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The Black Lake (2/3)

You retraced Beatrice’s steps along the pier to the Black Lake. You could almost see her footprints on the wooden panels. You pulled your school robes tighter around you. You swore there was a chill in the air, despite it being autumn with the sun still out. You were able to sneak out of the castle to investigate this pier. Hopefully you’d be back before any of the teachers notice you were gone.

It was you and Jacob who saw Beatrice on the lake and fished her out. You brought her to the hospital ward where she got looked over. When she woke up she told you about the dreams drawing her to the lake, leading you to conclude the lake was the next site of a cursed vault. But when you were alone she also told you about the squid, how it brought her to the lake, what it did to her. Listening to her experience horrified you, but it left you rather curious. Why would the giant squid, the one creature in the lake not even Hagrid has seen often enough to claim it’s not a myth, do something like this to a student. You assumed it would drowned her, not molest her. That seemed like odd behavior so you did some research in the library. You found a few books on the creature, but nothing in there explained this action. You considered asking Hagrid, or Kettleburn, but the idea of telling them what happened to Beatrice and seeking answers was more uncomfortable. That left you with only one other option, investigate the lake yourself.

Though now you were here, you had no idea what to do. The likelihood of seeing the creature was practically impossible. And even if you did, what would be the plan if it showed up? Why were you so interested? Beatrice was safe, the teachers will make sure she isn’t drawn back here. This wasn’t the sleepwalking curse, this was a one off instance. And she wasn’t violated as much as she could’ve been. Beatrice explained it didn’t hurt her, that it actually felt good. You could just walk away.

But something drew you here. Curiosity made you investigate. Why did this squid do this? What did it want? What were you expecting? You stood on the end of the pier overlooking the lake. The water was calm, still, quiet. The lakeshore was vacant. You were alone. Nobody else knew you were here. If anything happened, there would be nobody to save you. You took a breath, loosening the tie around your collar. What am I doing? I should just go back to class, go back to finding the cursed vault. Why am I here? What am I hoping for? You rap your foot on the pier, your hands on your hips debating how long you want to stay out here like an idiot. Are you expecting this thing to come out and molest you too? Is that what this is? You must be mad!

You were just about to turn around and do the sensible thing when you saw a ripple on the water. Something large moved beneath the surface. You turned back, scanning the lake trying to find it, against your better judgement. You stepped up to the edge of the pier looking down, but all you saw was lake water and the dark void below. It was pretty intimidating but you felt like something was watching you. Waiting for you.

Fortunately you weren’t mad enough to just jump in. But apparently you were mad enough to try and tempt the squid to come to you. You recalled how Beatrice described her encounter and figured you could make a more tempting target for its advances. After casting a look around the shore to check nobody else was there, you begin removing parts of your school uniform. You take off your robes and vest before sitting on the edge of the pair to take off your shoes and tights. Your bare feet dangle in the water, which was surprisingly warm and soothing. You watch your reflection ripple from your toes as you remove your tie, unbuttoning the top two buttons of your blouse. You contemplated removing the rest of your uniform but concluded if nothing happened you didn’t want to be discovered naked by the lake. You did decide to risk removing your panties however, leaving your skirt to hide your moist entrance. The anticipation had got you aroused and now you couldn’t concentrate. If this creature was going to take advantage of you, it had until you made yourself cum to make a move. Once you finish masturbating, you were leaving.

With your feet playing in the water, you lean back on your elbows and play with your clit with one hand, keeping one eye on the lake for signs of activity and the other on the shore in case someone came looking for you. You could cast Cave Incanteum, but if the creature did show up you wanted rescuers to see you should the worst happen. You steadily finger yourself while waiting, your mind drifting to the possibilities that awaited should the squid indeed show up. The thought of its tentacles wrapping around you made your pussy leak as you slid two fingers inside. Your breathing grew as heavy as your eyelids as your head feel back, a soft moan escaping your lips. Without realizing it you were fantasizing what it could do, why it was doing it, and how good it would feel. Arousal made you horny and you couldn’t stop until you were climaxing into your hand squirting into the lake. You panted softly. It had been a while since you masturbating. You needed the release.

In the time it took for you to recover from the orgasm, something stirred beneath the surface attracted to the scent of arousal drifting over the lake. It homed in like a hound and found you sitting on the pier, momentarily unaware of your surroundings. It reached out to you, finding the soles of your feet dipped into the lake. It made contact with you and snapped you out of your haze, your eyes snapping down to see a pair of tentacles stroking your feet. You yanked them out of the water before they could grab your ankles, squeezing in surprise. They pull back under the surface, but you saw more moving beneath you waiting. The creature was here.

You stared down at it. Now you didn’t know what to do. Anticipation turned to excitement and nervousness. It was clearly interested in you. You bit your bottom lip nervously, bringing your knees up so you could crawl to the edge and reached down with your hand instead. A risky move. Yet the squid curiously didn’t make to grab you, instead sending one tentacle to meet your palm and stroke it. You guessed your affinity for magical creatures served you well. It was as tentative as you were. It’s limb slithered loosely around your wrist, but not tight enough to hold you as you eased your hand back. You look down at the faint mass of limbs and decide it wasn’t here to hurt you. Now you were both here, you could make a more informed introduction. You wanted to investigate the strange behavior. Now was your chance.

You glance around the lake again. You were alone. You take a deep breath, nervously unbuttoning your blouse all the way before removing it. You take off your skirt and your bra, leaving you naked with your uniform folded on the pair. Hopefully it would still be there when you were done. You crawl back to the edge and carefully dip your foot back in. Almost immediately a tentacle came to meet it, caressing your toes tenderly. It made you giggle, putting you at ease enough to dip the other foot in. You sat on the edge letting the tentacle play with your feet, slowly shuffling closer to the edge preparing to slid into the lake. The squid seemed eager of you to join to as a large tentacle suddenly rose out of the water, slowly coiling around your legs and over your knees to wrap around your waist. You shiver as it wrapped around your body and lifted you off the pier, carrying you into the water.

You panic as it began to submerge you, but it stopped at your shoulders leaving your head above the surface. You shuffle your shoulders and arms. The tentacles grip was loose, you could wriggle free and move your legs. You felt it’s suckers pulse over your skin, like it was feeling you out. You felt more tentacles rise from the depths to touch you, exploring your body as the large one held you in place. More coiled around your arms and legs and waist, but none tight enough to restrain you. It was unusual, and almost exactly like how Beatrice described it. But she wasn’t naked and you was, and the squid seemed to take notice as it paid close attention to your breasts kneading them gently. You gasped softly as it’s suckers began kissing you, a pair finding your nipples sucking on them too. More suckers kissed your flesh in a variety of places, like your thighs, stomach, ass and shoulders. The way the caressed you relaxed your body, your nerves melting into pleasure. It felt really nice.

What also felt nice was the tentacle that drifted up between your legs to rub your pussy. It’s bumpy texture stimulated you in a way you never tried before, it’s suckers playing with your clit. You moan a little louder, your head falling back against one of the tentacles caressing your neck. It slithered up the back of your head under your hair, massaging your scalp as another tentacle rose out of the water in front of you. You opened your eyes and saw a modest sized tentacle floating in front of your face, reaching forward stroking your nose and jaw. You trembled, biting your bottom lip feeling the tentacle edge along your entrance. You gasped when it dipped inside your cunt, invading your body at last. It was thicker than a cock, the suckers stimulating your insides as well as your outsides. It trust deep, deeper than a cock could reach which made your inhale sharply.

You realized that was a mistake as you ended up inhaling the tentacle in front of you straight down your throat. You found you couldn’t pull your head back because the tentacle behind your gently pushed you forward making you accept it. You relaxed your jaw, falling onto the techniques you learnt sucking the boys dicks to try and adjust. You were able to swallow the tentacle without gagging, or choking. That now left two of your holes filled by the squid. And judging by the probing tentacle rubbing between your ass cheeks, it would soon to be three.

You drifted in the lake, entangled in the squid’s tentacles with its arms thrusting into your holes. Needless to say you were getting plenty of research material. You still couldn’t explain why it chose to fuck it’s victims rather than drown them, or eat them, but you couldn’t complain about it. It was an incredible experience. You had never had you pussy, mouth and anus fucked at the same time before. Hell, you had never fucked a magical creature before, or been fucked by one. This was a day of new and exciting experiences. It did make you wonder where it would end, however. These tentacles weren’t cocks, your research assured you of that. So while they were sure to make you climax very soon, there was nothing for it to deposit in you. You hoped it wasn’t planning to eat you after it sedated you via orgasm, or rip you apart from the inside out. It’s tentacles were deep enough inside you, brushing your cervix weaving through your intestines and deep down your throat to make the bulges prominent. You trembled in its tightening hold, moaning around the tentacle in your mouth as your hips jerked in an explosive and much needed orgasm, clenching around the tentacles tightly like a vice.

Your vision went hazy as you shuddered in its grasp before falling limp in its hold. You felt the tentacles wrap around you further, enveloping you like a cocoon. If it wanted to kill you now, you would be too weak to fight back. Too exhausted to keep your eyes open.

Through the pleasurable fog you witnessed yourself be lifted out of the lake and carried back onto the pier where your clothes were, the tentacles laying you down on the wet boards before unfurling from your body. You collapsed onto the pier with a sigh as it left your pussy and ass, the tentacle in your mouth sliding out with a pop allowing you to inhale a gulp full of air. You looked down and saw them slip over the side and back into the water, the giant squid leaving you naked, wet and satisfied on the dock. You ran a sluggish hand over your abused body, your holes feeling stretched and aching and sucker marks all over your skin, but you appeared to be unharmed physically. Nothing to warrant visiting Madman Pomfrey in the hospital ward.

You laid on your back to catch your breath, staring up at the orange sky still feeling the buzz of you orgasm. You still couldn’t explain why the squid took advantage of you. Just like you couldn’t explain why you let it take advantage of you. But you came to the conclusion further research would be necessary. And this was one mystery you needed to conduct alone.

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