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Strip Poker: Kara, Nia & Lena

It was late in the evening at Kara’s apartment during girls night when Lena suggested they have a game of poker. Somewhere during the lighthearted chuckles and glasses of wine that idea devolved into strip poker. Even more bizarrely, neither Kara nor Nia objected to the idea, possibly due to the wine clouding their judgement. Which was possibly also why they didn’t object when Lena raised the stakes by playfully suggesting the winner would be satisfied by the two losers. Once they cleared some space on the coffee table in front of the armchairs and sofa Kara brought out a pack of cards and the game began in earnest. Of course it was all fun and games until the clothing started to come off.

It started innocently at first, jackets and coats discarded. But by the time the three of them had reached their bras some began to sober up to the reality. Nia in particular was really self conscious when she reluctantly removed her shirt leaving her in her underwear, mirroring Kara across from her. Lena was in a better standing, still wearing her skirt around her waist while her black lace bra sat on display above it. They played the next round and Kara found herself in defeat, nervously fiddling with her thick lead lines glasses resting on the bridge of her nose.

“Nu uh” Lena warned, swallow the sip of wine she’d just taken deducing what the blonde was thinking. “Glasses don’t count.”

“Why not?” Kara asked.

“Because they don’t. Unless you want to change the rules to include jewelry next?” Kara glanced down at the sparkling necklace and ring on Lena’s finger that would give her an even bigger advantage and grumbled, removing her hand. “Didn’t think so” Lena said in satisfaction, fixing her gaze on the young woman. “And don’t make me start chanting.”

“I’m starting to regret this game” Kara sighed, resigning to reaching behind her back and removing her red bra. She dropped it to the pile of clothes by her chair and looked at them, spreading her arms so her tits were on display. “Satisfied?” She asked.

Nia averted her gaze uncomfortably while Lena openly gawked at them. “Very much” she smirked taking another sip of wine. “Your deal.” Kara picked up the cards and shuffled them, determined to wipe that smirk from her friends face. Unfortunately the cards fell and Kara found herself with the losing hand again. Lena laughed as she hung her head. “Well that’s unfortunate” she said, raising and eyebrow to her and her final article of clothing.

Kara rolled her eyes and Nia, who was also staring but trying not to show it. She dropped her hand and stood up pouting, looking at them both with irritation. “You realize you’ve basically watched me strip naked right now” she said, taking hold of her blue panties hesitant to remove them.

“You don’t have to” Nia tried to say but Lena overruled her. “Of course she does. That’s the game. Just like I would willingly do if I had her unlucky streak.”

“You are way to comfortable with this game” Kara remarked, taking a deep breath before pushing her underwear down her legs to her ankles.

“I may have dabbled quite a bit during university” she replied coyly, giving her an approving applause as she laid her nude body bare to the group. Kara retaliated by taking her panties and throwing them at the socialite before sitting back down grabbing another glass of wine. Lena turned her attention to Nia, who hugged her half naked body with her arms. “Just you and me now. Are you ready?”

“No” she admitted, glancing at Kara nervously as the raven haired woman dealt the cards. She edged forward on her seat, looking down at her pale purple sports bra and Knickers. It finally occurred to her she may have to follow her mentor’s example if the cards didn’t fall in her favor.

The next hand was dealt and it was Lena who removed her skirt, leaving her in her black lace garments and stockings. Kara watched with silent curiosity as they played, the cards falling resulting in Nia losing next. She hesitated before pulling the sports bra over her head revealing her perky young boobs to the two of them, her cheeks flushing red as she self consciously crossed her arms. Lena never took her eyes off her, raking them over her figure with a smile. Kara too admired her, her expression assuring the girl she was gorgeous. She brushed her hair behind her ear and nervously lowered her hands so they could look at them. “they’re not as big…” she muttered.

“They’re beautiful” Lena complimented, holding out the deck of cards so she could deal them. The next round it was Lena’s turn to get topless, and she willingly whipped off her bra to showcase her breasts proudly. She looked down at her lower half, noting the look Kara was giving her. “Final hand” she decided. “Winner sees all.” Nia gulped, pulling her knees up watching the cards fall with trepidation. Kara too leaned forward, eager to see the results.

The hands were revealed and it was Nia who won the game.

The young reporter stared in shock and disbelief while Kara broke into a triumphant laugh, looking at the overconfident Lena who sat back in amusement. She finished a glass and chuckled, looking at Nia to say “congratulations” before putting her glass down and slowly lifting her feet. In front of her friends she pushed her lace knickers and stockings down her long slim legs, putting on a show of removing them from her ankles and dropping them on the table with the playing cards. She lounged back hooking her arms across the headrest, arching her back putting her naked body on display for them to admire. Graceful even in defeat. “I guess you won my dear” she told Nia proudly.

Nia was lost for words as she stared at the older woman. She couldn’t help but admire her confidence as she sat there in the nude. Even Kara seemed comfortable being naked now the game was over, her eyes drifting between them unable to tear away her gaze. “So, Um…what do I win?” She found herself asking.

Lena cocked a smirk as she turned to her blonde haired best friend coyly. “I seem to recall Kara made an excellent suggestion” she noted.

Kara’s face went pale as she stared at her. “I meant that as a joke” she said.

“The winner gets satisfied by the losers, if I recall” she teased.

“You only said yes to that because you were sure you’d win” she argued.

“True” she admitted. “But I’m a fair woman and willing to accept defeat with honor.” She turned back to Nia, asking “what do you think? A satisfactory prize. Or did you have something else in mind?”

Nia stared at the two of them, her gut suddenly clenching at the idea. “Nia, ignore her. We don’t have to do anything” Kara assured her.

But Nia could feel the butterflies in her stomach as she stared at them and their sexy bodies. She couldn’t deny she hadn’t considered it when they started the game, in a wet dream kind of way. But now she was sitting here the victor, the notion was both terrifying and exhilarating. “Hypothetically” she said cautiously, “if we did…whatever you mean, what would I need to do?”

Lena’s eyes danced as she sat forward. “Hypothetically” she replied, “you wouldn’t need to do anything. It would be up to us to satisfy you.”


She glanced to Kara, who shook her head in bewilderment sensing what was about to happen. “However you want us to” Lena answered softly. Nia looked at Kara, who nodded in agreement.

She took a moment to gulp down the rest of her wine glass, swallowing the courage before committing to the craziest thing she’d ever done in her life. “Okay, I’m in” she said, sitting up nervously. “I accept your…your proposal. You can satisfy me.”

Lena broke into a wide smile as she sat forward, but not before turning to look at Kara. She wasn’t eager enough to jump at the poor girl without her best friend on board. Kara cast one final look at the woman telling her “you don’t have to.”

“I want to” she replied, nodding in confirmation.

Kara took a deep breath, looking back and Lena nodding too. They both rose from their seats and approached the young woman, circling the coffee table cautiously. Lena picked up the wine bottle and poured the last of the drink into her glass. “What do you say we take this into the bedroom?” She suggested, passing behind Kara who stood up in front of Nia holding out her hand. She took it gingerly, rising to her feet slowly feeling goosebumps on her arm as Kara gently guided her across the apartment. Lena took her other hand and they led her to the bedroom, watching the last young woman’s nerves melt with every step.

They stopped at the foot of the bed, waiting patiently for Nia to climb up onto the mattress. She glanced at them both taking a deep breath before crawling up, taking her place in the middle resting on her elbows while the two beautiful older woman walked around and surrounded her. Kara crawled up to her right hand side and lay down next to her. Lena took a seat and swiping her legs up on her left, her wine glass still in her hand. They both admired her silently while she felt her body begin to tremble with excitement. “What happens now?” She asked.

“Whatever you want” Lena replied.

She blushed sheepishly. “I’ve never done this before, with another girl. Not since…” she trailed off awkwardly.

Kara glanced at Lena before reassuring her “we don’t have to do anything. And if you still want to, we can move as fast or as slow as you want, do as little or as much as you choose.” Lena nodded in agreement, which made Nia relax a little bit. “Whatever happens tonight, just remember we are your friends. We’re here to support you. This won’t ruin anything.”

“That’s right” Lena echoed, stroking Nia’s cheek comfortingly. “And tonight, you are in charge. We are here to support, or serve you however you need. Just tell us what you want. Anything at all.”

Nia looked between them, biting her bottom lip as she took in how much attention she was looking to get. She wasn’t used to being in the spotlight like this. She looked at Kara, her warm friendly smile lifting her spirits. She looked down at Kara’s hand, which had fallen onto Nia’s stomach without them realizing. Kara noticed and went to pul it away, until she noticed Nia didn’t seem to mind. “I want to kiss you” she muttered, catching the blonde by surprise. She turned red from embarrassment asking “is that okay?”

Kara caught Lena’s smirk as she released a small smile. She couldn’t help but be flattered. “Yeah, it’s okay” she replied. Nia smiled in relief, nervously leaning forward to kiss her mentor on the lips. It was short, innocent and awkward, but it left both girls fluttering with excitement. “Was that okay?” Kara asked after.

“Yeah” she whispered, unable to contain her giddiness. Lena watched in bemusement as the two of them had their moment, casually sipping her wine as Nia shuffled up against the pillows to sit up, licking her lips as she took Kara’s glasses from her face gingerly. Kara took them and placed them on the counter next to them, turning back eagerly to return the girls affection. Nia brushed her blonde hair from her face so she could pull her into another kiss, holding it longer to make out with the woman. She let her control the kiss, content to make out with her as long as the young girl wanted. Lena sat nearby happy to watch.

Nia lost track of how long she kissed Kara for. A few minutes at least. She closed her eyes and fell into the comforting notions, her hands falling from the blonde’s face to run over her shoulders and cup her breasts. Kara responded by kissing her back, moving her hand further up her torso to gently stroke her nipple with her thumb. She felt the girl moan into her mouth but she didn’t object, in fact pulling her deeper into the kiss. Eventually Nia brought herself to pull away from the woman and catch her breath, staring at Kara in bewilderment. “I guess you really wanted to kiss her” Lena chuckled, almost startling the pair of them reminding them she was here. They both blushed awkwardly.

Not wanting the woman to feel left out, Nia nervously turned her body to drift closer to the older woman. She waited expectantly with her wine glass in hand as the young woman awkwardly leaned forward to kiss her on the lips experimentally. It lasted only a short moment, but it left Lena wanting. Passing her glass to Kara she hooked her finger underneath Nia’s chin and lifted her face into a far more passionate snog. “Be gentle” Kara suggested to her best friend. Lena rolled her eyes and dialed the intensity a bit, letting Nia grow a costumed to making out with a powerful woman.

Fortunately Nia was a fast learner, falling into step with her until they were kissing with open mouths probing with their tongues. Lena was impressed, as was Kara she finished Lena’s drink and placed it on the table beside them. She watched with protective interest as the businesswoman massaged the reporter’s breast, toying with her body while she played with her tongue. Kara could feel herself getting turned on seeing two of her favorite people getting intimate like this, heat rushing between her legs and behind her eyes as she licked her lips. She resisted engaging her own needs. Tonight she want the focus to be on Nia, so she took her other breast in her palm and kissed her nipple softly. Nia moaned when her lips met her stiff nub, breaking her kiss with Lena to watch her. “Do you like what she’s doing to you?” Lena asked exchanging a glance with Kara. When Nia nodded she continued to kiss and suck on her nipple earning more moans. “Do you want me to take the other one?” Lena asked, her voice a whisper in her ear. She nodded again, so the woman lowered her face over her breast and made a show of licking her nipple before taking it into her mouth. Her eyes never left Nia’s the whole time.

Nia’s head fell against the headboard as her body melted between her two attentive friends, each taking a nipple into their mouth to introduce her to a new level of pleasure. She stared at the ceiling unable to comprehend what she was experiencing, her underwear becoming moist from arousal. Lena and Kara both watched her as she writhed to their touch, and when Lena attempted to pull away her hand grabbed her scalp shoving her back against her boob. “Don’t stop” she panted, her other hand weaving through Kara’s blonde hair hovering between stroking her or gripping her too. They both glanced at each other before resuming to suck her tits, happy to indulge the trans woman on this new adventure.

She apologized moments later when heard one of them winced, her nails digging a little too harshly into their skull. “Don’t be sorry” Lena chuckled as Nia flushed red with embarrassment. “I like a girl who knows what she wants. And between us, I don’t mind a little manhandling” she grinned.

Nia still apologized, her breath coming in pants as Kara and Lena sat either side of her letting her compose herself. They remained patient and supportive as the formerly timid girl caught her breath. “Do you want to stop?” Kara asked. Nia thought about it, looking at them both again before shaking her head. “Okay” she replied, leaning down onto her elbow next to her asking “what do you want to do now?”

“You’re in charge remember” Lena said, mirroring her best friend on the opposite side with a playful glint in her eye. “Whatever you want, we’re here to help. Anything you need.”

“Anything?” Nia echoed in a query. Kara hesitantly nodded. Lena was more enthusiastic. After a minute or two of consideration Nia bit her bottom lip, looking down her own body at the distinct damp patch in between her legs. Regaining her confidence she brought her knees up so she could take her underwear off and toss them from the bed, leaving her finally as naked her her friends. The two older women only got a moment to admire her before she took each of their hands in her and guided them along her opening thighs towards her moist vagina. Kara and Lena marveled as Nia’s courage as she brought them both to her pussy so they could touch her, their fingers making contact with her flesh bringing goosebumps up their arms. Nia purred as they gently probed her, biting her bottom lip staring at them with longing. “Kiss me” she said, and she didn’t care who replied first.

Lena and Kara took turns making out with the horny young woman, rubbing between her thighs slowly teasing her entrance until it was dripping wet. Whenever one of their hands seemed to pull away Nia would grab it and press it back against her, taking the awkward invitation to be in charge seriously. They were happy to obey, running their fingers along her folds or rubbing her clit when they weren’t locking lips with her or sucking her breasts. After a few minutes of teasing Lena’s impatience got the better of her and she slipped two of her fingers into Nia’s sex, earning an approving moan from her. “You are so wet” Lena muttered, fingering her slowly, letting the reporter’s hand set the pace of her trusts.

Kara watched in fascination, rubbing her clit in content until Nia took her hand too and guided two of her fingers alongside Lena’s. “Wow” she muttered in amazement, blushing when her hand brushed against Lena’s. They shared an intimate chuckle, their other hands sneaking underneath the pillow below Nia’s head to interlace their fingers. The blonde stared at Nia’s expression, lost in pleasure as their fingers spread her entrance wider. “Does it hurt?” She asked out of mild concern.

“No” she replied, panting heavily, her hands massaging her boobs.

“We could add more if you want” Lena teased, probing her pussy deeper. “Five finger? Six? Eight? Ten?”

“No, that’s…that’s enough” she said, sitting up on her elbows to watch their hands fuck her young pussy. “Keep doing that” she said, her head rolling over her shoulders when Kara’s fingertip brushed against a sensitive spot inside. “Fuck, right there” she gasped, humping her hips forward seeking more stimulation. Kara obeyed, finding her G-Spot circling it carefully, her thumb brushing over her hardening clit. “Fuck, yes, keep going!” Nia whimpered, her hand shooting down to fiddle with it, panting rapidly as she found herself falling towards the edge. Kara and Lena watched as Nia came undone, the blonde waiting until the last moment to push her gspot and drive her to climax. She shuddered and moaned falling back onto the bed panting, her face flushed with arousal as her stomach fluttered. “Holy shit” she muttered, drifting between delirium and reality.

They removed their hands and lay back down either side of her, sandwiching her between their naked bodies feeling her tremble against them. Lena was compelled to taste the girl she’d just satisfied, licking her fingers clean humming with approval. Kara settled for rubbing hers over Nia’s skin, circling her nipple until it glistened. She could hear her heartbeat thudding in her chest, the excited quiver in her voice when she moaned or laughed. “Are you alright?” She asked.

“That was amazing” she whispered, staring at them both in wonder.

“It looked like you needed that” Lena chuckled, pecking the girl on the cheek in affection.

“Do you need to rest?” Kara asked cautiously, not wanting to overwhelm the girl. “We could stop if you want.”

Nia looked at them each, feeling a deeper appreciation for their friendship now they’d just given her to orgasm. But selfishly she didn’t want to night to end yet, not while there was still an ache in her loins. “I don’t want to stop yet” she told them. For the first time she didn’t feel shame for saying something like that.

Lena smiled proudly. “Very well my dear” she said, kissing her more passionately making sure she could taste herself on her tongue. “How may we please you?” She asked, stroking her chin playfully. She glimpsed Nia’s gaze flicker back down her body where her thighs continued to rub together, her grin forming in understanding as she brushed her hand between her thighs again. “Still craving attention I see” she teased as Nia’s thrust into her hand desperately. She leaned down and seductively asked her “would you like one of us to kiss it better?”

“You mean…” she panted, goosebumps on her flesh as she locked gazes with the seductive woman. She got a nod in reply, her pussy aching even more at the possibility of a warm moist tongue touching her. “Yes, please” she said, desperation in her face.

“Are you sure?” Kara asked, giving Lena a look worried about her leading questions again. But Nia nodded enthusiastically so she shrugged. “Alright. But there’s only room for one of us” she pointed out, giving Nia a choice.

Nia’s eyes darted between the pair of them frantically, her mind racing to a decision while the two waited expectantly. She finally looked at Lena, asking “could you do it?”

“I could” she agreed excitedly.


Lena looked at her in surprise, and at her hand which fell on her shoulder attempting to push her lower. She chuckled rising to her knees, hovering over her commenting “you’re in charge” giving her a final peck on the lips before crawling down her body to pry open her legs.

Kara stayed where she was, watching Lena as she dropped to her stomach positioning herself between Nia’s thighs beginning her ministrations. When’s he began running her tongue over her folds she looked back at Nia’s face and found her swooning back to the pillow releasing a loud moan. “You’re really getting into this aren’t you” she remarked, resting on her elbow stroking the girls cheek. “I’m surprised you wanted Lena to be the one down there” she added, trying not to sound disappointed.

“I did” Nia whispered, looking up at Kara with deep affection cupping her cheek. “To be honest, I wanted you up here with me.”


“Because I really like kissing you” she confessed.

Kara let out a flattered chuckle. “I really like kissing you too” she replied, leaning down to make out with the horny young woman on the bed. They kissed passionately while Lena worked at giving Nia oral sex, pretending not to have heard the confession happy to fuck the girl anyway. Nia’s moans were swallowed by Kara’s mouth as they made out, their bodies grinding together as they got more intimate in the embrace. Kara tried not to think about how the girls leg was rubbing against her groin stimulating her clit, her pants disguised within the kiss until the broke apart so Nia could whimper with pleasure. “Are you okay?” She asked her.

Nia nodded through pressed lips. “She’s really good” she muttered, gesturing to the woman between her legs thrusting her tongue into her cunt. She reached down and gripped her black hair tightly, holding her in place as her nose pressed against her clit. They saw the woman look up at her, her eyes sparkling with amusement as Nia trembled beneath her. “Holy shit” she gulped, feeling the woman’s fingers penetrate her sex again.

Kara took the opportunity to examine the scene in front of her, something she never thought she’d see in real life. She would have to pinch herself later to make sure it wasn’t a dream. “You look like you’re enjoying it” she chuckled.

“I love it” she agreed between pants. Her eyes returned to Kara, the pupils dilating uncontrollably. “I love this. I love…” she stopped herself from finishing the sentence, worried it would embarrass her. Kara blushed awkwardly, giving Nia a warm kiss on the cheek without saying a word. “I’m sorry” she said, staring at Kara’s naked form wistfully. “I wish I could help you feel like this. I want to…”

“Don’t worry about me” Kara told her, taking her hand in hers and kissing it. “Tonight’s about you. Just you. You won the game remember.”

“Yeah” she sighed. “Maybe next time I’ll lose on purpose” she mused.

Kara raised her eyebrow. “Are you suggesting we play strip poker again sometime?” She asked. Nia shrugged. Kara bit her lip glancing at Lena between her legs looking up at them. “That sounds like fun” she nodded. “Maybe we should get Brainy to play next time” she then teased just to get a reaction.

Yet through the blush Nia countered suggesting “if we’re inviting more players maybe Alex should join in too.”

“Ooh, careful Supergirl. One night of corruption and she’s already thinking like a supervillain” Lena laughed, lifting her head looking at her lover with pride. “I vote for Olsen, if anyone’s interested” she said.

“Oh, god, are we seriously considering adding strip poker to game night?” Kara asked in horror.

“Now that would be a night to remember” Lena giggled, sucking on Nia’s clit while her fingers twisted inside her.

Nia began panting more heavily, her hand clutching the bedsheets while the other tightened around Kara’s palm. The woman held her tightly soothing her through the approach to the finale by either kissing her lips or whispering encouragement. “Oh fuck I’m close” she gasped, her moans getting higher in pitch.

Kara looked down at Lena, who had dived back into her cunt to propel her towards the orgasm. “Almost there” she said in support, ignoring the way Nia’s knee was jerking as her body convulsed in pleasure, grinding against her clit roughly pushing the superhero towards her own climax. She swallowed back the groan focusing on Nia, despite her body refusing to resist the cravings. “Almost there” she whispered, the heat behind her eyes growing hotter.

“Kara” Nia whispered, her voice low and desperate almost pleading. “I’m losing control” she said, her body trembling and shaking. “I can’t…” she whispered, her skin projecting faint blue mists of her astral projections as her powers began to manifest instinctively.

“I know” Kara whispered back, gripping her glowing hand tightly kissing her for support. She glanced at Lena who was distracted munching on the girls pussy to see blue waves of energy pulsing around her. “Just concentrate, try to focus, even though your body wants to let go” she advised, panting alongside her as her own powers began to grow. Fuck, why does my heat vision need to be tied to my arousal? She asked herself as she closed her eyes tightly.

“I want to cum, but I’m afraid…I can’t hold it any longer” Nia said, her body contracting around Lena’s head as the women relentlessly fucked her until she was screaming for release. At the peak of her orgasm her body projected waves of astral energy that shook the bedroom, the waves rippling over Lena and Kara projecting her pleasure. Lena was oblivious to the powerful display from Dreamer as her face was buried by her clamping thighs, but Kara felt the force of the wave at the same instant she climaxed, gasping in pleasure feeling like her body was going to solar flare. Fortunately her eyes were closed otherwise she might’ve cut the apartment building in half.

After several minutes the orgasms resided and the two women were slumped in each other’s arms panting from exhaustion. Lena pried her head from the gushing pussy that drenched her face gasping for air. “Holy fuck” she said collapsing next to Nia. “I guess you rely needed that.”

“I guess so” Nia said, breathlessly staring at the ceiling breathing heavily. She rolled to her side and pulled Lena into a deep kiss. “Thank you for that” she said.

“Anytime my dear” Lena smiled, kissing her back.

Kara rolled over to rest her chin on Nia’s shoulder, kissing her softly silently thanking her for what she inadvertently did. “Next time, I promise” she whispered with a wink.

Nia smiled, snuggling between the two women happy to be sandwiched between two good friends. “I feel sleepy” she muttered, guessing it was because of her powers being triggered by all the sex. “Can I stay here tonight?” She asked Kara.

“Of course” she replied. She looked at Lena, suggesting “maybe we should all stay the night.”

“That’s a good idea” Lena yawned. “I am in no condition to be driving home after all that wine, or that sex.” The girls laughed as Kara pulled the bed covers over the three of them, settling down to get some sleep. She put her arms protectively around Nia, who snuggled against her after making sure Lena was close by. “I am really looking forward to our next game night” Lena said before falling asleep.

“Maybe we should practice controlling our powers more before then” Kara suggested under her breath as the two of them drifted off together. Nia didn’t reply but her smile remained for the rest of the night.

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