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The Hogwarts Tentacle Creature: Professor Lupin on the Train

The Hogwarts Express waited on the platform, passengers climbing aboard slowly. It was still early so the majority of students hadn’t arrived yet, which left plenty of seats empty for the professor to sit down. And plenty of vacant halls for the creature to follow him through.

He picked a seat and settled into it, wrapping up in his coat after slotting his luggage into the holder above him. He flicked his wand to close the door, giving him some privacy.

It jammed instead of closing, bringing his eyes down to spy the fluid creature scurrying into the compartment with him.

“Well, that’s intriguing” he said curiously, leaning forward to examine the curious form. It was translucent and blue, and it hovered in the middle of the compartment and seemed to regard him. Lupin had never seen this thing before. Or at least, he didn’t recall ever seeing anything like this before. However, he had a history with forgotten events and thus got an intuitive feeling he’d crossed paths with such a creature once. Whether it was during a full moon was hard to say. “What do you want, little one?” He asked.

The creature didn’t reply vocally. But it’s mass shimmered and edged closer to him, a tiny tendril growing out of its back drifting towards him. He watched it rise up and hovered in front of him, it’s tip looking at him before lowering down to his crotch.

The man raised an eyebrow, his intuition giving him another hint. “Curious” he mused, glancing at the door making sure no one was watching. He flicked his wand again and locked it, then pulled the blind over the window obscuring him from the platform. “This could be interesting” he smirked as he unzipped his trousers. “Can’t be any weirder than that one night with Sirius. Padfoot always had the weirdest fetishes” he muttered.

The creature watched him as he brought his penis out of his pants and stroked it a moment. It would be strange for any of the students to look into his compartment and see him masturbating on the train. But not as strange as when this tentacle dove to his cock and opened its fluid tip to swallow him whole. Lupin gasped as it began to give him a blowjob, sucking his dick and massaging his shaft, stimulating him in all the right ways. He groaned sat back, letting it do its thing. More tendrils extended from the blue mass and slipped inside his trousers to fondle his balls, giving them a squeeze. He closed his eyes and sighed. It was the most action he’d received in some time.

The creature sucked him off and got him hard quickly, and got him off even faster. He was so pent up he grunted when he came, spurting his semen into its mass hard. It sucked him dry and kept sucking him, and he could feel more than just his cum seeping into its body. He got a familial sense of this happening before, possibly in another form. One more wild and animalistic. He got a vague sensation of humping a tree until it broke, howling at the moon, buried inside something soft and moist and eager for his cum. He fed this creature what it wanted, so much so he felt tired afterwards. The creature slipped off his cock and let it fall over his seat as he lazily pulled his coat over his shoulders.

The last thing it did was squirt a little juice onto his dick, where it soaked into his flesh and steadily entered his system. It would take a few hours to take effect, but by the time the professor woke up he would’ve forgotten this encounter again.

The creature heard noise coming from outside the compartment, students beginning to board the train on mass. It climbed onto the seat and pulled itself into the shelf with the luggage, its flesh changing colour to camoflauge and blend into its hiding spot. It stayed there and watched as students passed the compartment until three of them stepped inside to take the empty seats beside the sleeping professor.

The train began its journey and the creature remained hidden, watching the three young students intently as they talked and passed the time. Two wizards and a witch, each of them smelling of potent magical energy. Their auras made the creature hungry. Their youth would prove more nourishing than the adult next to them. It started to fill the compartment with its pheromones, which would stir the students arousal and make them more susceptible it it’s needs when it’s tentacles ravished their bodies here on the train. It would enjoy claiming the boy with the scar the most, sensing great magic within him.

Before it could make its move, and before the pheromones could ignite an impromptu threesome amongst the three friends, the train suddenly came to a stop and the air grew cold. The creature shrank back into its hiding place as a terrifying presence entered the train, Dementors searching for an escaped convict. One entered the compartment and was chased out when Lupin conjured a Patronous, saving the boy with the scar.

The others were too startled and terrified by the dark creature they didn’t notice the professor still had his cock out. Nor did they detect the creature slithering out of the compartment in a hurry to escape the train.

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