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The Pool: The 13th Doctor & Captain Jack Harkness

“Come on, we’re almost there” the man insisted as he lead the women through the ruins.

“You’ve said that for the last two hours” she complained as she followed, stepping over brambles as her long grey coat scrapes over the twigs.

Captain Jack Harkness let out a long exhale. “We’ve only been walking for five minutes.”

The Doctor paused to ponder her own internal clock a moment. “Oh. Felt like longer.”

“Well that’s what happens when you don’t sit still for more then thirty seconds.”

“Hey, I can do a lot in thirty seconds” she retorted.

Jack grinned, thinking I hope so as he rounded a corner. “Here it is” he proclaimed proudly, stepping under an arch.

The Doctor followed the man in the dark trench coat and stepped into a wide courtyard of intricate stone architecture, statues lining the walls facing inwards. The blonde haired Time Lord looked around marveling in wonder as she examined the remains of a temple thought lost to time. Well, lost unless you had a time machine. Or a vortex manipulator. “This is incredible” she said, circling around the courtyard where a large marble basin sat beneath a fountain still gushing water. She pulled out her sonic screwdriver to scan the fountain, dating it to at least a thousand years old. It was amazing it still worked.

“I stumbled across this place a while ago” Jack explained watching the Doctor examine the stonework like an excited child. “Thought you might like it so I stored the time stamp. I think we’re off by a few centuries though…” he muttered, checking his device. He was hoping for this place to be less ruins and more intact.

“It doesn’t matter. Finding this place was a miracle” she beamed. “The temple of a lost civilization on an alien planet, thought to have been extinct for thousands of years, their buildings left to ruin and turn to dust over millennia. Nobody knows what happened to them. Nobody could even find their planet. It was like the whole solar system was shunted out of its place in the universe.” She have a huge grin on her face as she stood by the basin. “Yaz and Dan would love this” she thought.

Jack raised an eyebrow. “Where are your new companions?”

“The fam?” She asked, attempting to deflect the question. “My crew. They’re fine. They stepped out to get ice cream and…”

“You accidentally left them behind didn’t you?” He guessed. She did well to hide it but Jack had known the Doctor well enough to see the embarrassed blush in their cheeks, no matter which face they were wearing. “Well at least you didn’t leave them behind on purpose” he said. “Or run to the end of the universe to get away from them.”

“I thought we had moved past that” she said, still feeling guilty about that part in their shared past.

“We have” he nodded, shrugging casually. “Which is why I brought you here. Not the worst place I’ve brought a friend.”

“As far as date spots go, this is better than that pit of flaming monkeys” she agreed.

Jack raised a curious eyebrow. “Are you claiming to be my date?”

“Or maybe you’re my date” she smirked back. She was no fool, Jack only ever brought her to places like this when he wanted to impress her. And when he was trying to impress her he was aiming for more than a smile.

Jack didn’t bother to play coy either, looking down at the water between them and unhooked his belt. “Well, since we’re here now, I think I’m going to take a bath while you admire the architecture” he said as he removed his jacket.

The Doctor examined the basin full of water before watching the man undress himself. “You know this wouldn’t have been a bathing courtyard” she said. “More like a meeting place, or a washroom.”

“Or maybe it has multiple uses” he suggested, revealing his toned muscles as he whipped off his shirt and pants, making sure her eyes were on him when he pulled down his boxers. Unlike most people she didn’t avert her gaze when he stripped naked. In fact she tilted her head to admire his manhood a moment before he sauntered into the water in purposeful strides. Luckily the water was warm, the perfect temperature. Once he was submerged the Doctor returned her gaze to the walls examining it while Jack enjoyed the makeshift pool. It had two levels acting as a bench around the perimeter, the middle five feet deep. He dipped his head and combed his hair back enjoying it immensely. He looked up and noticed the woman pacing the room occasionally glancing in his direction. “You’re welcome to join me Doctor.”

She made a show of tutting and rolling her eyes as she circled the basin. She knew exactly what Jack was hoping to happen if she got in the pool with him. She knew exactly why he had invited her out here where it was private and completely free of distractions. She figured she leave him hanging for a few minutes before considering giving him what he wants.

Unfortunately he was right about one thing: her impatience.

“I guess I could do with a wash” she confessed as she shrugged off her coat. She knelt down and tested the water first with her hand, delighted to find it was at the right temperature. Before she got undressed she looked at the smirking gentlemen telling him “just for the record, this isn’t happening.”

“What isn’t?” He asked innocently.

“Whatever you think is going to happen” she said, untying her shoelaces and kicking her boots off. “Don’t think I don’t know what this whole trip was for.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about” he said, but not bothering to hide the coy grin as she rolled her eyes. He would never play her for a fool because he knows she’s too smart for that. He was also smart enough to know it pays well to act casual and never push your luck. If nothing happened he had to accept that. But he had a feeling the Doctor was already considering things in her head.

The Doctor wasn’t shy about undressing in front of the captain either, undoing her pants and pulling her suspenders over her shoulders to drop them down her legs before pulling her top over her head. He was delighted to discover she didn’t wear a bra, feeling the underwear was too restrictive in this body, and removed her panties soon after. She took a moment to stretch, enjoying the warm air on her naked skin for a moment while Jack stared in admiration. It occurred to her this was his first time seeing her new body like this and the way he examined her with his eyes spoke volumes to his approval. She had to admit drawing peoples attention was an unexpected bonus to this regeneration, and her body parts were nice to play with too. Maybe she’d indulge in some of that solo playtime once she slipped into the pool, stepping into the water and sliding down to her waist. She released a soft exhale as she allowed herself to relax, drifting onto her back with her breasts floating above the surface. “You were right, this place is incredible” she confessed.

“I told you” he smiled, sitting back watching her dip her head under the water and come back up instantly, her blonde hair pushed back behind her ears. She looked stunningly beautiful, and incredibly sexy. Beneath the surface his cock was getting hard just staring at her breasts. He reigned it in a moment, patient enough to wait and see if she’ll make the first move. “We do have the place to ourselves” he reminded her.

“I’m aware” she said, lounging on the opposite side closing her eyes, resting her head on the ledge beside her clothes. She opened one eye and peeked at the patient young man. “Nothings going to happen” she insisted.

“We’ll see” he smirked, closing his eyes and relaxing too.

They both sat in the pool relaxing with their eyes closed, each in enjoying the warm water while waiting to see who will give into temptation first. Neither of them were aware there was a third presence watching and waiting to make its own move. It didn’t wait long.

The Doctor was the first to feel the water ripple around her, as if something was moving within. She assumed her suspicions about Jack’s intentions were correct and kept her eyes closed. It would be amusing to see how the immortal man would attempt to seduce her. Her legs rubbed together in anticipation beneath the surface, hiding the first hints of her aorusal as her hands drifted up her stomach to just beneath her breasts. She released a slow breath when she felt something brush against her thigh faintly, the gentlest of touches. She smiled, reclining a little bringing one hand beneath her head to cushion it more comfortably, sighing as more brushes met her skin.

Opposite her, however, Jack Harkness remained sat where he was waiting for her, a grin forming on his lips when he felt something swirl around his penis. He’d been feeling brushes across his thighs too but didn’t think anything off it until his flaccid cock was lifted upright, something wrapping around it to massage the stiffening shaft. “That’s it, come to Captain Hardness” he whispered under his breath, folding both hands behind his neck enjoying the feeling of what he thought was hands around his cock. He felt more stroke his stomach and thighs but was focused on the enveloping around his tip, wet and moist beginning to suction him. “I knew you couldn’t resist Doctor” he said smugly.

The Doctor scoffed. “You’re one to talk” she replied as she felt him feel up her breasts while she slowly allowed her knees to be pulled apart opening her up. More sensations touched her new clit and she moaned softly. “You’re persistent, I’ll give you that” she confessed.

“Still think nothing is going to happen?” He mocked as the suction in his cock was joined back a swirling of his ball sack, like a tongue lapping at him. “I’m loving this new you.”

“Don’t get used to it” she said, feeling her own tongue brushing against her sex and nipples. “Just because I’m letting you explore doesn’t mean anything more will happen.”

“Says the girl ravaging my body” he chuckled. “Like what you’re tasting?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she huffed.

“The cock in your mouth.”

The Doctor’s brow furrowed in confusion, finally taking a peek out of one eye. “What are you talking about? You’re the one who…isn’t touching me” she realized, sitting up in surprise finding Jack on the other side of the pool. She looked into the water but saw nothing in the pool with her. Yet she continued to feel something enveloping and lapping at her. “Jack, you might want to open your eyes” she said, reaching into her coat behind her.

“Anything to see that pretty face on my…oh?” He said, finally looking up and seeing what she was seeing. He sat up and plunged a hand down to see what was wrapped around his cock, only to find nothing but water. Water which suddenly wrapped around his wrist and body to constrict around his penis. “Wow, this is new” he said, finding his hand trapped beneath the surface while the water around him rippled and coiled around his waist tightly. He’d been with a few lovers that weren’t totally solid, but none in liquid form before so it was usual for him.

The Doctor discovered the same thing as her body was wrapped up in this water, her legs and arm trapped while her free hand grabbed her sonic screwdriver and scanned the pool. “Interesting” she muttered analyzing the results even as translucent tendrils reached up to hook around her breasts and shoulders. They didn’t drag her under, just massage her flesh. It was arousing. “It’s some form of life form. It’s both in the water and is the water. A sentient swimming pool. What’s it doing here?”

“Maybe it likes the company” Jack joked, noting how it continued to massage his cock and now his abs and muscles. “It’s certainly friendly.”

“Are you telling me you didn’t know it was here?” She asked him suspiciously. She wouldn’t put it past Jack to set her up with an alien willing to engage in sexual intercourse with her. And judging by how it’s liquid form was brushing against her pussy seeking entrance that was definitely what it was after.

“Believe me, if I knew about this I doubt I would’ve left” he laughed, sensing a form growing at beneath him brushing his ass. He audibly moaned when it rose up and slipped into his back passage while more penetrated him through his dick. “Nope, definitely wouldn’t leave” he smiled as the water fucked him.

The Doctor stifled a gasp as she was penetrated too, her new body still adjusting to the sensations of sex in this form. She clung to the screwdriver as she was fucked through the pussy and ass while more feelers rubbed her breasts and body. “This is definitely new for me” she rambled, her hips bucking from the eager thrusts of her new cocks. “Sentient water living on an alien world. I’ve dealt with sentient liquid before. Had a friend who was turned into it. She can travel all of time and space now. I’ve had water that was alive too, but that wasn’t nearly and freindlEEE!”

“You okay?” Jack asked seeing the Doctor lurch, her screwdriver falling from her grasp as her arm slipped into the water only to be caught by the fluid.

She exhaled slowly, looking down into the pool where her holes were being fucked. “Fuck! Sex in the vagina, check. Anal sex, check. Never…fuck…never had someone fuck my…my urethra before. Oh fuck, is that my bladder? You could at least take me out to dinner first” she muttered before moaning uncontrollably as her body went rigid.

Jack chuckled as he watched the Doctor succumb to climax, her body shuddering in the water which enveloped her in a cocoon, leaving her head untouched so she could breath. Her body writhed in orgasm as she was fucked again, driving crazy by the overwhelming sensations. Jack learnt in these situations it’s best not to struggle and let it play out. His reward was a deep fucking of his cock and ass that brought him immense pleasure. Unfortunately when her was ready to ejaculate it meant his passage was blocked. Fortunately whatever this thing was it knew to vacate his urethra so he could cum into its form. It absorbed it eagerly as the substance vanished into the water. He sighed in relief, wondering if that was it. To his delight, the water kept its hold, massaging his cock back to stiffness. “Okay then” he grinned, checking on the Doctor.

The time lady was composed again, her orgasm passing and ready to keep going. Which was good because the pool of water wasn’t finished with either of them. Once the woman had regained her breath she felt the pool adjust its hold over her, the liquid congealing around her body lifting her up and dragging her forward. She tried to move her arms, break free of its hold, but it was very strong even for her. She felt the water dissolve from her pussy, the ease of pressure a moment of relief until she realized why it was making room, her body dragged towards her broad shouldered friend and his waiting erection. Jack didn’t need to say anything as she was brought into his lap, his smirk speaking for him. “This still doesn’t count” she said as she was positioned above his cock before carefully lowered down onto him, inhaling as his hard erection penetrated her.

He sighed alongside her feeling her moist pussy envelope him. “What’s the matter? First time being manhandled by a sentient body of water?” He asked.

“Usually when I’m being manhandled it’s not to be played with like a doll” she scoffed, feeling the shifting water adjust its grip so it could rock her hips with his, forcing them to fuck each other.

“I think it wants to watch us have sex” he grinned, trying to move his hips to accommodate the desire for them. And to accommodate his own desires.

“Judging by the volume of liquid filling my ass I think it wants to do more then watch” she replied, relinquishing control wondering how long it intended to play with them like this. She found it’s behavior curious, wondering what it was getting out of this. She looked down at Captain Jack, who’s arms were still bound trapping him in place. Hers remained bound behind her back, her body held tight enough to bounce fluidly on his penis. She supposed she could’ve found herself with a worse lover in this situation. He was certainly making the most of it as he stared at her breasts hovering just out of reach.

They bounced and fucked for several minutes as the water holding them captive continued to molest and fuck them, the fluid body swirling around them massaging their bodies, occasionally snaking from the surface to stroke their necks and shoulders, while invisible tendrils pumped in and out of their asses spreading them wide. Each of them was stimulated to the peak of climax, tendrils squeezing Jacks balls and more swirling around the Doctors nipples and clit. They didn’t know if this pool was getting pleasure from its actions but it was clearly intent on bringing them some. They held off for as long as they could but in the end both time travelers cried out in orgasm cumming at the same time. The water swelled aorund them, the liquid seeping into the Doctors pussy swirling around Jack’s dick to absorb both their cum while over stimulating them both. The Doctor gasped as her walls stretched and the nerves inside flared making her climax again, gushing into the waiting body of water while Jack continued to ejaculate inside her. When it was over their hips were pried apart and their bodies separated, the water rushing in to clean out the remains until both lovers were clean and drained.

The hold over them slackened as the Doctor collapsed against Jack’s chest, who instinctively caught her wrapping his arms around her frame. She panted heavily feeling her two hearts racing as she went through the aftershocks of her orgasm. She was still getting used to how frequent and powerful they were now. She felt Jacks deflated cock brush underneath her but he made no comment about it. He appeared just as spent. After a moment of respite she sat up and looked at the man. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Are you?” He asked.

She nodded, rolling her shoulders looking down checking for bruising or something. They were both completely fine, besides some aching in their groins. She looked down at the water and waved her arm through it. It didn’t move. She glimpsed her sonic screwdriver in the pool and dived under to retrieve it, bringing it up and scanning the surface again. “Huh?” She mused, returning to Jacks side to sit beside him. “The sentience is gone.”

“It must’ve gotten what it came for” he guessed, his brow furrowed in curious confusion.

She scanned both of them next, analyzing the readings. “No residual after effects. Faint traces of…hmm, last time I had those readings I was having sex with a succubi vampire.”

“The race that feeds on sexual energy?” Jack grinned. “Oh yes, I remember them. A lot better than their gaseous cousins who visited Cardiff a few years ago. Orgasm was a drug for them. Had a nasty habit of turning their lovers to dust.”

“Well, this one…whatever it is, just fed of our orgasmic energy and used it to phase into the time vortex” she marveled. “A non corporeal form traveling time and space to feed off sexual energy” she chuckled, glancing at Jack. “You do bring me to the most interesting places.”

“For the record, I had no idea that thing was here” he said.

“Of course not. Probably phased into the pool after we arrived. Sensed the sexual tension and was drawn to it” she hypothesized.

That got Jacks attention as he turned in his seat. “So there was an attraction” he grinned. The Doctor didn’t say anything as she gave him a look, slinking back into her seat. “Just admit one thing” he said, drifting closer. “For a moment you were enjoying yourself riding my lap back there.”

She put her screwdriver down and suddenly moved closer, straddling his lap again putting her arms around his broad neck. “I found the experience fascinating, I’ll admit” she said quietly, her lips brushing against his. “But I don’t get any enjoyment from being someone else’s puppet. I prefer to remain in control.”

“You mean you’d have enjoyed this swim a lot more if it was just us, without interrupting aliens” he summarized. She shrugged, a playful smile on her lips. Jack’s grin got wider. “That can be arranged” he said, taking her waist and flipping them in the water so he was on top. The Doctor laughed as water splashed around them, their lips coming together in a platonic kiss that lead to some very playful and energetic sex in the pool now they had it all to themselves.

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