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The Dare

When you consider how dangerous it is to camp in the middle of the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary, things inside Hagrid’s tent was pretty relaxed. They had their protective wards up to stop dragon fire and the dragons themselves were content to leave the little camp sight alone. Meanwhile inside the spacious enchanted tent that made it bigger on the inside, the six wizards and witches had even started to play a few games as the night wore on. Nobody was ready to go to sleep yet, least of all Charlie who couldn’t stop pinching himself about being here.

But it was Penny Haywood’s idea to play truth or dare. Not the most inspired choice for the excitable Hufflepuff but everyone from Barnaby Lee, Bill and Charlie Weasley, even yourself was having a good time. Even Merula Snide, who actively balked at the idea of engaging in such a childish game, warmed up to the activity once the right dares were put into place (though she didn’t relish the prospect of biting into one of Hagrid’s rock cakes). She took immense pleasure in asking Bill for some of Charlie’s more embarrassing childhood stories. Charlie found the experience humiliating but Bill managed to talk him out of storming out of the tent into the night.

“I guess that makes it my turn” Bill grinned, looking around the table at the five of you. Being the oldest, now ex student of Hogwarts, he always had the more mature yet challenging questions. “I’ll go with Penny” he decided. “And if rules, as you keep reminding us, are correct them you have to tell the truth.”

“Oh no” she said turning a faint shade of pale.

Fortunately Bill was usually kind with his questions. He didn’t like to embarrass his friends. Unfortunately Charlie got in his ear, petty revenge for her rules forcing Bill to spill the Weasley beans. “Okay” he said hesitantly after hearing his brother’s suggestion, giving her an apologetic look. “Have you ever used your popularity to get something you shouldn’t have?”

“Have I what?” She gasped.

“Ooh, I like this question” Merula smiled, turning to look at the sheepish Hufflepuff with intrigue.

“I don’t know what you mean” Penny stammered, suddenly uncomfortable with all the attention.

“I think you do” Charlie said pointedly. “We know you’re one of the prettiest girls in our year, so are you telling us you haven’t used your looks and rep to go somewhere or persuade someone to do anything?”

“Charlie, you can’t be seriously suggesting Penny would actually…abuse her popularity and attractiveness to her advantage?” You asked in shock. “She’s not not like that.”

“Actually, I have” Penny reluctantly admitted looking ashamed.

Your eyes widen in shock. “Penny?”

“Oh, this I need to hear” Merula laughed. “Which poor sap did you bewitch with your pretty little eyes then?”

“Wait, you all agree Penny is pretty?” Barnaby asked with surprise, making you wonder if he was paying attention to the conversation. Knowing Barnaby, he was probably distracted. “So it wasn’t just me who thought that?”

“Aw, you think I’m pretty?” Penny giggled.

“don’t you dare try to get out of this” Merula said, keeping the conversation on her. “Now spill, what did you do?”

Penny looked at everyone, who were all looking back at her. As per the rules of the game, she had to answer. She turned bright red from embarrassment. “I swear I didn’t plan it” she explained, twirling her braided hair awkwardly. “When we were revising for our OWLs I realized I’d forgotten to take notes for Herbology. So I went back to the common room and found another student who was also revising. I only asked him if I could borrow his notes so I could catch up. But somehow it led to him volunteering to revise with me.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad” you noted.

Bill, however, didn’t seem convinced. “You’re still holding back” she said.

Penny’s cheeks blushed redder as she reluctantly continued “it was getting late and he needed to get some sleep. I was still struggling and needed more help so I… do have to talk about this?”

“Yes” Merula nodded. You didn’t want to agree seeing how uncomfortable Penny was but your curiosity had been peaked also. So had everyone else’s, including Barnaby.

Penny gulped explaining “I invited him to stay up with me and help me study a little longer. I knew this boy and I… I also knew he had a small crush on me. It wasn’t my finest hour but I may have played on it to get him to stay.”

“How?” You asked cautiously.

She averted her eyes shamefully. “I promised him a reward if he helped me pass my OWL.”

The table simultaneously gasped as jaws hit the wood, their eyes staring at her. Merula broke into a tremendous laugh. “Holy shit, this is too good.”

“Penny, that’s…” you say, but you couldn’t seem to find the words.

“What reward did you promise him?” Barnaby asked innocently.

As innocent as the question was, the green in the girls skin demonstrated how sick she felt about the answer. “I don’t want to say.”

“You have to” Merula reminded her.

“I think that’s enough” Bill considered.

“But I want to know” Merula complained.

“You don’t have to say” you tell your blonde friend supportingly.

“Come on!” Merula whined.

“It was just a kiss” Penny told her, and you, hanging her head in disgrace. “I promised him a kiss if he helped me study.”

There was silence for a moment until Charlie hesitantly asked “and did you?”

She looked at him a moment before nodding. “He was sweet, which made it worse. But I passed my OWL so I suppose he earned it?”

“Wow” you muttered, stunned by the revelation. You never expected such actions from Penny Haywood, one of the kindest people in Hogwarts. But then who were you to judge. You’ve used your friendships with everyone to propel your investigations into the Cursed Vaults. At least her choices didn’t put people in danger.

The others either averted their gaze awkwardly or burst into giggles. Merula in particular was most amused. “I have to admit, I would never have thought of you willing to exploit a students crush like that. You would’ve fit right in with Slitherin.”

“I know” she sighed. “I’m a terrible person.”

“You’re not a terrible person” you said comfortingly.

“Did the boy like it?” Barnaby asked her. “The kiss?”

Penny looked at him and shrugged. “I guess so.”

“Then I don’t think it was bad” he told her. “If he likes you he probably wanted to help. And if you kissed him he probably liked that too. You didn’t do it to be mean. You were being nice.”

Penny wasn’t totally convinced but she said “I guess. we did talk more afterwards. I didn’t have to fake my interest in him or anything.”

“At least it was just a kiss” you say in an effort to reassure her. “I’ve heard stories about some of the older kids being much worse.”

“Tell me about it” Bill grumbled with a shiver.

Merula cocked her brow. “Something you want to share Weasley?”

“Not my turn” he replied with relief.

“Okay” Penny said, taking a deep breath composing herself after her embarrassing ordeal. She fixed her eye on you and adopted a devilish grin. “Since we’re on the subject of kissing, I’ve got a dare I’ve wanted to throw at you.”

“Should I be worried?” You asked nervously.

Penny bit her bottom lip confidently declaring “I dare you to kiss someone around this table for a full minute.”

Your expression was one of shock as everyone gasped in surprise. Nobody could’ve expected such a challenge. “Are you serious?” You asked, hoping you were mistaken.

“I’m serious” Penny answered.

“Now this is getting interesting” Merula laughed.

You look around at the table of faces all looking at you now, that familiar self-conscious feeling from when you first arrived at Hogwarts with the reputation of being your disgraced brother’s sibling falling over you. You were reminded of how much you hated that feeling. “You want me to pick someone at this table…and kiss them?”

“For a whole minute?” Penny nodded.

“That’s a little intense” Bill muttered.

“No more intense then you spilling the beans on me” Charlie noted to his brother. But he then turned sympathetically to you saying “but I agree. If it’s too uncomfortable…”

“You can back out” Bill nodded supportively. “In fact, it’s getting late…”

“No! We can’t stop the game now it’s getting interesting” Merula complained.

You stared at Penny across the table questioning her. “Why did you want me to get this dare?”

“I was curious to see how you’d react” she shrugged. After a moment of seeing you look around awkwardly she finally relented. “Okay, if you really don’t want to do it…”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t” you replied, surprise even yourself. Now their stares became expectant and you became even more uncomfortable. Damn it you thought. “But if I did…I wouldn’t want to embarrass anyone” you said, buying yourself some time to think about it.

The others all looked at each other and shrugged. “If you want to go through with it…we’re friends. I’ll back you up” Bill told you. Charlie nodded, showing he was open to it. Penny smiled warmly.

Your eyes drift to Merula, who was oddly silent. “Don’t look at me” she scoffed averting her gaze, but you could see the hint of a blush in her cheeks. Inside you chuckle, recalling the few dates where she almost let her guard down.

You look around the table at the friendly faces, nervous and relieved so see their support. “Thanks everyone. But I still feel awkward having to choose, to ask…”

“I’ll do it” Barnaby abruptly stated across from you. You look up at the young man who stared back calmly and full of kindness. “If it’s okay, I’d be willing to kiss you.”

“You don’t have to volunteer” you say, but the boy was already out of his seat and walking around to you. He held out his hand and offered it, his kindness lifting you out of your seat till you were standing in front of each other. “It’s what friends do right?” He asked. “You’d do the same for me.”

His charming smile was infectious and you suddenly felt butterflies in your stomach. Who knew Barnaby Lee would be your knight in shining green armour. You glanced around the table and saw everyone was waiting with hooked anticipations. “Are you sure?” You asked nervously.

He responded by hooking his hands around your waist gently pulling you closer, your noses brushing against each other. “I wouldn’t mind” he replied softly, letting you make the first move as your hands came up to his shoulders. Now that you were so close you could almost feel the magnetic pull of his charm. You couldn’t ask for a sweeter friend as you slowly leant in and closed your eyes.

“Remember, it has to be for a whole minute” Penny reminded you, interrupting your moment reminding your both you had an audience. You sigh heavily flashing an irritated look at the blonde while Bill reluctantly pulled out his watch, setting the stopwatch function. He gave you the thumbs up he was ready and you take a deep breath, staring into Barnaby’s eyes again. He smiled, his arms around your waist. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you leant back in and planted your lips onto his.

You had never kissed anyone in front of so many people before, but it didn’t seem to matter. The tent melted away around you as you got lost in the embrace of the warm and strong Slitherin boy, your lips pressing together in a slow dance of passion. He was gentle with you, never forced anything for tried to rush it, his hands remaining respectfully upon your back. Your hands weaved into his dark hair as the kiss deepened, a soft moan escaping your mouth as you pressed your young body against his. It was so sweet you thought it lasted forever. Fortunately Bill was there to count down the seconds until the minute elapsed and you managed to pry yourself away to the sound of an applause. You exhaled deeply and stared at Barnaby, who showed no embarrassment and only affection. “Wow” you whispered in amazement. “That was…sweet” you stammered.

“Thank you” he smiled. “I quite liked it too.” He then stepped away and returned to his seat not giving a single thought to the proceedings. You sat back down a bit more awkwardly, your cheeks rosy red as you glanced at the others.

“It was a little underwhelming in the end” Merula muttered.

You snapped back to your confidence and flashed a glare at her. “You had your chance to make a better impression” you mocked. She shot you the finger in return.

“I thought it was adorable” Penny giggled.

“You would” she said rolling her eyes.

You fixed Merula in your sight as you plotted your next turn. After her rock cake dare it meant her next round would need to be a truth, so you tried to think of something embarrassing to ask her. Since the last couple of rounds escalated to kissing students you thought you could up to ante since she’d been enjoying it so much. “Okay Merula, Truth. What’s the longest amount of time it’s taken you to orgasm during sex?”

You wish you could’ve taken a picture of the look on the young witch’s face as her jaw hit the table. Everyone else either choked on their drink or gasped in shock. Penny even looked like she might faint for a second. “Where did that come from?” Charlie asked stunned.

You shrugged. “I thought it’d get a reaction” you smirk, watching Merula intently as she ground her teeth. You could see the Slitherin in her calculating the situation and the sheer humiliation she would get if she answered next to the embarrassment if she didn’t. You wondered if her pride would let her forfeit the round. You knew she’d had sex at least once, but she’d never openly discuss it.

She glared back, a mix of fury and amusement. She might hate it but even she had to acknowledge the balls on your Ravenclaw ass. After a long beat of tense silence she answered “fifteen minutes.”

“Bullshit” you scoff in disbelief. “You’re meant to tell the truth.”

She leaned forward against the table. “I have” she said with a grin. “And I’m not talking about that night you’re thinking about” she added hoping to embarrass you. “I lasted much longer than you did.”

“I didn’t see you complaining” you shot back.

Bills eyes darted between the pair of you. “Wait, you two…”

“After our first date” you explained. “Despite how uptight she is, Merula can be romantic at times.”

“Oh don’t get sappy on me” she scoffed crossing her arms. “But yes, we did it. But you weren’t my longest record. And believe me, it isn’t easy having sex for fifteen minutes. Most of the boys finish too soon.”

“What about the girls?” You asked. She became oddly hesitant suddenly. “Aw, don’t tell me I was your only one” you laugh.

“No” she evaded. “you asked how long my longest orgasm was? Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes getting fucked in my dorm room if you really need to know you perverted witch” she said.

You threw your hands up in defeat. If that’s the answer she wanted to give, you couldn’t contradict her. You thought she could do better than sleeping in her own house though. But then who were you to judge. You’ve fooled around with Slitherin’s before, and fellow Ravenclaws. Barnaby looked at Merula oddly and you wondered if he might’ve found his way into Merula’s bed when he was acting as her muscle. But then he rebuked that idea by raising her humiliation level by proclaiming “oh, are you talking about that time I walked in on you with Ismerelda?”

“What?” Penny screamed, covering her mouth in shock realizing how loud she’d been while Merula suddenly turned pale.

Oblivious, Barnaby explained “yeah, I was coming back to the common room when I realized I didn’t have my text book for potions. Then I remembered Ismerelda took it to study, so I went to her dorm room to ask for it back. I knocked on the door and heard noises. I thought she invited me in. So I walked in and they were on the bed. Ismerelda was on top with this plastic penis strapped to her waist and was fucking Merula with it. I asked her for my text book and she pointed it to me, so I took it back and left.” He looked at Merula, who was covering her red face practically seething. “I heard you scream as I left. Was that because you had been holding it in? I’m told girls do that, hold it in?”

“Yes, it was” she hissed through gritted teeth, glaring at the rest of you who couldn’t help but chuckle. You guessed you were wrong, you weren’t the only girl she’d had sex with. She lowered her hand and glared at you. “Happy now?”

“I am now” you laughed.

“Hey, fifteen minutes isn’t bad” Charlie said. “I know Bill lasted almost twenty minutes before cumming once.”

“How would you know that?” Bill asked his brother. “On second thought, I don’t want to know.”

“Short answer…thin walls” he told him grimacing. “You remember that one girl you brought back to the Burrow?” He said, telling the story to the table. “The only time he got away with it because he thought the rest of the family was out. Forgot to check the goddamn clock. If he had he’d have noticed me, Percy and the twins still at home. We had to listen to you and this girl banging against the walls while she screamed the place down. Fred and George got a peek through the door and were talking about it for weeks. Percy practically fainted.”

Bill groaned but wasn’t as embarrassed as his brother wanted him to be. “Emily” he nodded recalling that afternoon. “Was it really twenty minutes? All I remember is finishing with a mess on the dresser. Then before we had our clothes back on Ron came running into the room looking for me. Then mom came after him and saw us. I thought she was about to cast the killing curse on us.”

“She was mad?” You asked, recalling Molly as a nice woman.

“Furious! Not about me having sex, but having sex in our parents bedroom” he explained.

Charlie burst out laughing. “Dad couldn’t speak for a week. He caught a glimpse of your girlfriend naked and then Mom lost her mind all over again. That’s when she officially set the ban against any dates in the burrow. You ruined it for all of us.”

“In the end I think I did you a favour” he retorted. “You don’t want to risk mom or dad walking in on you like that.”

The table finished chuckling, the Weasley tale diverting much of the attention from Merula enabling her to regain her composure. You turned back to her and was met with a glare that said you’d regret your round later. “Well, since we’re all talking about sex now, I have a question for Charlie since he’s so knowledgeable” she said in her best sinister tone. “Out of all the Weasley brothers, you could last the longest before coming?” She asked.

The brothers looked at each other awkwardly, neither willing to answer. Fortunately Penny leapt in to point out “actually, since Charlie had truth already it’s his turn for a dare.”

“Really?” Merula grinned, her eyes dancing even more devilishly. “Then I think I know a dare we can all take part in” she said, fixing her glare on you too. You stare back daringly even while you swallowed a gulp.


“I don’t think we should be doing this” Penny whispered nervously as you, her and Merula lined up on the bench in front of the table.

“You wanted this to be fair” Merula noted, analysing the boys lined up behind them awaiting their cue. She looked at you with a grin, “you want to back out?”

“This was your idea” you reminded her, looking at your friends nervously. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” You asked the boys.

“We’re up for it if you are” Bill nodded, as did Charlie. Barnaby looked the most anxious and excited.

Merula flashed a smile. “Boys are always up for it” she whispered, reaching down to begin undoing her trousers. You look at Penny, sharing her anxiousness as you both hesitantly reached down to the hem of your dresses. Behind you the boys slowly pulled down their zippers or undid their belts.

Again, you wonder how you get yourself into these situations, or how you get talked into these things as you lifted your black sleeveless dress and reveal the crimson and black tights beneath, glancing around uncomfortably as you hook your thumbs into the waistband of them and your underwear to pull them down. Once they were halfway down your thighs you knelt onto the bench and leaned forward, putting your hands nervously on the wood surface in front of you. Your dress unfurled down over your exposed bum but you left it be knowing the boy behind you would lift it up soon enough. Again, how did Merula talk you into this? You wondered. You looked to your right to check on Penny, who was hunched over the table on her elbows trembling nervously with her yellow dress bunched up around her waist, her blue jacket draped beside her leaving her in a white T-shirt. She had a golden necklace the same colour as her hair hanging around her neck alongside her braids, her face an expression of anxiety. She caught your gaze and swallowed. She was wondering the same thing you were.

On your left, Merula was a bit more relaxed but much less patient. Her jeans were shoved down to her knees as she bent herself over the table, not bothering to remove her underwear and simply reaching between her legs to pull it to the side. “Come one, we don’t have all night” she huffed.

You look back at the three boys waiting behind you, each of them standing fully dressed with their pants undone and their cocks hanging out in their palms. You tried not to stare at them as they stared at each of your butts, anticipating the challenge they were about to engage in.

Each boy had been paired with a girl, by random selection, who he was about to have sex with. The challenge was simple in principle: use Bill’s stopwatch to find out who out of the six of them could last the longest without triggering an orgasm. Since the dare was mostly aimed at the boys, the girls got to orgasm as many times as they needed once they started. But once the boy ejaculated he would stop fucking his partner. Seeing the flaw, you all agreed if the boy came before his partner then she would have to masturbate until she climaxed. The dare was to determine who could last the longest, and the game didn’t stop until all six of them had orgasmed at least once. Bill set up a fair means of choosing the partners, picking up three stones and etching the initials of each girl for the boys to choose. Penny mixed them up and then the boys picked their stones. Merula got paired with Bill, Penny with Charlie, and you with Barnaby.

At the time you felt lucky getting someone as sweet as him. But now you were seeing the manhood that awaited in his hands and you realized you might’ve drawn the short straw. Or rather the long one as his penis was considerably larger than the Weasley boys. You swallowed a gulp as you held the stopwatch in your hands, the timer set as zero ready to begin. “When should we start?” You asked.

“When we do dummy” Merula scoffed.

Penny looked behind her at the cocks drifting closer and shivered. “So big” she whispered eying Charlie’s member, worried for her small entrance. “Maybe we should…have a trial run. Make sure it doesn’t hurt?”


“We don’t want to hurt any of you” Bill agreed, listening in hesitantly standing behind Merula.

You look back at Barnaby’s package as he absently stroked it, the shaft expanding in his palm. “No, she’s right. How about you guys just…just put them in to start with. Once we’ve adjusted, then I’ll start the stopwatch” you suggested.

Penny and Charlie nodded liking that idea, as did Bill. Barnaby shrugged, glancing around at the five of them. Everyone looked at Merula who sighed. “Fine. Cocks in first. Now hurry up Weasley!” She said, beckoning him towards her waiting pussy.

He took a breath before stepping forward, aligning his penis with her pussy and slowly inserting it into her cunt. For all the confidence Merula was portraying the gasp of uncertainty once it inserted itself into her vagina gave her away. She tried to conceal it by acting focused, but she exhaled slowly easing him deeper until he was sheathed completely. Bill looked at her, surprised he was able to fit.

Opposite him, Penny squeaked as his brother pulled her underwear over her round bottom revealing her moist sex. Despite her nerves she was oddly excited about what was about to happen, her entrance lubricating itself. He stared at it a moment, running his fingers over her sex testing the waters making her shiver and bite her lip, pumping his hardening cock a few times before slotting it into her pussy. She inhaled sharply as it entered her, her mouth falling open as he eased in slowly an inch at a time.

Now it was your turn as Barnaby lifted your dress to see your butt and waiting holes. You look over your shoulder at him and his huge cock hanging between his legs, butterflies in your stomach as he stroked it until it was long and stiff. “Could you” you stammer, looking at him nervously. “Could you take it slow? Gently?”

He smiled warmly. “I’ll try” he promised. You nodded, accepting an honest answer.

You take a deep breath and close your eyes, waiting for his cock to probe your entrance and find the right spot. You can feel it touching you, biting your bottom lip anxiously, your lips spreading around his head as it moved into position. “Slowly” you whisper, taking it one breath at a time as he took hold of your waist. Then his hips pushed forward and you felt your walls stretch. “Shit!” You gasped, falling to your elbows as a third of his cock was shoved into you. It was bigger than you thought, stretching you wider than you were prepared for. “Wait, wait!” You cry, shaking uncontrollably as your walls clamped around the invader, your breath coming out in pants.

“Sorry” Barnaby said, letting your adjust stroking your back patiently.

It takes you a minute but when you’re ready you try again, nodding to him repeating “gently.” He nodded, taking much more care as he rocked his hips, his cock sinking an inch deeper per thrust. Your nails dig into the wood the deeper it goes, your breathing shallow, your body expanding. You subconsciously reach up to the looped handle of the zip on the front of your dress, pulling it down as if to release some pressure. With one final exhale his enormous cock sinks as far as you can take it, down to the hilt, his thick shaft lodged inside you. You release a moan collapsing to the table, heaving heavily, your face coated in sweat. You feel Penny’s hand take yours, squeezing it comfortingly. You feel Barnaby’s hand rubbing your neck in an attempt to relax you. “So big” you mutter, opening your eyes wondering if this was a dream.

“Are you done?” Merula asked impatiently, kneeling beside you with Bill’s cock stuffed inside her.

You look at Penny, who gave you the thumbs up indicating they were ready. You glance at Barnaby, who smiled excitedly. “Okay” you nod, picking up the stopwatch. “Three…two…one…go!” You say, pressing the button.

All three of them started on cue, fucking the three of you starting slow and building up speed. It got easier to handle once you adjusted to their dicks, but you still took some time to get used to feeling Barnaby thrusting into you. His cock was truly big and you worried it might hurt to have sex with him. But by some miracle your body was able to handle it, with the help of a few breathing exercises all the same. Barnaby was considerate, moving slowly learning from the forceful entry and took his time. “Is that okay?” He asked you after a while.

“Yes, that’s fine” you nod, getting into the rhythm enough to push yourself up to your hands and move your hips against him.

“I could go faster” he said.

You thought about it a moment before hesitantly replying “not right now. Just…just keep going like this.” He nodded, happy to continue at this pace.

You look either side of you to check on your friends. Penny seemed to be doing fine resting on her elbows, her mouth open rocking back and forth as Charlie thrust his hips. They’d settled into a rhythm too and seemed content with it. Merula, on the other hand, was insisting on an increased pace. “Is this how you fuck all the girls. Fuck sake” she complained, throwing her hips back to get more movement. “Go harder!”

Bill flashed you an eye roll as he increased his pace, his hips slamming into her backside driving her against the table faster. She let out a grunt, either of satisfaction or impatience, slumping forward panting and moaning. On your right you heard Penny moan louder and realized Charlie had increased his pace too, fucking her faster. You looked over your shoulder at Barnaby, watching the boys with interest before looking back at you. “Okay, just a little harder” you whispered, taking another slow breath as he adjusted his grip on you, one hand hooking over your collarbone while the other gripped your waist. Then he thrust harder and you cried our as he began pummelling you, his cock driving it’s way deep into your cunt. You didn’t even realize it was scraping your G-Spot until you orgasmed unexpectedly, your walls closing in around him as your mouth fell open releasing a scream.

“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” Barnaby asked, pausing his movements watching your shiver and slump forward.

Merula looked at you and laughed. “I guess we know who has the weakest stamina” she cheered.

“She’s not… the only…oh fuck!” Penny cried moments later, her body shaking as she came against Charlie. He didn’t stop fucking her as she pushed through it, looking at you releasing a giggle. “On the plus side, we don’t have to hold it in anymore” she said as a silver lining.

You nodded, looking back at your concerned lover putting a hand on his chest. “I’m fine. You can keep going. I think it’ll be better now” you said optimistically. He nodded, slowly easing back to his previous pace. You were right, your walls now sufficiently lubricated to let his cock slid in and out more easily.

Merula scoffed. “Lightweights” she muttered, looking back at Bill. “Don’t you dare slow down. I can take this all night.”

“I doubt that” Bill mumbled, already feeling her body begin to tense and squeeze him as her pants became laboured, her brow sweating. You glanced at her and could tell she was holding herself back, reigning in the orgasm. She grit her teeth, clenching her fists digging her nails into her palm determined to outlast the Weasley boy. You kept glancing between her and him wondering who might crack first. “Fuck, I’m close” Bill muttered, indicating he might be first.

“Not…yet…fuck, no…” Merula hissed, revealing she was about to pip him by a second as she reluctantly came around him, her strangled moan giving way to a cry of release.

Bill grunted as she crushed his cock, stimulating the sensitive orgasm driving him over the edge. “Shit, I’m cumming!”

“Not inside me!” She screamed. “I’m not getting knocked up by a Weasley!” She said, yanking her hips forward so he could pull out at the last moment, his cum ejaculating over her clothed back staining her shirt. She collapsed against the table gasping for breath, resting her head on her arms trembling from her orgasm. She caught you staring and retorted “I still lasted longer than you.

“Great” you nod, looking at your friends around you. “Four down, two to go.” You looked at Charlie and Barnaby. “You guys okay?” You asked.

“Fine” Barnaby smiled. “Quite enjoying this. You have a cute bum” he remarked.

Charlie grinned. “I have to admit, you two are pretty hot to look at from this angle. But I think I can keep going for a while.”

Penny moaned, getting more into it now she wasn’t competing for orgasms. After another short while she looked over and asked “how long has it been now?”

With you Unable to concentrate on anything other than the sex, Merula took the stopwatch and read it. “Eleven minutes” she said before Bill took it back.

She grimaced. “If we have to keep going, could we move somewhere more comfortable. My knees are starting to hurt” she said.

You nodded in agreement. This table wasn’t as comfortable long term as you’d hoped. “Maybe we could change position too?” You suggested, looking at the boys pleadingly. They looked at each other and nodded, agreeing to accommodate the pair of you. They stopped fucking your and pulled out, giving you a moment to savour the break while they kept their dicks hard rubbing them. You and Penny climb off the table and wobble over to the bed, seeking its soft mattress. “I don’t suppose we could change partners too?” You whispered to Penny.

She looked over at Barnaby’s huge cock, her mouth watering at the idea of trying it. But then she thought about it and replied under her breath “I don’t think it would be fair to them. We should keep going until they finish” she said. You sigh with trepidation yet nod with her, helping her onto the bed where you both lie down onto your backs with your legs spread. You both use the opportunity to remove your underwear and Penny decides to take off her skirt too. You keep your dress on, but find your zipper down showing the boys your cleavage where your necklace fell. You leave it alone, enjoying the idea of giving them something more to look at. Maybe it would encourage them to cum faster. They join you both at the bed, retook their positions inside you and carried on.

The new positions was more enjoyable for all parties as your bodies rocked against their thrusts, your back arching relaxing into the firm mattress as the boy got to lean over you gaining more leverage. You and Penny moaned freely, coming a few more times as they thrust between your legs running their hands over your bodies. You could see Charlie’s expression of awe as Penny allowed him to fondle her boobs, removing her T-shirt revealing her bra to the boy. Barnaby seemed more interested in your face, leaning down over your body resting on his elbows admiring you silently. You put your arms around him, wrapping your legs around his waist, your boots hooking behind his back pulling him deeper. “You’re really pretty” he whispered, fixing your glasses on your face.

You smile back. “So are you” you replied, weaving your fingers through his thick hair before giving him a kiss. It felt passionate kissing him while he fucked you, an intimacy neither of you were accustomed too. “How close are you?” You asked him.

“I’m fine” he said, stroking your cheek affectionately, not once slowing his thrusts. You wondered how long he could make love to you, then wondered how long you wanted him too. To think you were nervous about him hurting you. The idea seemed laughable.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud moan from Penny, who orgasmed again around Charlie pulling him down. “Fuck, that’s good” she gasped, staring at him in amazement. “You are really good at this” she beamed.

“Thanks” he muttered, his eyes fixed on her bra, possibly imagining what’s behind it. He glanced up and caught you watching, blushing bright red. “Sorry, you’re just..” he stammered

Penny grinned, sitting up and planting her lips on his pulling him down with her. “Make me cum like that again and I’ll let you see them” she promised. The ginger boy got excited, grabbing her thighs lifting her knees so he could thrusted faster into her cunt to get his reward. She moaned and squealed throwing her head back, her arms falling to her sides. You reach over and take her hand, your fingers linking together as she looked at you and giggled. To think neither of you wanted to do this.

Merula, meanwhile, was starting to feel left out as she sat down on the bed above you watching with keen fascination. Bill was standing opposite, trying not to stare at his brother having sex. Merula’s eyes were glued to both cocks thrusting into you and Penny with obvious envy. “Aren’t you two done yet?” She asked in wonder.

The boys were too busy having sex to answer. You were able to pry your eyes away from your lover to look up at her, seeing her hand hovering hesitantly over the crotch of her jeans. “Aren’t you having fun? This was your idea” you teased.

“Now it’s just boring” she whined, sitting against the headboard crossing her arms. “I didn’t think this dare would take so long.”

“You mean you’re disappointed my brother wasn’t as good as I am” Charlie laughed, lifting Penny’s feet over her shoulder raking into her pussy.

“Just because I came first doesn’t mean I wasn’t good” Bill scoffed. “I gave her as good as she got.” Merula didn’t acknowledge it but her expression hinted her enjoyment.

You laugh, checking on Barnaby who was content to lift your hips up and fuck you a little faster, leaving your torso open for more fun. With one hand still holding Penny’s you beckon Merula over with your other. “You’re welcome to join in if you want. It’s only fair.”

She shot you an incredulous look, despite her pupils dilating in interest. Reluctantly she crawled over to where you were, kneeling above your head looking down at you. You reach out and stoke her arm until she swats it away. “I’m here to watch” she said. “What more do you want?”

“I thought you wanted to have fun” you said, admiring the girl from this inverted angle. You had an idea to make this game interesting again, biting your lip suggesting “how about another dare?”

“It’s not my turn” she replied.

“Doesn’t matter” you grin. “I dare you to kiss me.”

Merula scoffed again, crossing her arms in refusal. But she didn’t shake her head or say no. You didn’t push her. You didn’t need to. You could see the lust in her eyes as she stared down at you, her gaze darting across your body and your partner. She took a minute to consider it before taking a sharp breath. “If it matters that much to you, I could be persuaded to let you kiss me” she said.

You chuckle, reaching up and catching her collar gently pulling her closer. “Then let me persuade you” you suggest, waiting for her to hesitantly leaned down moving her face closer. You lift your head, yours lips meeting hers for a brief second. Before she could escape you had your hand around the back of her head pulling her closer, kissing her more deeply. She resisted for a breath before kissing you back, melting into it ignoring the whistles and cheers from your friends watching you two make out.

While you were making out with Merula, Charlie had successfully driven Penny into another orgasm that made her squeal, her toes curling around his head as he continued to fuck her. When the wave past she found both you and Merula staring at her, your kiss interrupted by her screams, the girls hand caught inside your dress fondling one of your breasts. She giggled blushing red, looking up and smiling at Charlie. Keeping her promise she arched her back and reached underneath to unlatch her bra, removing it and freeing her breasts for everyone to stare at. She found she was no longer as self-conscious about being naked in front of her friends as before, letting them stare at her gorgeous body intently. Charlie’s head fell between them basking in their softness, his lips kissing them as he fingers kneaded her flesh or sucked on her nipples. She gasped in delight, laying back letting him play with her until his hips jerked more sluggishly. “Shit, I’m close” he groaned, lifting his head to look at her. She bit her bottom lip excitedly, telling him “I’ve always fantasied of boys coming over my tits. Please” she begged, flashing her eyelashes at him pleadingly.

He didn’t need persuading, yanking his erection out of her cunt pumping it furiously until he burst, semen spraying all over her torso painting her skin white. She closed her eyes as cum fell over her face, her chest and stomach, dripping into her blonde hair and open mouth. By the time he was done Charlie was sitting on the floor by the bed deflated and Penny was lying on the mattress covered in spunk.

“Holy shit!” Merula marvelled, forgetting she was supposed to be kissing you to stare at her messy body.

You too had forfeited the dare, your eyes drawn to her sexy body dripping with cum as she regained her breath, her eyes staring into the roof of the tent in disbelief. “That looked really hot” you remarked.

“It was” she agreed, her grin infectious as she rose to her elbows to look down at herself. She scooped up a bit of cum from her nipple and put it in her mouth, humming at the taste. She looked over and found Merula staring at her. “What?”

“I never pegged you to be such a slut” she commented. As crass as the statement sounded, there didn’t seem to be any malice behind it, just awe. You found her drifting closer to the Hufflepuff examining the cum coating her skin, her pupils dilating again.

Penny noticed her interest and sat up. “Charlie made quite a mess” she said, reaching for something to wipe it up. She paused when Merula’s hand crept to her stomach where her finger picked up some of the substance. Merula took a moment to stare at it before looking up and seeing her staring, her cheeks turning red. “If you want, you can help clean me up” she teased, taking Merula’s finger and pulling it closer. Before the Slitherin girl could scoff she wrapped her lips around it and sucked the cum off her fingertip, surprising the brunette girl. Their eyes met when she pulled her finger out, reaching for her face and pulling her into an open mouthed kiss where her tongue extended and shared the cum with her.

Merula froze a moment until Penny pulled away, watching her gulp the stuff down gasp. “Don’t do that again” she warned, trying to sound tough. But Penny laughed, lying back down onto her back offering her naked body at its bounty to the girl. Merula hesitated before glancing at you, seeing the encouraging look in your eye. She scoffed, pulled a face, but then reluctantly reached down and scooped another dollop of cum from her stomach and put it in her mouth. The way she closed her eyes and sighed tasting it confirmed her addiction and soon she was leaning over the girl licking it up with her tongue. Penny closed her eyes and enjoyed the tongue bath, trying not to laugh as Merula’s tongue crushed against her ticklish skin.

You got intoxicated watching the girls play with each other, transfixed by how horny it made you feel until Barnaby’s kiss against your neck pulled away your attention. You looked back and found him leaning over you, still thrusting into your pussy, still able to keep going. “How close are you?” You asked him, stroking his cheek affectionately. He shrugged. “How are you able to last so long?” You wonder.

“I don’t know” he said. “Maybe I just like making love to someone as pretty as you” he offered.

You smirk at his charm, rewarding him with a kiss on the lips. “Aren’t you getting tired?”

“A little” he admitted. “My arms ache a bit.”

“Here, let’s switch places. You lie down” you suggest, sitting up guiding Barnaby onto the mattress onto his back. He followed your directions obediently, giving your pussy a rest as you find him still as hard as before, wrapping your fingers around his shaft to give him a hand-job and examine it properly. You look over his clothed body and glance down at yours. “If you want, we could take our clothes off?”

Barnaby looked you up and down replying “are you sure?” When you nod, he shrugged, removing his tie. “It is getting warm tonight.”

You nod, deciding to help him out of his trousers first while he removed his sweater and shirt. Then you find yourself compelled to give him a blowjob, just to see if this would entice a reaction pushing him towards that climax that seemed to be eluding him. Barnaby indeed moaned more favourably to it, brushing his hand through your hair as you suck his cock lavishing it with your tongue. You catch Bill and Charlie hovering nearby watching you, their cocks growing hard in their palms again as they watch you give the large boy a blowjob. You also sense Penny’s smirk from next to you on the bed, her blue eyes glancing over Merula’s shoulder as she continued to lick up Charlie’s cum from her. After a while you release the cock from your mouth and claims back to his lap, slowly removing your dress leaving you as naked as he is (except for the knee high boots on your feet). You stared up at you in awe as you take his cock and guide it back into your pussy, sighing as it slid effortlessly back inside. With you on top you had greater control over the pace and took advantage of it to ride the boy and give him the time of his life, and yours.

Barnaby was happy to let you take control, staring at your bouncing tits which swayed with every motion, your necklace falling between them framed perfectly. He reached up to touch them, stroking your flesh softly flicking your nipples with his thumbs. Your keep your hands on his chest, focusing on massaging his cock trying really hard to make him feel good and make his cum. Yet all you seem to be doing is making yourself cum over and over again as you moan and pant more feverishly.

After a few minutes you feel another pair of hands stroking you and find Penny kneeling beside you rubbing your shoulder. She was smiling in wonder watching you hop atop of Barnaby, offering the last bit of Charlie’s semen on her finger slipping it into your mouth. You don’t even think about it as you accept the gift, sucking it off her finger. “Where’s Merula?” You asked, glancing across the bed to look for her.

Penny nodded to the Weasley boys standing nearby, prompting your to twist your head and find her on her knees pumping them both. “She got embarrassed after we started making out and was determined to prove she was straight” she laughed. “I heard something about a rematch to see if Bill could outlast Charlie? How are you holding up?” She asked politely.

“I’m getting tired” you confessed quietly, still grinding your hips against your lover wonder how he could stay so hard. “He hasn’t cum once. It’s getting unnerving.”

“Wow” Penny muttered in amazement, staring at the boys package as you ride it. Barnaby opened his eyes and found her nearby, politely offering to please her by brushing his fingers across her stomach. She trembled with excitement guiding his hand to her groin where he rubbed her folds delicately. She flashed a playful smirk at you before leaning down and peppering him with kisses. “Have you ever licked a pussy before?” She asked.

“No” he said.

“It’s really easy” she said, climbing on top of him lowering her pussy to his lips where he eagerly tried to use his tongue on her. She moaned between giving him small instructions, riding his face while you rode his lap, both of you staring at each other across the boy. “Can I make a confession?” She asked between moans.

“Is it that Merula was the first girl you’ve made out with?” You joke.

“No, she isn’t” she replied, brushing her hair behind her ears. “No, I have to confess an ulterior motive to the dare I gave you” she admitted. “It wasn’t because I wanted to see how you’d react. I hoped…I hoped you’d choose me.”

You look at your blushing friend fondly and laughed. “You should’ve just dared me to kiss you then” you say, reaching up to cup her cheek leaning closer. “I wouldn’t have hesitated” you tell her as you pull her into a passionate kiss, making out with the young blonde taking her breath away.

Penny melted into the kiss immediately, putting her arms around you pulling you deeper into her mouth, her tongue extending into your throat desperately. Now she had you it was like she never wanted to stop, not until she’d drawn every molecule of oxygen out of your lungs. You found her excitement and passionate exhilarating as you both rode the poor boy beneath you, his attention lost as he focused on pleasuring your vaginas with care and affection. After several minutes you were finally able to break the kiss to take a gulp full of air while Penny continued to assault you with her lips, sucking your neck refusing to stop until you both orgasmed atop Barnaby. “Fuck, I don’t…I don’t think I can keep doing this” you whimpered, overstimulation making your body feel like it was on fire.

Penny reluctantly stopped kissing you and examined your sweating brow and the stiff rod still grinding inside you, lifting herself off Barnaby’s face so he could see you were exhausted. “Do you want to stop?” He asked worried.

You slowed your movements straining on aching arms, your body struggling to hold itself up. You didn’t want to leave Barnaby unsatisfied. Penny read your hesitation and gave you a peck on the lips. “You need to rest. Let me take over” she offered, looking down at the body willing to take your place.

You waited till Barnaby agreed before prying yourself off his lap and collapsing by his side, your legs feeling like jelly as you fall onto the mattress panting. Penny takes your place on his dick, gasping in surprise when her lower lips stretched around his manhood and slowly eased down. You watched in fascination as her pussy swallowed him whole, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths as she adjusted to his size. When she was ready she began grinding on him, rocking her hips slowly. You looked to Barnaby and found him mesmerized by her beauty, his hands resting on her hips content to stare. You roll onto your side and stroke his shoulder, kissing his rough flesh. “Are you okay?”

“Incredible” he smiled, looking at you fondly stroking your nose brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “Did I hurt you?”

“No” you promised, kissing his hand in assurance. “You wore me out though. I’ve never known anyone last so long.”

He didn’t offer an explanation as he turned his attention back to Penny, her back arching already riding towards an orgasm as her hands flew to her hair letting his roam her body. You sat up offering to help but she pushed you back onto your back. “You rest. I’ve got this” she said, insisting your catch your breath while Barnaby folded his arms around her so the two could make out and make love. You lay back and watch them, regaining your strength while your friends attempt to exhaust theirs.

After a short while you look over and find Merula coughing up cum after taking double the Weasley dose after both boys ejaculated over her. She caught Charlie’s in the mouth but Bill showered her face and hair while she was choking on it. Now with both brothers recovering she stumbled back to the bed heaving for air ripping off her green jacket to wipe her face. “Fucking Weasley’s” she complained, sitting on the bed beside you. She looked over and found Penny now riding Barnaby and stared at you. “Don’t tell me he’s still going!”

“Maybe he needs the most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts” you teased, sitting up on your elbow examining the exhausted boys a few feet away. “So did you get an answer to your question?”

“No” she huffed. “They came at the same time. Not that I was making it easy for them. At least I can make my boyfriends cum” she mocked.

You examine her and drag a finger under her chin, scooping up a spot of cum she missed and taking it into your mouth. You find her watching you as you taste the boys cum. “Maybe I have better experience making my girlfriends cum first” you retort, pulling Merula down onto the bed rolling atop her to plant a passionate kiss on her mouth. She resisted but for a moment before embracing you, kissing you back deeply. “I heard you freaked out when Penny kissed you” you whisper.

She scoffed. “I don’t freak out. I just chose my kissing partners carefully.”

“You didn’t mind licking all of Charlie’s cum off her skin” you note. “I thought that was really hot by the way” you add in her ear.

“You expecting me to lick cum off your body next” she asked.

“Actually I was hoping I could do that favour for you” you say, giving her jaw a playful lick. She rolled her eyes before looking at you, a tiny blush in her cheeks as your lips meet in a kiss. “Permission to strip the most powerful witch at Hogwarts naked?”

Merula paused for dramatic effect before replying “permission granted” allowing you to peel her clothes and underwear away so you could resuming making out with her and begin finger her alongside. Within moments you had the girl moaning and panting just like Penny as she rode the boy next to you, the four of you having wonderful sex until two of you orgasmed almost at the same time.

Unfortunately, neither of them was Barnaby. And after fucking Charlie, fooling around with Merula, playing with you and being fucked by Barnaby, Penny was just as tired as you was. “I’m sorry, I can’t keep going” she apologized, rolling off the boy gasping for breath trembling with pleasure. Barnaby didn’t complain as she removed himself from his rock hard erection.

“For fuck sake” Merula huffed, refusing to believe this boy could outlast everyone and pushing you off her so she could crawl over to him. “If you want something done” she muttered, climaxing not his lap shoving him back to the mattress and impaling herself on his cock. She grit her teeth against the discomfort and immediately began slamming her hips against him, bending her knees and planting her feet either side to get maximum leverage. You and Penny marvel as the girl roughly pounds the boy determined to make him ejaculate. Barnaby doesn’t say a word and lets her abuse him, his hands by his sides not resisting.

You sit up and stretch your aching muscles, still feeling like you ran a marathon when Bill and Charlie creep closer to watch. “He’s like the fucking terminator” Charlie muttered in amazement.

“No girl is safe” bill nodded, putting an awkward hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine” you replied, though your pussy still feels a little sore. You look apologetically at the pair of them. “Sorry if we’ve sort of neglected you.”

“Don’t worry about it” Bill smiled. “Charlie and Penny had a good time. And Merula was quite a handful. For a minute I thought she was about to ask us to DP her or something.”

“No offense, but sharing a girl with family is a little weird” Charlie said quietly.

You nod in understanding, though a part of you is disappointed that any chance of a Weasley team up would be out of the question. That being said, your apology for neglecting them felt inadequate so you tell them both “I’d love to make it up to you, in any way I can.”

Bill opens his mouth to politely refuse but Charlie leaps at the offer saying “I’ve always been too nervous to ask but…I saw you giving Barnaby that blowjob, I was wondering if you would…”

You smile, reaching out for him replying “of course. Come here.” He steps forward and you stroke his cock to hardness before bringing it into your mouth to suck on. While you are working Charlie you see Bill watching out the corner of your eye, briefly releasing him with a pop to tell his brother “if there’s anything I can do for you too, just name it.”

He chuckled, content to watch you massage his brother while giving him a blowjob, his cock becoming stiff in his hand as your tongue whipped and wrapped around Charlie clattering him with saliva, bobbing your head up and down. He groaned and sighed putting a hand on your head, his hips gently thrusting into your throat until his balls tightened. He warned you he was about to burst and you decide you wanted to finally be covered in cum like your friends, tilting your head back closing your eyes as the boy showered you with semen. When you opened them you found droplets over your glasses as more stuck into your hair and dripped down your cheeks. Charlie looked immensely gratified and you smiled, standing up on wobbly legs briefly to peck him on the cheek. Bill gave you a thumbs up in approval as you return to the bed to check on the others.

Merula was still riding Barnaby, looking more desperate and frustrated as sweat poured down her face. You kneel down and cast an inquisitive look over to Penny, who was sitting up and watching intently. She shook her head. Barnaby still hadn’t cum and it was infuriating Merula now as she submitted to an angry orgasm clawing at his chest. Your reach up to rub her bare back but she shrugs you off and climbs off his lap, dropping down to try pumping his cock by hand instead. “There is no way in hell I’m losing to a fucking…” she hissed, impatiently wrapping her lips Lauren’s the cock sucking on it furiously.

You shoot a worried look at Penny who shrugs, silently promising to keep an eye on her while you check with Barnaby. You lean over him and find him staring blankly at the ceiling until your face appears. “Hi” he smiles.

“Hi yourself” you say, cum dripping off your face onto his chin. He takes your glasses and looks at it curiously. “Sorry, that’s…that’s Charlie’s. Merula isn’t hurting you sis she?”

“No, she’s just annoyed” he said plainly, attempting to wipe you lenses with his thumb. All it did was smear the glass but it left his fingers dripping with cum.

“As long as she doesn’t go too far. I can’t believe you are still…” you say to him, glancing at the young woman before looking back at Barnaby and finding him licking his fingers clean. You blink in surprise. Not many boys would be willing to taste other boys cum unless… your Ravenclaw brain suddenly blinks with a lightbulb. “Barnaby, can I ask you a question?” You asked quietly, leaning closer to whisper.

“How come I haven’t cum yet?” He finished in a whisper, sharing a sheepish look at you as he finished cleaning your glasses leaving smears over the glass. He places them back on your face making use they are straight. “You are really pretty” he said affectionately. “I like kissing you, and Penny and Merula. Like making love to you. But…”

“But we’re not you’re type are we” you guess, feeling really blind all of a sudden. He subtly nods and you rest your chin on his shoulder. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“Because the guys would find it weird.”

“They wouldn’t” you say.

“But it’s easier not to mention it. I did try, I really did. But as good as you all make me feel, watching them is the only thing keeping my penis standing up” he said.

You looked over and follow his gaze at the Weasley brothers with their cocks still out, realizing he’d been slyly watching them fuck you and your friends all night. You think about when you sucked his cock and how favourably he reacted, but only when he closed his eyes. You sigh. “We could dare them to fuck you” you suggest playfully.

“I don’t want to force anything. And I don’t mind messing around with girls” he said, kissing you on the cheek. “I do like you.”

You stroke his cheek affectionately. “I like you too. But I want you to have fun too.” You look down and analyse the situation, an idea forming in your head. “Okay, how about this. You close your eyes and try to imagine it’s Bill or Charlie sucking your cock” you suggest. “Just keep picturing that and let me get you a surprise.”

“Okay” he nodded, closing his eyes and concentrating. You watch his expression flicker as his imagination takes over and sense his body reacting more enjoyably. You smile, crawling around him to enact the next part of the plan.

Penny sat on the edge of the bed when you reach her, watching Merula’s carefully as she deeptroated the boy’s cock into her small mouth. She looked up at you finding you covered in cum, a worried expression on her face. “Is it possible to choke on a boy?” She asked, worried Merula might suffocate herself.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine” you say optimistically, shuffling up to Penny to whisper in her ear. “I need you to do something for Barnaby. Do you trust me?” She nodded and you peck her on the lips before relaying the plan. She narrowed her brow but nodded, taking a scoop of Charlie’s cum deposit as payment before she climbed onto the floor to crawl between Barnaby’s legs. She found his balls hanging below and began playing with them, licking and fondling them while lifting his hips a little to find his puckered anus. Once she found it she flashed you a thumbs up so you raced ahead to find the last member of your plan.

Bill was confused when you approached him, grabbing his cock and massaging it gently pulling him into a fond kiss. “Don’t talk, just let me do this” you whisper, not wanting to confuse him further or give him a chance to decline. You pump his cock and give him a swift handjob, watching his face contort as his resolve failed. When he was approaching release you glance to Penny and wink, kneeling down to take Bill’s member into your mouth and catch his climax.

At your signal, Penny released Barnaby’s balls and inserted her middle finger into his anus. She’d never fingered a guys ass before but she found his body pulling her in instantly like it had been waiting for her. Barnaby released a moan as his cock throbbed in Merula’s mouth, her eyes widening feeling it pulsing against her tongue. She continued to suck it, upping her motions squeezing his shaft, unaware Penny was helping a few inches below. While those two were pleasuring Barnaby you were taking Bill’s cum into your mouth sealing your lips around the shaft trying to hold all of it in. It was difficult and some escaped as your cheeks puffed out, dribble falling down your chin as you carefully slide your mouth off his cock holding it inside. You try to smile but luckily his eyes were closed with satisfaction so you rush back to the bed before it chokes you. You climb next to Barnaby and tilted his head towards you, guiding his mouth open and planting yours above him to feed the cum down his throat. He willingly inhales the semen, gulping it down grabbing your hair to pin you in place as his tongue scoops it all out.

Between you feeding him Bill’s cum to drink, Penny anally fingering him and Merula giving him a fantastic blowjob, all with his mind conjuring the right imagery, Barnaby Lee finally ejaculates. Merula’s eyes widen when he does, the sheer volume he’d built up exploding out at once jettisoning into her throat like a geyser. She instinctively gulped down the first wave before yanking her head back to receive several pumps into the face, her hair sticking to her skin and her eyes nearly blinded from the stuff as it shot into the air and rained over her. Penny looked up at the sight of it, droplets falling onto her too as she cheered in joy. You are finally released from his grateful grasp to watch him sigh with relief, your eyes following his stream as cum is sprayed all over the bed even catching your skin. You can’t keep the grin off your face.

When the torrents finally ceased everyone was cheering in relief and satisfaction, mostly because it meant the game was finally over. Merula sat up looking immensely proud of herself. “See, I told you I could do it” she said.

Penny sat up and looked across at you, but you shake your head with a smirk willing to let her take the credit for this one. You turn back to Barnaby quietly asking him “how was that?”

He opened his eyes and smiled. “Thank you” he whispered.

You kiss his cheek affectionately, happy to help. He Pecks your lips with equal affection, even though he doesn’t have to. Sitting up you scan the tent, the Weasley boys yawning from exhaustion. “How long have we been going?” You asked them.

Bill finally checks his stopwatch, staring at the time for a moment. “An hour and seventeen minutes. Merlin’s beard!” He stared at Barnaby in fear. “I guess we shouldn’t play any drinking games with him in the future.”

“I wouldn’t say that” you grin, patting Barnaby’s shoulder as you re-join the girls to check on them. The three of you bask in victory covered in his cum, a few teasing pecks passing between friends. “Can I make a request” you say awkwardly. “No more truth or dare for a while?”

“Agreed” Penny sighed, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes while Merula wiped her face of cum.

The Slitherin stifled a yawn and you realize how late it’s getting and how much work you all have to do in helping Bill complete his assignment in the morning. “We should all get some sleep now” Bill suggested, putting his penis away and shuffling to one of the bunks. “Barnaby can stay there and Charlie and I will settle over here.”

“He’s right. we should get some sleep” Penny agreed reluctantly, her eyes grazing over your naked body and hers. “Maybe we could clean ourselves up first?” She suggested quietly.

“No way. I’m too tired for more lesbian stuff tonight. I’m going to bed” Merula muttered, climbing off the mattress to walk to the bunk and wipe herself down. Penny hummed in disappointment before looking at you, a hopeful glint in her eye. You couldn’t say no to that face as you leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

But then Barnaby sat up and sheepishly asked “would it be okay if you stayed with me tonight?”

You look at him and then back at Penny. “It’s fine. Maybe another time” she said, stepping away letting you stay with the boy. She gave you a final peck on the cheek before sauntering away, swaying her hips making sure you remembered them.

Finally removing those boots your forgot about your climb into bed with Barnaby pulling the covers over you both, resting your head against his shoulder snuggling close feeling sleepy. His body was warm and comforting as he put his arm around you. “Sorry I took so long” he muttered.

“I’m sorry we took so long to accommodate you” you reply, looking up at him affectionately. “Still friends?”

“I’ll always be your friend” he said warmly.

“Me too” you reply happily, closing your eyes and falling asleep in his arms.

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