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The Record Player (Part 2)

The next morning was rather awkward for most of the Cabin as they woke up aching and embarrassed. The few who weren’t as casual about hooking up with their brothers and sisters were mortified when they recalled what they’d done. They’d all gotten used to weird, being Greek demigods and all, but last night was too weird to be okay. Piper wasn’t exactly thrilled about how depraved she acted either and wasn’t surprised when Selina slipped out of her bed to hide inside hers the moment she stirred awake. She sat up groaning, her body aching all over from over stimulation. Rama was the most relaxed about it all, even making jokes about it as the others averted their eyes from each other. Dean couldn’t meet Piper’s gaze as he got out of bed, quickly shoving the record player into the dresser before it could be set off accidentally or something.

It took all morning to come to a decision about what to do about this gift. Most of the cabin voted to throw it into the lake instantly but Bobby warned it wasn’t wise to insult any of the gods by rejecting their gift, especially their mother. Rama was happy to keep it but Piper was worried about potential trauma it could inflict. They all committed virtual incest last night. She doubted she was the only one who felt icky about it. As it appeared the gift was for Dean in the end, they all agreed it should be his decision to keep it or get rid of him. He didn’t get back to them until lunch, where he joined Piper and Rama at their table to announce “I don’t want to get rid of it. But I agree we shouldn’t keep it in the cabin” he clarified before Rama got too excited. “Piper’s right. It’s too risky.”

“It’s perfectly safe as long as we don’t play the record” Rama argued.

“And what happens when someone does play it?” Piper asked, insinuating she might be first in line. “What happens if any of us are in the room at the same time. What if next time other demigods hear the music? What if word gets out about it and people come looking for it? What if the wrong people get caught up in the song? It could cause so much trouble, break up couples, or they could end up having sex with…”

“Oh my god, you have been hanging around that Chase girl so long you’re starting to overanalyze everything just like her!” Rama whined.

“She’s not wrong though” Dean agreed, sharing much of Pipers worries.

Rama looked at them both and sighed in disappointment. “So what do you want to do? Will you take it with you?”

“Fuck no!” Dean replied, his face paling at the thought. “I live in a group home. I can’t take it there, it’d be a disaster.”

“We could ask Chiron to store it in the Big House” Piper suggested.

“We can’t tell him about it! He’ll confiscate it for sure!” Rama cried.

Piper turned to Dean. It was his decision. He fiddled with his hands thoughtfully. “I really don’t want to have to explain all of this to him” he said.

Piper pondered on it. “Maybe we can convince him to let us store it without explaining what it does. Tell him you don’t have room or you can’t take it home or something.”

“Chiron will ask questions” Rama warned.

“Well I can’t think of where else to put it” she said. “We can’t hide it in one of the unused cabins, too many people sneak in and out of them as it is. Most of them our siblings and their friends” she reminded them.

They both nodded, aware of how much activity goes on in those empty cabins. “Are you sure one of you couldn’t just hold onto it until next summer?” Dean inquired.

Piper clamped her hand over Rama’s mouth before she could volunteer. “It’d be too tempting” she said. “Otherwise I’d be happy to hold onto it. But between demigods stuff and things with Jason…I can’t. I’m sorry” she replied.

Dean nodded, appreciating her honesty. He sighed, rapping his knuckles on the table. “Okay. We’ll ask Chiron if we can store it in the big house. I don’t know how we’re going to convince him without explaining all this.”

“If the worst comes to pass, Piper can just use her charm-speak” Rama shrugged. Piper wanted to say she’d never use it like that, but she couldn’t discount the option. She’d rather seek forgiveness than risk humiliation. Rama rose out of her seat with a huff. “Come on then. Let’s get your stupid music box locked up before we come to our senses” she said, urging the two of them to join her as they ventured back to their cabin.

It was a short walk, the three of them passing demigods circling the fireplace as they blinked the steps to their front door. “I won’t be a minute” Dean said, slipping inside while Rama and Piper waited outside.

While they waited, Rama looked at Piper inquisitively. “So how are things between you and Jason?” She asked curiously.

Piper blinked as she crossed her arms. “We’re fine” she replied.

Rama studied her with her inquisitive eyes, pursing her lips together. “Are you sure? You seemed a little tense when you mentioned his name earlier. You two aren’t having any problems are you?”

“No” he replied defensively. She looked at Rama snapping “not that it’s any of your business.” Rama pulled a face, taking a step back holding up her hands apologetically. Piper caught her tone and sighed. “I’m sorry” she apologized. “We’re fine. We are both fine.”

Rama didn’t buy it. She cautiously walked over and leant against the doorframe. “Look, I know I like to give you a hard time lately. Drew was my friend, but she was a tool. You did this place a favor putting her in her place and stepping up. I’m sorry if I made it hard at first…but just know I do…care. You reminded us it’s okay to date for love, not just as a game. That being said, some of us still like to play the game” she added smirking. Piper didn’t chastise her, understanding not everyone is ready for a relationship. Rama nudged her elbow telling her “if there is something bothering you, you can talk to us. For better or worse, we are family. Even Drew, when she decides to come back and visit us.”

Piper turned to look at her half sister, giving her a smile of gratitude. She wasn’t ready to talk it yet however. Luckily they were interrupted before she could make up her mind as Dean came burst out calling “it’s gone! The record player is gone!”

The girls looked at each other and panicked, racing after him back inside the cabin. They found it a mess, the result of Dean searching frantically. They both gave the dresser it was put in a once over and scanned the room. “Could one of us have taken it?” Piper asked.

“It was in the dresser before I left, I checked” Dean insisted. “I was the last one out of the room.”

“Maybe one of our brothers or sisters came in during the morning” Rama considered.

“We should ask them” Piper nodded. She turned to Dean, who was panting nervously. “We’ll find it.”

Dean stared at the empty space where it was, then looked up at the roof briefly. “What if she heard us and decided to take her gift back?” He said.

The girls looked at him, the heartbreak in his face. They shared a glance and swallowed grimly. It wouldn’t be beyond the possibilities that Aphrodite had recalled her gift, but it didn’t sound like something she’d do out of malice. “First let’s make sure nobody else has it” Piper said, comforting the young man squeezing his arm. Rama did the same, agreeing to help look for it. Dean looked at them both and smiled, calming down and following them back to the dining area to question their siblings.


While everyone was at lunch, that left the Hermes Cabin vacant and gave two demigods plenty of privacy to examine their prize. The record player sat on the bed with the pink vinyl disc placed on the turntable. It remained silent right now as the two brothers stood next to the bed staring at it. “Doesn’t look that special does it?” Connor remarked.

His brother Travis shrugged. “We both know looks can be deceptive” he replied.

They both looked at the record player and contemplated what they were going to do. It had been quite by chance they stumbled upon the young daughter of Aphrodite that morning hiding in the stables petting one of the animals. Connor walked over to get his flirt on, hoping to charm the young demigod into a kiss on a bet when she let slip about this music disc. At first he wasn’t sure what she was talking about when she said it kept her up all night, but when she realized what she was saying she clammed up and refused to talk to them. That got the Stroll Brothers curious enough to investigate the cabin after everyone had left for lunch. Connor kept watch while Travis searched the place and found it, taking it with him back here before anyone noticed them. “Ten bucks says it’s just a stupid record” Connor predicted.

“I’m telling you dude, the way that girl got cagey when you asked her about it, there’s something special about it” Travis promised. “You remember she said it was a gift from her mom? You know what the gods are like with their gifts.”

“It that’s the case, then maybe we shouldn’t be messing with it” Connor warned. “We don’t know what it will do.”

“Only one way to find out” he said, reaching down to switch the player on and move the needle onto the disc. As soon as the needle connected both brothers took a big strap back nervously.

After a second of adjustment music started playing, the melody filling the empty cabin with its tunes. The Strolls waited nervously, tensing in anticipation ready for anything, before relaxing when nothing happened. After another few moments to listen Conner sighed. “I was right. You owe me ten bucks.”

“I don’t get it. They hid this in a dresser. There’s got to be more to it” Travis muttered, crouching down to examine the player more closely. It looked as ordinary as the bed it was sitting on.

Conner crossed his arms and sat back on the bed behind him. “It’s a sweet song I suppose” he said, his head swaying to the melody as he listened. “Reminds me of what our mom used to play.”

“Yeah” Travis agreed, giving up when he couldn’t find anything odd about it. He sat beside his brother and sighed. “Guess we were just wasting our time. We should probably take it back before anyone notices it’s missing.”

Connor shifted in his seat and stared at it, transfixed by the music. “It can’t hurt to listen to it for a while” he suggested. Travis shared a glance and shrugged, settling in to enjoy the music.

It didn’t take long for the brothers to realize what was odd about it as they soon felt their boxers becoming very tight as their dicks became hard. Travis and Connor looked down at their laps as they got wood, looking at each other in confusion. Neither was embarrassed to see the other sprouting a tent in their pants, it’s not the first or only time they’ve seen each other masturbating or fucking. In fact watching each other fuck other girls was a common pass time for them, when they couldn’t pair up and sandwich her between them. This was the first time they’d gotten a hard on from music however. “Maybe it’s the music?” Travis suggested as Conner unzipped his pants to check his penis.

“I’ve never gotten wood from listening to music before” he said. “ASMR, sure. But not like this.”

Travis pulled out his cock and wrapped his hand around it, gasping at how much it throbbed. “Shit, it’s begging for it” he groaned, unable to keep from masturbating. Connor was doing the same, jerking himself off next to his brother. The two weren’t as awkward about the situation as some of the Aphrodite children where as they jerked off to the music, the throbbing getting worse until they were groaning. “Oh fuck I’m going to cum” Travis groaned.

“We too” Connor muttered, pumping his dick faster until he ejaculated like a fountain. His brother followed him, both of them moaning as they collapsed onto the bed. The music continued the play as they caught their breath, the melody stirring the blood back into their cocks bringing them back to erection. “Shit, how are we still hard?” He gasped.

Travis stared at his thick erection before looking over to the record player. He burst out laughing. “I think it is the music. It’s making us horny. Holy shit, remember what that Selina girl said? How the music kept her up all night?”

“You think she was up masturbating?” Connor asked dubiously, sitting up to look at the innocent looking vinyl. He looked down at his penis as it throbbed, unable to resist touching himself again. “Wouldn’t it have affected the rest of them if that were true?” Travis’s grin got wider. Connor saw it as the thought was shared and they both laughed. “Holy fucking shit! No wonder the girl was hiding. Could you imagine all those hot and sexy girls masturbating to each other.”

“The guys too” he nodded, picturing it clear as day, the image increasing the arousal he was feeling. Gods send the best gifts he thought as he jerked himself off. He found his eye wandering to his brother as another through entered his mind. “What if they weren’t just masturbating?” He asked.

Conner met his gaze, those eyes darting down to the erection in his lap just as curiously. He could feel the arousal messing with him, the melody nudging him to open up and explore new things. Neither of them were gay, but they had both entertained the notion of trying it with a dude before. “If they did…it would be messed up” he nodded, the thought of brothers and sisters banging making his head spin and his dick throb.

Travis licked his lips and his hand tentatively reached over and wrapped around Connor’s penis, squeezing it experimentally. Connor gasped in shock, but didn’t freak out or pull away. In fact his eyes met his brothers as a new spark of arousal pulled them together. I guess we’re all a little messed up they both thought in unison as they found themselves kissing.


When talking to their siblings came up empty Piper and Dean returned to the cabin while Rama went to ask around the camp to find out if anyone saw anything. They searched the cabin top to bottom but neither the vinyl nor the record player was here. “I guess Mom really did take it back” Dean whined.

“Don’t give up” Piper said, trying to keep his hopes up now it had become clear that gift meant more to him that he let on. “Maybe someone hid is as a practical joke.”

“Or stolen it?” He asked dubiously.

Piper shuddered. It was a possibility, but that would mean there’s a chance of someone else playing that music and then all hell could break loose. That had to find it. “Maybe we should talk to Chiron, explain the situation” she suggested.

Dean shook his head. “He’d not only take it away we’d never see it again. Besides, it’s embarrassing enough as it is being a fan of vinyl.”

“There’s never been anything wrong with liking old music” she assured him. “some of us just think you’d be better off with an MP3 player. You get the same quality and a thousand more songs and it doesn’t take up an entire library.”

“You young people, I swear” he said in an old man voice as they chuckled. He turned away with a distant look. “You don’t understand, it’s…never mind. Anyway, I thought you’d be packing for your trip back to San Fransisco to see your boyfriend?”

Piper paused in her rummage beneath a bed to sigh. “Yeah, I…maybe I’ll hold of for a few days, make sure you guys are alright” she muttered.

Dean furrowed his brow as he turned to look at her oddly. “Is everything okay with you and Jason?”

Piper snapped a look over her shoulder. “Why? Did Rama say something?”

“No. It’s just a few of us have noticed you’ve been a little weird around him lately. We were concerned. You two haven’t been fighting have you?”

“No” she scoffed. Then after a moment of silence she muttered “maybe.” She sighed, hoisting herself to her feet in frustration.

Dean paused in his search to approach her as she leaned against the wall crossing her arms. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked.

She looked up at him hesitantly. “Not really” she said. He nodded, reaming quiet as he took a seat in a chair nearby. She waited for him to say something until she realized he was waiting for her to talk first. She sighed, closing her eyes and swallowing hard. “It’s nothing. We’ve just been arguing more, about little things. Things that don’t matter. It’s like we’re drifting apart. I don’t know why…at least I don’t think I know…”

“Did something happen?” Dean asked. “Has Jason done something?” She shook her head. “Did you do something?” He asked.

She averted her gaze. “No, neither of us have done anything. Jason’s been perfect, great and…infuriatingly patient. It’s me, I’m just…it’s complicated.” Dean crossed his arms, willing to hear her out. “I feel like I’m paranoid, suspicious all the time. And before you say it, no it’s not what you think. Jason and I agreed to an open relationship. Demigod stuff just gets in the way, you know? But at the same time, I can’t help but wonder if…if what we have is real. If it’s true love, or just casual love…or if it’s all in my head again.”

“I don’t understand. You think your feelings for Jason might be fake?”

“They were before” she shrugged. “Apparitions of the mist when Jason first showed up to us. I thought we had months together, when in fact we’d never even met. And now we’ve had real months, real memories, but I can’t shake that feeling that…”

“Does it feel real?” Dean asked. She groaned. It did before she thought, which was the problem. “Do you still love him?” He asked.

She hesitated on that question, longer than she felt comfortable with. “I think so” she whispered, her lower lip trembling. “I want to be. But what if I’m not?” She asked, looking down at the floor in shame.

Dean rapped his fingers nervously on his knee, unsure what to say or how he could help. He was never good at this kind of thing. He stood up and approached her, his hands in his pockets. “Last night couldn’t have helped much, huh” he muttered. She sighed, not saying anything as she looked up at him. Dean racked his brain for something to say, before fumbling over his words suggesting “can I try something? A trick I read in a magazine that might help?”

She shrugged. “At this point any help would be appreciated. My heads all over the place.”

Dean nodded, stepping forward nervously. “Okay, close your eyes and clear your mind” he said, biting his lip nervously. “And try not to freak out, okay” he added quickly just before she closed them. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously at first before doing as she suggested, trying to clear her thoughts. Dean waited a moment before gently taking hold of Piper’s face and leaning in to kiss her lips. Piper froze as Dean’s mouth pressed against hers, the brother and sister tensing as they locked lips. Dean kissed her slowly, his lips sensually moving against hers while she let it happen, staying awkwardly still. After a few seconds he pulled away and Piper opened her eyes to stare at him. “Did that help?” He asked nervously.

She opened and closed her mouth in confused silence, furrowing her brow in bewilderment. “How was that meant to help?” She asked.

He shrugged. “The article said it was meant to help focus your thoughts. If you thought about Jason during the kiss, imagined it was him, you’d know he was who you wanted to be with.”

Piper pressed her lips together before shaking her head. “No, I knew it was you the whole time. I guess it didn’t work” she sighed, no better than she was before only now more awkward because she kissed her brother (again).

Dean’s shoulders sagged as he stepped back. “Oh, sorry. I’m not very good at this” he stammered.

“I can’t see how making out with your sister was meant to help. It was just weird” she muttered awkwardly.

“As weird as last night was?” He asked quietly.

She shrugged. “Well yeah! I mean we’re related and we had sex. That bloody music drugged us and made us fuck each other. That was weird and horrifying, even for us demigods” she said.

Dean looked down awkwardly, fidgeting on his feet as he mumbled “I thought it was quite nice actually.”

Piper blinked at him. “What? How can you… it was gross” she cried.

His eyes snapped up. “You me I was gross?”

“No, I mean the situation was gross” she said, her head starting to spin. Wait, why are we arguing? “You can’t tell me you enjoyed what happened last night?”

“well you seemed to like it just well when I had my dick in your cunt” he snapped.

“I was not in control” she argued.

“No? I thought all the music did was make us aroused. Nobody forced us to have sex. Booby got to stay away from girls and some of the girls were able to refuse certain partners. They had enough control to know if what we were doing was wrong or not and not everyone was as disgusted by it as you were.”

“You can’t be seriously advocating incest Dean!” Piper screamed.

“I don’t know what I’m advocating. All I know is you…you are a beautiful person and you were the best companion I’ve ever had in my life. And maybe if we weren’t brother and sister we could’ve been great together. But I don’t think for one second what we shared was gross or disgusting. I’ve never felt more loved until I was with you” he said as he stormed out of the cabin.

Piper was left stunned and gobsmacked as she watched him leave in a hurry, blinking in confusion as she stood rooted to the spot. What just happened? Did Dean just confess he loved me? I’m so confused? She rubbed her eyes and covered her mouth to scream, her head spinning even more than before. That fucking record player… “mom, what are you playing at” she asked the goddess, wondering if she could see the mess she was making with that gift.


The music on the vinyl had run its course by the time Rama got around to knocking on the Hermes Cabin door. It was locked, which would indicate nobody was home. She called out to see if anyone was in but she didn’t get a response, so she shrugged and moved on. So far she was striking out on getting any leads. When she turned around she found one of the Hermes kids approaching her. “They’re all out to lunch or causing mischief” the young lanky lad told her.

“Fair enough” she nodded, stepping away to ask him “have you seen anyone acting strange around our cabin earlier today, before or during lunch?”

The young man looked at her and then glanced at the Aphrodite Cabin. “No, haven’t seen anything” he replied. “Why? Did something happen?”

“One of my brothers misplaced a record player and was worried someone might’ve taken it” she explained. “We’ve been asking everyone.”

“Okay. Maybe I could help…if there’s a reward?” He offered.

Rama looked the boy up and down and smirked. He wasn’t the first to ask about a reward. She stepped forward, stroking his chin whispering in his ear “if you find out anything, I’m sure we can work something out. But only if we find out stuff” she promised, brushing past him leaving him hanging.

The young man watched her leave, his gaze fixed on her ass as she continued her rounds for information. He sucked a breath through pursed lips, almost prepare to retract the lie he just told, picturing the rewards that girl could offer for his help. He turned away to unlock the cabin doors, resigning himself to another day without that booty to check on the place. He immediately saw the record player on the bed, the turntable still spinning, the vinyl having reached its end. He walked over and switched it off, wondering how he might return it without selling out the guys he saw sneaking off with it. There might still be a chance for that reward he mused.

Any plans he had to scoring a date with a hot Daughter of Aphrodite were dashed when he turned around and found two dudes sixty-nining each other on one of the beds. He did a double take when the two guys looked alike, realizing that was because it was Travis and Conner sucking each others cocks, both butt naked and covered in sweat and semen. He blinked and looked around the cabin. Nobody else was here to see this and tell him he was hallucinating. He quickly weighed the options of saying something or leaving them too it, opting to cautiously creep back the way he came. Unfortunately he foot found a creaky floorboard he must’ve missed on his way in, which alerted the Stroll brothers that they had been seen. Travis’s head shot up in surprise, his eyes wide, while Conner was busy swallowing gulp full of cum he was ejaculating down his throat. Travis froze as he saw their witness and turned bright red. “Um…this isn’t what it looks like” he stammered, dragging himself away from Conner who sat up wiping his mouth, just now noticing their sibling watching.

The young man looked around nervously. “I didn’t see a thing” he said, swearing he wouldn’t tell a soul as he awkwardly continued towards the door. As an afterthought he turned back and told them “you should know, the guys at Cabin 10 are looking for that” pointing at the record player. “One of the girls is even up for rewarding whomever helps bring it back.”

Conner perked up at that notion, looking at the vinyl smirking “it’d be a public service. I’m sure the owner would be very grateful.”

“The owners one of the boys” the lad mentioned. “Though I guess that wouldn’t be a problem” he smirked.

Travis shook off his embarrassment to walk over and pick up the vinyl and examine it. He looked at his brothers suggesting “they can wait another couple of hours. I reckon we can have a lot more fun tonight. What’s say we hold a little cabin party and invite some people over” he said excitedly.

Conner smirked, liking that idea even better. “Who are you thinking we invite?”

Travis grinned from ear to ear. “Everyone” he said.

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The Record Player: Part 1

Aphrodite gifts one of her children a special record, which ends up causing some chaos in the cabin that night.


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