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Super-Training: Part 2

It was late evening in Kara Danvers apartment, the city safe and quiet giving Supergirl the night off to spend time with her friend and fellow superhero Dreamer, aka Nina Nal. They’d been working together at Cat Co. all day and then on patrol all evening, so tonight Kara suggested they spend the night together too. Nina agreed and joined her in her bedroom, cuddling with her like they usually do on these casual hook-ups. They’d gotten quite close in the platonic sense, though their lovemaking would be convincing of a romantic liaison. They set the boundaries a long while ago though, and neither was considering taking their relationship further than friends with benefits.

They lay side by side with the bedsheets covering them both up to their shoulders, arms wrapped around each other snuggling close. They’d just finished making love and was catching their breath, thin sheen of moisture along their skin. Nina looked up at the stunning face of her blonde hero, her fingertips tapping nervously along the girl of steel’s chest. “Was it okay?” She asked out of the blue, the first thing she’d said since they finished.

Kara turned to her shocked. “Of course it was” she replied. “Why would you ask that?”

“I don’t know” she muttered, resting her head on her shoulder. “I was just worried… never mind. Forget I said anything.”

Kara sat up on her elbow, hovering over the younger woman looking concerned. “Was something wrong?” She asked. “Was I okay? If you didn’t like it, you can tell me Nina.”

“No, you we’re amazing” she assured her, reaching up to kiss her on the lips to prove it. But then she slumped back down and sighed. “It’s nothing, I just… I was worried I might be boring you” she explained.

“Boring? How could you be boring?” Kara asked.

Nina shrugged, her cheeks turning red awkwardly. “It’s silly, but I overheard some people talking in this café I go to” Nina explained. “They were talking about their husbands and how their sex lives have gotten stale because it’s the same every day. I tried not to listen but…it just got me worried. They were talking about all these power dynamics in their relationships and I got paranoid about ours.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I was afraid I might be good enough” Nina confessed. “Because you’re Supergirl, and I’m just…me.”

Kara couldn’t believe what Nina was saying, stunned into shock and bewilderment. She took her cheek and gave her a deep and affectionate kiss, making sure there was no confusion in her display of affection. Nina could never be boring, and she deserved to be with her. She loved being her friend and lover. “you are not boring” Kara told her, locking her bright blue eyes on Nina’s brown orbs. “You are amazing, smart, beautiful and perfect. I’m the one lucky to be with you, I swear.” She held her gaze until Nina smiled, kissing her passionately making sure she knew how amazing she was.

A few minutes later they came back up for air, the early stages of sex beginning the motions as their bodies rubbed together. But Nina’s confession got Kara thinking and she had a point. The sex was getting a tiny bit repetitive, despite how incredible it was. The most creative they’d been in a while was the session on the ceiling after Nina borrowed Brainiac-5’s legion ring. “Do you think we need to experiment more?” Kara asked thoughtfully?

Nina hesitated before answering “sometimes. But I didn’t want to offend you.”

“No offense taken” she smiled. “So what do you think we should do?” She asked her. “Do you still have Brainy’s ring?”

“No, he took it back after he found out how I used it” Nina giggled. “Apparently we were trending on social media. He gave me a lecture about being so exposed and left.” They had a laugh and brainstormed a few more ideas, until Kara asked about her powers for suggestions. “I’ve never considered using it like that” she said. Astral projection was something she was getting better at, but in the bedroom? The thought had never crossed her mind.

Kara started considering the possibilities of her constructs, a smirk forming on her mouth. “Maybe you should try it” she suggested, sitting up in the bed excitedly. “What could you make?”

“Anything I’d want” Nina replied, sitting up beside her letting the covers drop below both their perky breasts. “But I wouldn’t know where to start.”

“The obvious of course” Kara laughed. “A fake cock, a projected strap on, our own dick to play around with. Haven’t you ever wanted to fuck me like a…” the moment she started the sentence she realized her grave error, stopping abruptly before she could finish the statement. But it was too late as Nina’s expression became horrified, looking away hurtfully. “I’m sorry” Kara apologized shamefully, feeling disgusting. “I didn’t mean to say that. I shouldn’t have suggested that. I didn’t mean to…”

“I know you didn’t” the trans woman said, wiping a tear composing herself forcing the resentment. She knew Kara didn’t mean to be hurtful, it was just a poor choice of words. She’d been a good friend to her even where her own sister turned against her. Once she was sure she wouldn’t snap she turned back to Kara. “You’re right. I should be able to create an astral projection of a cock. It is the simplest thing to start with.”

“Nina, you don’t have to” Kara said as Nina shuffled onto her knees in front of her. She knew how hard she’d worked towards her transition and getting people to accept her, she didn’t want her to have to do something that undermines that like give herself a penis again.

“Don’t worry, it’s not for me” Nina said with a hint of a scowl. She tried not to be mad at Kara but she felt a need to make a point. “I spent years adjusting to being who I truly am, and I don’t ever want to play that role ever again. So if anyone is going to be fucked by this cock, it will be me.”

She closed her eyes and concentrated holding her hands out towards Kara who was now kneeling nervously in front of her watching her hands glow. Moments later that glow spread over to her body, gathering around her hips coiling around her clit creating a long thick dildo pultruding from her body. Kara stared in amazement as she now had a glowing blue penis attached to her crotch, feeling solid and almost real when she ran her hand along its shaft. “Whoa!” She muttered.

Nina opened her eyes smirked. “How does it feel to be a man, Supergirl?” She asked.

“At least I still have my tits” Kara quipped, stroking them as she massaged the new organ trying it out. Strangely it made her clit tingle with each touch, bringing her some pleasure the faster she jerked it off. Nina chuckled, crawling forward to play with those same breasts. Kara looked at her apologetically, “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s fine” Nina assured her, stroking her body affectionately. “I’m fine. You’re forgiven” she whispered, patting her cheek giving her a deep kiss. They made out passionately as they tested her new astral projection, stroking it and pumping it amazed at how it felt, completely solid with a small spongy texture, almost like the real thing. Dreamer had proven more than capable in her skills. “How does it feel?” She asked curiously, looking up from the nipple she was sucking.

“Strange. Tingly, like there’s a ghost on my clit” Kara replied softly. “Wouldn’t be the first time my bed was haunted” she mumbled as a joke, recalling the last ghost she encountered.

Nina wasn’t paying attention enough to ask about it as she dipped her head down to the cock, pecking at Kara’s stomach before moving across to lick the blue cock. She had never tried tasting her astral projections before, so was shocked to receive a electric tingle like she’d licked a battery. “Let’s see if you can feel this” she thought, opening her mouth and sliding it over the tip of her construct.

Kara was disappointed she couldn’t feel Nina’s mouth through the cock, but she looked really sexy as she gave her the blowjob, admiring the way her head tilted to look up at her. She ran her finger through her hair watching her, moaning softly when she brushed her fingers underneath the construct against her folds. “How does it feel?” Kara asked with a shudder. She didn’t want to say it, but she wished Nina had a cock of her own to fuck her with.

Nina pulled her lips away from the cock, savouring the tingling feeling on her tongue. “Like sucking a power cable” she muttered. She kept teasing Supergirl's folds with her fingers, watching her tremble with each stroke. She decided to keep practicing her powers by summoning another construct. She couldn’t bring herself to make a cock for herself, but she could create an astral projection of a dildo for Kara to play with. She created the construct with ease, a small cylinder with a smooth end, which she inserted into Kara’s pussy telling her “see for yourself.”

Kara gasped as the dildo penetrated her, sliding effortlessly until it was nestled snugly inside her folds. Nina didn’t need to move it after that, the electricity stimulating her insides driving her wild. “Oh Rao!” She moaned, arching her back in pleasure while Nina returned to sucking her cock. It was like sitting on a battery, the ambient energy making her incredibly sensitive. She shuddered from a mild orgasm that slowly built into another, closing her eyes imagining her cum being pumped through the cock into Nina’s throat. Sadly that wasn’t possible. But then she was pushed onto her back, her eyes snapping open to find dreamer kneeling over her with a desperate look in her eye. “What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing” she said as she straddled the kryptonian’s lap. “Nothing at all” she smiled, aligning her moist pussy with the thick blue cock before lowering herself onto it. She moaned as the electrifying phallus filled her, biting her bottom lip as she began riding the girl of steel. Kara laughed as she watched the girl bounce on top of her, taking hold of her hips to assist in thrusting into the girl.

Soon the pair were fucking wildly on the bed screaming and moaning, their respective cocks burying deeper into their cunts until they orgasmed simultaneously. Their voices filled the apartment until they ran out of breath. Nina collapsed on top of Kara almost passing out, losing concentration on her powers resulting in the astral projections dissolving leaving both girls empty.

Kara caught her limp body, wrapping her arms protectively around her as she lay panting for breath. “That was weirdly amazing” she said with a giddy smile as her lover lifted her head to look down at Kara’s beautiful face, kissing her softly. “You are really talented Nina” she said raising an eyebrow. “Too talented. This isn’t the first time you’ve been practicing your astral projection in the bedroom, is it?”

She turned as red as a tomato as she tried to hide in the crook of Kara's neck. They both giggled when she finally admitted she might’ve tried a few things since she got her powers. “I never tried it with anyone else before. Until now I never even made a cock” she said. Truthfully she was terrified of creating an astral projection of a penis in case it brought up bad memories.

“What did you make?” Kara asked curiously. Nina took a deep breath in hesitation, attempting to distract her with some more kisses, but Kara was insistent. Reluctantly she gave her an answer, whispering it in her ear, watching her expression turn to surprise. “Really? Oh that’s…kinky little minx” she grinned as Nina blushed. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, kissing her nose whispering “could you show me? Or better yet, could you do me?”

“Do you?” She squeaked, a mix of nerves and trepidation. Kara fixed her big blue eyes on her and nodded, a playful smile on her lips. Nina gulped. She’d never done what she was asking on anyone but herself. What if she did something wrong? What if her projection hurt her? But Kara trusted her, and she could handle whatever Nina could do to her. She was almost invulnerable after all. “Okay” she said shakily, climbing off her body to take a seat at the end of the bed. Kara shuffled up against the headboard waiting patiently as Nina sat cross legged on the mattress, releasing a nervous breath as she closed her eyes to concentrate.

Kara’s lip curled into a wide smile as she watched a blue glow rise from Dreamer’s body in an aura, mounds of translucent shapes growing like liquid from her back extending into arms. Nina had secretly perfected her astral projections over several nights, memorizing the shape she wanted and channelled it into her projections until she had eight long fluid tentacles resembling those of an octopus. There a story behind when they were inspired, but Nina wasn’t ready to share that embarrassing chapter yet. She opened her eyes and looked up nervously as Kara stared at the tentacles in amazement and excitement. She’d never showed anyone this trick before, or confessed what she does with them. But she was just as eager as Kara was to share them.

At first the two of them sat nervously on the bed, the tentacles hovering around Nina absently stroking her skin. They responded to Dreamer’s mental thoughts, and right now she was instinctively asking them to coil around her to hide her shyness. But she was able to stop them and instead direct them towards Kara’s naked body. Kara inhaled as they came closer, brushing her flesh sending tingling sensations along her skin. They moved slowly, probing nervously, their owner afraid to touch her in more intimate places until Kara told her it was okay. They were really details now that Kara got a closer look, with suction cups along one side growing thinking along its length, just like a real octopus arm. She took one of them in her hand and gave it a kiss, the sight making Nina giggle. “They’re amazing” she told her warmly, settling against the pillows staring at Nina. “What else can they do?”

Nina bit her bottom lip as she thought about her next move. Moments later two of her tentacles were cooling around Kara’s ankles and yanking her down the bed closer towards her. Kara giggled as more wrapped around her limbs and waist, lifting her into the air in front of dreamer. The younger girl looked up at the giggling superhero in her grasp, her welcoming pussy hovering in front of her face dripping with anticipation. She licked her lips as she brought her closer stroking her folds guiding her forward so she could lick the delicious flower hungrily. Kara moaned softly as Nina began eating her out, then moaned louder when more of her blue tentacles stroked her body focusing on her plump breasts. It felt like she was being wrapped up in an electrified liquid, the buzzing arms playing with her nipples and finding several sensitive spots on her skin to excite her all at once, all while her moist tongue lapped and dove into her pussy exploring deeply. She enjoyed the foreplay but she wanted to experience what Dreamer really got up to with her astral projections, daring her to show her. Nina gave her a few more licks for her own satisfaction before reluctantly pulling away from her cunt so she could replace her tongue with on of her octopus arms, rubbing it against her clit before sending it deep into her entrance.

“Oh Rao!” Kara gasped feeling it slid deep into her vagina, the buzzing energy humming through her walls like electricity. She stared down at the alien organ in awe as Nina smirked proudly, me talking ordering it to start thrusting slowly. Kara panted as it gradually increased its pace, rocking her hips as she lay suspended in the other five arms while two more massaged her breasts. Nine remained cross legged on the mattress below her to concentrate, but allowed herself a moment to rub her own clit with her hands as she watched. After a few minutes she adjusted her hold on Kara, the tentacles releasing her breasts as the others wrapped and coiled around her body pinning her legs together and her arms to her sides. She hung tilted backwards with her feet above her head, granting access to both her holes as a second tentacle plunged into her vulnerable anus. Kara gasped from the intrusion, toe curling in pleasure as she came from double penetration, cheering them on as they fucked her faster. Her cheers were soon silenced when Nina bravely sent her last tentacle into her mouth, thrusting into her throat making her suck on the thick blue limb. Kara couldn’t be prouder.

Kara had never been gangbanged by tentacles before. She’d never been gangbanged in her own apartment before. She certainly never envisioned one of her evenings with Nina to turn into a gangbang. But now that she was, she was enjoying it very much as Nina kept tilting and shifting the arms around her, adjust their position and orientation to make her dizzy and even more horny, driving her to climax over and over. She wondered if this was what she did when she was alone, tumbling in mid air surrounded by limbs until she couldn’t tell which way was up. Fortunately Kara had intensive experience masturbating in mid air so all the spinning and tilted didn’t affect her as much, in fact reminded her of her first mind blowing orgasm when she was a teenager still learning how to fly properly. She still recalled Alex’s face when she walked in at the last moment and looked up in time to receive the fallout. She didn’t speak to her for days, wouldn’t even look at her.

Eventually Nina got bored of watching Kara fucked in all three holes and brought her back down to her level, removing the tentacle from her mouth so she could make out with the hero. She’d created a few additional tentacles to pleasure herself while she sat on the bed, two coiled around her tits with another around her waist dipping into her pussy, another pair massaging her shoulders. Kara hovered almost cocooned in tentacles, her hands pinned behind her back, her knees bent with her bare feet rubbing the arm plunged into her ass, the spongy construct wedged between her soles. She could feel both of them deep inside her, the on in her pussy almost against her cervix. “How deep can they go?” She asked curiously.

Nina grinned, hoping she’d ask that. “I’ll show you” she whispered, already pushing the tentacle in Kara’s ass further up her anus. She watched her hero’s face contort into shock, confusion, discomfort and wonder as the tentacle kept going, kept pushing though her intestines into her stomach and then up her throat making her gag until it came bursting out from between her lips, her blue eyes staring cross eyed at the tip as it slithered out of her mouth. “It could go further, if I wanted it to” Nina told her, stroking the tentacle giving it a kiss before grabbing Kara by the head to plunge her mouth onto it until their lips connected. She gave the limb a shared blowjob as Kara’s eyes rolled into her skull, thinking about the time she last sent her constructs through her body like this; thought her mouth and out of her ass and back into her pussy. She was experimenting with snakes back then and it was surreal.

She didn’t drive the tentacle further this time, instead retracting it back through their mouths and into Kara’s gullet as she continued to make out with her, keeping her occupied while the tentacle pulled out of her gaping anus trailing cum and fluids.

During the ordeal Kara orgasmed violently, crushing the tentacle in her pussy almost severing it completely until it pulled out, leaving the blonde girl panting for breath dripping with juices. Nina stroked her cheek lowering her back to the bed, loosening her tentacles so they could coil comfortingly around both of them in a warm embrace. “That was amazing” Kara whispered, sluggishly opening her eyes after regaining her breath. “Thank you for sharing them” she added, looking at the blue projections.

“You don’t think it’s too weird?” She asked.

Kara kissed her. “Not for girls like us” she chuckled. She noted how Nina hadn’t gotten rid of them, and how they were embracing both of them, and smiled. “Do you want to keep sharing?”

“I was kind of hoping we could, yeah” Nina nodded, kissing her back as the tentacles enveloped them both.


Alex arrived at Kara’s apartment late in the afternoon, using her key to let herself in calling Kara’s name. They had planned a movie marathon tonight and she’d brought the popcorn. But when she stepped inside there was no sign of her adopted sister, at first. When she stepped into the room she heard noises coming from around the corner in the bedroom. “Kara?” She called, but the only answer she received was a muffled scream and something being knocked over. She dropped the snacks on the counter in the kitchen and drew her service weapon, quickly rushing to the wall before leaping around expecting the worst. “Kara!” She called worry, throwing the dividing curtain aside to reveal the bedroom.

The DEO agent was startled to find a swarm of luminescent blue octopus tentacles curling around one another on the bed, slithering in a ball like a pile of snakes. She pointed her gun at the swarm, her expression a mix of confusion and fear when she realized they were coiled around a body as an arm and foot poked out of the mass. She shouted Kara’s name again, believing she was being attacked by a new alien life form. But then she saw a second pair of feet tangled within and the shape of two heads breaking the surface. Alex was left gobsmacked when she witnessed her sister entangled within the tentacles sucking the nipple of Nina Nal, who was joyfully sucking on a blue tentacle deepthroating her mouth, both their bodies wrapped up in limbs smashing them together as multiple tentacles pistoned into their holes.

She didn’t know what to say as she stared at the two naked women, lowering her gun realizing they were screaming in alarm but pleasure and that she’d walked in on them having really weird kinky sex. She didn’t realize how long she’d been staring until Kara’s head turned as her eyes widened in shock seeing her standing there. “Alex? What are you doing here?” She gasped, jumping in surprise. She tried to pull away from Nina but they were too tangled in tentacles. Nina stopped sucking on the tentacle in her mouth to look over her shoulder, her astral projections staying in place despite how startled she was.

“What am I doing… we were supposed to be… fuck, what the…” Alex stammered, dropping her gun averting her eyes in embarrassment.

Kara forgot about her plans with Alex and didn’t realize how late it’d gotten, her face as red as a tomato as Nina's tentacle kept fucking her in front of her sister. “I'm sorry, I lost track of time” Kara apologized, trying not to moan from how good the tentacles were. She looked to her lover as told her sister “can you give us a minute to wrap this up, then we’ll…”

“Yeah, sure” Alex nodded, clearing her throat risking a glance back at the two of them, her eyes scanning their hot sweaty bodies wrapped in blue octopus arms.

Nina noticed her looking, removing the tentacle in her mouth with a pop and new found confidence. “Would you like to join us?” She blurted out, earning stares from both the Danvers sisters.

“Absolutely not” Alex retorted.

“are you sure? Because you seem to be staring really intently at us both” Nina challenged, making Alex blush bright red. “Plus, I know how much you two fantasize about doing it together” she added coyly. “The number of dreams I’ve had about the two of you gets overwhelming, and very…very steamy.”

“No, gross, no, I don’t have…no, she’s my sister” Kara objected, as did Alex. But secretly they both knew dreamer was right, the odd thought had crossed their minds over the years. They were adopted sisters so they weren’t blood related.

“But you know you really want to” Nina whispered to Kara, relishing the blushing cheeks she sharing an awkward glance with the brunette still hovering by the bed. Maybe it was the euphoric high Dreamer was riding after the last few orgasms, but the girls had never seen her this confident and seductive before. And Alex had to admit it was working, even as a handful of blue tentacle drifted over to gently pull her closer to the bed. “Would it make things easier if I said I always wanted to do something like this?” Nina asked looking at them both warmly. “I sometimes fantasize about being in a Danvers sandwich.”

“That’s not a thing” Alex said, her stern voice cracking as dreamer slithered past her defences, the tentacles caressing her fit body as they pulled the zipper down on her jacket. She knew she should resist, but something about the situation brought guilty sensations over her judgement. And she couldn’t pry her eyes of the hot naked women laying on the bed with tentacles thrusting into their bodies.

“It could be” Nina smirked, looking back at Kara who was doing her best not to show how turned on she was in front of her sister. “You said you shared everything with your sister” Nina reminded her, stroking her cheeks softly turning her head towards her. “Don’t you want to share me?”

“Of course I do” Kara inadvertently blurted out, catching sight of Alex’s surprise went she said it. “I don’t know” she backpedalled embarrassed, “this is all messed up and…”

Nina shushed her, calming her down with an increased pace from her tentacles as another gently tilted her head back so she could gift her another limb down her throat. With Kara’s protested deliciously quelled she turned her attention to Alex, who was sighing uncomfortably allowing her jacket to be pushed over her shoulders. “What about you Alex? Are you sure I can’t tempt you anymore that I already have?”

Alex tried to formulate a response, but she was too distracted by how weird the tentacles felt against her flesh as they undressed her. She didn’t stop them, didn’t order Nina to stop, she just let them undo her pants and drag them down her legs, saying nothing as they slipped underneath her shirt and brushed against her skin. “This is crazy” she muttered holding back a moan as a naughty tentacle rubbed the underside of her panties.

“Is that a no?” Nina asked, batting her cute eyelashes as Kara lifted her head to look at her with a mouthful of tentacle.

Alex looked back at them begrudgingly as her resistance crumbled.

“This is so wrong” she finally managed to say ten minutes later.

“But so good” Kara replied next to her as the two of them fell alongside Dreamer onto the mattress, each taking a breast to begin sucking on her nipples.

Nina moaned as they pleasured her chest, throwing her head back crying out in pleasure while her astral projections coiled around the three of them hugging them tight. Each of their asses and pussies were occupied massaging thick blue contrasts while more caressed their bodies. Kara and Alex had octopus arms enveloping their tits sending tingles through their nipples while more slithered through their hair to massage their scalps. They worshiped Dreamer’s boobs until the girl pulled them into a passionate kiss each, pressing their chests together to give a handful of limbs an enjoyable titfuck. Their legs got entangled together until they couldn’t tell whose foot was rubbing against whose, whose calf was tied to which as the tentacles cocooned around the three of them.

For Dreamer, this was a dream come true as she alternated kisses with the Danvers sisters, who returned the favour by pecking her neck or shoulders or cheek until all three of them were locking lips. Somewhere in the mess while their eyes were closed, Kara and Alex found themselves making out with their lover, opening their eyes in perverted shock. Nina giggled and pushed their faces back together, delighted when they both obliged to continue.

After a few minutes of kissing and moaning, Nina was maneuverer between Kara and Alex after Supergirl whispered a suggestion in her ear. She slotted perfectly between the two hot naked bodies, their soft boobs crushing her as their hands groped all over hers. Kara kissed the back of her neck while Alex thrust her tongue deep into her mouth, the tentacle opening her legs so the two astral projects she created attached to their groins could insert themselves into her holes. “Now this is what I call a Danvers sandwich” Alex grinned as Dreamer bounced on their fake cocks, locking eyes with her younger sister as Nina was rocked between them. Kara concurred, leaning over Nina’s shoulder to share an affectionate kiss with her sister, until they were interrupted by several tentacles joining in and rocking the trio’s bedroom.

The movie marathon was cancelled that night, night falling into late evening as the three young woman collapsed onto the bed hours later from exhaustion. The constructs evaporated when Nina passed out strewn across the mattress, leaving the Danvers sisters sweaty and panting lying side by side. They took a moment to make sure their partner was alright before falling into each other’s arms.

Kara suggested they call it a night. Alex answered by kissing her on the lips. They fell asleep thirty minutes later, snuggled together with Nina delicately nestled between them protectively.

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