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The Secret Clubhouse: Finding the G-Spot

It had been a while since Ginny and Luna hung out like they used to. They became friends the first month Ginny attended her first year. The young Weasley found “Loony Lovegood” very odd but that’s why she was the most interesting friend she made. Luna was sweet and weird and made Ginny laugh. As the school years went by they stayed friends, trying to find places to hang out in private without anybody hassling them. Overtime they began hanging out less and less, between studying and the rising threat of death eaters and Voldemort, it was difficult to find the time. But somehow the stars aligned and they both had a free period to get together and spend some time together for some old fashioned girl time. Luna suggested the Secret Clubhouse, confirming not many people know about it and most of their friends would be busy elsewhere. That meant they had all three floors to themselves, their pick of comfy sofas and chairs or the thick carpet by the fireplace. But just for convenience Ginny suggested the large king size bed on the top level, the mattress perfectly balanced between soft and firm for them to lounge on, kicking their shoes off and relaxing side by side. Luna brought some of her “curiosities” as Ginny silently called them, unusual reading material the girl picked up in her little adventures. Usually they were copies of her fathers magazines, often books on magical creatures Ginny was convinced didn’t exist. But today she brought something that took her by surprise; muggle magazines.

“So muggles actually read these?” Ginny asked, lying on her back on the mattress flicking through the pages of the booklet with dozens of pictures of naked men and women next to the text.

Luna shrugged beside her, lying on her front with her feet crossed, resting on her elbows casually reading a similar magazine. “According to my dad, they have lots of these. I don’t think it’s all they read” she assumed.

Ginny hoped not. Everything in this book was about sex and relationships and the sort of thing girls gossip about in the bathrooms. But at the same time, Ginny couldn’t tear her eyes away from the muscular men spread across the pages, her eyes bulging as their packages were put on brazen display. This looks like the sort of thing I caught Hermione reading that night a few months ago she chuckled, recalling her friends red face when she peek into her dorm room before dinner. So that’s why she had hidden herself under the bed sheets. “Why do you have these?” She asked Luna.

“I find the articles curious” she answered plainly.

“Are you sure it’s not the pictures?”

“I’ve seen boys and girls naked before” she shrugged, drawing another odd look from her ginger haired friend. “No, I find the stories they tell more fascinating.”

Ginny gave one of her articles a read. It told the story of a young married woman who used to be bisexual, narrating a story when her husbands lesbian sister came to stay and had been making eyes at the wife all day. While her husband sat watching television she succumb to temptation and went looking for the sister, getting pulled into the shower to have sex before finishing in the bedroom. After half an hour of sex the wife returned to the tv to find her husband only just waking back up. The headline literally read “I had sex with my husbands sister while he slept”. “Holy shit” she muttered as she read the detailed account. Why would somebody write about this? She wondered.

“I told you they were interesting” Luna said. Ginny blushed, realizing she’d gotten rather warm from reading the magazine. She found herself skimming a few more of the headlines, looking for any more that caught her eye. But it was Luna going “hmm” that caught her attention.

“Find something?” Ginny asked, turning her head to look at her.

“A scientific study” she said. Ginny dropped her magazine and rolled over to join her friend, curiously scanning through page she was reading. Luna shuffled a little to give her room, guiding her eye to the article she was reading. It was a firsthand study of the fabled G-spot, the scientist claiming to have a proven roadmap to finding it. “She goes into a lot of detail” Luna observed.

“What’s a G-Spot?” Ginny asked. She’d heard passing references to it before but never had the courage to ask anyone.

“I read about it once” Luna answered. “It’s supposed to be a special pressure point for girls inside our vaginas. Stimulating it is meant to trigger a big sensory reaction to our pleasure centers, larger than our usual stimulations.” Ginny looked at her, enjoying the practical and roundabout way she explained “it gives us the biggest orgasm our bodies can handle.” She leaned over and read the article. She didn’t find it as interesting as Luna did. “I wonder if this map works?” She wondered aloud.

Ginny smiled. She could tell Luna wanted to try it, she was a curious Ravenclaw. “You think you can find your own G-Spot?” She asked.

She shook her head sadly. “I don’t think I can find my own. I wouldn’t be able to see where to look.” She shot a brief glance at the redhead, her eyes darting back to the magazine just as quickly.

Ginny noticed. She also noticed the redness in her cheeks as she distracted herself. She recognized the signs when Luna had something to ask but didn’t think anyone would want to answer. She took a hunch, looking at the magazine. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea” she said awkwardly.

“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable” Luna said, not even pretending to deny thinking it.

Ginny rested her head on her elbow, releasing a conflicted sigh. “I’m not uncomfortable. I mean, I guess I am. Sorry, I don’t know what I’m talking about” she muttered.

Luna turned to her. “If you don’t want to, I understand.”

“It’s not that…” she said. “It would just be weird. We’re friends.”

“I wouldn’t me weird” she told her, sitting up on the bed hugging her knees. “We did it before when we were younger.”

Ginny blinked. She forgotten a few of those evenings together. “We were kids” she recalled. “We were curious.”

“We were growing up. Our bodies were changing. We found out about sex together” Luna smiled. “We didn’t do anything wrong. I believe the term is mutual masturbation.”

Ginny did recall the two of them exploring themselves as they got older. They had to find someplace private and the best they got was an empty classroom, usually dark and dank. Except for the one time they got to hide in the herbology classroom under a tarp. “Wasn’t the most enjoyable sexual awakening” Ginny chuckled. “Not when we were both terrified of being found by the professors.”

“We hadn’t yet learnt the disillusionment charm” Luna agreed. She looked down at the young woman on the bed with her. “I liked it though. It was fun.”


“Yes. I liked hanging out with you” Luna said.

Ginny smiled. “I liked hanging out with you too” she replied. She thought back on those forgotten nights, those innocent experimental nights that never got further than touching themselves under the tables of a classroom with one eye on the door, the other peeking at each other full of curiosity. They grew out of it off course. Or did they? The curiosity was still there. Ginny looked at the open magazine chewing her bottom lip. “Do you really want to try this?” She asked the bleached blonde, nodding to the article.

Luna shrugged. “Not if you don’t want to.”

Ginny pushed herself up to think about it, butterflies in her stomach as she took it into consideration. She could do worse than Luna Lovegood. It would definitely be an experience. “Okay, I’m in” she said, excitement spurring her decision.

“Are you sure?” Luna asked. Ginny nodded. Luna grinned, bouncing over to the book as Ginny shuffled over to the pillows to prop herself up. She asked if she needed to do anything. “I just need access to your vagina” she answered bluntly.

Ginny shrugged, reaching under her skirt and removing her underwear swiftly. She felt a breeze between her legs as she sat down against the headboard, her legs spread open pulling her skirt up so they could both look at her. She discovered she didn’t feel bashful about hiding her sex from her friend, possibly because she’d seen it before. Or maybe she wasn’t as shy as she thought she was. “How’s this?” She asked once she was comfortable.

Luna crawled in front of the girl, examining her test subject intently. “This is good” Luna nodded. “You have a nice vagina” she smirked. Ginny blushed. Luna brought her magazine with her, folding it so she could place it next to her for quick and easy notes. She knelt in between Ginny’s knees, gently opening them wider so she could get a good look at her target. Ginny watched her nervously as she examined her, gasping when her fingers brushed her gently. Luna froze and looked up at her. “Are you alright?” She asked.

“Yeah” she replied nervously, trying not to tense up so much. “Your hands are cold.”

“Oh” she said, looking at her pale fingers and rubbing them together to warm them up. She took a few minutes to caress Ginny’s pussy lips, stroking her slowly to coax them open. Ginny bit her bottom lip as Luna teased her. She had thought she’d just put her finger in but it seemed Luna was conscious about preparing the girl for intrusion. “How does that feel?” Luna asked watching her. She answered with a slow exhale and a blush. “If you want me to stop, you can tell me to” she told her.

“I know. It’s okay. It’s really nice” she said, looking down at her womanhood already seeing the wetness leaking from her entrance. She took a second to rub her finger against her clit, just for her own relief before looking at her friend. “I’m ready.”

Luna nodded, brushing her fingertip through her folds testing the wetness. Satisfied she was well prepared she gently inserted a finger into her entrance. Ginny closed her eyes and sighed as Lune entered her slowly.

There was nothing romantic or intimate in how Luna fingered her, she was very methodical and focused. Once she was in she turned her attention to the article to follow the suggested roadmap to find the spot the writer talked about. Ginny did her best to follow along, watching Luna’s hand as she twisted and probed deeper. But she couldn’t stop the sensations of arousal from spiking inside her. Her hips quivered with each motion, every twist made her inhale, every plunge made her bit her lip. She tried to think of unsexy things to put the pleasure out of mind. But her imagination turned against as she recalled the story of the woman seduced by her husbands sister in the shower, having sex behind her sleeping partners back. Worse, in the story it was Ginny playing the narrator, her brother Ron as her sleeping husband, and it was Luna in the shower tempting her with her wet naked body and long white hair and sweet adorable lips. She shook the fantasy out of her mind. That wasn’t helping. She focused on the reality: Luna with her finger in her pussy exploring her deeply and slowly, her hand brushing her clit whenever it turned around inside her.

“Do you feel anything?” Luna asked curiously.

I feel everything she wanted to whimper. But she took a breath and sat up. “I don’t feel anything…different? What am I supposed to feel?” She asked.

Luna wasn’t entirely sure. “The article says it feels like your body should want to explode and tingle constantly. Do you feel anything like that?"

Ginny analyzed the sensations more methodically and shook her head. “It just feels like normal. Normal when I’m fingering myself. Maybe a little better because…” she stopped herself, her cheeks turning bright red.

Luna was flattered, but it meant her experiment was a failure. She’d followed the instructions in the article exactly, traced the right patterns in Ginny’s pussy and failed to find what she was looking for. She reread the paragraph and checked again, watching her test subject intently as she figured on the bed. She could find anything. “Oh well, maybe the writer was mistaken” she sighed, removing her hand and wiping it on her uniform.

Ginny gasped when Luna abruptly left her pussy empty, an instinctive whine of loss escaping her lips. She sat up and looked at her friend, who was already moving onto another page. “Maybe she wasn’t wrong?” Ginny suggested, a faint hint of desperation in her voice. Luna looked back at her curiously as Ginny theorized “maybe those directions do work for her. Maybe everyone’s G-spot is somewhere different?”

Luna considered it. It was very possible. “Which would make this article a waste of time” she mused, resting on her heels with a downcast expression.

Ginny shrugged, resisting the urge to put her hand down between her legs and finish what Luna started. The desperation was starting to drive her crazy. “So maybe you could…you should keep trying. Maybe you could…find it?” She said nervously.

Luna looked up at her, noting the flushed expression and the way her thighs rubbed together. “You’ve become aroused” she observed.

“What, no!” She replied defensively. When Luna didn’t blink she reluctantly admitted “maybe.”

“If you’re horny, I won’t be offended if you choose to masturbate in front of me” she replied plainly. “If you want me to give you some privacy, I can wait downstairs.”

“No, I…I mean, thank you. But I was hoping you could…unless you don’t want to…” she stammered, suddenly wishing she’d never started this conversation.

Luna tilted her head curiously, her eyes glancing to Ginny’s crotch where her hands were twisting the skirt. “You want me to help you relieve yourself?” She asked. Ginny shrugged. The young woman considered it for a few seconds, nodding with a helpful smile. “I suppose it is my fault you are aroused” she considered, closing her magazine and putting it down on the mattress. She crawled back into position as Ginny hastily spread her knees apart. “If you really don’t mind” she asked. Ginny shook her head frantically. Luna turned her attention back to her pussy, inserting her fingers again, two this time. “If you want, I can attempt to find your G-spot by myself. But if you can give me so cues when you feel it, I might stand a better chance of finding it.”

“Yeah, I can do that” she nodded, relieved just to have something back in her pussy stimulating her. She laid back against the pillows concentrating on Luna’s movements, breathing softly as she guided her around. “Okay, that’s nice. Maybe a little to the left. Oh, down a bit. Oh wow, that feels really good” she sighed.

Luna gently fingered the girl, following her helpful suggestions running her fingers around her slowly. She started to get an idea of whether or not Ginny liked it by how her hips quivered or her breathing changed. She felt her walls constrict and stretch around her periodically, arousal coating her palm. It was a curious thing having your hand in someone else’s pussy. “Is this okay?” She asked, not wanting to do anything wrong.

Ginny nodded between soft moans. “Yes. Try a little deeper” she suggested.

Luna tried, but her fingers only reached so far. “I’ll need to use another finger to reach further” she said. Ginny nodded, granting her permission. She inserted another digit, stretching her wider but reaching deeper inside.

“Oh Merlin’s beard” she muttered, running her hands through her hair, her palms squeezing her breasts as her body shivered. Luna was fingering her with most of her hand now and she was so turned on she melt like she was buzzing. She moaned louder as she felt an orgasm creep up on her, curling her fingers into her ginger hair as she climaxed. Her walls squeezed Luna’s fingers, making the girl pause and let her ride it out. It only lasted a moment. “Sorry, I guess I needed that” she said blushing.

“That’s quite alright” Luna smiled, continuing to explore with her fingertips once a Ginny had recovered. “It’s a natural biological response. I once had an orgasm in the middle of a divination class. It was perfectly accidental of course. We were practicing meditation and studying dream interpretation and I was caught off guard by a rather vivid daydream…” she explained.

Ginny tried to pay attention. Listening to her soft voice always relaxed her. But her body refused to relax her fingers drifted closer to something that made her shudder. Her eyes widened as they skirted a spot deep inside her pussy, her nail grazing it making her breath hiccup. “Luna?” She gasped when she skimmed it again, something building the closer she got. The oblivious girl was busy narrating her spontaneous wet dream while she absently moved her hand deeper, the redhead shivering as she edged around somewhere that made her even more aroused. “Luna!”

“Sorry, I guess I got carried away” she said, realizing she was over explaining again. “What I was trying to say…”

“Stop talking!” She begged, her breathing turning to pants as she felt her body tense up, pleasure building worse than before. Luna fell silent and focused on her body’s reactions as she desperately told her “move your f…fingers up…fuck! Deeper! Almost there! I think…oh Merlin…oh god! Oh my…”

Ginny suddenly screamed as Luna’s finger found the spot she was seeking. The moment pressure was applied her body seized up and she climaxed. This wasn’t any old climax either. Ginny’s body experienced a convulsion that rocked her from head to toe, her back arching and toes curling, her hands gripping the bed sheets as she unleashed a tidal wave of fluids out of her body squirting all over Luna’s top soaking her cardigan and shirt. Luna stared in amazement as Ginny’s eyes rolled into her skull and she unleashed a primal moan unlike any sound she’d made in her life. Her pussy walls clenched so hard Luna was afraid her fingers would break. It was the longest and most intense orgasm Ginny had experienced, hitting her so hard lights flashed across her vision.

After a few minutes Ginny finally stopped convulsing, her body slumping onto the mattress trembling uncontrollably. Luna was able to pry her hand free from her sex, staring at the girl with curious concern as she struggled to regain her breath. After a while her eyelids fluttered open and she looked up at the Ravenclaw student with a goofy grin. “Wow” she gasped, falling into a fit of giggles. It felt like her whole body was tingling, buzzing with electricity. Whatever hit her felt wonderful and exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. “I think you found it” she said, her head spinning.

“How do you feel?” Luna asked her curiously.

Ginny wiped her eyes, the twinkling lights starting to fade. She tried to sit up but she felt woozy. Luna caught her arms and helped her into a sitting position, holding her by the elbows. “Holy shit. I’ve never had an orgasm make me dizzy before” she giggled, feeling jittery. “What did you do to me?” She asked.

Luna made sure her friend was steady before reaching over to check the magazine article again. “The G-spot is meant to stimulate the greatest number of nerves simultaneously. What you experienced was the equivalent of ten orgasms at once” she explained.

“Wow? That’s why I felt so…sensitive” she gasped, testing her clit with her fingertips. Her nipples were rock hard too inside her bra. It almost hurt to wear it. Her gaze drifted down to Luna’s chest, seeming the huge damp stain she’d left. “Holy shit, did I do that?” She asked, staring at her clothes soaked through.

Luna looked down at her chest. She hadn’t realized. “Oh, yes. Don’t worry about it” she said, removing her cardigan and shirt casually. She sat on the bed in her bra, which was also damp, examining her shirt now virtually see through. “I once saw Cho squirt all the way across the dorm room. Padma was not impressed when she got sprayed.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard I squirted…anything” Ginny said, slurring her words struggling to focus. “Why do I feel…I feel drunk? Do orgasms make you drunk?”

Luna thought on it, recalling another article she read in a study. “There is a theory that the endorphins released during sex, in high enough quantities, lowers the inhibitions the same way alcohol does. So in a way, I suppose it is possible sex mimics the effects of intoxication.”

Ginny burst into giggles. “Sex makes you drunk. Drunk on orgasms. That’s funny” she laughed. It seemed Ginny was a happy drunk when intoxicated, by endorphins or otherwise. She reached out and put her arms around Luna’s neck. “I’m sorry I ruined your top. But that you for finding my special spot” she said.

Luna smiled. “I’m glad you were satisfied.”

“I am. I was. You are the bestest friend I could ever ask for” she said. Before she could stop herself, she leaned forward and planted a big kiss on Luna’s mouth. Luna froze, and so did Ginny. “Sorry, I…must be drunk” she laughed.

Luna suddenly leaned in and pecked her on the lips, commenting “I’m not. I liked it.”

Ginny blinked, a smile tugging at her lips. “I liked it too” she admitted, pecking her back. she looked at her, their arms wrapped around each other affectionately. She pulled Luna closer and kissed her again, holding her in it for a few seconds before pulling away. “What am I doing?” She asked.

“I believe we were kissing” Luna answered plainly.


“Because it was nice, and we wanted to” she said, putting her hands on Ginny’s waist pulling her closer to kiss her for a few seconds.

Ginny grimaced, her lips already missing Luna’s touch. “I do like kissing you” she confessed. As she leant in to do it again she held herself back “but isn’t that a bad idea. We’re friends. I don’t want to ruin that.”

Luna bit her lip nervously, confidently telling her “friends can kiss without it being weird. It won’t ruin our relationship.”

“Are you sure?” She asked.

Luna nodded. “I sure. Unless you don’t want us to kiss, then we should definitely stop.”

Ginny stared at her, her fingers running through her blonde hair. “I don’t want to stop kissing you” she admitted.

“Neither do I” Luna confessed, closing her eyes as the two of them leaned in together and started making out.

Nerves faded to replaced by excitement and satisfaction, the two of them moving as one falling onto the bed as their lips interlocked. Their hands caressed the others skin as they kissed, their eyes closed focusing only on the enjoyment and the softness of their friends skin. Luna fell on top of Ginny, her palms brushing against her chest to reach her slim neck, stroking her orange hair from her face. Ginny brought her hands up the curve of Luna’s back, her fingertips gently running along her shoulder blades. The young Ravenclaw nestled comfortably between the Gryffindors legs, their bodies pressed together in a soft embrace. The friends fell into an intimate moment that took their breath away and gave them butterflies in their stomach. They didn’t want the kiss to end.

It did pause, for a moment. Long enough for Luna to acknowledge how soaked her bra was making it sticky and cold. Ginny’s hands drifted over the straps of the garment, hesitant to move. “Would you mind if I removed my bra?” Luna asked her. Ginny shook her head, helping her back hooking her thumbs under the straps to pull them over her shoulders. Luna sat up and reached behind to undo the clasp, letting the bra fall down her pale arms tossing it aside. Ginny stared at her small boobs, her perky nipples pointing out towards her. “It’s okay if you want to touch them” she said innocently.

Ginny pushed herself up to gently cup them, caressing the flesh with her thumbs marveling at how delicate they felt. Luna hummed as the girl pleasured them, bit her lip as her fingers circled her erect nipples. She brought a finger under Ginny’s chin lifting her gaze, smiling happily as she leaned in to continue kissing her. “Your boobs are really pretty” Ginny said as she kissed her back. Luna thanked her, hooking her arms around her neck to deepen the kiss while the girl continued to run her hands over her chest.

After a few minutes of gentle kissing and stroking Ginny looked up at Luna making an offer. “If you want, I could try to find your spot.”

“My spot?” She asked, tilting her head curiously. “You mean my G-spot? Are you offering to do to me what I did to you?”

Ginny nodded sheepishly. “Unless you don’t want me to” she said as an afterthought.

Luna didn’t hesitate in her answer. “Yes please. I had hoped you’d want to, but I was too embarrassed to ask myself.”

Ginny chuckled. She’d never known Luna to be embarrassed about anything. She watched Luna pull away from her and take her place against the pillows on the headboard, climbing into the spot Ginny once sat in pulling her panties off from under her skirt. Ginny scooted around and found a space between Luna’s outstretched legs, crawling up to see the young girl eagerly preparing her pussy for examination. “Where do you want me to start?” She asked nervously.

“However you want” she replied plainly. “I’m already aroused so you won’t need to try and warm me up. But if you want to do anything before you stick your fingers in my vagina, I won’t be offended.”

Ginny leaned over the girl and planted a kiss on her lips. “The only thing I want to do is make you feel what I felt. So if there’s anything you want me to do, you can ask me” she said.

Luna considered it, twirling a strand of blonde hair around her finger. “I suppose you could suck on my nipples before you start. I do like it when my lovers do that. It might make your penetration easier” she suggested. Ginny happily obliged, lowering her head to wrap her lips around her nipples one at a time. She watched the young woman close her eyes and press her lips together as she hummed and sighed, her body relaxing to her touch beneath her. One of Ginny’s hands reached down to test the waters, finding her well lubricated and dripping wet. She released the nipple with a pop before smearing her fluids over the sensitive nipple, kneeling in front of her quivering friend ready to take the plunge.

She slid two fingers inside of her so easily it took the redhead by surprise. She had never fingered another girl before now, not even when she and Luna fooled around when they were younger. She was glad they stayed hands off when it came to anything beyond hugging and kissing at the time. Now she wished she’d offered this sooner. Her pussy was soft and silky and felt really nice to explore as she thrusted gently inside of her. Taking it slow nervous about doing something wrong. Her nerves sobered her up it seemed, she was much more alert and less giggly as she checked on Luna. “Is this okay?”

She nodded, her breathing slow and relaxed. Ginny quickly observed that Luna wasn’t as vocal in her pleasure as other girls were. She was more subdued, quietly humming under her breath rather than moaning. What noises she did make were cute and adorable, like a squeaking mouse. Ginny wonders if she could coax her into at least one moan by the time they finished. She fumbled around with Luna’s sex for a few moments before the young woman began offering gentle directions, her voice mutely whispering words hesitantly like “left, right, down, lower” between hums and breaths. Ginny made another observation, Luna was a submissive lover. She didn’t like to give instructions, just lie back and let the pleasure come.

She leant over and kissed her softly. “If I’m going to find it, you’ll have to be more specific” she whispered.

“Sorry” she blushed. “Some people don’t like it when I talk during sex. I think they find me weird.”

“What do you talk about?” She asked curiously.

Luna shrugged. “Whatever comes to mind. It’s very hard to concentrate on one thing when we’re having sex.”

Ginny always found the exact opposite to be true. “What are you thinking about now?” She asked.

Luna looked down at her hand. “I’m thinking that you could fit another finger in my vagina” she replied. Ginny smiled, finding she could indeed slip another digit in and did. Luna sighed with a smile. “I was also thinking that this is nice” she admitted.

“It is?”

She nodded, lifting her head to kiss her. “You’re really good at this.”

Now it was Ginny’s turn to blush. “You’re the first girl I’ve had sex with.”

“I know” she smiled. “I’m glad I was your first.”

“Me too” she smiled. “Now how close am I to finding your G-Spot?”

Luna scrunched her eyes shut, twisting her hips around moving Ginny’s fingers experimentally. “Close, I think. Or maybe I’m just close to cumming. It’s hard to tell” she said thoughtfully. “Could you press your thumb against my clit please?” She asked politely. Ginny did so, her thumb resting on her nub. Luna inhaled sharply as her body shivered, exhaling slowly as her walls constricted around Ginny’s fingers. She opened her eyes again. “No, that just a regular orgasm” she said disappointed.

Ginny stared at her. That had to have been the quietest orgasm she ever heard. Luna barely made a sound. Now she had to find her G-Spot. She wanted to hear her lose it in pleasure. “I won’t mind you wanted to talk while we did this” she told her as she resumed her search. She liked listening to her anyway.

So Luna talked, about sex and her different experiences with it. She remarked how some lovers like to scream a lot when they orgasm but she found their reactions confusing. Ginny listened with a smile, following Luna’s occasional suggestions as she fingered her deeply and methodically. Luna was very clinical in her directions, pausing her random thoughts to focus on her sensations determining where to go. She never let a moan escape her lips though, which infuriated the Gryffindor girl daring her to try harder. She curled her fingers and raked her insides, thrusting more vigorously. She got two more orgasms but not even a whimper, and she knew Luna was enjoying it.

This went on for a few minutes until Luna narrowed her eyes and tilted her head curiously. “Oh, that was odd” she said. Ginny stopped and looked up at her as she pushed herself up to her elbows. “Go back a little bit, where your fingers went” she asked. Ginny reversed her movements, trying to recall what she did. Luna gasped again. “Oh. A bit further. Oh. Oh!” Luna started panting, her hands tightening on the bedsheets as Ginny circled around the area she’d found. She watched the girl open her mouth, gasping and squeaking. She curled her fingers slowly, tracing a search pattern around her inner walls, paying attention to the way her body buckled and shivered until she found it. “Oh!” Luna moaned sharply, her body locking into place as she hit the jackpot, the orgasms coming in quick succession taking the girls breath away. Ginny watched as she gushed all over her arm, her toes curling, her eyelids falling closed as she clenched around her hand. She climaxed for over five minutes, not stopping until Ginny’s arm and the bed was drenched and her breath had left her lungs.

She collapsed panting, her body weak and limp falling into the pillows ragged. Ginny stared at her as she melted in pleasure, removing her hand and crawling up to cup her cheek with her cum soaked palm. “Are you okay Luna?” She asked worried.

Luna nodded, sluggishly opening her heavy eyelids showing a dreamy expression. “That was nice” she said, her voice quiet like a whisper.

“How do you feel?” She asked, hoping that massive orgasm she just experienced made her feel as good as she had felt.

Luna shifted on the bed, mumbling a shaky response. “Sleepy. I feel sleepy, tingly and woozy” she said, her eyelids already fluttering closed. Ginny tried to help her up but her body refused to move, slumping into the ginger haired girls embrace instead. It seemed Luna was more of a sleepy drunk when intoxicated by endorphins. She found enough energy to look up at Ginny muttering “Thank you. That was nice.”

“Are you okay? Should I take you back to your dorm?” She asked her.

Luna shook her head. “I want to stay here with you.” Ginny helped the girl under the covers, climbing into bed with her so they could both rest. Luna snuggled up with the clothed young woman, nestling her face into her shoulder under her chin. “Ginny? Friends can have sex without it being weird right?” She asked exhausted.

Ginny laid down hugging the half naked girl comfortingly. “I hope so” she replied softly.

“I do to” she purred. “I would like to be able to have sex with you again sometime” she said.

Ginny smiled. “I’d like that” she agreed, stroking the young woman’s hair as she fell asleep in her arms.

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