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The Hogwarts Tentacle Creature: The Frog Choir

Proffessor Flitwick listened to his students carefully as he waved his wand to indicate the tempo, the combination of their voices and the croaks from their amphibian companions filling the classroom. Unfortunately he could tell they were off key and not quite in sync. They did their best but after a while he just called a break. “We’ll take fifteen minutes and then try again” he suggested, climbing down from the stack of books he was perched upon and walked out of the classroom, giving the students some space to rest while fretting over the performance they were meant to be performing at the feast tomorrow.

The students sighed and dispersed to different corners of the classroom, putting their toads and fronts down on the benches and tables so they could hop around and stretch their legs. “The professor’s worried” one of the older witches from Hufflepuff observed.

“I don’t blame him. We sound awful” her Gryffindor counterpart groaned.

“What do you expect, dragging us in at the crack of Dawn the day after we arrive from the Hogwarts Express” a Slytherin boy complained.

“We were told to rehearse over the holidays” a Ravenclaw reminded him. “We’re just out of practice. We’ll get there.”

“I hope so” the Hufflepuff said. None of them wanted to let the proffessor down. “by the way, what happened to your toad?” She asked one of the Gryffindor siblings sitting on the bench.

“It’s not the same toad” she explained.

“I guessed that. What happened?”

“Ask him” she huffed.

“For the last time, I didn’t lose him. He ran off!” Her brother yelled.

“Well you’d better hope he finds his way home, because if anything happens to him…”

“Okay, okay, that’s enough” their housemate interupted before they could start bickering again. He shot a look at the Hufflepuff girl and sighed. At this rate, getting back into practice would be the least of their concerns.

Fortunately, some of the choir were trying to improve individually, pairing up in couplets or triplets to harmonies their voices. They had fifteen minutes to get their act together, otherwise Flitwick was liable to cancel the performance. Part of the trouble was the holidays. It had been a whole summer since the choir had seen each other. They needed to bond again, fall back into sync, learn to work together once more.

Something grew in the air as they collaborated, however, which seemed to help matters along. A few of the witches and wizards felt it first and got uncomfortable, arousal growing in their loins. It came out of nowhere and grew intense quickly, their heart rates quickening as their pupils dilated. They became lightheaded, as if a drug had been filtered into the classroom and infected then.

Soon the whole choir was feeling the intoxicating effects as they looked at each other, inquisitively at first, wondering what was going on, and then with lustful eyes that hungered for one another. The harmonics of the couplets became passionate as they drifted closer, their hands reaching out to touch each other, peeling off cloaks that suddenly seemed to be roasting them. Some of the more private students slunk into corners or behind tables to sneak their hands into their pants or under their skirts, attempting to rub one out in a hurry, arousal compelling their actions. Fresh pairs formed and soon they were kissing and groping, molesting and fingering, rubbing and masturbating as the choir fell into a fever of depravity.

“This wasn’t the kind of bonding I was anticipating” the Hufflepuff girl muttered while her Gryffindor counterpart unbuttoned her blouse to fondle her breasts.

Her hand was unzipping his trousers and wrapped around his erection, squeezing his balls. “It doesn’t look like any of us mind” he observed, glancing at his fellow students. Even the siblings had stopped arguing to masturbate back to back.

He pulled the Hufflepuff into a hot kiss, dragging her onto the bench with him so he could work her skirt up. She hooked her legs around him and eagerly guided him into position so he could penetrate her dripping cunt. “We have to be quick. Flitwick could come back at any moment” she said.

Some of the others had started doing the same, climbing onto tables or falling to the floor to get some quick sex in. “You, watch the door!” The Slytherin ordered the young Ravenclaw once he got an eager young man to suck his cock. She nodded and kept an eye on it while fingering herself on a stack of books. 

Other couples raced to orgasm with each other, forming pairs of triplets, whomever they could get within reach. The few who remained as solo acts masturbated furiously. “Fuck, it’s like there’s something in the air” one of the Ravenclaws muttered while between a Slytherin’s sexy legs munching her pussy, her lover doing the same to her.

“It must be a prank or something” one of the students suggested. “WHICHEVER PERVERT IS WATCHING US, GET LOST!” They yelled.

“Quiet! You get us busted!” Someone cried.

Whatever had induced this orgy, obviously the Frog Choir was receptive to it. They fucked themselves and each other desperately, their moans and pants filling the classroom along with the melody of croaks from their amphibian companions watching them.

One of the younger Hufflepuffs was the first time discover the source of the intoxicating pheromones driving them wild. “There’s something in here with us!” She called out in surprise.

The older Hufflepuff turned her head and her Gryffindor partner paused mid thrust to follow her gaze as they peered between the aisles to see the young girl staring at a fluid mass slithering in front of her. “What is that?” The boy asked as it reached out with its tentacles to wrap around the girl, who welcomed its touch as it molested her.

“There’s more of them” another voice called out, drawing their attention to a boy who was watching more tentacles crawl over his exposed skin. “Some kind of creature. Fuck, it’s sucking my cock” he said in wonder.

“Eep! It’s having sex with me too” The first girl squeaked.

“And us” a pair of lesbian lovers moaned as they were enveloped by tentacles pleasuring their holes.

It turned out the classroom was infested with these creatures as tentacles swarmed the whole choir, seeking out their horny bodies to have sex with them. Nobody put up a fight, the pheromones making them receptive to their advances and penetration. Boys and girls were fucked, tentacles coiling around their limbs or thrusting down their throats or up their arseholes, into their pussies or wrapping around their cocks and breasts. They couldn’t tell how many there were, but no student was spared.

The older couple of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor looked down at the tentacles coiling around them, expecting them to pry them apart but delighted when instead they helped them along. Her legs were spread and his ass was penetrated, their bodies rocking together as they met in a passionate kiss. “We should tell the proffessor about this” he said.

She nodded. “Later. After you make me cum” she advised.

They rutted against the bench, his balls slapping against her as he fucked her harder, grunting as the tentacle thrust deeper into his anus too. Another tendril slithered around the girls neck and slipped between her lips, fucking her mouth as she sucked on it willingly, the lust of the moment overriding any other impulses.

Around them, the others were feeding similar impulses as they fucked each other and the creatures that had interjected themselves. Moans filled the classroom as the aroma of sex increased, making many of the students delirious with pleasure as pussies and asses where filled and appendages were sucked. Boys and girls sucked tentacles and cocks while hands groped anything available to them, and tentacles invaded any orifice open for intrusion. One witch was hoisted into the air by one creature, suspended by her arms and legs as she was penetrated from all angles, her breasts on display for her friends to stare at as they were fondled. A wizard sat on the floor gripping a slimy head as another creature sucked his cock, making his balls twitch as it drew out his cum. He bobbed his hazed on a tentacle thrusting down his throat, gulping down its delicious substance when it fed it to him.

Nearby the siblings had found themselves in a precarious position as the creature molesting them both at the same time got them tangled in its limps. The sister fell onto her back as the shifting mass settled between her legs to fuck her holes from above, gasping in amazement as a pair of tendrils also latched onto her nipples under her shirt to suck on her tits. Her brother was pulled on top of her by more tentacles, his cock sliding into an opening made in the creatures body which felt like a wet pussy to him. He groaned as he sank down to the hilt, slumping forward and finding his face hovering above his sister’s. The two of them looked at each other and the intimate position this monster had cornered them in as their hands came together on the floor. “Careful where you side that thing” she muttered, looking down and seeing the mass shifting between them, able to see his cock through its translucent flesh inches from her open.

He glanced down and nodded, though he couldn’t pull out due to the tentacles wrapped around his waist. He thrust steadily against the creature and heard watched his sister’s face contort in pleasure as it fucked her in turn, the two of them locked in a steamy threesome with a slimy creature. “I’m sorry I lost your toad” he whispered between grunts.

“I forgive you” she replied, closing her eyes to concentrate on the thing between her legs. “We’ll find it. Fuck, that feels so good. Can we keep it?”

“We don’t know what it is.”

“Whatever it is, it’s going to make me cum” she gasped.

“Me too” he whimpered, fucking the creature harder as it sucked his dick harder, his tip almost brushing her entrance within its mass. They both cried out in unison as they climaxed, ejaculating into the creature’s body mass where it soaked up their orgasms and fed on their magic together. She felt it inject its own cum into her cunt as well and he colapsed on top of her panting for breath. The creature extracted itself from between them as they caught their breath, leaving the siblings tangled up with each other as his dick flopped limply against her leaking pussy. They both looked at each other and blushed. “Never speak of this?”

“Absolutely not” she whispered.

The orgy continued and more students orgasmed one by one, feeding the creatures molesting them and getting rewards in return. The Hufflepuff girl swallowed a load from one of the tentacles and gasped for air, still coming around the cock inside of her. “How has nobody found us yet?” She wondered.

“Who cares” the Slytherin grunted as he dumped his load into the boys throat, choking him on his cock.

The Ravenclaw watching the door, now riding one of the creatures like a hobby horse, lifted her hooded gaze up and gasped. “Flitwick is coming back?” She cried.

The choir snapped to their senses quickly, attempting to leap back to their feet and get dressed. “Um, what do we do about these creatures?” One of them asked as they stumbled out of their grasp.

“I don’t know” the Gryffindor boy said, reluctantly pulling himself out of his Hufflepuff lover to try and pull his trousers back on, forgetting one of the creatures was still fucking his ass. “I still haven’t cum yet” he pouted.

“Are we going to be in trouble?” One of the younger boys asked.

“I think we’re already in trouble” one of the Slytherin girls said, pushing herself off the table rubbing her stomach when she could feel a large load one of the creatures dumped into her.

“There’s no way we can hide this many creatures from him before…” the Ravenclaw girl explained, until her sentence was cut off as the creature slithered up under her skirt. She looked down and found it assisting in redressing her, it’s fluid mass shrinking down to hide under her skirt and still continue to fuck her. “Oh, that’s curious.”

“And convincing” the Gryffindor smirked, able to pull his pants on and zip them up while the creature hid under his jumper.

The rest of the creatures all stowed away in the students uniforms, all those who had yet to cum or nourish the monsters continued to be pleasured, even as they cleaned themselves up. “There’s no way we’ll get away with this” a nervous girl whispered.

Her lesbian partner planted a kiss on her lips. “We will if you stay calm and don’t make it obvious” she advised, biting her bottom lip as she hooked an arm around her, the two of them sharing a mass of tentacles between them.

Discussion ended when the professor entered the classroom to find everyone standing around. He was too distracted to see the uncomfortable faces on many of them as they tried to act as normal as possible. “Alright, let’s take it from the top. To your places everyone” he called, climbing back onto his podium and signaling they to resume.

They all quickly gathered their toads (some of them whispering threats to them to keep their secret) before getting into places. There was some awkward shifting as they got used to standing with tentacles stuffed inside of them or arms groping their tits and asses. There was more than a few anxious glances as they waited for someone to give the game away and get them all busted.

Shockingly, however, rehearsal went off without a hitch. In fact, it somehow improved. Afterwards, Flitwick commented how they sounded much more coordinated than ever, congratulating them all. They all marveled in astonishment. Maybe it was the dopamine rush of singing after having sex. Maybe it was the effort of remaining on key even as half the choir was being fucked relentlessly until they orgasmed. One of the girls managed to time her climax with a solo so her high pitched shriek appeared to be part of the routine. The proffessor never noticed. Nor did he notice the shifts in pitch whenever the others were cumming between songs, or verses. He certainly didn’t notice when the creatures slipped out of their clothes when they got what they wanted, it’s skin changing color to make it invisible as they crawled out of sight and left the choir to finish their rehearsal.

“Whatever you did while I was out, keep it up” Flitwick marveled before dismissing them, grinning proudly. “The performance at the feast is going to be fantastic” he said.

The students laughed as they filed out of the classroom. “Perhaps we should have an orgy before every recital” one of them joked.

“That’s not funny” the Slytherin boy scoffed.

“Could be fun” the Hufflepuff girl smirked.

“I’d be down for it” her Gryffindor lover nodded.

“Shouldn’t we tell the professor about the…” the Ravenclaw girl said.

The others looked at her. “About the what?”

She blinked and looked back into the room, her head suddenly feeling woozy. “I thought…we did have sex, didn’t we?” She asked.

The others all suddenly looked at each other, confusion on their faces. “I thought we did” one of them said. “But I can’t…can’t quite remember…”

“I know one of yo sucked my cock” the Slytherin boy muttered.

The Hufflepuff and Gryffindor pair looked at each other. “We definitely had sex, right?” He said. She nodded, but hesitantly.

The siblings looked at each other, recalling something that made them uncomfortable, but also drew them together to hold hands. Neither could quite remember what it was though.

“Why does it feel like there’s something we’re forgetting” one of the lesbians asked.

“I can barely remember rehearsal now” her girlfriend agreed.

They all looked at each other and eventually shrugged. “Whatever it was, can’t have been important” the Slytherin boy remarked, leading the group through the halls so they could go about their day before they had to return for the performance.

The others walked on, some of them remembering a connection they all forged that might develop into something later, potential romances ignited in that classroom, relationships forged between friends. But the actual orgy they had taken part in became a distant memory. And the creatures that had instigated it escaped their minds entirely.

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