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The Portrait (The Misadventures of Super-Max)

"Are you sure we won't be disturbed in here?" Max asked nervously as she got into position upon the quilt covered table. To the best of her knowledge the drama room of Blackwell academy wasn't ever considered the most secluded place in the school. Her blue eyes kept glancing towards the door waiting for someone to unexpectedly walk in and stumble upon the two of them.

"Do not fear my sweet Miss Caulfield" the confident tone of Daniel DaCosta reassured her as he sat comfortably upon a plastic chair a few feet away, casting a glance towards the same door. "The usual occupants are currently rehearsing at another venue and will be gone for many hours. But as an added precaution I have taken the liberty of locking the door lest a stray comes a knocking."

Thank god, Max thought allowing herself to breathe. I'd hate to try and explain what me and Daniel are doing in here all alone. Doubt they'd buy that he's simply drawing my portrait.

Undoubtably so as this "portrait" is not destined to join the rest of Daniels collections on the internet like her previous sketch. But when Max was propositioned to take part in this more exclusive work of art she had decided to humor the introvert and agreed, figuring if she changed her mind she'd could just rewind time and decline later. So far he'd led her to the deserted drama room and instructed her to remove her clothes and settle into a pose she found most comfortable and relaxed while he drew the curtains, save one soft beam of sunlight highlighting her stunning figure as she lay across the table, and she had resisted the urge to reverse time in a panic. Many people considered Daniel to be creepy but Max found the young artist rather harmless. even as she undressed in front of him there was no malaise or perverted lust in his eyes as he gazed over her naked body, just mild admiration and a hint of bemusement. He called her beautiful as he went to find her chair and Max found her cheeks flushing red.

However, what made Max Caulfield uneasy was the fact she still agreed to pose for a "sexy" portrait. Hearing her say yes back in her head she wondered whether she had misheard the boys proposition or if time travel had scrambled her brains. And yet here she was following through with it. Didn't stop her from self consciously placing her right arm across her chest to cover her nipples in a vain attempt to hide herself. She lay on her back across the quilt, head resting on a cushion turned to the left looking over at the artist as he set up with his sketch pad.

"Just turn your hips to the right a little bit" He suggested politely, patiently waiting for her to comply. "Bend your left knee. Now bring your left hand up towards the… yes, that is…" Daniel stared at his model, allowing a small smile to cross his lips as he gazed at the naked but tasteful beauty of Max Caulfield. "Perfect. You are a natural goddess my sweet" he praised.

Max blushed looking shyly back at him. "I wouldn't say that."

"A true artist knows true beauty" he replied as he began sketching. "One as talented as yourself should understand that Maxine." He looked up and offered her a smile. "You are beautiful. A fine muse if may say so. It's an honor to capture such radiance."

"I thought Rachel Amber was your muse?" She asked, remaining still as she allowed him to draw her without interruption. Daniel was actually quite considerate with her posing, she could relax and stay here for hours if she needed to. A part of her still feared someone would walk in on them but otherwise she was content to lie there in the nude for her portrait.

"Rachel will always be an inspiration for me" he replied never slowing in his work, his eye flickering effortlessly between her and the paper while his hands guided across the pad. "Sadly she remains missing and I do pray for her safe return. And yet fate has brought us together in her absence." He paused briefly sensing Max's doubt, as if she was merely a consolation because Rachel wasn't here to pose for him instead. "You should not fear comparing yourself to her Miss Caulfield" he spoke firmly. "Your beauty is not her beauty, just as she is not your equal. You are each, in your own unique way, perfection."

Who knew Daniel could be such a smooth talker, Max found herself thinking as she felt heat rising in her cheeks. She never had the confidence to acknowledge when others complimented her in such a way, but when Daniel tells it to her she believes him. Maybe it's the way he is, the strange subtle notes in his voice or the way he looks at her as she poses for his drawings. Something about him and the way he is around her makes her feel…beautiful.

The two of them settle into a comfortable silence as the artist takes his time on his work of art, his model nestled snugly under his confident gaze basking in the warm glow coming from the window until after half an hour he rises from his seat examining his work. "Amazing" he nodded striding over to join her.

Max rose off the table to sit on the edge as he circled around with his sketch pad, showing her a near perfect representation of her in her naked glory. For a moment she forgot she was looking at a picture of herself, the girl in the drawing appeared too stunning to be the young photographer. But a swift glance up to his face confirmed it was indeed her. For the first time Max really saw herself in the way Daniel saw her, a radiant goddess of humble nature. It took her breath away. "It's…incredible."

"Art is only as powerful as the origin of its inception" he replied, reaching out with a smudged hand to gently brush a strand of hair behind Max's ear. She couldn't say a word as his hand caressed her face, circling under her jaw to lift her chin up as he gazed into her eyes, stroking his thumb just under her bottom lip softly. Her arm fell down to her lap as she stared up at the young man, no longer shy about hiding her body from him after this. He saw her, all of her, and she felt comfort beyond anything she'd ever known. "Absolute perfection" he said quietly as they got lost in the moment.

In Max's mind everything clicked into place and she felt a powerful tug drive her towards the charming young artist. She imagined herself leaping into his arms as he embraced her welcomingly with a strong and passionate kiss, a moment that would draw all the heat out of her body and last a lifetime. Somehow she knew he'd be gentle yet powerful at the same time, making her feel like she was a delicate flower and then turn her legs to jelly with a single look, touch or sound. She pictured him laying her across the table and entering her like they'd been lovers forever, the rhythmic thrusts of his hips lulling her into a dreamlike state of euphoria she'd never want to leave. She wanted that, wanted him, his touch and taste and smell and voice and charm… Everyday she would become his model, his muse, the object of his vision and art, shown off to the world in all her beautiful glory. And every night they would make love under the stars, in her bed or wherever the night would take them. She imagined riding him out on the grounds without a care if she was seen, lost in his embrace as his hands would caress her skin, her back, her breasts, bring such pleasurable joy her voice would fill the air and awaken something within her, something she believed lurked beneath the surface waiting to be born of their love…

Max Caulfield imagined that life for only a moment, drifting closer to the waiting lips of her lover as he stroked her cheek softly. But before she could make contact he pulled away, leaving her breathless and embarrassed as he turned away to gather his art supplies. "You May redress now my sweet" he said flatly, unaware of the fantasy he'd unknowingly shattered.

Max felt a crushing sense of disappointed in her chest as she sat there awkwardly, staring at the back of Daniels head wishing he'd just turn around and take her in his arms. But he remained respectfully distant, the moment lost. With a sigh she retrieved her clothes and covered herself up, taking her time to straighten herself out in case she left any hints for a passing student to get suspicious while also hoping the boy might change his mind. When she was ready she stood silently in the middle of the room unsure what to do next.

Daniel saw she was finished and gathered up his things before passing her the sketch he'd made. "Here, a gift. I promised you this would not be posted online like the others" he said offering her the drawing.

Max took it, grateful to have a momento to go with the memory. She usually would've taken a photo but the sketch felt more personal. A gift. She thanked him as he led her out of the drama room, unlocking the door and carefully checking the hallway before they left together. Before they parted ways Max turned one last time to Daniel, "thanks for the drawing. Maybe… Maybe we could do this again sometime?"

He gazed at her fondly, smiling back as he replied "I would like that very much. Until next time then, my sweet Miss Caulfield" he said warmly, taking her hand in his to give it a gentle kiss like a gentlemen. Max accepted the gesture, but couldn't help but step forward and return the favor with a quick peck on the cheek. A sign that maybe next time could go further than simply a portrait.

The two locked eyes, sharing one last affectionate moment, before they each turned away and left on their own paths knowing they'd converge again in the near future.

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