit him, maybe we should invite him to visit us here” you teased, taking delight in seeing her hiccup with nerves.

The noise she made drew Bill’s attention, his eyes glancing towards the tapestry where their alcove was hidden. But by the time he got up to investigate the pair of you had already ducked back into the clubhouse pushing the door shut, leaving him just a stone wall to examine.

You came back to the clubhouse some weeks later and found Rowan on the upper floor standing in front of a mirror, several of those magazines open and spread out neatly on a nearby table. You caught a glimpse of her from down stairs, walking up the steps to say hi where you find her out of her robes, most of her school uniform folded neatly on the bed as she stood before the mirror in just her skirt and tights. She was topless and examining herself in the mirror, a downcast look on her face as she ran her hands over her chest. When you catch yourself staring you quickly avert your eyes, apologizing as you say “I didn’t think your were…”

“Oh, you’re here!” She squeaked, suddenly seeing you in the reflection covering herself. You turn away, your face turning bright read, both of you embarrassed. “Sorry, I didn’t realize what time it was” she apologized, looking at the clock.

“What are you doing?” You asked, still staring at the ceiling.

She looked at the floor, glancing at the magazines where several women were displayed, many topless. “I was just…it’s nothing” she said, turning away hurriedly picking her clothes up.

You glance over your shoulder and reluctantly tell her “it’s okay. You can tell me. I won’t make fun of you” you promise, slowly turning back to look at her as she covered herself with her arms.

She hesitated for a long moment before biting her bottom lip asking you “do boys really find…these attractive?” Pointing to the magazines with her toe.

You walk over and pick up a few of them, examining the half naked women on the pages. “I don’t know” you replied honestly. “They are very attractive I guess.”

“But they all…” Rowan blushed, reluctant to say. You look at her patiently, waiting for her to nervously lower her arms asking you “am I attractive?”

“What? Why would you ask that?”

“I don’t know, because I’m…I’m not like those girls?” She said, pointing at the large breasted women. She looked down at her own flat chest. “I mean, look. They’re so small.”

Trying not to seem weird about it, you put the magazines down and make yourself look at Rowan’s topless figure. Her dark skin glowed in the candle light and you could see her delicate dark nipples on her chest. “You look amazing” you tell her, staring at her modest beauty in awe. After all this time being friends, you had never seen Rowan self conscious about her body before. “You look beautiful” you tell her truthfully.

“You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend” she sighed, turning back to the mirror examining her small tits. “What if boys don’t like them?” She asked.

“I thought you were done with dating?” You say, seeing her uncomfortable face in the reflection. You step up and beside her in front of the mirror, taking hold of her shoulders telling her “you look amazing. And if some boy doesn’t think so then they are either blind, or a jerk, or both because they would be lucky to see your amazing boobs."

Rowan didn’t seem convinced, palming her breasts as if she could make them grow with willpower. “I don’t know. I mean, look…” she took your hands and, before you could stop her, she pressed them against her boobs so you could feel them. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt her chest with your palms, trying not to react as she asked you “do these even count as boobs. They’re so small you can barely see them.”

“I see them” you whisper hoarsely, quickly clearing your throat telling her “I see them. And so would Bill” you add, taking a guess what this is about. She bristled uncomfortably, crossing her arms as you go on to say “if one day you let Bill see them, he won’t care how big or small they are. He’ll just see you for the beautiful girl you are.”

“You think so?” She asked.

“I sure of it” you nod, taking your hands away from her tits to stroke her bare shoulders. She looked at herself again, starting to see what you’re talking about. You look at the magazines again, each of them displaying their large busts. You doubted this is what boys considered the average boob size. “Here, let me show you something” you say, plucking up the courage to do some stripping of your own as you remove your shirt and tie and take off the bra you were wearing. Rowan watched you with wide eyes until you were standing topless beside her, showing her your modestly small boobs. “See? I guess we’ve both got some growing to do” you tell her, recounting how you mentioned it to your mom and she assured you there’s nothing wrong with how big or small they were.

Rowan stared at your chest before lifting her gaze to your face. “Wow, you look…amazing” she said, nervously asking if she could touch them. You told her she could and inhaled when her palms pressed against them and fondled them. You couldn’t explain it but it felt incredible when she massaged them, your cheeks turning read when she noticed your nipples had gotten hard. After a minute Rowan compared your boobs to her and she said “yours are a bit bigger than mine.”

“No” you insisted, reaching over to feel hers and yours to compare them yourself. They felt the same to you. “No, they look great. I like how soft your nipples are” you remark, circling her dark nubs with your fingers listening to her breath slightly faster and squeak when you pinched one. You both broke into giggled when you stepped back and realized “why are we here feeling each other up?”

“I don’t know” she chuckled, becoming her usual self again. She looked at you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders. “Thank you for cheering me up.”

“And for touching your boobs?” You joke.

“That too” she giggled, pecking you on the cheek.

You smile, hiding the blush in your cheeks as you looked down at the magazines. “I think it’s time we get rid of these” you suggest. Rowan eagerly nodded, helping your gather them up before you both put your clothes back on.

Before you left for the common room Rowan awkwardly turns to you asking “I do trust you, but please don’t tell anyone about this.”

“I promise. What happens in the clubhouse stays in the clubhouse” you swear. She smiles and skips back through the portal to your common room, entering unseen where you slip the magazines back where you found them. That night you lie awake in your dorm room stroking the spot on your cheek where Rowan kissed you.

Months cross to years and it turned out Rowan’s fears about her body were unfounded. Over time her chest grew out at puberty took hold, as did yours developing a remarkable change in your figure. It was subtle but Rowan noticed, prompting you both to get undressed down to your underwear to check out the results. “I think your bum is bigger” she remarked, turning around to admire her firm ass.

You twisted your hips to check. It was rounder. “Yeah, but at least your boobs are bigger” you reply with a smirk.

Rowan grinned staring at her mounds in her bra which had grown out. “Not as big as the women in the magazines” she said.

“I thought Talbot moved his hiding place?” You comment in suspicion.

“And I thought you stopped reading them” she shoots back suspiciously.

You refuse to comment.

It turned out Rowan had her own stash of adult material. You found her with some of it a couple weeks later after training with Rakepick. She claimed to have found it in the library, hidden away. You voice your doubts wondering if it was actually Madame Princes secret stash. The collection consisted of erotic novels, magazines and illustrated books. You skimmed through them as they details various sexual acts and techniques, wondering if it was meant to be some kind of instruction manual about sex. Rowan became fascinated about the biology behind it. It had very details illustrations of the male and female genitalia. While she studied them you opted to read some of the magazine articles out of curiosity. One night you steamed yourself and, when you had the clubhouse to yourself, read through the erotic novel instead. You got very warm and uncomfortable when flicking through the pages.

Rowans studies into sex took a turn when she started to experiment with some of the instructions she was reading. One evening you found her on the sofa with her skirt down rubbing her pussy while looking at the pictures intently. You snuck up behind her and tried (and failed) not to scare her when you asked what she was doing. “Nothing” she said embossed, pulling her tights back on.

“Rowan, seriously? What were you doing?”

She blushed, showing you the chapter she was reading. “Trying to masturbate” she confessed.

You raise and eyebrow. “You’re using books to learn how to masturbate?” You laugh.

She looked at you. “Have you done it?”

It was your turn to blush. “Sure, sort of. I started after reading that novel you had. Then I found more in the library. Some of them describe how to do it.”

“Damn, I should’ve started with them” she muttered. “What’s it like?”

You shrug. “It feels good, I guess. I just rub my hand against my pussy and it helps the aching stop.”

“According to this there’s a skill to it” she explains, pulling you onto the seat next to her and going through the illustrations. “See. There’s this sport where all the nerves come together, and then you put your finger inside this part here…”

You listen to Rowan talk you through what she learned, all the while staring at the innocent curiosity on her face as she talked. She was really cute when she got excited. Her excitement was infectious. It always made you smile.


You wished you’d spent more time with her as you slumped back against the bed in the clubhouse. Why did you have to be so focused on the cursed vaults? On Rakepick? On finding your brother. If only you had more time. You and Rowan had this place to yourselves. You could’ve had all the time in the world. You close your eyes, thinking about the few times you did spend together. The fun times. The boring times. The unusual times.


One such interesting time was when Rowan convinced you to help her in her studies by volunteering to by her practice dummy. You wonder how she convinced you into taking off your pants leaving you in a T-shirt and socks, your panties removed so she could look at your vagina. Then again, you could never say no to Rowan, and not just because you owed her for all the times you asked her for help in your quests. You climbed onto the bed, shuffling up against the headboard where you gathered up the cushions and pillows to make yourself comfortably while Rowan knelt in front of you with the illustrations spread out around her. “Remind me again why you can’t do this with your own vagina?” You asked as you nervously spread your legs for your study partner.

“I tried, but I can never get a good view” she replied, adjusting her glasses as she knelt down and examined your sex inquisitively. “Thanks again for doing this with me.”

“For science” you mutter, sitting back feeling very exposed now that your best friend was staring at your most intimate part like this. This wasn’t like when you compared boobs all that time ago, you felt more vulnerable. You got goosebumps when she leant in closer and you felt her breath tickle your skin. You lay your head back and try not to think about it, trusting Rowan to get on with her scientific exploration and hoping it doesn’t take too long.

She started by reading one of the pages and tracing her fingertips over your body slowly, carefully drawing your lips part to examine your pussy. You close your eyes and bit your lower lip, attempting to stay composed as your breathing grew heavier. The more she probed the more aroused you got, forcing you to think of unsexy things to try and counter it. Snape in a dress. Filch and Mrs Norris kissing. Professor Dumbledore in a thong. None of it worked when Rowan’s fingers found your clit and sent jolts of electricity through your nerves. “Holy shit!” You gasp, your hips flinching as you look down at her. “What was that?”

“The colitis, I think, she replied plainly, rereading the paragraph. “One of the more sensitive parts of the female body. The more stimulation it gets, the more swollen it becomes, which is meant to make it more pleasurable?” She reached down and pressed her fingertips against it again, looking up at you asking “do you feel anything?”

“A little” you replied, your sex becoming very warm all of a sudden. “Try rubbing it” you suggest. She does and you feel the ache grow into something intense. “Oh yes, I feel that. Oh wow” you breathe, falling back against the pillows.

Rowan continues to rub you while she flicked the page. Her expression changed. “Interesting. According to this you can touch it with fingers, pinch it, but for best results using something wet like a tongue will bring the most stimulation.”

“You mean it wants you to lick it?” You ask in confusion, glancing back down.

She looked at your clit and shrugged. “I guess.” She looked at you a moment, as if asking for permission saying “for science?” You consider it before hesitantly nodding. When she ran her tongue over your clit you lost all hesitation, the results immediate as you released a spontaneous moan and shivered in pleasure. Rowan took it as a good sign and kept going, following as the book suggested as tried sucking on it next.

Your mind went blank as pleasure took over. You couldn’t believe Rowan was doing this to you, even if it was for science. It felt so good you wondered how you hadn’t experienced this before. You writhed on the bed as Rowan lay between your legs, your hands clawing at the bedsheets as you moaned and panted. You felt your whole body getting tingly as arouse grew, your nipples becoming hard beneath your shirt. You took hold of your breasts and squeezed them, the action much more enjoyable than before now. Down below Rowan reached the next page and inserted a finger into your vagina. “Oh wow fuck!” You cry, your hips quivering at the penetration. She paused worried it was hurting but you grab her hair and yank her back between your thighs shouting “for science!”

Rowan was in shock at the results of her experiment, watching you become undone as she continued to explore and lick and finger your cunt. She watched as your sex lubricated itself and throbbed to her touch, the clit swelling and becoming more stimulated, your walls loosening making it easier to slide her finger in. She kept going until your body experienced it’s first true primal orgasm, your voice filling the room as you screamed and shook violently on the bed in front of her, juices leaking from your sex soaking her hand. Rowan sat up and watched you collapse in a panting mess, your chest rising and falling as you stared up at the ceiling delirious.

She looked at her dripping fingers and consulted the book again. “Hm, I wasn’t expecting that for another two pages” she remarked, wiping your cum on the mattress before crawling over to check on you. Your eyes refocused and looked up at her beautiful face. “How did it feel?” She asked.

“Incredible” you breathe, your pupils dilating as they fixed onto her. Intoxicated by the orgasm you experienced you spontaneously grab her head and pull her into a passionate kiss, powerful enough to take the shocked girls breath away before she could pull herself back. When you regain your senses you apologize, sitting up to look at the wet puddle in the sheets you left before closeting your thighs again. “Holy fuck, that was intense” you gasp, staring at Rowan asking “did you get hat you were after?”

“I think so” she said thoughtfully. “But there’s still more I want to try.”

You look at the young attractive woman next to you and gently pry the book from her grasp. “If you want, I could try it on you, so you can experience what I went through?”

Rowan beamed excitedly. “That would help a lot. Thanks. Could you do it now, or do you need to rest for a minute?”

“Now’s fine” you replied, hiding your enthusiasm as Rowan eagerly got undressed and swapped places with you. You knelt in front of the dark skinned girl as she excitedly opened her legs to you, staring at her waiting sex as you quickly reviewed the bookmarked page. You glance up at her inquisitive face watching you intently as you lean in and begin to make your own exploration of her body.

It turned out you were a fast learner and you didn’t need to use the illustrations to find Rowan’s hot spots so to speak. Her pussy was already wet with excitement when you began stroking her folds, gazing at it in awe as the girls eyes remained on you. You regularly looked up at her to see her reaction as you rubbed her and inserted your finger, listening to her breathing increase as you pushed your digit deeper inside. You rubbed her clit with your thumb and found it swelling up, Rowan’s squeaks turning to moans when you leaned down to lick it. Her arousal created a smell that you found intoxicating, eagerly sucking on her clit and pussy to taste the juices leaking out. Rowan’s concentration never wavered, not even as she began to shiver from pleasure. You watched her intently as you munched on her and fingered her hole, discovering her entrance had enough room to have a second finger inserted. Rowan groaned in approval as her knees bent wrapping her legs around your head. “Merlin, this is amazing” she panted.

You eagerly fucked your best friend, exploring her depths with your fingers as deep as you could. You felt around her insides slowly until your nail grazed something inside that made Rowan cry out louder. “Are you okay?” You asked, freezing in panic worried you did something wrong.

“Oh my god!” She cried, her hips buckling as she exhaled heavily. “Do that again” she said, sitting up to watch.

“Do what?”

“What ever you just did” she said. You look down at her pussy, her walls pulsing begging you to put your fingers back in. You felt around the area again, unsure what you’re looking for until Rowan’s eyes rolled into her skull and she fell back against the cushions. “There! Right there!” She gasped. You focused on that spot inside her, rubbing and pushing against it as you curled up your fingers. You weren’t sure what the significance was. It would take you and her a few more days of reading to learn that female bodies have a special nerve center in their sex called a G-Spot. What you learnt that day was when you find it it brings unbridled pleasure to the owner, something you discovered when Rowan screamed even louder and climaxed even harder than you did, her toes curling around your ears as she squirted into your face. When it passed Rowan was exhausted and sleepy, her clit too sensitive to continue as she whimpered at your touch. You crawl up to look at her, asking if she was okay. “Incredible” she whispered, her hair tangled from where she had been pulling it. She wiped her sweaty brow with her sleeve, panting heavily trying to stay awake. “I’ve never felt anything like that. It was like…wow.”

“Yeah, wow” you smiled, admiring the flushed expression she had post orgasm. It was like she was glowing. You collapse beside her, needing to take a break yourself as you stared at her.

Rowan rolled onto her side next to you, looking back at you warmly thanking you. “Thanks for helping with this. I know it was a little weird.”

“I like weird” you reply softly. “And I like you” you add, nervously leaning in and kissing her on the cheek.

She smiled, snuggling up with you muttering “you’re a good friend.”

You lay your head down watching her fall asleep, pulling the covers over you both before settling down to take a nap. You stared at her with great affection, feeling closer to the young woman than ever before.

This wasn’t the only time Rowan asked for your help in learning about this stuff either. She admitted later that you were the only person she trusted more than anyone to talk about this with, so she came to you with her research and you happily helped her with everything she found. One of the first things she approached you about following your first sexual activity was about kissing, which made sense because it wasn’t something you could do on your own. “And you seemed to be a very good kisser” she confessed awkwardly.

You blush, recalling the last time you kissed your best friend, and the first. Making sure you were both alone in the clubhouse you and Rowan sat cross legged on the carpet on the second level and nervously practiced kissing each other. It was awkward and messy at first but overtime you both got more confident and soon you were extending your tongues experimentally. Rowan was more analytical about the experience as she talked about how it was described in novels and such. You started looking forward to practicing with her, becoming breathless every time it was over.

Next you both returned to masturbation, which this time you opted to keep your hands to yourselves. You still kept the habit of making sure you had the place to yourself even though only you and Rowan had the password or knew this place existed. You started in the armchairs, stripping off to your underwear and then removing your panties to masturbate opposite each other. It was weird at first touching yourself alongside her, but Rowan was curious to compare the experience with yours. You tried to describe in detail how it felt and what it was like, but it got hard to concentrate by the time you orgasmed. It got even harder when you watched her orgasm across from you. After a few sessions you both moved to the sofa so you could watch each other more closely, which made you even more uncomfortable. You’d both finger yourselves until your climax and collapse together panting heavily. Then you’d compare notes and Rowan would write it in her notebook. Sometimes she’d suggest you’d finger each other, practicing on each other. Those, you both found, were much more intense, the orgasms faster and longer leaving you slumped shoulder to shoulder. You always felt flushed and tingly, glancing across to your friend as she fixed her glasses, looked back at you and broke into giggles.

Rowan’s research evolved to oral sex, mirroring what you tried before as you licked and tongued each other’s sex. That you did on the armchairs, one of you kneeling in front of the other with your face buried between their legs while they panted and moaned in response. Rowan would watch you like a Hawk, jotting things down in her book as you pleasured her. You weren’t so attentive, too consumed in how good it felt and how hot it was seeing her face looking up from your quivering thighs. You tried not to stare at her, even as she brought you from one mind blowing orgasm to another.

These sessions went on for weeks, and then months while you were keeping up with your studies, searching for the cursed vault and socializing with your friends. You and Rowan didn’t have sex everyday, but it became regular enough that you had managed to schedule it into your busy timetables. And it did move to sex, your experiments moving into the bed where you combines your make out sessions with touching each other, undressing and fucking in various ways, using the various books and magazines to learn about techniques. You learnt the sensitivity of your nipples when you sucked them. You discovered about anal (which neither Rowan nor you found as enjoyable, more icky). You tried scissoring each other, your pussies grinding together as you looked into each other’s eyes. You found out 69 was a thing, eating each other out at the same time. It was hot and steamy and really intimate. Then it got more experimental as you brought in some toys you read about, finding many of them in your dorm room. Turned out your roommates were very kinky. Rowan was eager to try them. Vibrators, dildos, toys of shapes and sizes. When you discovered a strap on you took turns fucking each other with it, using it to practice fucking guys. Rowan even sucked the plastic cock for the science of it. The most uncomfortable session (apart from anal sex) was when Rowan tested how many fingers you could stuff into a pussy. You drew the short straw and got Rowan’s hand stuffed into you cunt down to the wrist. Rowan was stunned that a hand could fit in there. You were trying hard not to pass out.

Some evenings you didn’t have sex all night, either catching up on studying following your sessions or lounging together to read the magazines together. It turned out some of those articles were interesting to read. One night you were engrossed in a story, about a married woman cheating on her husband with his lesbian sister while he was asleep in the living room, when you looked over and found Rowan fast asleep on your shoulder, the bed covers pulled up to your waist. You smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear and adjusting her glasses. She looked peaceful, beautiful. You looked at the watch on the bedside table. You had a few hours before curfew so you let her sleep. You always let her sleep.

It was nearly the end of the year, a week before you delved into the curse vault with Rakepick, when you finally asked Rowan “why the interest in sex after all this time? Or have you finally decided to start dating again?”

“No, I’m not dating” she replied, rolling onto her side after one of your sessions. You look at her curiously as she explained “I was curious. And I knew you’d be willing to help.”

“So you’re not using me to practice on for when you ask Bill out?” You tease, which made Rowan blush. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you calling him when I was fucking you with that strap on.”

“I couldn’t help it” she confessed, looking at you affectionately. “You’re a good friend.”

“I know” you sigh, resting your head on your elbow gazing back at her.

After a moment of silence she looked at your watch. “It’s getting late. We should get back to the dorms.”

“And pick this up next week” you joke.

This time, however, Rowan decided “I think I’m finished with my research. You were a great study partner but it’s time we stopped.”


“Yeah. I can’t keep asking you to have sex with me, not while you’re out dating other people. It wouldn’t be fair. Plus I could use a break. It’s exhausting.” She climbed out of bed and casually got dressed, leaving you naked under the covers watching her with a look of disappointment. When she turned around to look at you thought your expression was one of kindness and understanding. “You didn’t mind me doing all of this with you, did you.”

“Of course not” you reply. Then as an afterthought you added “I love you.”

Rowan put her shoes on and replied “I love you too. You’re the best friend I could’ve asked for” she said, tidying herself up making sure her uniform was neat before heading for the steps to the lower floor.

She paused at the top look back at you asking if you were coming. “In a minute. I’ll be right behind you” you promised, watching her disappear before finally slumping onto the mattress deflated. The exhale you released was one of deep regret.


You lay down in the exact same spot you were on that final day in this place. You came back a few times with Rowan since, but it was different. You and her never made love again. And after Rakepick betrayed you and you found your brother things got complicated. You distanced yourself from her, she focused on studying for her OWLs, you both seemed to lose each other. And then Rowan was killed and she was gone forever. You stared up at the ceiling, tears in your eyes. Rowan Khanna, your best friend, your first lover…your first love.

You didn’t realize it at the time but you were falling in love with her, since that first kiss after the celestial ball. You didn’t realize it until after it stopped. You realized how much you looked forward to those experiments, spending time with her, kissing her, giggling after orgasms, sleeping next to each other in the same bed. You had been on dates with many people but it was always her you came back to. And when you finally told her what you felt she missed it, or overlooked it. You were her friend, nothing more. It hurt but you accepted it. She was still in your life. The girl you had fallen in love with was still in your life.

Then Rakepick cast that unforgivable curse and you watched that life disappear forever.

You heard Merula’s voice shouting for you a level below. “In a minute” you call back, wiping the tears from your cheeks as you began to sob on the bed. This place was full of memories of her, of your time together, your secret affair and studies. It only seemed right not to keep it a secret anymore. Your friends deserved to know about this place. The Circle of Khanna needed a secret meeting place, somewhere to study and train and plan. But the memories and secrets you and Rowan shared in here, those would stay between you.

You roll onto your side, curling into a ball as for a moment you see her laying on the bed beside you, that infectious smile on her face as she let out another post-orgasm giggle. You cry silently, mourning your best friend, your secret girlfriend, your love, in private.

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