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The Girls Dorm-room Mishap: Part 3

Sunday came and went alarmingly quickly for the six of them, the final night rapidly approaching bringing forth mixed feelings of nerves and excitement. They’d all given up on trying to reverse the spell that merged their beds, deciding it was beyond their skills. Hermione vowed to see McGonagall as soon as she was able the next morning. But as the evening came to a close they found they’d started to become accustomed to sharing the oversized mattress with each other, even with the blurred lines between friendship creeping between them adding a new level of tension. They got ready for bed almost at the same time, each girl walking into the dorm room with a faint blush in their cheeks when they caught the eye of their friends. Angelina stripped down immediately, watching the rest as they put on their pyjamas and nightwear. Lavender flopped down onto the bed first asking “so what’s the plan tonight?”

“I think tonight we should just get into the bed and see what happens” Angelina suggested.

“Well I’m staying over here on this side of the bed” Katie declared, moving to the opposite side away from Lavender determined to avoid temptation.

Lavender rolled her eyes and sighed, pulling her bed covers over her. “I’ll try not to keep you awake” she grumbled.

Hermione found herself drifting over to Ginny as she folded her uniform away, the redhead brushing her hair behind her ear before turning to her. “You think it’s possible the teacher won’t be able to fix the room?” She asked.

Hermione couldn’t begin to consider that worrying prospect. “I’m sure they can fix it. I’m sorry again for putting us in this mess” she said, apologizing again.

“I’ve been finding the experience kind of fun” she giggled. She glanced at the bed and the cramped space still available before asking her “would it be okay if we snuggled together again? I kind of liked it with you.”

Hermione was surprised Ginny was asking. “What about Parvati?”

“I liked her too. A lot” she admitted. “I just thought…” she said quietly, losing her train of thought when Angelina suddenly appeared behind her. “Sorry Weasley, I had to make sure Brown didn’t have a strop” she said, hooking her arms around the girls waist. She looked at Hermione apologetically stating “as I said, I’m claiming this one tonight. I hope you don’t mind?”

Hermione froze as she met Ginny’s inquisitive gaze, a lump forming in her throat. She wanted to say yes, she did mind. She wanted to yank Ginny out of the young woman’s arms and take her to the bed herself. But the thought of standing up to her in such a brazen manner mortified her so she reluctantly replied “no, I don’t mind.”

“Are you sure?” She pressed, raising an eyebrow sensing doubt in her conviction.

She looked at Ginny half heartedly. “If she’s okay with being with you, then why would I?”

Angelina looked down at the girl, who looked back at Hermione a moment before giving her a shrug. “Okay then” Angelina nodded, kissing the top of her head before taking her hand and pulling her towards the bed eager to get some snuggle time in.

Hermione watched in silent anguish as her new fantasy crush was taken from her. She scolded herself for thinking like that. Ginny was her friend, not her… she blamed the universe for putting these thoughts in her head. She was best friends with her brother for Merlin’s sake. She leant against a chest of drawers folding her arms, resisting the urge to stare at her as she climbed into position with the naked quidditch captain. Parvati walked up next to her examining the same scene. “Jealous too?” She asked.

“No” she said unconvincingly. Parvati didn’t tease her. Hermione looked at her and asked “are you okay?”

“Yes” she replied. Then she admitted “no. Angelina had been messing with me all day about… can I ask a favour?” She said turning to her desperately. Could we pair up tonight?”

“Pair up? Hermione enquirer suspiciously. “Pair up as in..?”

“Snuggle partners” she clarified. “I figure if we take that space to split Katie and Lavender apart, that should keep everyone happy. And if we’re using Ginny’s snuggle stack thing, we might be less likely to…” her face turned red when she realized she may have gave too much away.

Hermione stared at her. “Are you asking me to be a buffer for you?” She asked in shock. She looked at her embarrassment and scoffed. “Can I ask who? Katie? Lavender?”

“Either. Both” she confessed in a whisper.

Hermione shook her head. “So does that mean I don’t make you horny?” She found herself asking.

“It’s not that” she said defensively. “It because you’re, despite what Angelina says, you have better self control then I do. I thought if I was sleeping next to you, you could help me…”

“Keep your hands to yourself?” She asked. Parvati turned away in shame as Hermione sighed. She couldn’t believe how insane her life had gotten since coming to Hogwarts. “Okay, you can be my snuggle partner” she said, walking with the Indian witch to the bed so they can try and get some sleep.

They climbed onto the bed, slipping under the covers opposite Angelina and Ginny who were cuddling comfortably. Between the four of them they managed to separate Lavender and Katie, who were still refusing to look at each other. Lavender was once more attempting to perform her ritual while Katie curled herself into a ball covering her head with the pillow so she wouldn’t have to listen to her masturbate. Hermione and Parvati awkwardly climbed into bed with each other, pulling the covers up laying side by side at first. It was uncomfortable at first but they managed to get used to the arrangement. But no matter how much they tossed and turned or who put whose arm over who they couldn’t manage to find a suitable position. The biggest problem was the exact thing they were doing this to avoid. Whenever Hermione put her arm around Parvati she kept imagining it was Ginny which made her uneasy. And when Parvati did the same for Hermione she had to resist fondling her. “This isn’t working is it?” Hermione whispered eventually, rolling onto her side facing her partner huffing in frustration.

“No, I still feel horny” Parvati complained, looking at her friend apologetically. “I was like this with Ginny too.”

“You were?”

“Yeah. We started fooling around and got close to doing it, but we didn’t. Now between Lavender touching herself, thinking about how I kissed Katie, snuggled with Ginny, Angelina naked, now you…is there something wrong with me?” She asked. “I feel like all I can think about is sex.”

“It’s not just you” she replied sheepishly. She didn’t elaborate but she noticed ever since they all started sharing this bed things kept getting more intimate and magnetic between them. She considered her spell having some kind of secondary effect, like a lust aura or something. Or maybe it was as simple as six attractive young students becoming bi-curious of each other.

Parvati sighed wistfully, throwing out a suggestion she hoped wouldn’t get her punched in the face. “What if we just made out and see if that makes it easier?”

“As in kiss?” She blanched. Parvati shrugged. Hermione blushed. She wanted to say no but at this rate she was prepared to try anything. And she guessed she could do worse than kissing her friends. She already had sex with Angelina twice and was fantasizing about fucking a Ginny. “Just a kiss?” She asked. The Indian witch nodded, so Hermione reluctantly sighed giving a nod.

They both leaned in hesitantly about to lock lips when Katie abruptly sat up in bed. “Nope, I can’t do this” she complained, climbing out of bed in frustration storming around the mattress waking the others up from whatever drowsy state they were in. “I’m going to get a drink. If you’re not asleep by the time I get back…” she threatened to Lavender, who was still fingering herself under the covers. The blonde shot her the finger as she stomped out of the dorm room angrily. The other girls shifted awkwardly remaining silent.

“I am trying” Lavender whined defensively.

Parvati and Hermione lay back looking at each other, the moment to kiss past leaving them at square one. They stared at the ceiling grumbling, Parvati’s eyes glancing to the struggling Lavender wistfully. Hermione saw it and quietly asked her “if you had to, would you know how to make her orgasm?” The girl looked back red faced before silently nodding. She peeked over to Angelina, who met her gaze encouraging. “If you want to help her, you should” she said.

Parvati looked at Lavender hesitantly, unwilling to leave Hermione’s side. “I shouldn’t” she said.

“None of us will get to sleep until she does” she said. “Maybe not even then” she confessed after. She looked at Parvati and, in a moment of courage or insanity, leaned in to peck her lips with a kiss. “You can re-join me after, if you want” she promised.

Parvati was shocked, but the kiss released some tension that melted her resolve. She smiled in gratitude, kissing Hermione on the cheek before shuffling over to assist Lavender with her ritual. Hermione rolled over and lay back against the pillow, trying not to stare at Ginny who remained comfortably in Angelina’s arms.

The redhead hadn’t moved through all the commotion, but that didn’t mean she was asleep. Because unlike her previous snuggle partners Angelina wasn’t shy about playing with her sleeping partner. While her friends were struggling to get comfortable and get some sleep she was settled with her head resting on Angelina’s bicep bidding her goodnight. But no sooner had she closed her eyes then she felt the black woman’s arm encircle her waist and creep up her belly to rest just beneath her small breasts. She opened her eyes feeling her naked body pressed against her, folding around her with her knees brushing her bottom. The tall woman seemed to encase the smaller girl into a ball, her chin resting in the crook of her neck above the collar of her pyjamas. She didn’t complain. She felt very safe and protected with the older witch wrapped around her. But she wasn’t oblivious to how close the had made herself, or how her warm breath tickled her neck as she delicately kissed her flesh, her fingers itching to creep up her chest. She remained still, waiting to see how far she’d go, faint butterflies in her stomach. She had been happy when Hermione and Parvati got intimate with her, Parvati more willing to experiment. Ginny already knew about Angelina’s insatiable sex drive and predicted she may finally end up having sex with someone in this bed. She had hoped it would be Hermione first, but she wouldn’t be mad if Angelina beat the bookworm too it.

Minutes went by but Angelina never made a move past cradling her boob through the fabric. Ginny curbed her disappointment and closed her eyes again, settling back into sleep until Katie rudely left the bed complaining. “I hope she didn’t wake you” Angelina whispered to her.

“It’s fine. Six brothers remember” she mumbled back.

Angelina lifted her head and looked down at her, her chin resting on her shoulder. “I interrupted you and Hermione earlier” she said apologetically. “If you wanted her to be with you tonight, you could’ve said. You’re allowed to say no.”

“I didn’t mind” she replied looking up at her. “I’d snuggle with any of you. You’re warm” she smiled, taking her arm and pulling her tighter expressing how comfortable she was.

Angelina smiled, admiring her friend stroking her ginger hair out of her face behind her ear. “You are sweet”" she said, kissing her cheek. Then she hooked her finger under the girls chin and tilted her head around to face her, kissing her on the lips. “And adorable” she remarked, rolling the girl against her blossom and slowly undoing the buttons on her pyjamas. Ginny lay back against her watching her hand unbutton her front until a space had opened for it to slip inside and fondle her breasts. She exhaled silently enjoying the warm hand palming her boobs, the fingers gently pinching her nipples. Angelina watched her warmly, leaning into whisper in her ear “is this what you wanted Hermione to do to you that first night?” Ginny didn’t reply, closing her eyes relaxing into the sensual touch. Angelina’s hand retreated from her chest and drifted lower towards her growing paling her crotch. “Was this where you wanted Parvati to touch you last night?” Angelina asked, feeling the girl shudder as she pressed her palm between her thighs. Ginny exhaled again but still didn’t reply, yet her body’s reaction spoke volumes. Angelina’s hand slipped into her bottoms and found her sex dripping with arousal, the young Weasley gasping when her fingers touched her clit. “Is this how you want me to touch you?” She asked in a quiet whisper, kissing her earlobe for emphasis.

“I don’t mind” she muttered, melting into her intimate embrace as she slowly rubbed her pussy. Her head fell back against her shoulder and she opened her eyes, her expression one of pleasure as the black woman leaned in to kiss her again. Ginny’s hands clutched her arms as her body shook, a silent climax shuddering through her body turning the girl red faced, embarrassed at how quickly she came.

Angelina laughed kissing her with affection before looking up to see Hermione across from them trying not to stare. “I think Hermione just watched you cum” she whispered. Their bodies were obscured by the covers but the way they were pressed together and trembling left little to the imagination. Ginny hesitantly glanced in Hermione’s direction and saw her avert her gaze, her cheeks blushing brought red. “Do you still want to snuggle with you?” Angelina asked. “She could join us. Maybe you should invite her.” Ginny looked at her with trepidation, looking at Hermione wistfully. Angelina chuckled, kissing her neck before sitting up on her elbows to lock eyes with the bookworm.

Hermione met her inviting gaze and blushed. She’d noticed the expression on Ginny’s face and deduced what the quidditch captain was doing to her; the same thing she did to her the night before. So the idea Angelina might want her to join didn’t escape her notice. She tried to ignore it and return to her pillow, but then her eyes met Ginny and she saw the same look in her gaze. Inviting. Hopeful. She wanted her there. Those eyes made Hermione’s stomach do cartwheels and suddenly she couldn’t turn them down. She glanced to Parvati, who had slipped under the covers with Lavender and distracted helping her fall asleep, so she hesitantly left her bed covers and crawled across the mattress to join the two witches waiting for her.

They watched the bookworm hesitantly crawl over to join the two of them. When she arrived Angelina lifted the covers inviting her to shuffle in next to Ginny. She climbed in awkwardly, her eyes fixed on her friend as she lay down in front of her. “Hi” she whispered nervously.

“Hi” Ginny replied, her stomach fluttering now Hermione was here with her.

Angelina lay down behind Ginny resting her chin on her shoulder, looking at Hermione playfully telling her “Weasley was disappointed you weren’t here, so we invited you. We’re glad you joined us.”

“Thanks” she replied, awkwardly glancing at Angelina who still had her arm around Ginny. Her eyes drifted down the redhead and noticed her pyjamas unbuttoned, catching a glimpse of her cleavage hidden within. She swallowed a gulp, looking up at Ginny’s blushing cheeks. “I don’t know what I’m doing here” she confessed.

“I think you do” Angelina teased, reaching over Ginny to take Hermione’s hand and pull her closer until the two girls were nose to nose. “You both want something. You both need something. I’m just helping facilitate it. Maybe even take part in it.” She kissed Ginny’s neck, then leant over to kiss Hermione’s cheek before slipping back behind the redhead to give them a moment to stare at each other. Her hand slipped under the covers though and continued to play with the younger girl, her hand infiltrating her pyjama bottoms again.

Ginny gasped as the black girl returns to rubbing her, but her eyes never left Hermione who kept glancing to her open top. Feeling compelled by the moment she unbuttoned the rest of the way, revealing her small boobs to the witch who stared in awe. “You can touch them” she whispered, giving permission to something she’d already done before.

“Hermione hesitantly reached out and took hold of her chest, feeling her boobs in her palm while staring at her face in amazement. Ginny nervously did the same to her, palming her creases through her top. “Can I tell you something Ginny?” She asked quietly. She nodded eagerly. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you” she admitted. “Since that night, that morning. I just wanted to…”

“Wanted to what?” She asked, their lips already edging closer to each other. Hermione couldn’t seem to say it out loud, yet her ragged breath and accelerating heart-rate spoke it for her and Ginny suddenly replied “I wanted you too” as their lips finally met.

The moment they made contact, it was as if both girls had finally been let off their lease. The kiss leapt into something desperate and passionate and instinctively, their bodies coming together like magnets as they embraced and groped and tugged at each other. Angelina watched with great satisfaction as the two of them give in to their desires, making out like animals drawing on each other for breath. They didn’t stop for pause for almost five minutes, and when they finally did neither could catch their breath. they panted breathlessly clutching their hair or neck pressing their foreheads together, looking into their eyes with surprised affection and lust. “Merlin help us” Hermione gasped, feeling like she crossed a line. “We shouldn’t be doing this” she whispered.

“No, we shouldn’t” Ginny agreed. And yet their lips met in another kiss and it took another minute for them to pull apart. “Fuck, we shouldn’t.”

“No” Hermione nodded, reluctantly pulling her into another kiss. “Why can’t we stop?” She asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Because you don’t want to” Angelina chuckled, snapping the two of them out of the moment with a blush. The woman laughed praising them both. “You said it yourself” she reminded Ginny. “We’re all just friends having fun. And you both wanted this fun since the first night. Admit it.” She looked at them both and they looked at each other bashfully, reluctantly nodding. “No shame in a little fun. Hermione and I already did it” she noted, lifting Hermione’s chin to plant a kiss on her lips. “And we were on our way” she told Ginny, kissing her on the mouth again. “Why don’t we all have a bit of fun together?” She suggested, pulling the covers up to their shoulders so nobody would see her hands embracing both girls or how they played with each other.

Ginny looked up at Hermione while she was steadily molested by the eager quidditch captain. “I wouldn’t mind” she shrugged, reaching around her hips to pull her closer.

Hermione shuffled as close to Ginny as she could, her crotch pressing against the back of Angelina’s hand, her knees folding around Ginny’s hips. “Neither would I” she said, stroking the redhead affectionately kissing her deeply. When Angelina’s face moved in to kiss the girls neck she caught her lips next, reaching up to grab her hair and make out with her while Ginny kissed her neck, her small hands sneaking under her top to palm her tits. Angelina smiled, grinding her athletic body against them hooking her hand under their necks to pull Hermione closer until all three of them were rubbing and grinding each other.

It all got very heated and passionate between the three witches at this point, the kissing getting hotter and the rubbing turning to humping, the stroking becoming groping and then squeezing. If any of the other occupants of the bed were to look up they’d see a trip of women making out and molesting each other under a single blanket which writhed constantly as limbs moved around encircling each other. Yet out of the three of them Ginny was the one who got the most stimulation. Being caught in the middle left her sandwiched between the two older witches completely encased by their semi naked bodies. She felt their breasts against her, their wet groins rubbing her, their legs intertwining with her as their arms wrapped around her. She would kiss whoever presented themselves to her and when she didn’t have any lips to meet she’d suck on the flesh of their necks or collars or breasts. But the more intense the three seem became the higher the huddle grew until she found herself being crushed between their slim powerful bodies. Her movements got restrictive and she found it hard to breath, her head jutting out from their shoulders gasping for air. “Wait, stop, I can’t…can’t breathe…” she panted, wiggling between them trying her claw her way out.

Thankfully the two of them weren’t so consumed by their lust to notice their friend struggling, immediately pulling themselves apart cradling the younger girl as she gasped for air. “Are you alright?” Hermione asked worried, aploigising profoundly.

“Sorry we got a little carried away” Angelina muttered, examining the girl carefully as she collapsed to her back inhaling deeply.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine” Ginny heaved, rubbing her chest feeling the adrenaline pumping as she caught her breath. She broke into giggles saying “I never thought I’d have to worry about suffocating between two hot women.” She caught Hermione’s mortified gaze and squeezed her hand. “I’m okay. Quite an experience for my first threesome.”

“Mine to” she replied, clutching her hand leaning down to kiss the girl seeking forgiveness. Ginny smiled, embracing her with a affectionate kiss.

Angelina sat up checking on the rest of the bed. Lavender and Parvati were still huddled together under another blanket struggling to satisfy the blonde. She eyed the two of them playfully. “What would you say if I suggested we invite some more into our party?”

The both looked at her suspiciously asking “what do you mean more?” She nodded to the others and they sat up glancing at them. “Is Lavender still awake?” Ginny asked surprised.

“I thought Parvati would have gotten her to orgasm by now” Hermione muttered.

“I think they both need some help” Angelina smiled, licking her lips suggesting “I think it’s time we all chipped in” before clawing on her knees towards them. She glanced back at the two girls suggesting “you might want to consider getting undressed for the occasion.”

Hermione and Ginny looked at their clothed bodies while the nude woman stalked towards the two unsuspecting witches. Hermione turned pale. “She’s about to start an orgy isn’t she?”

“I think she been trying for that since you merged our beds” Ginny remarked, already removing her pyjamas. “It might be fun” she said, helping Hermione out of her clothes giving her an encouraging peck on the cheek. “Come on. Lavender needs our help” she said, taking her hand and leading the pair to join the confident young Angelina.

Meanwhile, Lavender had been taken by surprise when Parvati scooted over to join her on her edge of the bed. She had been trying in vain to climax and was just about ready to give up when the Indian witch offered to help. “If I didn’t want Katie’s hand, why would I want yours” she scoffed defensively.

“Because I’m not Katie” she replied, ignoring the girls protests and taking a leaf out of Angelina’s book by getting straight to it, reaching into Lavender’s panties and immediately shoving her fingers into her wet cunt. The blonde gave her a look of shock but didn’t have the energy to resist her. A minute later she did find the energy to pant and moan as the Patil twin got her closer to orgasm then she managed on her own. “Fuck, you’re actually pretty good at this” she remarked between moans.

“Thanks. I’ve had some practice” Parvati smiled, thrusting two fingers into her whilst rubbing her clit easily.

“On who?” Lavender asked suspiciously.

Parvati rolled her eyes sensing the twin statement coming a mile away, smacking her tit with her other hand. Lavender chuckled, closing her eyes letting her do her thing. After a few minutes Parvati was still fingering her and gotten to three fingers, yet the blonde was still panting and awake. “Aren’t you getting tired yet?” She asked confused, looking at her drenched hand as her fingers slipped in and out. “I thought you’d have orgasmed by now. Am I doing it wrong?”

“No, you’re doing great” Lavender said with a shameful blush. “I actually came ten minutes ago.”

Parvati stared at her. “Why didn’t you say?”

“It was too good. So good now I’m even more horny.”

“I thought you needed to orgasm to sleep?”

“I did. But now one doesn’t seem to be enough” she grumbled, her groin still craving her touch. Parvati stopped looking at her dripping hand with a scowl. This hadn’t gone to plan. “Sorry, I can’t help it.”

“Sounds like you need more than just one girl to satisfy you” Angelina laughed, crawling over to them kneeling by Lavender’s head. The two of them looked up with surprise as the nude woman hooked her hands under Lavenders armpits and lifted her onto her lap. “I think it’s time for a team bonding exercise” she suggested, cradling the disgruntled girl against her bosom.

“Team bonding?” Lavender asked, looking around seeing Hermione and Ginny cautiously joining them.

“Yup. We’re here to help you get to sleep. Or fuck your brains out, whichever comes first” she replied, pulling her T-shirt over her head so the blonde was topless.

Parvati knelt in front of the girl staring at the naked Hermione and Ginny with surprise. “What’s going on?” She asked.

“Angelina talked us into throwing an orgy” Ginny said bluntly, bringing a flash of colour to the witches cup face.

Hermione shook her head. “I’m just as mortified as you are.”

“Don’t pout Hermione” Angelina said, holding Lavender steady as the girl looked around frantically. “Why don’t you try populating some of those skills I taught you this morning to use.” Hermione gulped and reluctantly crawled between Lavender’s legs, pulling her panties off before laying down on her stomach.

Parvati watched the bookworm lie down and begin stroking her friends pussy before turning back to Ginny. “Is this really happening?” She asked.

“Yes it is. And so is this” she smiled, taking Parvati’s face and kissing her on the lips. The girl froze in shock giving the redhead a chance to unbutton the girls pyjamas and help her out of the clothing. “Just think about it as a group of friends having a lot of fun. We get to do what we wanted to last night.”

“Last night. When we…” Parvati stammered until the girl silenced her with a kiss, her palms massaging her breasts. After a few pumps she finally melted into the embrace and made out with her, removing the rest of her clothes revealing her dark skin. Angelina grinned proudly before tilting Lavender’s head back to kiss her mouth, distracting her from Hermione who was fingering her cunt and sucking on her clit. The impromptu orgy had officially begun.

The only member missing was Katie, who had finally returned to the dorm room after getting a drink. She heard the commotion before she approached, groaning in frustration as she walked over to pull the curtain open. “What the fuck?” She gasped in confusion when she saw the new grouping of girls. Lavender was moaning in the centre between a Angelina and Hermione, who was firmly between her legs. Parvati and Ginny broke their passionate kiss to look at the surprised young woman standing by the bed in her loose pyjamas. “What’s going on?”

“Join us and find out” Angelina laughed, stroking Lavender’s hair as she reclined against her chest. She looked over at Ginny beckoning her over. The redhead eagerly crawled over to give the dark skinned woman a kiss before she pointed to their panting friend. Ginny smiled, brushing Lavender’s blonde hair from her face before leaning down to make out with her, her naked body laying down next to her. Parvati’s face expressed disappointment at losing the girl so she turned her attention back to Hermione, crouching down to watch her pleasure the girls dripping pussy in fascination. Angelina looked back at Katie, who hadn’t moved from her spot and was staring blankly. “You don’t want to be standing there all night” she said, holding out her hand gently pulling the shell shocked girl onto the bed.

“I only left to get a drink” she muttered, staring at the five of them bewildered. “I was expecting Lavender to have passed. Instead I come back and…you’re all crazy” she whispered, locking eyes with a playful Angelina. “You’re crazy if you think I want any part in this.”

“I know you do” she teased, cupping her chin leaning in to peck her lips. “I know you enjoyed kissing Parvati and fucking Lavender. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the rest of us fucking you when we’re done driving Lavender wild. You’re welcome to help” she said, stroking her arm watching her become flustered under her gaze. After a long minute of hesitation she reluctantly reached out and put her hand on Lavender’s chests, her palm squeezing her breasts. Lavender caught her eye but was kind enough not to rub it in. Angelina smiled proudly, rubbing her back with soft encouragement.

Further down Parvati was staring at Hermione watching her intently, her loins aching from arousal. “I didn’t know you could do that” she whispered in amazement.

Hermione blushed. “I got some tutoring. Honestly I’m making it up as I go.”

“Could I help?” She asked, climbing down to lay beside her. Hermione glanced at her nodding, shuffling to the side giving her room, gently prying Lavender’s thighs further apart exposing her moist pussy. Parvati licked her lips and inserted two of her fingers again, curling them inside her walls while Hermione licked her clit. Between them Lavender moaned louder, her hips trembling. Moments later Parvati was able to slip a third finger in. “I’ve been doing this with her for a while. I was sure I could make her cum” she said to her partner.

“Lavender is a hard girl to please” Hermione noted, examining her loose entrance probing with her hand. One of her fingers was able to fit alongside hers. “Maybe we should buy her a toy, or a vibrator.”

“Or a dildo” she smirked, liking this more playful side of the bookworm. Now that inhibitions had all but evaporated the girls had found themselves discussing all sorts of things. Ginny had placed a bet with her whilst they were kissing about which of them would cum first when they had sex. Now they were shopping for toys for Lavender? “I never thought a simple misplaced merging spell would’ve lead to this” she laughed.

“Neither did I” she replied, still marvelling at how easily their fingers shift in and out of the pussy in front of them. “How many could you fit in?” She asked curiously.

“I got to three” she shrugged. “Apparently she can take more.”

“How many more?” She wondered, a second finger probing next to hers.

The two girls looked at each other, a depraved idea forming in their heads. “I don’t want to be the one stuck in there” Parvati said, pulling her fingers out shaking her head. Hermione nodded, replacing them with four of hers. She looked up at Lavender, her eyes closed oblivious to her new experiment. Angelina was busy making out with Katie to watch. Ginny glanced down at her but her attention seemed to be on the girls nipple, sucking it like a baby. Hermione took a large gulp before folding her thumb into her palm and carefully twisting her wrist pushing it deeper into her vagina. Her walls swallowed her hand like a vacuum, stunning both her and Parvati, their jaws hitting the bed as Hermione thrust her fist into her cunt. “Holy shit” Parvati gasped, staring up at Lavender who continued to moan in bliss. “I’ve never done that.”

“Neither have I” Hermione squeaked, testing the depth able to push more of her forearm into her body. It felt weird, like pushing into custard. She stared at Lavender, imagining her swallowing her whole. For the moment she decided to see if she could sink down to her elbow, rocking her arm steadily back and forth sinking deeper inch by inch. Parvati observed with fascination, watching over both Hermione and Lavender worried one of them might accidentally hurt each other. It didn’t stop her loins from dripping or her mouth from kissing Lavender’s clit, or kissing Hermione.

Lavender wasn’t completely oblivious to the sensation of a fist stuffed inside her pussy. Her back arched and she started panting heavily feeling Hermione’s fingers explore deeper than anywhere she had ventured. Her mouth fell open as her hands clawed at the nearest thing she could grasp. Her right hand found Katie’s thigh, gripping her pajama bottoms as the girl looked down and saw her desperate expression. The girl took pity and guided her hand to her top, pulling it over her shoulder so she could massage one of her breasts. Her left hand found its way around Ginny's naked body, grabbing her small ass digging her nails in. Ginny gasped nearly biting her bit, looking up at the older girl biting her bottom lip. Lavender took it as an invitation, her fingers delving into the first hole they found shoving deep into the girl. Ginny closed her eyes panting as the girl fingered her purring with approval responding with a kiss to her neck. Lavender moaned and fucked her friend while they fucked her, her body contorting and writhing until she was teetering on the edge of oblivion. She couldn’t speak as she gasped with pleasure, Hermione’s fingertips finding her service brushing them gently. Her knuckle found her g-spot and suddenly she saw stars. “Oh god, fuck!” She screamed, falling into escasty unlike anything she’d experienced, clutching Katie and Ginny tightly as her body clenched around Hermione’s elbow, drenching her and Parvati in her fluids as she released a powerful orgasm. Angelina watched her ride the wave of pleasure, holding her steady as she shook violently. Parvati helped pin her hips down as her legs kicked out, her toes curling, holding her still afraid the jerking motions might break Hermione’s arm. The bookworm froze in place, unable to move as the girls walls crushed her wrist with her muscles. She grunted with discomfort. Ginny screamed as her own orgasm tore from her throat, brought on by the nails digging into her insides.

After a few minutes of screaming and contorting Lavender fell limp in the centre of the bed, her muscles relaxing unfurling her body. Hermione was able to awkwardly pull her arm free of her soaking cunt, twisting her wrist free grunting in discomfort. Her hand ached from the pressure and felt numb. Parvati examined it for damage and kissed it better, growing intoxicated by Lavender’s juices and helped lick her fingers clean. Ginny nestled on top of the exhausted woman, resting her head on her bosom while her hand slipped out of her ass. Katie leaned over the blonde brushing her hair aside, examining her delirious expression as her heavy eyelids closed. “Fuck, I think she’s comatose” Katie muttered, shaking her a little getting no response.

Angelina checked her over, satisfied with the stupor they put her under. “Good work Hermione” she praised. “I knew you could help with her urges.”

Hermione climbed up and stared at her unconscious friend. “I didn’t mean to do that” she said. “I wanted her to fall asleep, not…is she okay?”

“She’ll be fine” Angelina assured her, lowering her head onto a pillow. “She’d definitely sleep through till morning now” she laughed, leaving the girl passed out on her side of the bed. She looked t the four of them with a big grin. “See, this is what happens when we put our heads together.”

“None of this was my idea” Katie said shamefully.

“Nor ours” Parvati said, sitting between Hermione and Ginny. She looked at them both with a red face. “It was fun though.”

“Oh yes” Ginny laughed. “I a little sad it’s over now.”

“Who said it’s over?” Angelina asked, attracting four looks of suspicion and disbelief. “As far as I’m concerned, the party isn’t over until everyone is both satisfied and unconscious” she said, taking her place at the head of the bed. She looked at the hot and sexy women surrounding her declaring “as our last night in this glorious new bed, I herby claim all of you for my satisfaction. But please, feel free to mingle amongst yourselves” she added, pouncing on the four of them eagerly forcing them to submit to her demands.

They didn’t need much encouraging as the five remaining girls devolved into horny animals making out with each other. Katie was particularly fortunate, becoming the next whore in the middle as the girls ripped her pyjamas from her body and silenced any final protests she may have. She found herself making out with Parvati, a more steamy version of the kiss they shared two nights ago, their naked bodies pressing together while their hands eagerly roamed until Angelina lifted her leg and ground her hips between them, rubbing their pussies together erotically. The brunette fell back upon the mattress gasping, giving Hermione an opportunity to mount her face and try so of that tongue Parvati had previously been enjoying. Katie pulled her hips down happily licking her cunt, devouring her juices moaning into her flesh while her quidditch Captain scissor her to climax.

Parvati tired not to feel put out about her friend stealing a Katie from her. She got a better deal when Ginny returned to indulge the fantasy they didn’t get to enjoy last night by climbing in between her thighs and eating her out. Parvati returned the favour, the two of them huddled in a private corner of the bed losing themselves in each other’s legs. Ginny showed her inexperience but her enthusiasm made up for it driving the Indian witch wild. But it was Weasley who came first, her screams vibrating through Parvati’s body tickling her cervix. She got her turn soon after, shuddering on the bed panting heavily after her orgasm. “We should’ve done that last night” she heaved.

“Yes we should’ve” Ginny agreed, hopping up to her side to make out with her.

“I’m glad you didn’t” Angelina said appearing above them. “Otherwise wouldn’t have had the chance to do this” she said, inserting her fingers into each of the girls. They gasped in surprise and then purred with approval as the woman fingered them both at the same time. They squirmed side by side, occasionally locking lips and fondling each other while the captain fucked them into another orgasm.

Katie appeared behind her after she’d finished making out with Hermione, wrapping her arms around the taller woman claiming “I think our captain deserves a reward for her service.”

“I’ve got all the reward I need” she teased, kissing her hand as the girl hugged her back.

But Hermione crawled up beside her and helped Katie pull her onto the bed. “Not what we had in mind” Katie clarified, rolling her onto her front so she was on her stomach, lifting her hips up until she was on her knees. Angelina lay there prone as Katie spread her cheeks and stuffed her tongue into her ass, moaning loudly gripping the bedsheets as she felt her fingers penetrate her cunt. Hermione knelt in front of her, cupping her chin lifting her face to kiss it. She found Parvati and Ginny taking their positions either side of her to massage her breasts or slap her ass, anything to please or control the older girl.

Angelina loved it, loved seeing her friends formally so uptight and shy dominating her and fucking her brains out. She was hoisted up to her hands and knees so Hermione could climb beneath her and lick her pussy while Katie continued to lick her anus. Ginny and Parvati worked together to suck her nipples, holding her hands still so she couldn’t play with Hermione’s tempting pussy. Angelina realized this wasn’t a reward, it was a punishment. Being fucked, kissed and pleasured but unable to return the favour. She laughed and the boldness, orgasming twice in quick succession. “Keep going” she begged, her voice cracking from all the moaning and panting. “Keep fucking me. Don’t stop” she begged, a third orgasm erupting from her body doubling her over.

As requested the didn’t stop, switching positions periodically each got a turn to kiss, suck or lick her body. Eventually even her stamina gave out and she collapsed from exhaustion on top of Katie. She was rolled onto her side shivering, a massive smile on her face as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Katie pecked her on the cheek before lunging immediately back into the orgy, her desires driven wild by the craziness. She lasted another fifteen minutes before she was fucked to sleep alongside Lavender, a proud Ginny licking her fingers clean as Parvati and Hermione sat down either side of her.

“Maybe it’s time we should get some sleep too” Hermione suggested, her face covered in cum from all five of her friends. Parvati’s braids were uneven making her heavier a tangled mess. Ginny was sticky from sweat and fluids yet remained as sexy as ever.

“Maybe we should” Parvati nodded, glancing at the clock seeing how late (or early) it was.

“But I’m not tired” Ginny pouted, flashing her puppy dog eyes at both her companions pleadingly.

Hermione and Parvati looked at each other and laughed. They had assumed Angelina was the biggest slut in the group, yet Ginny had managed to out pace all of them. “One more hour?” Hermione offered.

“A few more orgasms” Parvati decided, granting the redhead her wish and kissing her neck. Hermione mirrored her on her other side, sandwiching Ginny between them as they satisfied the horny young Weasley.

Unlike earlier where she was being crushed, Ginny was more prepared to be surrounded by her friends as she sat in the middle making out with them in turns. They enveloped her with their nakedness kissing and stroking and exploring her body enjoying her like a treat. She giggled almost constantly as their hands rubbed over her ticklish skin, turning in circles to kiss both of them squeezing their breasts or as while the other kisses the back of her neck or shoulders, palming her small boobs with their eager hands. Parvati was the first to finger her pussy in the sandwich, her hand reaching around her back to cup her groin and pull her closer while Hermione nuzzled into her neck. Ginny moaned feeling their bodies slowly crush her again, rubbing against her desperately. Before she could start suffocating again she had another idea, politely pushing them apart so she could climb up onto her feet upon the mattress. She put her hands on their shoulders for support until she was standing between them, brushing her red hair out of her excited face as she presented her lower regions to them.

Parvati realized what she was after first, smiling broadly spinning her around to claim her tight butt. Hermione was gifted with her dripping pussy, kneeling in front of her holding her steady by the knees. Both witches licked their tongues at her entrances, listening to her moans until she was panting, their mouths enclosing around her holes to tongue fuck her deeply. She bit her bottom lip clutching their scalps, her hips quivering as she was double penetrated, her toes curling into the sheets. It was so erotic she had to fight the orgasm in order to make it last longer. She screamed loudly when she climaxed, so loud the girl thought she might wake their sleeping friends, maybe even the whole castle. When she finished cumming her legs turned to jelly and she toppled into their arms heaving, thanking them with sloppy kisses. “Now you two” she said, falling onto her bum pushing their heads together like dolls. “I want to watch.”

“She’s encouragable” Parvati laughed, leaning in to kiss Hermione passionately.

“I blame the company she keeps” Hermione muttered, earning an even harder laugh as they fucked each other. Fingers were inserted into pussies and pounded each other until they were panting in desperation. They made it a competition to see who would last longest, upping the stakes and the number of fingers while Ginny cheered them on, encouraging them both while she sat back and masturbated. Orgasms ached in their loins but neither refused to stop, fucking their opponent furiously fixing their eyes on them daring them to break.

The contest lasted several minutes until Hermione’s curling fingers accidentally found Parvati’s G-spot, sending shockwaves through the Patil twin until she was wailing in climax. She fell onto her side curling into a ball, her body sweating wheezing “I can’t…no more, I can’t…oh fuck, fuck, I can’t…” Ginny gave her a final kiss before she passed out on the bed, leaving the redhead with the panting bookworm awake.

Ginny and Hermione stared at each other, alone at last. Neither of them said anything. They didn’t need to. They had want this for days. They leapt at each other and collapsed into the embrace, the lips mashing together hungrily. Despite how exhausted she was or how much her pussy ached from overstimulation, Hermione pounced on top of the excited younger witch and pinned her to the bed, her thighs hooking between hers. Their hips moved in unison, both seeking the same pleasure, their cunts grinding together pressing their clits roughly. Ginny threw her head back and moaned, her eyes rolling into her head as she let the Gryffindor ride her, her fingers interlocking with hers griping them tightly. Hermione stared at her pretty face, counting her freckles while she humped and fucked her, her fantasies coming to life. Their lips met and they came together in one large glorious orgasm, the first of many they shared before the end of the night.

When they both spent they fell onto the bed gasping, their breath laboured and bodies sticky with sweat and cum. Their heads fell against the sleeping bodies of their friends who lay strewn across the mattress, their silent snoring filling the dark dorm room. Hermione pushed her tangled hair out of her face and exhaled, her tired eyelids becoming heavy as she stared at the ceiling. Ginny snuggled up to her resting her head under her chin, purring like a cat as she put her arm over her. “Promise we can do this again after we get the beds fixed” Ginny whispered sleepily, on the brink of dozing off.

Hermione looked at her, then at the rest of their group passed out on the bed. “I think we all will be doing this more often” she muttered, a smile onto her face when she hugged Ginny close dozing off with her in her arms.


The next morning all six girls slept in. It was noon when they all slowly stirred awake to find themselves in a sticky bundle with Hermione and Ginny using them as pillows. They begrudgingly opened their eyes and smiled, the memory’s of their raunchy orgy filling their minds as they awoke from their wet dreams.

They looked up and realized, however, they were not alone as Professor McGonagall stood over them with a disapproving expression. She had come to check on them as they hadn’t been seen at breakfast after receiving word that Miss Granger had been asking for her all weekend. She was shocked to find not only their beds had merged but also they were all still in it. They hastily got dressed and explained how Hermione’s spell had gone wrong, which lead to the beds being merged. As for the clear state of what they got up to in said bed, they didn’t offer any satisfactory answer. McGonagall was not amused by anything she heard, skilfully undoing Hermione’s mishap and suggesting they each take a shower before resuming their studies. She waited until they had each left the room before returning to her duties and attempting to purge this encounter from her mind.

That night the six of them happily took to their own beds, their routines returning to normal. Lavender pulled the curtains shut and cast her charms, leaving everyone happy they didn’t have to contend with her rituals anymore. But even now things were back to normal, the memories of the weekend lingered and left some of them wanting over the next few nights. More some, they pushed the surreal events from their mind. For others, the craving never left. But every once in a while, one or two of the girls were greeted by a familiar face who decided to sneakily join them and share the bed for the night. Sometimes they would also close the curtains and cast their own silencing charms.

Needless to say the weekend brought the sex Gryffindor students closer together.

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