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The Girl's Dorm-room Mishap: Part 1

“Well, you’ve done it now” Angelina said, her arms crossed looking at Hermione with contempt.

“Where are we supposed to sleep now?” Lavender asked hysterically, staring at their dorm room that used to have six ornate beds circling the walls, one for each of the residents. But now all six of them were standing by the entrance looking at the giant hexagon mattress in the middle of the room, the ornate wood frames draping the rad curtains around the circle.

They all turned to look at Hermione, who shivered under their combined gaze. There were not happy with her. “I thought I had it under control” she said, a meek attempt at an argument. She’d been practicing the merging spell in their dorm room to get ahead on their coursework, finding their bedroom quieter than the common area. But after a few successful attempts with a cup, pencil and apple, she tried something bigger and tried to merge a pair of chairs together. But the spell went wild when she got distracted momentarily, and when she looked up she’d merged all their beds into one. Her roommates were not impressed.

Ginny walked around the new conjoined bed examining it. The mattress was all one solid shape but the covers were separate, and the pillows lined the inside of the circle. Six bedposts circled the hexagon and each had a curtain to obscure the area. “It doesn’t look that bad” she said, trying to offer positive suggestions.

“Can you reverse it?” Katie Bell asked the bookworm.

“I tried, but I don’t know the counter spell” Hermione sighed. “I was going to ask McGonagall, but she’s not here until Monday. And there are no other teachers available.”

“So our beds are like this all weekend?” Parvati asked. Today’s was Friday. That meant at least three nights. “What are we supposed to do?”

The six of them all looked at the new arrangement of the dorm room. It was Angelina Johnson who said “I guess we’re going to have to share.”

“This is all your fault” Lavender told Hermione before storming out of the room.


That night, the mood hadn’t improved. Hermione and Ginny spent all afternoon researching the merging spell trying to find the counter. When they came up empty they once again went looking for a staff member, but no one was available until Monday. So, begrudgingly, they resigned themselves to dealing with the new sleeping arrangement over the weekend.

Lavender still wasn’t happy, but she refused to sleep on the floor so she got undressed in a huff. By the time she climbed into bed she was only wearing a loose T-shirt and a pair of panties. It was more than what Angelina was wearing when she lay down next to Katie. The dark skinned quidditch player, as it turned out, liked to sleep nude. Katie, Parvati, Hermione and Ginny all changed into their pyjamas and turned out the lights, drawing the curtains around their new bed and lay down in a circle. Thankfully their bed covers weren’t merged so they weren’t fighting over them and they each had a pillow. There was a short discussion about which way around they should sleep, but none wanted to wake up next to some smelly feet so they all positioned with their heads in the middle of the mattress.

It did not solve the issue of space. Over the course of the night, they each tossed and turned in their sleep before waking up to being either kicked or prided uncomfortably. Lavender continuously whined when Angelina brushed up against her, or her hand accidentally felt up her naked breasts. Parvati had to shuffle away when the girl forced herself more room, sighing in frustration when she caught Hermione’s eye.

“This is unbearable” Katie mumbled, rolling onto her stomach putting her chin in her palm giving up. She was another restless sleeper and couldn’t stop brushing up against her quidditch partner. Her blush was becoming permanent. She looked at Hermione, who lay on her back staring at the ceiling. “Are you sure there’s no way to fix this?”

“We tried” she whispered. She looked over and found Ginny curled up under the covers more settled than anyone, but she was still staring from Lavander's complaining. “How are you so okay with this?” Hermione asked, noting her contentment despite knowing she herself had accidentally prodded her at least three times tossing in her bed.

“I live with seven brothers” she replied with a shrug. “This isn’t the most uncomfortable sleeping arrangement we’ve ever had. At least I don’t have to deal with…that” she suddenly sighed, looking up across the bed at where lavender was sitting.

The girls who were still awake glanced over and realized why the stuck up young woman was so annoyed at sharing a bed. She needed the room to perform a nightly ritual of rubbing herself to sleep. Hermione, Ginny, Katie and Parvati all stared as Lavender Brown plunged a hand into her panties and fingered herself laying on her back. The covers fell of her sweating body as she panted softly, eyes closed writhing on the mattress.

“Holy shit!” Parvati muttered, sitting up in her spot gasping at the girl. “Is this want she does every night when she pulls the curtains closed?”

“Yes, it is” Lavender answered with a scowl. “But now I can’t do it because you’re all watching me. It’s weird.”

Angelina finally huffed lifting her head up of the pillow to look at the girl. “Is that why you’ve been moving about like that?”

“It’s the only way I can fall asleep” she sighed, removing her hand and slumping onto the mattress.

The tall girl rolled her eyes and shuffled over, saying “if that’s the case, than fine.” She moved in under the girls bed covers and immediately reached between her thighs, rubbing her hand against the girls crotch. Lavender squeaked until Angelina pinned her to the bed telling her “I have quidditch practice in the morning and I need to get some sleep. So if this will help, then so be it.” Before she could protest, the girl slid her fingers into her underwear and started rubbing the girl until she was panting and moaning.

The there’s just stared as the powerful young woman overcame the brunette and fucked her into a stupor, driving the girl to climax where she finally fell back and closed her eyes with a relieved breath. Angelina patted the girl on the head pulling her soaking hand free, looking to the others asking “do I need to satisfy anybody else tonight?” They all shook their heads, allowing her to settle back to sleep.

“Great, now we can go to sleep in peace” Ginny said, settling back onto her pillow.

“Easy for you to say” Hermione muttered, noting the nods of agreement from Katie and Parvati. Ginny might be fine accustomed to crowded beds, but the others longed to get some room to breathe.

Ginny glanced over her shoulder and suggested “if you want, we could try a snuggle stack.”

“A what?”

“It’s something I used to do with Bill and Percy when we had to share beds back home” she explained, shuffling closer to Hermione so they were side by side. “It made room for the others because I was the youngest and smallest. Just lie on your side behind me” she said. Hermione reluctantly did as she was asked, rolling over as the redhead shuffled closer pressing her back against her. “Okay, now put your arm around me” she said, draping the older girls arm over her waist while pulling the other underneath her head to rest against. With a bit more shuffling they were snuggled together giving Katie and Parvati more room to relax into. And as uncomfortable as Hermione felt about being so close to her friend, it was rather comforting being so close. “See, it’s fine. Goodnight.”

“goodnight” she replied, staring at the back of her head as the girl fell asleep in her arms. She glanced up at the others, who gave her raised eyebrows and silent giggles before returning to sleep themselves. She released a breath and closed her eyes, surprised to find herself dosing off soon afterwards.

A short while later, two out of the six girls was still awake. Unfortunately, it wasn’t due to space anymore. Thanks to Ginny, Katie had all the room to sleep. And yet she still tossed and turned before staring up at the ceiling in a hot flush. “Still can’t sleep?” Parvati asked, sitting up on her elbows hearing her friend stirring. When Katie shook her head, she deduced “watching Angelina finger Lavender turned you on too?”

Katie hesitantly nodded with a sigh. “And those two” she replied, looking at Hermione and Ginny sleeping soundly. “They look too adorable. And now I can’t switch my mind off.”

Parvati nodded, looking roundly at the unconscious girls. When she looked across at the exhausted girl she had an idea, possibly spurred by how horny she secretly was. Moving slowly, she crawled over until her face was hovering over Katie’s, tilting her head against the pillow looking down at her. “I have an idea, but you need to close your eyes” she said.

Katie looked at her inquisitively, but she was too tired to debate so she put her trust in the Indian witch. Once her eyes were closed, Parvati put her hands either side of her face and leant down to kiss her on the lips. Katie’s mind went blank the moment she realized what was happening, and yet her body melted into it relaxing her muscles. The kiss only lasted a few seconds and it left both girls breathless. “Wow” Katie mumbled, opening her eyes to look at her. “That was nice.”

“Did it work?” She asked.

“For a moment” she nodded thoughtfully. She then met Parvati's gaze, thinking “but now I can’t sleep again.”

“Me neither” Parvati sigh, slumping onto her side.

Katie rolled onto hers so they were both staring at either other, their noses touching as they shared the same breathing space. Their eyes met again and Katie said “maybe we should try it again, until we fall asleep?”

“I guess it couldn’t hurt” Parvati replied, nervously waiting for Katie to make the next move as they leaned in closer and began kissing again. They made out silently and softly in the middle of the bed, the bed covers draped over them while their friends snored around them. Their senses got lost in the sensual kiss and everything else fell away until they too found themselves dosing off into dreamland.


The next morning, the girls woke up much more refreshed than they expected. Angelina sat up and stretched, her bed covers falling off her naked body. When she looked around the bed, she gave an amused smile seeing all her friends and how they were cuddled together. Lavender was on her back with her pussy still exposed, slowly stirring awake next to the quidditch star. In front of her, Parvati and Katie were lying side by side, opposite each other with their faces close. They were still smiling. Opposite her across the bed, Hermione was cuddling with Ginny, her arms around her. She titled her head and found one of Ginny’s buttons was undone allowing Hermione’s hand to reach inside her pyjamas. Angelina was amused. This wasn’t the first time she’d found any of them fondling themselves in their sleep, only this time they appeared to be fondling each other.

“Sleep well girls?” She said once they all started to wake up. When they opened their eyes, they all blushed or giggled noticing who they were sleeping next to. Hermione looked down and found her palming Ginny’s breast, pulling it out of her pyjamas quickly. The redhead chuckled, rolling over in Hermione’s arms to look at her embarrassed expression. “Sorry” the brunette apologized.

“I don’t mind” Ginny whispered, resting her head on Hermione’s arm. “It was more comfortable waking up with you than any of my brothers. Though, they know how to keep their hands to themselves” she added, teasing the mortified bookworm.

“Waking up is fine, but I prefer how I fell asleep” Parvati muttered, winking at Katie who was blushing bright red.

“Fuck, what are you all talking about?” Lavender asked, her hair messy and tangled.

“They all got intimate after we fell asleep” Angelina explained.

“Well it was your fault” Katie said. “You got us all hot and bothered when you fucked this bitch in front of us.”

“Hey, I can’t help that orgasm help me relax, okay!” Lavender objected.

Angelina just laughed, climbing out of bed to get dressed. “Argue all you want, I know you enjoyed it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a game to prepare for” she said, leaving the room to shower.

The others all glanced at each other before climbing out of bed to change. After a few minutes Katie suddenly asked Lavender “wait, do you masturbate every night?”

“Yeah” she admitted. “But usually I have a bed to myself and am able to cast a silencing charm on my curtains. Merlin knows what I’m going to do tonight” she complained, storming out of the dorm in a huff.

Katie went pale and looked to Hermione, begging her to find a solution to their bed problem. “I think she’s just worried she’ll want to finger her this time” Parvati joked, looking at Hermione and Ginny with a sly grin. “By the way, you two make a cute couple. I was so jealous.”

“It was nice” Ginny agreed, spontaneously kissing Hermione on the cheek before skipping out of the room. “See you later Hermione.”

Hermione stood shell shocked in the dorm room, looking at the bed wondering if she could handle sharing it another night. It wasn’t unpleasant in the end, but it was mortifying. But now that she was left alone she had to acknowledge the tingling ache growing in-between her legs, quickly hopping back onto the bed and drawing all the curtains, casting the silencing charm upon them.

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