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The Hogwarts Tentacle Creature: Kettleburn's Retirement

“I really appreciate you helping me out like this Miss Tuttle” Kettleburn said as he cleaned up the reserve.

“No problem Professor” Liz smiled, happy to help feed the magical creatures at the reserve. She liked to visit as often as she could since graduating Hogwarts, to see the creatures and see her favorite professor. She patted the Porlock on the head as he whinnied happily, carrying her bag of feed along to the next lucky animal. “It’s still really strange coming back her and not being a student any more” she said, looking up at the castle fondly. Being out in the real world still didn’t feel real for her yet.

The old teacher turned his one good eye on the young woman and smiled. “Hogwarts misses you too Miss Tuttle. But it’s time you got out there and spread your wings. You’ll make a fine maziologist” he told her, squeezing her shoulder. “I could tell from the moment you stepped foot in my classroom. You have a way with these creatures. You’re a natural.”

“I was more comfortable with magical creatures than with people” she said shamefully.

“As was I. And look at me now” he grinned.

Liz looked at the older man and the overwhelming number of bandages, the prosthetic limbs and the fuzzy beard and smirked. He looked awful. “You were an amazing teacher” she said, turning away to take her sack back to the shed.

Kettleburn nodded, looking around the small clearing were they taught care for magical creatures. “I was, wasn’t I?” He sighed. “Hogwarts has been my home for so long…I don’t know what I’d be without it” he said, looking through the trees at the castle in the same way Liz did.

She walked over and dropped the bag onto the bottom shelf in the shelter, closing the gate like she’d been taught. She wiped her brow but didn’t feel an ounce tired. She looked this work. She was an natural. And she’d learnt more than just how to take care of magical creatures. She made so many good friends, learnt how to connect to people, and now she was on her way into a career she could be proud of. She owed it all to Hogwarts, to Kettleburn, to her friends and to herself.

Before she could turn around and tell the professor any of this, she heard a rustling from behind a bush to her right. She stepped away from the shed and cautiously crept around to investigate, guessing one of the magical creatures was looking for food. “Hello” she cooed, carefully pushing the branches aside to peer into the bush. Inside she found something, a creature she had never seen in class before. “Hello. What are you then?” She asked, pushing up her glasses to examine the small green creature hiding from her. It backed away as she closed so she froze, holding up her hand speaking softly. “It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you. Come on out little fella.” She managed to coax it out, watching it creep cautiously out from under the bush into the daylight. Her eyes widened with curiosity as she examined the small green mass of what looked like slime or plasma. It crawled on tiny legs which extended out of its mass. She had never seen anything like it, not even in library books. She couldn’t observe any eyes or mouth, but the way it moved indicated intelligence. It crawled towards it, it’s body shifting and expanding as it seemed to look up at her. “Wow, you are incredible” she whispered, reaching out tentatively with her hand. It reached out to met her, an arm growing from its mass to extend and touch her fingertips. She grinned in wonder, brushing her fingers over the smooth skin of this creature. “Professor Kettleburn? Is this a new species you’re showing to the class?” She asked over her shoulder.

Kettleburn barely heard her question, his gaze still fixed on the castle in the distance. “Class” he echoed, his attention miles away. “How long has it been? Fifteen? Twenty years? Where did all the time go?” He wondered. He looked down at his metal arm, chuckling “same place the rest of me went probably. *sigh* we had some good times though, haven’t we?” He said to nobody in particular.

Liz reluctantly took her eyes off the new creature to check on her former teacher, noticing he was standing by himself staring at the horizon. Her brow furrowed with worry so she went to stand up and check on him. But just as she moved the tendril touching her hand suddenly shot forward to wrap around her wrist. “Oh, okay” she gasped, turning back in surprise as it refused to let go. “I’m sorry, but I need to go” she said gently, carefully bringing her other hand over to try and pry her wrist free. It held her tight, the tendril wrapped around her hand like rope. She looked down at the creatures, worried it was aggressive and she’d made a misstep in coming too close. “Professor! Professor Kettleburn! I could use some help!” She called out, looking to her old teacher for assistance as the green mass expanded again.

“I never thought I’d get this far” he muttered, Liz’s calls for help falling on deaf ears. “I never thought I’d enjoy teaching so much. How many kids passed through this place? How many lives did we change. We made a difference, didn’t we?”

Liz told herself to remain calm, dropping down to her knees letting the arm go, anything to show she wasn’t a threat. But she also kept her muscles tensed up, ready to spring to action at the first sign of danger, just like she’d been taught. She reached for her wand, holstered on her hip next to her pouches. Her eyes remained fixed on the creature as more tentacles extended out of its body. “Okay, so…you can change shape, expand and shrink as you want. I notice your skin is…is that bioluminescent? No, it’s camouflage. It changes color to blend into the environment. A defense mechanism. Which means you’re not likely a predator” she deduced. She looked at her hand, the tendril slithering further up her arm. “Is this how you defend yourself? Ensnaring predators. But then what? How do you…?” Her nose suddenly picked up a scent she hadn’t noticed before. And as soon as she noticed it she felt lightheaded and woozy. “Pheromones. You trap them and then…incapacitate them. Clever. Dangerous, but clever. A weak predator is less…threatening than…oh, I feel really warm now, but not tired. Drowsy, tingly…maybe it has a different effect on…on humans” she guessed, stumping to her hands and knees only to be caught by its arms. The moment she felt them come in contact with her body she swooned. “That feels nice” she whispered, her eyelids falling closed as she was ensnared in its tentacles.

“Working with magical creatures, working with students, with my other professors…I never realized how much of my life was fulfilled by this job. I never considered what I might do when the time finally came for me to leave” he said wistfully. He looked down at his battered body, what was left of it. “Dangerous line of work. I always knew that. Never stopped me before, doesn’t stop me now. But I have to be honest…it’s getting exhausting staying ahead of these beasts. And I’m not as young as I used to be. sooner or later I’ll meet my match and I won’t be able to walk away from it.”

The creatures limbs wrapped around the young woman as she stumbled forward, nearly falling on top of the strange creature as she fell to her hands and knees. She blinked through foggy vision as her glasses slipped from her nose and landed on the floor. She tried to reach for them but her hand was trapped by a tendril and pinned in place, more tentacles slithering out of its body knocking her specs aside. She looked down and saw more arms reaching out to coil around her, sneaking inside her clothes to encircle her waist, her legs, her arms and torso. Her body felt very warm as each contact made with her olive skin made her shiver, her groin aching as her nipples started to press against her bra. She blinked between heavy breathes, trying to focus her thoughts as they began to swim out of control. “What is happening to me? I feel drugged. Like my body is…oh god, what are you doing? Touching me like that is…feels so good” she moaned, trembling as it’s tentacles rose up to her shirt and popped her buttons. Before she could stop it, it invaded her top and pulled her bra down to expose her breasts. She gasped as small tendrils began playing with her dark nipples, increasing the arousal growing between her legs.

She bit her lip to suppress a moan when she felt something brush between her thighs, looking over her shoulder finding a small gang of limbs probing her from behind. “Why are you…? Why there? Why…oh Merlin” she gasped, a rush of cold air tickling her panties as her pants were suddenly torn at the seams. She jumped as the tentacles stroked her undercarriage and cupped her backside, her mind snapping back into focus long enough to understand the creature was violating her. “I was wrong” she realized, looking down at the creature which had her in her grasp, it’s pheromones washing over her seeping into her pores and infecting her. “It’s not a self defense mechanism at all. This is what you do, isn’t it? You don’t incapacitate predators, you are a predator. Your scent…it makes use vulnerable…makes us aroused, so we will let you…ah!” She whimpered, it’s tentacles pulling her underwear aside and slipping into her dripping pussy. Another coaxed her anus open, spreading her cheeks wide so it could violate her ass while two tendrils explored her pussy. She moaned as she was fucked from behind, her body giving into the pleasure while her mind screamed for it to resist. She tried to stand up, to pull away from this thing, but her body wouldn’t move. It wasn’t even restraining her, it’s arms massaging and stroking her while her body submitted to its advances. “I’ve never seen…anything like this. Never felt…anything like this” she panted, shaking her head trying to resist the pheromones messing with her body chemistry. It took hold of her shoulders, tendrils slithering up her back to hook around her collar and massage her neck. Her concentration was faltering, pleasure overcoming her senses as her head lolled forward to see a new extension rising from the creatures body towards her. “I can’t…I don’t know what to do. Pro…Professor! Help! I need Helmpht!”

Her halfhearted cries for help were silenced by the tentacle diving into her mouth, muffling her moans as the last of her willpower faded.

“So you see, it time I stepped away from it all” Kettleburn explained, his back to the young woman oblivious to her predicament, speaking to her while staring at the castle that had been home for so long. “I can’t be expected to do this forever, not if I want to enjoy what body parts I have left. So it’s time I moved on, time to retire. I’ve already spoken to Dumbledore and he has a replacement lined up already. I’m sure Hagrid will do a fine job. He understands creatures in a way I never could. And we both know the students love him. I’m going to miss him. Im going to miss this place. And I’m going to miss all of you” he said sadly. “But I’m sure you’ll all be perfectly fine without me. Especially you Miss Tuttle” he said over his shoulder. “You’ve never met a magical creature you couldn’t handle.”

Liz barely heard a word Kettleburn said as she was rocked on her hands and knees, fucked from both ends by tentacles in her mouth, pussy and anus, while more circles and stroked her, driving her young body into fits of pleasure which had her screaming into the shaft in her throat. She slumped forward to her elbows, unable to hold herself up, leaving her butt in the air for three tendrils to pound her holes vigorously. Her mind was racing trying to figure out why this creature was doing this to her, all while her body submitted to it and let it fuck her senseless. It was like no experience she’d ever had before. It was surreal and incredible and terrifying but also amazing and intoxicating. It’s limbs thrusted down her throat and anus and deep into her cunt, stirring up her insides until she was shaking uncontrollably. There’s no way any teacher would show this to a classroom of students she thought, putting all pieces together in her mind as she approached a climax. The creature sensed her impending orgasm, fucking her faster, stretching her holes wider as they pummeled her. “Mmmhh!” She cried, unable to hold back the explosion as her body shuddered and her spine arched, the tendrils tightening their grip as she gushed wildly, her whole body shaking from head to toe. Her mind broke as she collapsed on top of the fluid mass, the creature supporting her weight as she fell limp.

She panted heavily, her eyelids drooping as she clenched around the tentacles in her pussy which slowed their thrusts. She shivered again as she kept coming, her orgasm drawn out longer than she usually lasted. Why am I still cumming? I feel strange she thought, her body trembling as the creature held her still. She moaned around the shaft in her mouth, lifting her head weakly as she fell it draining her, her energy being drawn to her core sucked out by the tentacles in her pussy and ass. It’s feeding. Feeding on me. My life force…my magic…my orgasm? That’s why it drugged me, to make me aroused…susceptible…willing… she suddenly gagged as she felt it pump something into her mouth, fluid dripping down her throat given to her by the tentacle in her mouth. She swallowed it by reflex, drinking the mysterious substance down, finding it tasted sweet and alluring. Once it had deposited it’s cum the tentacle slipped out of her mouth, leaving her to catch her breath as it finished soaking up her orgasm and the energy that came with it.

She moaned one final time as it’s limbs left her body, shrinking back into its body and unraveling from around her. “What are you?” She wondered, pulling herself up sluggishly as the creature shuffled out from beneath her and crawled back into the bushes. She tried to crawl after it, both to study it more and to capture it before it could ensnare a potential student, but it vanished out of her sight before she could catch it. “Damn it!” She hissed, slumping onto the ground heaving for breath.

Kettleburn wiped a tear from his eye and finally turned away from the view of the castle. “But that’s enough wallowing from me. It’s time to move on. Plenty to look forward to after all” he said, putting a smile back on his face. He turned around and found Liz on the floor, picking herself up slowly breathing erratically. “Miss Tuttle? Everything alright?” He asked.

Liz lifted her head and looked up at him. She opened her mouth to explain what happened to her…only to suddenly forget why she was on the floor. “I…um…I dropped my glasses, I guess” she said, sounding confused as she looked down at the messy state she was in. Her shirt was open and her nipple was poking out, her pants were torn and she found her thick rimmed glasses a few feet away. She crawled over and put them back on, scanning the grounds in bewilderment, looking for something she couldn’t recall. “Sorry Professor, did you say something?” She asked distracted, red faced at the state she was in.

Kettleburn, fortunately, failed to noticed any of her exposed lady parts as he turned his attention to his former classroom. “Only that I’m going to miss all of this now that I’ve retired” he said. “Come on, we can finish feeding the rest of the magical creatures after we get a bite to eat ourselves. You much be starving.”

Liz did feel hungry. And exhausted, her body aching. She shook the uneasy feeling from her head, figuring she was just overworked. As for her clothes, one of the Nifflers or Pixies must’ve torn them without her noticing. She pulled out her wand and cast repairo, fixing the seams and her shirt, rising back to her feet to follow Kettleburn back to the castle. “Wait, did you say you were retiring?” Liz asked, her encounter with the mysterious tentacle creature completely forgotten.

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