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The Girls Dorm-room Mishap: Part 2

Hermione spent the whole day researching how to reverse a merger spell, scouring every book she could find three times desperate for a solution. Even her dorm mates opted to help her. Ginny was the most helpful, studying beside her and trying spells. Parvati and Katie helped during the afternoon, the reality of sharing the bed and getting a repeat of last night dawning on them realizing their good night sleep might’ve been a fluke. Lavender proved most determined when she arrived with books borrowed from the restricted section, adamant she wanted her own bed again. Angelina was the only one casual about the current living arrangements as she watched their attempts with bemusement.

“I don’t know why you’re getting so hot and bothered about this” she said after their twelfth failed attempt. “Non of you seemed to mind the arrangement by morning.”

“There was barely enough room for us all to sleep” Katie reminded her.

“We had to deal with Lavender needing to masturbate every night” Hermione complained.

“You sleep naked!” Lavender objected.

“And watching you finger her to sleep left me and Katie too horny to doze off” Parvati agreed.

“I didn’t really mind” Ginny shrugged.

Angelina chuckled circling their hexagon shaped bed. “The way I see it, unless your prepared to take the floor, we’ve got two more night with this. Then we can take it to Mcgonagall and she can sort our dorm room out. By the way, any idea how you are going to explain this to her?” She asked Hermione.

She blushed. “I’ll just tell her the truth. It was an accident.”

“Some accident” Lavender pouted from her chair.

Angelina flashed her a look before addressing the five of them. “So until then, as much as some of us hate it, we just have to make do. Now that we know where we stand maybe we should come up with a plan.”

“This isn’t the quidditch pitch captain” Parvati groaned.

“No, it makes sense” Hermione agreed. “It can’t be too hard to figure out a sleeping arrangement that’ll suit us.”

“Well I don’t mind whatever happens” Ginny said. “I’m used to cramped beds and can sleep through anything.”

“And you looked cute when snuggling with Hermione” Katie teased.

Hermione blushed remembering how aroused she became waking up with her arms around Ginny’s body. Ginny turned around and looked at her commenting “I’d be happy to do it again. It did free up some room for the rest of you.”

Hermione hesitated as she looked at her, embarrassment turning her ears red. Ginny wasn’t aware how this morning left her masturbating on this bed thinking about the two of them, the first time ever. It felt weird to be thinking about her roommate like that. “I don’t know” she mumbled.

“I heard Parvati and Katie hooked up during last night” Lavender noted curiously. “Maybe you two should snuggle.”

“We may have kissed” Katie admitted while Patil remained bashfully silent. “But that was only because of you and Angie. Which brings up the biggest obstacle. None of us can sleep while you are rubbing yourself off."

"I need to masturbate before I go to sleep” she protested. “I can’t explain why. I’ve been doing it since I was thirteen.”

“Couldn’t you skip a night?”

“Only if you want me complaining all day.”

“Is there a way you could do it quietly?” Angelina asked. Lavender shook her head. “Okay, what about an early night. You get yourself to sleep before we come to bed. That way we don’t have to watch or be kept awake.”

Lavender didn’t seem to like the idea, but the thought of getting the bed to herself for her private ritual was appealing. She weighed it up and shrugged. “I suppose. But I’m not turning in too early. I like to have a lie in on the weekend.”

“How about you go to bed an hour before we do. Would that be enough?” She nodded. Angelina clapped her hands. “Okay, that’s that one. Any other issues that need addressing?”

“You sleeping nude is distracting” Hermione noted.

She raised a playful eyebrow at her. “We’ll tell you what, I’ll stay under the covers if you promise not to look” she offered, making her blush redder. The others chuckled. “If that’s everything I guess we could discuss amongst ourselves who we want to snuggle with. Now I’m going to hit the shower. I’ll she you ladies tonight.”

They all began dispersing, giving up on finding the spell and finishing their errands. Before they left Parvati nervously jogged up to Ginny and pulled her aside. “Hey, I wanted to ask…are you really not bothered about this sleeping thing.”

She shook her head. “Not really. I’ve had to sleep in the same bed as Fred, George, Ron, mum sometimes. And like I said, I can usually sleep through anything. Including Lavender fingering herself.”

“So you don’t mind who you snuggle with?” She checked.

“No” she said. She then narrowed her gaze at her. “Why? Did you want to be my snuggle partner?”

Parvati brushed her hair behind her ear as she glanced at the others. “You and Hermione were pretty adorable last night” she said. “And seeing you reminded me…Padma and I would sometimes share a bed too, so I get it. But living at Hogwarts…I don’t know, in a weird way I kind of missed that with her. Does that sound strange?”

Ginny smiled, breaking into a giggle. “Snuggling with a sibling, there is that warmth to it in my experience. I feel safe being close to them. I felt safe with Hermione last night. It’s why I could sleep so well.” She looked at Parvati and bit her bottom lip. “I’d feel safe with any of you” she told her. “So if you want, I’d be happy to be your snuggle partner.”

“really?” She smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that. I just thought you and Hermione would…do you think she’d mind?”

“Honestly, I think she’ll be relieved” Ginny laughed.


Sure enough, Ginny predicted correctly. Hermione was relieved when Ginny approached her and mentioned Parvati’s offer to snuggle with her. It would mean she’d get a bit more room and she wouldn’t have to worry about any awkwardness with her friend. She did ask if Ginny would be okay with it, but the redhead assured her she’ll be fine and even joked her friend almost sounded jealous.

Now that they had the night planned the six of them were a little more confident approaching lights out. They all waited until the rest of the students went to their dorms before retiring to theirs to get changed. Everyone put on their pyjamas on, except for Katie and Lavender who settled for a T-shirt over panties, and Angelina who draped a dressing gown over her nude body. “How long would you need?” She asked the blonde haired girl.

She sat down on the bed scanning the empty space, tapping her chin thoughtfully. The others rolled their eyes at her. “It’s not rocket science Lav” Parvati groaned after a few seconds.

She scoffed at their impatience. “I don’t usually have a schedule, okay?” She complained. “It was bad enough having you all watching last night.”

“Well we won’t be this time, believe me” Hermione said, slugging a book under her arm. A few of the girls had something with them in their hands, anything to keep them occupied while they were waiting. “We’ll be in the common room, but we can’t stay there all night.”

“Is that an option?” Ginny asked curiously.

“It’s not, I checked” she replied glumly. She’d considered sleeping down there inside and and inquired, but it wasn’t comfortable and more students drifted in an out through the night than she considered. Or so the few students she’d enquirer had told her. “So how long until we come up and check?”

“I don’t want you looking in on me” Lavender warned them, pulling her legs up onto the mattress uncomfortably. “I suppose thirty minutes. Maybe forty-five, because I’ll need to…you know?”

Angelina sighed. She was grateful she didn’t have quidditch practice for another week. “We’ll give you an hour” she decided. “That should be plenty of time to do your thing and get some rest. Just leave some room on the bed for the rest of us” she noted, striding out of the room barefoot padding down the stairs. The others waved Lavender goodnight as they followed, some in slippers leaving the room giving the blonde girl some privacy. She waited till the last girl closed the door before pulling the curtains closed so she could get to business.


Downstairs in the common room the five of them waited in the comfortable sofas or armchairs listening to the clock tick the hour away. Most had a book to read or studying to catch up on. Hermione sat in a large armchair flicking through a leather bound tome brushing up on her transfiguration. Angelina sat in the opposite armchair with her legs crossed watching the nearby fireplace patiently. Parvati sat on the sofa reading a fantasy novel in her pajamas, periodically glancing at the young Ginny Weasley resting her head on the girls lap as she reclined on the sofa reading her own book. The two girls had been hanging out most of the evening, getting comfortable with each other in preparation for settling in for the night. Katie sat cross legged on the floor beside them, study materials spread out in front of her making notes, using the time to catch up on her homework. She stifled a yawn as she did so, fighting the urge to fall asleep.

Hermione checked the clock after a while, the hands invitations Lavender still had ten minutes to go. “Do you think she’ll be asleep by the time we get there?” She wondered.

“She’d better be” Katie said. “I don’t think I could handle another night listening to her complaining.”

“It was hard to sleep last night even afterwards” Parvati agreed.

“Was that because she was loud or because she turned you on?” Angelina asked with a smirk.

Parvati turned red as Ginny looked up at her. “A bit of both” she admitted. “Katie was the same.”

“Yeah, but you kissed me” she pointed out.

“You kissed me back” she argued.

“We get it, you kissed each other” Hermione groaned slamming her book shut.

“I don’t get what the big deal is” Ginny said, sitting up next to the dark skinned girl looking at them. “It’s not like anyone did anything wrong. Even when Angelina fingered Lavender she enjoyed it. It was just some fun between friends.”

Angelina smiled as she pointed at the redhead. “I like this one. Maybe I should take her tomorrow night.”

The others looked at Ginny, who shrugged at the black girl’s compliment, each of them blushing slightly uncomfortably. “You don’t find it embarrassing? Masturbating in public? Making out with your friends just to fall asleep?” Hermione asked.

“Six older brothers” she reminded her, laying back down on Parvati’s lap. “I’ve seen much worse.” Parvati’s eyes met Hermione’s but neither were brave enough to ask tonight.

“So did Lavender turn you on last night too?” Angelina asked Katie inquisitively.

“No” she replied bluntly. But under the captain’s gaze she folded soon after. “Yes” she confessed dropping her pen. “That’s why I want her asleep before I get in there. Merlin, I hope we don’t open the curtains and find her naked with her legs spread wide open” she thought.

“You have a problem with naked girls?” Angelina asked, shifting her posture so her dressing gown drifted open down to her waistband, her cleavage on display to the room. A few of them shifted their gaze uncomfortably making the girl chuckle. “What is it about me that you find distracting?” She asked.

“More intimidating” Hermione answered awkwardly. She looked back at her silently, resting her hand on her palm. The brunette sat forward explaining “it’s just…you’re fit, you’re hot, and we all get it. But it’s the way you walk around like you don’t care, where anyone could see you…your confidence is intimidating. And…it feels like you make some of us inadequate” she added.

Parvati and Ginny both glanced at Hermione as she sank back into her seat red faced, a surprised glint of sympathy in their expressions. Angelina sat forward fixing her gaze on the girl. “Hermione, try not to be embarrassed, but I’ve seen you naked. And trust me, you have nothing to be feel inadequate about.”

“Yeah, you are really hot” Parvati agreed, which made the bookworm blush redder. “Seriously. I remember seeing you come out into that hall at the Yule Ball and you were gorgeous. Padma and I were so jealous.”

“Why? You looked great” she said.

“So did you” Ginny concurred.

“You all look incredible” Angelina said to the room. “And don’t ever let anyone, including yourselves forget that. We are all hot, sexy, beautiful women. Nobody needs to be embarrassed by it.” She locked eyes with Hermione and smiled. “I’m sorry if I make you uncomfortable, but it’s not like I walk around nude for everyone. I only do it when I’m in the company I trust, who I feel comfortable around. That includes you dumbass.”

Hermione stared back at her, feeling a better appreciation for the quidditch Captain now that made her respect her a little more. She smiled, uplifted by her statement. “Is that why you sleep nude too?”

“Honestly? I’m a tall girl, most pyjamas my parents bought Carley fit me. Especially when I started playing sports. So after a while I stopped wearing them. I like the freedom. Plus it helps with the night walks I take” she added with a smirk.

“Night walks?”

Angelina looked around at her friends and quietly told them “sometimes I get horny at night too. I like to climb out of bed in the middle of the night and stalk the dorm room, check if yours awake. Sometimes I catch you touching yourselves in bed, watch you masturbate. I’ve seen Lavender a few times. Caught you once too Katie” she said with a wink. “I would watch and wait. I’d hope you wake up so I could climb into bed with you and fuck you the rest of the night. When none of you do I slip down here and sit in front of the fireplace so I could fuck myself. Sometimes students find me down here, boys and girls. We’d have some late night sex before I return to bed.”

Her gaze drifted back to the fire, leaving the others staring at her in uncomfortable silence. “I can’t tell if she’s joking” Ginny whispered to Parvati.

The Indian girl’s face was pale wondering if she was telling the truth about watching them sleep. “That would be creepy” she whispered back. She looked to the tall woman and hoped her smirk meant she was kidding. Hermione got the feeling the part about sneaking down here to have sex with fellow students wasn’t, though she felt she might’ve heard about those rumours by now.

The clock chimed the hour and Angelina climbed out of her chair with a stretch. “Right, that’s it. Time to head to bed and see if Lavender has made a mess” she said, leading the four of them back up the stairs.

The five of them climbed the stairs and returned to their dorm room, quietly stepping through the door listening for any noises their friend might be making. Hermione reminded them she might’ve cast a silencing charm so Angelina reached onto the dresser for her wand to cast the Finite Incantetum. They were met with more silence so they all crept up to the large hexagonal bed, the covers pulled shut all around it. Spreading out they all paused before slowly pulling the curtains open glimpsing into the dark interior. They found the vague outline of Lavender sprawled on the bed with her arms and legs outstretched, her curly hair plastered over her face. “Lavender?” Angelina called softly as the others peered inside cautiously. Katie retrieved her wand and cast Lumos to illuminate the shadows, revealing the girl in her T-shirt, her head on a pillow and bed covers tossed aside, one hand draped over her groin with her fingers in her underwear. “Lavender? Are you awake?” Angelina whispered louder, optimism filling the group.

After a few seconds of silence they heard the girl sigh in frustration. “No, I’m not” she growled, abruptly sitting up on the bed pushing her hair out of her face. She looked up at the five of them asking “has it been an hour already?”

“For fuck sake Lav!” Parvati said as everyone groaned. “What have you been doing up here?”

“Trying to get off, but it’s not working” she complained, covering herself up in her bed covers as the others flung the curtains aside and slumped down onto the bed. “It took me a while to get started, and the privacy helped a lot. But then no matter how much I tried I couldn’t bring myself to finish. I kept waiting your you lot to burst in and interrupt me.”

“Are you saying it’s our fault?” Katie scoffed. “We gave you everything you asked for! Privacy. Time to do it.”

“I know, but it was like I was on a time limit and it turned me off” she huffed. “I’m as mad at myself as you are.”

“I very much doubt that.”

“You try masturbating knowing at some point five fucking perverts are going to walk in and bust you at any moment” she challenged.

“At least I don’t need to masturbate every night to go to sleep!” She fired back tossing a pillow at her.

“Ladies, not tonight” Angelina pleaded, stepping between the arguing girls. The others sat at the edges looking just as disgruntled. She turned bluntly to Lavender. “Sorry Lav. We gave you and hour, but now the rest of us need to get some sleep.”

“Like we’re going to sleep now” Katie grumbled.

“Hey, I tried okay!” Lavender hissed.

“Should’ve tried harder!”

“Guys, can we just go to bed?” Ginny begged, yawning into her hand already moving to curl onto the mattress.

“Yeah, we’re already pretty tired now” Hermione agreed. “Maybe the exertion will help you dose off” she suggested.

“No, I’m too riled up now” Lavender whined. “If I don’t cum now I’ll never go to sleep.”

“Maybe you should ask Angelina to fuck you again” Katie suggested furiously, pulling her covers over her lying down.

Angelina looked at the uncomfortable Lavender and then at the angry Katie. “Or maybe you could do it instead?” She suggested. Both Lavender and Katie squawked as they turned on her. “What? Lav needs to cum and you’re the only one complaining about it Katie. Besides, you told us watching me finger her last night made you restless. Consider this being proactive.”

“You want me to touch her?” Katie gawped.

“I’m not letting her anywhere near my cunt!” Lavender growled.

“Suit yourself because I’m not help you tonight” she shrugged, whipping off her dressing gown and laying down on her back pulling the covers over her. “Either sort it out amongst yourselves or complain silently. Some of us want to get some sleep.

The two girls stared at the captain, shock and bewilderment at the suggestion as they both looked at each other before falling back to the bed in a huff. The others watched in bemusement before settling down for the night. Parvati pulled the bed covers over her and Ginny as they both snuggled up together, the younger redhead guiding the Indian into the right position to be comfortably. Hermione watched Ginny wrap the girl’s arms around herself before she lay her head down, a tiny twinge of jealously stirring her gut until she turned away and forced her eyes closed. The room fell silent as the six of them calmed down and tried to fall asleep.

The peace lasted about twenty minutes before the fidgeting began. Fortunately the only two who were restless was Katie and Lavender. Lavender in particular was fuming as she fumbled around under her covers trying to finish what she started. She wasn’t as quiet as Katie would’ve liked, which made her grumble and begin tossing on the mattress. She caught Angelina’s eye across the bed, who gave her a look before turning away ignoring the blonde. Katie sighed rolling onto her back staring at the ceiling, the sound of Lavender heaving and grunting very distracting. She cast another look at the others, envious of the peaceful snoring of Ginny in Parvati’s arms. Hermione was still awake equally distracted by the noise, avoiding Katie’s gaze as she pulled the covers tighter around herself. “Fuck” Katie muttered, reluctantly resigning to solve the problem herself.

Just as Lavender gave up and resigned herself to suffer unsatisfied she found Katie shuffling up beside her in a huff. Before she could complain about personal space her hand was reaching under her covers straight towards her crotch. “Not a word” she hissed, clamping her other hand over the girls mouth before she could say anything, meeting the blonde’s eyes with a stern glare. “Don’t ever speak of this to anyone” she whispered, moving her hand lower until her fingers were pressed against her groin. “One time only. And I don’t even want to look at you.”

“Fine” Lavender replied, reluctantly opening her thighs giving the girl access to begin rubbing her underwear. They kept their gazes averted as Katie pressed her hand against her, feeling the damp against her skin suppressing the urge to vomit. Lavender lay on her back reclining against the pillow, focusing on anything but the hand rubbing her pussy. But after five minutes it still wasn’t working, not with how furiously Katie was trying to get her off. “Not like that” she whined, instinctively reaching down to help.

“I know what I’m doing” she said slapping her hand away.

“I doubt it because I’m not turned on” Lavender hissed.

“This isn’t exactly exciting for me either” she spat.

“For fuck sake, just…” Lavender huffed, grabbing Katie’s hand and lifting the covers forcing her fingers into her underwear. Katie grimaced as her fingers made contact with the girls flesh, feeling the moist pussy waiting beneath. “Start slowly” Lavender told her. “It won’t work if you rush me.”

“Apparently nothing works with you” Katie grumbled. She reluctantly watched as her friend showed her how to circle the girls clit, picking up the motions she guided her hand through along her folds. Soon Lavenders breathing got heavier and she let the girls hand go, leaving her to carry on so she could fall back to the pillow. “Fuck, I can’t believe I’m doing this” she muttered.

“Just do it right, pervert” Lavender whispered.

“Slut” she hissed back, focusing on the movements hoping the girl came soon so they could both go to sleep.

Unfortunately Lavender proved a difficult woman to please. But Katie demonstrated she was an excellent learner as eventually under the blonde’s guidance she had her panting and trembling as she increased her friction, moving from circles around her clit to applying pressure and then teasing her entrance with a finger. Half an hour in and they fell into a sensual rhythm that started to make even Katie wet, her loins aching to receive similar attention. She resisted it and focused on her friend, drawn to watch her face as she bit her bottom lip curling her hair through her fingers. “That’s it, now slide it in” she muttered, gasping silently when Katie’s finger penetrated her sex. “Fuck, that’s feels good.”

“It does” Katie mumbled. Lavender’s head turned and she realized she said that aloud making her blush. She laughed, the situation they found themselves in bizarre. “How close are you?” She asked.

Lavender purred from her touch. “Getting there” she replied, lowering her gaze to Katie’s pyjamas where her thighs were rubbing together. “Is this turning you on?” She asked curiously.

“No” she scoffed. She caught Lavender’s gaze. “Maybe” she admitted.

She tilted her head in consideration before reaching down to slip her hand between those thighs. Katie shuddered from the touch, looking at the girl nervously. “One time only. Don’t ever speak of this to anyone” she echoed. Katie nodded, shuffling closer opening her leg up so she could rub her through the bottoms. “Pervert” she whispered feeling how wet she was.

“Slut” she replied, pushing a second finger into her pussy. The girl retaliated by invading her pyjamas and finding her pussy, penetrating her with her fingers easily. Katie was stunned at how quickly she melted to her touch as she rubbed her clit and fingered her sex skilfully, her pants turning to moans making her struggle to focus on what she was doing. “How are you so good at this?”

“Practice” she said plainly. They locked eyes and giggled.

The two girls fucked each other under the covers until both were panting and writhing, their efforts driving the other crazy and spurring the other on. The goal became less urgent and more intimate as their faces came closer, their eyes watching each other intently as their mouths drifted back and forth. Neither would admit this was becoming more than a means to an end as they resisted the magnetic pull that was developing, neither wanting to be the first to kiss the other. Fortunately what they sought approached fast, so fast they almost didn’t want it to occur. “I’m close” Lavender finally said.

“Me too” Katie acknowledged. Their bodies writhed as their fingers curled faster and harder, desperation overtaking passion. “Together?” She asked frantically.

“Yes” she nodded, clinging to the covers pushing her hand deeper while Katie clung to her arm. Following a silent countdown the two girls reached their climax simultaneously, their mouths falling open in a silent cry of ecstasy as they achieved orgasm together shuddering against one another. Lavender fell limp against the mattress as Katie collapsed against her, their hands slipping free of their pulsing vaginas smearing cum over their skin. Their eyes fell closed and they wordlessly settled against each other feeling sleep drift over them. “Pervert” Lavender muttered quietly as she dozed off.

“Slut” Katie mumbled back as her head feel against the girls breast following immediately after her.

Everyone else on the bed let out a sigh of relief as the two of them fell asleep. Now that the panting and stifled moaning was over, and more importantly the complaining, Parvati was able to close her eyes and relax into the pillow without listening to what was keeping her and Ginny awake. She felt the younger girl snuggle closer to her curling up into her ball under the covers, her head nestled against her arm where she showed her to put it. Weasley was right, it was ready comfortable stacking up together like this. She would have to try it with her sister next time they went home. Her other arm hooked around Ginny’s waist hugging her tightly, the girls hand holding hers keeping it still. With Lavender and Katie rubbing each other nearby Parvati was getting too aroused at the sounds, causing her body to fidget uncomfortably. Part of those responses was her hand taking hold of the first thing it found, Ginny’s body. If the girl hadn’t took hold of her wrist and held her at her stomach the Indian girl would’ve found herself groping the Weasley girl rather intimately. Now it was over Parvati promised she’d behave herself.

But even with the sexual noises gone the Patil twin was still uncomfortably aroused, thighs pressed together trying to ignore the dull ache in her groin as the girl buried her face in Ginny’s red hair to hide from it. Unfortunately Ginny sensed the witch’s predicament, turning her head slightly to glance over her shoulder feeling her tension through the hold. She felt something similar herself, the noises turning her on two. But unlike Parvati she had more self control, noticing when the girls hand found itself attempting to slip from her grasp. A smile tugged at her lips playfully as she slowly guided her hand to her breast, letting the girls palm squeeze her softly. She didn’t feel a response from the witch, leaving her wondering if Parvati realized what she was doing. That made Ginny even more excited, daring herself to take it further by taking her hand and guiding it down her stomach towards her waist.

Parvati’s breath caught in her throat when she felt her hand between the girls thigh pressed against her pyjamas. She lifted her head from the pillow tentatively peering over her shoulder to see her holding her in place, her eyes darting to the redhead who was peering back with a tiny smile. She wasn’t sure what to do, compelled to pull her hand away, but Ginny rolled against her chest resting her head under her chin. Her eyes said it all: she wouldn’t mind if she chose to go further. Glancing down at the palm resting on Ginny’s crotch she tested the waters by rubbing her slowly. Ginny purred softly opening her legs a little. Parvati wasn’t sure if she was ready to go all the way with a girl but she found Ginny adorably sexy, biting her bottom lip conflicted in thought. She met the girls playful eyes again and found herself leaning down to peck her cheek, then her soft lips. Ginny lay there silently waiting for her to decide how they should play. Parvati snapped to her senses before she could get carried away, sighing regretfully whispering “I shouldn’t. I’m sorry.”

Ginny didn’t appear disappointed as she nodded, rolling back onto her side settling in to sleep. Parvati rolled with her, bringing her hand up to take her hand and squeeze it. She kissed the back of her neck once to show her affection before snuggling back into her hair inhaling her strawberry scent deeply. Ginny closed her eyes and kissed the girls hand before resigning to sleep. “In case you change your mind” she whispered to her before drifting off. Parvati smiled for the rest of the night.

Hermione caught the whole exchange out the corner of her eye, jealously panting in her stomach as she spun on the bed to look the other way. What is wrong with me? She asked herself, naughty thoughts of Ginny and Parvati flashing through her head wishing it was her instead. She kept picturing yesterday morning when she woke up palming Ginny’s breast and how delicate it felt, wishing she could feel it again. The thought turned her cheeks red and made her loins burn with desire. Stop it! You can’t think like that! She told herself, even though her body craved otherwise.

After a long minute of tossing and turning in her corner of the bed she couldn’t take it anymore. Casting a cautious glance at the sleeping bodies oblivious to her she pulled the covers tighter around her before reaching between her thighs to find her moist underwear beneath the loose T-shirt she slept in. She prayed nobody woke up and saw her as she lifted the fabric and began rubbing her pussy with her fingers. She exhaled in relief and began masturbating under the bed sheets, keeping her responses quiet as she pleasured her clit and folds seeking the release she craved. Though she didn’t want to she used her fantasies to fuel her movements, pushing herself further to the edge as quickly as she could. “Oh fuck” she mumbled, her other hand gripping the covers keeping her body hidden as she closed her eyes, losing herself in her fantasies. “Oh Ginny, fuck this is so wrong. Fuck me. Fuck me Ginny, please…”

Her eyes drifted open moments before she reached the threshold and she found a dark shape hovering in front of the curtains with a pair of eyes watching her. She gasped in terror shooting up in her bed, fully alert as she clamped her legs together sitting up straight. The figure watching her sighed with disappointment before drifting closer, revealing her dark skin and darker hair out of the black shadows. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you” the apologetic voice whispered as she parted the curtains.

Hermione stared at the naked quidditch Captain at the foot of her bed. “Angelina! What are you..?” She squawked until the girl put her finger to her lips shushing her.

“Don’t stop on my account” she whispered, biting her bottom lip as she glanced down at her covered body. Hermione pulled her legs up keeping everything covered, wondering how long Angelina had been watching her. She thought her story about stalking around the dorm room was a joke. “Don’t be embarrassed. You’re very arousing when your masturbating” she teased, putting a comforting palm on her knee that didn’t make Hermione feel more comfortable about getting caught. She kept glancing at the others wondering if they would wake up. Angelina smiled whispering quietly “don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone you were mumbling in your sleep. Or whose name you were moaning” she added just to see her white face turn pale.

“Do you always creep around in the dark?” She asked, hiding her humiliation behind hostility.

“I’m sorry” she apologized, regretting getting caught snooping. “It wasn’t cool of me to watch. But you were so hot I couldn’t resist. I’m sad you didn’t finish. I was getting close too” she said. Hermione eyes drifted to her exposed crotch as she saw the leaking moisture. The thought of Angelina wanking to her masturbating mad her even more anxious and embarrassed. The black girl saw and said “never be embarrassed about making other people aroused. It’s the highest compliment in my opinion.”

“Still weird” she mumbled uncomfortably.

“Maybe we can make it less weird” she suggested, slowly running her hands over her legs in a soothing manner.

Hermione tried to stay mad but she’d been dorm-mates with Angelina long enough to know she wasn’t malicious. She wouldn’t use what she saw or heard against her in any way and never set out to humiliate anyone in Hogwarts. Reluctantly she relaxed and accepted the embarrassing situation as Angelina sat beside her. “You couldn’t sleep either?” She asked, attempting casual conversation avoiding eye contact with her naked body.

“I could” she replied. “But then I got distracted listening to everyone in this bed. You’ve really put us all in an interesting predicament Hermione” she remarked. “I didn’t realize how much sexual tension the six of us have in read of release.” She caught Hermione’s eye and giggled. “Surely you’ve noticed how quickly everyone’s become attracted to each other. It’s not uncommon. Until now we’ve been safe in our own bunks. Sharing a bed has dissolved those barriers. I can barely keep my hands off all of you” she teased, resting her hand on Hermione’s lap looking at her hungrily.

Hermione gulped. She had noted something growing within the six of them. She’d noticed it growing for the past couple of years. She thought she was imagining it, but that attraction had been there, even with her. Even now she could feel the tug towards the sexy brunette beside her, almost as strong as her pull to Ginny. “This is crazy” she whispered.

“It is. But also really tempting” Angelina agreed with a playful smirk. She could sense the girls reluctance to her touch, hoping to coax it out of her as she brushed her hand across her chest seeing her inhale, her lips pressing together uncomfortably. “I could stay with your tonight if you want” she whispered, her face drifting to her side so her breath tickled her ear.

Hermione’s heart raced as she fought the craving rising in her gut, brought on from her unfinished business earlier. “We shouldn’t” she whispered shaking.

“But you want to” Angelina said.

“I shouldn’t” she insisted, unable to pull herself away from the temptress coaxing her to give into her desires. The idea felt wrong to her ordered mind, sinful even. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to outright say no.

Angelina was smart enough not to push, drifting away bringing her hand off the uncomfortable girl huddled in the covers. “Tell you what” she offered. “I can either stay and help you relieve some of that tension you’re hiding under there, or I can return to my side of the bed and we can both leave it there for the night and go to sleep. No harm no foul” she said. Before letting her make a decision she also added “but if you choose to let me stay, I’ll spend all of tonight pleasing you until you fall asleep. But you’ll have to return the favour tomorrow morning. Okay?” She sat back and gave Hermione a moment to ponder her choice.

Hermione took a long moment sitting there, horrified at how long it was taking her to consider the proposal. She thought she must be dreaming, a mortifying wet dream. She knew she should just say no, turn over and return to sleep, but she couldn’t stop glancing at Angelina’s hypnotic breasts or hips. The girl was patient, her soft gaze on her as her fingers rapped gently on her thigh. After a few minutes Hermione found herself cursing under her breath. “Fuck” she muttered, butterflies in her stomach as she heard her voice reply “alright.”

“Alright?” Angelina echoed, wanting to be sure without any misunderstandings.

“Alright” she said louder, but no less sure. “You can stay.”

Angelina beamed excitedly, shuffling closer as Hermione awkwardly unfolded her legs. “may I?” She asked politely, gesturing to the bedsheets. Hermione reluctantly lifted the covers and allowed the girl to slip beneath them, one less layer of protection from her attractive figure.

The young woman was gentle, moving slowly as she snuggled closer to the nervous bookworm reaching her hand across her stomach to test the waters. Their legs brushed against each other and Hermione shuddered as she felt her boobs graze her arm, looking up cautiously finding her face edging closer to hers brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Wait” she gasped when she felt her breath on her neck, her mouth drifting closer to kiss her. Angelina pulled back looking at her patiently. “I’ve never done this before” she confessed quietly. “Not with a girl. I’m not…what should I do?”

Angelina smiled cupping her cheek affectionately. “Tonight, you don’t have to do anything” she told her. “Tomorrow morning, I can show you” she promised, reminding her of the bargain. “Tonight though, all you have to do is relax” she said, gently pressing her palm against Hermione’s chest pushing her onto the bed. Hermione lay back nervously, feeling her body begin to tingle with arousal as Angelina leaned over her stroking her face softly. “Relax, and let me take care of you” she whispered, leaning down to kiss the young woman on the lips.

This was one of the first instances Hermione had ever been kissed by a girl in her life, so she almost stopped breathing when their lips met. Frozen in shock it took a moment for her let herself unclench and relax into the kiss, allowing Angelina to take control of it and invite her tongue into her mouth. Unsure what to do with her hands she tentatively put them on the black girls shoulders. When she relaxed into it they moved up to her back brushing through her hair in an embrace. When the kiss was broken Hermione was left breathless staring up in bewilderment. “Wow” she mouthed panting.

“Like that?” Angelina asked. She nodded wordlessly. The woman smiled, happy to see her enjoying it, leaning down to kiss her again. Hermione gave less resistance, yet Angelina still waited until she seemed more relaxed before slowly slipping one of her hands under the covers to probe between her legs. When she felt her fingers touch her groin Hermione gasped breaking the kiss, closing her eyes instinctively thrusting up into her hand. Angelina smirked at her blush, telling her “don’t be embarrassed. Just relax. Let me help you.” She kissed her neck softly, gentle brushing her fingers over her damp panties. When she heard the girl whimper she crawled lower, dipping underneath the covers sliding down her body slowly.

It was difficult for Hermione to let go like this, giving control to another girl. She lost sight of the girl when her head vanished under the bedsheets, unwilling to lift them and peer into the shadows to find out what’s happening. Considering how Angelina’s body was moving over hers it appeared she wouldn’t need to see, her sense of touch was enough to track her movements. She felt her hands slithering under her T-shirt to cup her breasts, her fingers rolling her nipples between them until she moaned. She felt her lips kissing down her stomach towards her groin. She felt her panties being gently peeled away from her flesh to expose her sex. Hermione could feel herself trembling as Angelina’s gaze fell upon her, her fingers stroking her intimately. None of her wild fantasies had been like this. She didn’t know what to expect, how to feel, what was good or bad. Yet that didn’t stop her body from melting when Angelina used her fingers and mouth to orally pleasure her, her mouth falling open as she collapsed into her pillow closing her eyes. A moan escaped her throat as her fingers curled, around her hair, around her bedsheets, around her breast, whatever she could grasp. One hand shot between her legs and found the shape of Angelina’s head through the covers, pushing her face deeper between her thighs accidentally. But that brought more pleasure as she began using her tongue on her, Hermione’s mind shutting down getting carried off by a tidal wave of sensations she wasn’t used to. She began panting, her chest rising and falling, slowly at first and then quickening, moving in sync with her heartbeat as she stared up at the dark ceiling, focusing on nothing but the pleasure that was driving her closer and closer to her first of many orgasms that night.


It was morning when Hermione finally woke up, stirring from her slumber unwilling to open her eyes. She felt refreshed and tired at the same time, the lucid dream clinging onto her as she returned to consciousness. She purred in satisfaction. She hadn’t had a dream that saucy or intimate ever. She shifted onto her side and opened her eyes, only to find a dark skinned arm wrapped around her in a tight embrace. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief, following the arm to the young woman embracing her under the covers, her naked body pressed to hers. Hermione stared, realizing her lucid dream of having sex with Angelina had really happened. She checked under her bedsheets. Sure enough, the only thing she was still wearing was the T-shirt. Her face turned bright red in embarrassment. She couldn’t believe it was real.

To make watches worse, she wasn’t the first to have woken up. She looked up to find all four of the other girls either stirring awake or sitting in bed looking at her with giggling smiles. Hermione collapsed to the pillow feeling like she’ll die of embarrassment.

“Wow Hermione. I didn’t think you had it in you” Lavender laughed while Katie rubbed her eyes pushing herself away from the girl she’d woken up beside. “Looks like you’re not the only girl who can’t resist a sexy girl during the night Katie.”

“Oh shut up you horny slut” she scoffed shaking her bed hair to hide her own blush.

Parvati and Ginny woke up together and were both chuckling as Hermione hide her mortified face. “Why are you so upset? You didn’t mind snuggling with me” Ginny reminded her.

“That’s because she likes you” Angelina teased, sitting up beside her lover who was screaming into the pillow willing the bed to swallow her. “Don’t be so dramatic Hermione” she said, prying the girl out of the covers. “You were great company last night” she whispered.

Hermione reluctantly looked at her and whispered back “so we’re you.”

“I don’t know about you lot, but I think I slept better last night than I did the night before” Parvati said, casting a look at the smiling redhead. “Must’ve been my snuggle partner” she muttered.

“At least you were able to keep your hands to yourself” Lavender said, earning a slap from Katie.

Ginny gave Parvati’s a playful smirk, deciding not to mention how close they came to mirroring the two girls who fucked each other. “I’m up for another snuggle stack tonight if you’re up for it” she offered.

Before either Parvati or Hermione could say anything Angelina jumped in to say “sorry girls, but I’m laying claim to this one tonight.” Ginny blinked as Angelina crawled along the bed and took her arm, lifting her chin asking “unless you have a preference to who you sleep with?”

Ginny looked at the others before shrugging “not really. I don’t mind snuggling with any of you.”

“Good” she smiled, looking at the others to see if they’d object. To her dismay, nobody did. “Then I guess we’ll be seeing each other tonight” she told the redheaded Weasley.

“What about me?” Lavender asked.

“What about you?” Angelina asked.

“Do I have to come up here an hour before everyone else again?”

Katie groaned so loudly she almost screamed. “At this rate I don’t think a spare room will help you. And don’t think I’m coming anywhere near you this time” she stated.

“Fine. I don’t need you anyway” Lavender retorted.

“Apparently you will need someone” Parvati muttered under her breath.

“Was that a volunteer I heard?” Angelina asked. The Indian witch immediately shook her head blushing. “Well, you’ll have to think of something tonight. Fortunately we’ll have all day. But I have a feeling it’ll sort itself out” she said, winking at Hermione who was refusing to look at anyone.

“Whatever. I’m going for a shower” Katie said, climbing out of bed and stretching.

“Yeah, I need to meet Padma at breakfast” Parvati said following.

The rest of the girls all went to get dressed. All expect Angelina and Hermione, the tall girl holding the bookworm back telling the others “you go ahead. I just need to borrow Hermione for a bit then we’ll catch up.” She waited until Katie, Lavender, Ginny and Parvati left the dorm room before pulling all the curtains closed and casting a silencing charm giving them privacy. Hermione sat in the middle of the bed awkwardly watching her work her magic until she finally turned back to her. “Did you forget our deal last night?”

“Um, no” she said nervously, hoping that part of the night had been a dream. “I remember, I just…”

“In return for satisfying you last night, you would return the favour for me this morning” she reminded her, stalking over to the girl fixing her lustful gaze upon her. “I seem to recall you were very satisfied last night” she remarked. “Now it’s my turn.”

Hermione swallowed, feeling uncomfortable again as Angelina raked her eyes over her and yanked the bedsheets from her body. “I know, but it’s just…I’ve never done this before. I’m sure how to…”

The young woman giggled. “Oh wow, you’re face is a picture” she chuckled, playfully pushing Hermione onto her back. “Don’t worry, I intend to teach you some things. Though I’d hoped you were taking notes last night.”

“I barely remember thinking about anything last night” she muttered sheepishly.

“I’ll consider that a compliment” she grinned, pouncing on top of her stroking her cheek with her fingers. “Lesson one, so pay attention” she said, diving down to capture her lips in a powerful and passionate kiss. Hermione tried to focus until the kiss ended as abruptly as it started, reopening her eyes to find her staring down at her. “Did you get all that?”

“All what?”

“How I kissed you” she stated bluntly, shifting her body forward until she was kneeling over her face giving Hermione a perfect view of her pussy. The girl stared at it with trepidation while Angelina explained “I’m going to lower my juicy little cunt down to your mouth and I want you to kiss it like I just kissed you. That’s always a good starting point for eating pussy.”

“Okay” she said nervously, her hands nervously taking hold of her thighs. “And then what?”

“Then you just see how it goes” she said, dropping her hips to her face smothering the girl with her sex. Hermione gasped as she was trapped beneath her, thrown head first between Angelina’s thighs and expected to satisfy the girl until she was happy. Fortunately the quidditch captain was there to give her feedback on her performance.

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