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The Marvels Team-Up: Part 4

The ship hummed gently as it made its way back to Earth. The three women snuggled up together on Carol’s bed. It wouldn’t be long now before they reached their destination. It had been a tiring few days, the last few hours in particular leaving one of their number completely exhausted. Carol cradled Kamala protectively while she slept against her naked body, her head nestled against her breast comfortably. The young Muslim girl looked peaceful snuggled against her hero.

Monica lay opposite her against Carol. Unlike the young girl, she was still awake and eying Carol inquisitively. “Well?” She asked.

“You’re not going to let this go, are you?” Carol sighed, turning back to her niece.

The black woman shook her head with a smile. “How does Captain Marvel and the Asgardian Queen become friends? Or should I say more than friends?”

“She wasn’t the queen when we met, for the record” Carol said. “And it’s not really important.”

“Yes it is. But if you’d rather, we could wait until this one wakes up  before you tell it” Monica suggested, reaching over to brush a strand of hair from Kamala’s face. The girl shifted in her sleep, soft moans escaping as a smile tugged at her pretty lips. “I’m sure she’d have a lot more questions than I do” Monica whispered.

Carol rolled her eyes and suppressed a groan. “Okay, fine” she conceded, realizing Monica wasn’t going to stop pestering her until she shared. First she made sure Kamala was comfortble and sound asleep. Then she turned her head to address her old friend quietly. “Val and I met a few years ago, during the blip. It was just after everything with Thanos the first time. Thor needed help bringing his people to Earth so I helped pull the ship. Afterwards he introduced me to Val. I liked her. And I knew she liked me because she started flirting immediately.”

Monica propped her head up on her elbow, listening attentively while she traced her finger around Carol’s chest. “Can’t say I blame her” she teased.

Carol chuckled, hooking her other arm under her head. “I’ll admit, I might’ve flirted back. But our focus was on the rest of the universe. Everything was a mess. And Asgard…New Asgard was worse than most. They lost their home and so many of their people were murdered before the blip. Thor took it hard, so it was left to Val to keep things going. I helped where I could, especially when she needed a sparring partner to vent some frustration or anger. We both needed those training sessions I suppose.”

“You mean when you saw mom?” Monica asked tentatively.

Carol nodded, her gaze drifting out into space. “I had to be strong, to hold everyone together, to be there for those who were struggling. But…Val caught me at one of my meltdowns. I asked her to leave, but she stubbornly stayed put. It turned out she needed a shoulder to cry on too. That’s how it started. Two warriors balling their eyes out” Carol laughed.

Monica looked at her with sympathy, wiping a small tear from the blonde’s cheek. “I’m glad you had someone to have a cry with” she said softly.

Carol looked at her and nodded, accepting the kiss on the cheek her niece gave her. “I know you’re not interested in the smushy part of the story” she said.

“No, I’m not. When did the crying turn to fucking?”

“Around the time Val stopped using our training sessions to spar” she replied. “I guess her flirting finally paid off because she countered my grapple with a kiss one day and it just escalated from there. Before I knew it, our hang outs started with her pinning me against a wall and tearing through my uniform, kissing all the way from my lips to my tits to my pussy, and ended with us both sweating and exhausted and covered in dirt or hay or whatever we happened to be rolling around it.”

“Sounds hot” Monica smirked.

“It was” Carol confirmed. “I’ve had a lot of sex with a lot of different people in my time, but she was like no other. But then, until her, I didn’t really do lesbian sex either.”

“Oh? So she taught you all those moves you put on us earlier?”

“Most of them” she shrugged. “Little hard not to be inspired when you have a sexy Valkyrie between your legs sending you to Valhalla and back. And she was a very creative lover too. Very adventurous. She got us to have sex in some very strange places.”

“Such as?”

“On the back of a Pegasus, whilst it was flying. Floating in space. Believe me, sex in zero gravity is an experience. And then one time she timed a trip through the bifrost to our orgasms. Imagine riding the rainbow bridge as the peak of climax. Talk about higher, further, faster.”

Monica closed her eyes and pressed her lips together. “Mm, I’m getting aroused just thinking about it” she purred, casting a playful eye towards the airlock.

Carol glanced at the exit and raised a naughty eyebrow. “Maybe another day, when we don’t have Kamala here to look after” she whispered.

Monica grinned. “That better be a promise” she said, kissing her aunt deeply. “So how long were you two together?”

“We were never really together” she said. “It was never a thing, honestly. After a while, after the blip and Thanos, we got too busy. She had the take over from Thor. I had to work out here. Our visits got less frequent, and when we did meet up we were often too exhausted to have sex. So we agreed to just be friends.”

“Potentially with benefits?”

“Amazing benefits” Carol smirked.

Monica continued to trace her fingers over Carol’s chest, playing with her nipple while admiring her face. “What about your other friend with benefits?” She asked inquisitively. “Or should I say you husband?

Carol let out an exhasberated groan as she dropped her head back against the pillow. “I told you, we’re…”

Just friends. I heard” Monica echoed. “But come on. A Prince that hot? There is no way that’s was just a marriage of convenience. And can we just appreciate that fact you are a Princess!”

Princess Marvel” she muttered, recalling seeing that scribbled down on one of Kamala’s notebooks somewhere. God, I can still see that girls face when I walked out onto that ballroom in that gown. “It was just helping a friend with a legal issue” she insisted.

Monica gave her a dubious stare. “Right. So you didn’t feel any need to consummate your marriage with him?”

Carol wavered under her gaze suddenly. “Well…” she stammered, unable to hide her blush.

“I knew it! Friends my ass” Monica cheered.

“We are just friends” she insisted. Her cheeks turned bright red. “It only happened the once, okay? Yes, we…okay, technically we consummated our marriage one our honeymoon. It was nothing serious.”

“So how was it?”

“The honeymoon or the sex?”

“Both” Monica grinned.

Carol sighed. Then a pleasant smile formed on her lips as she reminisced about the affair. “Pretty perfect, come to think of it. The wedding on Aladna was a very formal affair. And since their language was song, the whole thing played like a Disney musical. It went on for the whole day. I was exhausted by the end of it. But afterwards Prince Yan took me to this secluded island where it was just the two of us. We talked until the sunset. Talked, not sang, thank god. Then dawn came and I remember looking out at the ocean, Yan emerging from the water in his bathing suit…”

She paused to blush as her heart gave a little flutter. Monica sensed the genuine affection and smiled. “Sounds romantic” she whispered.

Carol thought about it and nodded. “It was. He serenaded me while I stood on the balcony of our little villa on that island. We ended up singing a duet that seemed to last the whole day. We stayed in bed for most of the afternoon, went for a swim in the evening, stayed up watching the stars all night. We made love until the sun came up.” Carol closed her eyes and pouted wistfully. “It was one of the only times in my life I really believed I could settle down. That I could stay in one place, make a life for myself. A place that felt like home. On Aladna, with it’s people, in Yan’s arms…it really hurt when I had to leave” she whispered.

She could feel Monica’s pained gaze on her when she opened her eyes, looking back guiltily. “Why didn’t you stay?” Monica asked.

“Because my real home was on Earth” she said. “My family was on Earth. And I hoped one day I’d be ready to come home to you.”

Monica wiped a tear from her own cheek and exhaled. She shared a loving smile with her aunt, squeezing her hand. “That’s so sweet” she whispered. Then she composed herself and added “and stupid. You had a chance to be Princess Marvel and you chose to come live in a farmhouse instead?”

“I know, right” she agreed, sharing a laugh with the woman. She looked up at the black woman affectionately. “The truth is, no matter which planet I went to, or who I had a relationship with, the only home I’ve ever cared about was you, and your mom.”

Monica smiled, lying beside her sharing an adoring kiss. “I missed you too Aunt Carol” she whispered. They snuggled together, the younger woman cradling her idol planting kisses along her shoulder. Carol hugged her against her breast, enjoying being part of a family again.

The ship passed through the last jump point with a noticeable tremble, drawing their eyes up to see the blue planet approaching through the windscreen. “We’re home” Carol smiled.

“Yeah, we are” Monica nodded, looking up at the blonde. “Guess we should start getting dressed?”

“Or we could stay in. Call in sick” Carol suggested naughtily.

Monica pulled a face. “I don’t know. We have to get this one back to her parents” she said, sitting up and looking down at Kamala nestled in Carol’s arms. “Unless you plan to let her sleep in on your spaceship.”

“I think she’d need to be asleep for that excuse to work” Carol said knowingly. Monica raised an eyebrow as Carol looked down at the brown girl. “Well, are we going to keep pretending you haven’t been listening or what?”

Kamala hesitantly opened her eyes and looked up guiltily at them. “Sorry” she whispered nervously.

“So not as tired as you had us believe, huh?” Monica laughed.

Kamala sat up and rubbed her eyes.m”I was. I just…I didn’t want the the adventure to be over” she said.

“At least you got to hear about Carols other adventures. Cool, right?”

“So cool” she grinned, no doubt already formulating a dozen chapters of fan-fiction from what she over heard. She turned her head to gaze out at the planet Earth waiting for them. “I guess I have to go home now, don’t I?” She said in disappointment.

“Your parents will be worried about you” Monica said.

She nodded, tugging on the blanket covering their naked bodies, casting subtle glances at the women longingly. Carol looked at her two companions, reading the reluctance in their expressions. “I suppose one more hour can’t hurt” she decided, catching both their wrists and pulling then back onto the bed.

Both Monica and Kamala giggled and cheered as Captain Marvel invited them into another passionate embrace, sharing a series of kiss as they restarted their threesome and made it the best team-up ever.

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