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The Pool: Madame Vastra & Jenny Flint

Madam Vastra ran a bath in her luxurious bathroom and stepped out of her elegant robe, hanging it on the hook as she briefly admired herself in the mirror. She wasn’t vain but she had to confess her scaly skin looked radiant in the candle light. She clicked her tongue in approval as she entered the water slowly, the temperature perfect for her cold blooded body as she sank into the tub and sighed in satisfaction. After the case she, her wife and Strax had solved she needed the bath to relax. She lay back leaving only her head above the water, her tall body reclining beneath the surface filling the ornate bathtub. She closed her eyes and relaxed, turning her brain off for a spell enjoying the peace and quiet.

Her solitude was stealthily violated as an unseen entity slipped into her bathroom and entered the bath with her. Vastra didn’t detect any disturbance as the alien sentience joined her in the water, taking over the lovely liquid body to explore her naked flesh. The reptilian woman felt a curious sensation pass over her skin, like a dozen hands feeling her all over. She didn’t stir from it, putting it down to the rocking of the water around her as her body shifted. The way they ran over her sensually though, how they brushed her stomach and swirled around her legs and breasts, massaged her muscles, triggered some instinctual moods like arousal in her mind. Suddenly her mind was filled with dirty thoughts, mostly of how she and Jenny first met and fell in love, how they celebrated their marriage like animals for an entire weekend both in and out of bed. Soon those memories made her smile, increasing her arousal as she growled softly in her bath, distracting her from the way the water she was bathing in had begun to move around her, enveloping her, caressing her, watery tendrils slithering over her skin to even break the surface and circle around her vibrating throat. It found the hard to reach places that turned her one and intensified the thoughts in her head, triggering her body’s natural reactions. Her knees parted and her mouth opened, both holes primed for invasion as a pair of tendrils floated up ready to dive inside the woman.

The door handle to the bathroom turned and the tendrils swiftly dissolved back into the body of water as the liquid stopped pleasuring Vastra. The woman gasped in surprised, the sudden stop jolting her out of her lust induced fantasy making her open her eyes. When she did, however, she found what she saw much more appealing. “Room for one more?” Jenny asked as she crept into the room, the dressing gown wrapped around her slim pale body.

“For you my love, always” Vastra replied, lounging in the tub with a welcoming smile as Jenny removed the robe and let it fall around her ankles revealing her gorgeous naked body. Her wife’s eyes never left hers as the human woman crossed the room and slowly stepped into the bath, the water pleasing for both human and Silurian. Vastra sat up making room for her slimmer companion to settle in between her legs and sit back against her chest, the water sloshing over the rim as the two of them got comfortable. Vastra had to lift of of her legs out of the water and hook her foot over the side to accommodate her but that didn’t matter. Not if it meant her back could lay flush against her chest with her head snuggled into the crook of her shoulder. “Not to hot my dear?” She asked her.

“No, it’s perfect” Jenny smiled, running her hands over Vastra’s legs as she sighed in content. She twisted her face to look up, reaching back to stroke her wife’s cheek before pecking her on the lips. “I love you” she whispered.

“I love you” she replied instantly, kissing her back before reaching for the soap.

It was always an intimate affair for the married couple when they bathed together, each woman carefully exploring and delving into the most sensitive parts in order to clean their partner. Given how they were sitting this evening it was Jenny who got thoroughly cleaned as Vastra pulled her against her to gently scrub over her sexy body with the soap, taking great pride in how long she focused on her chest and groin. Jenny lay back and relaxed, occasionally stealing the soap from her lover to brush it over her long legs that wrapped around her, her hands running over the rough scales finding their smooth textures delightful. Vastra hummed as she rested her head against her shoulder, hooking the human’s chin to tilt her head back so they could kiss while her other hand plucked the soap back so she could take it and clean in-between her thighs. Jenny moaned as the bar made contact with her clit and began to rub against her folds, making sure to clean thoroughly. Her hips rocked against the contact, brushing between Vastra’s legs stimulating the reptilian woman along with her.

While the two woman pleasured each other, the entity with them waited until they were distracted and lost in their enjoyment before once more making its move. The arrival of the human may have interrupted its advances on the Silurian, but now it had two naked horny women to explore as it gently began to probe and caress them both. It was careful in its actions, only a handful of strokes or tendrils at a time mirroring their movements. At first the lovers barely noticed or felt anything. When they did they naturally assumed it was the doing of their partner. This suited the entity’s agenda fine as it stimulated both women, increasing their arousal while they fucked each other.

Jenny got to experience the most as Vastra dropped the soap to finger her wife, the young woman panting heavily while also feeling hands stroke her legs and knees and stomach and caress her breasts. A tiny part of her didn’t question how Vastra got so many hands, but she felt so good she didn’t concern herself. She felt Vastra’s fingers slip inside her and she moaned. At the same time something brushed against her clit and made her shiver into a mild orgasm. It passed quickly and left her wanting more. The entity sensed it and shifted the water to envelope her, only for the woman to suddenly twist around to grab Vastra’s head and plant a passionate kiss on her lips while she shuffled around in the bath, water spilling over the side. Vastra grinned as Jenny climbed on top of her, holding onto the bathtub as the woman straddled her positioning her pussy against hers, reaching behind the Silurian’s head to grab the rim of the tub to steady herself as she began to grind them together with practiced ease. Jenny wasn’t the type to become dominant in sex, not unless she was really horny. And right now she could devour Vastra whole if she wanted to as she fucked her lover vigorously until both women were moaning and keening in pleasure.

The entity found their desire intoxicating, eagerly reaching out to engage both of them as it coiled around their bodies, even snaking out of the water forming dripping tendrils to wrap around their arms and legs. Jenny paused halfway through her grinding as she felt the water slither up her back as her waist was encircled by something, tensing when she felt something not her wife brush her sec from behind. “Mistress” she whispered cautiously.

“I know” Vastra whispered back, sensing the same thing as several tendrils slithered around her form and also probed her. She had suspected something was amiss but only now whatever it was had given up hiding.

“What do we do?” Jenny asked, suppressing a moan as her body was massaged, her breasts folded by this unseen force. She squeaked when something pushed into her pussy, something not quite solid but firm enough to hold a shape. Another slipped into her as and she grit her teeth. She hadn’t considered putting anything bigger than her fingers into her womanhood before, growing up in a time period were dildos weren’t invented. “It’s inside me!” She whimpered.

“Me too” Vastra growled, more accustomed to being penetrated than her young lover. She hadn’t taken a cock in centuries. It was refreshing despite how us usual this particular experience was. She grabbed Jenny by the back of the head and pulled her into a kiss to distract the poor girl. “Stay calm and relax. I do not think it means to hurt us. Quite the…ohh…opposite.”

“If you’re sure” she muttered hesitantly, reluctantly letting the thing violate her while her wife peppered her with kisses, her hands running up her back and shoulders to soothe her. The entity with them began to thrust into their pussies and asses harder, making both woman grunt at the bizarre intrusion. But after a while the discomfort turned to pleasure than even Jenny was moaning as she was fucked in both holes, the water rubbing her all over. Vastra got the same treatment, though she was more restrained as her limbs were held and a tendril wrapped around her neck as if to choke her. It seemed the entity had enough intelligence to recognize Jenny was inexperienced and Vastra liked it rough.

It fucked them for a couple of minutes, both women starting to enjoy being violated by water tentacles, driving each of them into an orgasm. Jenny took a bit more convincing to climax, but Vastra was there to help her over the edge. The entity swallowed up the climax from both of them, soaking up their cum into itself feeding on their ecstasy. They collapsed into each other’s arms when it was finished, the water dissipating back into the bathtub, dissolving from their holes as the entity left the pair of lovers in satisfaction.

Vastra sighed as she recovered from her orgasm, stroking her wife as she slowly picked herself up from the experience. Their eyes met and the Silurian saw the conflict in her eyes. “Are you alright?” She asked her.

“Yeah” she said after a pause.

“Do you want to get out of the bath?” She asked her gently. Jenny nodded, climbing out of the bathtub with her wife. She was shaking as the woman helped her out of the water, both of them examining it carefully. “Curious. It seems to be gone” Vastra said.

“What was it?” Jenny asked.

“I do not know. A mystery we will have to investigate later” Vastra said, turning to Jenny rubbing her affectionately. “Fortunately I don’t think I meant any harm.”

“I don’t know. I feel…dirty” she confessed.

Vastra took her face and kissed it softly. “Then let me help get you clean, in the bedroom” she said, guiding her wife out of the bathroom so they could finish what the unknown creature had started.

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