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The Black Lake (3/3)

You arrived at the Lakeshore in the early evening, the sun dipping towards the horizon slowly casting an orange glow across the sky. The water was so still it was like a mirror reflecting the castle as you approached the meeting spot you had designated. You looked out at the lake, wondering if you catch a glimpse of a familiar mysterious creature while you were here. After a minute of nothing but silence you turn your attention back to the task at hand, pulling out your wand and casting Vemillious into the sky. Red sparks launched from your wand like a beacon signaling you were here. You calculated you had around fifteen seconds before your older brother aperated to your position, as per usual.

After ten minutes you started getting worried.

It wasn’t like Jacob to be late for a scheduled meeting, especially one he arranged. You was always close by and almost always on time. Possible explanations for his absence started running through your mind as you sat there on the log, concern growing in the pit of your stomach. What if R had caught up to him? What if he was hurt? Worse, what if he’d chosen to just run off and disappear again?

After twenty minutes you decided to get up and search for him. You figured if he was close by he’d be somewhere around the Black Lake. So you start walking, following the water’s edge calling his name. After a few miles you find a small rock cove by the lake, a natural rock pool almost closed off from the outside. You run over to check it out. “Jacob!” You call out as you climb over the moist stones.

You hear your brother somewhere on the other side. It sounded like he was moaning, maybe in pain. You scurry faster, racing to save him from whatever danger he was in. But when you find a gap in the rocks and crawl through it, you discover your brother didn’t need saving and he wasn’t in danger.

Instead he was waist deep in the rock pool being pleasured by the giant squid. His clothes lay on the ground behind him as he sat against some rocks moaning loudly as several tentacles, extending from an underwater entrance to the pool, coiled around his body massaging his thighs, stomach, chest and shoulders. You freeze in stunned shock as you glimpse your brother’s cock poking out of the water where another tentacle was coiled around its shaft, the suckers teasing the tip. You saw Jacob’s face contorting in pleasure as it sucked him, his eyes closed and head rolled back.

You avert your eyes before clearing your throat. “Jacob!” You call out.

Jacob opened his eyes and turned lazily towards you, his expression snapping to surprise when he saw you standing there. “Pip! What…how did you…how long have you been standing there?” He stammered, unable to untangle himself from the tentacles.

“Too long” you shudder as you look anywhere but your brother’s naked body. “You didn’t show up so I came to find you. I was worried.”

“Sorry, Pip. I guess I lost track of time” he said embarrassed.

You risk looking into the pool to glance at the squids arms still playing with the young wizard, accidentally catching another glimpse of his manhood which made you uncomfortable. “Should I even ask what you are doing? Or how long this has been a…a thing?”

“It’s not as bad as it looks” he protested.

“It looks like you’re having sex with the giant squid” you retort.

“You’ve fucked it too” he snapped. You turn pale as he explains “I saw you in the lake after we fished out that Hufflepuff girl. I had a feeling I knew what happened to her. I didn’t expect you to figure it out.”

“She told me” you mutter in embarrassment. You suddenly turn even paler. “Wait, you saw me? We’re you watching?”

There was uncomfortable pause before the boy answered with an unconvincing “no.”

“Merlin’s beard” you groan, turning away wondering how hard it would be to drown yourself in the rock pool.

“I’m sorry Pip, but it’s not as bad as it looks” Jacob said, sitting up on the rocks as the tentacles continued to stroke him. “The squid isn’t dangerous.”

“I know” you mutter, almost reluctantly. “I just don’t understand why” you sigh, resisting the urge to turn around and look at your brother. The squid, meanwhile, seemed eager to get your attention as one of its tentacles reached out to prod your thigh. You looked down at its appendage as it tried to hook around your waist until you tenitivly pushed it away. “When did you start hooking up with it?” You asked, instantly regretting asking the question.

“It’s complicated” Jacob replied. “I befriended it before I was trapped in the vault. I found it’s behavior curious too. It wasn’t hard to figure out it was a unique magical creature.”

“All the research I did didn’t answer any of this” you tell him, shuffling awkwardly as the squid continued to try and wrap its tentacles around you.

“Did you try the restricted section?” He asked. When you shook your head no, he explained “there was a scroll in there that explains this particular giant squid is part of an endangered species and brought here to protect it. It’s not as dangerous, but it has a unique trait that lets it feed on tantric magic. It pleasures other creatures to feed on the energy they produce.”

You finally turn back staring at him. “Are you saying it feeds on our orgasms?”

“Apparently us wizards and witches provide the most tantric energy to satiate it.”

“So you’ve done this before?” You ask.

He shrugged, looking down at the tentacles massaging his lower half. “I’ll admit, it’s been a welcome distraction during my hunt for Rakepick” he confessed. “I was fortunate to stumble across the information you clearly missed before I let it molest me.”

“Hey, you could’ve told me about all of this when we found Beatrice” you snapped. “Or when you were spying on me finding out for myself. By the way, what kind of pervert spies on his own sister having sex?”

“The same kind I imagine gets aroused seeing her brother naked and massaged by tentacles” he quipped.

“I am not aroused by you” you scoff.

“Really” Jacob smirked, raising an eyebrow as more tentacles slithered up your legs drawn to you. “Because a benefit the squid gets from feeding on tantric energy is it can sense when it’s being generated. Arousal gives off an aura that lures it to its source. Why do you think it’s so eager to make you join us?”

You eyes widen as you look down, realizing he might be right as the tentacles coil around your legs and waist dragging you to the rock pool. Evidently it was no longer taking no for an answer as you were pulled closer to your naked brother. You try to break out of its hold but it wasn’t letting you go. Worse, it was indeed attracted to your arousal (which had nothing to do with your brother or his erection) as it’s arms snuck into your clothes and attempt to peel them away. You squirm in its grasp, finding its tentacles much more resistive than last time. You turn pale as your outfit was pulled off pieced by piece, then bright red when it’s suckers starting stimulated your senses in a way that made you uncomfortable. You averted your gaze from your chuckling brother begging him “don’t look.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got more than enough to keep me distracted from you Pip” he replied, releasing a groan as the tentacles squeezing his cock succeeded in making him cum. His semen launched upwards, raining back down onto his chest and stomach to be smeared by the tentacles wrapped around him. You glance momentarily across at him hoping it meant he could leave and you could be fucked in peace. But alas, his penis was still rock hard and neither he nor the squid seemed to be done with each other.

Merlin’s beard, I’m about to be fucked side by side with my brother. Remind me to get Flitwick to refresh us on Obliviate first chance I get.

Fighting the squids advances was proving to be fruitless, so you reluctantly allowed the rest of your clothes to be removed and reluctantly slipped into the water alongside Jacob. You tried not to think about how weird it was to be having sex with a magical creature who was also having sex with your older brother, or that you were sitting naked beside your naked brother being pleasured by a dozen tentacles with suckers feeding on your arousal.

But the hardest part of the whole thing was ignoring the fact your brother was indeed having sex with those tentacles right next to you, and enjoying it. You were able to twist your body in the winding tentacles so you wouldn’t look at him, but you could still hear him gasp and moan in pleasure which make the situation a little icky. You accidentally glanced over your shoulder and witnessed the young wizard lounged back against the risk, his knees bent above his head as a thick tentacle pushed itself into his anus while suckers kissed at his cock and balls. The look on his face was something akin to drooling hunger. The noises he made would loud.

You weren’t much better as a pair of tentacles entered your pussy and ass at the same time, your moans bouncing around the rock pool. You tried to cover your mouth but your arms were pinned to your sides, your legs wrapped together hoisted up so the suckers could kiss at your soles and toes. The squid fucked your holes ravenously while more coiled around your breasts, another rubbing between them sandwiched in the crevice. Your head rolled back as the tentacles fucked your pussy, ass and breasts, giving in to the pleasure feeding this creature your energy. It got mercifully easier to enjoy when Jacob’s moans were muffled by a tentacle thrusting into his throat.

The squid fucked both you and your sibling for over ten minutes, it’s tentacles playing with your bodies having its way with you until you both climaxed at the same time. Jacob groaned into the tentacle in his mouth as his balls swelled and he ejaculated all over himself and the tentacles. Several squirts found it’s way onto you too, catching your face and chest as you screamed and shuddered crushing the tentacles in your holes in a desperate orgasm. The squid rode both of you through your shared orgasm before slowly removing itself from your bodies, lowering your limbs back to the ground and slipping back into the water having had its fill for the day. It left you and Jacob very satisfied and panting covered in cum.

It took a moment for the pair of you to recover, your heavy eyelids fluttering open to look at each other tentatively. Jacob realizes his semen is on you and chuckles. You realize you and he are holding hands, wondering if that happened during or after, and sighed. “Promise we never speak of what happened here” you grumble.

“Don’t worry Pip, your secrets safe with me” Jacob promised, closing his eyes and dozing off in the rock pool. You follow suit soon after, taking a nap beside your brother at the edge of the Black Lake.

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