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The Record Player (3/3)

Evening came and the sky darkened. They had another couple of hours before curfew was in effect so many demigods were still up and roaming the camp. The children of Aphrodite continued their hunt but everyone was getting frustrated. Worse still, Piper and Dean hadn’t spoken since their awkward encounter in their cabin. Piper was worried about him and their situation. The longer the record player was out there the more chance it had of causing harm. “I feel like we would’ve found it by now” Rama said as she walked with Piper to the stables once again. “I even made certain promises that would’ve enticed the thieves themselves to turn themselves in. Maybe mom did take it back.”

“At this point I’d rather that than someone stole it, even if you are offering yourself as a reward” she replied. They found Dean approaching the stables too, joining him asking “find anything?”

He shook his head, avoiding eye contact with Piper. Rama looked at them and groaned. “Don’t tell you two had a fight too. First Jason, now you…”

“It’s not like that” Piper tried to say but Dean explained “its nothing. I got a little emotional over the vinyl is all. I’m sorry for what happened and what I said” he told her, apologizing. She nodded, apologizing for what she said too.

Rama had a face that told them she had many questions about whatever went on until they heard giggling from nearby. The circled around the stables and found one of their sisters making out with her boyfriend. The young man called Scott realized they were watching and pulled his tongue out of the red haired girls throat letting her breathe. “Sorry. We didn’t think anyone would be here” he stammered.

“Don’t mind us” Rama smirked, leaning against the wood enjoying the show. Piper rolled her eyes while the redhead giggled. “Just remember you can’t bring him to bed during curfew” she reminded her sister.

“I know, which means we’ll have to make the most of it now” she said, hooking her arms around his neck.

Smiled and kissed her passionately, the couple quickly ignoring the three demigods watching with varying levels of nausea. “You know, with all my friend at the party there won’t be anyone in our cabin to interrupt us” he told his girlfriend. She purred at the invitation.

Before they left, Piper asked Scott “what party?”

“Oh, the Stroll brothers are throwing a party at the Hermes Cabin and invited everyone except us” the redhead complained.

“Us as in you two?” Dean asked.

“No, us as in the Aphrodite Cabin” she said. “The nerve, right? Well, forget about them. Who needs a party when you can have a cabin to yourself. I’ll be back by curfew” she promised, taking Scott’s hand and dragging him to his cabin to make the most of the vacancy.

Rama rapped her nails against the stable and scoffed. “Hermes cabin is having a party and they don’t invite us? She’s right, the nerve” she growled, storming back to the cabins. Piper and Dean reluctantly follow her before she could smash any skulls.

When they reached the cabin they realized why the children of Aphrodite were absent from the guest list. As soon as Dean heard the music he freaked out and raced forward. “Those thriving toe-rags!” He screamed, recognizing that melody anywhere. The girls recognized it too, running forward to help him rip the doors open.

They were greeted with a packed party, almost thirty demigods in attendance inside the spacious cabin spilling onto every bed. Disco lights flashed overhead as the music was blasted out of large stereo speakers. But it was the sight of all the naked flesh and demigods humping, kissing and fucking that alarmed Piper as the three of them stared at a raging orgy of Greek proportions. She heard the moans and screams and dirty talk fill her ears along with the music, all of it bringing a familiar tingle to her loins. She quickly slammed the doors shut in a panic to muffle the noise, pressing her back against it as Dean stared at her. “Well, I guess we know mom didn’t take it back now” Rama muttered.

“We have to take it back!” Dean cried.

“We can’t go in there!” Piper said. “If we do, the music will affect us like it has them. Urg! This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen!” She screamed.

Dean stared at the door before abruptly running off somewhere. Rama nodded, agreeing “offspring of Aphrodite and orgies aren’t a good mix. If the music wasn’t making us aroused the aromas of musk and sex would be driving us crazy.” She looked over at Piper and noticed her pupils were already dilating as her nipples hardened. “Trust the Strolls to be surround sound for a record player.”

“I thought you spoke to the Hermes lot earlier?” Piper asked, trying not to make it sound like an accusation.

“I did, none of them said anything. Although…shit, the brothers were suspiciously hard to find all day” she said shaking her head.

Dean returned panting for breath, holding out his hands offering them both earplugs. “Cutesy of Hypnos Cabin” he said. Looked up at the doors asking “so what’s the plan?”

Piper put the skills she learnt from Annabeth to use and came up with a plan, weighing the risks and the odds. “Rama, you wait out here for us. If we don’t come back out in five minutes, got get Chiron and tell him everything.”

“He won’t be happy to learn about the record player” Dean paled.

“He’ll be less happy to learn about the campers having an orgy in one of their cabins” Rama argued, promising to wait. “If you do end up having some fun in there, try and keep your head. We only need to switch off the music.”

“That might be the easy part. Getting out of a room full of horny demigods on the other hand” Piper muttered. She put her ear plugs in and nodded to Dean, who put his in and joined her at the door. “Okay, wish us luck” she said, though neither of the siblings could hear her. They opened the door and slipped inside.

Even with the earplugs in Piper was assaulted with sensory overload. Even though the music was muted to her ears her body was still resisting the surge of arousal brought on by everything else she was receiving. The musky smell of sex was thick in the air as they stepped into the cabin, the disco lights somehow taking on a foggy pink tint as she looked out over the swarm of bodies scattered around the interior. Naked flesh was everywhere as demigods played with each other like animals, fucking and grinding wildly without any care for the consequences. She recoiled as her developing empathic abilities were struck by a wave of emotions from inside, her body mirroring some of them causing her to stumble over her feet. Dean was quick to catch her, his mouth asking if she was alright. She nodded and gave him a thumbs up, shaking off the magnetic pull she was feeling towards the orgy unfolding. Rama was right, sex parties don’t mix well with them.

They pushed forward, doing their best to ignore the growing sensations in their bodies as they avoided the horny demigods. They had to climb over men and women sprawled out on the floor, humping lovers blocking their path as they awkwardly stepped over them. Every bed was occupied by two or more lovers, each fucking in various positions while more hovered over them, couples slamming themselves against the wall moaning in pleasure as they were railed in the pussy, ass or mouths. Piper scanned the party as saw much of what she feared coming to pass, demigods she recognized forgetting all restrictions as couples cheated on each other, siblings forget they were related, same sex pairings or homosexuals broadening their horizons. She passed one bed where she found a couple of sons and daughters of Hypnos lying on the bed being fucked by their friends. She looked away and swallowed a gulp praying they hadn’t fallen asleep during this. Focus! The sooner you get what you came for, the faster you can get out she told herself.

She looked back to check on Dean, who was weaving through much the same as her on the opposite side of the cabin. He ducked between guys and girls as they reached out to stroke him, their smiles greeting him as their eyes enticed the young man to join in. Piper got the same as hands caressed or groped her as she past, steeling her resolve to swat them aside and push deeper. Dean got halfway towards the back when he was caught by a slim hand from a nearby bed. He vaguely heard his name through the earplugs, turning his head to spot one of his ex girlfriends from the Ares cabin lounging on the bed admits her best friend from Hermes and his other ex from Demeter. He froze when he saw the three sexy ladies entangled with each other, their bodies glistening with sweat and cum, clearly just finishing a threesome with each other. The ares girl rose up to her knees on the bed and pulled Dean closer, her grip like a vice around his arm. He forget she didn’t take their breakup well and dragged him onto the bed with her, calling her friends to ensnare him with their arms until he was caught in their embrace. He panted as his body gave away his arousal, cornered by these three beauties making his penis stiff inside his pants. He looked across to Piper, who saw the predicament he was in and making her way towards him. He shook his head and pointed to the back of the cabin, seeing the sound system back there. She looked over to it then back to him. He gave her a thumbs up and urged her to carry on, resisting the girls advances as long as he could.

Piper didn’t want to leave Dean to be devoured they three hot demigoddesses in heat, but she reminded herself she had a quest to complete. Reluctantly turned away and pushed forward, awkwardly sliding between two sweaty guys feeling their erections brush her thighs. She felt one of them grab her breasts but she slapped him away. When he became more insistent she quickly grabbed his head and leaned into his ear to whisper charm-speak to him. His pupils dilated as he immediately turned his attention to the other guy, smashing his lips against him pinning him to the wall. She turned away and quietly apologized before climbing over a bed to reach the back of the cabin.

She found the record player plugged into the speakers, the vinyl spinning against the needle feeding the music into the control board set up beside it. She tripped over another sleeping demigod, their holes dripping with cum as their naked body shivered, stumbling up to the table it was set up on and scanned the layout. It should be simple enough to unplug the speakers and disconnect the record player before she…

“Piper! I’m glad you could make it?” A voice called through her ear plugs, barely audible through the music blazing next to them. She looked up and found Travis Stroll standing behind the control board operating as DJ while he rocked a blonde haired girl against his lap, her mouth deepthroating his thick cock until she was choking on it. She stared at him as he held up a finger briefly, ejaculating down the girls throat until she gagged before releasing her short hair and watching her rear back slumping against the table. She was drooling as she passed out, left unconscious behind the speakers while Travis turned his dripping cock towards the daughter of Aphrodite. She swallowed the bile in her throat, tearing her kaleidoscope eyes away from his throbbing member as it pulsed with lust, looking up at the young man shooting her a charming smile. “Did you have a request?” He asked, shouting over the noise.

“I know you stole that record player from our Cabin!” She yelled over the noise, the speakers cutting through the protection she had in her ears. She felt her arousal raise as she looked at Travis and his buff physique, fighting her senses as she got turned on. “You need to turn this music off. You don’t realize how dangerous it is!”

“Why would I want to switch this off? It’s the main selling point of tonight” he cheered, adjusting the volume turning it up. Piper winced as the song rang beside her head, covering her ears with her palms as Travis mouthed “we’re just having a bit of fun. Loosen up McLean!”

“I’m not here to stop the party” she said diplomatically. “I just want our stuff back. I need that record” she pleaded.

“But everyone is enjoying it so much McLean” another voice shouted as a figure appeared behind her. Piper jumped as she felt some press against her back, their hands wrapping around her waist as she felt a warm breath on the back of her neck. She squeaked as Conner appeared and hugged her tight, his smile mirroring his brother asking her “what’s the urgency? Stay for a bit, you might enjoy yourself.” Piper squirmed in his grasp, unable to suppress a moan as he smelled her hair and kissed her neck. She brushed it behind her ear and saw she was wearing earplugs, saying “you’ll enjoy it more without these.”

Piper panicked as he reached in and yanked one of her plugs from her ear, the noise it was blocking suddenly flooding her canal like a tidal wave. She clutched her ear as the moans and screams of pleasure mixed with the romantic melody heightening her senses, the ache in her loins growing until it was unbearable. Connor grinned as she squirmed from his grasp, escaping his arms just as he was reaching for her chest. “Please, you have to turn it off! You don’t understand, it’s a gift from Aphrodite. It’s messing with all of our senses” she yelled frantically, her voice much clearer now.

“We figured” Travis nodded, catching her wrist when she tried to reach over and unplug the speakers. “That’s why we threw a party. We thought the camp deserved a celebration after the last war.”

“We’re sorry we didn’t invite you and your friends. Why don’t you let us make it up to you?” Conner said apologetically, taking hold of Piper by the shoulders and guiding her around the table.

Her eyes darted between them as she was gently shoved into Travis’s arms, his hands cupping her chest before moving down her sides. She stifled a whimper as her body ached to be touched, trembling as Conner brought his hands up to massage her chest pressing against her back. She felt their erections rub against her thighs, their throbbing pricks making her moist between her legs. She clenched her jaw in refusal and tried to lunge for the record again, but they pinned her between them holding her arms still. “Please, I don’t want to cause any trouble” she begged. “I just want the record you took.”

Travis stroked Piper's cheek, sharing a cursory glance to his brother over her shoulder. He shrugged, stroking her suggestively watching her squirm and shiver. “If it means that much to you, of course we’ll give it back” they said. “When the song is finished.”

“Please” she begged, looking around at the demigods enthralled by the music, driven to debaucery many will probably regret. “You don’t know what you’re doing. You don’t realize what this music does.”

“I think we worked it out when Conner and I ended up sucking each other off on that bed over there” Travis smirked, leaning over her shoulder to kiss his brother. Piper’s eyes widened as they made out, frozen in stunned silence as they turned to her and took turns kissing her next. She stiffened as they kissed her, resisting the urge to kiss them back as her body melted to their touch. Her second earplug was pulled out and left her with no defense against the melody. Travis released her lips, noting her reluctance and sighed. “Alright, if you want that record player, all you have to do is say you want it. Say you don’t want to have sex with us right now, that you don’t want to have some fun while you’re here.”

“If you don’t want to stay, we’ll understand” Conner agreed, his hands lowering from her boobs to wait at her stomach. “Just say no and we’ll let you go” he promised.

Piper knew they were men of their word, despite everything. She looked at the record player, determination in her conviction as she opened her mouth to agree to their terms. But she was mortified to find her voice failed her, her body betraying her as it melted into their embrace, submitting to their advances. She tried to force her mouth to say something, but all she could managed was a meek whimper as her hips rubbed the cocks grinding against her. The boys smirked, quickly wrapping their arms around her as she relaxed into their grasp. “I thought so” Travis grinned, capturing her lips to make out with her while his brother molested her body. She stopped squirming and gave herself over to the joy they brought her, ashamed with herself for giving into the power of the music.

God damn you mom! This is all your fault! Her mind screamed internally as she was sandwiched between the two Stroll Brothers. Between the music making her horny and the aroma of sex making her lightheaded, their rough hands made short work of her pitiful defenses until she was practically purring. Her eyelids hooded over her eyes as she found herself lazily making out with each boy in turn while they explored and caressed her, stimulated her body into a desperate bundle of nerves. By the time their hands reached under her shirt or undid her pants, she lost all sense of resistance as she let herself enjoy it. It was like Rama warned, children of Aphrodite can’t help but gravitate to sex when they’re in an orgy. It was like a genetic thing, the couldn’t control it. I should’ve just gone straight to Chiron she thought as she watched Conner pull the waistband of her panties down to join her jeans around her knees. He lowered down to fondle her soft butt, giving it a playful smack which made her Yelp. Travis pulled her shirt above her bra and revealed her boobs, licking her hard nipples like an ice cream which made her whimper. Soon she had a mouth sucking on her breasts while a tongue invaded her anus, pleasure shooting up and down her spine as she rocked between the excited demigods moaning uncontrollably. She forced her eyes open to look for Dean, praying he had an opportunity to do what she couldn’t.

Dean, however, was trapped in his own state of arousal as he buried himself down to the hilt inside of a sexy daughter of Hermes, who arched her back in pleasure wrapping her short legs around him pulling him deeper. Behind him the daughter of Ares humped his back, encouraging him to fuck her best friend while he fingered the daughter of Demeter. His ear plugs were gone and he was as stiff as a rod, his balls swelling with need as he pounded the smaller girl into the bed, her screams expressing her joy until the daughter of Demeter sat on her face so she could lock her lips with his, her fingers combing through his pink hair. He kissed her back, pulling his first ex around to join the kiss while he fingered her ass, both women moaning as their friend orgasmed underneath them. While his former girlfriends made out with each other, Dean looked across and saw Piper trapped by the brother, a glum moment of resignation passing between them as they realized their quest had failed.

“You are so hot McLean” Travis praised, kissing the Cherokee girl passionately while his brother got into position behind her. Despite all the work he had just done on her ass, his erection slipped into her moist pussy making her gasp. Travis reached down to stroke his cock, watching Piper’s eyes fall to it as she reached down to assist him. He smiled and stroked her brown hair affectionately. “We’ve wanted to do this with you for so long, you know?” He told her, lifting her face to him as Conner massaged her shoulders. “You are so damn hot” he whispered.

Piper couldn’t find the words to express what she was feeling. Disgust, shame, excitement and joy all swirled together as she felt the boys hands all over her. It all swam as her body tilted forward, the pair of them bending her over so she could take Travis into her mouth, his affectionate hand on the back of her head while Conner moved to her hips. Before she knew it she was being spit-roasted between their cocks, moaning in pleasure as she clung to their naked bodies. Their thrusts were uneven, No rhythm between them as they raced to see who could cum first. Piper climaxed twice as they rammed into her from both ends, forced to gag on Travis’s dick while Conner pounded her from behind. It was almost a relief when they came, both at the same time filling her throat and pussy. She managed to swallow a gulp before it leaked from her mouth, the cock slipping from her grasp to drip onto the floor. She coughed and heaved in a breath as she felt Conner vacate her dripping pussy too before being yanked by up to face them. They grabbed her face and kissed her deeply, each sharing the cum covering her tongue in a sloppy kiss.

She stumbled against the soundboard as they turned her around, her hand coming within inches of the record player. She looked down and managed to pull some of her senses together to attempt to unhook the needle, but she was swiftly manhandled out of reach again and turned to face Conner. The two sons of Hermes lifted her off her feet and aligned their fresh erections at her exposed holes, Travis slotting into her lubricated hole while Conner reclaimed her pussy. Piper realized Conner had been preparing her backdoor for her brother, who was a notorious anal stud. She never thought she’d be one of his conquests and have her ass plundered by this man. She moaned as they sandwiched her between them, their bodies pressed against her snugly, their cocks throbbing inside of her. She looked up at them panting, her body tingling with anticipation. “Please…fuck me” she heard herself beg. They smiled and did just that, rocking her in perfect sync driving her on a ride of a lifetime. She gasped and moaned and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around them as her legs hung beneath her, their hands supporting her hips and spreading her ass cheeks to thrust into her rhythmically. She melted in their arms as they kissed her, her lips and her neck and her cheek, their hands massaging her breasts and back and stomach until she was tingling with desire. She joined the chorus of screaming demigods as she orgasmed between them, the perfect filling for this Stroll sandwich.

Then something new happened. She couldn’t explain it but her orgasm triggered something inside of her as she was suddenly assaulted with new sensations. Her eyes snapped open as a moan caught in her moan, her senses going into overdrive as she suddenly felt different. Travis and Conner continued to fuck her, but their pace shifted as they moaned even louder, crushing her between their bodies. She felt their hips increase in force, pounding her from the front and back, their cocks sliding in and out of her holes. The felt their cocks as her walls squeezed them, her velvet cunt and tight ring milking them as their balls slapped her thighs. She fell against Travis’s chest as he wrapped his arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides while Conner gripped her waist, their hot breath against her neck as they squeezed her, ducking her harder and faster. She panted, their chests crushing her like an orange. “I can’t…breathe…” she wheezed, but it wasn’t her lungs being constricted. She felt their breathing, their pants, the exertion they were using, the building of their orgasm, the pleasure filling their loins. She felt what it was like to have balls bursting with semen, how soft her skin was against their rough flesh, how her hair smelt in their nostrils, way her nipples pressed against their chest. It was like she could feel what they felt, and they could feel what she felt, how their dicks grinding against each other through her insides stirred her, how their bodies crushed her breasts, how goosebumps rose on her skin from where they breathed on it. The three of them became locked in a swirl of sensations where they seemed to become one until they all simultaneously climaxed in one powerful, glorious orgasm. All three of them screamed as they felt each other cum, felt the semen pump into Piper’s holes and fill her insides, felt her walls squeeze their dicks until it hurt, felt the pleasure rocket up their spines to rattle their teeth, all of them trembling until Piper collapsed in their arms, the brothers stumbling on their feet to catch her.

Holy fuck, what the Hades was that? Piper wondered as she became lightheaded, exhaustion overcoming her as blood leaked from her nose. Conner and Travis caught their breath and lowered her back to her feet, equally bewildered as they dislodged themselves from her body. She whined instinctively from the loss, cum spilling from her sensitive holes as she clung to the pair of them for support. She looked up at them both, the music still filling their ears spurring their libidos back up. She seized the brief moment of clarity to grab Conner by the face and kissed him, grabbing his attention to quickly whisper charm-speak in his ear. “Switch the music and give me the record you stole and then let me leave” she pleaded.

Conner stared at her a moment before letting her go, walking past her to finally turn off the music and plunge the party into silence. The orgy continued, barely noticing the absence of the song while they continued to fuck one another. Piper gathered as much strength as she could to hurriedly pull her pants up and fix her shirt, watching Conner as he put on a CD player to play something else before handing her the vinyl. She retreated before either him or Travis could snap out of the post orgasmic daze and stop her, fumbling through the orgy as fast as she could.

Fortunately she wasn’t the only one to regain their senses as Dean, having managed to fuck all three of the girls covering his attention into a stupor, pried himself away from the bed to find her rushing towards him. She didn’t slow her pace as she showed him the record in her hands, accepting his help to push through the naked bodies towards the door. They stepped outside into the crisp air and immediately heaved a deep breath before noticing Rama was still here. Dean checked his watch wondering why she hadn’t gotten Chiron by now until he saw her hand inside her pants, the young woman driven to masturbate by the music no longer being played. She opened her eyes and saw them outside with her and blinked, checking her own watch. “Oops” she muttered, having lost track of time while waiting to see if they came back out. She hadn’t realized she’d succumbed to the music.

Piper shook her head disapprovingly as she showed her the vinyl, making beeline to their cabin to get it and them as far away from the party as possible. As soon as she got inside their cabin her legs gave out from under her and she toppled onto the floor, exhaustion making her pass out as the adrenaline wore off. Dean and Rama helped her into bed and watched over her the rest of the night while they came to a final decision about the vinyl.


It took them a week to convince him but Chiron agreed to let them store the vinyl record in the attic of the Bog House. Of course if they explained why they wanted to store it he would’ve thrown it in there in an instant, but Dean was adamant he didn’t want Chiron to know. So they agreed to keep the nature of the record between them and their Cabin, everyone swearing on the River Styx to secrecy. That just left the Stroll brothers to contend with. Rama convinced Piper to use her Charm-speak to make them forget all about it, something Piper was very uncomfortable with, but in the end Travis and Conner both volunteered to have their memory erased, even returning the record player itself. “The fact that you two had sex finally freaked up out, huh” Rama teased, leading to some awkward glances between the boys. So, with their blessing, Piper used her powers to help them forget the record and the intimacy they shared, the only thing they asked to remember was the wicked orgy they hosted (and their incredible threesome with Piper, or course). After they left, Rama commented “you know the only thing that music did was make us really horny right? It didn’t force us to have sex, or who we had sex with. Which means whatever sexual tension those two have, that ain’t on us.” The thought made Dean chuckle, but Piper still found it gross.

When the time came to hide the vinyl away, Dean asked Piper if she could come with him. She had stayed back to make sure the mess was cleaned up (and to avoid going home a little longer) so she agreed to join him as they entered the Big House and it’s cluttered attic. They stood in the middle of the room, the chair that once sat the mummified Oracle of Delphi facing them as they switched on the dim light. They scanned the room and the clutter. There was no way anyone was going to stumble upon the record in here. Piper placed the record player on a table beside the oracle’s chair and turned to look at Dean, his pink hair falling over his eyes and he stared at the pink record in his hand. “You know this won’t be forever” she said to comfort him. “When you get a place of your own, you can take it with you.”

“I know” he smiled, running his hand over the disc. “I was just thinking how nice of a gift it was.”

“I mean, I kind of lead to a camp wide orgy, so I don’t know if I’d call that good” she said cautiously.

“Not to us, or me…to mom” he said. Piper furrowed her brow in confusion, leading him to explain “I think this was the music my dad composed for her. He used to work in a radio station, composing the tracks for them. I remember him listening to vinyls just like these before he was…”

“I didn’t realize” Piper said, joining him as they took a seat on an old sofa.

“I don’t like to talk about him much. I hurts to remember that he’s gone” he said, wiping a tear from his cheek. “After I came here, running away from another foster home, mom showed up in my dream. She told me about how she met dad, said he made the most beautiful music. She told me he composed a record especially for her, a testament to the love they shared. She promised she’d share it with me one day.”

Piper looked down at the vinyl in his hands and it all clicked into place. “That’s your dad’s song, expressing his love to Aphrodite. No wonder it’s so powerful.”

“Aphrodite said there’s no emotion more powerful than love in its purest form” he smiled. “It transcends all barriers, uniting everyone regardless of gender, race, species, mortality… I think I understand why Mom sent this to us” he told her, looking over at her sitting beside her. “So we could know the love my dad felt to her, and to me. All that time in care, I forgot what it felt like to feel loved, feel that connection to someone, anyone. I know you didn’t…appreciate what happened between us, all of us, but to me it wasn’t about the sex. I’ve never felt like I was part of a family until I came here, until I met all of you. I’ve never felt more loved until I came to Camp Half-Blood.” He reached over and took Piper’s hand, squeezing it as he gazed into her eyes, telling her “I love you, you and the others. You’re my sister, my family, and I feel so blessed to be your brother.”

Piper stared at the young man, finally understanding why this record was so important to him, seeing him in a new light. Aphrodite wasn’t trying to cause trouble, it was sharing a part of his past that would help them express that which connected them all. It wasn’t hormones or sex that caused the orgy, it was pure uncensored love they shared with each other. In her own twisted and godly way, mom wanted her children to share their love for each other. Piper looked down at Dean’s hand as it squeezed hers, remembering how content she had felt for a moment when she was lost in the bliss of it all with her brothers and sisters. Is much as she hated the thought of what they’d done, it felt wonderful. And for Dean, it meant everything. And now they have to lock it away she thought.

She reached over and took the vinyl from him, rising to his feet and approaching the record player. Without saying anything, she switched it on and placed the disc on the turntable. Dean stared as Piper placed the needle down and let it play, returning to join him as his fathers music filled the attic. He looked up at her with concern, opening his mouth too speak until she put her hand on his lips to stop him. “Anybody asks, we were just listening to music” she whispered, putting her own feelings aside so she could be in the moment with him with her brother.

Dean stared up at her and smiled, rising to his feet as they listened to the romantic melody, the love between two people connecting them as they closed their eyes and swayed in each others arms. They let the music transcend them to another plane, feeling the love they shared connect them to their parents and their family, the two of them lost in a sensual dance letting go of everything around them. They felt their bodies tingle and their hearts swell, and if it led to them making love again, Piper wouldn’t fight it. She was willing to open herself up to love in its purest form, expressing it in whatever manner felt right. They were family and they loved each other.

As she listened to the music, she thought of Jason and the love she was sure she felt for him. Real or manufactured, she didn’t want to give up on them just yet. She hoped they could make it work and swore she’ll do everything she can the moment she got home to make it work.

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The Record Player: Part 1

Aphrodite gifts one of her children a special record, which ends up causing some chaos in the cabin that night.


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