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The Pool: Sarah Jane Smith

It was approaching eleven thirty in the evening when Mr Smith detected something Sarah Jane Smith had been looking for for some time. She was alerted immediately, per her instructions, and she set out before it could disappear again. She left Luke in bed and got in her car. What she was confronting she could handle alone.

The drive was only twenty minutes long. The Leisure centre was deserted when she got there, closed till morning. The locked doors were easily unlocked with her sonic lipstick, which also made short work of the security cameras along the way. It was better this alien encounter wasn’t caught on camera. She entered the large room holding the swimming pool and cautiously circled the stalls, her eyes fixed on the rectangular space holding thirty cubic feet of chlorine filled water. Streetlights shone through the windows reflecting in the water, casting a blueish tint over the dark room.

The mature woman approached the swimming pool and knelt down, pulling out a scanning device she picked up from a junk trader. She analysed the body of water, the scanner pinging positive. She broke into a wide grin. “Found you” she whispered.

Standing up she examined the swimming pool nervously, excitement building in her stomach. It had been a long time since she encountered the alien being that was currently lurking within this body of water. She wondered if it would remember her, or if it was the same entity. Hopefully she would soon find out as she turned back to the spectator stalls and nervously removed her clothing. There was a chance this may turn out to be a huge mistake, a thought which made her hesitate, but she was confident this was the same creature if her research was correct. Which meant it wouldn’t be a threat if she went in without weapons, so she believed. Climbing out of her underwear she cautiously descended the nearby ladder and entered the swimming pool nude, drifting into the centre of the pool and floating there. Waiting. Waiting to be proven right or horribly wrong.

As she waited, she closed her eyes and contemplated the first time she encountered this creature…


The Doctor had landed them on a luscious planet of jungle and forests, and somehow managed to land them in the middle of the swamp instead. The young reporter had to walk through sludge and mud that was so slick her foot sank down to her knees. By the time she got across the terrain she was covered in muck. Her Doctor, meanwhile, stumbled upon a much dryer path that left his thick coat and huge scarf utterly spotless. Sarah Jane Smith wasn’t amused.

They found the watering hole soon after. Sarah stayed behind to clean herself up in the warm water while the Doctor wandered off to examine some of the fauna. She welcomed the privacy so she could peel her dirty clothes off and wash them in the small lake, hanging them on some low hanging branches to dry. She hated domestic life but that didn’t mean she couldn’t take care of herself. She slipped into the water in her underwear and waded up to her shoulders so she could bathe. She estimated she had maybe an hour before the Doctor came to check on her. He had a habit of getting distracted on their adventures.

That was how she came to be alone when the entity revealed itself.

She didn’t notice anything at first. a ripple out the corner of her eye. a rustle from a nearby bush she overhead. Not enough to drive her out of her bath. As for unease, she was used to living dangerously. But when she felt something brush against the back of her leg she opted to leave in a hurry. She assumed it was a creature in the lake, something she hadn’t seen when she got in. She got to the edge of the lake, climbing up the embankment on her hands and knees hoping this wasn’t the moment the a doctor returned from his jolly’s. Even after all this time traveling she had no intention of letting him see her birthday suit. Things took a drastic turn however when something caught her ankle and pulled her back into the lake.

She screamed as loud as she could, but she was under the water before her voice could escape her lips. She was dragged under the surface, her arms flailing at the embankment crawling at the dirt as the creature she couldn’t see pulled her deeper into the lake. She twisted her body around trying to kick her leg free, frantically trying to find the monster that had caught her. But despite how clear the water was, even if the mud she kicked up made her vision foggy, she couldn’t see anything. No lake monster, no alien. When she looked down at the thing holding her ankle, she couldn’t see anything. But she felt it, a tendril coiled around her calf up to her knee. She reached down, scrambling at her leg. She felt something squishy and solid wrapped around her, a mass holding her tight. She dug her fingernails in, clawing at it frantically. It’s solidity faltered but then congealed, like it was alternating in and out of a liquid state. She began to panic, her lungs burning as she began to struggle for air. She kicked harder, flailing her arms trying to swim up. Whatever had her leg held her down. The after around her began to churn around her, more tendrils like the one around her ankle wrapping around her arms and legs preventing her from moving, a mass coiling around her body pulling her further down. She screamed out for the Doctor, the last few air bubbles lifting up to the surface, her cried lost to the lake as black spots began dancing around her vision as she began to drown, trapped in the lake.

This is it she thought as she began to lose consciousness. I’m going to die down here. She stopped struggle against the invisible mass wrapped around her, her body floating in the water limply. But before she could pass out the mass shifted again, her naked form tilting forward as a series of bubbles were carried to her face. Her eyes fluttered closed just as they consolidated around her nose and mouth.

Seconds later she heaved in a breath of sweet oxygenated air and she woke up again, her eyes snapping open. She gasped in shock and surprise, a air bubble forming around her jaw allowing her to breath. What? How is this possible? She wondered, looking at the air pocket as more bubbles merged with it delivering her a steady supply of oxygen. She inhaled several gulps of breath until she was able to gather her wits and her thoughts, looking around to see she was still underwater. She tried to move but her body was locked in place, her arms by her sides and legs pinned together. She couldn’t see what had her, but she felt it. It was like an invisible cocoon, a pressure or force coming from everywhere. In some parts of her body she felt movement, like a snake slithering over her flesh, or tentacles caressing her skin. She gasped whenever they stroked her, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked at the air pocket again. It defied logic and physics, almost as if it was being held in place. “Hello?” She called out, wondering if whatever it was could understand her. She took an educated guess and assumed the air pocket was to help her breathe. Which would mean it doesn’t want to kill me she hoped. “What are you?” She asked nervously. “What do you want?”

She didn’t get an answer. At least not a vocal one. What she got was a sensation almost like a tremor running along her body coming from whatever held her. Several something’s probed her in places, stroking or touching different parts of her body. She took some of their suggestive touches offensively.

“Listen, my friend will be looking for me any minute” she warned, trying to sound menacing. “And when he finds out you have me captive, you’ll be very sorry. So you should just let me go and…hey!” She cried, feeling one of the probing tendrils brush against her vulnerable sex. She felt more circle her breasts, another rub alone her back down to her ass while more slithered up her legs and neck. She stiffened when the one at her pussy brushed her clit.

Suddenly she wondered if drowning would be preferable than what this thing actually planned to do with her.

“Hey, listen you…whatever you are” she roared as the invisible creature felt her up. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing here but where I’m from women don’t take kindly to…hey, stop touching that! Stop…urg!”

Any arguments the human women made was falling on deaf ears, if this thing had ears or could understand her. It’s feelers groped over her flesh slowly, as if exploring her. She might’ve found it’s curious nature curious herself if it wasn’t also exploring parts of her body humans found intrusive. It got fascinated by her womanhood, shifting her body in the after to bend her by the waist and gain access to it, it’s tendrils brushing her sex slowly. She stifled a moan through gritted teeth. She had never been molested by aliens before, and she had met some disgusting and odd aliens in her travels.

But this one, she had to admit, she found curious. She applied some logic to the situation and realized that this creature didn’t seem to just be invisible. It was a part of the water itself, like it was made of the liquid and could congeal its mass to become solid. Her eyes widened to the realization she had inadvertently dipped into a living alien lake. Considering that, she supposed she was lucky it sought to be curious rather than kill her outright. Even so, she wasn’t about to just give up her body for its curiosity.

The alien continued to explore her naked body, its tentacles (body mass?) slithering over and around her probing everywhere. She kept flinching when it touched someplace sensitive, like her pussy or nipples, the back of her knees or in-between her shoulder blades. She lifted her head to the surface above her, wondering if the Doctor had noticed she was missing yet. God, I hope he finds me soon she prayed. But then her cheeks blushed. Did she want the Doctor to find her being molested by an alien lake? Fuck it, I’ll suffer the humiliation if it gets me out of here. Her breath hitched when she looked ahead and found a tendril growing out of the inside of her air bubble moving towards her mouth. She held her breath as it reached out to brush up the tip of her nose, exploring around her nostrils and lips. She clamped her mouth shut before it could get any ideas of going inside, watching the bubble intently afraid it might pop at any moment.

Then she felt a tentacle circle her ear, a thin slither sneaking into her ear canal. “Hey, Hey! Get out of there!” She cried, shaking her head trying to dislodge it. The water moved around her skull, holding her head still ignoring her protests as it explored inside her ear. She cursed and grunted as it filled her ear, the opening becoming waterlogged deafening her. It stopped at her ear drum and she feared it would puncture it. But it stopped and retreated, her ears pooping as the tendril pulled out. “I don’t know what you expected to find in there” she muttered. That tendril stroked her earlobe after, slipping behind and finding the one spot Sarah Jane hoped it wouldn’t stumble across. “Oh no, don’t go theAH!”

Her protest turned into a quivering whimper as her body melted, tingles running down her spine to her loins which moistened. Now she turned bright red in embarrassment as arousal filled her body. It was her greatest secret she couldn’t explain, that soft spot behind her ears that just drove her crazy with pleasure. Very few men she spent time with discovered it, almost all of them failing to notice when’s he swooned to their fingers brushing her hair over it. She never told anyone about it, her own private spot. And now this entity had found it and it noticed her reaction, because it stroked it again and Sarah Jane swooned into its embrace, her body becoming warm and receptive. Receptive to its touches, gentle touches along her body, seeking now more receptive places that made her tingle and moan.

It’s groping turned to caressing and the young woman reluctantly succumbed to the pleasure that came with it. She didn’t want to but her body betrayed her, relaxing into its enveloping mass as it rocked and toyed with her. It’s grip loosened and she found her arms and legs able to move a little. Not a lot as it held firm when she tried to swim away, but enough to open up her body for further exploration. It found more pleasure centres that turned her on, the water moving around her mounds and thighs massaging them gently. She let out a sigh as her breasts were crushed and squeezed, tiny swirling funnels forming around her nipples adding a bit of suction. A slick tendril flicked her clit as she panted, pleasure engulfing the woman. She looked up at the surface again. The Doctor still hadn’t found her. God please don’t let him find me like this she found herself thinking.

As the entity continued to pleasure her, Sarah Jane’s head started to get dizzy, fuzzy as she became lightheaded. She panted more heavily and found herself becoming sleepy. Arousal doesn’t make her sleepy, so was it something the creature was doing to her? “Is this how…you ensnare your prey?” She asked becoming drowsy. “You make them…touch them until they…they…oh my…” she moaned, her eyes getting heavy. Her air supply started getting thin and she realized it wasn’t the creature, it was here. She was using up the oxygen in her little air bubble and breathing the remaining CO2 instead. The entity noticed this and refilled the air in her bubble, circulating it with a rotating system of air bubbles. She shook her head once the daze cleared, once again surprise at how it seemed to care about her ability to breathe. She looked down at her body and noted how it was playing with her now, zeroing in on her sensitive areas. She made a logical deduction, or leapt to a conclusion. “I’m not the first woman you’ve met, am I?” She guessed.

It didn’t give her a vocal answer. Instead it gave her another stroke behind the ear. A means to pacify her she guessed as she was turned up to face the surface. She tested the mobility it allowed her now by stretching her arms and legs out, reaching up to the surface with her foot. Her toes broke the water before she saw the outline of a tentacle coil up her leg to tickle the soles of her foot, the mass gently tugging her down until her toes were out of sight. It never dragged her into the dark depths below, keeping her in the refracted light above.

“So if you’re not going to hurt me, what do you want with me?” She asked curiously. She started getting the feeling it didn’t mean harm to her. Maybe it was just curious. Another tendril probed her pussy and she stiffened. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea” she said nervously. It wasn’t that the idea of having sex with an alien repulsed her (she’d never thought about it until now) but she wasn’t sure how their…biology would be compatible. “Maybe we should…is there a way you could…oh, okay…” she gasped as the tendril slipped into her sex anyway.

She was expected the intrusion to hurt, but to her amazement it went in easily. Her walls practically opened up for the probing tendril, her walls moist with arousal. She gasped as the sensation as it filled her, not stretching her at all. It was like it was pouring into her pussy rather than pushing, exploring her insides filling every nook and cranny. She moaned as it went deeper, stimulating her walls as it passed. She closed her eyes and let it happen, let it explore, let it travel inside. When it reached her cervix it stopped, it’s mass rubbing the gate finding it firmly airtight. “Oh shit, I’ve never felt anything like this before” she moaned, her body writhing in pleasure as she silently climaxed from the experience. Her fluids added to the mass inside her and she felt it expand inside her pussy, pushing against her walls. She threw her head back and moaned, her body tipping upside down in the weightlessness of being underwater. Gravity became an additional factor for the entity as it applied a little pressure to her cervix, listening to the woman’s body as she whimpered and moaned. It increased its motions outside her body, heightening her arousal triggering another orgasm, expanding her walls further. She grunted as her insides loosened enough to break a tiny opening in her cervix, enough for the liquid mass to get a foothold. Once it was open it stayed open and it penetrated deeper into the woman entering her uterus.

“Oh fuck!” Sarah gasped, feeling the fluid trickle into her womb where it then came to life and began slithering and exploring. She buckled and clutched her stomach feeling it move about inside her, probing her as more of itself filled the empty waiting space. She had flashes of this alien depositing its offspring inside her womb go through her mind, her heart racing in panic. “Um, for the record…I’m not ready to be a mother yet. So if you had any intention of breeding me, you can forget about it” she told the lake. It continued to fill her uterus, the tendrils snaking further finding the pathways to her overlies, seeking to explore as much of her as it could. Sarah shuddered feeling her midsection become bloated, picturing her unused eggs drowning in its mass before they left their nest. I hope it doesn’t sterilize me she feared. Just because I won’t be it’s brood-mother doesn’t mean I don’t ever want to be a mother someday. After a few minutes of experiencing a full uterus and a final toe curling orgasm, the entity pulled most of its mass out of her pussy. It kept enough to keep her pleasured and happy, but it vacated her womb completely leaving her feeling empty. She sighed in relief, praying it don’t don any permanent damage.

She became more concerned about its next port for exploration as she felt something probe her anus. “Oh no, don’t you dare! Anywhere but my ASS!” She screamed, too late to stop it thrusting into her back passage. She screamed into her air pocket, feeling the tendril slither into her butt shoving itself deeper and deeper, it’s slick form lubricating her anus. She grit her teeth and tensed up, hoping this wouldn’t be like her last bout of anal sex. She took deep slow breaths as it worked further inside her, aware she’s risking using up her oxygen too soon just to keep herself from panicking. The entity around her seemed to sense her trepidation, massaging her body rotating her again, lifting her up to be horizontal. Her new position also allowed its tentacle to weave deeper into her colon, interning her intestines. “Oh shit” she gasped, feeling her insides inflate the deeper it slithered. That bloated feeling she felt from her womb got worse as the water creature filled her further. “Okay, this feels like a…a lot of…of fuck, too deep. Too deep! It feels like you’re going to…”

Sure enough, it reached to the end of her intestines and entered her stomach. She gasped in shock, a spontaneous burp escaping her throat as pressure rose from the opposite end. She felt her belly churn as it poured into her, misprint with her stomach acids and whatever she had for breakfast. She groaned, the weird sensations rippling through her body increasing her sensitivity around other places. This is too weird she thought, her cheeks rosy red as she felt her pussy leak more fluids into the water cock still rocking inside her. Why am I getting turned on by weird? She shivered and trembled, on the cusp of a climax as the tentacles squirmed inside her. But then she felt the water rise in her stomach and she gulped. “Wait, please tell me your not…oh no” she whimpered, feeling it rise higher and higher, her groans starting to choke as the water tendril slithered up her throat. She started to gag and closed her mouth, attempting to swallow it back down but failing to stop it as the pressure lifted her torso up, her hair brushing the surface of the lake. The entity held her steady, its form wrapped around her tight as it threw a final thrust up her anus to apply a final wave of pressure.

In one intense instant, Sarah Jane Smith experienced her weirdest orgasm as her head flung back to break the surface, water bursting from her nose and mouth as the entity pushed itself all the way through her body.

She stared up to the alien sky in shock as every inch of her insides was filled with lake water, the mass absorbing her climax feeding off it. She drifted frozen in the lake, coughing and choking on the mass around her. Then it retracted back into the lake, the water pouring out of her mouth and down her gullet to retreat back through her stomach and intestines taking her stomach contents with it. She inhaled a gulp full of air the first chance she was able, falling onto her back floating on the surface of the lake. She felt the tendrils holding her dissolve, including the cock in her pussy, leaving her naked body drifting on the lake.

She lay there exhausted, stunned and empty, her breathing laboured as she felt her heart beat against her chest. After a moment she blinked, bringing herself back to reality. That actually just happened? Holy shit, that was an experience. It would take her a few years to decide if it was a good experience or not. She turned her head slightly and brushed her hand through the water, wondering if it was still here. She assumed the lake itself was alive, but somehow she had a gut feeling that was no longer the case. Whatever she had just encountered had moved on, having gotten what it came for. A part of her felt violated, repulsed, but a deeper part of her felt something else. Disappointment.

She decided to just gather her strength for a few minutes before she’d swim back to the shore and get dressed. When she’d finished putting her clothes back on she went looking for the Doctor. If she was able to be ensnared and have sex with an alien lake without him noticing he was probably in trouble himself. She hoped she wouldn’t stumble upon him in a similar situation like she found herself. She cast one last look at the lake before climbing through the jungle, brushing her hair behind her ear allowing herself one last moment to think about how odd the experience was before putting it out of her mind.


In the present day, Sarah Jane Smith floated on her back in the swimming pool, naked and waiting. She didn’t have to wait long before a familiar presence reached out to her. She felt the water shift around her, it’s gentle touch caressing her. She smiled and opened her eyes. “There you are” she whispered fondly. “Do you remember me?” She asked. She felt a thin tendril brush her behind her ear bringing a delightful expression to her face. She was right, it was the same entity. And it remembered her very well.

Ever since that encounter she’d sought to learn what she could about the entity in the lake. It was some time after she’d stopped traveling with the Doctor when she came across some research that detailed other instances throughout history of lakes or other bodies of water coming to life here on earth. She did her own research and determined this entity could indeed move from one body of water to the next, possibly through space and time. It’s supposed victims detailed similar encounters to the one she had, where it would use their bodies to compel them into sexual acts and absorb their orgasmic energy. She’d heard of many alien races over the years who fed of such energy, a group called Torchwood had a more deadly encounter with a gaseous entity that sought it like a drug. She guessed this one was more fluid in form and didn’t need to kill its victims, simply feeding and moving on. It never physically harmed anyone. She found it fascinating and curious, so much so she dedicated a good chunk of her spare time to trying to find it again. It was her private project, to state her curiosity and an itch it had left in her since that day. Now that she had finally found it again, she was more open to what it had to offer.

The mature woman relaxed into the embrace of the water now caressing her body, the calm swimming pool coming alive to encircle her naked form tenderly. She purred as slippery tendrils sought out her breasts and thighs, shivered when it stroked that sweet spot behind her ear that few still discovered in her company. She didn’t offer a struggle this time, learning to trust the creature only sought her pleasure not her life. As a result it didn’t pull her down under the surface, in fact lifting her from underneath so she could relax and recline on the surface in comfort. “I’m sorry it took so long to find you” she said softly, opening her thighs to grant the entity access to her sex. “But you didn’t make it easy.”

The entity accepted her invitation to enter her pussy, it’s tentacle slithering inside moulding to her walls perfectly. She moaned as it inflated a little to increase her pleasure, more tendrils taking hold of her waist to hold her steady so it could thrust into her gently. Her back arched in delight, her hands sweeping through the water stroking the pool gently wondering if it could feel it. She tilted her head back and found another tentacle hovering over her, waiting patiently above her face. This time she opened her mouth wide, accepting its watery cock down her throat. It wasn’t the first cock she’d had in her mouth, and suspected it wouldn’t be the last, but it was the longest as it dripped down her throat towards her stomach, it’s mass stimulated her insides gently. She noticed another tendril stroke her ass but didn’t penetrate her. She was glad, she still hadn’t changed her mind about anal.

Sarah Jane Smith lounged in the pool being fucked by the entity for over half an hour, the time flying by as she submitted to orgasm after wonderful orgasm. She shuddered in pleasure every time, her breasts sucked and moulded by the creature between climaxes. When it was ready it carried her to the edge of the pool at the swallows, adjusting her seat so she could be fucked tenderly against the wall. She gasped and moan, feeling like an invisible man was pinning her to the wall and thrusting into her. She wished she had something of it to cling onto, but two tentacles wrapped around her wrists holding them above her head. She felt it’s hands stroke her thighs as a huge cock pummelled her, churning her insides with every swipe. Her final orgasm was the biggest, brought on by a combination of her tits, clit and pussy being stimulated simultaneously. She slumped into the shallow end of the pool satisfied, hoping her cum and orgasmic energy was plenty for it to survive on.

But more importantly, she hoped it was enough to get it coming back. “I have a very nice bathtub at home which I bathe in everyday” she told it as the shifting water hovered around her. “If you ever want to pay me a visit, I’ll be waiting” she promised. The entity took her open invitation into consideration as it left the swimming pool, leaving the woman to make her own way home with a pleased grin on her face.

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