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The Hogwarts Tentacle Creature: Ron Weasley

Ron wasn’t a fan of the Leaky Cauldron. It was dark and damp and reeked of trouble. It was also big with a lot of rooms, too many rooms to search for Scabbers. I swear I’m going to murder that bloody cat he thought, sucking into the latest room hoping he didn’t walk into another witch or wizard to shout at him. This room was empty, and smelled. He stepped inside and scanned the room, checking under the chairs and bed unable to find his rat.

He was about to leave and move onto the next room when he heard a noise from the dresser at the far end. He listened and swore he heard squeaking. “scabbers?” He called out, crawling across the floor to peer under the furniture. What he saw caught him by surprise as he found his pet rat trapped in a puddle of goo. “There you are. Hang on, let me get you out of there” he said, lying on his stomach to reach under and grab him.

He flinched when he saw the goo move, jumping back startled as the puddle shifted around his rat. He panicked as it squeaked again, afraid it might be eating him. Percy will kill me he thought, rushing to save him. Scabbers squeaked again, in a not so urgent tone as the goo slithered around him, the rat squirming in the mass, it’s eyes rolling into its head. Ron tried to move the dresser, but it was too heavy. He reached under and tried to grab him, but his arm couldn’t quite reach him. “Hang on Scabbers. I’ll get you out of…”

he froze when he heard the rat whimper, pressing his head against the floor to see Scabbers…moan? The rat shuddered as the goo glowed faintly, tiny arms holding the rat still as it siphoned magic from the creature. Ron narrowed his eyes on confusion, wondering what the hell he was seeing as droplets of liquid squirted out of these tiny goo arms and peppered the rats fur, soaking into its skin. Scabbers fell limp as a thicker arm pulled out of its anus, dripping with more fluid while the goo shimmered and changed color. “What the fuck did it do you you?” Ron cried.

Suddenly the goo slithered towards him and the young Weasley freaked, scurrying backwards across the floor. He abandoned his rescue of Scabbers and scrambled towards the door in fear as the goo emerged from under the dresser to chase him. He got to his knees and began to crawl, reaching for the gap he left in the doorway until something wrapped around his ankle. He screamed in terror as he was dragged back towards the goo, which had grown in mass and now the color of soot. Ron yelled for help as it grip his foot, kicking at the arm until another grabbed it and pinned him down. The creature pulled itself closer, it’s mass rising as tendrils slithered around his legs and waist, up his back and towards his head. He reached for his wand but another arm caught his wrist and pinned it to his side, his screams silenced as a thick slimy arm covered his mouth. He whimpered as he found himself trapped by this creature, afraid of what it was going to do to him like it did Scabbers.

The creature seemed to stare at him for a long moment, though he couldn’t see any eyes. But then it titled it’s head (if it had one) to his groin and Ron suddenly became aware of the massive hard-on in his trousers. He groaned and squirmed in the goo tentacles as they tightened around him, feeling even more slither up his legs to hook into his waistband. The boy screamed in horror as they forcibly pulled his pants down his thighs, invading his boxers to fish out his erect penis with its slimy arms. He could feel it throbbing as it coiled around him, his cock at peak arousal despite the terror he was feeling. Small tendrils fondled his balls as the gooey mass crawled towards his crotch, the boy watching wide eyed as a mouth opened up above his cock and sank down swallowing his tip.

Ron’s wails of protest turned into moans, the sound rippling through the tentacle over his mouth as his eyes rolled into his head. He didn’t know what was going one, why he was feeling all this sexual tension, why his cock was so stiff, but dear Merlin if it didn’t feel good to be sucked off by this thing. It sucked his cock, starting from the tip before swallowing his whole dick in its mass. He could see it pulsing inside the soot black translucent flesh, twitching as he felt it’s fluid form swirl around it like he was in a pool of custard with hairs running up his shaft. The mass sank lower and he found his balls being swallowed up too. By this point his arousal was overriding his fears. He didn’t wonder if this thing was eating him, only that it felt so good.

He was so turned on he wasn’t resisting any longer. The creature rewarded him by releasing his arms and mouth. He gasped for air and moaned immediately, his hands dropping his wand and reaching to clutch the mass of goo around his groin. “Fuck yes, suck that cock you dirty whore” he muttered, the filthy language coming out of nowhere. His eyes rolled closed and his imagination started running a little wild, forgetting he was meant to be in fear for his life. The creature sucked his cock and balls while his mind conjured different scenarios for this surreal event. “Yes, you like that you fucking slut” he growled, grasping one particular fantasy that had his hips thrusting upwards fucking the mass harder. “Fuck, this is what I think of your fucking cat you cock sucking nerd” he grunted, pounding his imaginary lover before ejaculating into the mass of goo assaulting him.

The creature milked his cock and squeezed his balls, drawing out as much of his cum as it could while siphoning even more of his magic. Ron grunted as he was drained dry, his body tingling as the creature fed off him like it was starving. That rat it ensnared had proved potent in magic (curious, considering it only fed on witches and wizards), but the Weasley boy proved a much more appetizing source of nourishment. After scrounging for whatever it could from weak victims for months, it finally had a source that gave it the strength it need to move on. It grew in size as it sucked out Ron’s orgasm, it’s one cum spurting out of its mass onto his abdomen, leaving the boy breathless and dizzy by the time it let him go and slithered back under the bed to consolidate its strength.

Ron blinked as the room spun, his arms feeling weak as he pushed himself up. It took a second for him to recover, his head fuzzy feeling dehydrated. By the time he sat up the fluid the creature had squirted onto his skin had soaked in and took affect, making him even more lightheaded. “Scabbers?” He mumbled, trying to remember why he came in here.

He turned around to hear the squeak of his rat, followed by the growl of Hermione’s cat as they both darted past the doorway. “Scabbers!” He yelled, leaping to chase after them, stumbling over his trousers as he hurriedly pulled them back on. He was running out of the room moments later, barging past other patrons to catch his pet and murder the cat, completely forgetting the traumatic ordeal that unfolded upstairs prior.

The creature rested and relished its new lease on life, ready to hunt for more nourishing prey.

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