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The Record Player: Part 1

The chaos of Camp Half-blood was winding down now as the summer was ending. Those who weren’t staying over the winter were making preparations to go home or move away. Piper herself was eagerly anticipating hanging her head consular hat for another year reuniting with her boyfriend Jason. Or at least she kept telling herself that. Yet whenever she thought of going home and seeing the son of Jupiter, a knot formed in her gut. Doubt, fear, trepidation. She shook her head, convincing herself she was making a big deal out of nothing. Just because their relationship started out as a mist induced hallucination didn’t mean her feelings for him were fake. They fought a war together, went through so much side by side for it not to be real. Yet she couldn’t shake that feeling of doubt in the back of her mind that had her second guessing their relationship.

You’re making a fool of yourself McLean she told herself. You’ll see when you and Jason are back at your flat.

It didn’t stop her legs from walking a little slower, as if drawing out the length of time it took her to return to Cabin 10. She paused at the front steps and took a deep breath. She wasn’t set to leave for another two days so had time to get over it. She climbed the steps and stepped inside.

Not for the first time, she entered to the sound of music and moaning. She immediately rolled her eyes and closed the door, the thick wood soundproofing the cabin protecting the rest of the camp from the sexual noises. She swore demigods had started using this place as a brothel with all the campers being invited by her siblings, dating rife with the children of Aphrodite. She averted her eyes, not wanting to walk in on one of her brothers or sisters in bed with their partners. Fortunately there was only one occupant today and Selina masturbated in her bed. The music she was listening to filled the room as Piper risked a peek to check she was decent, her hand and bottom half hidden under a blanket. Selina always was shy, even when she’s by herself. Her eyes widened when she saw Piper was there, squeaking in alarm pulling the blanket over herself. “I’m sorry, I thought I was alone” She stammered.

“And I thought everyone was at lunch” she replied, walking over to grab the book she was here to pick up. Selina’s cheeks turned red from embarrassment, but she didn’t duck under the blanket to hide. She was growing in confidence but by but, and Piper felt proud for her progress. She listened to the music she was listening to, the romantic melody lifting her spirits and allowing her to forget her troubles for a moment. “This sounds new” she said, following the sound to a record player on a dresser.

Selina looked at it and blinked. “Oh, sorry, was this yours?” She asked, reaching over and switching it off silencing the melody.

“No” she said, tilting her head to examine it. She stepped forward and felt a twinge in her loins, a dampness between her legs. She paid it no heed. Wouldn’t be the first time a romantic piece of music made her aroused. She looked over the music player, picking up the pink record turning it over in her hands. There was no label on it. “Might be Dean’s. He likes these old records. I’ve never heard him play this one though.”

“It was just sitting on the dresser when I came in. I think there was a note” Selina explained, awkwardly reaching underneath her bed to fish it from the floor. Piper read the elegant scrawl; Enjoy. It wasn’t signed but there was a strong whiff of perfume on the card. “I thought it might be a gift from our mum” Selina said.

Piper smirked. “If our mother sent us a gift, I’m sure we’d know it was from her. It would do more than just play music” she told her younger sibling, placing the card and the record on the dresser. “If it is a gift, they have good taste in music. It was beautiful.”

“I know. I felt like I was floating while listening to it. Then I got aroused and couldn’t help touching myself.” She blushed bright red of embarrassment from admiring that, hiding her face muttering “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. There’s nothing wrong from admitting you got turned on by music. There’s a reason it’s considered an aphrodisiac. I know Miles from the Hypnos cabin has wet dreams which give him a large erection in his sleep” she told her, happy to indulge in a little gossip to forget her own insecurities.

Selina’s eyes widened in shock, nervously asking “how do you know?”

Piper shrugged, a coy smirk on her face which made the younger girl giggled. “Come on. We’d better get lunch before all the food it gone” she suggested, turning her back to let her get dressed. Once she was they both left the cabin and walked to the dining area, gossiping about what else turns them on along the way.


That evening the whole cabin turned in, following camp rules, which left a few of the demigods disgruntled despite night falling. But despite that most of them weren’t in a rush to go to sleep as they mingled around the cozy cabin. Piper settled on her bed and listened lazily to her siblings as they chatted and bickered. “You’re just frustrated you can’t spend the night with your boyfriend” one of her brothers noted to his sister.

Another blonde demigod sighed, asking “don’t you two get enough of each other during the day?”

“Can I help it if Scott is irresistible?” The smitten redhead replied dreamily.

“You know the rules. Curfew is for our safety” Piper reminded them.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we can’t spend it with each other” she complained.

“I heard some of the couples from the other cabins sneak into the vacant cabins during the evenings” a brunette said in a hushed whisper while she worked on her nails.

“I heard that too” the boy sitting next to her agreed. “A girl from the Hermes Cabin tried to meet one of the Ares guys in Hera’s cabin one night. They got caught in the act by Chiron and was washing plates for a month.”

“That’s just a rumor” a dark haired lad retorted. “Nobody is stupid enough to risk the gods wrath like that.”

The red-haired girl twirled her hair thoughtfully. Piper could tell she was considering it from the far away look in her eye. “Don’t. If you get caught it’ll come back on all of us” she warned.

“Yeah, you’ll just have to survive like the rest of us” her blonde sister with pink highlights teased. The redhead sigh, sulking in her bed.

After a few more moments of gossiping Selina looked up from the floor she was reading on to look at a pink haired boy. “Oh Dean, I hope you didn’t mind I listened to one of your records earlier?”

“Which one?” He asked.

“The one on the dresser” Piper told him, pointing to the record player still where they left it.

Dean walked over to the dresser and cocked an eyebrow. “I’ve never seen this before in my life” he replied.

“It’s not yours?” Selina asked.

He shook his head, turning the disc over in his hand. “All my stuff is packed up already. None of my records are pink either. Where’d it come from?”

“It was just there” she explained, rising to her knees in confusion. “There was a note too.”

“She thought it might be a gift from mom” Piper told him as Dean picked up the note to examine it.

“If it is, I hope it’s better than the gift she gave me on my last quest” their blonde brother said as he tied his long hair back. When he saw the others turn to him inquisitively he explained “we had to take a trip to Seattle months ago, war preparation for the fight with the others guys right? Along the way Aphrodite visits me and gives me something she claimed would help us get past the monster guarding the weapons we were after. Ended up being a bottle of perfume that could charm anyone who smelt it. Made the wearer irresistible until it wore off.”

“Really? Perfume?” Piper asked. Sounds like mom.

“We’ll not all of us have Charm-speak” a raven haired girl scoffed, earning a round of chuckles.

Piper rolled her eyes and turned back to her magazine, letting the blonde demigod finish his story. “So we get to the depot and I put the perfume on, after my friends put some distance between us might I add. Last thing we needed was to be falling over each other at the final hurdle.”

“One can dream” the brunette smirked.

“I don’t suppose you still have that perfume?” The blonde girl asked him, shuffling to the end of her bed batting her eyelashes. “It would make getting that guy Will guy in Apollo’s cabin to go out with me.”

“I’m pretty sure Will is gay” her redhead friend told her.

“And in a committed relationship” Piper added.

The blonde shrugged. “Who said I was looking for anything serious?”

The group groaned, the blonde rep for casual lovers being infuriating. The blonde haired boy wasn’t deterred as he continued “well this stuff would definitely make anyone notice you. Unfortunately it works on everyone; boys, girls…and monsters.”

That perked everyone up as they all turned to him. “Oh no” the pink haired Dean muttered. “What was it? A harpy? Chimera?”

“Was it medusa” one of his brothers queried.

“Medusa is hot” the brunette girl noted. “Her sisters though…”

“It wasn’t medusa” the boy answered. “But it was this…half human half snake thing with a scaly body that becomes the tail and this curvy female body.”

“Ooh, that sound shot” the brother purred.

“Well her face wasn’t. Picture Medusa but the opposite, which large fangs and a long tongue and reptilian eyes, bald with pointed ears and claws for hands. And one sniff of my perfume and she was all over me, giving my friends time to slip in behind her.” He pulled a face of horror, but his siblings found the image rather arousing, one of his sisters remarking how she’d “love to be wrapped up by her.”

Selina, the youngest of the group, looked up at the boy asking “so what did you do? Did you have to…do stuff with it?”

“Hey, tongue like that, she must’ve given a brilliant blowjob” his brother laughed. “Might’ve even broken you out of your comfort zone.”

The blonde boy shot him the finger before explaining “fortunately I was able to trick her into a locked room before I had to do anything. This dick is for dudes, not monsters.”

“I still don’t buy it” the brunette muttered, lounging on her mattress next to Piper’s. “I always thought all children of Aphrodite weren’t committed to one sexuality.”

“Where not all bisexual Rama” Dean remarked. “Some of us are allowed to be gay or straight.”

The blonde boy and red haired girl cheered for that statement. Piper grinned, shaking her head. She didn’t begrudge them their sexuality, though she wondered if pansexual fitted Rama’s alinement. Selina hopped up onto Pipers bed to ask “so you’ve never had to have sex with one of them then?”

“What? Monsters?” Piper asked. She shuddered at the thought. “Thankfully not.”

“I have” Rama told her.

“If she’s referring to the Minotaur, she’s fucking lying” the blonde girl said. “She claimed she seduced that beast during the battle of New York in order to defeat it, but we all know it was the Son of Poseidon who defeated that monster.”

“He wouldn’t have defeated it if I hadn’t distracted it with my gorgeous figure” Rama claimed, flashing her dark skin proudly.

The group turned into a debate into whether she was lying or not. Piper wasn’t here by that point so she couldn’t confirm nor deny anything, so stayed out of the debate. Her empathic abilities had been developing slowly however so she got the inkling she was exaggerating to get attention. She didn’t say anything. Pride was an unfortunate trait many children of Aphrodite shared. She turned her attention to Dean, who was still mulling over the record player. “So that isn’t one of yours then?” She asked him.

He shook his head in bewilderment. “Definitely not. Any idea what music is was playing?” He asked.

Piper turned to Selina, who shook her head. “I didn’t recognize it, but it was beautiful” she told him.

“And provocative” Piper smirked, playfully nudging Selina’s arm when she blushed with embarrassment.

Dean nodded, looking at the record and the note. “Mom always said she’d give me a gift at some point” he remarked.

“You’ve met her” Selina asked curiously.

“Once, in a dream” he nodded. The other siblings calmed down from their debate to nod wistfully. Godly parents often visited them in dreams. “She promised she’d send me one of her favorite pieces of music sometime. That was a while ago.”

“Maybe she remembered” the redhead said optimistically.

Dean smiled, the thought comforting. “Do you guys mind if I play it?”

They looked at each other and shrugged, curious to hear it too. “Just for a little while. Some of us need to get some sleep and be up tomorrow” Rama said, returning to her bed and lying against the pillow. A few of the other agreed and settled into their beds, other got comfortable sitting up to listen. Piper let Selina shuffle beside her on her bed so they could listen together. Dean switched the player on and watched the record spin, placing the needle at the start and stepping back to watch it.

The cabin fell silent as a beautiful melody started playing and instantly the sons and daughters of Aphrodite were captivated. They listened intently as the notes filled the room, swaying gently to the music as they closed their eyes and enjoyed it. Piper found the melody uplifting and soothing, her muscles relaxing as she hung on every note. Listening to it made her think of how she sang to charm the king of the Gemini on her way to the giant’s temple, a lullaby to make his people docile. She smiled, looking at her siblings as they swayed and rocked and hummed along to the tune. Selina purred next to her, shuffling closer to rest her head on her shoulder. “It’s amazing” Piper whispered, echoing everyone’s thoughts as they listened to the music.

“It’s beautiful” the redhead agreed, her hand drifting over to her stomach. “It’s making me feel really good.”

“Me too” one of their brothers agreed, humming along while Rama reclined in her bed. She felt relaxed too, they all did.

Dean stood in front of the record player transfixed, his breathing growing heavy as he listened. Piper looked up and saw his expression grow tense the longer he stood there. “You alright Dean?”

“Yeah, just…fuck” he gasped, struggling to stay composed.

Piper was about to ask what was wrong when she looked down and saw why he was grimacing in discomfort. His cock was expanding in his tight briefs and it was becoming unbearable. A few of their siblings noticed and chuckled. “You did say it was provocative” the blonde boy laughed, staring at the boys groin.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know why it’s doing that” Dean blushed.

Selina moaned beside Piper, muttering “I’m feeling warm again. It’s making me all tingly” she moaned, shifting uncomfortably on the bed.

“I think you mean aroused” Rama purred, shamelessly moving her hand to her crotch. “That is provocative” she said, slipping her hand into the waistband of her pants.

Piper stared in shock as Rama began fingering herself, rolling her eyes at the exhibition she made of herself. Unfortunately more of her siblings were starting to mirror her, overcome with sensations as they started to pant and moan. She looked at at the as they shifted in their beds or chairs, rubbing and caressing themselves. She was about to scold them for being so embarrassing until Selina whimpered next to her, looking down discovering she was as aroused as they were. Worse, Piper was aroused too. She could feel her groin getting wet beneath her pajamas. But what shocked her was her hand was absently caressing Selina’s breasts without her realizing. She tried to pull away but the girl clutched her arm begging her to keep touching her. She turned bright red, unable to believe what was happening as more of her brothers and sister started touching themselves, and each other. “What’s happening?” She moaned.

“I don’t know, but I like it” the redhead muttered, removing her top to get access to her tits while she fingered herself. “Oh Scott” she mumbled dreamily, fantasizing her boyfriend as she played with herself.

Dean couldn’t take it any more and pulled his dick out to massage it furiously, masturbating in front of the dresser staring at the record player. “I can’t stop. I’ve never felt so horny in my life” he groaned, pumping himself desperately as it throbbed in his hand.

All the demigods stared at him and purred in approval, those who weren’t preoccupied with themselves or struggling to hide how aroused they were. Piper discovered it was a losing battle as her groin ached for attention, her body feeling so sensitive the lightest brush from her younger sister made her tremble as she writhed beside her, her small body grinding against her against her will. She gasped when her hand found its way between her legs, her rosy cheeks warming up as she stumbled over her words. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t know” she whispered, her eyes hazy with lust as she looked up at her attractive face. She shuffled closer and nuzzled her cheek against her chest, the buttons of her pajamas falling open seemingly by themselves. “I can’t help myself” she moaned, caressing Piper’s thigh as she stared at her damp bottoms.

Piper gulped, fighting against the urge to wrap her arms around her own sister and make out with her. Fuck, what is wrong with me? “We shouldn’t be doing this” she said, looking around seeing her other siblings eying each other up hungrily. “Guys, where family. This is messed up, even for…eep!” She squeaked as Selina’s hand slipped into her waistband, her delicate fingers stroking her folds. She whimpered in arousal, leaking all over her hand against her will.

“I can’t help it. I feel so hot” Rama moaned, finger blasting herself in front of everyone until she orgasmed. She squirted all over the redhead, who was too lost in her fantasy to notice her tits were now glistening with cum. Their brother stared at those tits and hungrily dove into her chest to lick them clean, waking the girl from her dream only to bit her bottom lip in approval. “What about Scott?” Her blonde friend asked when she saw how into it she was.

“We haven’t decided to be exclusive yet” she said, distracted by the cute face sucking her breasts.

“He’s your brother” Piper reminded her, begging them to snap out of it.

The redhead looked at the young man and smiled. “Right now I’m too horny to care” she sighed, grabbing his face and kissing him. Other started sharing the sentiment as they started fooling around with each other.

Piper watched the incest unfold and screamed, the music still drifting across the room. The music! She turned back to Dean, begging him to turn the record player off. But the young man was lost to his cock, masturbating desperately trying to cum. “Let me help you” the blonde man said, reaching over to pull his brother into his mouth and suck his cock for him. Dean groaned with relief as he entered the young man’s mouth, clutching his long hair yanking his face against his crotch skull fucking him until he ejaculated down his throat.

Piper stared in anguish as she lost her siblings one by one to the melody, each of them giving into their unholy desires. In the end she succumbed to as Selina coaxed her out of her bottoms and dropped between her legs. “Selina…you don’t…we can’t…please don’t…don’t…oh, don’t stop!” She moaned, sinking into her bed and the pleasure waiting for her as she was eaten out by her sister.

The cabin fell into an orgy swiftly after that as all inhibitions evaporated. The children of Aphrodite fell into a cycle of love and sex as they explored each other to their hearts content. Boundaries were bent or broken as they experimented and mixed, though some kept to their principles. The red haired daughter refused to partake in lesbian sex, though it didn’t stop her blonde bestie from pulling her head back into a passionate platonic kiss while she rode a sturdy cock. The blonde homosexual, meanwhile, managed to stay with male partners as he fucked them in the mouth or ass and received a cock in return. The closest he came to female contact was assisting his sisters in riding his lovers mouths or shoving his brothers into their butts to make a train. Otherwise he happily watched the others make love and fuck while he jerked himself off. The rest of the siblings mixed and matched to their hearts content, changing partners or forming threesomes that left everyone screaming and panting and gasping for more. Bedsheets were stained with cum, cocks ejaculating everywhere, pussies gushing with fluids, bodies getting tangled as they groped and kissed and fucked into the night.

Piper struggled to keep her head above water as she was swept up in the lust and love she was feeling, passed between her brothers and sisters willingly and against her will. She knew it was wrong what they were doing, they were related after all, and yet it felt perfect at the same time. It felt perfectly natural to be kissing Rama as they scissored, or to suck her brother’s cock until he came, to fondle Senila’s breasts as she rode Dean’s, to be part of a lesbian sandwich, to be showered in semen from three separate dicks, to be anally fucked while fingering two pussies at the same time, to sixty-nine her blonde sister to scoop out her brothers cum with her tongue. It all felt perfectly natural and not at all perverted.

But she managed to cling to some of her sensibilities as she was hoisted off her feet by Dean, who bounced her on his cock while she wrapped her legs around his wrist and hugged his neck tightly. Between steamy kisses she looked over his shoulder and spied the record player still performing the gorgeous melody that was filling their ears. She tried to reach it multiple times but something or someone kept yanking her away. She clung to Dean’s pink hair as he thrust deep inside of her pussy, feeling his penis stirring up her insides just the way she liked, suppressing another orgasm to see her blonde brother finishing another climax and slumping onto his bed from exhaustion. Selena was already lying on Piper’s bed on the verge of consciousness, her limp body soaking with fluids. If this kept up they would all pass out from exhaustion (unless their hearts gave out first). “Bobby!” She gasped, forcing her strained voice to work, her throat raw from all the blowjobs she had given tonight. She saw his head lift up sluggishly and pointed at the record player. “Switch…it…off” she begged, putting as much charm-speak into her plea as she could manage.

Bobby turned to look at the record player, the disc still spinning, forcing himself to reach over and unhook the needle. The music ceased abruptly, but everyone continued to fuck each other regardless. Thankfully they finished at the last orgasm, each climax marking the end as their drive to fuck faded now the music had stopped. Piper moaned as Dean ejaculated inside of her, collapsing against his chest milking his thick cock trembling from her last orgasm. The young man blinked and looked up at her as she panted heavily. “You okay?” He asked, his face red from embarrassment.

Piper felt like her body ached everywhere and she felt bloated and over sensitive, but over wise she felt tired and relieved. “I’m fine” she told him, asking if he was okay.

He looked down at the mess he was in and shrugged. “Still better than that time I had to deal with a cyclops” he said, in no hurry to elaborate that embarresing story. He looked at Piper and meekly whispered “is it weird you are one of the best lovers I’ve ever had?”

Piper blushed at the compliment before awkwardly replying “I’m already in a relationship.” She blushed even brighter. That sounded stupid she thought.

Dean chuckled, replying “he’s a lucky man. Before playfully pecking her lips. She smiled, easing herself off him and nearly falling over when her legs wobbled. Dean helped her to her bed before stumbling back to his own.

“Fuck, that was awesome” Rama beamed, collapsing back into her bed as the other demigods fumbled back to theirs, everyone worn out and exhausted. “Best orgy ever. We should do that again.”

“Can we wait a few weeks first” the redhead complained, nursing her belly as her holes leaked with semen. “Thank the gods I’m on the pill” she mumbled before passing out in the pillow.

Piper crawled onto her bed and checked on the unconscious Selina, who was shivering and trembling from overstimulation. Poor girl wasn’t used to so much sex, still so new to the life of a demigod. Piper pulled the covers over them both and snuggled beside her, letting the girl sleep with her tonight. A few of her brothers and sisters extended the curtesy to each other, either too lazy to leave their embrace or cradling their siblings for comfort. Piper put her arm around the younger girl protectively as she nestled against her chest, her shallow breathing turning to gentle puts as she fell asleep in her bed. The choppy haired brunette lifted her kaleidoscope eyes to the record player, determining they’d have to decide what to do about moms gift in the morning.

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